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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JG


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@The Slenderman

"I see..." she replied to Seto. She blushed slightly when he revealed he knew her weapon's hiding place, and hoped it was the weapon and not the general aread he had been paying attention to.

"Uhh, thanks for the offer...I think... but the blade is a gift and it would be disrespectful to modify it. I would be interested in seeking out more equipment though if you knew of somewhere I could find them? I used to be quite skilled with a katana..." she trailed off, as if lost in the memories of her past, before shaking her head and snapping back to the present.

"I can't say that I'm familiar with your Corporation. What is it that you do?" she asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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@JG " I sell technological equipment and advanced weapons, conventional weaponry, like swords, guns, the advanced weapons are laser swords, and so on" Kyato said and offered her to follow him to the Corporation "I'd even give you some financial help, the most I can give you is fifty thousand gold. If you follow me, I can give you some better equipment, what do you want to have, if you have a preference." Kyato smiled and looked at her again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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@The Slenderman

Randy went back to hugging her like earlier. "We can't Akkina. He's dead, the gravediggers took his body. He can rest... peacefully." He then looked her in the eyes. "But right now, we HAVE to go." Randy said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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@GingerBoi123 "Where is my sword master" Akkina looked at the ground and then suddenly realized that Philomel had gone with Titan. " We are safe, WWe have the new person and Titan guardrail us two... Don't we?" She questioned him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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@JG@The Slenderman
Kouh stood stock still when another person approached them but when he didn't seem hostile she slowly relaxed, but still gripped the handle of her saw tightly in one hand while the other dove back into her basket only to emerge with three fresh red apples. "Did you guys want one" she asked before taking a bite of one and holding the apple she bit in her mouth as she held out the other two.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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@The Slenderman

Randy pointed down the tunnel they went to. "They're down there. Philomel, the sword master, told me to take you to Kyato Corps. He checked the hallway again, this time guards coming up. He whipped around to face Akkina. "I'll go where you go, but we need to go somewhere."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@The ghost in black Kyato reached for the Apple that were being offered to him by Kouh, He opened up his palm waiting for it, while smiling lightly at the child, he was impressed by her, but he was a orphan and people that were orphans, he took great pride in protecting them with his life, there was two kids that needed his protection, but he would only protect them if they wanted to be protected.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@GingerBoi123 Akkina began to walk out of Nasus' house and then waited for Randy outside the front of the house, She seen a few people walking past them going about their lives.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roecoon
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Finally the work of the day was done and Madeline was ready to take it easy. After about ten minutes of laying around and agonizing boredom, she decided going out might be for the best. Propping things back up as she knocks them over, she maneuvered her legs around the shop to the register for drinking money. Taverns were always the best place for entertainment. Even if no one interesting showed up, drinking would fix that.
Making her way down the street through the crowds would have been more of a task...but people always seemed to stay out of her range. Mad was used to the majority of people looking at her strangely, like they've never seen a spider before. What she looked forward to most was watching daring adventurers run around the market and causing a ruckus. Most merchants would be bothered by bounty hunters and criminals running amok, but she thought it was pretty entertaining actually. Just as she was about to enter the Windy Whistle, she noticed a rather muscular,tall, bearded man just passed out next to the tavern. "Hehehe well what do we have here?~" She couldn't really tell what happened to him, only one way to find out. "You poor thing! Let me help you!" She used her legs to help situate him between her back and giant spool, and proceeded to take off with him.
@Dark Light
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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@Roecoon "Now where can that lycan have gone" he then noticed him riding on the back on a spider "if you please would you mind putting my patient down?" Said a gigantic crow to the spider woman, the crow quickly shifted to a much more well dressed humanoid crow
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by JG


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@The Slenderman@The ghost in black

JG considered Seto's proposal for a short while before answering. It seemed too generous an offer for someone she had just met, but he seemed friendly and eager to help. Some people were just strange like that.

"That sounds like a lovely idea. I don't like any fancy enhancements on my weapons. In the past I used two short katanas and a bow..." she said finally, unable to resist the chance to look through a collection of weapons. She turned to Kouh.

"What do you say, K? Beats hiding out in a fabric shop, right?" she said, watching her take a bite out of a juicy-looking apple. JG's stomach growled and reminded her of the passage of time since her last meal. She hesitated, wondering whether they could be poisoned, but Kouh was eating one herself, so it was probably safe? "Thanks!" she said, as she finally gave in to her stomach's pleas and accepted an apple from her. She took a bite and sucked the juice that was trying to escape before starting to chew. "Oh my god that's so yummy..." she said, eyes rolling up to the sky in mock-euphoria.

Remembering her previous companion, she turned her attention to her auditory senses, and wondered if she might be able to hear any commotion. She didn't know where Rafael was exactly, other than it wasn't too far from the market. Earlier, she thought she could hear gunfire, although it could have just been her imagination. She couldn't hear it any longer. Maybe the fighting had stopped? The gear was still floating around her peacefully, suggesting that Rafael was probably still alive and well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@JG Kyato smiled at them, and then finally got up off the wall from leaning on it, He then seen gun smoke vaguely, travelling upwards to the open sky, he looked at his right and then nodded "Both of you, I can hear trouble, getting closer, let's hurry." He then turned his head back to front and started to walk to his business. Since it was quite a bit away, it might be appropriate for the faster walkers to hurry up from the trouble that Kyato heard.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roecoon
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Madeline stopped mid-scurry as the crow addressed her. Ah, so someone WAS already looking out for him. She turned around and giggled as she snapped her fingers. "Oh fiddlesticks, I've been caught!" Mad walked back over to the crow and gently (well as gently as she could) laid the man onto the ground. "My apologies, I had no idea he was already claimed. So what happened to the poor dear anyways?"
@Billsomething @Dark Light
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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@Roecoon "Nothing serious Madam just a simple bar brawl with an Elf-Orc Hybrid" Said The Crow as he looked over his patient and saw the gauge was still attached "also I am Dr. Alobe Xarhant Pleasure to meet you my dear" said the newly named Dr. Alobe with bow
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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@The Slenderman@JG
Kouh gave a smile as the two took the apples "Well at least they trust me" she thought before finally putting her saw back into her basket. "I think that this choice is defiantly better than the tailor" she said before following her two new acquaintances, taking small bites of the apple she got down to the core and took out the seeds which she dropped back into her basket without a second thought. This whole process was almost completely silent, like she was trying not to bother anyone with the noise of her taking bites through to the apple's core.

Kouh slipped her hood off of her head and ruffled her own hair in a way she dubbed as fixing it though it as messy as ever. She pulled a silver and ruby-red wolf hair clip out of her basket and clipped it to her bangs to hold them out of the way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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@Roecoon@Billsomething@Dark Light FM walks onto the scene,"Well now what the hell happened here?" He pulls out his third sandwich and begins to munch.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Titan settled into a friendly looking tavern where the food smelled like it was well seasoned. He settled down to a cold drink and a hot meal, but not before activating his Gear that accompanied JG. It seemed she had fallen in with a strange girl and the man Seto. That man was mercurial at best and Titan hoped for Seto's sake that the man's intentions were honest, for once. "Activate Gear A-12, audio and visual communication." With this the Gear would stop in front of JG and project a small hologram of his visage. "JG! I'm glad you made it safety. Akkina has been saved and the others should be leaving the manor in short order. Are you alright, suffer any injuries?" He purposely moved away his Interface for a moment, pulling down his face cover and taking a long quaff from his tankard. He replaced it and showed his face to the Gear once more. "Has Seto been treating you with respect?" He heard the crunch of a large bite of an apple, noting JG's satisfied face. Rafael realized that he had never treated her to the meal he had promised.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roecoon
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Roecoon Consumer of potatoes!

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"Oh well, guess he's a bit feisty then." She nodded her head towards Dr. Alobe. "Nice to meet you to. My name would be Madeline Keene, but most people just call me Mad." Madeline said with a grin, oh how she loved that line. Mad was surprised to see someone else had just appeared. She giggled and said "Apparently this feisty one was in over his head." Tilting her head a bit she asked "Is that a good sandwich?"

@Billsomething@Snarfulblast@Dark Light
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Roecoon"Yeah it tis, you want one?" FM pulls out another sandwich and offers it to the girl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@WittyWolf Kyato just noticed that the little spy bot that belonged to titan talked. Kyato after hearing titans loud voice through the mechanical piece of engineering smiled lightly, although he still was hoping to get to Kyato Corp with his new soon to be friends, he was half hoping that they were orphans, even if they weren't orphans he'd still protect them with his life, but still orphans were a special interest in his mind, after all he is a orphan.
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