Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chaotic38
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chaotic38 Shadows of Khaos

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name(Full): Garvantilus Tanis Elgot
Nickname(if any): Garv
Age: 54
Race: Half-Elf, Half-Human
Looks: Garv is 6'4" and has hazel eyes and medium length hair. He wears a green shirt with light brown pants. He also has a dark brown robe. He carries a Bow strung on his shoulders and arrows strapped to his back. He carries a sword hitched to his belt.
Personality: He has a take charge attitude and tends to lead. He examines every possible outcome and prepares for that outcome in whatever means necessary short of unnecessary death. He seems cold and uncaring to those who don't know him.
Background: Garv was a rare elf. His dad was human, while his mom was an elf, something looked down upon. From youth to when he grew up he knew the elves staring him because of his human side. He left the Forests of Calltraan at the extremely young age of 32 and travel Varen trying to fit in where he could.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Athena (Doesnt know her last name. She was born an orphan)




Adventurous, friendly, approachable, kind and becomes aggressive when she feels her opponent is too tough for her, which ends up with her burning out. Depending on how long she is like that. If she is like that too long she usually starts to burn her skin and scales off which ends with her in a coma, or worse.

Athena was quite different to the other Savaal kids when she was younger. Rather than play fighting or playing sports, she spent her time reading or exploring. This persisted for years.. Till the faithful day of her first crush... She watched him from a distance and was envious of all the other girls which talked to him. She eventually brought enough courage to speak to him and ask him on a "Date" of sorts where they explored a nearby cave that she hadnt noticed before. They both went in and only her crush came out...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name(Full): Sir Arin Bladewreath The Under-Knight
Age: ???
Race: Skeleton
Personality: Hes you're stereotypical knight, but beneath his kind and honorable exterior is a much more cruel and vile side, its a side that he fights to keep under control everyday
Background: Sir Arin was risen by the necromancer to join his undead army but on one of his many pillage for his he came upon a Living Blessing being a mindless undead at the time who the words caution had no meaning to him. he approached the Living Blessing and attempted to strike it down but when it blade came in contact the blessing, Sir Arin's Mind was filled with memories of a Valiant Knight whose loyalties lied only with those who could not defend themselves.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name(Full): Jacque Cornelius Marrow
Age: 42
Race: Werebear

Personality: Jacque tends to come off as a somewhat crude and blunt individual with very little patience for tiptoeing around whatever subject may be at hand. Despite this Jacque is not necessarily a very ill tempered person, rather he has simply become somewhat world weary and would much rather deal with things in whatever manner seems to be either the most straightforward or the most ideal. One particular hang up of Jacque's would be the fact that he's still a bit greedy when it comes to money, and may occasionally be willing to do some rather unscrupulous things to acquire it provided it isn't of great risk of either offending the gods or bringing him or anyone he actually cares about harm or death. Though slow to warm up to people, Jacque can and will form strong bonds with those that actually win him over, though his brand of affection is mostly shown in the form of tough love (shoulder punching, jeering, etc.). Over the course of several years Jacque has developed a deep respect for nature and a fear of the gods that watch over it.

Background: Jacque comes from a long line of huntsmen, some of which were of noteworthy praise and fame for their exploits. During his childhood and early teenage years it seemed as though Jacque might have been next in line to live up to the family name, however there was one thing that held him back from this: Greed. Unlike others of his family Jacque was often times more interested in getting paid for his prey rather than hunting for survival or for the sport of it. His father would often lambast him for this, and his grandfather would warn him of the wrath of the gods, however Jacque paid no heed to their words, unaware that he was indeed under the eye of the gods that presided over nature. As time went on and Jacque grew older and more experienced in his trade he began to branch out into what was considered taboo for hunters, taking down many beasts and charging high fees for the goods produced due to a lack of competition for specific creatures parts, all the while he remained ignorant of the warning signs that he was stirring up something dreadful. The straw that finally broke the camel's back was when he traveled into sacred elven lands and took down a bear. This put him directly under the gaze of Slyviana, who saw fit to cure him with lycanthropy, forcing him to take on the shape of a bear one week out of every month. Unable to hide his affliction for long, Jacque sought out everything from alchemists to mages, and at one point even attempted to concoct a cure himself. As his money began to run out and the realization of his situation struck, Jacque cut himself off from civilization entirely for the better part of a decade as a form of self penance and to try and get a handle on his new life. He has only recently returned to the civilized world within the last year, having (mostly) become a changed man.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Name: Ramia Elanna Kastagir, The Raven of Kastagir
Age: 34
Race: Human

Appearance: Ramia stands at just below 6 feet and is quite broad shouldered. Her overall physique could easily be called athletic.

Her left arm has a long scar running from the knuckles all the way to her elbow and she has noticeable difficulty moving the index and middle fingers of that hand. Ramia's right hand lacks the very tip of it's middle finger and the palm also has a barely noticeable scar.

Her eye color varies between green and blue depending on how sunlight hits them.

She keeps her black hair - which is an oddity in her family line - cut short from the front and the slightly longer back part is kept in a ponytail that barely extends to her shoulders.

Ramia wears comfortable clothes that do not hinder her movement - a simple white silk shirt with long sleeves, a pair of gray - admittedly quite form fitting - pants and black leather boots that extend just under her knees. Around her waist she has a belt from which hang a parrying dagger on the left side and a rapier on the right. Also hanging from the belt is a small coin purse and a single left handed leather glove with thin metal plates covering the knuckles and the back of the hand.

Personality: Thoygh not officially a knight Ramia really aspires to act like one. She tries to be noble without fault, be honorable in combat and aid those in need. She can seem a bit cold towards those she deems beneath herself, but proves to be a stalwart ally to those she deems as her equal.

Background: As the third child with a pair of older brothers Ramia's inheritance seemed rather nonexistent. Her brothers would split the duchy and she'd only have the name of the noble house of Kastagir as her inheritance. At the very least Ramia's parents gave her free reign to do what she wished and provided her with a good education.

They also permitted her to lean swordplay - and learn she did. Eventually the Raven of Kastagir's skills outgrew the duchy and she set out to find more skilled opponents in other parts of the world. Though every victory gave her experience and confidence even the losses taught her. She learned from every cut, nick and scar - sometimes she learned humility, or perhaps to be less overconfident. Her travels have taken Ramia to many places and she has locked blades with many a skilled swordsman.
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