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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JG


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Snarfulblast@The Slenderman

JG cursed under her breath as the meddlesome sandwich-eating man ratted her out. She turned around to give him one of those if looks could kill glares, which luckily allowed her to see Philomel rushing towards her. He was quick, but she was indeed quicker. Her feline reflexes meant she was faster, more agile, and with shorter reaction times than normal. She drew the knife she had hidden under her shirt and slashed horizontally towards Philomel.

"Stay back!" she shouted, so crisp and clear a tone of voice that it echoed on the walls of the narrow street. The horizontal slash was a defensive one, meant to prevent her opponent from approaching rather than actually wounding him. She looked at him fiercely and shouted back to the girl she assumed was still behind her.

"Better scram, kid. This is getting dangerous and I can't protect the both of us." she said very seriously.

"Hey! Just because I've met a bounty hunter doesn't mean I'm his colleague! I have no idea where he is or how to find him. However, from the little time I've spent with him I can recommend negotiating with him rather than trying to fight him." She was still shouting, though more from the tension between them all than for a need to be heard.
Her knees were bent, shoulders slightly slouched and her knife held diagonally in front of her, ready to slash again if he took another step towards her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Titan continued to control his Gears remotely, now using a dozen of his little spies in a circle around the newcomer. He seemed to have more intelligence than the rest of the band, suggesting a bounty and he the target. If the giant hadn't overheard the conversation, he too might have been swayed to go after the sum of money. Kyato paid well, when he wasn't be a deceiving pile of-

"Hello, esteemed bounty hunter. I see you have what I've been searching oh so long for..." Nassus's voice shook Titan out of his reverie. He quickly closed his Interface's screen, but before activating a protocol to send half of their number around the group to slowly fly toward his location. Hopefully they would get Titan's rather obvious clues.

"Ah... yes. Although I'm not sure why you would want this one alive. She's quite the handful." Titan responded, looking from Akkina to Nassus. At his last words, Nassus's eyes gleamed with an unholy desire that unsettled the hardened bouty hunter. What was this man's endgame.

"Handful indeed, but no desires are of no concern to you. Your payment, as promised. More, if you can bring me proof of her lover's demise." Nassus waved to one of his servants, who produced an envelope of well-made paper. Titan opened it without preamble, preferring to confirm payment. It was a voucher for the agreed upon sum, able to be exchanged by any of the banks that dotted the Marketplace.

"Of course, I'll take my leave then. Would you prefer that I leave her restraints?" he asked, hoping Nassus would rather take matters into his own hands.

"I will see to her, have no worry. This manor is protected against her unique gifts. That troublesome sword will not be making an appearance any time soon." The nobleman was arrogantly confident, something Titan hoped would lead to the degenerate's downfall.

"Then farewell, it was a pleasure doing business with such an esteemed employer." Titan took a small bow and dispelled the enchantment around the house, prohibiting FM from entry. Showed the way by a pair of well-armed guards, Titan soon found himself in the night air. Now, to retrieve Silas's body and finish this deplorable business.

"Hello, Akkina. I'm sure you must know who I am by now. You've taken my son away from me!" He backhanded the helpless swordswoman, cutting a groove along her cheek with one of his ornate rings. "Yet, all is not lost. You are young and quite beautiful... I'm sure our offspring will surpass my late son's disappointing abilities." His grin was almost demonic as he leered at the beauty. "Guards, if you'd be so kind. Take her to her new quarters.. and make sure he hands are restrained, but leave her legs free. I wouldn't want anything to get in the way of our consummation." With this, the guards roughly lifted Akkina, moving swiftly to a room not far from Nassus's own. They threw her onto a luxurious bed, outfitted with manacles and chains, but padded so as not to harm her delicate skin. Then they left her alone to stand guard outside of the door.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The whole scene was progressing a bit too dangerously for Kouh to keep up with peacefully. She reached into her basket and gripped the handle of her Harley saw and pulled it out, "I can help you... If you want" she said before flipping an unsean switch that started the machine with a roar. "We can do talking later I guess miss but for now I'm just k" Kouh said as she pulled the hood lower over her face. She stepped out from behind JG and turned a gear on the side of the saw "speed setting 3" she said before the teeth of the saw began spinning until hey were a blur.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@WittyWolf Akkina landed chest first on the bed and then climbed up off it then ran towards the door, and raised her fist to bang it loudly hopefully to get the guards to come in and then they would be sorry for capturing her, after noticing that that didn't work for her, She then looked around the room to try to find a way out of it, She noticed that the room had two Windows.

Philomel backed off from JG and then made his way behind her and kept on walking until he see a Big Guy, who was probably Titan, Philomel smiled and tilted his head to him and walked to him and gave him a four teen thousand bag of gold in advance for the service that he might do "I kknow who you are Raphael, your quite famous for your... Specialty. Would you take me to the idiotic fool, that has Akkina, if you don't mind that simple task" He said and walked closer to him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

FM walks into a robotics shop, the place looks new and two people seem to be running it, on of them, male, sits behind the counter with a mask next to him, the other, female, seem to be inspecting their stock."So I was in the area and decided that I would like something robotic for my collection. What do you guys primarily sell here?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Slenderman

Akkina would find that even if she pried open the two locked windows, they were outfitted with tight bars, impossible for anything but a few fingers to slip through. Four guard flooded into the room, grabbing Akkina by her shoulders and legs before forcing her down onto the bed once more. One briefly released his grip to grab the manacles and secure them around Akkina's wrist. "Our master gave us strict orders. You're not to be given any chance of escape, nor means to kill yourself." With that, he produced a clean square of linen, which he rolled up and slipped around her mouth, tightening it to the corners so that she could yell for help or bite off her own tongue to bleed to death. Once she was restrained, the men immediately let go and exited the room. The snick of the lock being secured was quite audible in the silent manor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Philomel backed off from JG and then made his way behind her and kept on walking until he see a Big Guy, who was probably Titan, Philomel smiled and tilted his head to him and walked to him and gave him a four teen thousand bag of gold in advance for the service that he might do "I kknow who you are Raphael, your quite famous for your... Specialty. Would you take me to the idiotic fool, that has Akkina, if you don't mind that simple task" He said and walked closer to him.

Why was this man standing so close to him? Vaguely uncomfortable, he took the offered gold and hid it among his person in the same motion. He stepped around the man that didn't know how to respect one's space and began to walk back from where Philomel arrived. "Head down the alley until the houses begin to have space. His manor will be the only one with a stone wall, topped by spiked iron-wrought fences. Careful, magic has no effect in the manor, I believe it to be constructed with enchantments." The man had merely asked to be led to the manor, which Titan did with information. "I'd suggest climbing on the roofs, it's one of the few places he doesn't have guards stationed. I did not see where Akkina is being held, but I'd think he'd take her underground... He wouldn't want anything to be heard from the surface." Titan's tone bespoke of extreme disgust. He didn't enjoy his line of work, but it was profitable enough and he needed the funds for his own reasons. "Farewell and I wish you luck." With that, Titan left Philomel where he stood and kept walking until he neared the sight of Silas's death. Hopefully the swordsman wouldn't make his move until he'd had time to deliver the body and complete the second bounty. Or perhaps one of the other hunters had already absconded with it. The competition was multiplying like maggots in a corpse.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

" I'm more of a blast from the front kinda guy " Philomel nodded in agreement and then suddenly ran to the location of where Raphael said Akkina would be, he saw the iron fences and clambered up them like they were tree's, then flipped over and then landed on his feet due to his dexterity and then counted the guards who were stationed at the location, He saw a gap in their patrolling routine and then began to sprint quietly but quickly to the front door hoping that they didn't turn around to see a lone ranger attempting to break into the building.

Akkina thrashed about violently and tried to kick off the guards, but it was no use, there was to many, so she just lay her head back on to the pillow, sobbing loudly while having a muffled voice, suddenly she started shaking violently, having the worst panic attack, She has ever had, letting her mind go blank.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 27 days ago

Randy followed Philomel, passing Titan, he shot him a look. "I'm coming for you next Titan." He threatened. When Philomel clambered up the fence, Randy had... other means. A devilish grin formed on his face as he punched his fists together before smashing the gate, shattering the lock and blasting the two doors of their hinges. He flexed his hand. "Might need power capacitors." He commented, before jogging through. Who knows what this bastard had planned for Akkina. In fact, he didn't want to think about it. He yelled over to Phil as he sped up. "We better hurry, I didn't take the silent way in!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Slenderman
The grounds suddenly blared into life at Philomel's intrusion! Various lamp posts around the grounds flared into blinding brilliance, a magical safeguard against uninvited guests. Nassus had spared no expense in the construction of his lair. The guards, from posts on terraces on the second level to ground patrols, converged their focus on the highlighted warrior. "TAKE AIM!" Shouted an authoritative voice, presumably the guard commander. The sentries above leveled high-powered rifles, mahogany butts tucked expertly to their shoulders and bronze barrels pointing directly at Philomel and Randy. Lasers began to dot their bodies, until the count steadied above a dozen for each of them. Various guards with halberds surrounded the area of the front entrance, creating a shrinking perimeter around the men. "REMOVE YOURSELVES FROM THE PREMISES, OR FACE CERTAIN DEATH!" shouted the same unseen voice.

At this development, Nassus accelerated his plans not wanting to take the chance of losing his opportunity to sire and heir with Akkina. He left his documents to rest on his desk, marching towards her quarters. The guards unlocked the door and allowed him into the room, where he leered at Akkina. The door was secured behind him. "We're going to have a lot of fun, my dear. Oh. so. much. fun!" He quickly crossed the distance between them and pounced onto the bed, capturing her arms within his surprisingly steely grip and trapping her legs with his own. He bent down and took a deep whiff of her scent, burying his nose next to her ear into her hair. He turned towards her face, licking her face, desiring to feel her squirm under his actions. "What do you say, my dear. Shall we get started?"

@The ghost in black@JG

No one was left around Silas's body, the guards having been taken care of by an expert hand of the blade. They had been struck down where they stood, or in mid-reaction to the unexpected attack. Titan chalked it up to the man he'd just met, not having seen anyone of this calibur among the ragtag group infesting the Marketplace. With JG providing a welcomed distraction, he sprinted across the way and grabbed a fistful of fur and flesh. He allowed his momentum to carry the both of them, swinging the body until it was draped across his shoulders. It seemed he wouldn't have time to get to the manor before the swordsman.

But if he delivered the body, he could just take his payment and say he had given both his bounties to the man in the same moment. Holding the body in place upon his shoulders with one hand, Rafael turned on one of his Gears with voice commands, holding his Interface close to his mouth as he ran. "Activate intercom function, Gear A-12. Commence transmission, receiver JG." One of his Gears floated down to JG's ear to inform her of the recent changes in situation. "Bounty completed, secondary objective in transit. You may find your escape. Follow this Gear if you wish to find me, your voice has been calibrated for this specific automaton, simply state 'Home protocol'. Stay safe." Titan growled as he nearly lost his footing as the corpse threw off his balance. "Gear A-12, end transmission." No longer broadcasting, he returned the hand to the Lycan's corpse and continue on towards Nassus's manor. Hopefully something would be left when he arrived.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by JG


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@The ghost in black
@The Slenderman

JG stared at Kouh in disbelief and a little bit of nervousness as she took out a chainsaw.

"Uhh...sure?" she said hesitantly in response to the girl's offer of help. She almost asked her if she knew how to use her weapon, but quickly reasoned that no one with any sense would choose to wield a chainsaw unless they were actually good with it. She nodded to her but hopped away from her when she turned it on, giving her a wide berth. The hairs at the back of her neck rose at the sound of blades rotating. There was something about chainsaws that made her skin crawl.

Surprisingly, Rafael made a sudden appearance. 'That was quick', she thought. She watched as he interacted with the man who had been so keen to rough her up for information just a few seconds earlier. Perhaps he had heeded her advice of negotiating with the Titan rather than fighting him after all. After Rafael informed him of Akkina's whereabouts (she would never understand bounty hunting logic), she watched Philomel and Randy run off to save their friend. Her attention returned to the child whom she smiled at.

"Perhaps we won't be needing that after all" she said, trying to sound grateful nonetheless. As she spoke she heard the thumping footsteps of her companion making a run for the lycan's body. She watched him with a mixture of disbelief and admiration as he managed to climb upon the rooftops (a feat she had not truly believed possible) and the corpse. She grimaced as she caught a whiff of what smelled like wet dog from him swinging the body.

Suddenly the gear he'd sent started whirling around her, informing him of his next move.

"Got it." she replied through the gear, unsure of whether the transmission worked both ways. She heard a growl before the the transmission cut off, but assumed it was innocuous. She smirked at the flying device.

"Come, pet, let's go walkies." she commanded the gadget, not sure it would obey.

"K, it was a pleasure to meet you. I'm going to find somewhere to lay low for a while and decide whether I what to do next. Do you wish to follow me, or have you got your own plans?". She no longer spoke to Kouh like a child. Instead, her voice spoke to her as an equal, as she clearly knew how to handle herself. Strangely enough, JG noticed that the smell of wet dog was still poignant in the air, despite the lycan corpse being long gone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Kyato walked to his Corporation, to get away from the situation, hoping he would walk fast, not afraid to be noticed by anyone who was in this way.

Philomel slowly closed his eyes and then reached for his swords with the slowest movement he could muster and then he listened to the voice of the warning voice and then listened to the footsteps that were closing in on his position, he simply stepped forward towards them and then finally opened his eyes, lunging to the guards with a wild slash.

Akkina just looked at Nasus with no emotion and then tried to shake him off, She shook her head frantically, signalling that she didn't want this .
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 27 days ago

Randy charged with Philomel. "Break through!" He yelled as he uppercutted straight into the jaw of a guard. Next was a duck as some other guard tried to hit Randy with his gun, but he was met with a swift gazelle punch to the chest. Randy saw the mansion doors and sprinted, hoping he could outrun the aim of the guards. If Philomel got caught in it all, Randy knew he could handle himself, Philomel was a blade master after all. Randy shoulder barged the doors, barrelling his way through. The two guards at the front was disposed of, but not before Randy interrogated the last one that got punch. "Where is she!?" He yelled in the guard's face, punching him in the gut, not with the full force of his gloves.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Well im glad I dont have to use this" Kouh said with a sigh of relief " though I feel like sticking with you would be the best course of action for me". Kouh switched off the large saw and was about to put it back in her basket when she thought better of it "I might need to use this" she said under her breath.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

-- too fast --
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Shield wall!" came a shouted command, the guards with halberds just making way in time for the shieldmen to take the brunt of Philomel's attack. Gunshots peppered the ground where he'd stood a moment ago and five guards followed Randy inside the manor. One lean man pushed his way to the inner circle where Philomel fought. He held two swords like the master swordsman and looked proficient with his weaponry. He used an almost dancer-like style as he spun and flipped his way towards his opponents. He slashed with one sword with a spin, following this blade with his second, aiming towards Philomel's midriff.

They'd seen the power of his gloves, which must have been used to break down the riveted doors. Magic would have had no effect. Two guards put hands on Randy's shoulders, gripping painfully into the man, before throwing him against the wall to the left of the doors. The third and fourth pulled away their comrade as men flooded the second level, a staircase with low steps and decorated with a red carpet. They placed their rifles' barrels against the wooden handrails that ringed the upper level. Once again, red laser sights painted Randy as he assaulted one of the guards. "FIRE!" A cacophony of gunshots rang throughout the house.

"Already inside?! Damn these intruders!" Nassus cursed. Perhaps he should've hired the hulking bounty hunter for protection, it seemed his guards weren't sufficient. Crossing over to an armoire, he retrieved a lethal looking copper revolver and a scepter, topped by a copper gear cog inset with an amber gem. It glowed with a magical light. "Try to take my prize away, you scum!" Nassus faced the door, ready for whoever came.


The Gear followed JG wherever she went, programmed to follow her until it received its back to home command.

Titan had just came abreast of the manor when Randy bull-rushed his way in. "Those overzealous son of..." Titan cursed, letting himself trail off. He sneaked into the grounds, allowing the guards to keep their attention on the main event as he traveled the wall's perimeter and came abreast of a patio door. He kicked this in with one of his booted feet and strolled inside. "Now, where to put you, Silas.." Titan spoke to the corpse, knowing it wouldn't answer. Talking helped with his thought process however. He eventually found an empty study, presumably Nassus's. He dumped the heavy corpse onto the man's rug and clapped his hands together to rid himself of dirt. This was an annoying affair, truly. The little man Randy had seemed to forgotten that Titan had meant his friends no harm. He hadn't even been involved in the death of Silas and had given them ample opportunity to find their friend. It wasn't his problem that the idiot couldn't be bothered to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@WittyWolf "You have no chance, scum" Philomel said to the guard swordsman and then slashed to the side and then pivoted around the guard swordsman and ended up behind him, thus leaving the guard swordsman wide open, but risked his behind as well, as there was guards behind Philomel, and Philomel knew it, he had made a mistake, it was a misplay on his part, it was very easily fixed though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Slenderman
The swordsman was thrown off balance as his desired target outmaneuvered him, but he rolled with his spin and flipped acrobatically, putting enough distance to allow the gunmen above to finally fire upon Philomel. "FIRE!" came the loud command and a volley of shots rang out once again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@WittyWolf Philomel turned as fast as he could, and being a master raised his swords to each of the bullet lines, which made a dull clank on the swords, He had to get up there, but climbing up would leave him without defence, so he would have to rely on deflecting the bullets every time they fired, but even deflecting the bullets left him open, he then turned back to the swordsman. Then made a determined effort to strike the swordsman guard.

Akkina thrashed even more and started to shout out loud while having her mouth muffled and, She looked around the room to try to find ANY means of escape from this darned house. She kept on struggling against her restraints violently.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Slenderman

The guardsman skipped backwards and crossed his swords, catching the swift slash. The man's superior talents showed themselves however and his blade sliced through his own. Blood sprayed from the wound, dark arterial blood spraying onto Philomel's face. Seeing this, the guards attempted to shoot the swordsman, firing off another volley of bullets.
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