Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

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@Dead Cruiser

Hm... Not sure what to say. Just to clarify, is your character able to summon monsters and spells as seen in the Magic TCG? I was in an rpg where that was the case for one of the Planeswalker, but he had a massive library that it might seemed op in an Rpg setting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 12 days ago

@Dead Cruiser

Hm... Not sure what to say. Just to clarify, is your character able to summon monsters and spells as seen in the Magic TCG? I was in an rpg where that was the case for one of the Planeswalker, but he had a massive library that it might seemed op in an Rpg setting.

The vast majority of his spells and summons will be inspired by cards from the trading card game, yes. Villia himself specializes in red and blue magic, essentially, and it not a particularly powerful summoner. Monsters (Creatures, in TCG terms) aren't his forte; his combat style is more to disrupt, confuse and manipulate his foes with more direct spellcasting (Instants and Sorceries).
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I am making a nun with special abilities as my second character.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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Lost Cause

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Well given that I've run head first into the brick wall of Writer's Block and so haven't managed to come out with a backstory, I guess I'm going to withdraw the sheet I posted on page one.

Sorry. >.<
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Name: Anno
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Appearance: Usually in skirts though, but sometimes shorts are nice. Pale skin, blue eyes, and brown hair.
Method of Travel: Any Available
  • Symphogear: Vajra
    Anno has obtained a shard of the ancient artifact, Vajra, tuned to the Symphogear system. Using this fragment, Anno can activate the Symphogear system by singing a short activation phrase. This covers her body in a black bodysuit with pieces of golden gear based on the artifact herself, with a weapon based on Vajra as well. In this state Anno is vastly stronger and faster then a human would otherwise be, and far more durable. Bullets, for example, are mostly useless against a Symphogear user. Anno is also capable of interacting with the extradimensional Noise without dissolving into carbon, though that is unlikely to be of use here. Her chief offensive weapon is a transforming staff. In its base state, it is a ranged weapon that fires bolts of electricity at a target. It can be transformed into a long-hilted sword, which channels electricity up the blade.
    Anno is also capable of initiating a variety of attacks using the Symphogear system. As of now, she is not able to activate them.

Personality: Shy and somewhat reclusive, Anno spends most of her time reading or on the computer. While she is a bit more likely to be somewhat open among friends, her nerves get to her easily and she sometimes suffers from anxiety. She does her best to try and work through this, but it can sometimes be rather difficult to do so. She is a fan of action and slice of life works, as well as comedies. She is also a fan of yuri. Anno enjoys a variety of video games and also enjoys creative writing. She likes cute things a great deal and is very, very much against seeing children hurt for any reason. Anno is a massive fan of the Nasuverse, Touhou, and a lot of other things that would take an unnecessarily large amount of space to list. She is rather easy to embarrass and make feel rather awkward, however.
Starting World: Our Earth
Backstory: Anno's life is mostly uninteresting, she's mostly just a normal girl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alright, I'm just gonna quickly skim the sign ups.

@Dead Cruiser

Blue's sort of hard to RP due to its nature. Elemental magic + summon magic's alright, but metamagic is probably iffy to some GMs. Might help if I had an exact list of what spells he can do.

@Weird Tales

I can see that (I like it), and it'll be very interesting considering one of the main antagonists do nasty things to souls in ways Renaissance-era Satan would approve of, something Christians are very sensitive about. Give me a mention if/when the sheet's done.


Everything looks good. Accepted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 12 days ago

@Dead Cruiser

Blue's sort of hard to RP due to its nature. Elemental magic + summon magic's alright, but metamagic is probably iffy to some GMs. Might help if I had an exact list of what spells he can do.

I think it would be easier to explain the effects that he has access to.

In game terms (and then in RP terms), Villia can:
Counter spells (negate purely magical powers),
Draw cards (empower himself with magical inspiration),
Copy instants and sorceries (copy magical powers that do not summon creatures),
Change the target of instants and sorceries (redirect magical powers that do not summon creatures),
Deal damage to creatures or players (attack directly with magical fire or lightning),
Enchant shroud, haste, flying and first strike (empower himself or his summons with mystical camouflage, enhanced speed, and flight, usually with fire and lightning)
Destroy artifacts (destroy technology and artifice with fire and lightning),
Replicate instants and sorceries (copy his own spells easily),
Overload instants and sorceries (supercharge his own spells to give them wider effects),
Give +1/-1 (increase offensive power at the cost of durability),
Give -1/+1 (increase durability at the cost of offensive power),
Swap power and toughness (distort the offensive power and durability of his summons or enemies),
Scry (take a brief glimpse into the immediate future, or uncontrollable and fleeting but far-reaching prophetic visions),
Tap creatures (temporarily immobilize or neutralize enemies using wind and water),
Return permanents to their owners' hands (unsummon creatures and other summons),
Give -1/-0 (shrink his enemies to ineffectuality),
Transform his creatures into dragons (his summons temporarily become dragons),
Summon elementals, weirds, djinn, dragons and chimeras (summon magical creatures from the aether to fight for and serve him),
Tinker artifacts (transmute artifacts into different artifacts),
Summon artifacts (summon magical technology from the aether to serve as tools, weapons or other apparatuses).

I know that seems like a lot, and maybe it is, but his role is to be a flexible sort of utility character, who fights with trickery and misdirection. More powerful effects are more difficult for him, and he has less practice and ability in some areas (summoning, scrying, transmutation) than others (metamagic and elemental magic).

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Green Rhapsody
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Green Rhapsody Green Is A Creative Color

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

  • Name: Phoebe Nocturne
  • Age: 22
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: Something like this.
  • Method of Travel: Uses the power of Etherion granted by her sword to cut a rift into space that transports her to the universe of her desire.
  • Powers: Phoebe is the next Rave Master, granting her increased physical ability and usage of the sword Ten Commandments. This sword is capable of transforming into ten different forms and can only be wielded by the Rave Master, as it gets heavy for anyone else that tries to use it. Each form has a different ability and most won't be unlocked until Phoebe's skill level increases. Her version of Rave is slightly different from the previous Rave Master's as an entirely new sword has to be created to suit a new Rave Master. (Note: The appearance of the forms is in order from right to left in the image.)
    • First Form; Eisenmeteor: This is the normal configuration of the sword, and will manifest even if Rave is not embedded into the sword. Eisenmeteor is a regular metal sword with no special abilities. It is, however, especially bulky, and is able to cut through magic shielding without resistance, useful against magic-using opponents. Additionally, a new ability was added to this sword that can be activated by channeling the power of Etherion in it. This allows her to cut a rift in space for travel. This ability can only be used once a day, twice if Phoebe doesn't mind being knocked out for the rest of the day.
    • Second Form; Explosion: Upon inserting the Rave stone, the Ten Commandments changes into its first form, Explosion. It is a sword not meant for cutting but rather, true to its name, creates small explosions on contact. This and the first form are the two that Phoebe will start out with. The others will be acquired throughout her journey.
    • Third Form; Silfarion: After gaining the Rave Stone of Knowledge, Phoebe will be able to use this form as well as give her the ability to "learn" the other forms over time. In this form, the user gains supersonic speeds. However, the sword is much lighter than the other forms and thus doesn't have much offensive power.
    • Fourth Form; Runesave: It is an intangible sword incapable of cutting physical objects. Instead, it can cut magic and seal it temporarily upon contact.
    • Fifth Form; Blue Crimson: In this form, the sword splits into two. One is a sword that attacks with fire and the other is a sword that attacks with ice.
    • Sixth Form; Melforce: Also called the Vacuum Sword, it creates a powerful whirlpool of air that blows back everything in its path.
    • Seventh Form; Gravity Core: Known as the Gravity Sword, this sword is extremely heavy, allowing the wielder to break through hard objects. Because of its extreme weight, it is hard to swing so its best to jump into the air, switch to that form and use the gravity from the fall to take full advantage of its weight.
    • Eighth Form; Million Suns: A holy sword capable of destroying the darkness with its light.
    • Ninth Form; Sacrifar: A sword that puts the user in a berserker-like state. It grants them extreme power in exchange for taking all their emotions except for anger. This is a form to be used sparsely as you'll lose yourself to the anger.
    • Tenth Form; Knight Raver: Phoebe's personal version of the tenth sword form and can only be achieved once all the Rave stones are gathered. This is considered the most powerful sword form and will represent the bond she has with her allies. This sword will imbue the user and her comrades with a powerful fighting will that increases all their abilities and make victory possible even in hopeless situations.
  • Personality: Phoebe is a very relaxed and lazy young woman. She rarely goes out of her way to do things if it takes too much effort. Circumstances, of course, always begrudgingly force her out of these habits. Despite this attitude, she is far from apathetic and will always do what is right. Also, even though she thinks making friends is too much of a bother, she is a very amicable person. Albeit, she may still come off as awkward or too much of a smartass for her own good.
  • Starting World: The World of Rave
  • Backstory: Like most, she started as a normal girl. She had just lost her scholarship from college due to not putting forth the effort and was taking a year off until she could get the money to pay for her classes. All in all, she was thinking reality was being a real pain when something odd happened. There was strange flashes of lights and the next thing she knew, she was waking up on a strange island, greeted by a white haired man. He told her his wife had found her passed out in front of his house and had brought her inside where they cared for her until she woke up. It seemed she had ended up in a place called Garage Island. For several weeks, she stayed with the couple and their son while she figured out how to get home. It was during this stay that the island got attacked. The white haired man attempted to use strange sword and stone to fight but found it didn't work for him. It was by mere coincidence that Phoebe later ended up with both during the fight and it was realized that she was the next Rave Master. After the fight, all the stones (sans the first one) that the man had collected rose into the air disappeared through several portals. As the new Rave Master, it became Phoebe's job to collect them all throughout the multiverse and soon preparations were made for her to go on her journey. She will also be travelling with Plue, the snowdogbug.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Douglas Ron Kenton in present day
The Old Man Of The Woods
Age: Unknown, definitely starting sometimes in the Dark Ages.
Gender: Male
He always appears as a Man, with the youngest age being in his mid 60's.
Method of Travel:
He can control lightning bolts, fire balls, teleportation, healing abilities, and control the weather, uses magic to counter other's spells, removing curses, turning people into stone, turning people into animals, or turning invisible. He can light his hands on fire and emit bursts of flame. He can also conjure mists, either just to obscure vision or searing heat strong enough to melt steel, or freezing mists strong enough to encase large groups of rivals into frozen targets. In mental combat, he can cast out horrifying monsters that infest people's dreams by wilting them into dissipating completely. Even very powerful creatures capable of ruining someone's supernatural make up often become terrified so completely by his presence that they only dare try to overcome him through surprise attacks, which never take him by surprise.
He is a warning figure who tells the stereotypical teenagers, kids or horror movie victims to get out of the area. He doesn't usually take up residence in communities but he has before. He's made contact with communities, ranging everywhere from creepy cult towns to New York City, but wherever he ends up, he rescues or at least attempts to save people from horrible fates that exist in every nook and cranny of the Creepy Pasta world. He is always kind to children, but can slap the crap out of them if he thinks he can save them from getting caught in trouble with a supernatural baddy. Better mildly traumatized than utterly and totally dead or worse.
He gives advice to people running away from things he doesn't know is possible to get away from, even how to survive years from creatures like Slenderman, Jeff the Killer, although if it came to a battle between the two, The Old Man Of The Woods could shatter Jeff easily.
Starting World: Creepy Pasta (Earth)
The Old Man of the Woods was born sometime in the 400's, latest records suggest the year 500. Both and all accounts that record him say that by the age of one hundred he knew how to trash demonic powers like they were nothing. His power waxes and wanes very widely, at one moment he has been powerful enough to barely protect a large Medieval Town like Canterbury, in the next moment he has become powerful enough to ward off monsters like Slenderman and the other native monsters of the Creepy Pasta universe that are extremely powerful and capable of threatening the world. He's always very strongly magically protected, and he has made friends and enemies frequently. The Creepy Pasta universe isn't known for being hospital to heroes, so his friends are usually politically powerful, if they aren't in some way supernatural themselves. By the 1500's he had come to the Americas, taking up residence to defend the natives from creatures that were equal or more powerful than most he had seen in Europe. He stayed, witnessing the trials of Salem, Massachusetts in the 1600's, and even found and defeated some newly found enemies there.

No one related to the Goode family, or Tituba, the real culprits, along with some known accomplices in Salem, were never put on trial, though he went by the name of Ezekiel during those days, he was more of a trader than a resident. No one would listen to him even if they couldn't threaten him physically. He discovered a strange alchemy at work in Salem, but he fled the area, making sure to ward the area for the residents. It's unknown if his wards of protection lasted more than several years. These days, Dennis Ron Kenton, as he is known, lives in Pheonix Arizona, where he attempts to protect the inhabitants from increasing demonic activity.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

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... I'm definitely not feeling these characters.

@Dead Cruiser
Half of those powers are alright. It's these powers I have concern with:

Counter spells (negate purely magical powers),
Change the target of instants and sorceries (redirect magical powers that do not summon creatures),
Swap power and toughness (distort the offensive power and durability of his summons or enemies),
Tap creatures (temporarily immobilize or neutralize enemies using wind and water),
Return permanents to their owners' hands (unsummon creatures and other summons),
Give -1/-0 (shrink his enemies to ineffectuality),

@Green Rhapsody

I have updated the rules somewhat. Semi-Canonical OCs like Gojira are acceptable, but other than that, OCs from this point on, at least for the first characters, should be from Earth (our Earth, no variant, though you can have it be from any time sans future due to it being unwritten). This at least brings a bit of the original concept to mind.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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@Psyga315 Oh so just actual OCs and no like alternate canonical characters (excluding Gojira)? Awwwww... Alright then.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Psyga315 Oh so just actual OCs and no like alternate canonical characters (excluding Gojira)? Awwwww... Alright then.

Alternate canon characters are acceptable too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Psyga315 The character Springtrap was alternate canon too, a more of a supernatural human, unless it was too canonical? I deleted the profile on him so don't expect him to come back up, but it appeared your not liking him. Is that why?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Well, not quite. I did say that newer bios would fall under the rule. Though if it wasn't that, then it'd mainly be that Springtrap was a character in a horror game and his powers reflect that.

Okay, that might not make sense, but let me explain: part of what makes horror scary is that the victim is usually weak while their stalker/killer/what have you always has the upper hand until the climax.

This can't convey well in RPGs. You can make a horror RP work, but this is no Horror RP. Especially since the characters tend to be stronger than the threat that is scary because the people fighting them are usually weak against it. Let's say Gojira got in a fight with Springtrap. Gojira would probably come out on top in less than a minute.

Gojira works because her powers can be translated well for an RPG like this. Springtrap (and by extension, Creepy Pasta characters) mostly wouldn't because they were made with horror in mind, which extends to being stronger than an average man.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Psyga315 You do have a point actually. I should've probably thought this through a bit before posting. I understand completely.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 12 days ago

@Dead Cruiser
Half of those powers are alright. It's these powers I have concern with:

Counter spells (negate purely magical powers),
Change the target of instants and sorceries (redirect magical powers that do not summon creatures),
Swap power and toughness (distort the offensive power and durability of his summons or enemies),
Tap creatures (temporarily immobilize or neutralize enemies using wind and water),
Return permanents to their owners' hands (unsummon creatures and other summons),
Give -1/-0 (shrink his enemies to ineffectuality)

Alright, I'll work with you on these.

Counter magic is probably Villia's most powerful ability, I'll be honest. He can cast his own spell to to essentially "undo" another spell. However, his counter magic is susceptible to being countered, itself. If he uses the same counterspell repeatedly, a competent enemy spellcaster can alter his spellcasting to render Villia's countermagic ineffective, forcing him to use a different spell reactively, or to stay unpredictable.

Changing targets is a vital part of his misdirective combat strategy. Basically turning an enemy's magic against them, rather than expending his strength casting strenuous spells.

I can scratch the swapping power and toughness. Not a big deal, it was just going to be an aspect of his transmutation (this spell learned on Shadowmoor).

The tapping is fairly vital. It's basically just to trick or force his opponents into wasting effort or resources, or putting them in disadvantageous positions. It's his go-to nonlethal magic.

The unsummoning is workable. He only really has one spell for this, which involves using an aether wind to either fling his enemies away from him, or unsummon magical creatures or construct altogether.

The last one is another part of his transmutation; literally shrinking his enemies so that they pose less of a threat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alright, I'm just gonna quickly skim the sign ups.

@Dead Cruiser

Blue's sort of hard to RP due to its nature. Elemental magic + summon magic's alright, but metamagic is probably iffy to some GMs. Might help if I had an exact list of what spells he can do.

@Weird Tales

I can see that (I like it), and it'll be very interesting considering one of the main antagonists do nasty things to souls in ways Renaissance-era Satan would approve of, something Christians are very sensitive about. Give me a mention if/when the sheet's done.


Everything looks good. Accepted.

I saw that there was a lack of Christian themed characters so I made one.
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