Name: Unit Alpha-309 Or Eod (E-odd) for short.
Age: 2.37 years.
Age appears to be: 19
Species: Android (totally artificial robotic created with a human appearance.))
((Add in a ever so slightly robotic overtone, and that's as close as I could find to an android super hero.))
Backstory: Eod was a robotic created of Soldier, being worked on at Kilo point. However, during a recent attack, he was forced away from his faction, his memory only programmed with his adaptive personality. One of the first thing he observed, and learned, was self preservation, seeing those around him flee for their lives as a wave of vampires moved in on the mechanical testing area he was in. Quickly, and faster than those who had built him, he retreated, but a vampire did engage him, and damage him to the point of fleeing away from the others to escape.
With his systems damaged, out in the wilderness of the country, he came across a small family. With the father of the family being a mechanic, he patched up Eod as much as he could, and Eod explained his situation the best he could. The family, not one to let someone, even a robot, be left alone with no one else to help, they allowed Eod to stay with them. The only child of the family, a little boy named Ricket, took a liking to Eod, always calling him a superhero due to his above human abilities.
Eod grew to like his fellows, even calling them family. He became far more human with them....Until one day, a young vampire, who appeared to be in his early teens arrived on the farm stead, wounded. Quickly, the family tended to his wounds, but were set upon by a group of Purge fighters. Entrusting Eod to keep the vampire child safe, the two hid in the farm building...but Eod heard gunshots arise. Quickly rushing out, he had found that the mother and the father of his human family had been killed, and Ricket was mortally wounded. Quickly, and with as much rage as his robotic emotions could muster, Eod killed the Purge responsible for their deaths. Being with Ricket during his final moments, Ricket for the last time told Eod of just how much of a hero he was, before Eod made his dying friend a promise. He would become a hero, and he would make sure to keep everyone safe, and never let something like what happened to Ricket and his family ever happen again. With this, Eod sets out, looking for his former home, Kilo point, now seeking to be the hero of his story.
Faction/Goals:Primary objective: Destroy Purge. Secondary objective: Aid in bringing world peace
Personality: He tends to appear rather socially inert, but slowly, he will learn things from those around him, picking up quirks, his sense of humor, and a few other such things from those around him. What he does have at his current point, is an affinity of comic books, and helping to keep children safe from harm, human or otherwise.
Artificial strength: Due to his construction, Eod is stronger than most people, and a few vampires on the lower end of the pool in terms of strength. He's able to rip doors off of cars, break normal human bones with ease, and even puncture metal walls with straight punches.
Immense storage: With his body specialized, Eod is able to transport a verity of weaponry, ammo, medical supplies, and more. It works similar to that of a super hero utility belt.
Adaptive robotic mind: Eod's mind is able to adapt itself to that which it encounters. Learning a new language, memorizing a book, gaining a sense a humor, all quite easy for Eod. He's like a sponge, absorbing the knowledge around him. This also allows him to adapt in combat, seeing, memorizing, and adapting to combat strategies he encounters. This does take time to preform, so a single encounter may not give him the data needed to counter a strategy, but several encounters will lead to him adapting. Due to him being a robot as well, such things as mental attacks which would work on biological targets would fail against Eod.
Twelve gage, pump action hunting shotgun with custom rounds: A hunting shotgun he managed to salvage from his first encounter with Purge, he has wielded the weapon with extreme accuracy ever since. With the sheer amount of modification available to shell ammunition, Eod has created rounds for many different occasions, even creating a shell that if need be, can be filled with debris from the surrounding area. Such shells are slugs, stinger rounds ((A shotgun shell filled with smaller, bullet ammunition, such as a 22.)), silver pellet rounds, and even a specialized stake round, in case of encountering hostile vampires again.
Smith and Weston: Dual revolvers, formerly owned by the father of the family that took Eod in, he puts them to good use, able to fire, and reload them faster than some can fire semi-automatic weapons. The pistols are 45. magnums , with smith, the right hand revolver, holding incendiary tracing rounds, while Weston, the left hand revolver, holds silver rounds.
In built blow torch: In his right arm is an inbuilt blow torch, for both self repairs, and setting foes ablaze, as it has been adapted to work like a make shift flamethrower, it using the used mechanical oil in Eod's body, making his waste, lay waste to his foes.
Eod knows his way around vehicles, and even advanced robotics. With his inbuilt blow torch, some wire, and a few other supplies, Eod can get cars, trucks, and even some things such as door controls repaired in moments.
Decent hand to hand combatant: Eod has decent experience with using his hands to fight others, but is outclassed by anyone with formal martial arts training.
Child at heart: Eod is surprisingly good with dealing with children, able to change to fit each child's personality. As such, in an emergency, Eod can help lead children to safety in a way they'd be co-operative with.