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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Randy hear Akkina again. "Oh for fucks sake." He muttered as he slowly let the werewolf on the floor. "I'm sorry." He said, before running after them. It wasn't long before he reached the scene of Akkina actually being captured and then the big guy from earlier teleporting the two of them.

Raven moaned. "Ugh, fuck this, I'm heading straight there now, I put enough work to get some of the money." He said as he began sprinting in the general direction across the rooftops.

Randy looked at JG (@JG) and stormed to her, holding him up by his shirt. "Where is he taking her!? Who the fuck is after her!?" He interrogated.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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@WittyWolf Akkina looked at the big guy and looked his hand "I'll give you the Durandal if you get me out of here" She whispered softly and then looked up at him
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by JG


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@The ghost in black @GingerBoi123

JG was peeking round the corner of a building, watching the two bounty hunters trying to lift the lycan's corpse. One of them suddenly started swearing and ran off, leaving his companion and the corpse behind. Reinforcements for the girl, perhaps? A noise above her caught her attention and she looked up at the rooftops of the two buildings on either side of her, but saw nothing. Then a noise behind her alerted her of Kouh's landing. She turned to see a strange sight. A small girl stood before her, tugging at the bottom of her shirt like a nervous child. JG blinked in disbelief. This was something she wasn't used to dealing with. Her feline attributes forced maternal instincts onto her. She softened her features towards the child.

"I'm sorry honey, I'm as clueless as you are, but it looks dangerous. Is there anywhere you can hide safely nearby?" she asked gently.

Something about the girl seemed peculiar. She seemed far too well kempt for a street urchin, and what parent would leave their child unatteneded with trouble brewing? Caution crept up within her.
Distracted by the child, she didn't hear Randy arrive until it was too late and he held her by the shirt. Shocked, she hissed forcefully at him, splashing droplets of saliva on his face as a distraction. A split second later, her claws came out quick as lightnening and she scratched him across the face horizontally from ear to eye. She could have used the knife Rafael had given her, but she'd acted on instinct. Not waiting for a reaction she then planted her right foot on his chest and pushed as hard as she could, twisting her upper body in the opposite direction to tear herself away from his grasp, or at least gain some distance if he had chosen to release her after being scratched. She knew that her shirt was not tough enough to withstand the motion, so either he would let go, or her shirt would tear and he would lose his grasp on her. She would not let him get close to her again.

"The hell is wrong with you?! I have no idea where he is, last I saw him he was with you!" she growled, her face flushed with anger.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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Philomel stared at a group of Kyato corp guards and then smiled as he ran to them and started fighting and ducking against their attacks and then slashing at them. Pretty soon the fight was over and Philomel climbed up to a Rooftop and then started to run across them, hoping to see a group of bounty hunters and therefore Akkina, who he would then rescue from Nasus.

Philomel seen movement in the corner of his eyes and then suddenly jumped down from the Roof to stop the person who was named Randy "Are you crazy, they'll kill you before you even got within thirty feet of her position.. hang back and think of a plan, you cannot go rushing in without a damned plan. I am one of her sword master's " He stopped him with his palm on his chest and then put it back to his side and then he looked at Randy again and then outstretched his hand to Randy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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"So is one of you Randy?" FM has walked up to the two guys standing in an alleyway."I hope so cause this sword is really heavy." He takes the sword he was carrying with him and leans it against a wall."This pink haired chick dropped it a while ago and I was trying to return it, but some really big dude had her and then they teleported away, so yeah."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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@Snarfulblast@The Slenderman

Randy let go of JG, clutching his face until he then looked at the other new comer. "They'll have to fucking stop me!" He exclaimed, until he said he was Akkina's sword master... or something like that. Randy begrudgingly shook his hand. Then Fedora guy turned up with... Durandal. "That's her sword." Randy said as he took Durandal away, he then looked at Fedora man, "Thank you." He said. He then looked at the other guy. "This is Durandal. I'm sure you know of it?" He asked as Randy admired the azure blade.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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@GingerBoi123 Philomel nodded in response and then looked at Randy again. "We have to worry about her for the time being" Philomel said lightly and then put his hands to his sides, he then leaned on the wall and looked at FM " What connections do you have for her, both of you?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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@The Slenderman"Me, I have zero connection. Except I was there when her 'boyfriend' I think, died. And I hate to see people get kidnapped."FM pulls out a dirk from the back of his trench coat."And besides, yah never know when a mage who has walked in the void might come in handy." He smirks, ah yes the void a place that exists but doesn't exists, what a wonderful place to visit he thought to himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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Philomel then looked at Randy again "And your connections between her" He said with a raised calmed voice and then he gripped his sword hilt wanting to kill the people that took Akkina.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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@The Slenderman

Randy put his fist in his open hand. "A friend who's ready to punch through the fuckers that took her." He explained, he then nodded to Kyato. "He's an... accomplice, a friend too." Randy said, introducing Kyato on his behalf. "Where do we go?" He asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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@GingerBoi123"I may have over heard something about a Nasus or something. And that he has a mansion. So I would say there is where we go, but the real question is when do we go?" FM puts up the dirk and pulls another sandwich from his pocket.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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"As soon as possible!" Randy exclaimed. FM was talking about Nasus Mordeys. Randy turned to the new guy. "Nasus Mordeys is bad news, and if he put a price on Akkina's head then she's got no chance without help. Not even if she had this." He said, highlighting Durandal
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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Kouh began to get nervous with the multitude of people who were appearing around the girl, "I didn't think she was this popular" she thought before slowly slinking to hide behind JG out of sight of the junker who had showed up. She pulled her hood down over her face as well in case something happened. She gave a small hand gesture to wolf who nodded and backed away from the edge of the roof he was perched on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@GingerBoi123 Philomel shook his head to Randy and then smiled "Sorry about this, I've got a good plan, put a Bounty on my head, with the words high level threat, I'm sure they abandon their position to come and get me, by then Kyato will have sent out a few of his own spy bots to search for Akkina and you follow them and I will deal with the bounty hunters" Philomel suggested to Randy
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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@The Slenderman

Randy did raise an eyebrow. "Are... you sure? These aren't Bounty Hunters like in the big cities and stuff. One's a fucking tower and the other's got an amped-up exo-suit. Among others." He questioned.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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@GingerBoi123 " Yes I am very sure that it will work" He smiled and sat down waiting for him to do the plan to get Akkina back, He could handle a group of bounty hunters, Philomel took his sword hilt and pulled it up and out of its sheath then held it in front of him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JG


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@The ghost in black

JG was pleasantly surprised that the man who's faced she'd just scratched up decided not to retaliate. In fact he'd lost interest in her altogether. She chuckled to herself quietly so as not to attract any attention, and then twisted her upper body slightly to look at the girl who had just hidden behind her. She gave her a warm smile and then turned around to face her fully.

"Shall we find somewhere quieter?" she asked, offering her hand for Kouh to hold. "What's your name? I'm JG." she continued.

At the same time she was eavesdropping on the bounty hunter's conversation. So reckless of them to discuss their plan so close to strangers. They must have felt pretty confident in their abilities. She wondered where she could take the young girl to safety that wasn't too far from the lycan's body, so she could still keep an eye on it, but no thoughts came to her. Except...maybe that empty tailor's shop...

JG wondered with amusement whether she was seeing the young girl the same way Rafael had seen her, and whether she had misunderstood Kouh's true nature the way Rafael had hers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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"Oh yeah one last thing, she works with that bounty hunter Titan I think his name was, just thought you guys would like to know." FM points at JG before he turns around and walks away eating his sandwich.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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@The Slenderman

Randy slowly nodded. "Uhmmmm, okay then." He then looked at Kyato. "Can you do it quick?" Randy asked, he didn't have time to go to a place and if Titan teleported, then there's no way he's not already at the Manor. He then turned back to Philomel. "Randy O' Malley." He nodded to him. "I've got weapons and gadgets at my shop, if you need them, you let me know." He then looked at Philomel's sword. "Not that I don't think you can't handle yourself."

He then looked around when FM piped up. He cracked his knuckles. "I fucking new it.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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@GingerBoi123@JG Philomel being quick was already running to her, aiming to grab her, since Philomel was quick, she'd have to be quicker to escape him, he'd already got close to her as well, Although this was just a simple yet tedious task for him, he really wanted to get Akkina back in the fray and with her they'd be a difficult team to one up.
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