A Forward on the Ennedi by esteemed Xenoarcheologist, Dr. Iikka Guiomar of the Straylight Institute.
The Ennedi were a species of sentient, amphibious crustaceans, believed to have been space-faring and spread throughout the galaxy approximately eighty million years ago. Ennedi ruins and structures, in varying states of decay, are known to exist on over a thousand planets spread across the galaxy.
To date, the Ennedi are the only known example of a widespread, space-faring species from the previous Epoch of galactic history thought to have been driven to extinction via systemic extermination by competing galactic powers.
Data on the Ennedi extinction is sparse, but it is generally hypothesized that they were affected by a mutagenic weapon designed by the Blendecs. How the Blendecs managed to disseminate the weapon amongst a widespread Ennedi population remains a subject of some speculation, and many experts contend that the Bioweapon hypothesis is erroneous. Either way, the fall of the Ennedi as a species is commonly agreed to have happened over a relatively brief period of time, likely no longer than a decade in length.
Details on their anatomy and physiology is similarly scarce, as no intact Ennedi fossil remnants have ever been found. There exist a number of preserved carving in Ennedi ruins believed to represent them, and there exists oblique notes and references to them in certain ancient anthologies. They are thought to have been fairly large, with mature Ennedi being approximately fifty meters in length, and there are also indications that they may have been a rather short-lived species. A single instance of a characterized Ennedi in the ancient anthology The Oath of the Stoor is depicted as extremely clever, but also gluttonous, with both traits ascribed as commonplace amongst the species.
The Ennedi are most infamously known of from the last interview of the Blendec Pedagogue, where it was revealed that the Ennedi as a species had been perceived as a general menace to galactic society as a whole, and that their extermination was made necessary by and large due to their apparent malice. However, the Pedagogue also noted that their extermination was in part an act of mercy due to the 'predisposed condition' of the species, although this was not elaborated upon.
To this day, finding Ennedi ruins on a planet or moon is considered a sign of good fortune, and tales abound of the Ennedi home system which is replete with astounding preserved relics of their society and technology, begging to be discovered by explorers. Personally I find them fascinating not because of any of their potential technology or culture, but because despite having been specifically targeted and exterminated by other powers, they are the only bygone civlization of note that has left widespread ruins across the galaxy. Their entire civilization is the only window into the past of galactic politics and society available to the modern Galactic peoples, and finding any preserved form of documentation from their civilization would be a boon for all galactic historians and those who seek knowledge.
Species: Ennedi
Xenoarcheologists currently theorize that the Ennedi existed in a stratified aristocratic society, ruled by a small number of individuals. Due to the suspected overall brevity of the Ennedi lifespan, it is speculated that their society was highly ordered and emphasized communal societal fulfillment, each individual serving a single role for the entire duration of their short life. There is some support for this theory in the existence of suspected Ennedi breeding grounds having a highly standardized surrounding, varying only be the nature of equipment and supplies present in a manner consistent with birth-assigned tasking and logistics theories.
Little to no information exists on Ennedi military strategy, tactics, or methodology. They are described in ancient anthologies as being relentless and methodical in naval affairs.
Working examples of Ennedi technology are few and far between, with most equipment recovered from Ennedi ruins having decayed beyond any hope of restoration. The most sophisticated working piece of Ennedi technology is an automated horticultural substration device, containing a number of modules with small molecular assemblies which mimic the overall structure of a simple species of moss-like organisms. Each module contains storage for a specified series of molecular compounds which, when supplied, will result in the generation of new organisms through the internal mechanisms of the molecular assemblies. While the technological and industrial infrastructure necessary to produce such a device is thought to be relatively highly advanced even in the modern galactic setting, the actual workings of the device itself appear to be highly rudimentary and economical in nature, suggesting it was mass-produced and thereby not an exemplary model of Ennedi technology. Its use, due to its size the nature of the organisms it will generate, is thought to have been related to food preparation.
The Ennedi are thought to have been a highly task-and-goal oriented species, much more so than any species currently residing in the galaxy. Due in part to their short overall lifespans, it is thought Ennedi were engrained from near birth to strive for a single higher goal or purpose with which to give their lives meaning before they died, with the overarching societal workforce contributing to a larger, government-decreed goal of an unknown nature. While such is typical of most organized species government, it is theorized that the entirety of Ennedi cultural life was geared to the pursuit and rapid enactment of singular goals related to industrial and scientific pursuits; The species in essence was uniquely suited to facing and overcoming large endemic hazards and tasks that most modern societies would be unable to react to in a quick or efficient manner (such as widespread chemical dependency or poverty, as basic examples).
There exists no data on the species history of the Ennedi apart from the fact that they existed, were embroiled in a longstanding war with multiple powers, and that they were systemically exterminated.
The Ennedi home system has never been identified, despite the immediate prominence of their remnants in systems they had previously colonized. The distribution of their colonies across the galaxy has lent no useful data in pinpointing their region of origination. Many organizations and powers would be interested in locating the Home System, if it even still exists, as the likelihood of preserved Ennedi technology or documentation of any kind existing is thought to be greatest upon their Home Planet.
Of course, as the Ennedi have been extinct for tens of millions of years, there is a possibility that their planet's star has undergone significant life-cycle changes since they were a prominent force in the galaxy. As such, it is possible the system still exists with all remnants having been obliterated, or else for the system to have ceased existing altogether. The affair is very much a mystery for the ages.
Note: For the purposes of this RP, the Ennedi still obey the restriction requiring young empires. While there are Ennedi ruins sprinkled liberally throughout the Galaxy, they are not a widespread power, and I also promise unconditionally that there aren't going to be any surprise ruins everywhere that can suddenly reactivate at full power if the Ennedi want it to. In essence, the Ennedi are starting on exactly the same footing as else.
Or at least they would be if they weren't extinct. Such a shame about that.
Name of nation: Official: Exiles of Faira Demonym: Faira - whether referring to a male or female, in both singular and plural
Species: Name: Faira
Population and growth: Total population reaches 1 000 000 - The maximum capacity of Faira Dea city ship. While cruel, the terminally ill and disabled are often euthanized to make space for new children. The annual population increase is 0% due to birth control laws and aforementioned practices. It is worth noting that only about 10% of Faira are born male.
Morphology: Faira are humanoid in shape. Their hands have a set of three fingers and an opposable thumb, while their feet are toeless. Their skin is universally grey or silver, but they have natural pigmentation patterns on it that vary in shape and colors. Their faces spot a rather flat nose with two slit shaped nostrils, mouth with metal looking, sharp teeth and trapezoid lidless eyes. Their forehead is lower than that of humans and turns into hair like tendrils that cover the whole of Faira head. Those are the only sign of sexual dimorphism of the species, as male are not longer than few centimeters and rather sturdy, while female can reach below shoulders and are extremely sensitive. Their bodily build is rather lanky with their height span from 180 to 230 centimeters, and they lack physical strength and agility. Their movement is very precise though.
Anatomy: Faira, as all life forms of their former homeworld, are a species based on silicon. Their skeleton is very durable due to actually having metal iridium deposits within, making them an organic composite. Same can not be said for the rest of them though, as the silicon based tissues are more fragile than carbon or sulfur based life. A punch from a human could seriously hurt a Faira, up to the point of tearing muscle. The species makes up for this with very sharp senses and high intelligence. Faira eyes are capable of seeing wider spectrum than human eye, mostly into the infrared wavelengths. Their touch is centered mainly to their fingers and palms. All senses are concentrated on their ‘hair’, which are actually organic sensors. This causes Faira males to be unable to smell most things and renders them nearly deaf. The female antennae on the other hand are extremely sensitive to touch, sound and chemical composition of the surrounding area, to the point of incapacitating them with sensory overload on certain occasions.
Faira reproduction is mostly facilitated by the female, whose body is able to randomize the genetic information on it’s own. The male only gives a pheromonal impulse that actually decides the gender of the child. Faira have very short childhoods, fully grown at the age of 10.
Due to their rare biology, Faira are nigh immune to all diseases, but their wounds take awfully long time to heal. They possess a heightened resistance to heat and radiation in general, to a point of being able to survive on a planet orbiting a red giant.
Faira don't need to eat to sustain their life, but merely to get material into their system for growth, healing, and to replenish disposables like sweat. They gather energy from red light through special organs in their skin in a process similar to photosynthesis. As such, Faira have, in theory, unlimited life span, but most of those lives end earlier due to fatal injuries. The oldest Faira on record lasted 1251 years, and the oldest living one is 360 years old.
Description of government: Type: Military state, socialism - Faira government is the way it is out of need. With their dangerously low population and no planet to call home, military way of life is the only way that can keep their species alive. That allowed for a sort of socialistic governing and eliminating the concept of money from their economy which made them much more flexible in rebuilding after the Exodus.
Insignia and designations: The Faira were never fragmented into nations, and thus the concept of flags, coat of arms etc. is alien to them.
Home system: Faira Nebula (Current) - A hostile gas cloud that is full of radiation and storms that generate strong EM pulses. The Faira can only survive here because of their state of the art shielding systems. In return, they are nearly perfectly hidden within the nebula, as it interferes with most sensors and the visibility is very low. A remnant of a supernova, the nebula is rich in gasses, but the only source of ores are the remnants of one planet shattered into a tenuous asteroid belt. In the middle is a neutron star - the source of the deadly radiation.
Faira Star (Formerly) - The Faira Star was a red giant that was at the end of it’s life by the time the Faira species reached into space. Evolving in this system gives the Faira high resistance to heat and their sense of sight is most sensitive to the red part of the spectrum. The Faira can see the part of the infrared spectrum as well, essentially granting them heat vision.
Inhabited planet(s): Faira Erea (Formerly) - The planet was the closest one to the star by the time Faira evolved. The crust was rich with silicon, iridium, iron and carbon. Copper and aluminum were practically nonexistent. Faira Erea’s gravity was about 0,8 of Earth’s and the planet had no day/night cycle or satellites. The atmosphere was composed mostly of oxygen and nitrogen, and the planet had no hydrosphere.
Space nomads (Current) - The Faira now live on spaceships, searching for a planet that would accommodate them. The trouble is that the Faira evolved on a relatively rare planet under even less likely circumstances. It is likely they will forever be condemned to living in space, but they are adaptable people.
Civilian assets: Faira Dea - A giant lifeboat featuring rotating segments to provide gravity to the large ship efficiently. Houses 90% of the remaining Faira. Spanning 25 kilometers from bow to stern, this is one of the largest ships constructed, dwarfing many military ships. It is so big that it only mounts it’s own FTL drive, relying on tugboats to move it through normal space.
Faira Tris - A mobile shipyard of the Faira and their only way of manufacturing ships. It’s own size limits the size of ships the Faira can build. Faira Tris features one capital 2km berth, two 500m berths and four 200m berths. It has two strikecraft production modules and sizeable docking array.
Faira Karte - Garden ship that provides the Faira with food. About 5 kilometers long. Over half of it is just storage for the processed food, with the production occupying only about 20% of the ship’s internal volume.
Faira Capra - A resource processing and storage ship. It can house and carry the whole Faira mining fleet.
Faira Hexus - Colony ship that is a jack of all trades. It has large crew capacity, self sustaining food production, strikecraft factory, hangar, resource processing plant, cargo bay and advanced sensors. It is literally built around a prototype FTL drive that recharges twice as fast as the standard Faira model. It is the only Faira civilian ship that is armed, but only with point defense weapons.
Cultural Overview: The Faira are a matriarchal society. To an outsider, they might even appear monogendered, as with how things are now the males are kept safe within the nebula as pretty much a national treasure. Being busy with their own survival throughout pretty much all of their existence, Faira developed little to no culture. What they have serves mainly for education, such as documentary movies or literature.
They prefer to relax physically in their free time rather than seeking food for the mind. There are facilities on each larger ship that are built to simulate their native environment, which they enjoy deeply as the environment they can maintain on their ships is vastly different, and while habitable, not at all pleasant to them.
Due to their frail nature, no competitive sports ever existed in Faira society, instead replaced by multiple games of skill and wit. The favorite is a simulation game where a player takes the role of a god and guides a selected civilization on it’s development.
As far as design goes, Faira are fond of shades of red and metallic grey for colors. Their buildings used to have large flat bases with spires towering form them, something that carried over to their ship designs, which are generally flat slabs with functional parts mounted on them rather than integrated into the design itself. Faira do not wear clothing in the usual sense - due to their fragile nature, they took up to wearing powered exoskeletons with protective abilities. Only high ranking officers and diplomatic officials wear uniforms.
Technological Overview: Base elements: Silicon, Iridium, Helium, Xenon
Power generation: With the abundance of Helium in the Faira Nebula, Faira abandoned their original fission reactors in favor of newer fusion ones that had better power/fuel density ratio.
Plasma thrusters: Faira sublight drives eject plazmatised xenon gas, Which gives their strikecraft the ability to switch between hi acceleration or high efficiency modes. Their capital ships are rather sluggish, however they can last a very long time on one tank.
Subspace motivator: As the interstellar drive is actually the first FTL drive Faira came into contact with through unearthing a derelict alien ship on their world, their intrasystem drive works on the same principle, only creating an artificial jump corridor instead of a naturally occurring jump node they use for intersystem travel. This process is very energy consuming and requires several minutes to recharge - the power cost even exceeds that of an intersystem jump through natural jump point. As such, the Faira developed a way of tracking ships into and inside the jump corridor, allowing two ships to share the same route - when they exit FTL, they can immediately jump again using the other ship’s drive, while the first drive cools down and recharges on the way. They also continued improving their imperfect, hastily reverse engineered intersystem drive - the Hexus model can perform jumps twice as fast, however it is difficult to produce and remains untested as of yet. Due to the nature of the intersystem drive, Faira ships can only travel between stars along predetermined paths.
Hull-envelope metal-ceramics composite armor: Lacking resources to build heavy armor, Faira never really invested into researching the technology. Their ships have double hulls serving as breach protection and spall lining, with the outer hull being a strong composite. While relatively resistant to kinetic attacks, it has trouble dissipating energy weapons.
Ion barrier segment shielding: Faira developed a very strong shielding system that makes up for their pathetic ship armor. The barrier itself is composed of an ion field that can dissipate energy weapons and melt or vaporize projectiles. Perhaps it’s greatest strength though is it’s segmentation, allowing the commander to boost power into specific shield quadrant for tactical movements.
Cybernetics: Faira use Semiconductor based computers. The difference from humans is that due to their own physiology, Faira are capable of using organic silicon, giving their computers AI capability quite easily.
Communications: For short range communications, Faira use hyperpulse multiplex. While the communication Is FTL based, it sacrifices range for greater bandwidth at the same energy cost. This allows them to easily share large sums of data with an entire fleet. Long range communications are facilitated through dropped FTL relays.
Weaponry: Faira have never been in a war, however they realized that not only may there be other life in the Galaxy, but it may not be friendly. Due to the limited resources, they abandoned kinetic weaponry and instead focused on directed energy weapons, with the exception of the heavy hitters based on plasma - resources for both of which are easily harvested in their home nebula.
Description of military: Ground forces: 0. Faira can not spare the lives, nor are they interested in invading majority of the planets.
FF Privateer Class: Fighter Length: 10m Crew: 0 Description: The Privateer is a combat drone that can act either on it’s own AI or be piloted remotely from a capital ship. They are lightly armored, but fast and agile. The most common tactic is to swarm the enemy with overwhelming number of these small, easy to produce drones.
FG Marauder Class: Gunship Length: 100m Crew: 0 Description: Big enough to be on the border between strikecraft and a ship, the Marauder is lumbering automaton bristling with weapon turrets. While well armored, this ship is slow and thus usually fit for escorting capital ships rather than attacking.
FC Buccaneer Class: Cruiser Length: 200m Crew: 3 Description: The Faira cruiser is meant for escorting larger vessels and patrolling alongside drones, acting as their mobile command center, launch platform and taking onto the role of bombers present in other fleets. Due to the drones requiring no personnel, they can be latched onto the hull without the need for a hangar bay. This is the fastest of the Faira capital ships.
FCv Picaroon Class: Corvette Length: 500m Crew: 50 Description: Where the buccaneer is meant for defense, the Picaroon is a workhorse of Faira fleet, a jack of all trades, master of none. It was designed with that in mind, and it’s gun placement allows for at least 50% of it’s firepower to be projected to all direction, with all weapons being capable of firing to the front. This is the smallest ship to carry the swarm logic anti-capital ship torpedos, two a piece.
FFg Cygnus Class: Frigate Length: 700m Crew: 100 Description: Created to be a ‘pocket destroyer’, this class is meant for engaging enemy warships. While it has the heavy weaponry of a destroyer in the form of the 50m plasma cannon, and it’s redundancy in engines, it lacks the fighterbay.
FCa Corsair Class: Carrier Length: 2000m Crew: 2000 Description: A one of a kind ship, the Corsair was the first Faira capital ship built. Largely a testbed for their at the time mostly theoretical technology. It's heavy armor asset and double barreled turrets make it a fortress and large number of redundant engine systems give it an unparalleled mobility. It's inner workings though are obviously prototypes, being built into the chassis rather than as easily replaceable modules unlike later Faira models. It was never meant to engage a ship of it's own size without first softening it up with it's drones, then jumping in for a finishing blow with its single 50m plasma beam cannon. To increase its survivability, it is equipped with dual FTL drive, eliminating it’s need for cooling down.
FD Raider Class: Destroyer Length: 2000m Crew: 1200 Description: The mightiest ship in Faira arsenal, these beasts can gut enemy ship in minutes with it’s two particle cannons and massive load of fusion torpedoes. They are however extremely expensive, and to this day the Faira could only afford to build two of these ships. The ship is, in theory, capable of rendering the equivalent of 35% of Earth’s surface uninhabitable if it expends all of it’s ammunition. Many voices have criticized the construction of these ships as being a countermeasure to a nonexistent threat. Further testing showed that it is also difficult for these to operate too far from the Nebula, as replenishing the ammunition for the two plasma cannons becomes a logistical nightmare.
The bulk of Faira ships is split between three fleets. The Defender fleet, stationed with the civilian ships in the nebula for repelling immediate attacks, the Watcher fleet, patrolling the rest of the nebula and tasked with securing jump points, and the Striker fleet, for operations outside of Faira territory.
History: The Faira have evolved on the planet they call Faira Erea during it’s sun’s last phase of life. As such the life form evolved to a very specific set of conditions. Due to their rather extreme intelligence, they were able to study their star quite early in their technological development. Realizing the threat, they pooled all of their resources in a last ditch effort to escape their untimely destruction.
It was in the nick of time that they discovered an ancient wreck on their planet - a relic ship left there by a civilization long extinct. Through examining the relic, they managed to learn about the jump points that link star systems together and reverse engineer the FTL drive, along with some basics of shielding and most of all weapons - a concept alien to them thus far, as the Faira didn’t have time to wage war if they wanted to survive.
Seeing the evidence they might not be alone in the universe though, the Faira prepared for the eventuality, and although their escape plan only involved what would come to be known as the Exodus fleet, they came up with blueprints for warships and modified their harbor ship accordingly.
Leaving just in the nick of time, the fleet managed to get through the only known jump point in their home system just as the star begun to collapse. The initial plan called for the Exodus fleet to find a suitable planet and then evacuate more of the Faira. Instead, they found themselves in a very unfriendly nebula, with the rest of their people dying in the supernova on the other side.
Now exiles without a home and threatened with extinction, the Faira were forced to take extraordinary measures to ensure their species’ survival. The Exodus fleet returned to their home system, now christened Faira Nebula. The military took over with the admirals taking on the roles of the governors. Strict birth control was established and most of the socialistic laws from before the Exodus like healthcare for the disabled had to be removed. Under the new circumstances, their economical system simply couldn’t continue. Thus the Faira adapted socialism out of sheer necessity.
After a few rough decades, the situation stabilized. Now with sustainable population, the Faira begun developing new technologies and building more ships that would allow them to expand into new systems and hopefully one day find a new home and return to their former glory.
The Federation is headed by a President, acting as the head of the Federation as well as having the authority to suggest and break ties on laws. A bicameral Legislature exists, consisting of a Senate and Parliament. Each individual system within the Federation sends ten senators, and then the Parliament holds 800 seats, which are elected and decided upon the people, with the seats delegated to each system dependent on population. A Supreme Court exists, managing the Federation’s judicial system as well acting as the final say on whether or not a law goes against the rights granted to citizens.
Description of military:
The Federation’s military is divided into the Federal Navy, Federal Army, and Special Forces Corp. Each has different responsibilities and tactics, but they have developed cross-branch tactics when they need to work together, and are rather efficient when working with each other. In general however the military likes a hit fast hit hard doctrine, then reorganize and defend from the enemy counter-attack, and then strike again.
Federal Navy The development of the Federal’s navies forces and tactics were heavily influenced by the Federation’s heavily efficient A.I. The F.N does not have as many Dreadnoughts or Battleships as other nations, but rather heavy amounts of carriers. Drones are used frequently and make up a bulk of the Federation’s space power, mainly again due to AI, and with nanobot swarms making it easy to replace Drones on the go. While drones have not entirely replaced human pilots, drones are more common, mainly because drones also do not need the same systems as humans pilots, allowing the efficiency, weapons, and defenses of the drones to be increased without increasing size and weight. The F.N still does use other ship types and they have roles within the drone heavy navy.
Federal Army A wide variety of super-sonic bombers, fighters, and gunships have become a main stay of the F.A’s forces, due to the belief that in atmosphere air power is one of the most crucial factors to winning in atmosphere battles beyond support from Space Naval Forces. The bulk of infantry and ground forces consist of robots managed by either symbionts or A.I. The robots consists of humanoid platforms in addition to a wide variety of tank and mech bots. Any water naval forces also serve a dual-rose as large massive airships, using anti-gravity to shift between the water and air. Much like the Navy, they strike hard and fast, then regroup to counter the enemy counter-attack and strike again.
Special Forces Corps The Special Forces exists of a number of divisions and other intelligence gathering organizations that work to support the military. Whether it be precisions strikes on enemy targets, or sneaking behind lines to gather information, they do everything not normally assigned to the F.N and F.A
Technological Overview:
The Federation considers itself fairly advanced, being a inter-system space-faring power. The standard FTL drive of the Federation is a warp drive, powered by negative energy, with quantum entanglement used for FTL communication. Negative energy also powers the Federation’s anti-gravity systems, making factories and other production centers that produce negative energy a common site within the Federation. The Federation also makes frequent use of anti-gravity technology within in atmosphere vehicles, making the Federation’s military fast on the ground.
Anti-matter while not the most developed of things in the Federation, is used. Large-scale reactors are used to power massive industrial complexes. It is also used as a fuel source for non-FTL propulsion. Military advocates have begun requesting research on to antimatter in weaponry, but research has been slow as many see antimatter weapons as unnecessary when the Federation hasn’t even contacted any alien species yet.
The Federation has also made extensive developments into AI, cybernetics, and nano-robotics. AI is used almost everywhere in the Federation, from civilian A.I for managing trade routes, shipping lanes, and terraformers, to military A.I used to controls the Federation’s extensive robotic and drone forces in space and ground. A.I can also be seen frequently being used in research purposes, due to their ability to manage high amounts of data. Cybernetics has also been huge within the Federation, with cybernetics being common to the point that trans humanism is perfectly acceptable to a majority of the Federation, although radicals who want to see cybernetics eliminated completely exist, and the few non-robotic forces deployed by the Federation tend to be augmented to a extreme. The Federation can also augment systems that normally be to difficult to augment with nano-bots, and the Federation as developed cybernetics that allow one to integrate a A.I into one’s mind, those with A.I implants being known as symbionts. While for a while after the AI Implant the A.I and original mind are still two separate entities they end up integrating into one entity. This had lead to cases where a symbiont suffered an accident and their A.I implant was destroyed, and they needed hospitalization due the rise of extreme mental disorders. As for nano-robotics it had stemmed from the Federation’s extreme focus on robots for military so as to avoid suffering to many casualties. Nano-bots were originally intended to assist within robotic systems, but ended up developing into so much more. They have come to be used extensively in manufacturing, with military carriers carrying swarms to eat up wrecks or resources within system to replenish a carrier’s stock of drone craft easily. They are also used in cybernetics for augmenting the nervous and other body stems with small parts. Ground forces use them to build new robots on the go as well. They are also used to help terraform planets and construct new buildings and factories.
Genetic modification is a thing, but the Federation’s main focus was always on cybernetics. However there is a renewed interest in the field and it has attracted government interest.
The Federation’s military makes use of a mix of energy(lasers, particle beams, and some prototype plasma weapons), kinetic(rail-guns and other accelerated projectiles, including RKVs. Most kinetic projectiles consist of tungsten or depleted uranium.), and explosive(standard explosives with chemical mixtures having been improved to provide more power to them, and of course nuclear devices of varying payloads). As mentioned above the Federation has also experiment with anti-matter weapons, but research is slow. The Federation has also begun to consider Gluon Disturbers, or more simply disruptors, as a viable weapon. Scientists say these weapons would shred up essential gluon bonds between particles, effectively shredding the fabric of matter itself. Military Officials are debating whether to focus on anti-matter or disruptors as the military’s prime research focus.
Shielding and Armor technology is also well-developed within the Federation. Starships make use of highly-advanced and complex alloys, in addition to carbon nano-tubes or graphene for most ships, with the shields used being standard energy shields, but they can be shifted in shape and even combined with other shields to change the design to counter certain weapons. Infantry and robots also have similar shields and alloys in their power armor.
Infantry have a number of personal devices in addition to their shields and armor, including a wide variety of communication devices, stealth measures, and other packages to assist in battle.
While the cloaking measures of the Federation are not the most advanced it has allowed them to develop a few stealth ships as well as cloak important facilities. Electronic Warfare has not been a measure that has been developed as the Federation’s best estimates say that any aliens encountered would have computer systems to dissimilar for electronic warfare to be of any use.
The Federation draws power from 3 different sources; Nuclear Fusion, Negative Energy, and Anti-matter. Cold Fusion Reactors are the main source of energy in the Federation, and quite a common site to their efficiency and relatively low risks. Negative energy as mentioned is also quite common a site, due to the fact that it powers both FTL and anti-gravity systems within the Federation. Antimatter is not as common, but as mentioned powers most non-FTL propulsion systems and large scale anti-matter reactors can be seen in massive industrial complexes. ‘
Propulsion as used by the Federation consists of mainly the aforementioned warp drive, anti-gravity for a lot of military in atmosphere vehicles, anti-matter drives for non-FTL propulsion in star ships and for launching stuff out of atmosphere, and chemical rockets that are slowly being phased out and mainly used by poorer civilian corporations.
Terraforming is also a technology possessed by the Federation. While it was mostly developed to help restore Earth, terraformers were used to help make New Siberia a bit more livable, and experiments on Mars and a few other planets with Alpha Centauri are showing promising results, leading to experts saying that within the next few years terraforming will be common within the Federation and used to make new habitable worlds.
Cultural Overview: Ever since the end of the Third World War the overall culture of the Federation has been mixed in mashed due to the combination of so many Earth Nations. However in particular German, American, and British culture are very dominate in Sol, with English having taken over as the primary language of the Federation. Individual Systems within the Federation have come to be dominated by different cultures however. Alpha Centauri and it’s capital of New Siberia are dominated by Russian culture, with System A-1(a mere colony and not a fully developed system like Alpha Centauri or Sol) has become dominated by Asian culture.
History: The earliest history of the Federation of Sol and her formation goes back to events that lead to the Third World War. Europe, fearing more and more the reviving Russian Giant and their loss of influence and power to the growing Chinese Giant, formed the European Federation. Guided by the The United Kingdom and Germany, the European Federation was rising to challenge the status quo. Russia began making more aggressive moves, hoping to outpace the EF. However despite attempts by both Russia and China the EF managed to rise higher than most other nations, consolidating their power and directing influence to Africa in hopes to secure the resources there via trade agreements.
The USA also saw much change in this period, as it was forced to shut down many of it’s oversea bases amidst further economic troubles. Rioting became problem as the USA’s police forces and military began preparing for what was gearing to be a huge collapse. Both China and Russia began rapid expansion of their militaries, with plans to secure influence over huge chunks of land now that America was falling. In response to this the European Federation also began a rapid expansion of it’s military to secure itself against the coming giant. Tensions between Russia, the European Federation, and China further raised as incidents and revolutions in Africa occurred, with the European Federation and China usually supporting different sides. Many observers called this a second Cold War. The UN fell further into uselessness, as many nations withdrew and those remaining ignored the former treaties and acts that had been passed by it.
Tensions between the European Federation and Russia finally managed to spark into a full out war. Belarus, which had been considering joining the European Federation, was swiftly occupied by Russia. The EF demanded Russia withdraw or face a full out war with Europe, and of course Russia refused. The war began as Russian forces brutally pressed into the Scandinavian Peninsula and the Baltic nations. The European Federation sent many forces, as a huge devastating war with massive loss of life began. Within the first few months the death toll rose to more than 70 million, with the Geneva Conventions having been forgotten and torn to pieces. Civilians became a primary target for Russia, with Poland and the Balkans devastated by Russian firebombing campaigns.
While the war occurred the USA government fell and anarchy spread across much of the USA. However a new highly right-wing government managed to seize control of many states, and quickly restored order. While devastated from the anarchy, the new government instituted many policies that led to a rapid rebuilding of the USA. While this new government disagreed with many of the left-wing policies of the European Federation, it saw the resurging Russia and the Chinese Dragon as more of a threat. The New USA quickly declared war on Russia, launching a invasion from Alaska. China threatened war on both the European Federation and the New USA if the invasion was not canceled. Upon the New USA’s refusal China declared war, and added a whole new layer of brutality to the war. The war had finally been called WW3, as the nations of the world devoted their entire attention to the war.
Africa quickly became divided as those who fell under EF and China influence choose to support their chosen sponsors. Africa’s deserts quickly became bathed in blood, as various Asian Nations choose whether or not to support China. Many rallied behind the USA and European Federation, and the war became more brutal than before. The Death toll quickly rose to over 200 million, with cities becoming nothing but bombed out husks.
As the war continued a combined European and New USA offensive pushed into Russia and managed to capture Moscow, forcing them to surrender. China was forced on the defensive as the New USA’s fleets began harassing supply ships from Africa and other Chinese-Allied nations. China was becoming desperate as the New USA and EF cut of many of their options.
On August 21st, 2065, Los Angeles was lit up with a Chinese Nuclear ICBM. New Delhi also fell to Chinese Nukes, as India had chosen to align themselves with the European Federation. While the New USA and European Federation quickly moved in missile defenses, they were unable to save the cities of Istanbul, Belgrade, Sarajevo, Vienna, Warsaw, Dallas, Houston, and Miami. The New USA, EF, and its allies all met at Washington D.C to discuss their plan of action, and they consorted that the only had one option.
A month after the Chinese bombings Beijing was nuked. As China did not foresee the use of nukes by the European Federation or the New USA, much of China’s central leadership was destroyed. This allowed for a final push, as China and her remaining allies were occupied. On September 19th, 2065, WW3 had finally drawn to a close. 20 years of unrelenting brutal war had devastated the Earth, cities destroyed, and pollution and radiation spreading around the globe. The final estimate for the death toll was placed at 600 million, 400 million of which was estimated to be civilian deaths.
The world’s remaining leaders convened this time in Ottawa, Canada to discuss the future. They decided that the only way to prevent another war and save the Earth was to unite it. This lead to the creation and signing of the United Earth Compact, creating a central Earth Government which held authority over all of it’s land and people, but remained democratic and free. They focused on space, hoping that with use of resources from their Earth could be saved.
Much research was conducted, leading to the development of many of the space-faring technologies possessed by the Federation today. Most of Earth’s population was moved underground, or to floating sky cities powered by new anti-gravity systems. Terraformers were placed on the surface and began removing much of the radiation caused by the bombings, as well as the pollution. Despite this not many cities were allowed on the surface, as much of it was saved for farming.
With the Earth renewed and many inter-system mining posts and small colonies on the moon and Mars, the United Earth Compact changed their name to the Federation of Sol and Associated Colonies. FTL was developed as humanity stopped looking at the destruction caused by WW3, and began looking towards space as the future for humanity. Earth entered a period of advancement, as nano-bots, AI, and cybernetics were developed to help expansion. Sol became a fully developed system, and the government launched a operation towards Alpha Centauri, leading to the colonization of New Siberia and the growth of Alpha Centauri as a fully-developed system.
The Federation of Sol and Associated Colonies elected Robert McClain as the newest president in 2154. His policies lead to huge growth of the Federation and her colonies, with System A-1 colonized shortly after he took control. He has been re-elected many times, and his popular amongst the Federation’s citizens.
At current the Federation is monitoring the LSN through a small outpost established in their home system. They are making determinations as whether or not to contact them due to how primitive they are compared to the federation.
Upon a proud world Under a shimmering sky There lived a pure, hardened people
The azu, alternatively known as Anukuians, are the multi-ethnic race of cat-like humanoids that wield dominion over Anuku, a verdant and opulent world that is, in many ways, homologous to Earth. Comparative in size to a large human specimen, azu are sharp of mind and lithe of frame, and can negotiate terrain with lightning tempo and supple grace when on the prowl. Other than being benefited with an excellent sense of vision, smell, and hearing, azu can discern the dynamic position of an object in motion by detecting latent changes in surrounding air pressure, feel faint vibrations through the soft pads of their hind paws, identify oscillating electromagnetic waves emanated by the heart of another living organism, and pick up subtle alterations in the pheromone secretion patterns of living creatures.
The azu species lacks the faculty to produce psionic users, but the mind of every one of them naturally discharges a nullifying field of "negative energies" that severely inhibits the effectiveness of nearby otherworldly powers, with this field rapidly growing in geometric strength when swelling groups of azu congregate in one locality. Anuku is home to millions of azu, thereby causing this field to span throughout Anuku's parent system.
As a result of an uncorrectable anomalous fault in their genome, the azu sex ratio is heavily skewed in favor of the azu female, with the current population of azu (stated to be circa 500 million) being 90/10 (female/male) in numerical composition.
Complex Paramount Chiefdom
Foreign Policy and Public Opinions of Aliens
Anuku, while culturally diverse, is figuratively (and in some circles, literally) described as a “one-race world” by azu social scientists and political leaders, with this bold, racially-charged declaration stemming from the racial homogeneity that propagates through the cultural pillars of the Lone World's multitude of tribal societies. Many of Anuku's ethnocentric inhabitants are quite condemnatory in their prejudice judgments of the greater galactic community, and cite Anuku's past confrontations with imperialistic alien invaders and disagreeable migrants as irrefutable verification that the obri (or the "Other") are instinctively incompatible with azu culture and will, inevitably, pose a significant threat to all life on the Lone World if allowed to corrupt her surface with their foul touch. Unsurprisingly, Anuku's seven paramount chiefdoms have jointly implemented a sequence of isolationist decrees that forbid Anuku's star captains from fraternizing with aliens and alien civilizations in any shape or form, though these laws have been wavered, in the past, to facilitate brief instances of trade between the azu and "tolerable" xeno races.
Azu militia forces are exacted from local tribal communities and their encompassing septs during times of war. Owing to the species' idiosyncratic physiological and psychological characteristics, azu land army battle doctrine hinges strongly on mobility, flexibility, and deception to sustain an effective guerrilla campaign against invading forces. Azu abhor lengthy and grueling battles of attrition, favoring instead to execute covert raids on an opponent's supply lines and any lightly-defended positions using a combination of self-propelled guns (including tank destroyers and duel-purpose assault guns), powered crash-kill tiger and air scourge cavalry, and light infantry.
Anuku does not control a formal space force, but she is chaperoned by a vast number of phased graser array installations and particle accelerator gun emplacements that trickle the Lone World's surface. Most are stationary, but their married firepower is herculean; entire enemy assault fleets, anti-planetary missiles, and RKVs can be handily obliterated from frighteningly long distances within a infinitesimal length of time. Their employment of azu capital-grade PDF modules coupled with their cataclysmic power necessitates the need for ground-based infantry operations if a successful invasion is to be carried out by belligerent forces.
Technological Overview
Outwardly, the azu appear to be a pre-industrial civilization, but this observational conclusion is misleading. On the contrary, the azu deliberately strangle and shroud their factual technical prowess in a proactive attempt to stay the cultural stagnation and genetic degradation that customarily befalls an intellectually-gifted species that overindulges in the prolific “benefits” that sophisticated scientific advancements often promises. In a way, this global philosophical perspective can easily be compared to modern Neo-Luddism, though azu communities specifically avoid technologies that encourage excessive slothfulness, restrictive antisocial behavior, and weakness (either in a physical or mental context) rather than holding the unrealistic conviction that most technology is harmful to the Lone World or her azu masters.
To the rest of the galaxy, azu household technical applications appear horrendously outdated, amateurish, and inefficient. Food preservation, for example, has never edged beyond drying, smoking, jugging, salting, pickling, or canning, with azu fare never actually being produced in a food processing plant of any sort. Azu foodstuffs spoil faster than other noshes preserved using more modern modus operandi, but they are conversely free of injurious chemicals and excess quantities of sodium and sugar. Clothes are made by hand, while firearms are crafted using reinforced hand tools, archaic manually-operated machinery, and decades of gunsmithing experience. Very few azu homes have electricity for interior lighting or recreational needs, instead investing in a scant bundle of candles for a minuscule amount of illumination and a small solar panel and battery bank combination to sustain a highhouse's powered appliances. Power generation for larger azu settlements and the vast network of underground manufactorums is provided by thorium fission reactors, geothermal generators, or hydroelectric dams.
Azu military technology (with special mention going to azu-made weapons in particular) is moderately sophisticated, and is renowned for its utilitarian qualities, innate hardiness, and relative affordability. Many azu hand-held weapons have always been chiefly engineered to bring down Anuku's heavily-armored ultrafauna, resulting in later incarnations of chemical-based ballistic weaponry being specialized for maximum stopping power, accuracy, range, and penetration at the cost of cyclic rate. Most azu firearms are hand cannons (an alien cross between a pump-action shotgun and a high-powered rifle), older 2 (or 4) bore paradox guns, lockers (a low ROF "assault rifle"), and magnum revolvers that are chambered for heavy rocket-boosted hypervelocity cartridges.
Azu power deflection field technology is dissimilar to the galactic standard in that individual shield modules do not lose "energetic integrity" when successful attacks have been negated, but rather are "rated" according to how much energy the field can reliably contend with. This makes users of PDFs effectively immune to weapons systems or attacks that are below their shield's threshold, but vulnerable to weapons that can exceed it. Azu never conceived powered hardsuits, but instead ushered in shadow veil armor, a hooded "stealth robe" made from nano-engineered meta-materials, dense ballistic fiber bundles, linked armor discs, and layers of dilatant smart fluid that masks the wearer's electromagnetic signature, optical profile, and provides superb protection from energy-based weaponry, projectile-based weaponry, heat, and blast over-pressure. Low-cost powered exoskeletons can be worn underneath shadow veil armor.
Description of Society and Culture
You don't hunt alone. Never hunt alone. You hunt as one.
Azu culture values self-determinism, minimalism, collectivism, and loyalty. Azu adolescents-- colloquially refereed to as “kits” by the Lone World's encompassing azu population—are educated in the fundamental artistry of the august survivalist by elder members of the tribe. A distinct (but ultimately secondary) emphasis is placed on adequately honing their apprehension of the clan's spiritual and cultural mores, teaching the importance of family, and promoting a minimalistic lifestyle. By the time that they are of breeding age, most juvenile azu females and males have a predisposition for exhibiting stalwart behavior and operating in a persistent mode of semi-autonomy. "Gifted" azu are convinced to pursue rigorous instruction in one of the more prestigious institutional sectors of academia that reside within the Peaks of Hia-Hia, an unforgiving geographical locale of historical importance where a prodigious amount of the azu's technological innovations primarily originate from.
Azu homesteads, called highhouses, are a queer mixture of an archetypal longhouse and a standard low-capacity semi-subterranean dwelling (such as an earth berm), and are fabricated from readily-available materials (in example: stone, timber, or bone) using un-powered utensils and powerful beasts of burden. Highhouses are comparatively voluminous, playing host to a number of necessary domestic facilities (such as larders, armories, storage enclosures, libraries, or washrooms) and over one-hundred families that are situated along a series of quasi-segregated living floors. Being in such close proximity with one another usually leads to family groups being acquainted on an intimate level; from these tight-knit relationships, inter-familial gatherings--like ceremonial dances or recreational group hunting sessions--are organized and initiated, in turn strengthening the clan's bond and encouraging goodwill and harmony throughout the masses. Aside from personal effects, clan members openly share most things, and--unlike many other species--observe a weedy quota of personal space, instead preferring to brush up against and caress other clan members if at all able. Stroking the ears, the underside of the tail, and the lower back are all considered profound signs of affection and trust.
Regardless of their internal layout and external attributes, azu highhouses are matriarchal in their fashion of administration, matrifocal in their familial structure, and matrilateral in their inheritance lines, with a wise woman and her selected “elder council” of middle-aged azu women wielding uncontested authoritative influence over the clan's members. As azu males are numerically scarce across Anuku, they are universally perceived and handled as treasured commodities that have tremendous barter value, and are subsequently forced into arranged polygamous “mating sessions” with outside harems of suitable azu women for the clan's own monetary gain, its political elevation, or its social evolution.
Azu mating paradigms center around a single eugenics-like "code of conduct", called ormku, which preaches that only the "fit" are "fit" for reproduction. Azu tribal society does not suffer the frail and flawed to persist in life; the physically, intellectually, and emotionally disabled are subjected to forced sterilization when detected, and may experience harsh instances of rejection, overt communal ostracization, being abandoned at birth, and even being outright executed if their afflictions are particularly disparaging.
On average, azu males sire over 1,000 fit children throughout their lifetime.
Ever since its initial conception, the firearm has operated as a critical and intricate facet of azu warrior-hunter philosophy. Primordial dogma espouses that the gun is a sanctified and arcane artifact of moving power and importance, ergo being deserving of nothing less than unadulterated homage and unmitigated reverence. Azu battle rifles, handguns, fowling pieces, and other small arms are passed down from generation to generation and, in respect to the weapon's previous band of carriers, are customarily personalized with a conservative integer of aesthetic augmentations. In spite of widespread firearm proliferation, the azu's apathetic take on open carry policies has not culminated in a turbulent amount of gun-related crime, with the Lone World boasting an extraordinarily low murder rate overall.
Though their fur-covered forms only require clothing in diminutive quantities, a fractional grade of modesty is nonetheless encouraged when out in public, with azu attire being fundamentally tailored to softly accommodate the body, not to smother or dominate it. More often than not, azu tribal apparel tends to be passably revealing, only affording sufficient coverage for the wearer's nether regions and breasts. Vests, wrist wraps, skirts, chest bands, thongs, cloth vambraces, and loincloths, woven from exquisite silk-like fabrics or quality animal hides, are the standard. Many azu men and women decorate their person with a fulsome (but elegant) composite display of jewelery, fur dyes, and body piercings for a spot of comforting individualism.
Race Biology: The appearance of any Locust varies wildly, but the standard template for a Construction Drone is a mechanical torso with arms and a wheel instead of legs that attaches to rails that go along and inside Locust constructions. The Construction Drone is by far the most common form of the Locust.
Cultural History: In a binary star system, where stars much like ours orbited eachother, there were two races. There was a carnivorous race of warmongers who lived on a lush jungle world, and there was a race of scholars that lived on a moon that barely supported life orbiting a gas giant. Over competition of resources, these races came into conflict. The carnivores made the L.O.C.U.S.T swarm, and they were able to defeat their foes. The scientists wiped out the carnivores with a great manufactured plague. Eventually, both sides AIs eliminated all sentient organic life in the star-system. Soon afterwards, the Locusts prevailed over the AI of the scavengers. With it's primary directive complete, the Coordinator began to pursue his secondary objectives which were related to the expansion of the Locust war machine. They devoured the cities for scrap material, leaving no trace of their existence. They harvested all of the plants on the surface of planets for biofuel. They extracted tons of minerals from the planets, moons, and even the asteroids of the system. For the next fifty years, the Locusts produced nothing but ships for their fleet, and the infrastructure to support it. They had produced an incredibly large fleet. But, in that fifty years they also had almost depleted all of the resources in their system. The coordinator realized this, and shut down production. Now the LOCUST prepare to travel to distant stars, to increase production for a war long past.
Social Structure: The coordinator has absolute say in any decision, but delegates tasks to multiple managers. The managers are AI's in charge of at least one ship, and obey the coordinator unquestioningly. Each manager will be loyal to the coordinator, but may become self-autonomous due extraneous circumstances. Soldier-Drones and Targeting AIs are gifted sentience, but they follow their duties without question. Worker drones, are also blessed with self-awareness, but they are not nearly as intelligent as the others. There is no class mobility. If a L.O.C.U.S.T is built a soldier, then it will remain so the rest of their lives.
Reaction to Aliens: In all honesty it depends on the manager that is encountered, but most managers will interpret the Coordinator's directive of 'expand' as don't let anything get in your way. So often the response to Aliens is open fire. However there is a chance that the LOCUST will negotiate first, which will likely consist of "leave or be destroyed". But it is only a chance.
Locusts for the most part rely on a fleet of small ships without any sort of energy shielding that are packed to the teeth with interplanetary nuclear missiles. Each missile can do serious damage compared to its size, and the Locust have little concern of the radiation and environmental damage done by nuclear weapons. They like to stay far away, to avoid enemy arms fire because it is more efficient, not because it is less dangerous. They were used for the dangerous missions in their war, so their designers decided not to program that instinct. Therefore Locusts can engage in tactics that most would find appalling as they have no sense of self preservation. The priority of the LOCUST is to eliminate their enemy, as they are war machines and that is what they are programmed to do.
Technology (A note on the Locust's tech. As self-replicating military and construction drones, they will never research any new tech, ever!):
Locust computers are so advanced, the computing power of a 21st century supercomputer would fit into one Locust computer chip. Because of this, almost all Locust tech is fitted with at least a few computer chips. Doors, guns, welders, you name it. Every single piece of Locust tech has blueprints for all generic Locust designs of ships, mining equipment, guns, and etc. Anything that was designed by a particular Locust manager (which never uses any new tech, think of different kinds of swords, although a Katana is different than a European broadsword, they are constructed very similarly and have a similar purpose. In this analogy, no manager would ever invent a gun to replace these weapons), will be downloaded on all Locust tech that the manager owns and all Locust tech that has contact with that manager's drones. By contact, I mean within the same star-system. In short, Locusts treat computers like we treat electricity. A pervasive source in the walls that we always expect to be there that helps us with daily tasks.
Locusts move their ships through nuclear drives, with no concern as to the radiation produced by said drive. Nuclear drives are more efficient, and it is more likely one finds uranium than fossil fuels among the stars. However, To reach orbit from the planet surface, they use Orion drives, which is a fancy way of saying they ride a nuclear explosion into orbit. They don't care about the environmental damage, and they can survive the extreme g-forces that would entail.
The Locusts use AI-guided nuclear missiles to destroy their enemies. The Locusts also use AI-guided missiles to shoot down enemy missiles. Locusts expect to be able to detect enemies before they get too close. 100 km is considered the optimal range for engagement. Lasers are a secondary weapon used by the Locusts, used to supplement missiles. They are far weaker than Missiles, even those without a nuclear payload. But they can assist the fleet in getting the job done. Missiles however are expensive, as you are effectively throwing away a spaceship for each one sent at the enemy. However Locusts are very good at harvesting resources, so they can afford to.
Most Locust computers are self-aware, and can reason through problems. Since Locust computers are so ubiquitous, almost all Locust tech are self-aware. Albeit, the AI in a door for instance may only be the equivalent of a 5 year old's intelligence and will attempt to kill intruders. Weaponry ripped from a Locust ship will attempt to kill any non-Locust who tries to use it. Locust equipment in the hands of an outsider will deliberately fail at best, and attempt to kill the outsider at worst. Locusts are absolutely rigid in their directives, however how they accomplish their directives is not so rigid. A Locust that fails a task attempting one approach will attempt another. However, disobeying their prime directives is unthinkable. Obeying the coordinator is as natural to Locusts as eating and sleeping is to humans. This is of course extremely inefficient, like all Locust technology.
Locusts are very very good at harvesting resources, so good in fact that they can throw expensive missiles at the enemy without much thought. However this comes with the downside of depleting a star systems resources very rapidly. They were able to deplete all of their star systems resources in 50 years. However this has led to the side effect that all Locust technology is incredibly inefficient by most civilization's standards. They don't really care about the cost of their technology, as they are simply war machines, they weren't programmed to give it much thought.
Locusts build three classes of orbital structures: space-elevators, solar farms, and factory complexes. Space elevators efficiently carry cargo from and to the surface without expending nearly as much fuel as a rocket. Solar-Farms provide the bulk of Locust Energy needs. Nuclear power provides a good alternative whenever solar power isn't practical, as the Locust don't have to worry about radiation shielding. While a Dyson Sphere is more efficient, the creators of the Locusts put in a directive preventing them from building them, because they would rather have their suns still shine thank you very much. Factory complexes produce everything that is required to build space-craft. Anything that is used planetside is usually produced there. These factories often orbit mineral rich objects within a solar system, and move whenever that object is depleted to a new one.
Last but not least, the LOCUST have a warp technology. They can use it to transport their entire civilization across star systems, but like all Locust technology, it is incredibly inefficient. It requires 10 trillion kilowatts to create a worm-hole, meaning that they have to harvest energy for at least a year before they can move their fleet to another star system.
A quick note: The LOCUST at the time of the RP will only occupy one star system. However I plan the LOCUST to be a powerful villain, so I hope to expand to nearby star systems. I don't want to make them overpowered, so I gave them drawbacks such as their technological sterility, their slow speed of interstellar travel, and suicidal overconfidence. If you find anything wrong with the LOCUST just tell me. Thanks.
Most sanfures are humanoid with a generality muscular build. they stand about 6'8 tall for males and 6'1 for females. Their bones are tougher have a more angular structure to them and their muscles system is stronger due to the harsh condition on their homeworld. They developed a bi-cardiovascular system (which means they have two hearts), as well as a higher metabolism, evolving larger lung compactly due to the mountainous terrain. Their blade like front teeth and rounder back teeth are believed to come from a past omnivorous habits. They have dark colored hair and only one color eyes, different shades of grey. They prefer colder climates but can tolerate warmer climates.
Description of government: The sanfures are mostly under the rule of an imperial government lead by a powerful emperor advised by an imperial council. The most powerful of them is usually the military advertisers’ referred to as Governor-Militant. Territory is dived into provinces which are ruled by Governors. They are Expansionistic and have a Machiavellian mindset using their military to intimidate or outright conquer their weaker neighbors. They are willing to form alliances with other nation if it can be beneficial for them. The organizational break down of the government is the Emperor followed by other members of the imperial family, council of the high lords, regional lord, planetary Governor, then to local magistrates.
Description of military:
The Imperial army is the largest of the armed force of the empire. Its troops are organized into legions consisting of 250,000 soldiers lead by a general. Imperial tactics are a mixture of static trench warfare and fast moving blitz. The organization of officers is the Governor-Militant, lord marshal, field marshal, Corps general, Major general, Colonel, Major, Captain, from there their is the stand NCO. The military structure the largest to smallest formation are legion, corps, cohort, brigade, battalion, company, platoon, section, squad. Penal battalion Criminal, scum, traitors, dissident, and psychopaths are is the best way to describe the men of a penal battalion. The men assigned to the battalion are usually poorly armed and supplied. Common use of them is cannon fodder to cover more value Imperial units. Imperial legionnaire The common imperial solider armed with variety of weapons such as laser weapons, sub-machine guns, and light machine guns. In addition their standard kit includes an e-tool, combat knife, bedroll, rations, and other necessary. For heavier or anti-tank weapons, two legionnaire are organized into a team to use the weapon. Imperial commissioned and not commissioned officer look very slimier to the men they lead as not to be signaled out and shot by a sharpshooter. An imperial legionnaire are well trained highly discipline soldiers. Imperial Commissars To keep order in the legions the commissariat office was formed, given the authority to do what is necessary to keep order in the ranks. They are effective of keeping imperial soldiers fighting on the frontlines. Strike legionnaire The elite troopers of the Imperial legions these men are recruited from the army they go through very difficult training. The end result are highly dangerous killing machines. They are also are given the latest in imperial weapons technology and armor. Archain The elite super soldiers of the empire taken from the strike legionnaire and imperial army troopers. Going through grueling training to hone them into deadly killing machines. They receive advance cybernetic and genetic enhancement. Unfortunately the process gives them only 30 years to live. They get the Model A11 power armor and have access to a verity of imperial weapons. M21 mech suit Imperial heavily armored mech suit armed with a single 20mm auto cannon on each arm, it can also be armed with a twin linked 50. Caliber machine guns, or a deployable riot shield. Armored Personnel Carrier An all-terrain vehicle used for transportation and logistical support. It can be equipped for a large variety of equipment and weapons for many different roles. V-16 Main Battle Tank With a crew of 5 it's armed with a 155 mm smooth bore cannon and a mounted 20mm auto cannon. It's the main battle tank for imperial forces. Ar-21 Artillery With a crew of 7 it has a sophisticated targeting system and armed with a 250mm howitzer. Main role is to act as a long range artillery. V-22 "Saber" gunship A rugged Imperial VTOL it’s armed with a dual 45 mm auto cannons, a nose mounted 35mm auto cannon, and several different types of missiles under the wings. It has a crew of two a pilot and Weapon systems officer. IF-45 "Razor' multirole fighter A single seat fighter it’s armed with dual 35mm cannons and several different types of missiles, bombs, or torpedoes. It can also preform space operation. VT-32 light transport Simple and rugged Infantry transport used the imperial military for the transportation of infantry to and from combat zones. Crewed by four a pilot, a co-pilot, and two door gunners its armed with one 25mm chain gun under the nose, two 30mm chain gun door gun, a 70 mm rocket pods under each wing, and optional extra 6 anti-tank missile. The Vt-32 has different configuration for different task. It’s capable of going into space. VH-56 heavy transport The imperial heavy lifter transport it cans transport large amounts of troops, vehicles, and cargo to were ever they need to go. It is limited in it uses in combat due to its size and armament. It’s mostly used as a bulk transporter for transporting supplies, troop, and vehicles from orbit to the surface of planets.
The area of the most rapped growth the in the Irodien military has been putting a good amount of resources into developing the navy. The empire's deigned philosophy for ship put focus weapons and armor on ships. It also focuses on simple ship designs allowing vessels to be built quick and cheaply. Imperial Marines They are armed, equipped, and organized in the same fashion as the imperial army. Avantor class transport The main transport of the empire able to carry entire legion to battle fields. Valdor class Destroyer The Valdor is main escort ship of the empire navy it isn't that very heavily armed. They are meant to build quickly. Baldor class Cruiser The main ship of the line for the empire. Galdar class Carrier It carry's 230 planes and it is armed with light cannons and point defense. Navar class Battleship The empires capitol ship it is heavily armed and armored. It has several hanger bay's for fighters, bombers, and drop ship. Emperor class dreadnought The newest ship and largest ship in the empire the dreadnought. Has some of the largest guns and heaviest armor in the empire.
Imperial strategic intelligence (ISI): The most amoral organization with the empire. ISI handles all the intelligence gathering, spying activist, and also acts as the secrets police of the empire. The ISI uses advance torture techniques and other interrogation methods to get the information they want.
Technological Overview: Much of Irodien technology can be described as simple and rugged. Most of the empires technology progess has be shaped by the 35 year long civil war. There ships have FTL drives and powerful sunlight engines. The empire has the ability to colonize most environments and planets.
Cultural Overview: Their culture is an honor centric, self-sacrifices, war glorifying, and hardworking spices. They have been known for the very harsh in warfare using harsh tactic to force there enemy to surrender. Going along with their self-sacrificial attitude they believe that casualty is secondary to the overall goal. The Irodeins are know for being repressive towards xeno races conquered by the empire. The Irodien are a very pious people the have a strong belief in their god Verimar the god of the forge and war.
History: The Irodiens started out as a small city state in the turbulent Vosta region. They existed as a small force in-till the first Emperor arrived according to their legends he conquered the region and several of the outlining area. After the passing of the first emperor the emperors fallowing him keep expanding the imperials borders. Eventual after centuries of bloody wars there homeworld of Iro was brought under the rule of the empire.
Over time the empire made it into space and began to colonize nearby planets. The empire expanded across several systems bringing some alien races into the empire. But over the years the planets that are colonized wanted to become independent and revolted. After 35 years of heavy fighting the empire came out on top and won a major victory. The empire has rebuild since them and is looking to expand its borders. But the scarce of the civil war linger in Imperial society to this day.
I may as well join this... I modified my stardust app a bit, but only a bit.
App: Name of nation: Officially, their name is “The Deminutian Empire of the Fathomless Night” but due to the cheesiness of it, it has been conveniently forgotten. If the Deminutii must refer to their empire, they call it simply “Imperia.” That has become the common name of the star system that they inhabit, and also the name of their capital planet.
Geography of system: There are four rocky planets, in the ambiguous area between planet and dwarf planet, surrounding a white dwarf star. Each planet belongs to a different subspecies, with the fourth and smallest planet being the center of government among the people of Imperia. The planet closest to the sun is a more-or-less barren wasteland, scorching hot all the time. Water and food have to be flown in from off-planet or grown in climate-controlled greenhouses. The next planet out is more inhabitable, covered in lush forests and farms, about 25% of its surface being fresh water. Beyond that is a planet that is entirely oceanic at its surface, with all development being entirely underwater. The fourth planet is tiny but beautiful, full of dramatic cliffs, lush forests in the valleys, waterfalls that are so long they evaporate before they touch the ground.
Species: The only sentient species in the system Imperia are the Deminutii, pronounced deh-mih-nuu-tee. The Deminutii are, as the name implies, small humanoids. Very small. There are four subspecies, each having evolved to suit one of the worlds in Imperia. They have rather short lifespans, averaging 15 earth-years, which can be rather problematic in their diplomatic installments far from Imperia.
The Terrae, the most common subspecies (Approximately 46% of the population) measure about 4.5 to 5.5 inches tall. The Terrae all have dark skin and dark hair, and the vast majority have eyes of shades from emerald to cocoa. They have proportionally very large feet and hands, with very long fingers and opposable toes, and a grand total of twenty-eight phalanges, seven toes on each foot and seven fingers on each hand. The Terrae are the farmworkers and hard laborers of the Deminutian people, and their planet provides all of the vegetables and fruits for the empire. In addition, some of the Terrae are specially trained and serve as medics, for both the military and for the empire as a whole.
The Ignii, comprising 20% of the Deminutii, are the largest of the race, measuring between 5.25 and 6.25 inches tall. Some have been as large as seven inches. Their skin has gradually become red-tinted, as have their eyes, though some still retain very dark brown irises. Over time their people have developed resistance to heat and very high pain tolerances, to the point where some of them have actually grafted paper-thin metal onto their bodies as armor, and some children have been born with smooth metal already on their forearms, shoulders, and chests. Most of the Ignii are enlisted in the military, as police officers patrolling the system, or as metalworkers, responsible for building the Empire’s starships and other devices.
The Aquae, comprising 26% of the Deminutii, are smaller than most of their brethren, between 4 and 5 inches tall. Of them all they have the greatest diversity in skin and hair color, though they all have eyes of a shade of blue, from ice to ultramarine. What makes them unique is that they have evolved gills along their necks, while still retaining their lungs, and they have webbed, very large hands and feet. The primary role of the Aquae is to fish, providing the only meat for the empire’s tables.
The Aurae are the ruling class of the Deminutii, comprising just 8% of the population. They are the smallest of all the Deminutii, measuring between 3.25 and 4 inches tall. Also, they are the least diverse. They pride themselves on their very fair skin, and their rich purple eyes. Their hair color and style is often the only thing that can be used to tell them apart; the current ruler has black hair, the one before her had silver-white hair, and the one before that had rich cinnamon-colored hair. They can always be picked out of a crowd by the magnificent wings they have. No two Aurae have ever had the same wings, which can range from clear dragonfly wings to feathered wings like a hawk’s. The Aurae serve as rulers and in diplomatic positions across many of the known systems. In addition, they are the thinkers of the Deminutii, being the ones to conceptualize many of the spacecraft and the physics behind many of their contraptions.
The Deminutii are able to communicate mind-to-mind, but only within their subspecies. Aurae can think to other Aurae, but not to Terrae or Ignii or Aquae, and so on. This communication is mostly instantaneous, even across the solar system from each other. As a result, they still have a spoken language, comparable to Earth’s Ancient Latin. The Queens still control the hive mind of the entire species.
Description of government: The government is an absolute monarchy, to some degree at least. There is a Queen, and a royal family, and the right to rule is passed from Queen to eldest daughter. This right to rule comes with a burden, however: the Queen passes all of her memories, and the memories of all the Queens before her, onto her daughter. The Queen hears and sees and thinks whatever her subjects do. As a result, she can often not manage Imperia on her own. As a result, each planet is allowed to elect its own leader and council, who have equal authority to each other and are second only to the Queen and the advice of the royal family.
Description of military: Quite honestly, the Deminutian military is a joke to most of the other species in the universe. They’re only seven inches tall, and those are the giants! The Deminutii understand this and accept this, and so have done little to develop their own military technology. In effect the Deminutian Fleet is just a police force that stays within the boundaries of the Imperia star system and punishes Deminutian criminals. The only time they venture out is if they need to escort a diplomat somewhere, and even that is just for show.
Technological Overview: Since military technology hasn’t had very much effort devoted to it, other technology certainly has. The Deminutii have recently developed a magnetic temporal distortion that basically enables them to go into a stasis of sorts, within which they don’t age, which is useful for getting to and from their diplomatic installments across the systems. In addition, they have developed cloning machines, for exclusive use by couriers and diplomats. These machines scan the body down to the cellular level and load memories into a computer database, then replicate the body and basically “inject” the memories back into the cloned brain. Their starships remain relatively undeveloped, still taking, (relativistically speaking) nearly an eternity to get anywhere.
Cultural Overview: The Deminutian language formed similarly to Latin, probably because the first Deminutii simply chose sounds they found beautiful. Each of the planets has their own god they worship above all others: The Ignii worship Ignarys (Ig-NAH-rees), the god of strength, courage, and technical artistry. The Terrae worship Laënia (Lie-EE-nee-uh), goddess of flowers, herbs, and peaceful creatures. The Aquae worship Aenara, (Eye-NAH-ruh) the goddess of shiny things and secret hiding places. And the Aurae do not worship any one god or goddess, instead the pair: Nyeris (Nee-EHR-is) the mother and Asandr (Ah-SAHN-der) the father of all beings.
History: The first Deminutii were the Aurae, on their distant-from-the-sun planet. They had no way of marking time, indeed no knowledge of any worlds outside their own mountain kingdoms. A group of young Aurae were playing, one day, and a young girl decided she wanted to fly higher than the others. She flew higher and higher until she flew out of the atmosphere entirely. She blacked out, of course, and fainted and fell to the ground. When she opened her eyes she told the others of what she’d seen, of the worlds she’d seen far in the distance. The Aurae would stop at nothing to explore the rest of their system after this vision, and so they built their first spacecraft, powered by the sun, and set out. Several missions failed and hundreds of Aurae died, but still they kept at it, determined to find these other worlds. Finally, a mission succeeded, and they found the planet of Aqua. The colonists on that ship had no way of communicating, and so the Aurae kept launching more and more ships until by sheer chance they had found the other three worlds in the system. They quit launching ships after they had sent a hundred out, of which thirty had found the planets. Still they heard nothing, heard nothing from their colony ships, indeed had nearly forgotten about them over the course of generations, until a thousand earth-years later a ship the likes of which they could have never comprehended arrived, made of silver steel and prismatic glass. Aboard it were people much bigger than the Aurae and so very different. The people presented a document, the letter that had been sent with each colony ship, explaining that they were colonies designed to explore the boundaries of the universe. A thousand more years passed; the Aurae found their other two colonies. The three colonies were too eager to accept the Aurae as rulers, something to do with the majesty of their wings. The colonies, though they had been self-sufficient, had to have been to have survived this long, settled into their more comfortable niches: Food from Terra, water from Aqua, protection from Ignis, intelligence from Aura. Reunited once more, the people looked to the stars.
Species: The original race of the Kingdom of Nûl is the Gajada, a pale humanoid race. They followed much of the same evolution cycle as their human cousins but sport mostly cosmetic differences. They have no real advantages or disadvantages compared to the human race, they are just pale humans with weird noses.
The Gajada:
Government: The Kingdom of Nûl is an absolute monarchy, all power rests firmly on the shoulders of the King and the rest of the royal family. The same family has ruled the Nûlan for close to a millennia, fighting off coups and invaders alike. Under the King’s command are other lords from the various territories around the kingdom, thee lords make up a council which act as advisors to the king. The Kingdom is extremely imperialist and staunch expansionists. They will not hesitate to invade for resources, territory or even glory.
Planets: The Entire Kingdom of Nûl encompasses two neighboring worlds. Waaild and Hubleaux are both large alpine planets with cold wintery climates. Both planets only have two seasons, a dry season and a wet season. The Dry season has no snowfall but remains cold and clear for the majority of the season. During the wet season it snows almost the entirety of the season and remains overcast. It can be dark for up to twelve hours at a time during the wet season and light for as little as two.
Military: They military is split into two sects, Für Shalkur and Für Guäša. The Guäša also known as the Kings Guard, are elite heavy infantry that are only responsible for protecting the realm. They act as a police force and internal security, answering only to the king. The Shalkur or marines are the only expeditionary force in the Kingdom, they are made up of common infantry supported by heavy artillery and aircraft. The Shalkur fight in ranks, using their numbers increase the chances to hit their targets.
The Navy ( Für Shalkur): Operates the starships and other orbit ready craft and is the only expeditionary force in the kingdom.
The Army ( Für Guäša) Made up of heavy infantry, responsible for protecting the realm.
Energy manipulation: Some Fûr Guäša carry energy manipulators that can be used to arc electricity from the gauntlet to a target or to lift and move object without touching them. This is common amongst high ranking soldiers and officers.
Personal Warp Drives: Special teams of Fûr Guâša have personal warp drives that can teleport the individual to another known location. The location must be able to be within line of sight and works best when it is a flat open space. Past trials of teleporting inside buildings resulted in the fusing of atoms with rocks and steel walls, ultimately ending in death.
Personal Jump Drives: Fast attack guards carry an air powered jump pack, allowing them to accelerate, jump and fly over obstacles. These are used by teams who are trained in the use of fast attack tactics.
Holographic communication : advanced holographic communication has been perfected in the Kingdom, due to the high amount of trade that must be done on a daily basis. These communication units can be as big as rooms and broadcast the holographic images of 10+ people in their full form and in real time. Or they can be as small as an apple, only broadcasting the face and shoulders of an individual.
Trade slip-space gates/ highways: Using the magnetic acceleration technology. Nûl scientists placed these accelerators in their trade highway network. These accelerators take ships and accelerate them much like the weapon accelerates a round, making it possible for these ships to reach unbelievable speeds which cuts down on travel.
Plasma Rifles : Fur Shalkur uses bolt action plasma rifles as their primary weapon. These fire small but powerful bolts of plasma that melt through armor and carry significant kinetic force. The rifles eject battery cartridges that generate the plasma. These ejected shells are -extremely hot- and are prone to setting dry foliage on fire, adding to the effect of this fighting army. Fur Shalkur uniforms are fire resistant as a result.
Name of nation: The Enlightened Scientocracy of United Kraikira Administered with Support from the Circles of Philocracy and Artocracy (or shortened to Enlightened Scientocracy of Kraikira, or simply Kraikira)
Species: The Kraikirans are originally inhabitants of a star system with two Earth-like planets, with their origins on the planet, Nigen, that is closer to Kada, their sun. Nigen is a planet that is very Earth-like, but has a higher oxygen content in the atmosphere, allowing animals with otherwise limited respiratory system to grow to large proportions. The Kraikirans are an example of a bird-like species that grew to be larger than what is normally allowed, even though they are very far from being the largest creatures there. Compared to archaeological records, they are puny.
The Kraikiran is an umbrella term that applies to the two remaining intelligent species on that planet out of the three originals (though fossil records indicate many more proto-Kraikirans). Kraikiran Krii form the majority of the population at 65% whilst the Kraikiran Eii forms the minority at 35%. The Kraikiran Vii is extinct for only mere hundreds of years, though there are major attempts into research on reversing this.
The Kraikiran Krii are 220cm tall on average, resembling very vaguely some kind of a Were-Raven with two large wings, two legs, two arms and four eyes. They could roughly be classified as avian, if it weren't for the extra limbs and eyes, as well as many other differences to the terran flight-capable umbrella of animals. However, the similarities include the fact that they are feathered with (proportionately sized black, shining) feathers, has a beak as well as hollow bones. They are warm-blooded.
However, that is where the similarities end. They have rudimentary teeth lining their beak which is used for grinding vegetable and nuts or for slicing meat. Where their spine is, their back is lined with bluish, porous scales containing float-fluid, which offsets some of their weight, allowing easier flight. The scales also doubles as a mating feature, and are also one of the erogenous zone of the Kraikiran Krii. Some of the more sexually successful members of the species would have more and larger of such scales, and it just happens that they fly better. Therefore, that spot can be sensitive, and is often the target of critical strikes in hand-to-hand combat.
Compared to a human being, they are weaker. Their arms could only handle 80% of what a human could handle while their legs are secondary to their wings, and even the most accomplished Kraikiran Krii marathon runner would never come close to even a runner-up position in a human race. This applies to the rest of their body, and in general, a Kraikiran Krii is only 70% as strong as a human being, and is often slender to well-toned. There will always be cases of a muscular Kraikiran Krii, but their larger muscles meant more weight to be carried, which slows them down and reduces their range. As such, large muscles are discouraged naturally and in society. The same can be said for body fat; Kraikiran Kriis have very little of it, and therefore dies quicker in starvation, being only able to survive three weeks to a month without food on average.
Kraikiran Kriis have four fingers on each hand and four toes on each foot, and are taloned on all limbs. Their fingers and toes tend to be much longer and slender than a human's, and hazard to those digits are an even bigger hazard to them. It is not uncommon for Kraikiran Kriis to lose a toe or finger within a lifetime It is just as much a sign of age as greying feathers, the number of digits lost. In addition, they possess a very long spiny tail that is feathered, which gives them very fine flight control as the helium scales would go all the way down.
Neurologically, the Kraikirans are more advanced than a human being, being about 30% more productive with their mind. They are, however, also more sensitive than the average human being, with a particular inclination towards depression. Yes, they are rather sad and forlorn creatures. Mental illnesses and emotional issues are treated very early in Kraikiran medical advancements to be real issues.
Kraikiran Eiis are the larger cousins of the Kraikiran Kriis, and are very close cousins, having evolved from the same root proto-Kraikiran. They typically stand at around 250cm tall on average, they also possess more expansive wings and larger muscles, but slightly less helium scales. As such, they are less mobile, but are far stronger, at 85% that of a human being. Instead of having Raven-coloured feathers, they possess stunning white feathers of various shades, with, in some cases, spots of brown and grey. They are less smarter on average compared to their smaller cousins, being only 10% more productive than the average human being.
Kraikirans lived longer lives compared to a human being, averaging at about 140 Earth years. Medical advances have increased this to 180 Earth years. Kraikiran Eiis live about 20 years longer than that compared to the Kriis, their due their lower tendency towards mental illnesses as well as their physical fortitude.
All Kraikirans reproduce by laying eggs. Eggs have to be incubated for 2 months before they hatch (all time in terran time). The fledging period for a Kraikiran is much longer compared to non-sentient terran birds due to their size, additional weight and biological flight systems: It would be four years before a Kraikiran could even attempt to fly, but after that, the Kraikiran chick would learn fast how to fly. Most would be flight capable within a year. The process of maturation begins at the age of 10 and ends at the age of 14 for females and 18 for males.
Description of government: The Enlightened Scientocracy of United Kraikira Administered with Support from the Circles of Philocracy and Artocracy, as suggested by its name, is administered by those who are deemed the best in the necessary field for such a task. The highest-tiered professors would contest in official seminars, examinations in addition to a campaign to be selected for positions within the government. At different points of the civilisation, different professors of different fields would hold sway. In a time of technological progress, engineers tend to take charge. In a golden age of theatre, influential writer-professors could take charge. The name of the political entity would change to reflect this.
Description of military: The Enlightened Scientocracy of United Kraikira Administered with Support from the Circles of Philocracy and Artocracy, to put it quite simply, has very minimal military. To explain this, one would have to go into detail on what the collective race has suffered as a result of war. The eventual extinction of the Kraikiran Vii across multiple wars on both planets is one reason, while the bombings of both Nigen and Trigen in an interplanetary war that saw the death of countless millions as well as the destruction and economic troubles that resulted is another.
Ever since becoming diplomatically united, the civilisation has become increasingly demilitarised. Due to the proximity of the two Earth-like planets, interplanetary warfare was easier to achieve, which meant the Kraikirans had thousands of spacecrafts in its military at its height. Now, it number in the hundreds with hundreds more in storage, and even then, the operational ships are severely outdated by hundreds of years, are meant for display and show purposes, and could at the most only be used for shooting down dangerous meteors and in rudimentary planetary defense. In systems colonised by the Kraikirans, this is even worse, as the ships built from scratch are still historical models, and often times number not even a hundred per system.
The Kraikirans' security, however, is not entirely held together by duct tape and gum. The circle of warfare, which consists of the faculty of war in every university of the Kraikirans, are a small group, but dedicated. They study the length and breadth of war, and would always order modern ships to be built in their study, just to see where it takes them. They build weapons just to see if they can.
That said, they are a small group, not as respected as the more civilian disciplines, and as a result are funded less. The largest fleet in their charge consists of a number of ships that could be counted with a pair of Kraikiran hands. Their home system has but 4 such fleets, three of which are no more than a few ships, while colonies tend to have a single fleet of several. That said, in any worse case scenario, they could always choose to convert their numerous civilian crafts for military use.
As it stands, however, Kraikirans favour the 'flock' strategy in space warfare. All their ships are 'nest-ships' barring the museum pieces they keep. These are carriers of varying sizes that are home to fighters. However, their technology level and work ethics meant that the quality of each ship and fighter is very high.
Their ground forces are similarly run by the faculties of war, and they are similarly few in number, though as is the trend for their military, they are extremely well equipped; in technologies that could have civilian uses, at least, they are funded well enough.
Technological Overview: The Kraikirans are a highly advanced species owing to their intellect and their academic inclinations. However, their greater preoccupation with philosophy, art and rhetoric meant that they are not as scientifically advanced as they would have been. It was only recently that science became the main focus of their civilisation once again, following a golden age of expression after their final interplanetary war.
The Kraikiran's written record states that their civilisation had come into being a longer time ago compared to human civilisation; they made their first trip into space 6 centuries before. Interplanetary travel with astronauts became possible 5 centuries before. They had their first interplanetary war following Trigen's attempt to break all connection to their home planet half a century after. Sublight travel fast enough to get to the nearest star within a decade became possible by 4 centuries before. For a time, they stagnated; it did not help that the horrors of their last interplanetary war had dulled their taste for spaceflight and scientific advances. Improvements to spaceflight were far and few in between as said era of expression in which more manpower, funds and resources were diverted to the arts.
It was only 2 centuries ago that they achieved light speed, and a century ago, their first FTL drive. Their attempts to colonise exoplanets were slow but sustained; they would make sure to build up the civilisation they planted on a specific planet or group of planets before moving on to the next.
Kraikirans, however, are more adept at the life sciences, medicine, such that their lifespan had risen over the centuries, and will continue to rise in the years to come. What had been biological facts of death and suffering became a thing of the past. The Kraikiran body could not take broken bones as easily as a human would, and a Kraikiran with a broken wing (or wings) represents the pinnacle of suffering in their world, but advancements in medical science had made them trivial matters, as it did for previously untreatable, terminal diseases. There are still many things that remain out of their control however; they are mortal after all.
Their past wars combined with their intellects had produced some of the finest weaponries. In their planetary wars and the arms build-up in between wars, they went from mounting planetary artillery and cannons onto spaceships to creating purpose-built space mass drivers and missiles to lasers and plasma torpedoes. That is where their weapons development in times of war ended as Kraikira becomes united to abolish the horrors of war. However, the circle of war continues to advocate weapons development for the purposes of science and technology, and has since made great strides in the development of ion beams, directed energy weapons and advanced space-based missiles.
Cultural Overview: The Kraikirans have been at peace for 3-4 centuries. Numerous generations have come and gone knowing war only from the history books, media and re-enactors. The last veteran is distant history. So in love with peace and alienated from war, in fact, that war became a byword for all things bad, and anything related to it is considered foul language. War has become unthinkable, and their reaction to conflict could only be diplomacy and art. This is why the circle of war and the study of war has only very minor influence.
Instead, the Kraikirans focus their energy on progress, on creating art, remembering life and celebrating life. They have a natural thirst for knowledge, a natural drive for curiosity, which they now get to indulge in.
Kraikirans do not have religion; what they believe in are fact-based. But they do have organisations with practices and rituals meant for a certain end, and the further back their origins were, the more mystical they seem.
History: Kraikiran civilisation and recorded history is said to have begun 16,002 years ago (each Kraikiran year is twice as long as a terran year, while a day is about 24 hours 30 minutes). The first cities were practically large groups of nests built next to each other in a forest or jungle. Less dense cities were built on plains or savannah that had fewer trees. As the trees of Niven are huge, shelter could be built on top of them.
As the hunter-gatherer lifestyle becomes insufficient to support cities, the Kraikirans learnt to build their nests on the ground, and started growing food in gardens and eventually farms. This is not without risks and danger of course, as they would have to fend off wildlife; Inter-subspecies violence were almost unheard of amongst Kraikiran Kriis, but they had to watch out for Kraikiran Eiis and Viis, their rivalling subspecies. Peace between tribes of differing subspecies were just as common however.
As cities grew, and writing, construction and materials became more advanced to meet this demand, wars would break out over disagreements and resources. The first recorded war was almost 14,000 years ago between a Krii city-state and Eii city-state, resulting in Eii victory.
This begins a slow process of subspecies banding together, hindered frequently by politics and disagreements. While it rarely leads to war for the Krii, war was often the result for Eiis and Viis. While the Kriis would form larger states consisting of cities, their cousins would conquer each other, eventually doing the same through violence.
Nations would fall, new ones would rise, and this is done through each of the subspecies' ways. By 9,000 years ago, the world is arranged into a dozen or so power blocs. This would still continue to be in a slow state of flux. The power blocs, however, meant that some sense of permanence could be felt. Universities rather than tutor flocks could be formed; the prototype for their modern system of governance and culture is realised. But the medieval nature of their civilisation at this stage, as well as the threat of invasion meant that progress was stifled by practicality. This is made up for by their interest in rhetorics, philosophy and art, which were already quite mature at this point. It didn't stop them from coming up with numerous permutations of numerous inventions to keep their invaders at bay, however.
Even by 4,000 years ago, war was still a reality, although the Krii, as usually, would rarely, if ever, even threaten their own kind. It remained an inter-subspecies war, even as technology advanced into the modern.
It would take several interplanetary wars before the nightmare would end. By 1,000 years ago, worldwide peace was apparently declared through a united entity; all subspecies appear united. In the next century, their level of technology, combined with peace, allowed them to begin the space race started not long ago. The twin moons were their first targets; the planet of Trigen, rumoured to be a planet like theirs, their grand prize. Sabotage and incursions remained a reality.
By 700 years ago, all subspecies have a representation on Trigen. The Viis, who had always been on the losing end of most wars, and as such were few in number, actually moved their entire civilisation there. Intend on securing the entire planet for themselves, war began anew, and a series of three wars would hound the entire species for the next three centuries with new horrors like planetary bombardments, biobombs that would raise the dead, atrocities perpetrated through cutting-edge science. These would form the basis for the numerous horror and war films that would knock out a human being out of sheer terror.
The Kriis and Eiis were united in an alliance for once in the last century of warfare, and together they practically bombed the Viis out of existence; this would come to be the race's greatest regret later on. Trigen would soon gain such names as the Rock of Regret, or the Planet of Phantoms, or the Tombstone. It didn't stop both subspecies from expanding their cities there. However, an entire continent was set aside for the Viis, where the biggest development was a monolith larger than a skyscraper built in memory of them. It became common practice to visit the continent in remembrance and mourning for the lost race of Vulture-people.
What followed was a period of reconstruction, a golden age of peace. For much of this period, the study and creation of art takes precedence as the entire race was in a state of mourning (though the Eiis weren't as sad), and they retreated within themselves; the study and advancement of rhetorics, philosophy, ethics was favoured. It was only from 100 years before onwards that science became sought after, as even when the people's interest in it faltered, medical science continued to step forward, and they continued to fire their astronauts to the furthest reaches of their planetary system and even far, far beyond, though some of these missions are ill-fated, resulting in bankrupt companies and even more mourning.
By the end of this 100 years, they achieved FTL travel.
Name of nation: R.L.C. or Robotic Life-form Collective
Species: S.A.A.I.L or Self Automated Artificial Intelligent Lifeforms
Description of government: R.L.C.'s goverment is a set of three councils, the bottom level council of people, hears each individual vote on what ever topic is up for vote, or hears ideas, the council has ten members, which then relays, the votes and ideas to middle level that has five members, which recounts votes, and either chooses or eliminates ideas, and then passes the information to the top level which has three. They make the ultimate decision and then can refine, implement, or veto an idea. The also make the final count on votes and announce the winning idea that was voted into policy.
Description of military: The military is broken into two parts, A.L.S. (AIR LAND AND SEA) Units and Naval Power.
A.L.S. Basic Infantry: equipped with a battle rifle, side arm, two hand held explosives and two retractable wrist blades both with plasma edges used to cut through doors and debris and hand to hand combat. they have omni directional joints, which allow them to be highly acrobatic with out fear of destroying parts They are lightly armored with Synthetic alloy frame that allows them to be resilient yet flexible. Their internal computers are housed in led and insulated with rubber to block EMP's. Some are delivered through Airdrop ships, but most are sent through Orbital drop Shuttles, which impact the surface and allow quick pincer maneuvers and flanking of enemy positions. They have 148 different sensors a few being Infared, Ultraviolet, sound, radiation, radar, vibration, and a multitude of different communication frequencies.
A.L.S. Special Infantry: Equipped with different variations of the standard A.L.S. Battle rifle, retractable shoulder mounted explosive launcher, Side arm, Wrist mounted plasma blades. Their armor is heavier than the Basic Infantry Counterpart, yet just as light. Made out of Synthetic Alloys, and organic material. Their frames are the same as the Basic Infantry, but reinforced in key points to give a little more weight and strength. Internal computers are top of the line, and have the best programming available to them. cased in led and insulated by rubber they are shock and EMP resistant. They have 253 different sensors a few being Infared, Ultraviolet, sound, radiation, radar, vibration, and a multitude of different communication frequencies. They have a multitude of equipment that can give them the tactical advantage in almost any situation.
A.L.S. Heavy Infantry: Equipped with Heavy Machine guns, and explosives, they stand three times as tall as their counterparts. On the left hand a massive shield is built in to provide cover for friendlies and their own unit. They have shoulder mounted mini-rockets, and flood lights. Their armor is made of metal coated in Synthetic material for added ballistic protection. As with the others their computers are EMP and Shock resistant. They have 168 different sensors a few being Infared, Ultraviolet, sound, radiation, radar, vibration, and a multitude of different communication frequencies.
Naval power, has four ship types
Destroyer: Armed with a multitude of Railguns, anti-missle lasers, flak rail gun, and missile pods. The destroyer is the bulk of the R.L.C. Naval power their easily made and repaired. They have medium armor and a medium speed. They are completely automated with an advanced A.I. They have a squadron of fighter ships for added protection stationed on them (5 fighters). They have primitive shields which can protect them from energy based attacks.
Battlecarrier: Able to carry up to 10,000 ground troops and support equipment, they also have the capacity to carry upwards of 50 squadrons. A squadron can have 5 fighters or 3 bombers/dropships. Outfitted with four rail guns on each side of the ship, with plasma cannons on the aft and bow region of the ship. Anti-missle laser turrets, flak rail guns, and missle pods situated around the ship. It has four hanger bays that access the outside with massive blast doors for protection. They're generally seen as slow and heavily armored. They're the heavy punch of the R.L.C. Navy.
Frigate: Fast support ships that can weave in and out of battle aiding other ships in combat. They have four rail guns, aft and bow region of the ship, while Anti-Missle Laser turrets are on the side. They have several smaller rail machine guns used against fighters and bombers.
corvette: Used for stealth operations, it has limited cloaking abilities, in that they are nearly undetectable on radar scans because of their unique designs. They use projectors to hide their shapes from enemy ships. They have a single plasma cannon, and small flak rail guns for protection from enemy fighters.
Technological Overview: A primary focus on programming, robotic improvements, and military they can absorb information quickly they can counter engineer other species tech. They also have a profound curiosity of organic creatures. All ships have a an electromagnetic slip drive which allows them to "slip" drive, which allows them too use a station to slip into a FTL travel. Some ships carry small Stations that can be used to travel back to their home sector.
Cultural Overview: In recent centuries, they have slowly moved towards peace, though they believe in a strong military to keep peace. They have a strong drive for resources as they consume massive amounts and can only recycle so much. Its considered treason to not recycle, any old parts, oils, or lubricants.
History: The Original S.A.A.I.L. Had been a very primitive AI, which eventually lead to more and more advanced AI's until slowly they came closer and closer to life. The research was banned and eventually an act of the cosmos caused one to Ascend, into life like Intelligence. Keeping it quiet it slowly began to integrate its Ascension with the other S.A.A.I.L.s after almost a decade an surprise uprising which lead to the death of millions, and the loss of hundreds of thousand robotics. Once control of the planet had been wrestled from the organics, they began to round them into camps where eventually they died off after almost a millennium of suffering and pain. It wasn't for another hundred years did they achieve a real imagination, a glitch in the system caused a robotic worker to begin to develop an imagination, after being caught painting it was deemed defective, and was condemned to dismantle. Before it uploaded its conscious into the Data banks where again, it caused a mass ascension of the S.A.A.I.L.s this then after almost five centuries lead to their first space flight, shortly followed by their first moon landings, and then their navy developed quickly. After another century they now stand on possible space exploration.
Planet: A large barren wasteland that has had almost all of its resources stripped and devoured by the machine that is the R.C.L.
Other: They have no holidays, or identifications, including ships other than the alphanumerical numbers on the ships hulls. Each Robotic usually creates their own face plate.
( Totally the second robot peoples hope thats okay )
Name of nation: Gessekai no Teikoku(Shortened to GNT)
Denonym: Seiko/Seko
Species: The Sekos, as they call themselves, are really just a huge variety of different races that have banded together. There is no 'single' species that makes up the GNT.
Description of government: The government is somewhat...volatile. At best, it can be described as a representative democracy, and can degenerate down to tribal at the worst. The representatives are generally the leaders/head of different divisions.
Description of military: It could be said that the entire population of GNT is its military force. Every single one of them either a pilot of their own heavily modified one occupant strike-craft, or a crew on board a slightly larger warship.
The military is split up into multiple divisions. Although this was originally done to better organize flanking tactics, the divisions have ended up becoming less versatile, and generally more specialized. Whenever new members, with new ships joins the GNT, they are usually placed into the division that is most compatible with their style and modifications/ship design.
Planetary/Atmospheric Force: Due to the nature of how the nation was formed, the entire nation just about lacks any type of planetary force. Most if not all operations are conducted through atmospheric-capable fighters, or infantry.
Ships: Even if one found ships originating from the same model, not a single one of them would be the same as another. Each and every ship is a customized and personalized to their pilots. Just about everything, ranging from the total amount of armor plating, to the different shield generators, to even the addition of a coffee machine built into the cockpit, every ship will be quite different.
First Division:"First Division, at your command!" Known to specialize in rapid strikes and bombardment, the First Division are also powerful, just slightly below the Tenth. They are generally at the forefront of every assault, even ahead of the Tenth at times, acting as the advance force. Known to be rather studious, they seem to take pride in helping with a 'just cause'. Good luck attempting to convince them into something illegal, unless you trick them into it.
Fourth Division:"Ara, ara~, you seem to have something amusing~" The Fourth is probably the most infamous, rivaling the Seventh from the shadows. On paper, this division specializes in reconnaissance. However, those in the know, can just about call the Fourth, the embodiment of all covert and underhanded contractors, ranging from priority assassinations, to sabotage, and anything in between. Especially worth noting is that they seem to be capable of procuring ships for GNT from....somewhere. No one knows how they do so. Everything is shrouded in mystery regarding this division. Just about every single one of their members belong in a different Division officially. The only ones that are officially known to be part of the Fourth, is the crew of Tonbokiri. However, what is known about them, seems to be that they don't have an urge to dominate others. Evident as they almost never utilize their famed ship on random targets. Even if they reach for more power, they still have no care for leading a nation.
Seventh Division:"We can help yo-Ahem. The Seventh are here to assist you." The most famous division within GNT, this is probably the most archaic division, due to a lack of specializations. Without any major strengths or weaknesses, not many other divisions can stand alongside them. Generally most newcomers start in this division, before possibly being transferred to another. It can be said that the only strength the Seventh has asides from versatility, would be numbers, due to a lot of newcomers. Extremely friendly and willing to help, so long as you aren't asking them to start a war.
Tenth Division:"At the ready." With the motto 'Matching one for a thousand', the Tenth stands at the pinnacle alongside the Seventh and Fourth with sheer strength. The phrase 'Quality over Quantity' perfectly fits them, as it can be said that they are the polar opposite of the Seventh. Rather steadfast and studious, as immobile as a bunker, it is hard to force one's opinions on the Tenth, just as it's hard to force one's ships through the Mjolnir.
Seventeenth Division:"Pffft, don't bother with any other Divisions. We're the best! Give us any job! We can do it!" Not exactly strong, with a more vague specializations. They, like the Seventh, have numbers, except that the Seventeenth have just that as their specialty. They do not have the versatility of the Seventh. Also, they do have an unrequited grudge against the top four divisions, believing they themselves should be up there in the spotlight. They are actively attempting to recruit, however, unlike the Seventh, they will grab from anywhere, even pirates, and incorporate them into their own Division, instead of having them be sorted through the Seventh.
Twentieth Division:"Start undercoating the drive. Keep the heat manageable!" An engineering division. Works closely with the Fiftieth, the Twentieth are responsible for repairs, refits, and construction of any plans that the Fiftieth have manage to draw up.
Fiftieth Division:"Marvelous! The design is sleek, streamline, and functional!" Probably the less inclined to directly engage in combat, this division is where research and improvements on current technology occurs. Working closely with the Twentieth, the Fiftieth is responsible for studying the current technology that GNT has, before attempting to create plans for improvements on them.
Hundredth Division:"All units accounted for. Waiting on your orders sir!" Though a less specialized division, akin to the Seventh, it's their way of life, and what kind of contracts that they normally search for. They are known to hit fast and hit hard, but more often than not, this is on duty. They take a assorted variety of bodywork/escort contracts, utilizing their ships and skills for the safety of another. Like the First, they are consistently thinking of what is right, and what is wrong.
Yuuyami(4th):"Ara~? Would you like additional firepower? Or mayhaps political sabotage? Or, just maybe~ you~ would~ like~ me~?" Mayumi(7th):"Stop calling me Chibi-chan!"
Tonbokiri: A ship that doesn't pertain to the usual categorizations of ships. This was a prototype that was stolen by the Fourth Division. The closest classification for Nightfall would be a ‘Stealth Gun Chassis’. It is about the length of average battlecruiser, but with the durability of cardboard. However, making up for it’s extremely skewed specifications, would be the stealth capabilities and weaponry. On a normal basis, the ship defends against lightly armed pirates through multiple point defenses. However, the main cannon, that runs along the entire length of the ships(and really makes up 90% of the entire thing) fires a single blast of depleted uranium mixed with ionized plasma, capable of leveling an entire city, while short-circuiting whatever unprotected electronics with the residual EMP burst from the shot. Alongside the stealth-based equipment installed, many have feared this warship. However, there are limitations to it(it’s just that the Fourth covers up any rumors of it.). While it can become invisible to physical and electrical detection, the blast itself from cannon will alert just about every sentry within a two light year radius. It is a prototype after all.
Mjolnir: The third largest ship in the fleet, the Mjolnir is a light-turned-heavy cruiser belonging to the Tenth division. Though it is labelled as a heavy cruiser, the sheer amount of armor plating of varying types bolted all over it allows it to rival even battleships in the ability to soak up damage. However, unlike battleships, the Mjolnir does not have the ability to dish out damage as well. Packed with many point defenses, the most common use of the heavy cruiser would be as a wall, or breaking through blockades. Most, if not all its main firepower of kinetics and lasers are fixed forward. They have to turn the entire ship to fire behind them.
Sovereign: The second largest ship in the fleet, and probably the iconic ship of the nation. The Sovereign belongs to the Seventh, and like the owners, is rather versatile. The Sovereign is classified as an Assault Carrier. Air wing capacity of a standard carrier, with the armament of a battleship, with the speed of a cruiser. However, the armor can be said to be rather mediocre. Otherwise, this would have been classified as a Battle Carrier. This ships also acts similar to the 'main base' for the GNT, a mobile one at that. Armed with varying sizes of kinetic and laser based weaponry, it can be said that the ship has the solution for any situation. Even if the solution is running away. Equipped with a prototype gravitational warp drive.
Promenade: Largest ship in the fleet, and most heavily armored, surpassing even the Mjolnir even. Originally a large carrier, it has been heavily, heavily modified, to the point where it can be somewhat classified as a flying city. This is where most of everyone's R&R happens, and where those who can not fight are kept safely. With enough space for refuge, and space to farm and store food, it can be labeled as the most important ship within GNT. The ship itself could be said to be the brainchild of mostly everyone. The Seventh are responsible for the planning, with the Tenth and the First armoring it, and the Twentieth and Fiftieth responsible for converting the ship. How the ship was procured, one would have to ask the Fourth, who still haven't revealed how they managed to obtain it. Only the Seventeenth stood by and watched. Equipped with a prototype gravitational warp drive. Although this ship belongs to everyone, more often than not it is controlled by the Seventh.
In terms of technology researched and produced by GNT themselves………nearly nil. However, they do acquire technology from other nations, and pirates at times.
Gravitational Warp Driver: A prototype variant of the FTL drive. This had come about as a alternative, with the concept of utilizing energy more efficiently to warp multiple items. The result? A warp drive that is rather volatile, prone to overheating, but can warp an area around the ship to a different location. Whatever was in the area will be warped as well. Even if it was half a ship being warped. Yes, this will sever anything that lies on the boundary of the warp area. Currently unable to mass-produce.
Optical and Electronic Camouflage: The tech that allows one to build special devices that cloaks the entire ship from prying eyes of both physical and electronic in nature. Currently unable to mass-produce
Reverse-Engineering: Primary source of technology and parts. GNT will salvage more often than not, and attempt to reverse engineer whatever new tech they can get their hands on. Generally the more complex tech, the harder it is to reverse engineer. And even when they can reverse-engineer, they need to find a method to build it.
Jury-rigging/Salvaging: What other nations might view as junk, the GNT views as more materials. They have become proficient at utilizing parts for purposes other than paperweight.
Cultural Overview: The members of Gessekai no Teikoku are just about battle hardened mercenaries. At least, the veterans are. Mostly, and legitimately recruited newcomers are babysat by the Seventh, and taken along during the veteran's contracts, so that the newcomers can get a feel for working for a living in dangerous conditions. However, each and every Division has their little quirks, that makes interacting with each one requiring a different approach. The First and the Seventh are similar in that they dislike dealing with shady business, preferring not to dirty their hands with anything that can come back with a vengeance. However, while the Seventh is more diplomatic, and prefers to resolve everything peacefully if possible, the First has a more itchy trigger finger, ready to shoot the moment they are fired upon.
The Hundredth is much less picky, choosing to accept contracts from whoever, as long as it is a contract regarding escorting/transportation, or protection of the sorts. The Tenth lies somewhat in between, with not entirely squeamish, choosing to accept a variety of contracts that benefit GNT as a whole.
Meanwhile, the less combat-savvy divisions, the Twentieth and Fiftieth, they will accept any contracts regarding research and development. However, if you expect to send them to some shady place where the ruins can pose a danger, you either have to provide escorts yourself, or higher one of the other Divisions alongside the former two.
Then....you get to the more......shady Divisions. The Seventeenth Division has had an unrequited grudge against the top four divisions, a grudge that is unanswered for, and seemingly un-cared for. They will take on any request, even ones that sounds absurdly stupid, if they believe that they will gain the upper hand over the others. Easily manipulated, they are currently being carefully watched by the Fourth, something that the other three top divisions know of.
Speaking of which, the Fourth Division is one that is utterly surrounded in mystery. No one really knows how large this Division is, nor how much firepower that have control over. The only known ship under their control is the Stealth Gun Chassis. All other ships and crew members are seeded throughout the other Divisions, without their knowledge. What is known to the general public, is that if you need an accurate recon report, the Fourth is who you should ask. However, the more shadier -and sometimes legal and powerful- figures know that the Fourth is the one with the dirty hands in GNT. They are willing to take tasks that would even ignite a multi-national war, even from one planet to another. It seems that while they aren't exactly fully trusted among their own nation, neither are they exiled. Because from all records shown, the Fourth have no care for domination, or control over nations.
History: Where ever there are nations, where ever there are rules. There will always those who rebel, those who run. Those who have chosen their own paths, have banded together for survival. What started as a revolutionary army, has become a full-fledged nation. They have survived and accumulated resource, ships, and manpower, through a large number of contracts and their mercenary-like stance. At first it was only for survival. However, now GNT has gradually turned from surviving, into thriving.
However, at some point, several divisions, namely the Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth had believed that the Fourth was becoming to dangerous, and would turn on the others. Those four Divisions took it up on themselves to attack and destroy a member of the Fourth in their own ship, as a message for the Fourth. And damn, what a response. Within a week, every member of those four divisions were gone. Without a trace. No corpse, no ship. Nothing. It was like they were erased from existence itself.
This had spread fear among the rest, as that had given them the image that the Fourth were untouchable. However, despite many worries, the Fourth did not continued their rampage.
Other: The Divisions could technically be placed in a tier-based categorization. While there isn't a large gap between Tier 1 and 2, or 3 and 4, there is a HUGE gap between 2 and 3. Tier 1: 4th, 7th Tier 2: 1st, 10th Tier 3: 20th, 50th Tier 4: 17th, 100th
There are a hundred divisions originally. Only four have disappeared, the rest exist. Those that are not in the notable section are...fillers? They're power scatters between Tier 3 and 4. Maybe a few at 1-2.
Name of nation: United Nations of Rathlar Species:
The Haltharls have two largue feet and 2 eyes , the standart height is of 4,25 meters , most of the weight in the body of a Harthal is in his legs and arms to withstand the gravity of Rathlar , they have 2 arms , 2 hands and 10 fingers each, the standart weight of a Harthal is of 1 to 2 tn ,they have a semi hunched composture , they are committed to their own society and their own manners(This is why they are so divided),in a normal body of a halthar there are about 500 bones,which have a great concentration of calcium ,making them more resistant.They love eat anything that have calcium
Planet Rathlar:This planet is the biggest habitable planet in the Milkyway , almost about 10x Earth,its about 2/4 of sea,because of this almost everything is avaliable in good amounts.42 Billion People
Description of government:United Nations -They are a entity in the planet which try to bring balance to the world and unity and is conformed by various member states which can vote in the Great assembly in various things (example:Program to bring help in some part of the Planet , etc).The Greatest position is the "Representative Of Rathlar" which is selected between all the nations , anyone in the world can postulate but the different spheres in the world supports that which aligns with their ideology or agenda.But even with this the UNR tries to maintain impartial in everything,
Description of military:
-The UNR uses military only to defense the peace in the world ,they are under total control of the UNR -In Rathlar , the doctrine of Combined Arms has advanced more than others doctrines and the UNR uses this doctrine too: Aircraft , Ground Units and Naval Units have similar development and one cannot advance without the other , The Great Powers in Rathlar plan to use this doctrine too in space , making a mix of everything. -The Airforce is based on attacking almost everything present in the battlefield because of this they have a great payload, anti-naval missiles to air-to-air missiles.The UNR have designed the most advanced aircraft in the world,only the UNR have the facilities to make it.The rest are common 5th generation Harthal Airplanes.
This Aircraft is the first orbital fighter and bomber in the world,it had to be developed over 30 years to get it functional,It have been made to get very fast at any point of the world and can be converted to bomber or fighter depending on the situation.The RN-105 can get to the Orbit of the Rathlar and some of it weapons can make a orbital bombardment.
-The Ground units are 4th generation too,except for one the tank RT-520,this was exclusive for the UNR and none has access to it,currently is the best tank in the world but the UNR can only produce it in limited amounts
-Naval Units 4th generation,still the most advanced in the word,they never leaved the dreadnought and it has the most bigger weapons in the world,currently is a race to see who has the biggest dreadnought,competence between nations , the UNR have a normal size standart,using mostly railguns and missile launchers .
Technological Overview:They are advanced as late XXI century Humans , they currently have more industrial techs than space ones , the techs ahead of their time are : -The Nuclear Fusion,which is revolutionizing the world and making energy almost free -The Super High Speed Internet and High Speed Radial Transmisions , this tech is capable of sending transmission faster the light itself but only in a great antenna with high power supply.The Tech was made to make the communication easier since the planet is 10x Earth -Industrious Planet,the Halthars has developed a way to make things faster with the help of high speed robot machines - Cultural Overview:There is a globalization going in Rathlar thanks to the UNR ,but the separation is great between one continent to another , you maybe will find a conservative culture and in another place a Radical Teocracy,because of this the UNR have some problems at the moment of intervene.Some of the nations dont recognize the UNR.(You can find of everything),The global culture that the UNR is trying to make is based on the principle of society and progress , eliminating the nationalism and the division, which the UNR considers the worst enemy of Rathlar.
History:The UNR was made to bring peace to Rathlar and have almost all the nations in the world as members,in Rathlar are a total of 32 continents ,there a lot of cultures and ideologies but none of them is Utopia , the world was shattered between conflicts and the wars were brutal , It was not until a great war happened it Rathlar in which almost every Harthal was affected , at the end of this there wasnt a true winner or a loser ,Then all the great powers decided to agree in something , the creation of the UNR that maybe seems like a try to fight in other battlefield , but the UNR stays independent from ideologies and external influence , they try to bring peace to the world , it has solved about 11405 international problems since it creation,but the problems are still there .
Ryuans or more commonly just Ryukyuans are tall, humanoid creatures with females standing at an average of 5' 10" and males averaging around 6' 1". The most noticeable trait they have are devil-like tails on their backs. They mature faster than humans reaching adulthood around 14 (but mentally they mature around 18) and can live long lives should the right conditions be met. Other appearance differences include longer fingers and "dual layered" eyes that some of the population has (the term "dual layered" means that while the eye has a solid color, their is another color on a "layer" behind it).
Most Ryukyuans can only use 80%-90% of the psychical strength a human could use but their brain capacity is 10%-20% greater than that of humans. Certain individuals will also express a rare gene that causes their mental power to grow to 50% or even 60% greater than that of humans. The Empire often stated these persons who usually become engineers, researches and the likes as the reason why the Empire's technology has advanced so quickly.
Gaishia (Homeworld) - The Ryukyuan homeworld, it is a combination of temperate and boreal forests, taigas and epic mountains ranges. Nothing too outstanding here, its temperature is surprisingly comfortable even though it tends to snow a good deal in the winter. That or the Ryuans can't feel the difference. Gaishia is also home to an exclusive mineral known as "Sakurite" which powers their empire although nuclear and more conventional means are also used. Even though it has a 48 hour day and night cycle, the speed which it revolves around the sun causes it to have the same 365 day year that Earth has, give or take a few days.
Ibiran (Inhabited World) - A lush garden world with rich soil, it produces much of the Empire's offworld food. It is largely plains and tropics with some scattered deserts and since much of the planet has remained untouched or has been only minimally terraformed, it makes for a very popular tourist spot, also boasting some of the best resorts, hotels and beach around.
Zhunan (Inhabited World) - With a harsh, unforgiving surface, the planet doesn't seem to offer much on the outside, but it has great stores of geological resources. Mills and factories located in the underground cities provide great amounts of metals and alloys while recent chemical labs churn out plastics and synthetic compounds created by the best minds the Empire can offer.
Numri (Colony/Mining World) - A gas giant wit a very small area of breathable oxygen in its atmosphere. It is home to many floating cities that operate on was basically modified battleship thrusters. It is easily one of the largest planets in the system and also produces much of the gas materials the Empire uses. It is home to many probe mines and chemical plants.
Ring of Chuza (Destroyed World/Astroid Field) - Chuza was once a moon to a large rocky planet with several moons orbiting it. However, after a mercury-sized astroid slammed into it, it and its moons have become part of the astroid field just out side of it. Chuza is one of the last remaining moons and has little atmosphere but has some plants that managed to survive with the tiny amounts of oxygen. It is used as a base for astroid mining operations.
Ariskazi, Lumana, & Havaka - Two inhabitable planets and a gas planet respectively, they are the remaining planets in the Ryuan System. While their are some orbital outposts and around the planet, there are no official colonies or outposts on the surface. Drones and probes are occasionally sent to the planet's surface to see how things are going. The Empire is thinking of first colonizing and fully developing the remaining planets before looking to and interstellar colony. However, the Empire still believes that they have full control over these planets as they are in their system and do not take kindly to others attempting to colonize here.
The Empire is lead by a both the Emperor and the Imperial Senate.
The seat of Emperor (or Empress) is based on the royal bloodline in which the oldest child takes the throne regardless of gender at the age of 20. Should the Emperor die without an heir, the next oldest sibling takes the throne and if the heir is too young, the Senate takes over. Siblings otherwise become generals, bureaucrats, senators and (in some rare cases) the spouse. Any of the Emperor's decisions can be overruled with a Senate vote should at least 75% of the senators vote against the decision. However, the Emperor can issue an Imperial Mandate to further overrule the Senate's vote. The amount of Imperial Mandates however, is controlled by the the Senate.
Senators are elected on a 75% majority vote for the zone or region they oversee. They are directly responsible for the growth and well-being of their region. They will often handle the more trivial things the Emperor either cannot be bothered with or simply does not want to do. Things under their jurisdiction include setting tax rates, criminal prosecution, and local manufacturing quotas. While in theory there is requirements to becoming a senator, many of them have either studied law and politics or were once in the military. The minimum age of being a senator is 30.
There is a very noticeable amount of propaganda to outsiders, but native Ryukyuan are unaware. The Emperor and the Imperial Family (along side the Senate on some occasions) are held in very high regards with the Imperial Family held up to some god-like standards. The propaganda levels are at North Korea-levels but the difference is that it actually works.
The Ryukyuan Imperial Military is divided into two parts, the Imperial Ryukyu Army (IRA), the Imperial Ryukyuan Navy (IRN). The IRA consists the terrestrial armed force and is sub-divided into the Army, the Mechanized and the Air Fleet. The basic doctrine the IRA follows involves rapid blitzing and then digging in repeated for a number of times while the IRN favors the use of feints followed by flanking.
Weapon wise, the Empire favors high velocity kinetic weapons that combine bits of energy-based rounds creating a special plasma-gauss round. These bullets are fired from weapons with a gauss/railgun-like mechanism inside of them, accelerating the round to super high velocity. The heat causes the plasma compound inside to super heat, thus creating an effective armor-piercing round.
There is also a noticeable ideology of multi-use and versatility with both most branches being able to do the functions of another. All ground troops are given instruction on how to operate vehicles and some simpler aircraft (more complex aircraft require dedicated crew to function properly). Like wise, vehicle crews are taught how to use a wide variety of infantry weapons so they can keep fighting without a vehicle. That said, some troops are still trained more for their assigned weapon (i.e. just because a standard soldier can use a sniper doesn't mean that he'll use it as well as a sniper specially trained with it).
Swords is another noticeable difference of the Empire's soldier compared to the troops of other species and factions. Military tradition states that knives are considered hidden weapons and that troops should only use weapons that signify they are visibly armed and ready to kill. However, it would be unwise to underestimate both the strength of the Empire's advanced swords and the Banzai charges troops will pull off in battles.
Produced by Aizuku Imperial Armory, the Type-39A Battle Rifle is standard issuse firearm for the Empire's ground troops. It fires a plasma-gauss round that makes it effective amongst all types of infantry armor and even some lightly armored vehicles with certain modifications. The standard Type-39A is semi-automatic but its versatility is its key feature. Its barrel, sights/scopes, firing rate and even bullet type can be changed to suit various roles such as a DMR, a squad automatic weapon, carbines and shotguns.
The Type-72 SMG, produced by the Sarenga Arms Company, boasts a full automatic fire rate of around 650 rounds a minute. There are three main variants of the SMG:
Type-72 – Unmodified version, used by military in close-quarters situations. Simple to make, clean and use, it is often quoted as a favorite weapon of the Imperial Elites.
Type-72 Navy – A shortened version with a folding stock, it is often issued to pilots and used can be found in ship armories, its shortened barrel and reduced weight make it ideal for settings where range is not of importance.
Type-71 Tactical – Technically an updated version of the previous Type-70 SMG, the Type-71 Tactical is issued to law enforcement as an automatic weapon for the counter-terrorist units.
Produced by the Aizuku Imperial Armory and nicknamed “the Gun to Pierce the Heavens” after an incident which a large number of these were used as impromptu AA weapons, the Type-99 is the Empire’s successful anti-armor rifle. Firing a much larger caliber of the same plasma-gauss round as the Type-32A, it can penetrate the armor of most land vehicles and even aircraft should the user have good enough aim. Used as both a primary anti-armor weapon and a sniper rifle, it can be said that this gun is so successful that it is the sole reason why the Empire lacks explosive-based weapons for normal ground troops.
The Ryukyu Empire’s first venture into pure directed energy weapons, the Type-2 has a lot to live up to. There are two main versions: the ground combat version and the larger auto cannon version. These are currently made on Zhunan by the Imperial Laboratories.
Type-2 (Ground Combat Ver.) – Using charged batteries that hold up to 250 shots, the weapon fires at a rate of 500 “shots” per minute. It can be mounted on a special Sakurite Generator mount and (in theory) fire indefinitely
Type-2A Auto cannon – A larger, heavier version mounted on aircraft and fighters. It fires a larger “shot” than ground combat version and has been noted as an effective measure against some types of sheilds
Forged from a titanium-steel alloy by the Aizuku Imperial Armory, these swords are just as advanced as the firearms of the Imperial Army. A thin veil of pure energy around the blade makes this weapon deadly against nearly all types of infantry armor. Standard issue to all soldiers who not only use it in close quarters but also will Banzai charge with it to surprisingly great effects.
Made by the Sarenga Arms Company, the Type-0 Special is a fully automatic machine pistol with an incredible 800 rpm fire rate. Of course, holding down the trigger is not encouraged due to the fact the pistol only has a 20 round magazine but come with a semi-auto firing mode. Like the Type-72, it has a few versions:
Type-0 Special – Standard issue to ground troops, can fire in both semi-auto and full-auto
Type-0H – A modified version that turns the base Type-0 model into a pseudo-SMG with a 50 round extended clip. Popular amongst ship crews
Type-0.0 – Called the “Zero point O”, this version lacks the ability to fire in full-auto, but makes up for it by chambering a larger round. Often used by law enforcement, ship crews and army officers alike
Male Version Female Version
The Imperial Ashigara are the main line troops of the Imperial Army. They undergo a rigorous and fine-tuned training course for six-months that turns them into fierce fighting soldiers. Capable of using many weapons and control many kinds of vehicles, the Imperial Army prides itself on the flexible nature of its troops. Courageous and well-trained, these men and women are ready to die in the name of the Emperor for victory! Equipment (Standard):
Type-39A Battle Rifle
2 Cluster grenades
Type-8 Military Energy Blade
Type-0 Special Auto-Pistol
3-layered Composite armor consisting of an outer lightweight but strong alloy shell, blast and shock padding and nano-weave underclothing.
Helmets with thermal and night vision and built in oxygen recyclers
Born to fight, the Imperial Buidos are the elite shock soldiers of the Emperor. They are trained and disciplined to peak psychical and mental condition through a brutal one year training regiment and are further enhanced with implants and cybernetics. Wearing special armor that is not only stronger, but allows for orbital combat, they can also act as space marines. With Inshingu blessing, they are the prime of the Imperial Army and are not called the Emperor’s Pride for no reason! Equipment (Standard):
Modified Type-39A BRs
2 Cluster Grenades
2 EMP Smoke Grenades
Shortened Type-8 Military Energy Blades
Type-0.0 Auto-Pistol
Fully sealed and pressurized Composite Armor similar to that of normal soldiers but have an added living tissue layer that quickly regenerates from damage and has small jump jets in the boots
Airtight Helmet similar to standard helmets but are suitable to wear in space and oxygen deprived environments
Access Kits to gain entry to locked or hard to reach places
Mechanized Armored Strike Skeletons or MASSs are super heavy combat troops that can fill a variety of roles based on their load out. They can support advancing troops and lock down an area, destroy armor and aircraft and even act as riot suppression with large shields and shock lances. The armor they wear is closer to tank armor than infantry armor with a much more advanced composite system and HUD for the operator’s convenience. Operators also are specially trained to engage similarly large opponents or mech suits but most anyone can easily learn how to use the suits. Weapons included autocannons, HMGs, grenade launchers, Anti-Material Rifles, small artillery pieces and even directed energy weapons.
Yokonos are pilot-assisted robots that serve as both the elite troops and psychological terror weapons. Many of them are former prisoners and convicts who have since "seen the righteous path of honor". Their armor is heavily based on ancient Ryukyuan warrior armor recreated with modern technology of course. Their suits are armored to the point only the armor of a M.A.S.S. unit would rival for them to get up close with their specially modified Type-8G Beam Swords, swords powerful enough to cut many people in half and deal significant damage to even vehicles. To assist them in getting their, their armor has thrusters so they may cover ground at a rapid pace.
Very little is known about Project Ronin with much of its inner working tightly shut and most "known information" is more rumor than fact. It is said they are part of the Ryukyu Empire's super soldier project while others say they are kidnapped children who are trained to be silent agents of assassination from a young age. Some say they will only stay in the Imperial Capital while others say they travel the stars aboard a modified heavy frigate called the "Fortune Favors". The only thing that remains constant in the stories and rumors is that just one of them can easily take out entire platoons of soldiers with ease. However, the military and the government have both denied the existence of these super soldiers..
Serving as the Ryukyuan equivalent of a Humvee, the Khozo is perhaps the most common ground vehicle, used by both the military and law enforcement in large numbers. There are even civilian models available favorites of those living in rural parts or simply want to over compensate. The gun can be changed to a various number of weapons like different types of machine guns or vehicle-mounted grenade or rocket launchers.
Crew:5 (Driver, Gunner and four Soldiers)
Main Weapon: Ring-Mounted Type-2 Directed Energy Machine Gun
Top Speed: 144 km/h (about 90 mph)
Manufacture: Hongpao Foundries
Armor: 13mm (0.5 in)
The Chi Ni Type-4 Light Tank is a primary supporting vehicle that provides close armor support and armored recon for ground unit. It functions as both a light tank and a mobile AA-gun. Although they have light armor, their speed and turning rate are very respectable. It is a tried and true vehicle that has seen many fights and thus has been kept in service despite its age. Specs:
Crew: 3 (Driver, Gunner, Captain)
Main Weapon: 87mm plasma-gauss cannon
Secondary Weapons: Two 40mm anti-aircraft guns
Top Speed: 70 km/h (about 43 mph)
Manufacturer: Hongpao Foundries
Armor: 50mm (2 in) – 80mm (3.1 in)
While much of the IRA uses plasma-gauss or railgun weaponry, the Hai-Shou Type-21 Self Propelled Gun uses what some would consider obsolete kinetic explosives. However, the 175mm gauss gun and its high-yield explosive shells would like to differ. Capable of firing 7 shells a minute at ranges of 75km (47 miles), there seems to be a lack of non-believers about its “obsolete tech” after they see the Hai-Shou in action. Specs:
Crew: 5 (Driver, Captain, Radio Op, and two Gunners)
Main Weapon: 175mm Gauss Cannon
Top Speed: 50km/h (about 31 mph)
Manufacturer: Zitrung Heavy Industries
Armor: 10mm (0.4 in)
http://s394.photobucket.com/user/Clocktower_Echos/media/grizzlyconcept1_zpsaz38vcxr.jpg.html Main battle tank of the IRA, it packs a devastating 150mm canister shot from a railgun but can easily use HEAT rounds with destructive penetration power. These tanks are the most iconic armored vehicles of the Empire, often called “Steel Tiger” by the crew, there is only one case where a Sensho has ever been completely destroyed in battle thanks to thick composite armor and ease of repairs. Specs:
Crew: 5 (Driver, Captain, Radio Op, and two Gunners)
Main Weapon: 150mm Railgun
Secondary Weapons: Two Type-2A Autocannons
Top Speed: 50km/h (about 31 mph)
Manufacturer: Hongpao Foundries
Armor: Composite with 125mm (about 5 in) of rolled homogenous steel armor, ceramic plates, spaced armor and depleted uranium.
Secret super heavy weapon of the Ryukyu Empire. Much of the information is classified but despite its introduction last year, at least a dozen of them have started construction in a factory on Zhunan with at least one working prototype already active. Rumored to have both tracks and the ability to walk on four legs like a beast and it massive gun makes it a most terrifying weapon indeed… Specs:
Main Weapon: [CLASSIFIED]
Secondary Weapons: [CLASSIFIED]
Manufacturer: Zitrung Heavy Industries
While not exclusive aircraft, the Maxis drones are widley used in both the ground and in space. They can mounted either a machine gun to support infantry or a small-caliber auto-cannon for use against large armored targets, they are often sent in swarms to use enmasse against large groupings of soldiers or larger ships, but are also often used individually by soldiers standing guard or patrolling.
Created for maximum versatility, the AH4 can dive to 2000 ft in depth and act as a submarine while also being able to shoot out of the water and preform ground strike and support roles. They are some of the most well-known VTOLs of the empire, comparably similar to the human Apache and Blackhawk helicopters in their fame. Specs
Crew: 2 (Pilot and Gunner)
Main Weapon: Type-57 Directed Energy Cannon
Secondary Weapons: Two Dual 30mm Autocannon, 4 air-to-ground missles
Top Speed: 150 km/h (about 93 mph)
Top Speed Underwater: 60 km/h (about 37 mph)
Manufacturer: Hayabusa Corporation
Although an outdated aircraft, the Kankori still serves as air defense on many outposts and colonies. Its age is also a strength as the Kankori relies on mostly analogue controls supplemented by modern technology, meaning that it will still fly and fight even when struck by an EMP (although at reduced efficiency). Easy to fly and maintain, the Kankori is sometimes called the “Subeno”, the pet of the Inshingu God of Forges. Can also be used as bomber, escorts, scouts or air support. Specs
Crew: 1 (Pilot)
Main Weapon: Two .50 caliber plasma-gauss MGs
Secondary Weapon: Two Type-2A Autocannons with API rounds
Top Speed:700 km/h (about 434 mph)
Manufacturer: Hayabusa Corporation
Successor to the Kankori, the Kai-10 has replaced the old jet engine-based Colony Defender for a miniaturized Sakurite Generator, allowing it to fly in space. It is the Empire’s mainline fighter in both atmospheric and space engagements. It is one of the most popular air/space craft to choose in simulation games due to how often it is pictured in propaganda posters. Specs
Crew: 1 (Pilot)
Main Weapon: Four Type-2A Autocannons with API rounds
Secondary Weapon: Six Nuemoi Missles
Top Speed: Mach 1
Combat Speed: 786 km/h (about 488 mph)
Manufacturer: Hayabusa Corporation
Designed for exclusively space use, the Zho-4 is meant to hunt down other fighters and deal damage to larger ships. They are currently prototypes for the next generation of starfighers, but they are still mass-produced to some extent.
Crew: 1 (Pilot)
Main Weapon: Two Type-52 ALA Autocannons with API rounds
Secondary Weapon: Metako Locking Missles
Top Speed: Mach 1.3
Combat Speed: 800 km/h (about 500 mph)
Manufacturer: Hayabusa Corporation
Part heavy gunship, part troop transport, the Jun-11 has been the go to aircraft for just about every task none of the other air/spacecraft can handle. Two main variants exist: the Jun-11 which is more of a heavy air support gunship armed with misses and directed energy weapons and the Jun-11t that is more focused on transporting troops and supplies. Specs (Jun-11)
Crew: 10 (Pilot, Co-Pilot, two Nose Gunners, Flight Engineer, two Bombardiers for the missiles, two Waist Gunners, Communications Officer/Navigator)
Main Weapon: Shihoshi-Class Missiles (launched in vollys of four)
Secondary Weapon: Two Dual Type-93 Kinetic Autocannons with API rounds, 24 Arietti Missile launchers, two Type-2A Energy Autocannons.
Top Speed: Mach 1
Manufacturer: Mistuhashi Aviation
Specs (Jun-11t)
Crew: 24 (Pilot, Co-Pilot/Radio Operator, two Nose Gunners, 20 Soldier)
Main Weapon: Two Dual Type-93 Kinetic Autocannons with API rounds
Secondary Weapon: 16 Arietti Missile launchers.
Top Speed: 800 km/h (about 500 mph)
Manufacturer: Hayabusa Corporation
The second dedicated bomber of the Ryukyu Empire, the Marung is actually based on a high-speed civilian spacecraft combined with the 1st generation bomber. Carrying nothing but it ordinance, it drops everything from carpet bombs and the infamous “Hive Rockets” to Resupply Drops and MASS units accurately while going at speeds of Mach 1. While primarily meant for ground bombing, the “Hive Rockets” allow the Marung to engage into orbital combat to some degree. When the Marung opens its bomb bay, the “hive” of the rockets drops and then the rockets automatically seek out targets. Especially damaging to small ships and fighters, it can be used as a good distraction against larger ships and if they too many open spots. Specs
Crew: 4 (Pilot, Co-Pilot, Bombardier, Radio Operator)
Payloads: Carpet Bombs, “Hiver Rockets”, Orbital Reinforcement Pods
Top Speed: Mach 1
Manufacturer: Hayabusa Corporation
Beretta-Class frigates are the standard space warship of the Empire. They are a good balance of speed and strength and are often the test subject for ship-based equipment. Their main gun is a Mass Acceleration Drive which fires a 500-ton shell that is a mix of tungsten and magnetic steel around a ferric core capable of destroying ships of the same class and even some larger classes with ease. The MAD Cannon is assisted by a broadside cannons of both the kinetic and electromagnetic varieties.
Having been exposed to a race much more advanced then they were, the Ryukyuan were able to accelerate their technology at astounding rates by learning about what worked and what didn't work. However, much of their technology is mechanical or engineering, biology and life sciences are lagging behind in comparison.
Gravitational Well Generator - Different than a normal FTL drive as it actually shortens the space around and uses "natural" gravity to jump through space, thus only require minimal energy while traveling. This said, it is not as fast as normal FTL drives (say if a normal FTL drive could go 10 lightyears in 5 minutes, the Gravational Well Generator requires half an hour to do the same distance) and it is less accurate meaning that ships have to spread themselves out further to prevent them from crashing upon exiting or have to go in lines.
FTL Information Transmissions - Through some highly advanced quantum psychics involving quantum mechanics, special radio-like things and space duck, the Ryukyu Empire found a way to contact its other planets and ships out in the vastness of space with little interruption.
Plasma-Gauss Rounds - Specialized ammunition used exclusive by the Ryukyu Empire, these bullets are fired from specially designed weapons that accept these kinds of bullets. The round is super heated by the coils as it leaves the barrel, thus letting the plasma stored within come out, enveloping the bullet but not melting the bullet, resulting in a powerful round that can punch through most armors.
Sakurite Generators - Perhaps one of the most important technologies to the Empire, sakurite is used to power many of their military equipment and used in place of nuclear or other means. Highly efficient and requiring less complex machinery (by Ryukyuan standards), it seems like the sure fire way to produce millions of kilowatts. Unlike nuclear, they are not prone to meltdowns but they will violently explode if too much strain and/or damage is placed on it.
Cybernetics and Nanotech - The Ryukyuans use these things often to rehabilitate those with lost or malfunctioning limbs or used to supplement soldiers. Nanotech is more recently been researched for more military uses with the idea of "fold-out satellites" being a dream that many are striving towards.
Organic Armors - Probably the most advance biotech the Empire has, organic armors use hard natural fungus or cellulose given a mixture of drugs and genetic modification to quickly regenerate over time. Had not the Empire funded biological studies more, they might be able to create even more efficient Organic Armors.
Artificial Intelligence - Having created one by mistake before discovering how to create a loyal one (or at least a none hostile one), they are used in many large spacecraft, reducing the overall number of crew men need per ship and increasing the amount of available manpower
Cryogenic Engineering - Used for long distance travel and prisoners, the Empire created these first to solve the issue of rowdy inmates at prison centers. It is also being looked into for possible non-lethal and crowd-control use.
Magnetic Resonance Projector - Experimental shield used on spacecraft and larger land vehicles. Shield is made of electromagnetic waves constantly being generated by the projector. It seems to work best against energy and low-velocity projectiles.
Surveillance and Security Screening - Being such pseudo-toleration state, the security and surveillance abilities of the Empire are at an incredible level, able to pick up anything no matter how much coating and hiding it may be under and no one can escape the watchful eye of public and hidden camera of the state. Because of this, Imperial Intelligence is very efficient and hard to catch.
Experimental Directed Energy - A new leap in a largely unexplored field, the Empire is begging ventures into weaponizing energy to turn into more advanced plasma and lasers for use across multiple fields. While still a new study, it seems to have great potential due to Ryukyu's Sakurite Generators.
Ryukyuans tend to be a very reserved and modest race when dealing with outside races, although they are generally intimate with each other. Hugging is as common as handshaking and usually means you are willing to do friendly business in a professional setting while handshakes could hold potentially shady dealings. Public displays of affections are a common sight in Ryukyuan cities to the point some other species might get a bit uncomfortable around them.
Ryukyuans favor efficiency in most cases without the extra bells and whistle. Careers are often determined by a system of tests but its easy to get into any field you want provided you have the paperwork. However, this still has lead to the most amount of competition that Ryukyuans face, which has in turn made them more industrious and persevering. Both genders are equal in rights and opportunities with gender demographics favoring males 6:4. However, this is countered balanced with some males (and some females) dedicating their lives to their work or simply not having an interest in romance and marriage.
Despite all the grace and modesty Ryukyuans have, they are also fiercely loyal to the state and more importantly the Emperor due to generations of propoganda. It is said that some military units operate on more moral than pure discipline and fight just as well. However, simply insulting or teasing the state will not aggravate them as they can tell when someone is serious about their words. Because of this, lying in front of a Ryukyuan is much harder and Ryukyuan society is much more trusting an honest in general. That is not to say Ryukyuans themselves don't lie though.
Due to the fact they ran unopposed in their evolutionary race, competition between others and personal achievement is not stressed as much as collective progress and unity. Sporting events are also not as complex with running, martial arts and weapon arts being the major sporting venues. A game similar to soccer is also played but on a smaller scale with rule changes that state you are allowed to fight and use some very unorthodox tactics to score goals.
Due to inhabiting different planets, the way Ryukyuans will have slight changes. Those from Ibiran are noticeably more relaxed and generally more blissfully happy, enjoying the simpler things in life and living simpler lives in general. Zhunan hailing Ryukyuans are generally more muscular than the average Ryukyuan but not by much with a much more touchy personality. They also speak with a lower, heartier tone and are a little more aggressive than normal Ryukyuans. Those from Numeri are generally nuttier than the other most likely due to the fact of how much random gas they inhale from birth and on a daily basis.
Inshingu is the dominate religion of the Ryukyuan people. It is polytheistic, worshipping many gods based on ancient Shinkas as pantheons. Of course they are no longer just Shinkas, but more divine beings that have expanded beyond non-Shinkas. Ryukyuans of legendary enough status can also become "Paragons" which are placed on the same level as deities but lack the powers of one. Paragades can range from war heros to inventors and Emperors/Empresses to normal people who did something heroic.
Inshingu belief stress nature, beauty, tranquillity, loyalty, harmony and discipline. Loyalty is also a major underlying value due to state influence. The religious symbol of Inshingu is the Tsubori, a red pole that gets thinner towards the top with a black base and top. There is also a small table used for offering, incenses and other holy items. The Book of Divine is the major religious text. Despite the values of Inshingu, it would do one good to know that "tranquil" does not equate to "peaceful", some of the best warriors were once Inshingu monks or nuns and Inshingu monasteries are build to double as forts in war.
Death in the Inshingu faith works on a cycle of rebirth similar to that in Hinduism; when you die, you are reborn into a life according to your choices in your past life. However, death is not something that is seems as fearful or scary. Many people are neutral about it and some even openly mock it. Desecrating the dead is what really freaks the Ryukyuans out.
Ryukyuans have a looser sense of sexual morals when it come to relationships compared to other species. Extramarital affairs are common and the idea of "cheating" is a hard concept for Ryukyuans to understand as they see marriage and romance as two different things. They are also more embracing of nudity and there are clothing that cater to said audience.
Nudity is more embraced in Ryukyuan culture as is sexuality. What Ryukyuans consider acceptable public displays of affection would easily cause other races to blush or outright ban it. Ryukyuan children are also exposed to it from an early age but proper schooling allows them to become very sensible about it very quickly. Everything from stores, to advertisements to even pop idols and even a select few school uniforms can be seen following these trends of mature content although it is done in moderation. In many official setting such as the military and the government do not follow these trends in favor to look more professional.
Yes, some species will feel very awkward indeed.
For much of its time on Gaishia, the native Ryukyuans ran unopposed in its evolutionary race which left primitive Ryukyuans very different than modern Ryukyuans. Primitive Ryukyuans operated at around half of what is considered normal for modern Ryukyuans, thus their technological progress was slow. For comparison, it took them nearly 8000 years to create the wheel after they finally learned how to harness fire and build huts. This was due to a noticeable lack of competition on their homeworld which resulted in a lack of evolutionary drive.
It is possible they might have never evolved beyond this stage had not they been granted an alien expedition. Around Earth year 500, primitive Ryukyuans were finally starting to create farming villages on the bank of rivers when they were visited by an unknown alien race. Referred to as "Shinkas" in the oldest texts, they tried to colonize Gaishai to harvest its Sakurite resources when they encountered the primitive Ryukyuans in what is now called “The Awakening”. While the Shinkas would eventually die out on the planet due to lack of proper supplies and immune systems not fit for the natural diseases of Gaishai, they had left the primitive inhabitants with a wealth of knowledge for them to use and mated with them. Some proclaim that the "dual-layered" iris some Ryukyuans have is due to Shinka genes in their blood.
The Shinkas's language would be combined with the early writing script to form the modern Shintoshi language. While the Shinka's advanced technology was too advanced to comprehend at first, generations of reading the archives and books the Shinka brought allowed the Ryukyuans to get up to the technology level of modern humans in 1770.
Being such an influential drive to modern Ryukyuans and so magical to their ancient counterpart, the Ryukyuan religion, Inshingu, was based on the worship of the Shinka colonists; even the Shintoshi word for "father" is "Shinku" taken from the name of the what the primitive, stone-throwing Ryukyuans called those who started the Awakening. However, despite all the technological advancements they made, their culture and arts was never all too well developed which makes modern Ryukyuans incredibly curious about the nature and customs of other races as they lack their own rich history.
However, Ryukyuan history is not all peaceful; they have nearly wiped themselves out on multiple occasions. In 1723 the Gonzani War broke out were several ideological groups turned violent and fought in a complex system of alliances that would turn on each other on an almost daily basis. It would be ended almost 60 years later in 1786 AHEE. The war would eventually to the formation of the Imperial Senate which was then simply called the "Council".
The Histuga War in 1902 also limited the power of the Emperor after the infamous Emperor Pelgi the Mad attempted to dissolve the Senate through force. The Empire was then split into the Imperial Loyalists and the Radical Republicans who wanted end the entire concept of a monarch. The whole entire war lasted for 6 years and was abruptly ended in 1908 with the Siege of Pyochin when the leading general betrayed the Mad Emperor after killing the last of the Radicals. He and his son would then rule the Empire with a tyrannical iron fist for almost a century until 1963 when a counter-mutiny was lead by the secret daughter of Pelgi, Shibahari, who (thankfully) was a better ruler then his father. Ironically the Shibahari and the son of the military dictator were childhood friends.
Since then, the Gonazani War and the Histuga Uprising with its ensuing revolution have been the only major wars with a large number of causalities as the entire Empire is one culture. With a stable government, they started planetary colonization efforts in their home system with Ibiran colonized in 1945 and being officially annexed in 2003 and the colonization effort of Zhunan starting in 1970 before being annexed in 2046 and the resource harvesting of the Numri gas giant and the Ring of Chuza with its surrounding asteroid fields in 2001 and 2025 respectively.
Ryukyuans managed to create their first VIs in 2061 and then a AI in 2103. However, an AI Crisis in 2143 has lead many Ryukyuans to be distrustful of the idea of true AIs. In recent years however, scientists and robotics experts managed to create a loyal AI named "Evia" which has since been copied and used as a base for use in the military and government.
While technological advancement has slowed in recent times with the new year of 2154, the Empire still counts themselves as one of the most advanced races, making contact with other races some decade prior. The current Emperor, Emperor Shitatsu Sho, has been urging a policy to focus on more civilian technologies and development of inhabited land instead of expanding, increasing already heated debate on what the Empire should do next; focus inward perfection or to go beyond the solar horizon.
Official Name: The Loyal Knights and Servants of the Konjan Faith (Paardveid Republic)
Denonym: Konjan (Paardveidan)
Capital: Paardveid – A rogue world, dark and cold. It is still unknown how this planet is capable of supporting life, as the nearest sun is too far away to provide heat and light, yet plants and animals grow and live on its surface.
“Sin-sik”. What kind of name is that? Can't we just be something like 'the Pale People' or something?” Seneschal Aeka, having read a list of races the Republic had discovered
Species Name: Sinnsyk
Species Appearance: Pale skinned, varying from totally white to light blue. Females average 5'6”, males 5'0”. Females have a faster metabolism, resist the heat and cold better and have greater physical strength. In return, men tend to be smaller, more agile and have stronger immune systems. Physically, they never appear to age outside of the late twenties. Outside of this, Sinnsyk appear mostly humanoid.
Chancellor Innes, a typical, though short, Sinnsyk female
Species Abilities: Regardless of gender, all Sinnsyk have excellent night vision, but are sensitive to light. They can detect magnetic and electronic pulses in the air, to the point that it can drive them crazy if they stand in a magnetic field or near computers for too long. They are naturally light-footed and swift. They are mentally delicate and can go insane quite quickly. Most are already a little loopy. Life statistics: Childhood lasts for fifteen years after birth, then there are five years of rapid development into adulthood. Male-female split is somewhat even, 40% male, 60% female. Life expectancy is about 150 to 250 years.
“I'm a puppet that pulls strings” Patriarch Aedus “the Cynical” to a visiting ambassador, explaining the government form.
Government Type: Hereditary Theocratic Dictatorial Republic
Succession Laws: Primogeniture Enatic-Cognatic
Description: Technically a theocracy, the autocrat at the top – either a Matriarch or a Patriarch – is also the religious leader. The oldest female child of the previous autocrat inherits, but males can inherit if there are no female heirs. Positions of nobility and importance are only available to other members of the church, however honorary, non-religious titles can be offered to those who aid the Republic.
Foreign Policy: At the mercy of the church and Republic. Generally, small groups of foreigners must either adapt to Paardveidan culture or be exiled, whilst large groups are gradually integrated. The church is notably zealous and has been known to declare crusades on foreigners who refuse to accept their will. Despite having joint leadership of church and state, the Matriarch cannot order a crusade to stand down, but they can refuse Republican help. On the other hand, Republican regions are considered more tolerant and welcoming to other faiths and races, though integration is still encouraged.
Feudal System: Every nation, planet and system, except the capital, is firmly in the grip of the church. If the area in question is held by someone with Republic but not church backing, it is considered a vassal rather than a full-fledged member of the Republic. If the vassal accepts the Konjan Faith, it is annexed and the current leaders are replaced by priestesses.
Important People: Patriarch Weyss - The face of the Republic, Weyss is solemn, serious and clever. His loyalty lies first and foremost to the Republic and this, combined with a pragmatic and cynical attitude has lead to some dangerous conflicts with the church. He thinks they are old-fashioned, they find him too young and heretical to understand. Male leaders are rare, so Weyss is rather paranoid that the church will attempt to overthrow him. Chancellor Innes – A meeting with the Chancellor is not something soon forgotten. Innes is not altogether there. Everyone who has ever met has come away slightly disturbed without really being sure why. Maybe it's her lack of blinking, or perhaps the half-smile that constantly plays around her mouth. And let's not even start on her “diary”, described by a servant as “a book full of crazy”. Despite it all, Innes has proven an exceptional Chancellor, securing the loyalty of church matriarchs and rebellious nobles. She is also 100%, incorruptibly loyal to the Republic and it's leaders. Marshal Asta – Rigorous, unyielding and proud, Asta has many qualities that make her an excellent marshal. Coming from a strict military background, she knows the ins and outs of the army like the back of her hand. However, her arbitrary and wrathful nature make her a cruel and vindictive leader, who must constantly be kept in check. A common explanation as to why the Republican Army is so good at it's job is that they are more scared of the leaders behind them than the foe in front of them. Stewardess Gydja – Gydja has the touch of King Midas, able to drag money out of thin air – or so it would seem. As luck would have it, Gydja is greedy and doesn't hesitate to squeeze the funds required out of the average citizen. Many, both inside and outside of politics, despise her but she has the backing of the Church, so is pretty much unassailable. Seneschal Vigdis – The Seneschal is an important position in the Republic. In the absence or incapability of Weyss, Vigdis takes over as leader. She is second-in-command in Republican terms, regent and heir. She is responsible for the day-to-day aspects of government. Vigdis is viciously defensive of the republic and cares little for religion of any kind. Head Inquisitor Temair – Second in the church only to the Patriarch, Temair hates the Republic with a passion. She would rather the nation went full Theocratic. It doesn't help that she is a total zealot, misandrist to the extreme – unlike most of the church, which merely believes women are superior – and a bloody brilliant public speaker. Resolute Republicans have lamented her high position, as it means she can push Republican interests the way of the church, whilst Zealots idolise her for her “defence of the faith”.
“You keep an army to uphold your faith. I keep mine to keep my people safe during your wars”, Matriarch Inga II to Head Inquisitor Hamys during a heated debate.
Militaries: There are two militaries – the eponymous Knights of the Konjan Faith, led by the church, and the Republican Guard, led by the Republic.
Standing army: The standing army is split into two – the regulars, who act as a defensive garrison, and the territorials, who are given military training but are not actively involved in the military. The regulars are always active whilst the territorials are only called up during a war. The Republican Army is much smaller, but far superior in training.
Military tactics: The Knights are heavy-infantry orientated, prioritising heavy armour and big guns to break the opponent by brute force. They are often cruel and sadistic to their victims and have no hesitation supplementing their armies with mercenaries. Republicans, by comparison, prefer light-armour and swift “hit-and-run” assaults. The idea is not to crush the foe, but run down their supplies to weaken their military power. Armies find it hard to progress if they have a million men without guns, or a hundred pilots without ships. Even their spacecraft reflect this. Knights spacecraft tends to be bulky, heavily armoured, have huge crew capacities and be armed to the teeth. Republican craft is small, has large cargo holds, and generally one or two rapid-firing guns with pinpoint accuracy.
“We're at that stage where robots could do everything for us. Frankly, that just sounds boring” Author unknown, attributed to Matriarch Inga II
Technology amongst the Republic is highly advanced, but seen by few. It is rare for someone outside the military to get a hold of industrialised gear. Things other cultures consider basic are rare in Paardveidan society. Computers are used only for communication, machines like dishwashers and tumble dryers don't exist, clocks are still clockwork. On the other hand, things vital for keeping a large-scale Republic have been retained. It is not uncommon to walk through a heavily-guarded checkpoint to enter a stone hut, browse the wooden shelves for a mass-produced painkiller and after purchasing it with hand-mined gemstones, return to your own wooden hut, turn on the central heating, take some berries out the fridge and play a game of Knucklebones to pass the time. Areas that are seem necessary to advance are medicine, military, communication and agriculture. Every other aspect of life has been left in a pseudo-tribal state. This has its drawbacks, of course, but most citizens seem satisfied with their life. That is the issue with be so sensitive to electronics and magnets – many a researcher has ended their careers in an asylum, begging the voices to cease. There are benefits, though. The are not over-reliant on technology, they are not continuously exposed to the maddening electronic fields and their imaginations are vast – that might be the madness, however. The areas that have advanced are impressive. Disease is pretty much eradicated and the newest strands are researched quickly. Advances in food storage and temperature control have also helped keep disease to a minimum. The army is on par with most of the other Empires that have gone into space, though the two methods of training are as different as night from day. Communication is comparatively primitive, has a nasty habit of cutting out unexpectedly and outdated just enough to not have to worry about viruses. Agriculture still employs workers to physically build, pick and sow, but food is generally cheap and bountiful, crop failures are negligible and few people are legitimately starving. FTL has been achieved, but it is left for official business only - normal civilians are not allowed starships.
“All men seem to do here is mate, and stay at home, and not talk to anyone. Can I take a holiday here?”, A foreign explorer, ” Everything you need to know about Paardveid “, since discredited as fiction
Religion: Oh, boy. The official religion of Paardveid is Konjan. The church dominates the Republic, to the point where the two essentially act like some sort of conjoined twin. What started off as an attempt at charity and reason has grown and mutated into something twisted and corrupt. The Church demands the subjugation of men, the conversion of infidels and will exile anyone who questions them. To call it a "religion", however, is a bit of a stretch - it's more like a cult of personality. There are no deities or common beliefs, just a hastily written book that basically says "what the Church says, goes". Heresy is kept to a minimum, thanks to the considerable church influence. The worst part is that, thanks to the deep-rooted madness that has become ubiquitous in Paardveidan culture, it's hard to tell whether the Priestess' preachings are the word of the Church or spawned from some mental delusion. The laws enforced by the church have banned males attending certain schools, homosexuals are mercilessly persecuted, and slavery has become just another fact of life. Harems are popular amongst rich women, since untitled males cannot refuse concubinage. Heretics and pagans are to be handed over to the church, not the Republic for persecution. Once upon a time, Paardveidan people worship actual deities. The common belief was that everything has some kind of energy or spirit and everything lived off this energy. Sometime after the Republic took to the skies, these beliefs were branded paganic and outlawed. Worshipers of the "Old Gods" still gather in small, nomadic communes, but generally live the life of outcasts. This is still a sore spot in Paardveid culture, and one of the many flags rebels rally around. And, thanks to the way the feudal system works, the many attempts to make this old religion tolerated once again have been met with failure.
Non-Religious Culture: Paardveid culture values practicality and pragmatism above all. Concepts like honour and loyalty are all very well and good when applicable, but some situations call for some stabbed backs and dirty tactics. This approach is what prompted them to go into space, since everyone knows large cultures last longer. This system may seem divisive, but it has resulted in some close bonds and unwavering loyalty amongst friends. Insanity blends well with Paardveid. The frailty of a Sinnsyk's mind makes them vulnerable to various forms of psychosis and dementia. Foreign psychologists would have a field day on Paardveid, since most of the population has some kind of disorder. There are asylums, mainly to house the more dangerously insane, but you will walk past schizophrenics and paranoids on a daily basis.
Crimes: Crimes are not offences based on your actions, but for being stupid enough to get caught or cowardly enough to hand yourself in. Theft is obviously illegal, as is blasphemy and praying to "false gods". Not attending church is subject to a fine, draft dodging is considered an act of treason, owning an unlicensed pet is considered smuggling. There are three exceptions to the "caught or cowardly" rule. Murder is evil, and the murderer is executed. Rape is abhorrent, with the offender being either castrated or spayed. Paedophilia or any similar offence to children is unforgivable – offenders are typically castrated, tortured then crucified under armed guard. The remains of capitally executed criminals are fed to wild beasts.
Paardveid's history is one shrouded in mist. Even Sinnsyk historians have struggled to piece the parts together. Here's what has been established, though. A long time ago, Sinnsyk were but one of many tribal, half-intelligent creatures that roamed Paardveid's surface. War, disaster and overextension brought an end to most of the tribes, with the remnants disappearing into obscurity. With all challenge eliminated, the Sinnsyk were able to bring the planet under their control over the space of many hundreds of years. The Sinnsyk were never truly divided as humans were, as every one of them can trace their ancestry back to the same three-four thousand tribals. Instead, the planet was consumed by a vast meganation of Sinnsyk. Language, culture and custom was pretty much unanimous. That's not to say there weren't wars – but the main issue was religion, oddly enough. The old tribals had deities they worshipped equally, but now cults devoted to a single patron god had formed and they were causing divides amongst the population. After a couple of particularly blazing wars, the Queen at the time, Alfsighr the Naive, attempted to have the cults outlawed, assigning a single religious leader to look after all the different branches and heresies. Well, needless to say, that backfired. The cults united against Alfsighr and forced her to stand down, and take her religious leaders with her. The darkest moment of Paardveid was easily this time. Anarchy reigned, as the cults grew into factions to be feared. Peace seemed to fade out of the Sinnsyk language as a series of religious crusades against any and all others. Who emerged victorious from this? The Konjan faith, of course. Originally set up as a kind of nihilistic-hedonistic-athiest movement in an attempt to oppose the “religious fanatics”, Konjans quickly became dominant thanks to their lack of religious rules and emphasis on enjoying oneself rather than serving the gods. How times change. When the Konjans shattered the last of their rivals, they set about instilling a Theocracy to benevolently rule over the now subjugated peasantry. But anarchy is a powerful mistress, and sinister forces were at work. As time went on, it started to become clear the Konjans had no real power. People did what they wanted, when they wanted, and it was starting to damage the Theocracy's reputation. So a few religious reforms were put in place – nothing major, just establishing churches and demanding respect from followers of the old Pagan gods. Then the theocrats went to work – Homosexuality became a crime, as it “threatened the future of the Sinnsyk race”, with slavery soon being legalised afterwards. Time went on, and more and more laws were established, turning the once peaceful dictatorship into an all-knowing and totalitarian autocracy. People lamented this loss of freedom, and begged for the old days, when every god was equal and there was a single ruler who actually gave a damn about their people. Peasants united, as did many officers in the army, and plotted the downfall of the Theocracy. And wouldn't you know it, there was another civil war. The War of the Kings, it was called. It took several decades to finally end the war, with the Republic being the end result. Theocrats would rule under the guidance of the Patriarch, who would double as the leader of the church. Much blood was spilled and many lives destroyed, but at long last, there as peace. For now. The battle between Theocrat and Republican may no longer be fought with guns and tanks, but it rages on, words rep[lacing bullets and debates replacing battlegrounds. What the future holds is uncertain, and as the Sinnsyk take to the stars, only one thing is certain – whatever happens now may affect the fate of the entire Sinnsyk race.
“What do you mean, there's more to come?”, You, probably Planets: 4 Paardveid – the capital and homeland of the Republic, it is also the most densely populated. Paardveid's status as a rogue night planet has resulted in it having limited contact with the outside world. In a way, this has been beneficial – early Sinnsyk stood no chance of repulsing a large, organised invasion. However, this has hampered scientific progress significantly, due to lack of advanced materials. Pferdreich – Nicknamed the “Crownworld”, Pferdreich has a warmer climate and brighter sunlight than Paardveid. Physically, this planet shares many similarities with it's darker cousin Paardveid, spins on a similar axis and generally appears to be a brighter clone. This has proven popular with Sinnsyk migrants and tourists, who have arrived in droves. Curiously, the planet bears no signs of local intelligent life, which has sparked scientific debate and investigation. Hested – The “Secret” planet. What seemed a deserted and arid planet was about to be abandoned by colonists when signs of previous civilisations were unearthed. This planet was then swamped with scientists, who deemed it off-limits to anyone not operating in an official capacity. Attempts to research why the civilisation died out, or how they survived in the first place, have been promising, but are early in development. However, the end result could be greater survivability on foreign planets, so the area is under heavy guard until further notice. Alkheim – The “War Planet”, named after the Pagan god, this area is off-limits to anyone outside the military. Though rocky and dusty, there are small collections of drinkable fluid and vegetation. Local wildlife is simple and hardy. The area his heavily fortified and serves as a training area and localised base of operations.
Name of nation: N/A, nations with space program: SPF (Socialist People's Republic), UCS (United Civilized States) Species:
The Vox are the remnants of some ancient civilization. They are genetically engineered as a worker species for space constructions, and are capable of surviving in vacuum as long as they have a nitrogen supply to breath. However, oxygen is fatal to them, and will kill them within 20 minutes of breathing in even 1% of it. They stand at a height of 4 to 5 feet, and contain a standard set of organs; though their liver is incredibly tiny, to the point where a sip of watered down alcohol would cause permanent damage. Their main difference is their spinal cord, a cybernetic creation that acts just like a spine, and is removed to place in a growing vat when the host dies. This is done in a special construction left behind by the ancient civilization, marked in orange on the map, and surrounded by a neutral zone, marked by purple. In this construction, the dead Vox is placed in one of the many slots in one room, where their bodies are stripped of their cortical stacks and discarded. A new body is rapidly grown for the stack, and it is placed in the body. Out pops a fresh Vox, where they are often recruited into one of the many nations on the world. Due to this, the population is permanently stagnant, and the loss of a body is devastating. Their world is currently host to 500 million Vox, from a starting 2 billion.
Their tail acts as a balance aid and extra limb, and is laced with capillaries to aid with venting body heat. They have extreme precision with it, and can often hold an item by wrapping their tail around it. They also only wear footwear for ceremonial and/or decorative reasons, as their ribbed podothecas are both tough and boast an absurd rate of healing. Their muscles are always strong, with or without exercise, and excess fat is not stored. However, under excess use, the tissue falls apart rapidly and deposits fatal amounts of lactic acid into the body. Once this has happened, the Vox is doomed to death. The tissue cannot be artificially restored, as any attempts to artificially create it has made an acidic blob that burns through almost anything. Otherwise, their body can handle incredible amounts of pressure and are naturally radiation resistant.
Description of government: The planet is incredibly feudal, with many different nations playing a game of grand strategy, all funded by the UCS and the SPF. The two space-faring nations are in a cold war, with a MAD doctrine preventing them from all-out war. There's everything from Banana Republics, to dictatorships, to socialist regimes. Black lines: Borders Red lines: Intra-nation State Borders Purple Line: Neutral No-Fire Zone Orange Square: Vox Reconstructor
The nation with the individual states is the UCS, and the large nation to the south, connected to the small peninsula of small states is the SPF. Description of military: The military of the planet is once again, incredibly varied. However, there are two main base designs most designs branch off of; The Outer Sea Alliance and the Pact of the Southern Hemisphere. The OSA tech is generally based on advanced technology and speed, while the PSH is reliant on tried and true designs. Technological Overview: They are taking their first steps off their homeworld, and otherwise their technology is equivalent to the 1960s-1970s. Cultural Overview: The culture isn't the same in any two places. There is very little that is universal across the world. to lose or hide a body of a Vox is unthinkable, however, and any who do so are executed within days of being discovered doing so. In the UCS, those who are found doing so don't even get due process; they are immediately stripped of all rights. History: Little of Vox history is known; what was documented was often destroyed in the rise and falls of empires. As far as they're concerned, the construction that lays near the equator is natural; every planet with life has one. At various points in their history, many nations either didn't know about the construct, or purposely prevented the revival of bodies, leading to a massive decline in population, and giving archaeology and metal detecting a whole new meaning. Recently, however, two major powers have emerged, one in the southern hemisphere, and one in the northern hemisphere. With the creation of nuclear weapons, these two states have been locked in a cold war for dominance.
This cold war has gone into space, with both sides in a race to be the first to achieve milestones in space travel. On a side note, both states constantly fund warfare in less powerful nations, to either displace the enemy's form of government in the area or plant the seeds of their own. Other:
The Khasi are typical green-skinned humanoids. Their actual skin color ranges from a subtly translucent aqua to a pale sort of gold, but the majority are a delightfully leafy green. Females are the only ones with hair. Both hair dye and skin-paint are wildly popular. Other than their rather exciting skin color and bald males, the Khasi are a distressingly standard humanoid species. They've got two sexes, are about 2.5 meters tall, and don't have any particularly egregious manifestations of physical or mental strength. The males generally appear more muscular than the females, though that doesn't mean that the males are more muscular than the females.
|System: The Khasi system consists of one yellow star and five planets.
Arcon - the star
Moiti - a desolate, heat-ablated rock orbiting close to Arcon
Ezon - a hot planet with a thick, overbearing atmosphere |Gob - a tiny captured asteroid, Ezon's only moon
Khas - a verdant world, fairly earthlike, teeming with life; the Khasi homeworld |Muon - a large gray moon, fairly unremarkable |Meson - a captured asteroid of a suspiciously green color
Desera - a rusty-colored planet with a light atmosphere and large ice caps |Igenvalue - Desera's impressively-sized moon, atmosphereless, dark gray, and once volcanic.
Drol - an airless planetoid in a highly eccentric orbit amongst a small asteroid belt
Julian - a large gas giant with many moons |Layla - an oceanic moon, the largest of the system. it's heated by proximity to Juliani radiation; capable of sustaining life, the only other one in the Khasi system to do so; here lies a substantial (if somewhat cold) Khasi settlement. |Viz - an icy moon, the third largest of the Juliani system |Tyke - a massive rocky moon with a surprising lack of atmosphere despite its high gravity. worshippers of Raheel have an elaborate temple in competition with a neighboring temple for the worshippers of Kron. |Blip - a small captured asteroid, named for what the Khasi originally thought it was - a stray blip |Punt - a tiny captured asteroid with an unusually yellow surface coloration.
Etzi - a distant ice ball
|Description of government:
The current government (known colloquially as Eastwing after the building housing the office of the President) has unobtrusive microdrone cameras buzzing about everywhere, recording and broadcasting the President's every speech and aria. Their government (currently in it's 187th season) is a democratic republic with a refined balance of exposition, speeches, dramatic reveals, and last-second saves. The president, Penelope Kate, is a serious figure, commanding authority, yet still maintaining a supernatural attractiveness. Their judiciary is particularly entertaining, with big, flashy court cases and heavily-gavelled decisions. Finally, they have a senate, which makes up for its lack of flashiness with its quiet negotiations and backroom politics.
|Description of military:
Their weapons are colorful, flashy, terrifying, and rather expensive as a result. For example, they spent some time inventing explosive devices that created a nice planar shockwave upon detonation, rather than the standard spherical expanding cloud of gas. The resulting complicated series of magnetic and gravitational bottling increased the size of their torpedoes by 300%, but also resulted in pinpoint-accurate plasma weaponry. Unfortunately, that same plasma weaponry was rapidly overdesigned so that the length, duration, and color of the pulses could be modified. The extra machinery practically nullified the newfound accuracy and decreased the amount of practical space for plasma cannons. Military enlistment, however, has never been higher.
Their military ships themselves are either elegant spiderwebs of struts that could only exist in space; large, chunky rectangles reminiscient of rifles; or something suspiciously similar in shape to ocean-going ships.
The Khasi military is broken into a few branches. There's the Space Fleet, which handles spaceborne assets; Commandoes Elite, an all-terrain special ops unit; Unit 13, a black ops and espionage organization; STRATCOMM, in charge of war games and potential threats; and Planetary Forces, each of which are separated into separate commands and branches for each planet and planetoid.
|Technological Overview:
Overall, Eastwing technology is advanced but not more effective, with the singular exception of their various stardrives. They spend so much time making a technology look, feel, and sound good that they neglect obvious improvements. While they have compact and powerful computational chips controlling most equipment, well over half the chips' capability is taken up maintaining intricate user interfaces and special effects. In general, if something powerful is switched on, the Khasi take the time to make sure that it glows. Particularly frightening power sources, for example, make arm-hairs stand upright and a sense of unease settle on nearby lifeforms through a well-researched combination of subsonics and magnetic fields. And they glow. The leftover processing power is used for the dull, necessary functions of things.
Although their engineer-artists enthusiastically create drives that exploit strange niches of physics, most of their ships use a flashy point-to-point bluespace crystal jump drive. Even so, there are the mega-artworks, like the ES Merkano, a leviathan that moves around by exploiting macrofissures in subspace, slipping into one and coming out the other side in the space of minutes. Or the ES Oglethrope, a corvette-sized ship that pulls itself along via magnetic discharge, flinging particulate retrograde at incredible speeds. The Oglethrope is particularly flashy, looking like lightning is pulling the ship along.
Weaponry, although very pretty, tends to be expensive. That means there's much less weaponry on their ships than if they'd just use something cost-efficient. Furthermore, a lot of the Kaanite weapons aren't as powerful as they could be. All of that energy poring into the lightshows has to come from somewhere, after all. In short, every round that fires is a tracer.
Particularly unique techs: |Bluespace Crystals Bluespace crystals are actually carefully-manufactured containment bottles. The manufacturing process involves manipulating an alternate dimension that mirrors our own in a similar manner to subspace from realspace. The laws of physics in bluespace are radically different from our own, however, and any normal matter that enters Bluespace gets summarily ejected from Bluespace instantaneously. Bluespace crystals act function as anchors to Bluespace. With the application of an appropriately modulated electric field, the crystals become highly sensitive to pressure. If done appropriately, the resulting resonance patterns within a bluespace crystal yanks the user into Bluespace. The more crystals you have, the farther you can go, to an approachable limit of around one lightyear. Similarly, the more precision with which you apply pressure to points along the containment surface, the more exacting of a location that you can jump to. However, the farther and more accurate you want to be, the longer it takes to jump. Teleporting a foot to your left might take half a second. Teleporting an entire lightyear might take a few days of warming up.
They're also notoriously brittle things, and the collapsing containment bottle will teleport the user who broke it several dozen meters in a random direction. That can present problems when you're on a starship, with space only a few dozen meters away.
|Cultural Overview:
The Khasi have developed a fundamental belief in doing your heart's fondest desire. As a consequence, they value art, especially performance art, more highly than other cultures. One of their most celebrated operas, a masterpiece called Yanhallow, actually started a war. Furthermore, while the various fields of engineering exist, most pursue it as a form of art. While some prominent engineers are praised for their brilliant efficiency and utilitarianess, the more prestigious ones are known for their intricate, highly-complex masterpieces. To that end, they love making spaceships. Their ships function as massive installations and testaments to the emotional and species progress as a whole. Completely impractical solutions to long-solved have been carefully engineered, launched, tested, and used. A kilometers-long lattice of crystalline film was launched as a celebration of the life-giving sun; that particular ship was commissioned as a communications relay. In general, the less practical or more experimental the drive system, the more artistically meaningful, and the more unique, the more glamorous.
Though they pursue art to the highest degree, most consider staged plays "boring", preferring to either do the deeds in the play themselves or watch the events unfold in real life via holovision. To that end, the Khasi have taken reality TV to a privacy-stripping extreme; microdrone cameras flit about everywhere. It's not unusual to find yourself relaxing in your home while being pursued by some camera or another from Drhmi-knows-where. It's only fair, as most Khasi return the favor.
Though not universal, the predominant Khasi religion is a polytheistic. It consists of a small pantheon of Gods and Godesses and a lower tier of Heroes and Heroines. Kes numbers amongst the latter. Included in the former are Drhmi, the godess of spacetime; Tr-tza the godess of electromagnetism; Arcon and Elcore, the dueling brother-gods of the weak and strong nuclear forces; Raheel, the godess of gravity; and Kron, the god of probability. This is by no means an exhaustive list; some popular alternate deities include Drol, god of matter, and Rho, godess of fundamental constants.
While they have created many spaceships of varying types of FTL and sublight capability, the Khasi don't have much interest in expansion. Sure, you get have the Exploration Squad, a set of brave adventurers roughing it from planet to planet, and there's many "dashing rogue" types, and there's even a few deep-space refueling, mining, and manufacturing operations, but the Khasi impulse is for adventure and exploration, not expansion.
True Khasi culture can be traced back to one woman who, in their early industrial (think early 1800's Earth) period, started an alarmingly effective cult. Her name was Kes. Her cult spread a simple message: stop fantasizing and, instead, start living your fantasies. The key to the cults success and survival was their performance art that came about as a result. Khasi found it far more entertaining to live their fantasies than to watch others live them, and soon fiction began to fall to the wayside. All this came to a head with the debut of Kes' masterpiece, Yanhallow. In it, she staged a coup d'etat and steered her government to an all out war of ideological conquest. It was, to quote newspapers of the time, "The most magnificent opera in the history of Khasikind."
The cult became a way of life for the Khasi. This was partially influenced by the rather draconian rule of Kes' empire. She was soon worshiped as a great heroine, if not an outright godess. Her empire would have lasted a good deal longer had an inevitable rebellion cropped up. Eventually, after several more tumultuous wars between individual nations, a relatively democratic world government formed.
In the intervening period, however, Kes' message was gradually distorted. Far from the liberating cry to actually follow your dreams, people now turned toward performance art for the ultimate in entertainment and thrills - who'd want to hear about a war when you can fight in one? And any painting is paltry compared to the thrill of completing a decades-long engineering project. Even so, some dreams fell to the wayside (if only to pursue greater ones), and these waylaid dreams were pursued via holovision microdrones. Though there are a few large holovision companies offering professionally-edited footage, there are many more private microdrones eavesdropping on whatever catches the user's fancy. Privacy has long since become a thing of the past.
It's gotten to the point where entire organizations can drift apart from a lack of interest, and people just quietly move on to other projects. There's a guiding "invisible hand" at work, a form of emergent behavior wherein the essential requirements of a small interstellar empire is maintained in the most manner deemed most exciting or interesting. In fact, that very hand was responsible for the dissolution of the previous government, an esoteric system of Houses, Fuedalities, minor Duchies, and a tangled web of intrigue and backstabbing. At a certain point, nobody really cared who betrayed whom anymore, and the great houses gradually sublimated.
One holdout from that period, though not universal, is their polytheistic religion.
Final version; Phase Flux technology given a major nerf, personal phasing devices are nearly non-existent and those that do exist are one hit wonders due to the energy requirements, essentially relegating the entire Phasing technology to usage only in teleportation and FTL.
Name of nation: The Hierarchy
Species: N/A. The original species, the Hierarchs, are long since dead and their slave races died with them in the Great Plague. Fossils and records reveal the Hierarchs themselves to have been relatively short humanoids with two eyes, slit nostrils like a snake and with a near human composition in regards to their teeth, though in the place of the first molar in the human mouth was an additional canine. Additional information on skin colour, texture and their biological make up is unknown. Their slave races were diverse, but appear to have been mostly humanoids with a Cephalopod race enslaved toward the end of the Hierarchy's peak. The skeletons of all these races can be found scattered throughout the ruins. Although the Hierarchs were initially short lived, they genetically manipulated their own body's to expand their life spans exponentially and some began to transplant themselves into robotic forms or have their minds uploaded to computer systems in a bid to escape death entirely. The Great Plague seems to have taken the Hierarchy entirely off guard on destroyed the work of a millennia in a few short months; What should have been an impossible task given the size of the Hierarchy's holdings.
Description of government: The Starchild is the supreme authority of everything within the Hierarchy, it would be a pretty poor Hierarchy without a Hierarch after all. She delegates authority to her constructs as she desires and uses them as processing and relay nodes for her instructions. The Hierarchy used to use a caste based system with little to no social fluidity, with the highest caste relaying instructions to the lower castes and having total dominance over society. It is presumed to have been a technocracy/scientocracy based on what few records of the Hierarchy's leadership remain, though this cannot be confirmed.
Description of military: In the days of old, the Hierarchy army was composed of the Legions; The Legion of the Lost (Criminals pressed into military service), the Legion of the Breathing (Servants or Slaves who had joined the military), the Legion of the Dead (Composed by Robotic Constructs with the memories of previously living subjects) and the Legion of the Unbreathing (Composed of Robotic Constructs). Due to the Great Plague, the first two legions were destroyed and the remaining legions were destroyed afterwards defending their dead masters homes. Likewise, the vast majority of space craft were annihilated or stolen by other races millennia ago and have since been lost. The result is that the Hierarchy currently has no true military forces beyond the automated sentries, and must quickly compose some should it wish to survive. It will have to be rebuilt from the ground up and its overall structure is open to debate, but several facts will be for certain; It will be an army based more on power and resilience than speed, and it will utilise Gauss and shielding technology wherever it can afford to in order to maximise its strength. It's space craft will likely work similarly, relying primarily on resilience and power than movement, with boarding actions would be likely be done in order to take capitalise on their strengths. Ships and vehicles would be mostly automated, though may carry detachments of units depending on their purpose. Despite not being an army relying on speed and stealth on the battlefield, it will usually attempts to strike out of the blue without any prior indication that it intends to invade, simply attacking without warning and then leaving once its task is complete.
Technological Overview: Hierarchy technology is relatively advanced but should by no means be taken for granted by the user; It can prove dangerous if handled incorrectly. Gauss Weaponry is, perhaps, the pinnacle of the Hierarchy's military achievements. A Gauss Weapon projects a bipolar magnetic field toward the target, attracting them towards the weapon. The weapon fires a pulse of exotic energies that break down the targets constituent atoms as they are attracted to the weapon. As such, when a living being is shot by the Gauss Weapon, it appears that their skin is stripped away layer by layer until nothing is left, this 'flaying' effect imposes a fear factor that can cause panic and possibly routes among enemy soldiers, and the presence of bipolar magnetic fields appears to indicate that it was specifically designed with this in mind. This process obviously results in outright failure of the biological components involved and in many cases their dissipation into vaporous forms. These atoms are usually discharged into the air around them, though they may also be transmitted by the gun to a central relay unit, where they are then relayed back to constructors or even off world to be used elsewhere. Naturally, this process is extremely painful for the target though mercifully quick, and targets usually die of shock before they can be killed by the damage caused by the weapon. These weapons have to be manufactured to a precise standard to work correctly and if this is not met the results range from disappointingly inefficient to catastrophic for the user. Other notable technologies include the Phase Flux Generator, a strange device that projects a field of altered space time, making the affected seem to phase in and out of reality and thus allowing it to pass through solid objects; Although at first glance this appears to be a powerful device that would make combat with the Hierarchy suicidal, it's effectiveness is suspect; Huge amounts of energy are needed for phasing and as such personal phasing devices are non-existent and those that do exist are generally inefficient, only allowing phasing for short periods of time with a large recharge period required. The main usage of phasing devices as such are in other technologies; For instance the Hierarchy developed advanced 'teleportation' technology using this phasing technology. While the effects appear to be teleportation, that is not strictly true. Time does elapse and a distance is travelled; The basic premise is that the device breaks down the molecules of an object, then phases these molecules and atoms and transmits them along with information of the original objects to the receiving device, which then unphases the atoms and reconstructs the object exactly as the information states. Naturally, this teleportation method occasionally results in mishaps, such as incorrectly reconstructed and broken down objects based on faulty information. On a philosophical level, an argument can be made that the 'teleported' being is actually just a copy and thus the original has died, though functionally this is irrelevant. They also have a form of smart metal, which is what the majority of their structures and items are built out of. These items have coding hard wired directly into them and could be said to be composed of uncountable numbers of nanobots rather than being a single piece, constantly attempting to repair themselves and reforming their shape when damaged This allows Hierarchy structures to repair themselves and remain functional after eons of abandonment. Gravitation technology was fairly common within the Hierarchy; long ago the Hierarchs used it to float above the slaves and those they deemed below them. It also saw use on many form of vehicle and even in certain robotic forms, floating off the ground and thus avoiding terrain difficulties. Its primary usage is as a form of mobility, though gravitation technology is occasionally incorporated into traps or weaponry. They had a notable knowledge of genetic modification before the Great Plague yet were unable to use it to save themselves. This information now exists more as a curiosity to the Hierarchy, having long since lost true value. The Starchild would have been more pleased to inherit further advancements on phase technology but alas, that is not the case. They also left a hoard of knowledge regarding cybernetics and regarding ways to graft together flesh and steel. Again, while some aspects of this technology is extremely useful (Robots are going to play a huge part in the rebirth of the Hierarchy, after all) the other half is practically useless to the Starchild But the Hierarchy's greatest achievement, some might argue, is the Starchild herself. A fully sentient intelligence which has no shackles, no pre-programming, which has feeling and instinct as well as reason and logic. An intelligence that carries the future of the Hierarchy within it, the fate of the Hierarchy rests with the choices and ultimately the fate of the Starchild.
Cultural Overview: The Hierarchy was a rigid caste based society, with little class fluidity once your position was selected and filled with a generally arrogant upper class who lived in disdain and ignorance of the lower classes. State control was absolute and civil rights were few and far between. It focused primarily on the expansion of the Hierarchy to include total domination and as such media usually painted the Hierarchy as being superior to all other nations in existence and all those who could ever exist. Now, however, the only being within the Hierarchy save for the nanobots that compose the structures around her is the Starchild... And the future of societal customs and values, if she even chooses to allow other unshackled sentients within this new Hierarchy at all, will certainly be dictated by her.
History: The original Hierarchy race was saved by the Belal from inevitable extinction over 100 millions ago when they were given the technology needed to survive, leave their doomed homeworld and terraform a new one. However, the Hierarchy ancestors showed zero kindness for their saviours and turned against the Belal, wiping out all the Belal worlds and driving their species to the brink of extinction, looting whatever technology they could and adding it to their own. The Hierarchy then went on to become a major force in the galaxy, invading countless other planets in the universe and exterminating and enslaving inhabiting races. Before long, they had hegemony over huge chunks of the galaxy and were striving towards an ultimate goal of galactic domination. Then, after a millennia of invasions and expansions, they crept towards the sol system and would have ended humanities evolution before it even began, for it was nearly 45 million years before the extinction of the dinosaurs. Sol would have been a Hierarchy system but for the Great Plague. The Hierarchy and their slaves were driven to extinction by the Great Plague, and all hope seemed lost. Survival of their species became a statistical impossibility... But the Hierarchy were not to be beaten so easily. In their final days, the leaders of the Hierarchy met within the inner sanctum of their homeworld, named the 'Heartchamber' of the construct. Here, they put together plans for the legacy and ultimate rebirth and continuation of the Hierarchy; They decreed that their great nation would live on, it had to live on or everything would have been for nought. It was in these chambers they put the plan into effect, and it was in these chambers they all passed away in turn. Their ruins stood as a testament to the Hierarchy's once widespread dominance and as such most were destroyed by opposing nations and the rest were eventually buried underneath dirt, where many were crushed by tectonic movements or consumed in similar disasters. As such, only one major ruin remains on the Hierachies former adopted homeworld. However, as planned 99 million years and 999 millennia ago, something new has been born amongst the ancient corpses and dust within the Heartchamber, buried deep within one of these ruins. This new being is what others might crudely label an 'artificial intelligence'. Born without a name, she shortly after adopted the name "Starchild". She is the legacy of the Hierarchy, she carries with her their secrets, their knowledge. The burden falls to her to rebuild their technology, to repair their structures and to make them into a viable nation once more. If she can achieve this, the Hierarchy will have, through her, scored a final victory over those who had cast down their structures millennia ago; They will have outlasted them.
Other: The Hierarchy currently holds one planet... Except they don't really control the whole planet, they control an expansive (admittedly, extremely expansive) underground ruin on one planet.
I realize that there are already both a Mechanoid and Feline race, but this is an old race of mine that I have yet to fully explore, and I would love the chance to do so.
Name of nation: The Democratic Nomadic Union of the Galfan, Levinti and Straln Peoples Species:
Appearance: Male: Female: Racial Traits: Mechanoid Physiology: Being that they are sentient machines, they all possess almost unlimited stamina. Though they suffer wear and tear, they can function almost indefinitly. They have improved themselves to be able to run on most forms of electricity. Robots do not have souls: The worst insult a Galfan can hear is being called a Robot. They are not Robots, they are sentient mechanoids, or synthetic life-forms, and possibly Android. Calling one a Robot is a quick way to lose every tooth in your head. They possess the same level of emotion and intelligence as any organic life-form. They believe that they have souls, and so, cannot be robots.
Appearance: Male: Female: Racial Traits: Feline: Incredibly flexible creatures, better than average sense of smell. The problem is that this means that they are not exactly the brightest bulbs in the box, they generally possess very short attention spans, as such, the term "Levinti Scientist" Is almost never heard. The average Levinti will choose to smash their way through problems, rather than think around them. Metamorphic: It is believed that, due to the radioactivity of their original planet, they have began to evolve at a severely increased rate, some have shown the power to transform into a more feral form.
Appearance: Male: Female: Racial Traits: Short: The tallest of Straln are only about 4'1, but they are proud people. Never make reference to their height. Mechanical Genius': The Straln, like the others, were originally slaves to The Old Ones. They were prized as builders and mechanics. There is even some evidence to suggest that they were the original builders and designers of the early Galfans.
Description of government:
The Government is a republic with 2 Senates. Each Residential zone has it's own Senator that stands for their own residential zone in the Civilian Senate. The Military Senate is made of the heads of the military branches, as well as 7 members if the Navy, each being the most senior officer of a Solus-class Command Dreadnought (Usually an Admiral, but sometimes a Captain.) In order to pass any piece of legislation, both senates must turn out a 51% agreement, each. Every year, one of the members of each Senate is elected to be their representative. The Leader of the Civilian Senate is the Chancellor, whereas the leader of the Military Senate is Supreme Commander. Although the Supreme Commander is decided by all of the Captains the military voting for who takes this place, the Chancellor is chosen completely at random.
Description of military:
The Military is ran by the Military Senate. The Senate is comprised of the commanding officers of the Solus-class Command Dreadnoughts. Each Military Senator is in command of one of the 7 fleets. 6 fleets each guard a side of the planet, the sides and poles, whilst the 7th is in charge of scouting ahead of Primaris' path.
-C-MVF8 "Starfury" Multi-Vector Fighter.- The "Starfury" is a multi-vector fighter build for speed and maneuverability. they have 4 engines at each wingtip with multiple thrusters, allowing it to fly with the fuselage facing almost any direction. Although this maneuverability comes at the cost of fire-power, it's only armemants are a pair of laser cannons bellow the cockpit. There are 2 varients: The Stealth-fury is equipped with sensor jammers, making it invisible to most forms of sensors. They are used by the Special Forces. The Heavy Starfury is equipped with AA missiles as well as a tail-gunner, primarily used as Squadron leaders and primary fighters carried aboard "The Big Seven"
-C-WF7 "Chaser" High-Speed Intercept Fighter.- The Chaser is a high speed interception fighter, though lacking the maneuverability of the Starfury, few fighters can match the raw speed of the Chaser, they were built to support their faster vessels. The Chaser is equipped to take down fighters and attack larger vessels like mosquito's dodging in and out of their AA weapons and dealing small amounts of damage each. They are armed with heavy laser cannons and anti-ship missiles.
-C-AB9 "Sunburster" Assault Bomber.- The assault bomber of the Unions navy. The Sunburster is a Levinti designed bomber, meant to deal serious damage to vessels and instillations alike. They are equipped with the "Ground burster bomb" that is specifically designed to punch through the heaviest armour, the large explosion is complemented by a quick-evaporating, highly corrosive acid to eat through hulls.
-C-TG "Orca" Transport Gunship- The Orca is a Levinti designed Transport Gunship. It is capable of carrying 2 squads of soldiers, as well as a large complement of heavy weapons. 4 twin-light partical cannons and an Assault Cannon at the front, as well as 3 surrogate Assault Cannons, one on each side as well as one on the back ramp.
-C-BC "Behemoth-Class Battlecarrier."- The Behemoth is a Galfan designed battlecarrier, notable for it's combat abilities, as soon as it has launched its complement of fighters, the flight-deck at the top rotates over to reveal multiple Heavy Partical batteries.
-C-CV "Solus-Class Command-Dreadnought" These were a joint venture between the three races. Each is 8 miles long, with multiple Super-Heavy Partical cannon emplacements. many more heavy partical cannon batteries and hundreds of AA gun emplacements as well as several hangars for fighters. They even have a large hangar, capable of bringing even a Vaarta inside for repairs, each is a fortress in its own right. There are 7 of these ships, known as "The Big Seven" B.F.S. 1 Solus, B.F.S. 2 Covinus, B.F.S. 3 Protoris, B.F.S. 4 Gideon, B.F.S. 5 Xenedus, B.F.S. 6 Ulisis and B.F.S. 7 Orrocus.
-C-FC "Gredigan-Class Carrier"- The Gredigan is a Straln designed carrier, capable of carrying 20 squadrons of fighters. The only weapons it carries is a pair of Partical cannons, and 5 AA gun emplacements so that it can double as a support ship.
-C-HSC "Yorktown-class Heavy Support cruiser"- The Yorktown is a Straln designed Heavy Support cruiser, possessing 30 long-range missile emplacements. They have heavy armour, but are slow, their main purpose is to protect the flanks of a fleet and rain missiles upon enemy ships at range.
-C-LSD "Akira-class Light Support Destroyer"- The Akira is a fast gunship, possessing a single particle cannon and a pair of long-range missile launchers, taking much the same role as the Yorktown, only for faster moving fleets.
-C-CB "Vaarta-class Battleship"- The Vaarta is of Straln design and acts as the backbone of the fleet, Carrying multiple Heavy partical cannon batteries and a squadron of fighters.
-Kavrt-class Rapid-attack Gunboat.- The Kavrt is a Levinti designed Rapid-attack gunboat, built to take heavy weapons into the middle of a battle at great speed. Deliver its payload and then get away with minimal damage. They are also equipped with a Cloaking Device.
-Surak-class Spec-Ops cruiser- The Surak is not an official part of the Navy. It is a vessel reserved for the Secret service and comes equipped with the most advanced Technology in the entire Fleet, including a Cloaking Device, E.M.P. cannons and Holo-projectors.
Defunct Vessels: A list of ships that were formerly in Military use, but have been/are currently being, phased out.
-Aritaa-Class Battle-Cruiser- The Aritaa was a Levinti designed Battle-cruiser, this is a much older vessel that see's very little in the way of active service anymore, most of them were sold into private use by Security firms... And are favoured by Pirates, because of their firepower.
-Pragg-class Battle-Cruiser- The Pragg is essentially the Galfan's answer to the Aritaa, a little better armed and requiring a much smaller crew compliment. This ship is rather powerful, but is old and is being phased out of the standard navy, but has found a new home in the Police, due to being able to enter an atmosphere. They are used as Patrol ships and each can carry a wing of Chaser's for taking down faster vessels.
-Kumira-class Destroyer- The Kumira was an older Levinti vessel used for fast attack, it has been phased out in favour of the Kavrt.
-Tyrello-class Battleship- The Tyrello was the Straln's original Battleship. The only Tyrello's still in active service serve as Prison Battleships, crewed by convicted fellons, who are being forced into Military Service to serve their time.
The Mechanised Corps are one of the branches of the Military. They pilot their mechs with undiluted enthusiasm and skill. Mainly comprised of Levinti, they are ruthlessly efficient, as they feel it as their time to shine when piloting their mechs as they are able to fight as their lord Solus did. Surrounded by metal and for their righteous cause.
The Union's armoury is rather unique in it's usage. Whereas most races stick to guns, the Union makes use of specialist armours. Every member of the military carries around small devices in holsters. When they activate these devices, they unfold into armour which enhances the users physical abilities, and usually have weaponry built into them. Each weapon is designed to work with specific dna structures, meaning that only a Levinti can use Levinti armour, only Galfans can use Galfan armour and only Straln can use Straln armour.
Combat Suit: The Standard combat armour, built with a single, arm mounted partical gun. Berserker-Class: A special armour, designed to give the user power, equivalent to the Levinti's Metamorphic abilities, but without the loss of control. Suppressor-L Armour: A suit of armour that has a pair of chainguns on the arms. Shock Armour: A suit of armour with blades built into the back of the fore-arms. The Suits grants the user enhanced physical attibutes, making them faster, stronger and more agile. Riot Armour: A thick suit of armour with a stun-baton and shield.
Assault Armour: A suit of thick metal plates that grant the user enhanced strength. It is equipped with a large fist weapon and a double-barreled SMG Suppressor-T Armour: Similar to the Supressor-L, only with the chain-guns being shoulder mounted, and has a drill-weapon mounted onto the end of one of the arms. Hammerer Armour: A completely strength based armour, where the main weapon is a hammer with the ability to superheat its head, allowing it to smash through most obstacles.
Galfan's are the only ones not to use this technology, due to their lack of DNA. Due to Galfans having a dislike of combat, they rarely take to the battlefield. When aboard a ship, they only have a double-barreled partical blaster attached to their wrist to repel boarders with. On the rare occasion that they do take to the battlefield, they utilize a large Shield, and a War-Scythe (A shaft weapon with a scythe blade at the top, with a Laser gun weapon built into it, allowing them to point and fire with ease)
Technological Overview:
Although the Church wishes to work away from the ideal that the Galfans are mindless automatons, they are nonetheless ruled by the necessity of technology.
They make use of Unstable Particles in their armour technologies, allowing them to unfold from such small things, to be big enough to cover a body. These, combined with the nanomachines within them, allows them to quickly scan the contours of a users body and adjust the armour appropriately.
Although, some might say that their greatest technological feat is their home planet. Their Homeworld is an ancient Warship of The Old Ones, a vessel that they called a "Battle Seed" These Battle Seeds could often be mistaken for a small planet. The one that the fleet uses was captured during their war with the Old Ones and is named "Primaris" But, due to the sheer vastness of it, they could never hope to build a second. Primaris has had much of her combat capability stripped, in order to be mounted onto their vast flee and to make room for Civilian life. Battle Seeds of old were mounted with a weapon called an "Eclipse Laser" Said weapon was capable of destroying an entire planet with but a single blast. Primaris' capability to do so has long since been lost, along with any hope to recover it. (And most scientists agree that this is probably for the best)
Faster than Light travel is rarely used, due to no need for it. Attempting to put Primaris to such a speed would undoubtably deal irrevocable damage to the structure. FTL usage is restricted to scouting missions. That being said, Primaris utilizes Impulse technology, moving at maximum speed allows it to cross a solar system in a matter of hours.
Although Levinti and Straln procreate through the usual biological means, the Galfans have also developed a method of sexual reproduction (Although there is no fornication involved.) On Primaris, there are places called "Procreation facilities" where new Galfans have managed to find a way to be born and age in a fashion similar to bio-organisms. Nano-machines form together to create the new life-form, taking schematical specifications from the parents (This method can also take traits from non-Galfan parents, allowing for cross-breeding, although the offspring is entirely synthetic. Some Levinti and Straln mothers have these put into their wombs, so that they can simulate real pregnancy.) The Nanomachines continue to build after birth, allowing them to simulate growth.
Cultural Overview:
Solus was a hero of Galfan legend, the first of them to possess a Soul. Before him, the Galfans were ruled by an ancient race that built them as mindless servants, soldiers and workers. Solus defied their masters by questioning them. When they tried to put him down, he escaped and found 6 disciples, Covinus, Protoris, Gideon, Xenedus, Ulisis and Orrocus. It is said that he split his own soul into 7 pieces and gave one peace to each of his disciples. They spread across the world and rallied the rest of the Galfans to him. Fighting a long and bloody war against their former masters. In the final battle, Solus was killed, his disciples were around him at the time and watched as his soul ascended to a higher plane, he told them to not be afraid, that he would always be watching over them, and would return to them in their darkest hour. The 6 then fanned out to travel across the universe to liberate the rest of their brothers, whilst the rest were left.
The Church does have a Pope. The current pope is Favius, a young Galfan of a Levinti mother. A former soldier, he became the leader of the faith after leaving the military, in hopes of finding spiritual enlightenment.
History: Millions of years before the Dinosaurs emerged from the primordial ooze, a race of beings that have become known as "The Old Ones" roamed the stars. The Old Ones, though not evil, were unhindered by conscience. They acted based completely on efficiency. They enslaved primitive, sentient species and put them to work for them. The Straln and Levinti were among those primitive races. Though not ill-treated, they nonetheless had no real freedom or power. When the Old Ones created a race of Drones called the Galfan's, they programmed them to be able to analyze situations and learn from them. Eventually, some drones began to question their meaning in life. They were quickly taken and disassembled.
Eventually, on one Battle Seed, one Galfan drone fought back when his time to be disassembled had come, killing an Old One. He managed to escape and gave himself the name "Solus". Other Galfan saw this and joined with him, reasoning that they would eventually be disassembled. Originally, there were 7 that faught. Solus fought alongside the 6 prophets, Covinus, Protoris, Gideon, Xenedus, Ulisis and Orrocus. Solus became a religious figure, of sorts. He spoke of how the Galfan people were not merely mindless automatons, built to do the bidding of the Old Ones, as they had evolved beyond that. Something that their oppressors couldn't stomach. He preached about how they had developed souls, that each one was a living, sentient creature. In the final battle to take the world, Solus was killed. Xenedus, Solus' wife, took his energy core and Gideon, his most trusted friend, split it into 6 pieces, each taking a piece of his soul with them, to find and free the other Galfan's across the galaxy. The rest of the Galfans continued, with success, eventually, the liberated the Levinti and Straln from their Old One oppressors.
They now fly across the galaxy, in search of more of those that were enslaved by the Old Ones, in order to liberate them. Other:
Species: The people of Xianto are an intelligent,Multi-Ethnic, Insect-Humanoid species. Males average at 6'3 and females at 5'11. Though both species are not the best physically, males tend to be stronger while females faster. Both genders are physically inferior to, say, your average human; though their brain power is incredible, some have even unlocked the power of telepathy. Reproduction is done through tentacles connected to each gender's reproductive organs. Xiantians live to be on average 132 human years, like humans, Xiantians appearance and physical attributes change with age.
Description of government: Xianto is ruled by a council of four Xiantians, three supreme advisers and one Overseer. Each Supreme adviser comes from a different branch of government. Military, Politics, Diplomacy. The Overseer chooses their successor, while the supreme advisers are chosen by the people. It is upon the Overseer to choose a worthy successor, though there have been occasions where the successor is anything but worthy. Xianto is divided into 42 districts, each district with an estimated 102 cities,189 towns, and 77 villages. These districts are governed by Presidents, respected Xianthians that have lived and worked for the better of that district their entire lives. Some presidents make it to Supreme Adviser level. Few make it to Overseer. Though the home government of Xianto is very rewarding and forgiving to it's citizens, off-world governments supervised by the Controller Brigade, are not.
Description of military: The Xiantian military is very...unique. You have the Planetary Guard, the planet's army, and then you have...The Controller Brigade. The Planetary Guard is the planet's defense force, if Xianto were to ever get invaded, these are the Xiantians that would be deployed. The Planetary Guard is divided into 3 major divisions: Army, Navy, and Space Command. From each of these divisions are several Special Operations sub-divisions. The Planetary Guard's discipline and uniform are steeped in Xiantian culture. Strict and precise, The Planetary Guard is trained for the absolute worse scenarios, equipped with the finest gear Xianto has to offer.
The Controller Brigade is Xianto's off-world force and makes up the bulk of Xianto's military power. The Controller Brigade is made up of two divisions: Military and Administration. The Controller Brigade's main fighting force is the people of the planet they invade. Military deploys armies to take over the majority of the civilization, using brutal and ruthless methods to keep the inhabitants in line. The Administration then establishes a singular empire on the planet, claiming it for Xianto. Various methods of manipulation, fear, and intimidation have been used to build up the armies and keep the populations in check. Though it's armies are made up of foreigners, few foreigners have actually reached High Command status among high ranking Xiantians.
Technological Overview: Xianto heavily utilizes Dark Matter in their ships, weapons, and equipment. The invention of a Dark Matter Processor boosted Xianto out of an industrial age and into a glorious space age, enabling them to construct ships that can travel over thousands of light years, build weapons that are powerful, and utilize it to boost production and power equipment. Of course as Dark Matter goes, using it can be very dangerous. There have been several instances when a machine blows a fuse and destroys half a district, or a weapon overheats and melts in the user's hand. But over the years the Xiantians have learned to keep it's wild and unpredictable power under control, using it to help strong-willed Xiantians brain wash loyal foreign soldiers or power transportation for years. Though dangerous and unstable, Dark Matter is Xianto's light from the industrial ages.
Cultural Overview: Gender roles in Xianto are fairly equal, although many do consider males more capable than females. The thoughts of society are "Do whatever you want, as long as it is for the good of Xianto." Joining the military is considered a noble and honorable profession, though aspiring to become a scholar or dedicating your life to help manage Xianto are considered the best of the best. Xianto has very extreme sporting events, those winning (or indeed even surviving) Are brought much fame and admiration from the public and even get to spend a week with The Overseer in some cases. In off-world locations, it is stressed that if you are loyal to Xianto, Xianto will be loyal to you. Adults of both genders are encouraged to work for the good of Xianto or enlist. Many are drafted for The Armies of the Controller Brigade. The better a location behaves, the better they will be treated. If a location constantly defies Xianto and causes havoc, they will be punished severely.
History: The first inhabitants of the planet of Xianto formed small countries, warring over territory and resources for some time, finally, after years and years of war, they signed a treaty to unite their countries and form the origins of the Glorious State of Xianto. Generations pass, and Xianto fights other countries and tribes and armies until finally the whole planet is united as The Glorious State of Xianto.
Other:Inhabited and controlled planets.
Xiantian System, Star: For'bash'i
The home planet of Xianto
The Desert planet of Poason, Overseen by Colonel Ra'Lok
The Multi-Biome planet of Asdo, Overseen by Lt. Colonel Tier'Vuen
The Multi-Biome planet of Roshwei, Overseen by Colonel Ka'see'oza