Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Legend by Fire

"There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul." -Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Premise - Themes; Epic, Fantasy, Adventure, Romance
You play one of few legendary figures that dot the land. No matter whether your character is the best swordsman, duelist, healer, assassin, or thief, they have somehow gained enough fame that even whispering their name can inspire hope and awe. Not all of them may be the perfect picture of heroism, but none of these characters are what you'd call evil or murderous. However, even in spite of their fame, something will bring them together - together on a journey that will shadow all others they had been on before. Will they manage to rise to the challenge or fail and doom countless innocents?

General Setting
The role-play is set in the land of Iliviace, a rather large continent that ranges from the grassy plains of the south to the snowy, jagged mountains of the north. It holds host to open fields, large pine forests, and rocky foothills leading to the mountains. Several kingdoms are spread throughout the land, that players can help me create and define, that are in relative peace (relative since shady politics, assassinations, and bribes can still exist - just no warring as of now) with one another. The world is filled with subtles magics, gods, bandits, outlaws, and rarely monstrous creatures in the dark.

While not fully defined as of yet, magic is of a more subtle, gentler nature then you might be used to. Do offensive spells exist? Yes, but they are not in as much abundance as other settings. Instead, a mage must rely on spells that trip their opponent, distract them, read their movements, blur their vision as much as spells that help track hunting game, unlock doors, read books by touch, or create small lights in dark dungeons. Magi are versatile, adaptable, and clever individuals that have the dedication to learning the arts.

Meanwhile there is a much more powerful, god-granted magic dubbed 'Deep Magic,' that is only given those who have proven themselves worthy. This magic will be an integral part of our legendary characters, being those individuals that have proven themselves to the Elder Gods. This magic is a part of what makes them legendary and augments their natural talents and abilities.

For the most part, I envisioned that this land would be full of humans, though different skin colors and cultures. However I wouldn't be opposed to one or two more added fantasy races created by players. I'd like to keep this more grounded though, so the avoidance of half-dragons, vampires, or golems would be in the best interest of the setting.

Feudal Society
Not that this is brimming with complication, but the land follows a very simple system on how it works. At the top is the royal family, which is carried on with blood unless the whole family is somehow murdered or killed - in which case the nobles would vote on a new noble house to become the royal family. Below them are the lords and ladies who hold land over regions of the kingdom and also employ knights in their service, whom act as lesser nobles. Then the rest of the populace are considered commoners, from blacksmith to inn owner to adventurer. If a commoner has done a great service to the noble houses or the royal family, they may be knighted and rise in rank - but cannot go any further. Only those born in noble families can be lords or ladies of a house.

What I'm Looking For
Dedicated, mature players. This doesn't mean you need to be an adult, but only that you keep things civil, respect each other, and speak up if there's an issue. Do note, dedicated is underlined. ^.-
• Anywhere from 4-8 players.
• Characters that have high potential to work together in an adventuring party. I'm all for realism, drama, heartache, and sparks between characters, but these characters need to ultimately work with one another on this adventure.
• No evil or murderous characters. By murderous, I mean types of characters that are eager to kill others - this type of setting can easily force even the best of us to kill others in defense of themselves or others. Anti-heroes are fine, so long as they are clearly not evil individuals. Those on the fence might be looked at closely.
• A post at least once a week, give or take some time. If real life gets in the way, simply drop a note in the OOC (when it's created) and let me know! I'm rather laid back about this. However there will be a limit where I may ask you to politely leave or take control of the legendary figure to make room for another.
• I'd personally claim this as a high-causal role-play, but don't let that scare you. As long as your post has some real heart and feeling to it, I'll be happy with it.

What You Can Expect From Me
• Dedication. I cannot ask that of you and not offer it in return. This goes beyond staying with the role-play, but dedication to trying to find any compromises to characters, subplots, or issues. If you prove you're a dedicated player, I will do anything in my power to keep you happy. This is as much for me as it is for you.
• Understanding. Whether this understanding is of how much you love your character concept, how uncomfortable a situation might be, or how important a subplot is to you, I will try my best to work with you. Do note though, sometimes things will just not fit with the setting, in which case we can try and find an alternative solution together.
• A personal touch. If you come to me with a character's personal quest or reveal something in the role-play that is important to your character, I will try to note it down for later use. Maybe they will run into something that helps them grow stronger, but beware - evil surrounds this quest, so those personal details could be used against them too. ^.-
• No characters will die. I know some prefer the thrill of this danger and revel in it, but like so many, I hate to put so much heart into a character and then have them die. Unless you specifically ask for a situation where they die, they won't be dying. They might get injured, go through personal trails, be challenged and perhaps even depressed, but their adventure won't end.

Question & Comments
Finally, I am really hoping this takes off and I'm really excited to see this come to life. In that light, please don't be afraid to come to me with questions and comments on the setting. I may have forgotten something or maybe you have a question about a character idea - I'm here to help you find something in this land that inspires you and makes you want to post!~

(Dunno if there will be many, but... haha.)

• Q: Where are the rules?
• A: They will be posted in the OOC.

• Q: When will the OOC be posted?
• A: Once I think there's enough interest that even accounting for those dropping out, there will be enough players.

• Q: What happens if more than 8 people want to join?
• A: I'm flexible. So basically, "we'll see." I might make room for more!~

• Q: What type of characters do you play?
• A: Well, namely confident, strong, but more submissive lesbians. So the types that can be warriors and heroes, but not exactly leaders.

• Q: Are you needing a Co-GM?
• A: Quite possibly yes!! I can get busy sometimes and having someone step in while I'm busy would be amazing and help me with executing the plot or even taking control of personal subplots.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RPforthatPR


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Writing up a CS.
Interested, definitely.

I'd also not mind co-GMing, since you said you were looking for one. We're also in different timezones, which could be useful.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Well, you might want to hold on to that CS until I posted what I'm needing in it - however, don't let that stop you from writing the basics (name, age, gender, backstory, etc). Just know you might have to change it later to fit my CS, haha. =3
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

I'm in, my friend. *sits awaiting time of character creation*
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midori
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I will definitely be joining this RP! I'm curious about how magic works though since I almost always go with some kind of mage or witch type character. I guess that will be explained further in the OOC. I'm most curious about how you access magic since that will be the biggest influence.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Agamous Devout
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Agamous Devout Knights In Steel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I like the looks of this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I'm interested, I feel like my character would definitely be on the fence.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Let's see where this goes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tendo
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Tendo Lurking, always.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

You have my interest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Irisity
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm interested :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheWizardLizard
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Interested, if there are any more spots. Counting is hard.

What's the monster situation in this world? Would a Van Helsing / Witcher sort of 'professional supernatural hunter' kind of character be viable?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Also interested!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KnightsTemplar
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm interested, I feel like my character would definitely be on the fence.

Just note that I'll be considering these types of characters very closely. This isn't a typical gritty, dark RP... the world might not be in the best shape and people may not be all bright and cheerful, but this is a hero RP. Not to say you can't, just be aware. ^.-

Interested, if there are any more spots. Counting is hard.

What's the monster situation in this world? Would a Van Helsing / Witcher sort of 'professional supernatural hunter' kind of character be viable?

Hmmmm... viable? That might be a stretch in this setting. Not to say they couldn't make a good decent coin from it, but to make a living? Probably not. If you play Skyrim, think of it like that, but without any undead or dragons. Suddenly you have a few rare trolls, maybe some wisps, but most of the encounters would be bears, wolves, maybe lions/tigers, bigger cats, bandits and outlaws. It'd be more viable to be a hunter, haha.

Now given there are mysterious things in the world more than likely. Like nature spirits, ancient golems, forgotten ruins, etc (which I'll flesh out later), but that would be more along the lines of an adventurer or treasure hunter than a witch hunter - since most of those things would stay in their areas and away from civilization. ^.^

This is my count so far;
• Definite: 3
• Normal Interest: 6
• Maybe Interest: 2

I might wait a little bit, since a few might drop once the OOC is out - especially if I present something they suddenly don't like, haha.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 2 mos ago


I was going to have my character be the kind of person who does things that seem harsh for the betterment of those around them. Kind of like a tough love because one trait that I want them to have is not being able to stand seeing others suffer. If that's okay.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


I was going to have my character be the kind of person who does things that seem harsh for the betterment of those around them. Kind of like a tough love because one trait that I want them to have is not being able to stand seeing others suffer. If that's okay.

Not sure I'd count that as "on the fence" so much as "rough around the edges." :p Yes, guff characters are just fine. In fact, I kind of expected one or two of these types to be applied anyways!~
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWizardLizard
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hmmmm. Okay, no witch hunters is fine. Perhaps I'll play more of a hunter/explorer type, then? Because I like the core idea of 'character who uses tools / planning / prep time' to win fights, so if you've got tips on how I might incorporate that into the RP world, that'd be super!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Well, as of right now, I know Magi are sort of that type - though it's less about planning and more about in-battle tactics. Technically, any character can be the planning type. What do you think officers do before going into battle? Plan strategies and tactics. However there's only so much you can plan for... ^.-

I suppose there might be alchemists? Though potions would take time to have an effect and they would give the user a noticeable, but not extreme advantage over their enemies, like quicker reflexes, temporary strength - you could have a character that needs to plan in that sense, if you're really set on it. ^^
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Irisity
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@lydyn are you okay with immortal characters or characters becoming immortal? Or some other form related to that?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Agamous Devout
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Agamous Devout Knights In Steel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

In light of @Knight of Doom's character concept, I feel I should get approval for my own. Especially since I feel it's similar but slightly darker.


I was thinking of a sort of thief and/or smuggler type. A tough chick type of antihero. Criminal/Mercenary facade. Noble savage ethics. Rough edges that get rougher around authority figures, nobility and polite society. Generally decent, but might pick your pockets at random.
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