Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The carnival is an interesting place. The lights twinkle in the night, with music playing in the background like some sort of fairy tale and a vast array of colors and shapes arranged and moving like some kind of odd dream. It's a magical place in itself; one where people can forget their troubles on the fun, whirling rides or enjoy tests of skill and tactical execution with the games, even receiving some sort of prize for their efforts if they happen to be fortunate enough. It's a place where one can spend an exciting evening and find out what kind of luck they really have.

Maybe this is where you'll find your luck, as well. Or at least borrow some.

Once again, the sun has started to set, sending waves of bright color across the sky. Color that will soon be rivaled in the hidden hours of the night, as the lights turn on one by one. As the symbol if the daytime makes its exit, the people start streaming in. One by one, they find it. The Dreamland Carnival.

Passing through the elegantly carved gates reveals the welcome checkpoint, a spacious courtyard surrounded with lantern-decorated trees. At the sides of the entrance stand the stone lion statues, like guardians of an ancient time, while a couple of masked guards in playfully-designed costumes stand inside the courtyard to keep the peace amongst those entering.

Further inside, the rides spin and vendors display fantastic wares, lights and colors of the carnival surrounding the visitors until the lines blur between fantasy and reality in this place. People in various creative costumes performed in cleared spaces and ran the attractions at different locations, looking much like mysterious characters from fairy tales themselves at times. Combined with the sounds of music and the smell of freshly cooked foods of all kinds wafting through the air, it's enough to distract the senses completely. Enough to make the slight anomalies at the corners of one's vision seem like little more than another play on their beliefs and perception.

While you know neither how you found this place or what drew you to it, you're here now. And the carnival has just opened for the night.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jack had been walking for hours without knowing where he was, not that he could tell though:he had just been through Unspeakable torment and he may as well have just fell over and died in a hole.His clothes were torn, his chest was slashed, and a massive bleeding slash ran from overhead of his left eye down to below his right.He had used his shadow manipulative powers to create a scythe in his defense, the blade was stained with several bits of blood.

Jack wandered endlessly until he found a carnival, he thought that anyone here would scorn him like those who tormented him did, jack shambled his way through the gates put the minute he did, he gave out and collapsed as his scythe fell to his side, with the blade piercing through the ground.(Finally, this hell of mine ends)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Naureen walked into the bright lights of the carnival intending on looking around. She was looking for the gypsy fortune teller tent or if they did not have one, perhaps she will ask if they needed a gypsy of some sort. She had made her own Taro Cards and would use them for fortune telling. She was very desperate to get away from her weather mishaps which had caused her yet another job.

As she wandered about the carnival, she bought a caramel apple and a soda. She looked at the bright lights and happy people around her. Only if she could be that happy once more.......
A grey tent was seen from a distance and Naureen made her way there. It took a while but once she was at the tent's door, she walked through the flap and darkness surrounded her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Cretil wandered through the forest he was chased into. He did't seem like he had no clue where he was; but he didn't have a clue. No it wasn't a bad thing. Send off never to return. Whats better than to wander in a forest with only enough money to buy a few small things. His hair perked up as he approached the carnival. Spiraling lights and the many colors so different from his home he though he was dreaming. The sharp pain in his shoulders kept him on track. This sharp pain being chased by one of his siblings. A large Bird creature resembling a vulture. This made a ear pricing squeal as if he could understand it. He was her sybling after all should he?

Maria, I know you like to announce yourself but this is a new place. No singing please.
His voice sounded sweet and his tone was kind. The bird released his shoulders from the death grip and just hung on. After all this was a new place, and a giant vulture like this on your shoulders is going to call enough attention. He bought a ticket and walked in, the bird flying off his shoulders off into a tree to watch him. So many things of all shapes, sizes, and colors it was enough to take him off into a fantasy world of his own.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by yukisaa
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yukisaa The Evil One...

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"You got us Lost again!" said the cat, walking next of the girl. Sensei was white, with an orange and grey marking on the top of his head and back, black eyes, wearing a red cat collar with a gold bell on his neck and has small red markings on his face.
"ME! your the one leading, i was only following you" said the young girl.
"WHAT! I was following you!" getting annoyed.
"well thanks to both of us, were lost..... *hears Music* do you heard that" asking, while walking towards the music to find a carnival.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

She lied in the middle of all the carnival stalls, fast asleep. She yawns as she opens her eyes slowly. She was still half asleep and she walks down the row of stalls not noticing where she is. She wandered a for a bit till she fully awakens from her slumber... She stumbles backwards at the sight of the carnival and then she starts to hyperventilate.... She was confused by the fact she was now in the middle of a carnival after a single night of sleep. "W-w-where am I?..."
She notices she is all alone making the carnival seem even more freaky.... "HELLO?! ANYONE AROUND?!" She screamed tears starting to roll down her face
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

After what seemed like hours, jack finally awoke, but the ground he 'slept' on what stained with blood, when he stood up, he felt horrible.

He grabbed his scythe and walked around, all the bright colors were beautiful, he would grant them that much but they didn't exactly catch his eye, as jack was weakly shambling through the carnival, he found a bench and flopped into it, he lay his scythe across his lap and attempted to get some actual rest
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Lady Athena

"Of course we're around. You didn't really think we'd left, did you? We have work to do!"

The doll-like boy(?) sat on one of the stone statues featured circling the giant fountain in the center of this particular area, almost as if he had been there the whole time. Whether he actually had been or not, he certainly was there now, smiling playfully as he slipped off his perch and skipped closer.

"You scared me, you know? I thought you were actually in trouble. What are you doing in one of the Silent Courtyards, anyway? It's busy tonight, you know. Everyone's in the main courtyards and plazas already, so there's really no need to be here."

Dusting off the skirt of his brightly-colored outfit, the boy continued to speak as if he knew the girl, however unlikely such a thing might have seemed. Either way, he certainly didn't seem to care.

"We should really get back. You need to get your costume on before you get going, and we have a lot of guests to welcome. You can stick with me for a while, though! We can get your training done!"

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 mos ago


Naureen walked around the tent and it was quite large for it had three rooms. An inner room for those who were waiting, an inner room with a table or what could be called a workshop and in the back of the tent was a larger room where someone could dress and even sleep for there was a bed there as well. She felt the urge of opening the various trunks so she opened a trunk that was full of clothes. Only if she could try them on to see if they fit...

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

(If anyone walks by jack)

[jacks mind]
Jack wandered through a dark, lightless house that seemed to know no end. Despite the Total lack of light, jack somehow could see perfectly

After a while jack turned around and saw an indigo silhouette of a person twice as tall as jack, his face was covered and he had a violent aura around him, the strange figure nodded at jack and told him:"You are in good hands my child"

Jack shot up as he remembered where he was, he wondered what the strange figure had meant when he told jack he was in good hands, did he mean to say that jacks strange power was guarding over him, that the owner of the place he was in would take him in, or was he referring to himself?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Cretil in his wanders passed many stalls offering food and other attractions. He was so amased by the swirling lights and colors, ht couldn't help but smile and try to pat down his un natural hair. This hair, not taking orders contiuned to stand tall shaping what seemed to be animal ears underneath. He passed by some figures he thought were odd. The man on the bench with a scythe on his lap, for one. Not trying to be rude, but more friendly and caring he approached this man; bouncy as usual.@Blizz

Hi! Im Cretil What is your name?

His perky attitude would brighten a mood, his hair flopping slightly to a normal ish hair style. Before long this hair again perked, appearing as if there were horns under neat hit now. His eyes happy but wandering about as if he was only paying half his attention to this new conversation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Song Bookjack was lost in the confusion of the strange dream he had when someone's voice made him jump, he was taken by surprise and almost instinctively jumped back as a ball of shadow formed swiftly into the hand that wasn't griping his scythe nervously.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


"Hello? Anyone home?"

For some reason, he didn't even remember this tent. Then again, there were a lot of things he had trouble remembering. Especially after being here for as long as he had.
Er...how long had that been, again?

As much as he wanted to try to continue his attempts to reminisce, the pale, bespectacled man knew that he had a job to do. He was sent over here specifically for a reason, and he was pretty sure that reason was in this tent. As he poked his head cautiously through the flap at the front, he could definitely confirm some kind of different scent, at least. Carefully, he looked around before walking further into the waiting room, the cat ears on top of his head swiveling to pick up any sounds nearby.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 mos ago


Naureen quickly put the clothing back into the closet and closed the door.
"Hello! I am looking for somebody! Anybody out there!" she called out as she made her way to the living room area.The lights flickering out as she went. She turned to look behind herself with puzzlement. Shrugged and headed the front of the tent where she thought she saw a person with cat ears? She shook her head slowly to clear up her mind then spoke

"I'm sorry, Cat Person but I seemed to have fallen asleep somewhere and am dreaming. I was heading to the Carnival to find some kind of a job but now strange things are beginning to happen......" she spoke nervously.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


The pale man froze for a moment at the sound of the voice and waited until the redheaded girl came into view before relaxing. "Oh...hello. There is someone here. I'm glad to know for sure now." Giving a quiet laugh, he adjusted his glasses before turning his attention back to her. "You came here for a job? Are you one of the guests we're expecting? There should be a silver ticket somewhere on your person if that's true. Maybe it showed up while you were sleeping. Strange things do tend to happen in dreams, you know. That is what we're known for, I'm sure you understand."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 mos ago


"Yes, I am looking for a job but no I don't understand. As far as I know, I don't have a silver ticket....." Naureen had begun to check her pockets only to find a silver ticket in her pants pocket. She turned it over and over then hands it to the man.
"Is this the ticket you are looking for? I am completely puzzled as to how it got there but....."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Cretil jumped back slightly at the man's tensed form before regaining his composure. Not seeming to sense the strange things this man had done and instead just being happy. His hair refloped down in his face causing him to brush it again. Baby blue eyes gleaming with happiness.

Hi! My names Cretil, What is yours?

He asked again beliving the man just couldn't hear him at first. His eyes slightly wandered at all the sights moving around him but he had kept a view at the man. His foot tapped slightly to some rhythm he found in the mixed music of the carnival. He could easily be mistaken as an attraction. Especially with his hair moving upwards hair to shape animal ears on his head.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


"Oh, good! You do have it, then. That makes things so much easier." Carefully taking it, the pale blonde looked it over for a few seconds before handing it back. "Yep, that's correct. As for how it got there...well, there are a lot of things here we can't really explain. Even I'm not sure how a lot of this works. I bet our master does, but he keeps a lot of secrets...Just how magicians are sometimes, I guess..."

Tail swishing behind him, the cat-like man stared off into space a bit as he rambled for a few seconds, but quickly returned to the present with a sheepish look shortly after. "Um...My name's Lucifer, by the way. It's nice to meet one of our new guests!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Song Bookjacks tense reaction faded as he saw a man talking to him"m-my name is jack"he said as some of his wounds were still perhaps visible.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 mos ago


"I am a guest? My name is Naureen. What does a guest do here? Why have you not seen this tent before? It was here when I came here. It is lovely gypsy tent with every amenity that I could want. I do mean everything! From clothes and furniture to lights that go off and on as I move from one area to another. I have not opened everything just glanced around while I was look for someone to explain everything to me." she spoke quietly as she watched the tail.
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