@Remipa Awesome One would assume AK ammo would be scarse, and I'm not sure on UNION CITIES ammunition ordeal, but there is a commonly purchased rifle that uses the same ammo as an AKM or an AK47, it is called an SKS
It is a pretty fun rifle to shoot actually, it has barely any recoil and it's semi automatic, if you rig it to be automatic or use your belt loop to fire it automatically (cheating) then the recoil is still almost non existent, BUT enough about an SKS. the thing is, the ammo for an AK, isn't just as rare as an AK. since other rifles LIKE the SKS, use it. The ammo should be a little more common. But it all depends if you want to take it into account, after all it is not my RP, just trying to defend an option.
Lets remember that we still are maybe a few months after the apocolypse so all ammo would be nearly gone.