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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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@WittyWolf @GingerBoi123 Akkina just walked on ahead, but slowly, She turned right into a alleyway, waiting for them to get the body, She slid down to the ground thinking about Silas, why did he kill himself, She was very confused by that. She heard a whirring noise and then turned her head to see three little bots that were trained on her position.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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@The Slenderman

"Akkina!" He called out, but his focus was momentarily fixated on moving Silas's body. He looked at Kyato. "Could you... go check on her? Or help me move this? Please."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@GingerBoi123 "Just leave it be, It's their property now, just skin and bones for sale" Kyato Said quietly so that Randy could only hear. Kyato offered a helping hand to Randy to help him "We'll be safe deep in My Business, I'm sure of it" He Said then knelt down to Randy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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@The SlendermanRandy shook his head angrily. "You listen to me, stop thinking about property and think like a goddamn human being. This guy was a person. His name was SILAS, and he's one of the few people who gave a damn about people. Especially her." He whispered back, in a more threatening tone as he pointed to the direction of Akkina. "He is NOT skin and bones. We're burying him, at least. So, are you gonna help me or not"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@GingerBoi123 Akkina meanwhile climbed up to rooftop and walked until she seen a big group of people, who she assumed were the bounty hunters, She looked at the way she came and then jumped down to the ground and held up her hands to the hunters, giving up on her own life. She looked at Raven and then knelt down on both knees to prove that she had been broken.

Kyato helped him with the body, clutching it with both of his hands and then looked at Randy weakly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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@The Slenderman Raven looked at the girl, with a crooked head. "Uhm... what?" He questioned, confused beyond anything. It's not like his targets to give themselves up, especially when they KNOW they're being hunted. But all the more reason to bring her alive to Nasus @Fukazza
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JG


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

JG held her breath when Raphael draped his arm around her shoulders, very careful not to react. She stayed as still as possible and watched Raven walk away from the corner of her eyes. The other one was still eating his sandwich noisily and wasn't buying their story at all. Though that didn't mean they shouldn't keep at it. Suddenly, the unexpected happened. The bounty, which she recognised from the screen Raphael had showed her (pink hair was not all that common even here), was handing herself in. JG let go of the cloak but stayed under the Titan's arm, giving him the freedom to claim his bounty without her accidentally pulling him back. Watching Akkina, she tried to read her body language to assess whether she truly had been broken. She couldn't decide. She seemed in a fragile state of emotions, but that could mean she could flip at any moment as well as meekly let herself be taken. She noted with amusement that even Raven seemed confused by the situation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@GingerBoi123 " what are you all waiting for, arrest me, but know this, how can I hold a Holy Sword if I am a sinner" She said with a raised voice to attract Randy and Kyato, hopefully that will work. If it didn't work then she'd shout or go into her Devil Form.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Slenderman@JG@GingerBoi123

Titan looked to Raven, then Akkina. The look in her eyes from earlier was gone. Now she merely seemed to be.. acting the role of despondent. The man's attempt to confound him was laughable, he'd been the one to preside over the form as the details had been inked. The document was genuine, from his time in the military even if the information had been altered to list him under active duty. He turned to JG and bent close to her ear. With barely a breath, pitched so low that for certain, only she could hear, he said, "Go to the body's resting place and follow anyone that moves it. I will be along shortly, something is amiss." With that, he straightened and drew his blade, the metal heating until the air shimmered around it.

"I do not care what sins you've committed. I admit, you being a wielder of a Holy Sword is.. impressive. That should mean that you can escape any bonds your captors may clap you in." He pulled a long length of rope from his cloak, and approached Akkina slowly with it held in both hands. "Now if you'll allow me, I'd like to restrain you, to be sure that you cannot use the sword you are so proud of. And, when the bounty is complete, I'd be happy to accept a contract from you, for your escape, of course. I understand your loss and have my deepest condolences, but business is business." He dipped his head slightly and proceeded to knot the rope and slip it over Akkina, forcing her arms to her side. One hand held her body as he pulled on the length, tightening the knot until she lost the use of her hands and arms. "Now if you'd please, it's time to meet Nasus." He gripped under her arm and lifted her as easy as one would lift a kitted, settling her on her feet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@WittyWolf Akkina looked at the bounty hunter and nodded to him, then looked at his stature, due to the ropes bounding her she dropped Durandal to the ground, hoping that were ignored and left at that spot where it lay on the ground, She then looked at him again "I am not really a bad person, Big Guy, I was set up, Please.." She cried out lightly and then began to walk, while being bound up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JG


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


JG listened carefully as Raphael whispered in her ear. She nodded her head briefly signalling she would not argue.

"Signal if you need help." she whispered back as discretely as she could.

She then pirouetted gracefully from under his arm, happy to be free although she had gradually acclimatised to him. She faced him and bowed her head respectfully before trotting off via a narrow street. She purposely did not choose the direction in which the lycan's corpse was situated so as not to arouse suspicion. As far as anyone watching her could tell, she may have been told to simply seek refuge and wait for him to return.

JG didn't look to see if anyone was following so as not to tempt them. Instead, she relied on her other senses to help 'see' anyone who might trouble her. She trotted discretely through windy passages, genuinely getting slightly lost at one point, but eventually looping back towards the location of the body. She made sure to stay well out of ear or eye-shot from the group, and luckily the wind was blowing towards her so anyone with a heightened sense of smell would not detect her either. She slowed as she neared the square where the brief battle had taken place. Frustrated, she noticed the body was being guarded. She stayed hidden and waited to see if they would move it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Dennis smiled taking the silencer from the old man handing him 500 gold pieces. "If you weren't so rude to your customers maybe you'd have more." He joked walking towards the exit. "Keep the change I kinda like yah and you deserve to get this dump back into shape." Dennis added on closely reaching out the door but to be interrupted by his watch again. "Damn thing!" He shouted slamming his fist against the glass of the watch. He turned looking back at the old store clerk. "You wouldn't have a bounty indicator for sell?" He asked with a somewhat cheesy grin. He did just insult the old man but to be fair the old guy spoken bader of him in comparison.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Slenderman

"Waiting for Randy, or possibly Kyato? No matter, neither could take me on." Titan assured her and was glad she had dropped the sword. Now all he had to do was clap a hand around her mouth or knock the blade away if she tried to summon it. Without it, she had none of the special powers she had shown earlier. She walked at too slow a pace, however so he stopped at tied her ankles tightly together with the spare length. After that, he simply hoisted her over one of his shoulders like a side of beef. "So tell me, how did the lycan die? He had bloody froth at his mouth, but he looked too young for heart failure. Did he have some sort of genetic defect?" He wondered just how far along the grieving process his captive was. Soon, with his loping stride, Titan had lost sight of FM and Raven, halfway towards Nasus's manor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@WittyWolf "Kyato is a enemy to my boyfriend Silas and my friend Randy" She lied and spoke about Silas in present tense as if he is still here. Akkina widened her eyes fully and thrashed about, hoping to be knocked off his hold, She then grinned as she started to chant " By the almighty power of Roland--." She started to say hoping to finish it before Titan, caught on to what she was attempting to do, but he'd probably have the quicker reflexes, much faster than hers could ever be, but she was giving it her all anyway since this was a losing battle for her. She was captured and getting thrown to Nasus.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Slenderman

Titan cottoned on quicker than Akkina might realize, recognizing a magical chant when he heard one. His arm squeezed, driving out the breath from her lungs and stopping any hope to speak. He had to give it to her, the girl had tenacity. She would most likely keep trying the same trick, but this crude method was the only he had at the moment, short of gagging her. He preferred not to be so crass. After more than a few moments, the familiar tingling of magical energy left the air. She'd have to re-chant the entire spell once more. When he knew her eyes to be dazzled by black dots, he eased the pressure, allowing her to breath again. "You're lying. I've been watching this entire time. And unless you're still in the denial stage, you very well know Silas was alive. And is dead." He sighed as he turned into another alley, a shortcut that would halve the time it took to arrive at Nasus'. Why couldn't the man live closer to the damn town center! "Don't think I'm without sympathy, Akkina. I know how much pain you must be in. I know all too well..." his tone had lapsed into a wistful whisper. He'd taken so many turns, none would be able to know where he'd gone. He began to jog, a frightful thing as his boots sounded akin to the loud thumps made by an ax to a tree. "Once I have my reward, I'll send to your comrades and they shall rescue you. Or perhaps Kyato might pay me in genuine coin this time for a legitimate contract!" He'd finally admitted to someone that he truly was angry at being tricked, a rare occurrence.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@WittyWolf"So where ya going." running next to Titan, is FM calmly running on the air as if he was on the ground, of course he was using wind magic to keep himself in the air he had decided that it would be great fun to follow Titan, strapped to his back under an illusion spell is the sword that was dropped on the ground he had picked it up for reasons only he knows.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kouh felt a bit lonely after everyone had left and had decided to have wolf follow everyone. They got on top of the buildings and followed the group throughout the the whole fight. "what the..." Kouh started when she saw Silas's body, then she saw a girl @JG who looked out of place, "wolf stay here" Kouh said before jumping down and making her way over to the girl. When Kouh reached her she put on an innocent look and tugged on the bottom of her shirt "Excuse me miss, do you know what happened here"

"Here you go," Aleksandri said passing the bottle of ale to the woman "So what was up with your sword ummm.... sorry what was your name again?" she asked with a wide smile and a big gulp from her bottle.[/@xXSINXx]
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Suddenly, Titan uses a teleportation spell! Instantly, he is transported to Nasus' manor, but not before casting yet another spell, not allowing FM to enter the house under any means, magical or under the man's own power. "That's where I'm going," Titan says with a smirk. He places Akkina on the floor and activates his monitor screen. It seems that someone had discovered JG, but no one that the man had remembered seeing. He looks up to a stunned guard, who seemed that he had lost his mind. "Tell Nasus, I'd like to speak with him." With that, he made a small flipping gesture with his hand, telling the man to shoo, essentially. "Don't worry Akkina, this should all be over soon.." He activated the remote control over one of his Gears that was following Kyato and Randy. He made it zoom down to their eye level and rapidly spin circles around them. With his little toys, he'd lead them to this house. Well, after he got his reward, of course.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

FM stops, and sits down in the alleyway. Pulls out a cigarette and smokes it taking the sword off his back, he places it next to him. The sword is now visible to anyone who decided walk by."Well shit looks like that plan was a bust, so time for plan B take sword to guy called Randy."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dennis smiled taking the silencer from the old man handing him 500 gold pieces. "If you weren't so rude to your customers maybe you'd have more." He joked walking towards the exit. "Keep the change I kinda like yah and you deserve to get this dump back into shape." Dennis added on closely reaching out the door but to be interrupted by his watch again. "Damn thing!" He shouted slamming his fist against the glass of the watch. He turned looking back at the old store clerk. "You wouldn't have a bounty indicator for sell?" He asked with a somewhat cheesy grin. He did just insult the old man but to be fair the old guy spoken bader of him in comparison.

The sack of cash put down was far too big to be the amount he had asked for, but Ryner decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Every additional penny he got when to his experiment he held below his store, and he felt he needed a lot to get this whole ordeal over with. It was icing on the cake as the man he had done business with made sure he knew this was all for the good of it. Suddenly, Ryner's attitude towards the man changed. He was actually a good man, even if he killed for a living. This was of course the twisted vision of Ryner, any other normal person would have seen this man was an evil bounty hunter with a thirst for blood and a greed beyond that of any normal gun slinger. Still, he was happy with him, and he was hoping to get a bit more money out of him.
"Stop by if you need to dispose of any....cargo, for an additional fee, I'll even decompose it before it starts to smell"
He said, watching the man walk away before he looked at his watch, and asked a rather odd question. Ryner's face suddenly grew fearful, and with dexterity beyond that of what a man almost in his fifties should wield, he popped the cube in his pocket as he withdrew it with speed, forming a gun in his hand and a serious glare.
"If you think you'll ever cap my ass, you better think again! Not until my reason to live is gone!" Ryner suddenly responded in a grim look, having mistook the small joke for a threat. As he seemed angry, a few of the robots began to shuffle towards the bounty hunter.
"Get out, I don't want anyone who'd even think they're worth stopping me in my business"
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