Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

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When the car came to a stop Nightlife leapt out with a tremendous amount of enthusiasm. As soon as Ted got a look at the dark shadow of the creature he immediately wanted to get back in the car. He began to panic "I'm not ready for this. I-I this is way out of my league." Ted thought frantically.

At the mention of the missing Titan Nightlife saw his chance to stay out of harms way "ME!" the boy yelled as the suggestion was presented by El Sasquatcho. "I'll look for her." he said as he began to search for their missing comrade while looking over his shoulder to make sure the beast didn't head his way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Chester wasn't too much in the mood to talk with Ted, but when his teammate asked him how he got in the hero business he gave him an answer.

"I just one day discovered that I had developed metahuman powers and decided to use them to do some good. Then Robin contacted me to join a team and now here I am" he replied, mentioning Robin made his depression rise up a bit and he decided to end the conversation there and just waited for them to get to their intended destination. He saw that Zero was traveling to the scene by means of his ice and Chester wondered what it would be like to have powers that didn't make him depend on a vehicle for swift travel.

Chester was glad that the luchador gave him some reassurance that they would try to figure out a way of stopping the beast without killing it. The last thing they needed was to kill a person regardless of how they had changed into a monster, the news media would have a field day with that. Once they got to their destination Chester quickly got out of the car to try and get a look at what they might be facing. Laviathan was ordering one of them blast the creature out of the air, but Chester was useless in that department and he would need to get up close to the beast to be any use if the creature wasn't on the ground.

Then Grant's voice came on over the communicators and told them that he was thirty minutes away from their location and also informed them of the GCPD helping keep the civilians away from the area.

"We're doing just fine" Chester replied after giving a facepalm at El Sasquatcho's over excited response to their mentor. He then looked at the rest of his teammates.

"So I think Zero can force the creature out of the skies and once it's on the ground me and my rats can keep it from taking to the skies again" Chester explained to them and several dozen city rats started to gather around him coming out of alleyways and sewer drains on the streets. His pet rats stayed on his shoulder and they showed no fear of the coming battle.

"I hope that there will be food after this battle, I'll be starving" Archie said to him.

"Try to think about something else besides your stomach" Amy retorted in an annoyed squeaky voice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

At some point the giant grazed the creature and the ice manipulator hit his mark. Rat Boy seemingly had the creature surrounded when he hit the ground, but the creature bit through one of the rodents. The Titans were on the way to scoring their first win, but where did the Amazon disappear to? The newest member of the team, Nightlife, saw somebody loading Argo into a van but somebody came up behind him and knocked him unconscious. When he came to, the Titans were standing over him with Wildcat. The proper authorities were called in to deal with the creature. The boys were separated and the giant wasn't towering over everyone now. EMS crews were also on the scene with one worker by the Titans and Nightlife.

"Hey kid, you ain't supposed to sleep on the job. You see anything before they gave you the KO?" Wildcat asked as the boy gathered his thoughts.

Ted got up groggily, rubbing his head he tried to recall the events from before he went out cold. Suddenly it all came running back to Nightlife as his face filled with shock "Argonaut! They took Argo!" Ted said, quickly getting to his feet but almost falling down thanks to a head rush. "We- we gotta go find her! Some people in a van took her!" Ted said trying to get all the facts out so they could stop standing around and start looking for Argonaut.

"Unless you got something better than 'guys in a van' we're gonna have to wait for Bats on this one. You guys load up and we'll meet back at HQ..." Wildcat instructed.

The EMS worker aiding the Titans stayed away from everyone else asking for medical attention and talked into an ear piece after the Titans all walked away.

3:24 AM, several hours later...

Half of the team is already asleep, but a few of them remain on the ready side of things. Grant is also awake, helping Daniel and the younger Ted on their fist fighting skills. An older model phone rang. It happened to be bright red and by a statue on an important looking table. Grant kinda jogged over to it.

"You think that's his Bat-phone?" asked Daniel pausing for a minute in one of the boxing rings when their mentor ran off.

"Beats me, who knows what half the stuff in the place does. It's like being in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory except the delicious candy is actually just a bunch of training equipment and non-lethal weaponry." Nightlife said as he rolled his shoulder back in an attempt to stretch it out.

Wildcat ran back over to the group. A look of concern was all over his face. All the wrinkles made it that much easier to tell when the older model hero was having a hard time. One of the kids, that was supposed to be HIS responsibility, had been taken. And now, he knows who kidnapped the Amazon powerhouse.

"It was Bats." Grant said to the point, "The Court of Owls has Argonaut. Batman says the rest of you are on lockdown. This is no longer a situation for the 'Titans of Gotham', and I reckon a senior superhero isn't who Batman wants on the front line..." he stated kinda putting his head down.

"From what I read on the files, the Court takes younger individuals and turns them into their agents. Talons I think they were called. If THAT'S what they've got in mind for Ves... Grant... she can rip tanks apart with her bare hands." Daniel tried to understand where Batman was coming from.

"I was fighting nazi-supermen before 'metahumans' started wearing underwear on the inside. And Argo was MY responsibility. I should have been there." Wildcat said, really having a hard time with what was going on.

Three nights later...

"You are ALL to stay in this HQ. You got that?" Grant said in civilians clothes to the group, "I gotta make a food run. Until Batman can get a lead on the Court, y'all are presumably targets.

Ted Grant wasn't gone for more than fifteen minutes and the sky became... gray. With several dozen pairs of red eyes glowing in the night through the wind and decades old buildings and skyscrapers of Gotham. These things were obviously the final form of the creature from several nights ago...

But chief among them, leaping and half gliding in between further distances... was what appeared to be Argonaut. The Court's newest Talon.

Screams could be heard throughout the city.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Indecision played on the features of the masked Luchador. Not that anyone would know, the hairy youth wore that mask every moment of his life. They were all told very directly to stay put, but that was before the situation changed.


Their elder trainer, while possibly still able to mop the floor with his team, was caught out there underneath a sky blotted dark by Owlbeasts. Not just the owl creatures, but their former teammate. This could spell trouble unless the cavalry arrived, and quickly.

Hastily, El Sasquatcho hit his last train of thought with a mental eraser, and tried repeatedly to overwrite his unspoken misstep about Ves. She wasn't a "former" anything. She was still their friend and colleague. The great Argonaut just had her head hijacked by some people, is all. Some people that, if met under the right circumstances, El Sasquatcho would be using the back of their skulls in which to serve menudo. After being properly challenged and summarily splatted, softball bat style, on the nearest hard surface.

He straightened, and solemnly moved to recover his armor. As he donned his protective gear, he spoke aloud, so that all those crowded in the main room could hear his voice as they gazed at the television or looked out and to the skies, "Our friends are out there. Both of them. If Señor Wildcat is correct, and we are the next targets, they'll be coming here anyway. Let's suit up."

El Sasquatcho traded out his mask last, adjusting the vocal augmenter. "If they come in here, or we can lure them indoors elsewhere, they lose their advantage of flight. The cavalry will know exactly where to find us. Let's give our friend a warm welcome.

The hairy luchador jogged into his quarters and sat in front of his laptop for a scant minute, just enough time to punch in a YooTube search and bluetouth it to the PA and his personal electronics. Something Vesta would like. Something El Sasquatcho could move to. Something that may remind the wayward Amazon of the last time they had fun together, and crammed many spicy wings back.

Activating his earbud communicator, he attempted to contact Wildcat, unsure as to whether he even had his with him at the time. It seemed of little matter. The convenient timing in which the attack started seemed to point toward a coordinated effort to single the team out, if they were indeed the next targets of this mysterious group of villainy.

El Sasquatcho shook his head and pressed the PLAY icon on his machine, routing the link and blasting the remixed sounds of the 1980's to the various devices and speakers at their disposal. Whether they stayed to defend or took the fight outside, some of her favorite music would follow, an unorthodox but touching background to their work which must be done; the fighting theme of the reluctant but determined combatant, the cheerful juxtaposition of electronic melody over the sounds of heartbreak and battle.

With tears welling in his chocolate brown eyes, he whispered in a hoarse, augmented voice, "Revolución, mi amiga. Let us dance."

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Neith, out of commission... and now Ves was taken by owl freaks so they could do God-knows-what to her. It made Archer's blood boil thinking about it, especially since both of those losses were on his watch, he'd been present at both missions and failed to save either of his teammates. And, as if looming over both of those losses, there was Deadshot and Multiplex and what they did to Robin. Sitting outside one of the training rings, Archer silently shuddered, his blood seemingly coming to boil. The lockdown that Batman ordered didn't help matters, since now the team was stuck at the Gym and unable to do anything at all. Archer was adamant about searching for Ves, but dared not challenge Batman's authority.

But how many more losses would this team have to suffer before they finally got their act together? Or rather, before Archer got his act together? Well, he didn't have much longer to think about it. Grant left on a food run, and not a few minutes after he was gone did alarms start blaring and warning the Titans that intruders were approaching the Gym from the skies. It could only be the Owls, only they could attack from the skies in such numbers. Worse still, they had Ves leading their charge. Great, so now they'd have to fight an Amazon on top of everything else. Needless to say, their chances did not look good.

Hearing 'Sqatcho suggest they suit up, Archer was all too eager to get on his feet, "Don't have to tell me twice!" he exclaimed and ran for his gear. It took him all of a couple seconds to suit up, and Zero found himself standing at the front door leading outside, almost eagerly awaiting whatever crook or villain would foolishly come inside and provoke his attack. In fact, he encased both his fists with ice in anticipation. Luckily, he learned from internet searching that rapidly cooled water can form a denser ice called amorphous ice, so Zero started focusing his training on trying to form weapons out of the stuff to see if they were any more or less effective, these ice-fists would make for a serviceable test run.

"Bring. It. On!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The techno remix of another 80's hit cycled into the PA, just as a burst of awareness hit El Sasquatcho, cold as his companion's new ice knuckles. "We need to make exits unusable from the outside, Cero! El Sasquatcho does not want to get surrounded by slobbering were-owls in the first five seconds."

The Luchador snapped his head back to the gym area, eyes widening, a cheshire grin plastered on his face. "Por favor, if someone can get the points of egress, El Sasquatcho has a wonderful, awful idea."

Leaping and bounding back into the gym, El Sasquatcho returned in a moment, wheeling the racks of freeweights behind him. "Now, these will make great things for El Sasquatcho to hurl at things, but this..."

Another moment had the burly, sadistically grinning wrestler loping back, each of the sparring practice robots over his shoulders in an awkward (but effective) fireman's carry. He placed them in the common area and began moving furniture back. Smiling, giggling with nigh moronic glee, El Sasquatcho turned the difficulty level up to maximum, and set the pugilistic automatons to accept voice commands.

"Heh heh heh... Those metal bastardos are going to have new friends to play with today..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 4 days ago

Ted looked out into the night with almost absolute horror as the other Titans went about making preparations. Nightlife had a lot of strengths but his one biggest weakness was his lack of courage, at least in the given situation. He had freaked out at the prospect of fighting one evil bird bat thing but now the team would have to fight an army of the creatures along with a now very intimidating former Amazonian teammate. The only thing Ted thought might give him an edge would be that he had yet to flaunt his powers to the group. He told them about his super yelling but withheld actually using the ability since he did not have a good amount of control over it. He hoped that he might be able to use his powers to take the Amazonian by surprise or drop a few winged monsters with his screech.

Overall though Ted wasn't likening his odds in the fight.

He turned to see that someone had put on some sweet tunes and that all of the Titans were taking positions as were the training dummies which Ted assumed were brought out for fighting the beasts. "Please let those thing not get in here, please let those things not get in here" Ted chanted under his breath as he took up his position beside El Sasquatcho. He hoped that being in close proximity to another Titan would help his odds in the fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Chester was glad that the their plan had worked for the most part and that the owl creature was defeated, but things went from good to bad when Ted informed them that Argonaut t been kidnapped and they were unable to know who was behind this. He felt bad about losing another teammate, how could this have happened? It seemed that things were getting worse and worse with every mission and he wondered who would be next to experience misfortune.

After getting back to their base, Chester decided to take a quick shower and hoped that the worm spray of water would help to calm his nerves and relax him. After he got out of the shower Chester dressed in his pajamas and tried to get some sleep, but he found that sleep wouldn't come to him. His mind was swamped with the thoughts of what had happened to Argonaut and of the possibility of her being tortured and killed at this very moment. After a few failed attempts at sleeping Chester got up out of his bed and took Amy and Archie out of their cage and headed to the main area where he saw that a few other of his teammates were still up as well and he greeted them.

That's when he heard Grant explain to them that Argonaut had been taken by the Court of Owls. Chester had never heard of such an organization and it didn't sound like one he was eager to meet.

three nights later

Chester was annoyed that their supervisor wasn't letting them go out and just wanted them to stay inside. He wanted to be out there helping find Argonaut and instead he was stuck here with the others. After Grant left Chester wondered if they would ever see their teammate again. That's when his sensitive ears picked up the screams of civilians not too far away from HQ. When he went to get a closer look Chester saw that among those vile creatures was Argonaut now a Talon for the Court. It pained Chester to see his teammate made a puppet for this organization, but he had to become focused.

They were going to have the enemy come to them and that was bit of a disadvantage for Chester, his rats would only be able to end the building once Talon and her monsters did so first. He sent out a telepathic call for the city rats to gather around the gym and wait for an opening to be made. As he did this Chester also quickly went to go and suit up for the coming fight. With his heart racing quickly and his adrenaline pumping Chester prepared himself for the creature's arrival.

"Just so you guys knows, I won't be able to have rats come to our aid until these monsters break into here" he explained to his teammates as he stood beside them. Zero seemed as eager for a fight as always and El Sasquatcho bringing on the tunes.

"Remember, since Talon is Ves we have to try and take her down without possibly killing, that being we also to remember that she's an amazon and has superhuman strength, we'll have to be really care and try to take her out of the fight as quickly as possible" he instructed them as he prepared himself for the coming assault.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Dozens of Man-Owls took to the skies of the city, terrorizing whatever got in their way. Some of them removed children from their parents with their feet and talons, others successfully ate the children they abducted. Many of the creatures were strong enough to lift small cars on their own. And then there was the Court of Owls' newest Talon. Vesta 'Ves' Petrakis, aka Argonaut, was a wonderful girl and once the powerhouse of the Titans team. Now garbed in the armor of the Courts' agents, she lead the charge towards Grant's Gym.

Back at HQ...

The team had readied themselves at the sound of 'Squatcho's YouTube playlist. With the two holo-droids sparring in a ring upstairs disguised as Rocky Balboa and Apollo Creed, the stage was set. The large skylight in the middle of the tall gym ceiling was shattered and the Man-Owls poured in, at least a dozen in total. The droids not putting up much of a fight against the strength and speed of the winged adversaries, the team was on edge downstairs in the actual base and HQ.

Robert and Daniel fused to become Leviathan. The taller ceilings in the Gym and HQ giving Levi the chance to work indoors, he had several of the larger weights brought down by El Sasquatcho ready to toss live frisbees. The others were ready as well but oddly enough it got quiet save for the luchador's music. The calm before the real storm.

Argonaut, now just another Talon, punched through the floor exposing the base. As the Man-Owls entered so did the rats of the city. It was actually quite the distraction and gave the strongmen of the group time to take a few creatures out of the air with the free weights. One of the creatures however, managed to rip off Parasite's arm. Namely, the one attached to her insectoid symbiote.

The arm itself fought back with the symbiote creating an insectoid construct armor to protect itself. The girl, Caitlyn, was in shock though and passed out from the pain. Already somewhat healing the stump that remained in place of her limb.

The Amazonian Talon eyed the strongmen, who were making quick work of her creatures. With a flying uppercut the likes of which nobody could have prepared for, Ves sent Leviathan flying through the HQ and Gymnasium towards the Gotham harbor. Levi could be heard screaming in the distance...

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Things almost immediately went FUBAR. They used Ves to essentially kick in the door, as it were, and from there the gym became engulfed in chaos and fighting. Ice-fists at the ready, Zero moved to launch himself into an uppercut against an approaching Owl-Man. The idea was to let him make the first move and, once it dived itself closer, Zero would hopefully strike fast enough to knock it off course, preferably down to the floor where he could conceivably finish it off. Zero's punch hit, but he barely missed the window of opportunity and grunted painfully when the owl's talon's grabbed him at the ribs and then flung him over the nearby kitchen counter. From somewhere in the other room, he heard a scream that sounded like Parasite. No, no no! He was not going to let this end like the last missions! He refused to!

Feeling warm bleeding from his side, Zero staggered to get up, but stayed low behind the counter so the owl might hopefully believe it successfully killed him. Zero cursed under breath, realizing now that direct attacks against these things just wasn't feasible for him. He just didn't have the kind of strength or durability that 'Squatcho or Levi had. A moment of thought and he decided what his strategy should be. These owl-men attacked from the air, so the only reasonable way to go about fighting them would have to be to take that advantage away from them, but how? Then it struck him, something he remembered from Biology class earlier that semester. Birds' wings were only strong enough to lift the bird themselves in flight, and small prey if the bird if question was a predator. If soaked, their feathers and bodies could become too heavy to remain lifted by the wings. Ducks were the only exception, since their feathers were evolved and groomed in a such a way that water literally slid right off their backs. Somehow Zero doubted that these owl-men could say the same for themselves. He just hoped the earpieces were still working.

"We need to... activate the sprinkler system!" he attempted to say through his piece, having to interrupt himself for a painful breath, "Birds can't fly as well when... ugh, when wet!" after that he frantically looked around himself in the kitchen. Surely there had to be a lighter or something laying around. He just needed some fire, even a small flame would do along as he could get it to reach the smoke detectors.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Chester could hear the pounding vibration of Ves' heavy footsteps and he could tell that she was approaching. The rats he had gathering outside gave him a clear view of the oncoming enemy thanks to his power of being able to perceive everything through the senses of other rats.. He chose to have his small allies wait for there to be an opening in their headquarters since it would be much more hard to have the rats fight out in the open. This was going to be a double edged sword since by waiting for the enemy to attack meant that there was the possibility of Ves taking them all down before they could retaliate.

"I've got a really bad feeling about this" he said to the others as he heard Ves' footsteps come ever closer and then there was a loud boom as the mind-controlled Amazon burst into the gym with her army of Owl-men following right behind. The second Chester heard the entrance to HQ burst apart he commanded the rats to enter and go on the attack. He had swarms of rats leap on and start gnawing at the owl monstrosities and Chester commanded the rats to bite at the beasts' wings first to disable their ability to fly. He chose to let Leviathan and El Sasquatcho handle Ves, Chester was confident in their capability to handle the Amazon.

Unfortantly that confidence almost completely disappeared when he saw Ves punch the fused hero with so much force that it sent Leviathan flying out of the Gym. It was like watching an episode of Dragon Ball Z and Chester began to feel a sense of dread, never had he thought that Ves was that strong as a young Amazon and this worst situation to see that be demonstrated.

"Oh fuck!" he cursed to himself and decided that it was time to shrink and go on the attack with his tiny soldiers. Chester was certain that if they didn't take out Ves immediately she would easily take down El Sasquatcho and then Zero would be next. His mind was racing with what he could do, her new Talon armor would make it harder to find an opening for his rats to exploit so he would need to have them attack her exposed midsection and try to get through her headgear. Chester summoned three hundred rats to him and he hopped onto the back one of them to ride. A line from a movie then popped into his head and he felt the need to quote it.

he shouted and then commanded the rats to attack with full ferocity. The rats would then leap onto the Amazon and start to bite at whatever part of her body they could bite into as well as well gnaw through the material in her mask to try and get at her face and attack it. Chester wasn't going to let them give any quarter, it was their survival that was on the line and he hoped that Ves would understand. Once his mount got onto the Amazon he started to quickly clime towards her head making extra sure to avoid getting hit. His telepathic connection with the rats would be able to alert him to any of her retaliations even if he didn't see it coming and Chester would try to dodge whatever attack was thrown towards. Most importantly he and his rats would need to hold on as tightly as possible to avoid being thrown off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The Titans, those that remained, had a solid plan going. One that would bottleneck the baddies and make the odds of their survival something slightly less lopsided than Tragically Suicidal. They braced for the impact of their inevitable battle; waiting anxiously for the wave of combat to crash on the rocks of their reinforced position, ready, tensed, aware.

Things did not go as expected.

Part of their plan remained intact: The use of freeweights as missile weapons allowed Leviathan and El Sasquatcho to hold off the first handful of man-birds. Confidence, born of their overwhelming numbers coursed through the genetic aberrations, caused the first wave of the encroaching army to be caught unawares. One gave a particularly satisfying squawk as a forty-five pound discus of pure ouch crunched into it, propelled by an adrenaline and habañero fueled Luchador.

Then it happened. The swarm got the better of their position. From somewhere just out of his range of vision, El Sasquatcho heard a scream he recognized as belonging to his teammate, followed shortly by a sickening pop as her arm tore free of its flesh and ligament moorings. Even over the fluttering of thousands of feathers and the sounds of superpowered melee, Parasite's anguish echoed before stopping short.

Leviathan took to the skies next. Flight being absent from his power set, his sudden change of location (due in no small part to Ves's fist) was a cause for concern. El Sasquatcho remained the last of the Titan's hitters still active, logically the next target of the new Talon's attentions.

His earbud communicator let him in on Zero's idea. Activating the sprinklers didn't seem like a feasibility at the moment, short of finding some way of starting a fire in the middle of the melee. How he could accomplish this... it seemed very improbable.

The remixed 80's music played on, seemingly the only thing functioning properly in their (possibly short) career as Heroes. If they got out if this, El Sasquatcho was going to petition for entry into the Justice League. He was fairly certain the guys in the Watchtower didn't have to deal with this crap. At least, their life expectancy seemed more optimistic. First things first, though.

The hairy Titan glanced back to see how his smaller teammate was faring against the flock, just in time to see the effects of his rodent stampede. With Rat Boy no longer taking a defensive posture near the larger Luchador, El Sasquatcho took to fighting with greater freedom and range of motion.

His technique seemed to echo a mindset of meditative detachment with undertones of urgent desperation. He was flawless in pursuit of causing the most amount of hurt in the flashiest way possible. Economy of motion clashed solidly against martial gymnastics, raining pain down upon his adversaries with the proficiency of a man unconcerned with his own safety, and grace unwitnessed in a combatant of his proportions.

El Sasquatcho was fighting the best battle of his life, certain that it was likely his last.

He caught a sharp beak in one hand, curling it around before it could clamp onto his squishier appendage. A quick cartwheel away from Argonaut served to put more space between himself and the preternaturally powerful Talon, and transferred the energy of the movement into the neck of the owlbeast. It flew, head off-center, into a cluster of other of its kind.

From his new position, El Sasquatcho assumed a low stance, and let the beat of the music still playing serve as the rhythm of his footwork. The last few weeks of Capoeira training blended well with his capacity as a wrestler as he flowed into a modified ginga dance, daring the assembled owls to move closer. The instant one did, he clipped its legs and took it down to the ground, slamming a heel into its face. This flowed into a grapple; the Luchador rolled the beast over himself, bracing it as a shield against the attack of another one nearby. Quickly, he kicked the both of them high into the air and kicked himself back up onto his feet, bracing for the next attack.

At that moment, something strange came over El Sasquatcho. It was a freeing feeling; as if his body were suddenly lighter and his mind filled with passionate optimism. It was as if, in that span of time, the shards of what could be crystallized around what he needed to have happen. He felt as if he could flip a coin a thousand times, calling it accurately every single time. This was a power he had tapped into before, in small ways, always not at his bidding. Today it was strong, vibrant. Desperation and determination parted the way for its arrival, and the being known as El Sasquatcho hummed with it, more than ever before. He did not know how long it would last, and sought to take advantage of it while he could.

Eyes, bright with confidence, matched an almost cheerful grin as he sprinted two steps toward Argonaut and slid under the grasp of a swooping owl. He grabbed hold of its taloned feet, allowing its momentum to pull him back up before twisting them around and kicking himself into a spiral, taking the beast with him. By the time they both hit the floor, El Sasquatcho was already on top of it, burying an elbow into the creature's sternum.

Rick Astley's remixed wonder caressed the air, causing the masked warrior to break into song amid the chaos. Grabbing the wings of another beast, he paraphrased the line, "El Sasquatcho never gives you up..." before slamming his head into the monster's face.

It was as if he were singing to Argonaut, his friend. Vesta, the naive girl he with which he shared laughs and hot wings. Somewhere in the carnage, he locked eyes with her in an attempt to tell her this.

Another beast fell to the onslaught of of the energized Luchador, thrown into a paralyzing suplex after being snatched from the air. "El Sasquatcho never lets you down..." He rolled over the fallen beast, using the transferred kinetic energy to fling it above his head. A powerful jumping drop-kick propelled it into another section of the swarm, disrupting the overall flight pattern of the mutants above. Creatures slammed into each other, bringing their overall organization into fractured chaos.

"El Sasquatcho does not run around, nor desert you..."

Spying one on the floor, battered about by its fellows trying desperately to regain an orderly flight pattern. Groggy, but still conscious, it was seized by the ankles and spun viciously by the hairy luchador, around and around, picking up speed.

"El Sasquatcho never makes you cry; he will never say goodbye..."

When he finally let go, the great Were-Owl streaked outward on a solid, unerring path, flying into the kitchen area. Its head connected solidly with the microwave, causing it to sputter and flare to life with static-popping fire, acrid black smoke and the smell of feather-frying ozone parting the ambient neutrality of the air. If the sprinklers were still active, a short electrical fire in the kitchen area would be enough to set them off.

"El Sasquatcho never tells a lie, and hurts you."

There was now open space between himself and Vesta. Knowing full well he could not match her strength for strength, he opted for a less direct approach. She was strong - no doubt - but she only weighed as much as he did. Maybe less. Snatching an attacking Owl into an armlock, El Sasquatcho pummeled it to semi-consciousness and leapt over it, a tight hold maintained on the thing's shoulders. As soon as his feet hit the floor, the burly wrestler ducked and bowed forward, releasing the creature in a graceless hurl at the new Talon.

Hoping that his skill and the right amount of enhanced probability lined up to provide an accurate and profound overbalance, El Sasquatcho charged, moving to slide under her arc of attack and pound her legs with a powerful, otherwise bone-pulverizing leg sweep. If her head hit the concrete floor hard enough, their chances for survival looked less dismal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 4 days ago

While the fight started off on a good foot for the team (with the exception of Leviathan) Ted wasn't doing to well. While most ran in straight into the fray, Nightlife stayed to the side and was paralyzed with fear as his mind raced faster than the flash. This was way to much for him to handle, he was just a normal guy, sure he could do his scream but even that might not be enough here. He grasped his staff as he got ready to enter the fray.

"Come on, just get in there. Theres no turning back now." Ted said to himself as he psyched himself up and eventually mustered the courage to run at one of the creatures. The Titan ran towards the nearest mutant owl thing with his staff raised above his head but as soon as the creature turned in his direction he began having second thoughts about his decision. Alas, it was too late and he was to close to the beast to turn away so he sucked up his feared brought his staff down to the ground as he used it to vault at the abomination. Nightlife kicked the monster in its gut but did next to nothing and to top that, now he was in close quarters with the a creature he seemingly couldn't hurt very much. Ted made a snap thought before getting back to fighting, he probably wouldn't be able to survive long in close range unless he used his power but doing that would probably kill the thing and Ted didn't want that, he just wanted to incapacitate it. Before he was able to make a decision the beast lurched forwards in an attempt to bite him. Ted rolled to the side and instinctively leapt at the back of the bat bird thing, bringing his staff down across its back. This did little once more but it gave Ted a good idea and a good opportunity. The monster wrangling hero landed on the bat creature's back and quickly brought his staff around the beast's neck and under its chin. With one last grab of his staff Ted began yanking at his staff making the beast below him freak out and try helplessly to get Ted off but the teen held on and began directing the bat towards his brethren in its fried state.

"Like riding a bull into a china shop" Ted thought as he began using the strength of his new 'friend' to fight off the monsters of the night, all the while getting pumped by the Rick Astley being played over the comms.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Zero cursed under his breath when he received no response. Either the com-links were down or the others were too preoccupied. No matter how he sliced it, the ice-meta was on his own it seemed. He forced himself to his feet, trying as hard as he could to ignore the pain. Finally, he dug out a lighter from one of the cabinet drawers and clicked it on to ensure it still worked. Thankfully, a small flame flickered to life from it and that was all Zero needed to see. He staggered his way over to a trash bin and dug out yesterday's newspaper, rolling it up into a cylindrical shape. He ignited the lighter, but before he could hold the paper over the flame he heard the screeching of a man-owl from somewhere behind him. Before he could react any further the mutant bird creature collided with him.

With the bird so close, Zero took the opportunity to get in a devastating blow. An icy, dagger-like blade extended from one of his wrists and he managed to bury it deep in what he hoped was the man-owl's ribcage. Now screeching in pain, the owl and Zero both tumbled to the floor and while the bird mutant writhed in pain Zero desperately searched for the lighter and newspaper, having lost his grip on them during the struggle. He couldn't find them, but he noticed the owl trying to stagger back to its feet, "Oh no, not on your LIFE, you BASTARD!" Zero did the only thing he could think off. As quick as he could manage, he forced his hands around the creature's throat and let his powers take over. A little known fact about most creatures was that their bodies were almost 90% water. That seemed to include the man-owls, as Zero managed to slowly but surely solidify the creature's innards until it became frozen from the inside-out, not exactly a pleasant thing to look at.

The ice-meta breathed heavily, the combination of using his powers like that and his wound surely taking more of a toll on his fatigue than he likely otherwise would be feeling in other situations. He continued looking for the lighter and paper, but they were apparently lost in the struggle, "Damn it... ugh!" Zero grunted, the sharp pain in his side forcing him down to one knee. He failed, or so he thought, anyway. But, like some kind of miracle from on high, another owl crashed into the kitchen and seemed to be lodged into the microwave. That was all it took, as a small fire started up then and there.

Whether he meant to do that or if it was a complete and utter accident, Zero didn't care. El Sasquatcho came through in the pinch, and the whole gym soon found itself in a rush of showering waters, "Let's see how tough you bastards are now..." the ice-meta grunted as he struggled his way back toward the fray. Weakened and beginning to lose blood, Zero stumbled into the main area and thrust his arms out, still trying to ignore the pain, "One instant cold snap... coming right up..." he said with a painful rasp in his voice. His powers started working its magic. All the water now covering the rooms began to drop in temperature, including the bits of it currently soaking the man-owls, "Hope you fuckers like hypothermia!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 23 days ago

Things had certainly gotten strange in the las few weeks. First he had to explain things to his mom, who took it surprisingly well. Next was getting his stuff together into just a bag and making his way to gotham. He was getting these odd headaches from information overload any time he touched something, it was like getting the blueprints flashed onto his brain. By the end of the train ride, he had a full and total understanding of a wayne tech RA-1L passenger car with 38 seats, 16 florescent lights and 8537 bolts.

The train allowed passengers off just as all hell broke loose. The sky turned gray with crimson stars as owlmen fell from the sky. Hero, ran to the bathroom for safety and threw the bolt. Scrambling in his bag, he grabbed his hammer and smacked the hollow steel door with its head, in a moment the steel thinned by half its thickness but filled with a zig-zag of material like cardboard. A second strike of his hammer turned it into Steel foam. Thick and absorbing but just as light. It would hold up excellent against any blunt trauma such as other people trying to get in by bending and giving, but it wont hold up to claws. This would give him the time he needed to change into the chainmail and put on his apron with gloves. There was a crimson shimmer as the magic took effect and he put his jacket back over with his boots. He covered his head with the chainmail Balaclava and was about to exit when he the claws started coming through the foam.

New plan, he waited behind the tile wall as the door was getting peeled open like an orange and as a single owl stalked inside for a meal-*BONK!*

A few moments later, Hero emerged under an owl he was holding over himself like a poncho as he waddled down the street, turning about this way and that in a horrible approximation of what he had seen on the discovery channel. He had to pick his way through the chaos to the address he was given only to see it surrounded by others and one giant man flying out of the building. This had to be the place but the flying giant was in an arc and no wings. He followed after the unknown hero hoping to get some andwers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Leviathan had landed in the Gotham harbor several miles away from the action. One minute he was chucking free weights at the Owl-Men creatures, the next he was getting punched by his former teammate turned Talon of the Court of Owls. Leviathan knew that Argo wasn't in her right mind, but that didn't matter. She was probably the one teammate he didn't have to hold back on when in battle. The giant man clad in blue and black swam hard and fast towards the part of Gotham the creature were attacking in midtown. That's when something... or someone... picked him up out of the water in flight. Looking over his shoulder he saw probably the last persOn he'd expected...

"WONDER WOMAN?!?" he yelled.

"Batman is with Superman dealing with a more pressing situation. A global threat. Wildcat informed the League my Amazonian sister was taken by this 'Court of Owls.' It's time I took her back..." Wonder Woman replied.

Back at HQ, Grant's Gym...

An older man ran at his top speed but his facial expressions would have you believe he was way past tired. Ted Grant, the veteran superhero known as Wildcat, was out of costume and had a bag of groceries in hand before panicked citizens knocked them out of his hands in fear of the Owl Men creatures. The hero was generally shocked when he looked ahead and saw a portion of his gym had been destroyed, and the teen superheroes in the Titans were well into a battle with the creatures. Ted ran inside the now wet building to find his suit and could hear the Luchador's music still blaring in the background of the chaos despite the sprinklers being activated. As he suited up, the veteran knew one of their only options was sonics.

"SQUATCH! Turn up that radio as loud as you can and put it over the intercom!" he screamed now in his Wildcat suit, "Nightlife, blow out their ****ing eardrums with your scream! EVERYONE ELSE COVER YOUR EARS!!" he continued.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 4 days ago

Ted was enjoying fighting off the owlmen using one of their own against them. To Ted it felt like fighting a giant monster with another giant monster even though these creatures were only a few feet taller than him. With one last hit using his impromptu weapon he leapt off and landed gracefully on the ground behind the creature, staff at the ready. Before anymore creatures could attack him though the ageing hero Wildcat addressed him, telling him to use his powers.

Ted stopped for a moment contemplating wether to follow the elderly hero's orders or to just continue on. He didn't want to really hurt these things and his control over his power was still unrefined at best. While stuck in thought though one of the creatures leapt at Ted with its mouth agape, ready to go in for the kill. Leaving the young hero not much of a choice, Ted screamed letting loose a sound that could bring a deaf man to tears. Ted closed his eyes as he half expected to be eaten still by the bat thing that was attacking him, not realizing that his scream had evicirated the abomination's face, leaveing a fractured skull in its place.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Unfortunately, Zero wouldn't get the chance to actually cover his ears, or hear Wildcat's orders for that matter. When his attack seemed to do nothing at all, he finally dropped. All that exertion on top of the blood he lost was not a good combination. Frankly, by the time Wildcat showed up he was ready to drop at any moment. It was adrenaline and a miracle that kept him going up til that point. But all that seemed to dissolve away when he saw the gambit he'd risked his life for be of absolutely no help. It was amazing how quickly one's determination could fade away in the face of such demoralizing failure.

"Can't keep... up... useless......." the last couple of words he rasped out wasn't even a complete sentence. And now, there he was, slumped over over on the water covered floor and without any consciousness. And with his going down, all his icy handy work broke and dissolved away as well. Not that that actually mattered, since the damn birds weren't so much as slowed down even by being soaking wet in sub-arctic temperature. How was that even possible? Only penguins and polar bears were supposed to be able to survive that kind of environment, but these dumb owls just shrugged it off like nothing? Apparently owls were tougher creatures than Zero gave them credit for, and now he was paying for that mistake. Oh well, better luck next time, if he even survived this time that is.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Wildcat hadn't been back to HQ long. Upon throwing his costume on, all he'd managed to do was get his feet wet and yell at the kids to turn up the radio and for their resident screamer to use his sonic vocals to bust some ear drums. What he saw after was completely unexpected. Nightlife was the latest addition to the team at this point, his powers and limits were still undefined. The young man had screamed at a creature and his voice tore and ripped at the skin and fractured the skull. It was gruesome. And it was effective. At that point the veteran superhero surveyed the situation clearer from the lower level in the HQ. The battle was mostly contained within the premises of Grant's Gym, but a dozen or so creatures were also tearing up the neighborhood and generally keeping everybody else at bay. That's when Grant saw the ice manipulator... bleeding and on the ground after attempting to freeze these Man Owl creatures with the assistance of the remaining sprinklers. This might have worked if the boy hadn't already been somewhat tapped. The strength and agility of the creatures were taken lightly after the creature they'd fought days earlier didn't put up too much of a fight.

"Archer, talk to me son... stay awake, we've got to put pressure on these wounds and keep you from losing much more blood..." Wildcat said running to the boy and taking one of the kids shirts laying around and tying it tightly around the boys wounds.

Wildcat moved some larger debris, desks, tables, etc. around Zero to provide a little more cover. The hero ran towards the lockers on the far side of the gym and noticed Rat Boy's pets were providing quite the distraction against the Amazon Talon. Another glance in the other direction saw what looked like a complete cocoon surrounding the girl dubbed 'Parasite.' Before the veteran could even take it all in he saw the hairy and masked hero do some wrestling moves and toss a creature at the Amazon Talon.

Ves was hovering, mostly covered in rats, and now an owl creature was thrown at her. El Sasquatcho slid in for another attack but at this point the new Talon was pissed. The creature thrown hit her like a brick wall then fell to the ground, the Luchador missing it just at the right time. With a spin at her top speed the rats were thrown off of her, several being splattered on walls and debris. That's when Wildcat made it to the lockers.e pulled out what looked to be grenades and screamed out once more...

"EVERYBODY COVER YOUR DAMN EARS THIS TIME!" and then pulled the pins on several sonic grenades that blew the creatures' eardrums and immobilized the ones in the building, however the Talon managed to cover her ears...

"Nightlife, 'Squatcho, Rat Boy... its just us and Argo now. Hit her from all sides. Try talking to her, maybe jar her memories. And where the hell is Leviathan?" the elder hero asked at the end.

Across town...

"You're a lot heavier than you look, are you not a composite being?" Wonder Woman asked carrying the ten feet tall two ton giant in mid air towards the HQ.

"Yeah, would separating help you get us there faster?" Levi asked.

"It wouldn't hurt, I just left a battle outside of the moon's orbit with white martians to get here once Batman mentioned Vesta was in trouble." the Amazon member of the Justice League responded.

The light glow appeared around the giant like always, but when the giant's size was no longer an issue, he was shocked to find there was still only one being.

"What the..?!?" he yelled as Wonder Woman still held him tightly.

"I take it this has never happened before?" she asked.

"I'll worry about it later... hey? Could you just throw me back towards the base? I'll go giant man before I hit my mark..." the smaller Leviathan asked.

Moments later, the hero on foot battling the remaining creatures in the neighborhood saw the giant man flying on the opposite direction back towards Grant's Gym.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

El Sasquatcho overshot his slide, taking him underneath the hovering Amazon and out of direct range of the soon-to-be ensuing melee, skidding heavily into a pile of rubble that was once a ceiling. While still prone, the burly Luchador covered his ears and went into a fetal position until the sonic grenades cleared the rest of the riffraff out.

He uncovered his eyes and looked over at Zero, on the ground and in process of bleeding out. Parasite was also down, very possibly never to recover. A series of red, furry splotches adorned the walls at odd intervals, casualties of centrifugal force from Rat Boy's cadre of rodent reinforcements. More dead and dying. He was done with it. While he whispered his supplications to Dama Muerte, he knew that she did not do her best work in extremes. El Sasquatcho honored the brave and noble fallen; he did not rush to create more of them.

Among the rubble, the indomitable Luchador's hand settled upon a thick section of re-bar, one end heavy with hardened concrete. Using it for support, he pushed himself to a standing position and called to his brain-scrambled friend.

"It's time to stop, chica. You're hurting people who care about you."

He hefted his improvised weapon over his shoulder in a powerful, two-handed grip. It was a giant, irregular mace; an anvil on a metal pole. Not for finesse, certainly, and not the kind of thing a person with lesser strength could use effectively. Regardless, El Sasquatcho felt confident that he could open up the full range of his power on her without worrying about her mortality. At the same time, if the Amazon was going to specifically target one of them to start, he'd rather it be himself. He stood the best chance of surviving her martial attentions, but not for long.

He just had to buy time for the others to come up with something useful.

"If we get through this, hermanita, the wings are on El Sasquatcho, ok?"

His voice scrambler deepened and amplified a roar as he closed the distance with an aggressive charge, remixed dance music from the 1980's still pulsing in the background.


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