Star Wars: Disintegration
Star Wars Nation Roleplay
Chatzy Chatroom

Keywords: realism, politics, trade/economics, intrigue, crime, gore, war, marriages, racism, mature themes, sci-fi, plot twists, ...
Zoomable Galaxy map similar to google maps, nifty.
IC information and scroll:
Following the Rebel Alliance's victory at the Battle of Endor and the death of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader, riots and uprisings took place on a multitude of Imperial-held worlds, as the news spread across the galaxy. Even Palpatine's homeworld of Naboo could not escape a liberation struggle. On Coruscant, billions revelled in their newfound freedom, and riots broke out from the non-Human-dominated sectors in which all Imperial patrols were attacked in the streets. Statues of Palpatine were toppled and other Imperial symbols were desecrated by those non-human minorities that had been savagely oppressed.
In the midst of all the celebrating and rioting, Imperial authorities ordered a massive crackdown on the rebellious elements in the city-planet's population and gave full power to the local military force to end the uprising and restore order to the system. The military retaliation was horrendous and the death-tolls rose as the Empire struck down the insurrectionists and brought the populace back under its control. Following this, control over Coruscant was again restored.
However, Emperor Palpatine's death provoked a crisis of leadership within the Empire: Palpatine had never laid down a succession plan, and various individuals and organisations alike now lock eyes onto the tasty prize that is the Imperial throne. A temporary Ruling Council was established, but held little real power. Wary of further Rebel strikes against key targets, the Ruling Council adopted a fortress world strategy, fortifying key systems. This left the Rebellion, swiftly reconstituted as the Alliance of Free Planets, largely unopposed. Additionally, this defensive strategy caused many of the Empire's most ambitious Moffs and governors to think only of the safety of their homeworlds and power bases, causing them to de facto break with the Ruling Council and become the first ‘warlords’.
Did the Rebels truly defeat Palpatine’s Empire at the Battle of Endor? Remnants of the Empire surely remain. What fate awaits the disintegrated Galaxy now, with a fledgling Alliance trying to maintain order?
In the midst of all the celebrating and rioting, Imperial authorities ordered a massive crackdown on the rebellious elements in the city-planet's population and gave full power to the local military force to end the uprising and restore order to the system. The military retaliation was horrendous and the death-tolls rose as the Empire struck down the insurrectionists and brought the populace back under its control. Following this, control over Coruscant was again restored.
However, Emperor Palpatine's death provoked a crisis of leadership within the Empire: Palpatine had never laid down a succession plan, and various individuals and organisations alike now lock eyes onto the tasty prize that is the Imperial throne. A temporary Ruling Council was established, but held little real power. Wary of further Rebel strikes against key targets, the Ruling Council adopted a fortress world strategy, fortifying key systems. This left the Rebellion, swiftly reconstituted as the Alliance of Free Planets, largely unopposed. Additionally, this defensive strategy caused many of the Empire's most ambitious Moffs and governors to think only of the safety of their homeworlds and power bases, causing them to de facto break with the Ruling Council and become the first ‘warlords’.
Did the Rebels truly defeat Palpatine’s Empire at the Battle of Endor? Remnants of the Empire surely remain. What fate awaits the disintegrated Galaxy now, with a fledgling Alliance trying to maintain order?

OOC information:
This will be a nation rp. I’m sure most of you have already been in one before. If you like manoeuvring your little pawns in a political game of intrigue and shadowplay, you’ve come to the right place. The setting will be low-fantasy with predominately human civilisations.
I reserve the right to suggest amendments to your nation and/or character sheets in order to balance the game. You should work with what you can realistically have, not with everything you wished for. I understand that might sound a bit arbitrary, but I hope you trust me to keep fairness in play. Not to say I am unreasonable and will not work things out with a player. All in all I want to avoid unsurmountalbe "God Nations".
As said, I want every participant to be realistic in both their nations, as well as their characters' personalities, traits (AND flaws) and ambitions as well as take external and internal developments into account. No nation will be entirely self-sufficient or all-powerful. Interaction is encouraged. As a rule, consider tech-level to be at the time of the Battle of Endor (4ABY). Concerning the timing of the RP, we pick-up shortly after Palpatine and Vader’s deaths and prior to the invasions of the Sri-Ruuvi, Nagai and Tof (let’s keep those extra-galactics where they are).
Focus of the RP is not to lose ourselves in game mechanics, instead this is a game of logic, reason and collaborative writing. Our goal is not to have an overly competitive game, but to immerse into a nice creative experience for all parties. We write a story with each other, not against each other. Does that mean there will not be any competition? No, but keep it civil and reasonable. War makes for an excellent story, but let us not limit ourselves to that.
Concerning Force Users and canon characters; feel free to pick up a canon character, but I suggest you create an original one. While canon chars are great to base your own nation’s personalities on, they do put a potential strain on the RP. Luke Skywalker, Leia, Han,… these are such influential individuals that practically shape the events of the universe themselves, therefore I they are barred from play. However, you are not limited to play a wayward Moff or warlord. The way I see it we take the Star Wars galaxy post-original trilogy and populate it with characters of our own. Whether that be a Hutt, a pirate lord, Imperial or Rebel, or an independent individual capitalising on the collapse of the Empire. I do, however, hope that we have a few Imperial Warlords ready to step up to the plate. While force sensitive people, attuned to the Force are naturally around, you have to keep in mind that they are unpracticed and cannot control their powers. In general, I'd say they are regular individuals with a higher lucky streak than normal, for the Sith were destroyed, and Luke is the only 'Jedi' we know of.
- GM word is final.
- Advanced standards; common sense approach; game of logic and collaboration.
- Sheets should be posted on the OOC (though they can be sent via pm as well) for approval/disapproval. Not all decisions will be made public.
- Play to enjoy, not to win.
- Adhere to the Star Wars feel.
- Massively powerful Star Wars characters are not available to the players (Luke, Leia, Han, Lando,…) Original player characters are encouraged.
- You are assumed to be an adult by submitting a nation/character for this game; please act like one.
- Applications may take a few days before a decision can be made. Generally, issues will be resolved over pm.
- Players are encouraged to play typically one-on-one scenarios, large battle scenarios, cloak-and-dagger scenarios, small plots and large plots. To be creative, and to interactive with their fellow players on their own to plot. Take initiative but don't be a dick.
- 'Meta-gaming' is evil (just don't be a-holes).
- Tech levels are variable and based on canon SW-lore. Super Star-Destroyers and massive battle stations (e.g. Death Star) are not in use. Experienced Force Users are off-limits I'm afraid.
- More rules can be added per GM leisure.