The carnival is an interesting place. The lights twinkle in the night, with music playing in the background like some sort of fairy tale and a vast array of colors and shapes arranged and moving like some kind of odd dream. It's a magical place in itself; one where people can forget their troubles on the fun, whirling rides or enjoy tests of skill and tactical execution with the games, even receiving some sort of prize for their efforts if they happen to be fortunate enough. It's a place where one can spend an exciting evening and find out what kind of luck they really have.
Maybe this is where you'll find your luck, as well. Or at least borrow some.

Once again, the sun has started to set, sending waves of bright color across the sky. Color that will soon be rivaled in the hidden hours of the night, as the lights turn on one by one. As the symbol if the daytime makes its exit, the people start streaming in. One by one, they find it. The Dreamland Carnival.
Passing through the elegantly carved gates reveals the welcome checkpoint, a spacious courtyard surrounded with lantern-decorated trees. At the sides of the entrance stand the stone lion statues, like guardians of an ancient time, while a couple of masked guards in playfully-designed costumes stand inside the courtyard to keep the peace amongst those entering.
Further inside, the rides spin and vendors display fantastic wares, lights and colors of the carnival surrounding the visitors until the lines blur between fantasy and reality in this place. People in various creative costumes performed in cleared spaces and ran the attractions at different locations, looking much like mysterious characters from fairy tales themselves at times. Combined with the sounds of music and the smell of freshly cooked foods of all kinds wafting through the air, it's enough to distract the senses completely. Enough to make the slight anomalies at the corners of one's vision seem like little more than another play on their beliefs and perception.
While you know neither how you found this place or what drew you to it, you're here now. And the carnival has just opened for the night.