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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 3 days ago


A team of Chasers hanging out while they wait the night to come.








Appearance: Anime pictures or a text description, only, please.


Skills and Powers:




Character List (by order of entry on the interest check/OOC)


  • One character per player only. The GMs are obviously exempted from this rule when controlling NPCs.
  • Max number of characters is 20+1, this way I believe there can be various sub-teams within our main roster, so the game will hardly get stuck for too long.
  • Taking minimal control of another PC is allowed to speed up posting, unless someone express their disagreement about this. Since this is a touchy matter I'm flexible with this rule.
  • I encourage everyone to colab as much as you can on your posts, to make things funnier and faster to everyone.
  • Keep your characters T-rate (ESRB standards), you can go as ecchi as you want, or swear/use strong language, smoke and drink as much as you want. But please, no sex, drug usage or more graphic then needed violence as I just can't stand those things.
  • If I think of anything else I'll post it here later.
  • Last, but not least, have fun!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 3 days ago

My character.


Name: Eos Shiroihime | e-OS

Age: 17 years (apparent) | 4 months (real)

Race: Android

Gender: Female

Height: 162.5 cm | 5'5"

Weight: 52 kg | 115.6 lbs



Combat Mode

Personality: To say that Eos is a reticent girl is an understatement, the electronic princess of the Dengeki Cosplay Café Club sometimes is so silent that it's easy to forget that she's there, because of that it's not uncommon for Eos to surprise people without even trying to. She's also kinda aloof, always with a distant gaze in her eyes as if she were contemplating some deep philosophical questions. In truth, however, Eos just doesn't understand the world of humans and Youkai this much having been effectively born not even a year ago, so most of the time she's just observing things and trying to learn how to be more like the persons around her. This cool beauty air has earned Eos quite following among the café regular patrons, she's definitely within the top three employees in number of requests, only falling behind Shiina and Ikkime.

Skills and Powers:

- Attack Drones: Eos can summon a number of attack drones that fly around her and shoot her targets with powerful laser blasts. The Drones can be deployed in various patterns and are controlled by her through a wireless link with a range of a few hundred meters. They can also be used to scouting and surveillance of an area and set on auto-mode following a set of pre-programmed instructions until Eos control them again. If incapacitated or destroyed in any way, the drones return to their dimensional storage from where Eos can summon them again.

- Electronic Link: Eos can link up with any electronic or electro-mechanic device in about the same range as she can control her drones, provided that they have some kind of wireless interface, from there on she can use her advanced computational power and hack or crack pretty much any system, as well as take control over the machine's functions. Eos can use this same link to recharge the device's batteries, if they are able equipped with a wireless charger, and serve as a wireless hub providing extremely fast access to the internet, since she steal her bandwidth directly from satellite backbones.

- Android Body: While Eos' body was built only with the most basic self-defense options at mind, relying on her drones to attack, it still is much sturdier and stronger than that of a normal human, despite being constructed of ultralight materials. As an android, Eos has no need to eat, sleep or breath as well as being immune to all kinds of poison, diseases and most chemical weapons. She's also insulated against any electronic interference smaller than a EMP generated by a nuclear device detonation.

Bio: Little to nothing is known about Eos' past. SHe was found in the Crimson Sky, inside of a backalley dumpster by Shiina @TheWindel while the Dengeki Café crew was in a mission a few months ago. Ever since then the Android girl has been living and working with them, even though no one know a bit about her, not even herself.

Equipment: Eos has no special equipment, or rather it could be said that she's her own equipment. Though, if asked if there was an item that she really values Eos would answer that it's her custom-built Gibson Les Paul, as it's a one of a kind that was found along with her by Dengeki Café crew. She believes that this guitar might have a clue about her past as it on the underside of guitar's body there's an engraving with the name [Dr. Maruto Yoritomo] written on it, Eos believes that if she can ever find this man she'll be able to find answers about her past.

Other: She can play the guitar very well, in fact, she's a genius guitarist and also quite a good singer, so she usually put up performances for the café patrons every Friday evening. She also thinks that manga is a good source of information on how to live within the human world, so she reads a lot of it, however no one told her that it's only working until now because she lives on a Cosplay Café.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 3 days ago

@TheWindel's Character

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Lvl Down's Character

Name: Amiti Yasashiku

Age: 10

Gender: Male

Height: 4' 8''

Weight: 30 Kilos


Personality: Shy, Polite, Gentle

Skills and Powers: (Doesn't have them yet)
Projector Vision (He can project anything he has seen on any surface as a projector would)
Tame wild Youkai

Bio: Amiti was born to a normal family and grew up as any other boy would in Japan. His life was fine until the night his parents disappeared. Police didn't know what happened, they had just disappeared, there was no trace of them anywhere. Amiti, being alone was sent to live with his grandpa where he continued on to have a somewhat normal life.

Equipment: None, he doesn't know how to use weapons.

Other: I want Amiti to be captured by the Youtai at night and would like someone to rescue him, if not, I can just have his powers manifest when the primal beast that captured him becomes his friend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Eiko Kurosawa Hunter

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Nationality: American/Japanese/Chinese

Race: Human

Height: 5'3

Weight: 100lbs

Appearance: Eiko stands at the height of 5'3 and weighs around 100lbs, she has almost abnormally pale white skin with a stitch scar going over her right eye, with bright sapphire colored irises, on her head she has almost shoulder length raven colored hair, she has a small ponty nose and small thin lips. Eiko is very petite and sports an ectomorph build with a small bosom, along her body she has dozens of scars from her mother and other enemies that she encountered, on her right shoulder she has a robotic arm grafted onto her body.

Eiko normally wears what ever can fit her petite build, but she normally wears an all black armored body suit specially made for her build, but she wears it under an over sized navy blue duffle coat, the duffle coat has several stitches in the arms chest and back and has a hood attached to it for rainy days, on her feet are small black boots with a matching colored glove on her left hand.


Personality: No matter the situation she is in, Eiko always seems to maintain a tired stoic emotionless expression on her face besides an occasional glare at someone when they annoy her. Eiko even speaks in an emotionless tone to add to her emotionless like persona, Eiko can be very blunt never holding back on her opinions or ideas when asked. The stoic girl has a tendency to make what she does sound a little poetic in a way and reminisce about her upbringing, unlike most others she doesn't have a fear of dying in anyway knowing that shes bound to one day.

Eiko can be a very serious person not liking people who beat around the bush too much, her emotionless attitude and and lack of fear of death make people believe that she is either a revenant, or has Cotard's syndrome. In moments of intense stress or panic, Eiko manages to stay calm and level headed while others may be prone to lose their mind in the moment of crazyness. Unlike others Eiko handles most of her problems with deadly proficiency and professionalism, she doesn't care about ending a problem with or without violence.

Even though Eiko doesn't mind getting her hands dirty (Or Bloody), and speaks without emotion, she has very good manners towards people she doesn't know, and even though shes the kind of person to kill a father in front of his family, she wouldn't let a house burn down with a family inside of it without taking action to try and prevent their deaths.


Skills and Powers:

-Near superhuman speed and agility

-Various firearms training

-Proficient in knife combat

-Enhanced durability

-Horribly deadly cooking

-Enhanced Senses

-Proficient in hand to hand combat


Bio: " At first I cried for my mother to tend my scraped knees, and she wasn't there. the second time I cried, it was for her to at least care and she didn't, then that's when I learned to stop crying and clean my own wounds."

Eiko was born to an Army vet mother and a father who wasn't around, while she was a child her mother constantly tried to train Eiko to learn how to use guns instead of buying her barbie dolls like other girls, her mother would always push her to her limit and kick her while she was down. Even though it was hurtful abuse, Eiko soon over time began to pick herself back up and dust her self off instead of having someone else for help her up whenever someone else kicked her down into the dirt.

When Eiko turned ten her mother took her on vacation doing something called "War Tourism" in a country during a heavy war, during one of the skirmishes Eiko and her mother were split up, one of the combating sides found her and inducted her into their faction as a child soldier. While fighting for the soldiers she really discovered how war can really be on a person, every second she went into combat she felt like breaking down and just running away from the fight, but something inside of her encouraged her to fight, even when the odds were stacked against her and other children started to die or run she stayed and fought on her own, feeling of war made Eiko change, she began to slowly discard her emotions one by one till she was just a robot to most.

In a years time she returned home to her mother who almost didn't even recognize that she was gone in the slightest, but her return home wasn't long, her mother soon sent Eiko to her aunt in Hong Kong. Unlike her mother her aunt wasn't as cruel as her mother and actually treated Eiko as a girl and cared about her deeply, Eiko's Aunt soon sent her to an all girl's academy where Eiko actually made some friends and started to slowly enjoy the small things in life. But like all good things, it quickly came to an end, when her mother returned for Eiko she berated the aunt saying she was making Eiko soft, her mother then killed Eiko's aunt and Eiko's group of friends one by one.

When Eiko figured everything out she gutted her mother with a kitchen knife and ran away from home, in a month's time the girl left Hong Kong and went to Thai land, while she stayed their she soon met her long lost father who was working as a Mercenary. Instantly recognizing her, her father took Eiko under his wing and taught her while also taking her along on missions so she can get first hand experience in the field, the two went to countries around the world and to places with both ridiculous and skin crawling names that would make most feel creeped out about the area.

On Eiko's 15th birthday, she and her father joined a large personal defense company that began creating a super weapon that she she didn't get a chance to learn too much about, but after working with the company for 2 months she figured out more about the secrete weapon, it was a person that could use their own blood as a weapon along with the blood of others. After learning about the secrete weapon the person went on a rampage and started killing people left and right, and the powers that the person had were indescribable, they turned their blood into fire, and could snap freeze it into ice, then use the energy from their blood to make electricity.

Like everyone else, Eiko and her father were called in to help stop it, sadly for her father he was burned alive by the super weapon and killed, Eiko on the other hand only lost her arm and and suffered a head injury putting her into a coma. The moment Eiko awoken it was three years later and the first thing she did was go after the monster that killed her father, she didn't want the man to get away with what he's done to her father.

Eiko went on a rampage killing people at the company she worked for trying to get answers of where the monster went. But after leaving a path of blood in her wake she kept being slowed down by enemies that wanted to stop
her from what she was doing, but like most others they fell before her. When the trail of bodies Eiko left behind started to collect up into a large pile she found the beast that killed her father, the moment she was landing the finishing blow a pale blood moon with a crimson sky filled the night sky and the beast was gone.

But an even bigger one appeared, it ate Eiko, but luckily for Eiko she was able to use her robotic arm to rip her way out of it's stomach, then fill it with enough lead to kill 12 elephants and a badger, when the monster was killed the crimson sky turned back to the black night sky. But something was wrong, Eiko wasn't where she belonged, she figured this out from looking at local landmarks that would have been destroyed and rebuilt, and noticed that it was even a different year a couple years in the past actually But everything was different for her.


Robotic right arm: Her right arm holds a small flamethrower, and it's palm can discharge enough electricity to rival a small stun gun


-She has a love of bacon

-shes the only person that can eat her own cooking without suffering a stomach ache or passing out

Theme- Wonderful world
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Name: Hatano Akahana

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Height: 5’9”

Weight: 132 lbs.


Personality: WIP

Skills and Powers:
  • Teleportation - Akahana is able to vanish and reappear anywhere in a 10-meter radius. Technically, her ability allows her to pass in-between the real world and Crimson Sky very quickly. When in the real world, she crosses into the Crimson Sky for a brief moment before returning at a physical point of her choice, and vice versa. She must have a target point to teleport to in mind, and once she has committed, she cannot change or stop the process. Although her teleportation necessitates moving through the realm opposite the one she's in, her power does not grant her unrestricted access back and forth. i.e. she must wait until night like everyone else to completely set foot in Crimson Sky.
  • Kenjutsu - Years of practice have honed Akahana's swordsmanship and she is just as lethal as she is graceful. Learning from both instructors and professional Chasers has helped her development along, and nowadays she can give most she faces a run for their money. Her exposure to Crimson Sky seems to have also played a role in her prowess.
  • Other - Akahana's experiences with the Hunters' Association have resulted in her developing many useful skills, including unarmed combat, tracking Youtai, identifying bridges between Crimson Sky and the real world, survival techniques, and so on.

Bio: Until she was seventeen, Akahana lead a relatively normal life. Kenjutsu class, fashion, relationships and scouting good food were her biggest priorities prior to her exposure to the Crimson Sky. As an upper-secondary school student, the threat of supernatural forces and parallel realms never crossed Akahana’s mind; such things were beyond the scope of her world, as it is for the vast majority of the city’s residents today. Unbeknownst to her, her father was a Chaser; under the guise of an overworked office worker he'd spend entire workdays in Crimson Sky, rooting out malicious Youkai for profit and for peace. While fairly reputable within the Chaser community, Hatano Naoki worked hard to distance his daughter from his work - it was how he could best protect her from the hazards of the other realm. Despite his efforts, things would change come a seemingly routine springtime evening.

Naoki and his daughter were on a drive home after a day out, which was supposed to be an off-day from "business." Sometime on the way, their car hit debris in the road, popping a tire and sending it sliding off the road, into a thicket. Though shaken, both were unhurt and the vehicle had not tipped over. Naoki stressed that Akahana stay in the car while he got out to check the damage and call to get it towed. Not a minute after he'd left the driver's seat, a sudden flash of light bathed the thicket in a dark crimson, and Naoki struggled to free himself from the maw of a portal that had opened in the air. Panicked and confused, Akahana ignored her father's orders to stay inside and leaped after him.

When she regained her bearings, Akahana found her surroundings only vaguely familiar - the thicket was still here, but the car was gone, and the immediate environment had a sombre feel to its aesthetic. A few yards away, her father was struggling with a creature of massive girth, seemingly devoid of a recognizable anatomy, save for a maw lined with rings of scissor-teeth. She struggled to her feet, utterly dumbfounded by the scene in front of her. The gelatinous entity noticed Akahana's movement, and ignoring Naoki, it darted its mass toward her. Clamping her eyes shut, Akahana tensed up, wishing herself out of the creature's path, away from the danger and wherever she would be safe. In that instance, she felt a moment of weightlessness and opened her eyes at the feet of her father. Exhausted, she struggled to keep focus, and soon she'd passed out completely.

The next time she awoke, Akahana was in her own bed, her father sitting tensely by her side. He had no choice but to reveal to her the truth of his occupation, the Youkai and the Crimson Sky. He remarked at her earlier exhibition of teleportation, taken aback by how quickly her exposure to the other realm had manifested in such an ability. Not wholly sure how what to do, now that Akahana was no longer in the dark regarding his secret life, Naoki decided it best to bring her to the Hunters' Association. There, she might learn to have better control and understanding of her newfound powers, and by surrounding her with other Chasers, she'd at least be protected if she was somehow threatened by the denizens of the Crimson Sky.

For the next four years, Akahana honed herself by training with other Chasers. She refined her teleportation ability, continued to develop her swordsmanship and learned the ins and outs of the Crimson Sky and its inhabitants. She'd accompanied professionals on incursions into the other world, gaining valuable experience that might be lost on solo Chasers. Her father is approaching the ideal retirement age from the Chaser life, and she is eager to take up his mantle and surpass his reputation.

  • Amagumo - The katana wielded by Akahana was presented to her by her father when she started hunting Youkai. Its name roughly means Thunder Cloud, called so for the deafening sound it makes when struck, and the shockwave that follows.
  • Shosuke - Not technically equipment; Akahana's Youkai companion takes the form of a portly feline. He is affiliated with the Hunters' Guild and was entrusted by Hatano Naoki to look after his daughter. His small size beguiles a cyclopean appetite. Shosuke is capable of utilizing magical techniques for offense and defense, and employs them to give Akahana an easier time. His name means Little Help.

Other: WIP
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Kindos
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Ketsui Nagumo

Age: 20

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Height: 5'10" (177.8 cm)

Weight: 165 lbs. (74.8 KG)


Ketsui is a rather vindictive person when it comes to someone who crosses him in anyway, he feels the need to 'get back' at someone with something he feels is equal to or slightly more than what they had done to him. This vindictive trait of his makes it hard for him to stay out of trouble. When Ketsui isn't committing his acts of vengeance he is a quite outgoing and friendly person, almost as though he has two personalities. He is also very hyperactive, almost never sitting still, constantly fidgety or moving around. Due to his hyperactivity Ketsui is very impatient causing him to be be reckless, rushing in to things before thinking them over.

Skills and Powers:
-Sixth Sense: Ketsui's sixth sense allows him to detect aura's, letting him know what the species of the being is and whether or not they are hostile, friendly or indifferent. While the aura's are detected he can roughly tell where the location of the being emitting the aura is. This sixth sense is not one Ketsui can turn off and on whenever he pleases, it remains active all the time just like any of the other senses.

-Bone Manipulation: Ketsui is able to manipulate his own bones, changing their density to make them lighter or heavier. He can also create new bones to be used as projectiles, weapons or simply to have them protrude through the skin. If Ketsui is to break a bone he is able to significantly speed up the healing process, however the initial pain of the bone breaking is much more painful than normal.

-Enhanced Acrobatics: He has power to perform acrobatic and gymnastic feats beyond that of normal capabilities.

As a child Ketsui's parents weren't home very much, often times leaving him with a babysitter. With no real sense of discipline around he frequently ran amuck, causing issues for the babysitter and the community he lived in. The small playground down the street from his house was where you could usually find him with his small group of friends. He was troublesome enough on his own, but with the group of friends he hung out with, he was worse.

The group of boys he was with would run through the neighbor hood being disruptive, using what parkour kills they had to flee the scene no matter what obsticles were in their way. One night while fleeing from the trouble they caused Ketsui broke apart from the group, trying to lose the heat. As he made it out of the alley he noticed he was in his neighbor hood anymore.

This mysterious world was new to him, without thinking Ketsui began to explore. He came upon a tower like structure and began to climb it hoping to be able to see more of his surroundings. As he climbed the structure he could see what looked like a small village. Once he made it back to the ground, he took off running in the direction of what he saw hoping to find answers as to where he was.

Nearing the village, he began to feel as though something was following him. Turning to look over his shiulder, he'd see it, the monster running towards him. This of course scared Ketsui sending him sprinting his fastest towards the village. The more his adrenaline pumped and his heart pounded, he began to feel other presences, some similar to the one chasing him and others more welcoming. He tried to out run the monster, but it was too fast and had caught up with him before he knew it. Ketsui let out a blood curdling scream. The monster had sunk its teeth into his left shoulder, snapping his collarbone under the pressure. Even through the pain Ketsui fought with all he could to escape the monsters clutches or he knew it meant certain death. Miraculously, he was able to free himself only to collapse and pass out in front of the village.

When he finally awoke again he was bandaged up, laying on a cot. Looking at the bloodied bandage wraps on his left shoulder, Ketsui surprisingly felt no pain, in fact the wound was virtually healed. He paused, feeling a presence approach him. Slowly turning his head to face it, he panicked when he saw it was another monster. However the creature was quick to reassure him that it was not the same sort Ketsui ran into the night before. Once he calmed down the creature explained where he was and how to get back to his own world, along with how to get back to the Crimson Sky if he ever wanted to come back.

Ketsui would go back time and time again, learning more about that mysterious crimson world and more about his own abilities. He grew to like that new world quite a bit, wanting to help them as they helped him. With that Ketsui would later become what was known as a Chaser, hunting down the exact same creatures that tormented and attacked him his first time there.

He doesn't carry any weapons on him as his body can produce all the weaponry he'll need. Ketsui does however, keep three identical stainless steel baoding balls on him at all times, in case he finds himself unable to sit still.

Ketsui becomes very agitated and upset if he loses his baodinv balls or if someone takes them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AiyvaGuard
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AiyvaGuard Arisha the Spellsword

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name |
Alie Windred

Age |

Gender |

Height| 4.7ft [] Weight| 113.4lb [] Build| Athletic

Personality |
Alie is a drawer, expressing her current emotions by drawing. Multiple pictures within her mind that express her feelings. Feelings in which she couldn't show because she was too shut in. Alie was too scared to realize that she was pushing away others and her mother pushed her to the edge until she suddenly stopped, Alie began to accept that her mother just wanted a writer instead of an artist and due to her rewards she felt as if she'd gain money and power out of her books...but instead only pain came from it. Alie is confident, shy, and bubbly all at the same time. After she discovered her powers and her effects she felt stronger because of it. Now she is able to keep her state of mind without being scared.

Skills and Powers |

  • Time | The user can manipulate the fabric of time forwarding it, stopping it, and replaying it. But at the cost of mass use is parts of her life force. When using it for 'mass use' Alie's life time would decrease at the use of 'mass use'. But if Alie were to pick certain areas to rewind/fast forward/ or stop then the effects wouldn't be caused. But her powers effects can only vary by her physical and mental state. So if she is scared or tired her powers would be temporary. But if she was confident and active her powers would reach full potential.

Bio |
Alie was born in a line of writers, her mother wrote 3 books and two of them received a reward. Her father was abusive, after Alie was born he began beating the mother and to the extent in which broke a bone. Later on he killed himself while drunk and since then Alie's mother began writing her experience as a victim thus she won a trophy. But Alie wasn't as creative as her mother, she lingered around drawing and wanted to become an artist. Though her mother decline, wanting a line of writers instead of artists she pushed her way through the boundaries, but it didn't work. No matter what her mother did to become a writer Alie wanted to draw... her passion for it was unbelievable and at a young age she could draw better than any artist...almost, though. Finally her mother accepted her passion and continued writing books, leaving Alie be she was finally free to do what ever she wanted with her profession. At occasions Alie would venture near her home climbing, running, and walking the lonely streets near her house. " Boundaries? You venture these streets and simply draw...humans. " Suddenly on a fateful day Alie was forcefully dragged into the Crimson World. He left her there alone scared and distraught. Demons or some kind of creatures were drawn to her by her scent and then...bang. Time surged through her and forcefully time stopped by Alie's will. Creatures in which slowly moved towards her and thus she planned her escape. Quietly crying as she pushed away the creatures that tried to devour her. Alie fell back into reality, facing the effects of her powers she began realizing what she encountered. Alie attempted to find multiple ways back into the Crimson World and thus she did, during full moons she entered the Crimson World and thus she explored it with confidence.

Equipment |
Time Key

Other |
Casual Outfit

Added with Gray Ballerina Shoes
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ikkime Oi

unknown but she appears to be in her late teens

Youkai (Female)


150 lbs


Ikkime is a very quiet soul, almost rarely does she talk, She hates life and everything about it, the happiness, the joy of feeling the warmth of others, like she did when she was alive. She use to show compassion but now its just simply nothingness, no regret, no anger, no happiness, just a feeling deep down of sorrow. The sorrow of never being able to take back what she did so many many many years ago, the sorrow of leaving the loved ones long dead. Also allows herself to not be the center of attention which she does not favor when not fighting. She likes the quiet in general because it causes her less problems.

She feels nothing anymore, no more trying to solve her death, no more trying to help out others. She cares for only herself and herself alone, not many people could change her mind about it. She also happens to be Bi-Polar almost when it comes to encountering others. She almost seems happy, and content with herself. It's almost like her real self is a lie and this is the personality she has, but its all an act. She will show kindness to others and tries her best to cheer them up, when in actuality she wants them to die, and simply fade away like she did so long ago. She will tend to keep to herself when others around and make sure above anything else that she makes it out alive. Sometimes even putting others in the way of danger to keep herself alive. Deep down she knows it's wrong but she doesn't care, she made a promise before she died that she would continue the fight no matter what, even if it means she eternally sad.

Skills and Powers:

Ikkime's soul is so vast and so powerful, that simply moving can become an attack. By flexing and extending her muscles, she causes large arms of physical aura to reach from her being. These "arms of aura" are completely visible to the naked eye, thanks to the sheer amount of their spiritual power causing them to glow. They appear much like Ikkime's arms, lithe and elongated...but outrageous strength hidden within. Though the ends form into hands, with fingers, there is no fine motor control. The fingers do no move, nor do they bend or squeeze. These behave more like an animals' paw, in that, they digits are merely there for support or clawing.

The size of the arms can vary, depending on the level of exertion Ikkime uses. She can range the length of her arms from 1 single foot, all the way to 30 meters. The radius of the arms, which often take the very cylindrical form of her own anatomy, will vary from 1 meter to 5 meters. She can sling arms the size of people or buses, it all depends on her effort. What they lack in tactile function, they make up for with devastation. Whatever becomes struck by these limbs is hit with the full force of Ikkime's strength. The arm is a conduit for her deceptively, horrifying physicality. Though they cannot grab or clutch their targets, they can pummel and pulverize them to fine, flesh dust. These arms are as tireless as Ikkime, and will only give out when her spirit does. Basically...death will come first.

They can't grapple or clutch things...and they can't have claws. She has no fine control over her aura, which would allow her to articulate the fingers or make them squeeze...and this same lack of control prevents her from honing the ends of the arms into a fine, cutting point. What they do instead of grasping or scratching...is they crush. These arms are formed out of her wildly vast power reserves, and possess the same strength as the soul who exerts them. Her ability to create limbs or "hammer-like" bodies of aura, is determined by her Class. She can make up to 7 arms at once and no more, though the more arms she makes, the slower her body becomes, leaving her arms to make her move, but her body to be semi vulnerable. These arms as strong as steel, if not stronger.

These said arms are able to be instantly change length, and also diameter though they can only grow as big as 5 meters at the max and everything below. else it becomes to much to control. The arms themselves are an extension of them, so if you're able to break them, then they would injure her as well, not only that it would cause the arms to be weaker when she regrows them. She can only regrow them back a number of 4 times before it becomes to much for her to control. Each arm causes her to lose control of the power, after the first one they get slower, until the last one which is the as the strong as the first if not stronger. The first arms spawned will be 3 meters wide and and have a 30 meter reach, The second round will be slower and 2 meters wide, but still have the reach capacity of 30 meters. The third round is her weakest and only 1.5 meters wide, but they are 35 meters long to make up for the weakness of the size. The third round of arms are also much much much much slower, only as fast a human in shape. The fourth round of arms are arguably the strongest, they are 4 meters in diameter and go back to the reach of 30 meters. The reason behind why they are they are the strongest is the reiatsu acts as adrenaline when in this final stage.
Beyond this main power, Ikkime is also strong enough to lift a car with effort, and faster then humans. She is how ever not incredibly durable but she can take some hits.


On an OOC moment, Ikkime is kinda of an Anti-Hero in a sense that she doesn't have a side, she'll do whatever she deems correct in her kinda twisted mind. Meaning while she could help you, there's no telling if she'll kill you the next week, loose cannons, wo!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tatszico
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tatszico The Unseen

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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Medjedovic
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Medjedovic Not a Smart Man

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Ayato Sawagami

Age: 26

Gender: Male


Height: 1,74m Weight: 72kg

Ayato is very relaxed person who rarely gets visibly upset by the events around him. He rarely panics and rarely gets absorbed by his emotions to the point of making foolish decisions. In his job as a youkai hunter Ayato doesn’t consider himself the “protector of the weak” or a “hero” and is in fact quite above such delusions. Despite that, he believes that youkai who step out of line and cause large disturbances in the human world need to be stopped and he is quite willing to do so, especially if there is monetary compensation for it.

Although Ayato has seen quite a few gruesome acts committed by youkai, and even had some of his Chaser comrades killed by them, he holds no grudge against the entire race and is willing to communicate and cooperate with them, which he has done on more than one occasion. This professional approach has earned him a reputation among the Chasers and youkai alike.

When not hunting or otherwise dealing with supernatural, Ayato has a few hobbies he is quite dedicated to: motorbikes, firearms and video games. He is also an avid smoker and goes through a pack of cigarettes a day.

Skills and Powers:
Spectral Form: Ayato instantly turns incorporeal. His appearance changes, becoming a transparent white-blue silhouette shaped like him. Anything smaller than him he touches that is not a living being will be turned incorporeal with him. In this form Ayato moves extremely fast and his reflexes are boosted. He can’t be touched by physical objects and can move through them as if they didn’t exist, but he also isn’t capable of touching and harming anything in this form. Also, Ayato is capable of levitating up to 10 meters above the ground and doesn’t get injured by falling from high places.

Marksman: Guns are Ayato’s hobby and he is very good at using them.

Athletic Ability: Because his job is hunting down supernatural monsters Ayato has trained his body to be fit. He is stronger and has better reflexes than average person.

Ayato was a firstborn child in a fairly normal middle class family. His father was a salaryman, his mother a housewife and three years after his birth he got a younger brother. His childhood and teens were completely average, without anything happening which would set it apart from any other Japanese his age. He went to school, participated in club activities, hanged out with friends, went on dates, studied for tests... If there was anything that stood out was his athletic ability, he was the ace of the basketball club. It is during this period where his interest for guns and motorbikes began to exhibit, but he never obsessed over his hobbies to a degree which anyone would consider weird.

When Ayato enrolled in college it seemed as if his life was going to continue in the same manner, but it was during the winter of his first year when an event took place which changed his life forever. As he was walking back to his flat from a drinking party with his college buddies his was attacked by a monster and dragged into an unknown world. Back then he knew neither what it was nor where it took him; the only thing he knew was that he had to escape if he wanted to live. That is when it manifested. To this day Ayato doesn’t know if his spectral form was something he was born with or if that first visit to Crimson Sky somehow imbued him with it, but that newly found ability saved his life. He turned incorporeal and somehow managed to escape the youkai and Crimson Sky.

First few days after the experience he was so terror stricken he wouldn’t leave his flat or answer calls, but this didn’t stop second attack from happening. The youkai, whom he eluded before, found him and decided to finish the job. In the first bout of panic Ayato desperately attacked the monster and managed to wound it. Seeing it injured increased his confidence and, after a fierce struggle using everything at his disposal as a weapon, he managed to slay it. Once the fight was over Ayato realized he was again in the weird crimson world and this time it took more effort for him to get back into human world, but once he was back he thought over everything that happened to him. Beginning from the assumption that he was not insane, he came to the conclusion that there is another world inhabited by monsters which prey on humans. The process of thinking everything through helped him regain his peace of mind, although it would take months for the fear of that other, crimson world to completely leave Ayato.

For a while life continued normally for Ayato. He returned to college and his studies, but he also explored both his new found power and the other world. If, he rationalized, there is other world filled with monsters, it would be wise to learn about it and how to counter the danger it posed. After avoiding danger for some time and just sticking to passively observing, Ayato eventually began involving himself with monsters. This chiefly means he would try and stop them from catching unsuspecting humans. Several times he managed to do this without big problems, but soon he ended up in hospital after a particularly fierce battle.

It was during his stay in the hospital that the second event which changed his life drastically happened. A man introducing himself as the representative of the Yotsuba Technologies Corporation (YTC) offered Ayato a job. Apparently, someone saw that last battle and took interest in Ayato’s power. YTC was already involved with the world of monsters and wanted to hire Ayato as a specimen-hunter and a security. In return, aside from a big paycheck, Ayato would receive intensive training, state of the art equipment and education about the Crimson Sky. Ayato took the time while he was in hospital to think about it but in the end agreed.

The time he worked for YTC was the darkest part of Ayato’s life. The corporation used its findings from the Crimson Sky to create powerful fusions of technology and magic which it then sold for profit. YTC was ruthless in achieving its goals, performing all manner of illegal or borderline-legal activities. Initially Ayato managed not to care about what he witnessed as the employee of YTC, but as years passed he couldn’t stand it anymore and tried to leave. However, you don’t just leave YTC after witnessing its operations, especially not if you had a power like Ayato. Immediately upon learning his plans to quit YTC sent henchmen to abduct Ayato. If he didn’t want to be their employee he would be their research specimen. Things didn’t go as planned- Ayato wiped out the entire team sent after him. YTC sent another team and Ayato eliminated it too. This process repeated for a while until Ayato decided to counter-attack and destroyed one of the bigger research facilities, almost exposing some of the corporation’s darker experiments. In the end YTC decided that trying to deal with Ayato violently wasn’t worth the expenses and risks and stopped pursuing him.

Left alone, Ayato stopped involving himself with supernatural for a while, but eventually he came in contact with Hunter’s Association and began hunting violent youkai for money. It has been a year since then.

Weapon's Locker: Less of a locker and more a room, this is a hidden space within Ayato's apartment filled with firearms of all kinds (all illegal, of course). Don't be surprised when he appears in front of a youkai with an assault rifle... or a rocket launcher.

Spectral V20: A bike custom built by YTC for Ayato. It's shell is very resistant to damage and he can pull it with him into spectral form despite it being larger than him.

SEDOD (Supernatural Entity Detection Optical Device): Another one of YTC's gadgets, it is a pair of glasses capable of identifying youkai hiding in human form. Also, it allows user to see life signs of beings, mortal or supernatural, through the walls. This second function doesn’t work through more than one wall or if wall is over 30cm thick.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by XLegs
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XLegs Genuine Donkey

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ruby Etra
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Ruby Etra

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Mayuka

Nickname/third person name:Mayu Mayu

Age: ???(Probably around 16-18.)

Gender: Female

Height:5' 5"

Weight: How rude


Personality: Mayuka has a strangely cunning personality for how stupid she can be about things when it comes to day to day life. Let alone the irony of how naive she is for a trickster. The best way to describe her form of intelligence, is like a really really smart talking dog. Sure it can do your algebra homework for you, but it's still a dog. Furthermore her more animalistic nature can be seen whenever she wants anything, however rational, methodical, or civil she is about it she still has the eyes of a predator. Though despite her scary ambitions she is actually a kind and gentle person who generally tries to please others. Her main hobbies include art, and studying the natural world. She even has a pet bird.(Get it poetry art, she seriously has a pet bird though.)

Skills and Powers:

"Mayu doesn't want to feed. Mayu wants to hunt"-Given the nature of her upbringing always being the underdog that had to do something to survive, and work in the band of youkai she grew up with to hunt down a pesky intruder. This leaves her with at least compared to the normal human a increased ability to track and hunt down the youkai despite her only being human. It also gives her a good knowledge of how to chase, and escape them.

Inside info-She has a comparatively knowledge of youkai, and can quickly analyze them like a human would tell traits of a normal animal, and has a few connections inside the world making her great at espionage compared to the normal human.

Material morph- It's unclear if she actually learned how to do this on the other side,, or it is just a accidental trait she can do because she thinks this is how it works, but she can morph materials with her magic to the point she is able to change the very nature of material. This can often be refereed to enchanting or alchemy, by some mages.

Volatile expertise- Youkai blood, poisons, or actual explosives. Mayu can alter all of these into powerful weapons that have a tendency for friendly fire. In short "boom"

Trap setting-Her magic and cunning are great for setting trap, usually tying in with her material magic.

Enchanting- Ok it's a pretty basic concept, but rarely done in the modern world. Expect things like enchanted bullets ect.

Drugs- Enhancement, meical, or poisoning it's pretty standard as well. She can make a few double edge swords though. Don't worry they don't make your p**** smaller either.

Primal weaponry She is excellent with bows spears, and knifes.


Fighting fair- In any fight where she is stuck fighting her opponent she falls flat

Naive- She has a hard time believing other humans can lie as she always thought that was something she herself could never do.

What is aiming-She literally has never aim down a site so expect her to struggle at firing a gun or anything of the sort

Bio: She was found in the crimson sky a year ago. She seems like she hasn't been raised on our earth, and was given a job in the cafe so she could get a job somewhere. The only real interest she has are gossiping with the youkai's that inhabit the cafe, understanding human art, and learning about the non human inhabitants of our world.

Equipment:She typically just carries a compound bow on her, and some earplugs

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CannedBread
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CannedBread The Pupil

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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by WanderingSpirit
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WanderingSpirit Wish Cloud 9 existed...

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Stormlight3
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Stormlight3 Lord of Thunder

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Tico no Tico (Yukino Kakashi)

Age: 17

Race: Youkai

Gender: Female

Height: 143cm

Weight: "C'mon, ask me again, I dare you. I might have to bite you for it though, nya~"

Personality: Rather bubbly and energetic, just how every Neko is. That is to say if most cats weren't lazy furballs. That aside, she has boundless amounts of joy and happiness that is said to be so strong that it passes on to others. In about every sad or gloomy situation you can count on her to brighten the mood and bring the team moral back up, she just has a knack for bringing positivity, it has something to do with her lovable nature and younger sister like aura. Of course, she is in love with Neko Girls, or cat girls, she dresses up everyday without fail, you would think people would shoo her away from shops or public areas, but they don't seem to mind, after all, she's not hurting anyone.

Skills and Powers:
C'mon Guys! Don't Fall Asleep Now!: Holding her paws to the sky, Tico creates a large pink orb that explodes and sends small orbs flying off in search of her comrades. When they come in contact with these orbs, they are healed from exhaust and injury.

Nya! I'll Dash Into You! Running on all fours at extreme speeds, she tackles her prey multiple times, on account that she can't actually stop herself and she needs to bounce off other objects to slow down.

Come! Kitty Kat Family! All of a sudden, a army of Kittens arrives, everybody from the feline family is here, Uncle Lion & Tiger, Grandmother Leopard, Grandfather Cheeta oh and look over there! The bobcat cousins! After these cats have done whatever it is they feel like doing, they dissipate into pink sparkles and return to the crimson sky.

Bio: "I'm just your everyday cat girl, nya! What do you wanna know about me? Nyaa?"
Not being the most intelligent of Youkai, she left her world in search of something more exciting and interesting in the Human world. Low and behold she came across a cosplay cafe. Unfortunately for her she couldn't work there unless she became a chaser... Whatever that was, regardless, she did it. Now she could work at a cafe, meet new people everyday and chase mice!
She has no real concept of money so she never actually uses anything they give her as compensation for working.

- Standard Dual Hand Guns: It's probably a bad idea, that they gave these to her. Which is why they didn't and she stole them, with her big paws they're a bit hard for her to grasp and use, but she is strangely managing quite well and is getting more accurate with every try.

- A Whip (Her Tail): Ah yes, her tail, a strange part of her body that is able to extend and snap back into place, she can use it to whip things, swing from one area to another or even to just look plain cute. It's said it's the key to how she balances herself.

- Claws: Retractable claws that come out of her paws, they're stronger than any human knife, after all, they come from a cat, that's from an entirely different realm. She tends to only use them in close combat, or when she feels threatened she'll show them off to scare away a potential attacker.

Obviously she has the reflexes and likeness of a cat. Without the nine lives though, she only has three left.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Zane Tracer

Age: 19

Race: Human/Youkai

Gender: Male

Height: 180 cm (5ft 10 in)

Weight: 59 kg (130 lb)


Personality: Best described as stably unstable, he was never very sane to begin with, but due to his fusion with a youkai's power he is on the edge of outright insanity. Despite this, he is completely in control of his insanity, and fine with it. He does obsess a little over technology and has a tendency to go on a rampage during battle. Underneath the madness, he is actually a nice guy with a good sense of humor, if a little anti-social.

He likes sweets and music.

Skills and Powers: Energy- His power is to generate and to manipulate large amounts of energy. Energy generated by him looks like purple lightning, but is oddly silent. The Youkai power made his energy so powerful and he generates so much that it overflows if he doesn't expend it constantly.

Temporal/Spatial Distortion- His power, boosted by youkai energy is so powerful, it is able to warp time and space, to what extent is unknown, but he is able to teleport himself and others, generate barriers, make pocket dimensions he can put various items in and at an extreme, cause a black hole. His time abilities are still unknown.

Bio: As a kid, Zane always was a little crazy, like mad scientist crazy. This never changed as he got older. He is a genius with technology, by ten he had dismantled his computers and put them together, better than before. He always felt uncomfortable around people, which drove him to technology. He never knew his parents, he was raised by a foster father, who was very kind and good to him, like a real father. But, when he was sixteen, during a routine shopping trip that ended in a surprise eat-out dinner from his father to him, they where attacked by a powerful Youkai, although he had no idea at the time. He watched, helpless as it killed many people and his father, before dragging him to the Crimson Sky. Under that blood red sky, his power awakened, and his rage and madness burst forth, destroying the Youkai. But something went wrong, the remains of it's power enveloped Zane and fused with him. Mad, and completely out of his mind, he wandered the Crimson Sky for a long time, almost three years. He remembers little of this time. Eventualy his sanity (sort of) returned and he found himself in the ruins of some vast city, filled with amazing technology. He got a hold of some that worked and from there he designed and built his Dynamos and TechArmor. During this time, he also worked out his powers. Soon he tried to figure out a way to escape, and using his powers and the technology, he was able to. However, when he got back, he realized that many years had passed in the other world.

Dynamos- Drones of his own design made with technology he found in the other world, couriously similar to e-OS's. They are bladed and conduct his energy, and able to fire it in various forms. They can also be configured to form just about anything he needs (although they are only so big) from a powerful electricity cannon to a high tech skateboard.

TechArmor- Made of the same technology as his dynamos, this functions as a powerful defense and an conductor for his energy. He made it to provide an outlet for his energy, and slow it's build up. It is able to shrink into the jewel on his chest, but only for a limited time.

Various tools he keeps in a pocket dimension.
Some scraps and parts of various machines and tech, found and brought over by him.

Theme/Battle Music: I Am Machine By Three Days Grace
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 6 days ago

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