
Scythe and sword specialist, slightly enhanced hearing and sight
Tilly was born into a human family, but she wasn't like her brother.... She had been born with long furry ears and a fluffy tail. After a few months of her parents worrying for her safety, they finally let her out of the house and into the back yard. Few years later, she was now old enough to walk on her own and both her and her brother enjoyed playing in the small woods nearby since it made a great place for hide and seek. When Tilly was finally old enough to go to preschool, at first they were worried for her health but eventually allowed Tilly to go to preschool under the one condition that she kept her tail and ears hidden.
Years pasted and everything was fine, It was just her and her brother living alone, also Tilly had some great friends but this soon changed when she was bullied by some boy at her high-school. He was constantly pushing her around and she couldn't do anything about it. This got to the point where she had so much emotion built up that she exploded and this just made things worse. When the time came around where the boy pushed her and she exploded pushing him back. The boy then punched her and removed her hat. Her ears springing into sight, the boy dropped the hat freaked out and everyone around stared at her, even her friends. Her eyes filled with tears and she ran home. There was a knock at the door, she took it as a threat since her parents' words floated around her head. She ran out the backdoor and into the woods, not knowing it was her friends who came to her house looking to help.
She went to sleep under the stars that day.... The next day she was somewhere mysterious and spooky.... [color=9e0039]The Nightmare Carnival