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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 3 days ago

A couple walked through the streets of the City's downtown, already bathed in red hues by the early evening. After a little while, they stopped in front of a neat looking building, the words [Dangeki Cosplay Café Club] were written in a charming signboard that hang out from it's eave.

"Is this the place?" The girl asked the man.

"Yes, it's. Dangeki Cosplay Café Club, on the outside it might look like just one more place for the otaku creeps who live on this city gather around, but in truth it's a Hunters' Association independent joint, run by a number of Chasers, both human and Liner Youkai." The man answered in a matter of fact way as he dropped his cigarette on the ground and stepped on it.

"Yeah, whatever you say, old man. We're just here to do our job anyway, though I think that the real creep here is you." The girl said right before pushing the shop's door open. As expected there were no customers inside at this hour and the staff was either doing small jobs or just slacking around, not that the girl cared for it, by any means.

"Moshi Moshi! Is miss Shiina Gamai somewhere around here? We got a message from Akane Chikage of the Red Cloud Music Store for her." The girl said as she made her way to the counter and sat on one of the fancy looking chairs. "Also, I'd like a café au lait and a strawberry shortcake, please."

"Are you seriously going to stop to eat, we're the middle of work. Do you understand that?" The man said, slightly irritated.

"Yeah, what can I do if I'm hungry? I'm a developing girl you know, my body needs plenty of energy to grow in the proper way." The girl said, ignoring the man. "Plus the smell of this place is just delicious" The girl said as she waited for her order.

"I'll handle it."

In a blur, the girl's desired treats were present in front of her. During normal working hours, such work accuracy wouldn't be so easily seen due to the amount of human customers that visited at that time. But under the cover of darkness, the perfect and elegant maid known only as Shiina Gamai was able to exude her powers a bit more freely. It certianly made late night helpings all the more easier.

"Is there anything else I can assist you with young Mistress?" she asked with a polite tone and neutral expression. "If I may inquire about your message perhaps?"

"She told us to warn you about something bad on the other side. She wasn't too specific, however, she just said that it was like the calm before a storm and that you would know it." The girl said before digging in her treats.

The vampire Youkai allowed a frown to cross her face before simply nodding in acceptance. A message like that from the Soul Stone buyer did not bode well for anyone. It was enough to give Shiina reason to believe that a number of Chasers would have to become involved in this particular case.

"Please inform her then to contact any Chasers near her area and direct them towards the cafe."

"There' more, actually." The man said as the girl was occupied eating. "Miss Chikage also told us to tell you that you should begin by investigating the biker gang know as Yellow Jackets. They are unusually active these last few weeks and their leader, Suzumebachi seem to know of something."

To this, Shiina raised an eye. The Yellow Jackets? Gangs and grouplings of Youkai causing trouble weren't unheard of but the Chasers had usually dealt with the problem before they became any sort of relevant threat to the human world.

"Understood," she said to the main, as diligent as ever. "Before I forget, would you like something yourself, young Master? Some refreshements?"

"I'm alright, I'm not like those cre..." The man began talking before the girl elbowed him in the gut.

"Look at her yes, you idiot. If you value your life don't finish that sentence." The girl said as she motioned her partner to look at Shiina's eyes. The vampire maid was furious for almost being called a creep,though it was kept concealed for the sake of appearance, but the man was too oblivious to notice.

"Aside from the delicate comments from our friend here, I take it that this is all you have to discuss with me young Mistress? Allow me to call forth our allies then," the maid said with a graceful bow before speeding off to the back of the cafe.

Hidden from the eyes of commonfolk was a wide assortment of rooms and other goodies reserved for the Chasers. But for now, Shiina dashed over to installed PA system and began to play a pre-recorded set of sounds. Only the trained ears of a Chaser could distinguish the noise from the regular dronings of the night atmosphere. Done with her task, the vampiric maid moved back to her position at the front counter.

Now it was time to wait for the others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

A lone figure stood and watched the sunset from atop a tall tower. His purple scarf swayed in the air as he stayed precariously at the edge, his arms crossed and his eyes over the city, enjoying the fading of the sun as it began yielding to the insurmountable darkness. He heard peculiar sounds among the usual noise, and recognized it as the call for Chasers such as himself. A small hamster climbed out of the confines of his scarf, and climbed up to his shoulder. It nibbled his ear, and squaked. Yamato smiled.

"Indeed, San-D. The winds of change are singing of the crawling twilight. Destiny has chosen me to guide this world into its ultimate fate. Let us hasten our steps, and embrace the call. I smell a hunt."

Without hesitating, he stepped off the building, and spread his arms as he fell down at a high speed. "Come to me, Jan-P, and spread your glorious wings! Awaken!"

A hamster leaped out of his scarf, and in a flash of magical power, transformed into a beautiful giant falcon of silver. His wings shone brilliantly as they spread; Mirage Silver Falcon Jan-P caught Yamato on his back, and whisked him away across the setting sky.

Jan-P turned invisible as it approached Dangeki Cosplay Café Club. Once close enough, Yamato had him turn back into a hamster, and safely landed into an alley right next to the building to avoid drawing any unnecessary attention. He brushed off his jacket, and scratched the hamster under his ears.

"Thank you for the swift ride today, Jan-P. You have done well," he softly spoke to the little rodent, and then nonchalantly stepped inside the cafe. At the sight of Shiina at the front counter, he made a courteous bow.

"Ah, my black heart beats at the sight of one with exquisite beauty such as yourself, Shiina, my dear. Such perfection, condensed into simple human frame in its splendor. Even one such as I, Beastmaster Overlord Yamato Ikusaba, have been left completely speechless."

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ikkime worked in the back, cutting food to prepare for later and looked at her hands for a little after finishing. Stretching she walked across the kitchen to make tea for herself and Chikage. Waiting for the tea to finish she held her hands behind her back and looked up "Youkai working at a Cafe.....not all I bad I guess, better than being alone I suppose..." she nodded in agreement to her on statement, only to feel slightly weird for talking to herself. She heard the tea finish and she began pouring it, using her power she held a tray and brought multiple cups and the teapot itself, along with honey and milk if anyone wanted it.

Balancing it along the aura like tail she carried it out of the kitchen and froze when she heard the tones to attract chasers to the cafe' "well it's about to get loud again..." she said out loud again and began to make her way down past the rooms and out into the main part of the Cafe where Shiina and some other man were there. She sighed at the comments of the Youkai and walked past him. Putting everything on the counter, she released her power and grabbed a stool, preparing herself a cup "You would think that one would not hear such lines from the oh great "Beastmaster Overlord Yamato Ikusaba", if he were quite the Overlord, i would think it would be more along the lines of "bow before me" or something like that?" she rolled her eyes and started putting honey and milk into the tea for herself and poured a cup for either Yamato or Shiina if they were up for it.

"I'm guessing something is quite big, if you used the calling system, it always attracts everyone in the area and heaven knows it will attract EVERYONE" putting emphasis on everyone. It's not so much that she hated everyone, it would just get crowded...and loud...very loud. Taking a sip of her tea, she looked down, fidgeting with her skirt. While it wasn't like she loved wearing the maid costume, it was pretty cute "Oh god...did I really just think that..." she sighed in her head and turned her attention to Akane "So Boss, what exactly is happening, Im sure Mr. Beastlord Ikusaba would want to know to, or was her "exquisite beauty" or "The perfection, condensed into simple human frame" as you said? that attracted you to this cafe?" she made another joke and looked between the two.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As Eiko walked around getting the lay of this, different Japan, she bumped people as she walked by with her hands inside of her duffle coat and her hoodie up, she pretty much walked around all day seeing the sights trying to get a foot hold of this foreign land that looked so similar to her home. After getting her hands on a news paper, Eiko learned that the red sky sent her bit back in time the whole situation scared her a little but this wasn't the first time she was alone in a big city with no one to help her, luckily this was similar to her home world.

Eiko continued to walk around Japan looking a little suspicious to anyone with half a brain, as the sun started to set and the evening begin to arrive, Eiko hoped that the Crimson sky wouldn't come back so she wouldn't have to kill a giant monster again. The stoic girl sat on a bus stop bench across from a small convenience store and took a rest for a moment. Suddenly a group of 6 rowdy boisterous guys in yellow jackets came out of the store and loitered in the alley way next to it, Eiko paid them no mind and leaned back on the bench, she tried to rest her eyes and get a nap in before she continued to explore around this Japan.

But in a cliche manner the scream of a woman sparked her attention, the group of yellow leather jacketed guys were picking with two women, one of the guys wearing a white mask around his mouth was pulling on one of women's purses, while the other glared at a bigger guy who was eyeballing her up and down and soon gave her a threat, Eiko only heard a bit of the threat and couldn't fully make it out. The stoic girl sighed," Your gonna waste ammo to save these two ? " She asked her self as she put her revolver into her lap and quickly checked the cylinder to see she had only a single bullet." Yes, Yes I am sadly." Eiko continued to speak to herself.

The duffle coat wearing woman put the gun into her coat pocket as she sat up and walked across the street, the man in the white mask and yellow jacket dumped the woman's purse contents onto the ground and two of the others sorted through it as the guy pulled a sword on the woman. Eiko slowly approached the group with her hands inside of her pockets, as she walked forwards towards them one of them noticed her and walked over to her. Before the guy could talk Eiko grabbed his shoulders and headbutted him making him drop to his knees stunned, the others noticed Eiko's attack and focused on her, the others began taking out their weapons and one of the two women began running away.

The guy with the sword swung his blade at Eiko trying to cut her head off, but the pale stoic girl blocked the blade with her right hand and broke part of it off by squeezing it in her hand, she then punched the guy in his stomach and had him drop his broken sword and clutch his gut. One of the remaining four pulled out a sub machine gun and started shooting, Eiko grabbed the guy holding his stomach with her left hand and the kneeling guy with her right and put him back on his feet, she used the two as bullet shields and waited for the shooting to stop. The moment she heard a click and the drop of the magazine, she dropped the two bullet ridden yellow jackets and revealed her revolver, and shot the yellow jacket in the forehead, the other three took cover behind dumpsters.

Eiko holstered the gun as the others began to emerge from behind the dumpsters, one of them threw a rope dart at her and hit Eiko directly in the shoulder, the guy pulled Eiko to her, and she stumbled forwards in his direction, but before she could get into melee range, she took out her knife and tackled the guy stabbing him several times in his chest and stomach, the fresh blood from the yellow jacket got onto Eiko's coat as the last two tried to take down Eiko.

One of them grabbed her and put her into a full nelson, while the other one began trying to take swings on Eiko, the petite girl kicked the guy in front of her into a dumpster and slammed the back of her head into the face of the guy holding her, before the guy in the dumpster could react, Eiko punched her right arm through the dumpster and clearly into the gangster's body possibly killing him. The last guy grabbed Eiko by her waist and attempted to slam her in to the ground, but once she was off the ground she punched her right hand into his chest and pulled it out, then repeated it pulling out her arm and punching it back into his torso for a while.

When she stopped one of the women from before was staring at Eiko, she looked like she was entranced by Eiko's fighting, when the stoic girl looked at the woman, she grew a sinister grin on her face." Nice job killing off those jobbers other worlder." The woman's voice sparked up Eiko's drive to continue fighting and she took up a stance taking out her knife." I won't fight you now Other worlder, wait for the night's sky to turn blood red, and the pale blood moon to fill the sky and I'll return to you." The woman told Eiko. The woman's eyes glowed a bright purple and a radiant light blinded even when she covered her eyes with her robotic arm, the second the bright light was gone, the woman disappeared.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by tatszico
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tatszico The Unseen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kazuo Sanada yawned as he waited as patiently as he could for the last of the non-buying cutomers to slowly trickle out of the shop at the only checkout counter within the small, cozy book-store ; a small, corner of the building sectioned off by a clean, black marble counter which situated various baskets for paperwork and a computer equipped with a transaction machine. The space behind the counter is fairly small, only being occupied by a sturdy, leather stool that the young man is sitting on, and his backpack which took up about 25% of the rest of the cramp space. Although quite tight, Kazuo felt content with it. He had worked here long enough to consider it his 'perfect' fit. In fact, he'd be happy to sacrifice even more space if it meant they can place one more book within the store. The whole shop would be quite spacious if it wasn't fitted with a maze of high-reaching shelves that were filled with all sorts of literature. There was indeed a staircase hidden somewhere within this haven of pages, as the bookstore extended to a second story. It does have fewer shelves up there, but is instead decorated with several reading desks and benches for customers to sit and traverse into another realm only offered by the book in their hands. All in all, it was a paradise for readers and quite popular for a local, family-owned store. Even he would spend hours here after his shift, reading the night away when a new book had caught his eye.

But today, the young book tender was eager to be done with his shift. About ten minutes ago, he had heard the calling of his favorite 'cafe' through the open window and knew that only important matters had to be discussed when all available Chasers were brought together by that specific signal. So Kazuo didn't hesitate to jump from his seat as soon as the last person stepped out of the shop, hurrying to close and lock the door tight. Taking only a few of his precious minutes to make sure the business was closed properly, he turned off the lights, switched the sign from 'Open' to 'Close', and then headed out through the back door.


It only took a bus or three to traverse from the quaint neighborhood where he resided to the deeper and more populated parts of downtown Tokyo where the Dengeki was situated at. And although he knew it was an urgent matter, Kazuo couldn't help but to pace his walking as he made his way down the street. It was quite a beautiful evening, with the sky a mix of red, purple, and blue, all swirled together with the hinted glitter of arriving starlight. A slight breeze wisped through his sandy, light hair, ruffling it from it's charming style. He reached up with slender fingers to fix it as he rounded the corner, the cafe in sight. He squinted with his oaken-brown eyes, noticing two unfamiliar persons standing around, with the wonderful Shiina in her signature position at the front counter. And of course, there was Ikkime serving tea, and it seemed like Yamato was the first one to arrive.

Without hesitation, the Kazuo opened the doors and was greeted by that familiar, heavenly smell that only the Dengeki can produce, with it's variety of sweet delicacies and delicious aroma of tea and coffee. He gave a small wave, beaming to the five before heading over to the tray that Ikkime had set out for the guests. "Yo," he called out casually, reaching for a tea cup. He gave a small sip, nodding his head in satisfaction, and leaned against the table. "You guys look cute as ever, Shiina and Ikkime." He waved his cup at the two women, smiling, before turning to Yamato. "I guess you too, Yamato. Hope you've been doing well." Kazuo chuckled in teasement. Finally, he gave a polite and small bow of acknowledgement to the two strangers. Though his smile was warm, his eyes were alight with curiosity and suspicion. He wondered if the reason why they were all called here tonight was because of those two. If so, what exactly is going on?

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Medjedovic
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Medjedovic Not a Smart Man

Member Seen 3 mos ago

“F*** A DUCK!”

This angry roar was followed by the sound of a plastic object hitting a wall and breaking into pieces. Ayato glared at the broken gamepad while raggedly breathing before moving to pick it up and throw it into trash and then he sat on the sofa and took out a cigarette. With the familiar sensation of the smoke filling him up, Ayato calmed down and his breathing returned to normal. On the TV screen across the game he was playing was still on, but Ayato just blankly looked at it, as if it wasn’t there. Once the cigarette was finished he put it in the ashtray and stood up to connect a new gamepad to the console. However, just as he was about to sit down and continue playing a familiar sound reached his ears.

Ayato indifferently looked out of the window on his right at the red-coloured sky. “A job, huh?” he muttered to himself before standing up once more and turning the console off. Then, he walked to the bookshelf on one of the nearby walls and pulled out a few books. With a click the wall behind the shelf opened like a door, revealing a secret compartment. Inside one could see all manner of firearms neatly arrayed. With practiced movement, Ayato put on a shoulder holster, took two pistols, checked them up and then put them into holsters. Afterwards he left the hidden room, hid its entrance again, put on a jacket and left the apartment.

There wasn’t actually much of a distance between Ayato’s flat and Dengeki, but he still took his bike- there’s bound to be running around the city. If you wonder how Ayato felt about getting job contracts in the maid café, he never really minded it. In fact, he found that he quite liked the place. He never really held interest in maid cafes when he was just a regular person, but he must admit he found the appearance of Shiina and Ikkime in their maid uniforms pleasing. Ugh, no, this is just a natural reaction, he’s not a creep, okay? OKAY?!

Once at maid café, Ayato saw that he wasn’t the first one to come. Some Chasers he knew were already there and even a few unfamiliar faces. “Yo, I’m Sawagami Ayato, nice to meet you!” he raised his hand in greeting while introducing himself to the new people. “This place is lively as usual,” he commented with a mild smile on his face as he sat down before turning to the café owner “Shiina-chan, the usual please!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CannedBread
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CannedBread The Pupil

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Well I wouldn't want to tangle with that girl." Xander whispered to himself referring to the lady in the dufflecoat. He had observed the fight hidden round the back of convenience store, even though he should of been working, but a good brawl was too good to miss. He considered going himself until the girl opened a can of whoop ass on yellow jacket fiends. The victim was mysterious, he overheard the two females talking. "Surely they can't be on about the Crimson Sky? Man here I was thinking i was only one living the Chaser life."

He yanked his phone out of his pocket and quickly put it on silent, then took a picture of the girl, from behind. He then uploaded the picture to the Courier chat with message telling his colleagues to keep a look out for her. Something big was going to go down, maybe she could join his group his cause, he couldn't have a useful person dying. Maybe after work i will come back to this place. He had to add this on his to do list as this week it was his turn to gather information.

He stuffed his phone into his pocket, his brain started working more. "Maybe there is more to her hm?" His eyes started narrow, and his pupil color slowly began to lose its shade, until his eyes were completely white. His X-ray vision as was active. "Well, well" he said grinning while his eyes were fixated on her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ruby Etra
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Ruby Etra

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

MAyuka watched the sunset slowly as her shift in the cafe was coming to a end. She'd let out a sigh as she looked at the old man who was sitting there eating. "The light hurts Mayuka's eyes you know, but sometimes I miss it when it goes away. You know what I mean Sato sensei ." She'd swivel her finger as she took a seat leaning against the table as she waiting for him to finish the rice pudding. After he was finished his friend would tell her she was talking to him again, and he's say rather loudly, "Just because I can't here you doesn't mean you can keep calling me Sato, that's not my name you whipper snapper(Don't know japanese old people talk.) and I'm not your teacher either I just come here to repair the building. Hey your not even my waitress today."

Before the old man could continue his rant or call the police she heard sounds ringing throughout the cafe. A warm smile would replace the pondering look on her face, as she got up and would bow to the ald man holding her tray still. "Sorry Sato sensai Mayuka to go end my shift. See you later alright." she'd say as the old man would grumble some more as she left. One of the other waitresses would thank him for keeping her busy while she couldn't watch her. Meanwhile Mayuka had quickly changed and come to meet the others staring awkwardly with the neon blue eyes ate the others her current uniform not to far off from her work uniform.

"Hi" She'd say waving innocently.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 3 days ago

Eos was sitting at one of the empty tables at the café, being ignored as always, while reading another manga and eating a parfait, despite the fact that she didn't needed to eat, in order to survive. Quietly, she observed the whole ordeal with the unknown people and Shiina calling in help from the other Chasers from around the City.

As more and more Chasers were finally arriving at the café, Eos finished her treat, set her manga aside and got up from the table where she was sitting. No matter the fact that this was a quasi-formal gathering of supernatural beings and its hunters, it was still a business opportunity for the their shop. After all, no one can discuss important matters on an empty stomach, can they?

After picking up her notepad (not that Eos needed one to begin within, but still...), Eos went to meet with @TheWindelShiina and asked, "Will we be working overnight again today, Onee-sama?"

After Shiina nodded, Eos walked towards a queer looking gentleman @Ariamis wearing dishevelled clothes and a big scarf full of hamsters, who was right by the side of a @Medjedovic glasses wearing man in a trenchcoat and asked, "Irasshaimase Goshujin-sama! Would you like something?"

With her pad in hand and a smile in her lips, she waited for their answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Well I wouldn't want to tangle with that girl." Xander whispered to himself referring to the lady in the dufflecoat. He had observed the fight hidden round the back of convenience store, even though he should of been working, but a good brawl was too good to miss. He considered going himself until the girl opened a can of whoop ass on yellow jacket fiends. The victim was mysterious, he overheard the two females talking. "Surely they can't be on about the Crimson Sky? Man here I was thinking i was only one living the Chaser life."

He yanked his phone out of his pocket and quickly put it on silent, then took a picture of the girl, from behind. He then uploaded the picture to the Courier chat with message telling his colleagues to keep a look out for her. Something big was going to go down, maybe she could join his group his cause, he couldn't have a useful person dying. Maybe after work i will come back to this place. He had to add this on his to do list as this week it was his turn to gather information.

He stuffed his phone into his pocket, his brain started working more. "Maybe there is more to her hm?" His eyes started narrow, and his pupil color slowly began to lose its shade, until his eyes were completely white. His X-ray vision as was active. "Well, well" he said grinning while his eyes were fixated on her.

After the woman escaped from her, Eiko attempted to clean herself up after the small skirmish between her and the yellow jacketed men, she only managed to clean off the blood on her right arm, rubbing the blood all over her navy blue duffle coat while looking at the corpses that littered the ground around her." Crap, I wish they could have tried to rob those two behind a laundromat, then I could just wash this thing for once." Eiko spoke to herself. Her attention soon turned to the guy hiding out behind the store, the guy was wearing a snazzy vest and bow tie, he looked classy, well he would look classy if he didn't have dreadlocks or put them into a ponytail.

Eiko noticed the guy was staring directly at her and his eyes were a weird color, with the things shes been through the weird eyes didn't freak her out more like they irritated her, and the longer he stared the more she felt like he was trying to undress her with his eyes, Eiko put her robotic hand onto her chest and glared at the guy." Are you trying to become an eye witness ? Or do you want to feel the same fate as the rest of these fools Dreadlocks ?" Eiko asked threatening him, she didn't usually threaten people, but not knowing how this world worked, she had to be careful of the people that lived here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XLegs
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XLegs Genuine Donkey

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Wearing the easy-to-move in robes passed down to him from his father, over more casual clothing, Yuuma leapt from building to building, having just begun his rounds for the night. He knew all the spots where this world's connection with the Crimson Sky was at its strongest in this area of the city, and he efficiently navigated the rooftops, hitting them all up in succession. The route had been engrained in him over the years.

9 years and a bit, to be more exact. Almost a decade ago he had learned of the Crimson Sky and had begun eliminating evil Youkai under his father's guidance. Nearly half his life had been devoted to hunting down and erasing evil.

Yuuma was proud of that fact. He was young, not even legally an adult yet, but he already had more combat experience than most would ever have in their lifetimes. He lived to kill evil -- to protect the people of his city. Every night he went out to do so for several hours. He kept himself in the best shape, always striving to improve himself -- he was lean and sturdy, not an ounce of useless muscle or fat on his tall frame. And through all this, he found time to attend college too, to appease his mother. Granted, he barely scraped by, but he didn't mind. The worst thing about attending school was the fact that he had his sleep split in two; he'd sleep four hours in the morning, and four in the evening. The money he earned from Youkai-hunting was enough to get by on, and that's all he could see himself doing for the rest of his life. A career as a hero -- the greatest thing he could imagine.

His dedication to his self-appointed task as the city's guardian would appear insane to most. It absolutely was an obsession -- anything less and he'd never have spent anywhere near as much time honing himself as he had. But he was proud of himself. He knew his place and purpose in the world, and he enjoyed nothing more.

A sound caught Yuuma's ear, and he focused on it, quickly confirming to himself that it was the call for Chasers from Dangeki. His brow furrowed in worry -- he didn't like having to abandon his duties, but that signal meant something serious was about to happen. He used his Mana to strengthen his legs as he changed his course and ran to the edge of the roof, jumping and blasting himself forward off the lip by expelling his Mana. He fell to the ground, robe billowing out around him, and strengthened his legs again as he landed. Without missing a beat, he straightened himself out and walked with purpose, making his way to the cafe.

A while later, the shop's front was in sight. Yuuma smiled to himself, remembering the first time his father had brought him here when he was 10 years old, having just recently acquired his power, and introduced him to the Chasers that were there at the time. The one that had stuck out to him the most had been Shiina. After he had first seen her fight, his child-like curiosity with her had grown into great admiration. Even now, years later, she was the Chaser -- other than his father -- that he respected the most.

He opened the door and entered, carrying himself with self-confidence. A quick look around told him that there were already several of the Chasers gathered, all of whom he recognized at least vaguely. He gave anyone who happened to meet his gaze a polite nod and smile, making his way over to the front counter. He came to a stop next to Kazuo, his back to the counter, standing tall and comfortably, with his arms to his sides.

"Flirting with the maids again, Kazuo?" he asked with an easy smile, by way of greeting. Kazuo was probably the person in the room that Yuuma had the easiest time talking to, so it wasn't a hard decision for him to try to strike up a conversation as they waited for the rest of the Chasers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Kindos
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ketsui walked down the middle of the road, spinning the three stainless steel baoding balls around in his left hand. The swirling sound of the metal balls rubbing against each other would be heard as he made his way down the road. He grew bored with how dead the street was, there was no a single person or car in his sight. "Ugh... There's nothing to do! I just want it to be time already." He complained to himself, tilting his head to look up to the sky. He wanted nothing more than to go to the Crimson Sky again as it had been a while since he went there last due to shirking his duties as a Chaser.

Having nothing better to do while waiting for the optimal time to cross over, Ketsui decided he would entertain himself. He ran, jumped and climbed over obstacles in his path, doing a flip or two off of ledges and over gaps on his way to his favorite crossing point. He knew that it would soon be time to cross over to the Crimson Sky and get to work. Everything seemed to going smoothly on his run. It was at that time he heard it, a faint sound that was unfamiliar to him.

He stopped running his path to try and see where the sound was coming from, but nothing. The sound he heard had disappeared on him. "What the hell was that sound? Where did it come from? He thought curiously, scratching the back of his neck as he looked around. Not having the answer, he figured it was just him hearing things and continued his free running. Before long, he heard the faint sound again, this time he stopped to focus on it. The sound had become slightly clearer as he focused on it and he felt as though he could follow it, like it was pulling him somewhere.

Having no idea where he was heading by following the sound, Ketsui didn't care. It was more entertaining to him to follow a mysterious sound than to free run aimlessly waiting for the perfect time to cross to the Crimson Sky. The more he followed the sound, the clearer it got, until it was as clear as his own thoughts. He wondered what he'd find when he got to the source of the sound. What if its a bunch of Youkai, or... or... what if its something crazy! The thoughts in his head continued to run rampant and would grow to be more and more unrealistic.

Ketsui approached and stood outside the building where the sound had led him. "Dangeki Cosplay Café Club... A coffee shop? Really? I came all this way, following a sound for a damn coffee shop! The great D triple C, what a waste of ti--" In the midst of ranting to himself, Ketsui would pick up on the big auras inside the café. What the hell is there... Or who the hell is there, there's not one but a few powerful auras in there. Out of curiosity he pushed open the door and walked into the café, looking to all those who were in there, not knowing any of them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Well that was fairly quick. Shiina couldn’t count herself surprised as most people took the life of a Chaser seriously. Well most people, she mused after glancing at the first arrival of Yamato. It made sense of course as there were quite a number of Chasers in the area alone. She wouldn’t admit it but both her and Chikage were responsible for such great numbers.

“Greetings master Yamato,” the vampire said with a polite smile and a bow. “I can see you’re as descriptive as ever. Allow me then to serve as your humble host once more.”

She didn’t move to prepare tea however, already sensing the presence of her fellow staff worker, Ikkime. She gave a slight nod to the Youkai as she watched her prepare tea for both herself and Yamato. Shiina bowed slightly to the other girl before casting another smiling glance at Yamato.

“Thank you for the tea Miss Ikkime. While I’m sure Master Yamato would no doubt love to spend his days in the presence of our establishment, I’m afraid there are things even more potent than his attraction to me. Such examples include the line of duty for a Chaser, which has indefinitely brought him out on this night.”

A fancy way of saying that there was news to be distributed once everyone arrived. The perfect maid was known for lacing her words with prose. It was all part of the job get up after all.

With that said, she sensed Ayato enter before she saw him. In a blur, she dashed to the kitchen to fix up and retrieve a tray of assorted coffees, teas, and whatever else the group preferred. In next to no time at all, she was back at the front count with the refreshments at hand.

In that time, Kazou had already entered and greeted them all, taking a drink from Ikkime’s tray. To Ayato’s request for his usual, Shiina nodded once before dashing to give him his drink and soon returning to her position at the front desk without so much as a ruffle of her suit. As Ayato had noted, things were starting to get lively and would only get more so as the vampire now sensed two other workers of the Dangeki Café.

Making two trips, Shiina took half of the drinks to Mayuka and the other half to their resident musician, Eos.

“Please take care of our guests Miss Mayuka,” she said before turning to Eos to answer her question. “It would seem so Miss Eos. From the way things are going, I doubt this is the true bulk of our group tonight. Please be sure to accommodate their needs as it seems fit.”

Almost eerily, the perfect maid was correct. Now Yuuma entered the shop though Shiina was already well aware of his favorite beverage. Since the age of ten, he had been fascinated with the world of the Chasers, the Café, and by extension, her. Not that she minded. She had even spoiled him silly in his younger years. Though for someone to bring that subject up now would earn a rightful knife to the face.

“Good evening Master Yuuma,” Shiina said with a hint of warmth, quickly giving him his drink. With everyone having seemingly arrived-and they could always pass the news on if more were to come-Shiina drew everyone’s attention to the front desk with the clank of a tea cup.

“Good evening everyone. As you may all know, we are gathered here for a particular Chasers mission given by our primary ally and benefactor, Miss Chikage. Ordinarily, a job such as this would only require the presence of one or two of our number. However, Miss Chikage has informed me that this specific job may call the need for more of our group. Young Mistress, young Master, if you would please explain more.”

Shiina turned now to the two strangers that had entered long ago. No doubt the man was thinking some interesting thoughts in the face of so many Chasers and even a few Youkai. As a result, Shiina expected the girl to speak out in his place.

As the two began to explain to the others what exactly they were dealing with, Shiina’s left eye shifted suddenly. The ice blue of the perfect maid was now a deep scarlet. In one fluid motion that seemed too fast for the human eye, Shiina summoned a knife and hurled it towards the front of the Café. The blade embedded itself next to the front doors, just barely missing the entering Ketsui. It was meant to intimidate only and not to cause a conflict.

“Please state your business here,” the maid suddenly turned ninja said with a neutral voice. “Unless you’d like some coffee or tea? In which case, please wait outside until after the meeting is over or between the hours of seven to ten. Thank you and come again.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Yamato smiled at Shiina's kind words, and winked. "Ever so gracious, as expected of you." After that, he turned around to look at Ikkime, who spoke to him. Ikkime was also one of the employees at the cafe whose company Yamato enjoyed, and while she wasn't quite as exciting as Shiina, nonetheless he couldn't help but smile at her snarky words.
"My sweet Ikkime, your tongue bites like the venom of a midgardsorm. Why would I command you to bow before me when I have not yet conquered this mortal world, and formed the Ikusaba Empire? Truly such a feat requires time, even from one such as I. But once made reality it will last for a thousand years, possibly even more should I attain the secret of immortality. Then you may kneel before me."
He paused for a moment to take out his pouch, and sprinkled some seeds on a nearby table while he took the tea offered to him. His hamsters clambered out of his scarf, down his arm, and to the table to eat. "But I have to say, you also look lovely today, especially in that captivating attire of yours. French fashion suits your cute nature."

Yamato was then greeted by Kazuo, another Chaser who also appreciates the beauty of the cafe's attendants. He gave out an evil laugh in response to his joke. "HA HA HAAH! You amuse me, Scarlet Sorcerer. Why yes, my recent endeavors have gone magnificently, for I have slain the Lernaean Hydra and tamed the demonic Rakshasa as but a few examples of my deeds. I assume you have also been victorious in your crusades against my competitors in the Underworld? They are but mere hindrances in my quest for dominance over Earth of course, but demon nobles are never to be taken lightly."

Ayato, another Chaser Yamato knew, also appeared, and Yamato greeted him with the same haughtiness as before. "Greetings to you, Revenant of the Silent Shadow. I see you have also answered the Horn of Gathering."
He then turned around to Eos, who somehow escaped his gaze until now. She directly competed with Shiina for being his favorite employee at the cafe. "I will have a serving of cortado, thank you. I would also like to add that you are absolutely charming as always, my elegant Eos."
Others also arrived at the cafe, but they were either unknown to him, or didn't hold his interest. Instead, he directed his attention towards Shiina's speech. It was interrupted, however, when a stranger appeared, and he saw Shiina throw a knife with the power of his Evil Eye.

Yamato added to Shiina's words at the stranger: "We are currently conducting business not fit for unworthy ears. Leave this place, or be prepared to fight." He had his hamsters line up on his outstretched arm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ikkime chuckled at Yamato "Ah but of course, a very long time indeed" she rolled her eyes at his comments and bit and dipped her head "As distasteful as compliments are, thank you Oh great overlord, I might not have to kill you...yet, but those wondering eyes of yours better stick to wondering..." her eyes glowing purple at the end of her statement before they returned to their normal purple hue. She watched Sanada come in and take a cup of tea, complimenting her as well "Oh the everlasting charm does not end today, it was nice to see you Master Sanada, as pleasant as always" she joked and gave a curt smile before taking another sip of her tea.

Not to long after Ayato appeared as well and she gave a slight head nod to him "Welcome back Master Ayato, though I do wish you would come back when it's not a job calling you here" she teased a little and smiled small before looking at Eos. Frowning slightly "Oh sorry Eos, I hadn't even seen you, I deeply apologize for my rudeness" in truth she really hadn't seen her. To her, her Co-Workers were truly her good friends and not even acknowledging one of them was rude to her. Soon after Kazuo also entered "Good evening Master Kazuo, nice to see more familiar faces" she winked at him and turned her attention to the two strangers talking about the job. She nodded and listened watching peoples reactions slightly.

Not to shortly however, Shiina threw a knife at the door and Ikkime sighed. Watching Yamato even say something she stood up and walked towards the knife before others could start sending threats "WAIT! Now, Boss the doorway didn't do anything to you, no need to throw a knife towards it" taking it out of the door, she used her aura tail to move it back and looked at the kid and back to them "It's a bit of an odd time to come to a Cosplay Cafe, at least we typically never get customers this late. Not only that, you did use the Chaser calling system, maybe we have a new face in town?" she looked back and him and lowered her voice and spoke quickly.

"If you value your life and body parts, I would speak up, or i'm going to have to clean you up from the floor" she looked at him with her glowing purple eyes. The whole reason she was sticking up for the kid was...well stated, she didn't want to clean up blood. As much fun as it seemed, it wasn't. Nor would the mess of a fight be any more fun to clean up either, better to be a peace keeper then to be someone who stays quiet. "What's your name?" she looked at him and moved to the side so everyone could see him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by tatszico
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tatszico The Unseen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The noise of chatter fitted the atmosphere of the Dengeki fairly well, but Kazuo knew that things will turn somber really quick. After all, they were called here for a reason. Usually the Chasers don't congregate in one place too much ; they each have their own obligations and are quite dangerous enough by themselves. For the most part he have noticed them usually working solo, including himself, but that is not to say that working in pairs or groups are uncommon. In fact, the strongest armies of demons have been slayed many times before by just a mere group of capable Chasers. So as they all conversed with one another and as Kazuo took another sip of his tea, he kept in mind of the tension rising in the air.

Kazuo laughed as Ikkime jokingly dismissed his compliment, raising his tea cup at her as if saying 'thanks for the delicious tea!'. Turning to Yamato, the young man tilted his head and raised his eyebrows inquisitively. "Wow, those are great monstrosities to have been slain by your mighty hand indeed." Of course, Kazuo believed every single word the Beastmaster said. Even though he may not comprehend half the things Yamato says, Kazuo does not doubt that he is a very capable Chaser. His Four Devas were devastatingly powerful. Whatever a 'Rakshasa' was, Kazuo can guarantee that it was a formidable youkai. "As for myself, I'm actually getting my ass kicked by a beast made of papers," he grinned, referring to his final exams. "Can you imagine?" Kazuo laughed to himself as he took a sip from his cup.

Not a moment later, the gracious door of the cafe once again opened to another comer. This time, it was Yuuma, and Kazuo gave a small salute using his index and middle finger as his friend walked up, still drinking from his tea with his other hand. "Hey there, Mr. Hero." Kazuo teased from behind his cup. After taking several sips, he placed the cup gently on the counter with a satisfied sigh and gave a quirky half-smile. "I hope you've been studying as much as you've been cracking the skulls of those monsters out there." The two went to the same university together, and Kazuo felt like it was his obligation to at least get his friend to graduate with a passing grade.

But before he could joke any further, a dull thud could be heard from the impact of the throwing knife which obviously came from Shiina. Kazuo swirled his head slowly towards the commotion, eyebrows perked and sharp, brown eyes twinkling with a boyish curiosity at the newcomer.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stormlight3
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Stormlight3 Lord of Thunder

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Kelin Jakur was in the middle of eating a meal at Chipotle that looked large enough for three people when he heard the music. It was an absolutely massive burrito made from no less than three tortillas, two pounds of chicken, and one whole cup of Guacamole. Needless to say, when Kelin picked up the burrito to take his first bite it disintegrated into it's multi-layer foil wrapping. Only a little disappointed, Kelin had grabbed a fork and dug in. Now, he was walking to the cafe while eating out of a giant improvised foil bowl of Mexican cuisine. Humming lightly to the familiar tune of the Chaser music, Kelin stuffed another massive quantity of food into his mouth. I'm going to be late again...Well, this food is worth it

The large man wore a loose full-sleeved black shirt with a slight v-neck. The soft, cotton fabric flapped in the wind. It mirrored the activities of his similarly-colored hair which was longer than Kelin usually kept it. He was due for a haircut. A 5-o-clock shadow marred his usually clean-shaven face, accenting the strength of his jaw and contrasting against his brightly colored eyes. Their light brown sparkled with a hidden love for mischief and trickery.

Finally arriving at the Cafe, Kelin noticed an unfamiliar person standing in the doorway in front of him. Frowning slightly, he stood a few feet behind the man, peering over his shoulder at what looked like a Cafe filled with more Chasers than he had ever seen in one place. What is going on...?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CannedBread
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CannedBread The Pupil

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Weird Encounter
(Spriggs27) (CannedBread)

His face dropped in rage as he heard the threat. He didn't like it not one bit, however he had to play cautious, he saw what the lady had done to the yellow jacket bikers, taking on a whole gang and coming out without a scratch, it was something. He came out of his hiding place, his hand brushing his dreadlocks back and putting them in a ponytail. Trying to mildly to shake off the threat, Xander would try and make reason.

"I'm sorry, I just thought you might have wanted help I saw everything and well when i witnessed you in action you managed to trap my attention. Do you know the lady, you know the one that disappeared?" Half of what he said was a lie, though she did catch his attention, the way she made easy prey of the bikers. He was hoping to avoid a feud and actually come to an agreement, though the ways things were now, the chances would be a little thin.

Eiko stared at the dreadlocked man and watched him put his dreads into a ponytail, which really didn't make the whole look of him better." No, I don't know her, I don't tend to befriend people who blind me an alleyway filled with bodies that I've made. It's not something that I do on every Friday night." Eiko told him while she pushed one of the bodies with a foot." Killing people like this isn't hard for me, I've taken down people three times my size before." Eiko told him boasting without knowing it.

He felt more comfortable now, the atmosphere began to get cooler for him. He could see she had been in a few scraps, possibly more than a scrap as he observed her scar over her right eye. It looked rather deep and could throw any non fighter off balance on the confidence scale."I bet you have." Xander said, rubbing his cheek with his thumb. "Still i'm sorry if i have anyway offended you." He was hoping for her to forget about him taking a picture of her.

2 minutes silence occurred over the two until Xander spoke again. "Where did you learn to fight like that, are you in the military or something?" He knew he was being nosy, but he was really interested in her, he had come across beasts during his time on the other side, but see what he saw in through his x-ray vision, it made him think, it made him assume she knew about the other world too, the question was what was she doing here, or maybe there is no certain time the world opens, maybe it is always open and she jumped through. He scratched his head at the thoughts fighting each other in his head.

Eiko focused on the Dreadlocked man's eyes, she still felt like the guy was undressing her with his eyes and tried to ignore it."[Color=Cadetblue] I learned to fight like that from my mother and from a Russian renaissance team that used children as soldiers, I also picked up some moves from my father, hopefully he's not burning to much in hell[/color ]." Eiko told him.

She put her robotic arm around her chest and put her other hand in front of her crotch as if she was covering her self up from being seen as naked, her arms hugged her body very tightly and she almost began to blush. She then glared at him." What's wrong with your eyes ? Why do they look like that ? I get this feeling like your looking at more than just me when they look like that." She told him, suddenly sirens began to blare in the distance and Eiko forgot about covering herself up.

" I don't mind the back ally interview, but I believe that if your world's police are like the ones in my world then they'll arrest me, or both of us if they find us around a lot of dead guys, or ask a lot of questions, we should get somewhere more secluded where they won't try to arrest me for being covered in blood and standing around bodies." Eiko explained

Xander never noticed how long his eyes took to revert back to the dark brown. When questioned by the young lady, her cheeks filling with red as if she swallowed a glowing red fairy. His pupils moved all around excitely, though the true feeling was fear. Even if her childhood seemed cool and messed up, he couldn't risk showing off his traits. He felt cornered and he was about surrender and give up his secret until the sharp the sounds of sirens forced its way into his eardrum.

When the duffle-coated girl threw her options in the middle, Xander couldn't help but agree, however one sentence lingered on his brain that she said. "My world, what does she mean by my world, has she explored other worlds?" He left that thought in his head for now as now was was time for running.

"Alright, follow me, i know a short cut to my home, just stick close and follow me ok? I got have more questions to ask you." Without a second thought he would climb over the gate and start running hoping the military girl got the message.

Eiko looked back to see a couple police cruisers pull up with a group of cops getting out of their cars and aiming their guns at her, Eiko quickly hoped the fence and flipped herself over the tall gate and stuck close to the Dreadlocked man hoping where ever she went it would be safe for her.

His phone vibrated, a text message from one of his colleagues. "Something is going down in the other world, the bell, its started ringing." Xander skimmed over the text quick and then put the phone in his pocket. "It seems something big is going down, somewhere, and it looks like your going to be dragged into it with me." He would reach his hand out to hers, forwarding to grabbing her wrist. With a blink of an eye they were in world of the strange.

The cafe was right in front of them, the bell still ringing. Xander would let go of the lady's wrist. "I think this is the place." he said taking a step forward. "I will see you inside, sit next to me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 3 days ago

Eos had just finished taking in the order from Yamato, down to his compliment when she paused to consider what he meant. She remained silently staring at some distant point way past him for a couple seconds before finally getting the connection, "Thank you," she said in her crystal clear voice; if one was perceptive enough their might even noticed the light flush in her face.

When Ikkime apologized for not noticing her earlier, Eos bowed to her and said, "I'm the one who should be sorry, I didn't knew they were already your guests, Onee-sama and Ikkime-sempai,", apologizing for unintentionally trying to steal her colleagues guests.

After delivering Yamato's order, Eos was forced to choose another guest to attend to. Looking around she saw a few ones that hadn't been served yet and went in their direction, Eos picked a young man who was juggling some steel balls with his right hand and another one who was wearing loose robes, answerd said "Goshujin-sama, do you have anyone already serving you? If not, please allow me to be your hostess for tonight."

While Eos waited for the boys' answer Shiina decided to begin their gathering formally, not long before throwing a dagger at a strange boy who stood at the Café's door, demanding that he stated his business. It took sometime for Eos to understand the sudden tense atmosphere and when everyone was tarting to relax is that Eos finally got what was happening.

Moments later...

"I see, this is definitely bad news." The girl in pink said to whoever she was talking to on her celphone. Then, she turned to face the Chasers inside the Café and said, "Well... it looks like we have a little problem in our hands."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lvl Down
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Lvl Down Lord of Levels

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Amiti closed his eyes as a bright red light engulfed him. He couldn't see, he couldn't hear, suddenly he was falling. He screamed as loud as he could and he kept falling and falling. The light eventually disappearing and soon enough, Amiti found himself in what seemed like an empty void. He couldn't even see his hand in front of his face, and all the while he still felt like he was falling although he couldn't tell if he was or not. Out of nowhere, the darkness dissipated, and Amiti found himself standing in a park bathed under the light of a blood red full moon. He looked off the edge and noticed that the city he was looking at was very similar to his home. As a matter of fact, he looked in the direction of his house, and sure enough, he saw his house off in the distance. He felt very nervous, as if something was watching him. The red hue to everything didn't help the mood, as a matter of fact, it made him more scared. Everything looked like it was covered in blood. He made his way down the hill and onto the street to his house. He stopped though... did he just hear barking? Off in the distance, there indeed was barking, as well as growling. It was getting louder, and he thought he could hear it approaching. Amiti didn't know why, but eventually he found himself running towards his house, He could now hear clearly the sound of howling. Looking behind him Amiti saw a pack of what seemed like hellish hounds chasing after him. He ran as fast as he could, but his 10 year old legs couldn't propel himself fast enough and soon the pack was on him. He could got knocked down. His house barely 20 ft away from him, he screamed and flailed as the dogs slowly dragged him off into the enarby bushes.

Amiti woke up at around 11 pm. His body was covered in sweat, the nightmare he had just experienced was all to real. Amiti slowly got out of bed, and with his falshlight checked his room the best he could to make sure there weren't any monsters around. Not that it would do him any good, because if there was any monster, he would be dead. Once the perimeter was checked, he slowly creeped down the stairs into the kitchen. Food on a night like this would be the best option in calming his nerves. He nearly screamed and fell on the ground when the neighbor's dog started barking. "Owww.... St.. stupid dog." Amiti got back off the ground and opened the fridge. The inside of the fridge reminded him of an empty shelf. The only thing in it was a pack of beer, and leftovers from last nights microwave dinners. Sighing with despair Amiti tip-toed to his grandpa's room and peeked inside. The old man was asleep and snoring contently. Amiti would have told him to go buy some food, but he knew that it wouldn't do him any good. The only time grandpa left the house, was if he went to his favorite cafe. "What was it called again? Dengkai, Gagneki?" He shrugged his shoulders and went to put on some warmer clothes. Even though Amiti was deathly afraid of going outside, especially after such a nightmare, he knew that if he didn't get breakfast, he would fall asleep in school, then get punished by his teacher. His grandpa would rant to him for hours when he got home about how important school was, and on, and on the list went. Amiti stuffed his flashlight into his coat pocket and put on his shoes. There was a 24/7 convenience store nearby, and Amiti before Amiti left the house, he checked to make sure he had grandpa's card with him. Amiti never had a problem getting his hands on it, as a matter of fact he had used for many things, such as buying stuff on the internet and paying for games that he played online.

Seeing that all his gear was in proper order, Amiti slowly opened the front door, creaking as it opened Amiti poked his outside to see if there was anyone around. Assuming that the coast was clear, he tentatively walked out the door and and down the stairs. He glanced at the moon. "Dang it! Why does tonight have to be a full moon!" It reminded him of his nightmare not too long ago. Amiti was scared, but he continued moving forward. He eventually passed by the cafe his grandpa always frequented. "That's what its called!" He read the letters colorfully displayed above the door, Dangeki Cosplay Café Club. He peered in the window, "Wow, there are a lot of people in there." He didn't think too much of it, so Amiti made his way to the end of the block and took a left turn at the end of the cafe. There in front of him was the convenience store. Sighing with a little relief, Amiti walked forward...

As he moved forward, the world around him suddenly became red, as if bathed in blood. Amiti quickly looked up, and there staring him in the face, was the, full blood moon. Amiti wanted to scream, had his nightmare actually came to life? He huddled into a ball on the street corner and began to cry. "Its just a dream, its just a dream." He begged to and hoped and pleaded that he would wake up soon, lying in his bed. As he lye there wishing for that miraculous event to happen. He heard the sound... the sound of howling in the distance. Amiti's eyes went wide and he immediate got up and sprinted for the convience store. He desperately tried to pull open the doors but they wouldn't budge. Panicking, Amiti started running in the complete opposite direction the howling was coming from. As he ran he could hear the dogs running, soon enough, looking behind him, he saw it. The same hellish pack that had chased him down in his dream. Amiti tripped and fell onto the ground, he tried to get back up, but it was too late. The pack had descended and already he could feel himself being dragged; He screamed as he felt their teeth dig into his legs. This was the end, there was no escape, he knew he was going to die, and he couldn't do anything about it. Amiti thought he saw a shadow descend upon him, but whatever happened, he wouldn't know. He had already blacked out from the pain he felt.
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