Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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@Snarfulblast@Roecoon@Billsomething Clay sits up just in time to snatch the offered sandwich, taking a bite from it he looks around all groggily and confused.
"Where am I? What's going on?" He ask with a full mouth, stuffing more in before he was even finished.
"AND what are you!?" He asks looking at Mad.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roecoon
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Mad slightly devastated by the-sandwich-that-will-never-be, crossed her arms and glared at the rude sandwich thief. "Agitated. That's what I am." Who does this man think he is? She was going to go through all of the effort to help him and this is how he talks to her. Mad raised her right eyebrow and said "Honestly, is this how you address a pretty lady?" She knew there weren't a whole lot of spiders around, but he didn't need to shout.
@Dark Light @Snarfulblast @Billsomething
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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@Roecoon @Snarfulblast @Billsomething
"Ahh I'm sorry," Clay groans as he rubs his forehead, "memory is a bit hazy but I musta been out for a while coz I'm starving!" He explains as his stomach growls on cue.
He looks around again, "this ain't the nameless tavern." He mumbles to himself as he stands. Dusting himself off he looks Mad over, "So spider lady, what's your story?" He asks inquisitively, finishing the last of the sandwich.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@Dark Light Philomel turned around to run out of the Mansion, that belonged to Nasus, he seen guards attempting to start recuperating from the assault on the Mansion, he kept on running until he saw a three person group, who were eating sandwiches, he laughed and stopped at them "Howdy, how are y'all." He asked the three person group.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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@The Slenderman

Randy followed Akkina outside. "Do you want to go to Kyato Corps? Or is there anywhere else you'd rather go." He asked. After all the shit that's happened, Randy thought it would be best to do stuff that's comfortable for Akkina.

Raven spied the entire scene from his perch. Fuck, there ain't no way I'm getting my bounty now. He thought. He wandered about on the rooftops, trying to find something to do, there would be no new bounties until tomorrow, and hell was raised out there tonight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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@Dark Light "Oh i can explain why that is" Alobe said referring to Clayton's last statement "You see when you woke up in my clinic you proceeded transform and break one of my walls, that was a week ago so with you on the loose began chasing you around this damn market"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@GingerBoi123 Akkina looked at Randy and smiled lightly, nodded to him and immediately started to walk to the Kyato Corp, "I'll have to get over it." Akkina said lightly. "Do you actually know that New guy" She asked softly
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JG


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@The ghost in black@The Slenderman@WittyWolf

JG looked in the general direction Seto appeared to be looking at, and saw the same as he had; thin dark grey tendrils of smoke rising from a distance. Perhaps she had not imagined the noise after all. She nodded to him.

"You lead, I'll follow" she said, unable to stop the corners of her mouth from twitching upwards like she'd just made a private joke. This was turning out to be a new catchphrase of hers.

When she glanced back towards Kouh, it took her a few moments to realise she'd put away her saw and had pulled down her hood. She hoped the girl was ruffling her hair for aesthetic reasons and not due to itching. JG was unfortunately susceptible to both fleas and head lice, and she had no wish to acquire either.

She had become acclimatised to the floating gear and thus stopped seeing it in a sort, so when it stopped in front of her and transmitted a booming voice, it made her jump. The initial delay between the voice transmission and setting up the visual hologram made her flinch a second time. She grinned at the projection, happy to hear her new friend was safe and well. A fragment of apple skin was stuck between two teeth, but she was not worried about such things. She would enjoy picking it out later.

"Rafael! Good to hear from you! I'm not even scratched, although I can't say the same of one of those idiots who ran after Akkina." she said, not really believing Randy was an idiot, but he really had been quite rude to her.

"Seto has been very friendly thus far..." she said, somewhat confused by his familiarity with him. "He's offered to take us to Kyato Corp to see his collection of weapons. And, well, you know I can't say no to that, right?" she grinned again.

"Where are you anyway? Shall we meet you afterwards?" she asked, trying to work out where he was from the little she could see of his surroundings. The lighting wasn't very good, but she thought she could hear other voices in the background, so it was probably a public place?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Dark Light@Roecoon"Here have another." FM take out another sandwich and this time actually hands it to Mad."And Clay here take these." FM pull out three more sandwiches and hands them to Clay.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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@Roecoon@Snarfulblast@Billsomething@The Slenderman
"Ah, are we far from the tavern?" He asks the crow.
Clay then takes the sandwiches, "well if I'm this hungry it's probably a good thing. Means I haven't ate." Clay looks up and down the street before digging into the new sandwiches.
Then the stranger came running up to them and after a laugh asked them how they were doing.
"Ahh," he says a little confused, not sure if he was supposed to know the stranger.
"Had better days." He replies.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

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Dennis frowned when the geezer pulled out his gun. Even if it seemed like the old guy had the upper hand with his gun already drawn Dennis could easily turn this around. He tapped his scounter as it beeped and turned on. For all the old man know it could just be a regular goggle like monocle that could help him see in the dark when actually it assisted Dennis in calibrating how soon a bullet or fast moving object reaches him or a requested destination. So in other words dodging a bullet would be possible now for Dennis but he wasn't gonna tell the old fart that. "If I wanted to kill you I'd snipped your ass from the top of the roof when you shouted your derogatory statements at me but I didn't!" Dennis kicked a bot out of the way. "And if you aim a gun at someone then you must be ready to kill them.....and if you miss you better be ready to die.." He added tapping both his pistols. His scounter focused on every single movement the old guy made. If he fired his gun and missed that'll be the death of him.

"don't disrespect me young man! I survived all of the great wars, don't think I'm no good with a gun. But I suppose you're right, I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. We are both going to lower are guns in three seconds" He said, still stern, snarling at the fact he had just seen his robot junked by this bit sized murder. With a strange his, he ordered two of his spider bots away, and they scattered from close by the Bounty hunter to some other place in the poorly lit shop. His face did not change, it was one of intense anger, with eyes that where surprisingly dull, begging to be shot, taunting his enemy without him knowing. "I don't want any more trouble then you hoodlums already give me, so just leave, ok"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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@Dark Light "Not sure my boy pretty sure the tavern has moved itself somewhere else by now" Alobe said answering The lycan's question then turned his attention towards the stranger "and who would you be?"@The Slenderman
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@Dark Light Philomel nodded in response and then suddenly jumped on to a stall and then up to a building roof and then walked until he seen Titan in a building, not wanting to cause attention he just stayed hidden on the rooftop hidden in darkness, he kept on watching Rafael, He still called him Raphael though. He seen citizens walking, although he wanted to keep away from Akkina and that group as best as he ccould. @WittyWolf
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Titan had dug into his food as JG summarized her experience as he had stormed the castle, so to speak. He chuckled a little when she talked of Seto's array of weapons with barely concealed glee. She was a fanatic when it came to a good blade it seemed. He felt a bit more secure in his decision to give her the blade. "Good, good. I'm glad to hear. Right now, I'm in a tavern, finally sitting down to a hot meal and a cold drink." He took another quaff at the end of statement, exhaling with satisfaction. "Just be careful of Seto, JG. He's slippery and frankly, I don't trust him. Perhaps he'll warm better than you. You're not as visibly intimidating as I." Titan made sure the distinction was translated. JG seemed to be quite proud of her hidden deadliness, scorning that would be unsafe.

"I'll meet you at Seto Corp after I've finished my meal. Just don't sign anything until I can read it over, eh?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

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- Buster McMincemeat -
Buster scuttled into the Guards' Gourd, and walked up to the bar. However, being only a foot tall, he couldn't even see the bartender, let alone order a drink very well.
"Hey, bar-guy, lend a hand?" the gnome shouted, hitting the side of the counter with his fists. "How do you even have any business? A proper bartender puts the customer first, not on the floor!"
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Ebil Bunny

Dimitri had been climbing glassware when a voice with seemingly no owner shouted at him, claiming to lack hospitality! The nerve of some people truly astounded the bar owner. He set down the glass and looked over the side where he'd heard the thump of a fist. For all intents and purposes, it seemed a gnome had wandered into his bar! Surprised, Dimitri walked around the counter to stand next to the little man. "My apologies, I simply didn't see you behind the counter. Would you like me to pick you up and settle you in a stool for comfort?" He didn't want to offend the energetic little gnome, who also seemed to have a fair bit of a temper!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@WittyWolf Philomel sat down on the rooftop, still hidden from any view, he still kept watching titan, who from Philomel's view was speaking into a spy bot sort of thing, he noticed that people were walking around in the building, though Rafael just kept on talking, Philomel thought about that cause and then quizzed about on who he was obviously talking to on the spy bot.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

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- Buster McMincemeat -
"Well of course you didn't see me, you think I don't realize I'm short? People these days, always so offended to be short, or old, or ugly" the gnome squinted his eyes at the man when he said the last part. Then, quieter but still audible, he said, "Though the mustache is quite well done..."

Buster coughed into his closed hand, and put his attention back to the man rather than his mustache.
"Pick me up!? How insulting! Don't tell me you don't have any step stools in this pub?" he spat in disgust when the bartender mentioned putting the gnome on the stool.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Ebil Bunny

"Quite right sir, I should have realized!" Dimitri apologized, bowing slightly to his irascible new customer. He calmed himself, telling himself, not for the first time, that the customer was always right. "Unfortunately, I've never had need of one." Looking about the room, his eyes alighted on one of the short chairs meant for the tables. Grabbing it, he placed it next to the stool as a makeshift step ladder for the gnome. "Here sir, this is the best I can manage." Pulling the pure white hand towel from his shirt pocket, Dimitri went back behind the counter to continue polishing the glasses. "Now, what can I get for you- what's your poison?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@JG Seto finally seen Kyato Corp and turned back to JG, who was smiling at some random conversation, he then reached for the door handle to his Corporation and stepped aside to let the girls in first, he was impressed by JG, just by watching her stature and the way she carried herself, it was obviously evident that she had seen some action, She was a enigma to Seto. Seto put his hand to the door to let them in.
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