"Give it your best shot, I look forward to stomping you into the ground afterwards."Human nameDominic or Dom
God nameDoviculus, The Dark Blade Of The Pit
ParentsTartarus, the Greek primordial deity and embodiment of the realm of punishment and afterlife for monsters, and Nyx, the Greek primordial deity and embodiment of night.
PowersEnhanced Warrior Prowers- Dom had spent his entire life training in the arts of battle. He excels in up close combat, being quite the deadly force, though he is capable of long range attacks. His strength and endurance is amazing even by the standards of the gods.
Monster Control/Summoning- As all monsters find their way to Tartarus when they die Dom has a strong connection to them both in body in soul. This allows Dom to summon and control a whole variety of monsters.
Soul Punishing- Dom's father's realm is that of punishment of damned souls. This allows Dom to punish people who have committed a crime by making them feel the same pain they inflected on others.
Darkness Attuned- Being the son of night itself Dom is at home in the dark. He attacks harder and faster in the dark, he can see as clear as day in the darkest of places, he is even healed from the shadows as if his mother is treating his wounds.
Control Of The Five Rivers Of The Underworld- Each of the five rivers of the underworld pass through the heart of Tartarus itself, them actually being the god's blood. The five rivers are the Lethe, the Styx, the Cocytus, the Phlegethon, and the Acheron. Each of the rivers have their own magical effects that Dom can apply to people to a extent.
Human AppearanceWhile in his human appearance Dom looks like a lanky young man, standing at 6'5 in height and being on the thin side of the body build spectrum. His skin is unnaturally pale, as if he had never been in the sun a day in his life. He has sleeves of tattoos that run up both of his arms, one is full of symbols that represent justice and vengeance while the other is covered in symbols that represent night and the void. He has multiple piercings, such as one on his left eyebrow, one on his lip, another on his tongue, and three in each ear. His eyes are a deep blood red with the whites of his eyes being void black. His hair is long, messy, and pitch black save for on the left side of his head which he keeps shaved short. Though people rarely see it Dom's tongue is inhumanly long and pointed, it being about a foot long.
God AppearanceWhen he takes his godly form Dom's appearance changes drastically, so drastically that the simply name Dom no longer suits him. As Doviculus the once scrawny teen becomes a hulking, behemoth that stands at a towering twenty feet tall. He becomes clad in what looks like armor, but is in fact his actual skin, and his nails become razor sharp talons. But what is most startling of all has to be that he quite literally losses his head. When in his godly form Doviculus's head is replaced by a cloud of darkness where his multiple fiery eyes swirl around. If one would to look closely they would see that in the darkness the souls of both monsters and people drift around aimlessly, silently screaming in pain. While in this form his Doviculus's voice becomes a deep and raspy echo that seems to come from around all sides.
Weapon(See Picture above for appearance)
Doviculus's weapon is a giant great sword, it being about seventeen feet long and unimaginably heavy, that is named Succoria. Succoria appears to be made of the same material as Doviculus's armor and gives off a faint aura of darkness. The sword also has a fiery eye on its hilt. But what is most impressive is that Succoria is actually a sentient blade with a will all its own, it refuses to be used by anyone save for Doviculus.
FollowersMonsters, Those Seeking Vengeance, The Giants, Vengeful Spirits, Executioners
AnimalThe Void- A monster that Doviculus created that can only live in the shadows and feasts upon the hearts of the wicked. The Void is a being made of darkness and consists of tentacles and serpent like appendages.
BioWhat would you get when you combine the darkness of night and the fury of the underworld? The answer is Doviculus. Yes the young god was born to the two primordial deities Nyx and Tartarus. He was raised in the realm of his father, a place so wrenched that it is used to punish immortals and mortals alike. Doviculus grew among the most wicked and vial monsters and gods the universe had to offer, forcing him to abandon the illusion that the world was a kind and good place others could afford to keep. He learned to fight more fiercely than any monster and how to strike fear so intense that it seeped into the hearts of the Titans themselves. Despite the harsh teachings of his parents Doviculus was content with his life of battle, but it seems even gods have to change with time. His parents ordered Doviculusto attend a school of young godlings, though they did not give him a clear motive why. Now the god is at this school that he would like nothing more than to burn down.