Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Athinar
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Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@vietmyke Thanks for that! I've been reading the other thread, about the 7th MAD, and I have a better view of what the UEE military is like.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Athinar
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Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Athinar a couple points..
-it is unlikely that he'd get discharged just for having his machine destroyed. Especially in wartime, the only real ways that he would get discharged is if he finished his service tour and quit(which doesn't seem to fit his character), got injured beyond the hope of being combat ready, or was caught doing something illegal. Otherwise he'd probably just get reassigned to a new unit.
- I feel like I've said this before, but all shield generators have 5 wt, except for class 5 which weighs more and class 1 which weighs less. Also, how did he acquire a class 4 shield? That is a very expensive and very valuable piece of equipment.
- Also, how did he acquire a Sentinel to modify in the first place? One doesn't just find upper tier UEE mechs just lying around.
- Your missile launcher is mounted on the back, but the external power cores are also mounted on the back.. This is a conflict. Also for missile launcher list the number of munitions it holds
- Same goes for your primary weapon, rate of fire, magazine size, and caliber please
- Your MAS balance is off, it appears to be at 34/30 WT and 34/40 power

1: Made the discharge voluntary. After such a trauma, and pressure from everyone else to quit, it would make sense for him to leave, right?
2: Whoops. Yeah, you did say that, now that I re-read the infotext. Sorry.
3: Changed the Shield Class to 2 and former MAS chassis he built on to a Sentry.
4: Removed the Missile launcher.
5: Added RoF, Mag. Size, and Caliber to the Valkyrie.
6: I fixed the MAS balance... I think. Don't quote me on that, and I'll be rechecking the math as soon as I post this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Here's my finished sheet. I've included a table of power/weight consumption at the bottom for easy reference.

Name: Lau, Alice
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Nationality: UEE
Callsign/Codename: Swallowtail
Kills: 18

Psychological Analysis: Alice has grown something of an independent streak since falling out with the UEE. She is loathe to appear inferior to other MA pilots, especially those of civilian origin. As a result, she is fickle and haughty, yet her experiences in the UEE have honed her skill in the cockpit and the need for team cohesion is not lost on her. She is more likely to operate semi-independently during operations, though her actions do take the mission parameters into consideration at the given time. Alice is confident in her abilities, and if she feels she is in a position to take advantage of them, she will not hesitate to do so. She will follow orders to the best of her ability - that is to say, she executes them in whatever way she deems best.
The nature of the actions committed by herself and her squad left Alice with a resentment for the UEE military, but has also desensitized her to many wartime sights that would churn stomachs. Morally, there are still lines Alice is reluctant to cross, but for the most part, she has grown to anticipate and even expect the worst of human nature. Morally ambiguous missions that might cause second thoughts for some are met by her with little objection – as far as she is concerned, nothing has been worse than the atrocities she's already committed.

Employment Record: Prior to joining the ranks of the Steel Hunters, Alice served with the UEE's newly-created 106th Mobile Armor Marine Corps. She'd been recruited from among the ranks of highly-decorated fighter pilots; her rapid-fire decision-making capabilities and knack for improvisation under pressure landed her a seat in a mobile armor. Her detachment operated along a theoretical border between several fringe UEE and Coalition worlds comparable to the Free-Enterprise Zone. For much of her service history, Alice's unit conducted patrols in the region, scouting for signs of buildup to a Coalition offensive and screening incoming and outgoing traffic in UEE-controlled space.

At a particularly critical junction in the war, Alice's unit was among several dispatched to put down pro-Coalition insurrections on a cluster of neutral colonies close to the border. When they arrived, they did indeed find Coalition-sponsored activity, and fighting between the special forces and guerrilla separatists erupted around the colonies. Despite the colonies' administrations having little to do with the Coalition's network in the region, UEE High Command distinguished little between the colonists and the separatists. When it was clear that the pro-Coalition fighters would not be halted by conventional means, it devised a brutal operation to root out and destroy any possibility of lingering separatist movements.

Alice's unit was unknowingly armed with a deadly chemical agent under the guise of a powerful anesthetic for the purpose of knocking out civilians and making it easier to transport them to safety. In reality, UEE High Command planned to use the gas to wipe out the colony populations – thereby eradicating all traces of separatist activity. The horror that Alice and her unit faced when they witnessed the effects of the chemical agent – dispersed by their own hand, no less – shook them to their cores. At the conclusion of the operation, Alice and her unit were awarded with decorations for “defending the integrity of UEE space,” and forced to keep a strict silence regarding the details of their mission.

For the next few months, Alice's unit struggled with wavering loyalty to the UEE and the weight of being used to perpetrate a war crime lingered on its shoulders. High Command tasked them with a number of other similarly illegal operations, using them as a means to carry out under-the-table objectives without attracting attention. Some continued serving, either forgetting or trying to forget; others tried to justify the operation to themselves, while others left the service or defected. Alice had decided to abandon the UEE altogether, along with a handful of others who had become resentful of their former loyalties. Knowing full well they'd be branded as deserters and possibly hunted down, the former soldiers settled in the Free-Enterprise Zone. In time, Alice caught wind of the Steel Hunters PMC organization, and the rest is history.

Standard UEE-issue sidearm w/ optional suppressor and LAM/Light module
-Non-standard HWF personal defense carbine with standard electronic sight and rail-mounted flashlight and foregrip. Optional suppressor, grenade launcher and shotgun attachments issued as needed.
-Non-standard tactical tomahawk
-Pilot suit, plus ballistic armor/equipment harness, and pilots' helmet with HUD.
-Mil-spec data pad

Designation: PTX-051 Sentry MkII “Erinyes” C
Role: Assault & prolonged operations
Chassis: Medium: 20 weight
Engine: Quad Core Engine: 20 power
Operating Time: 22 hours
Description: When Alice deserted the UEE military, she absconded with her Sentry mobile armor. The Sentries used by the 106th are a variant of the original design, intended for use by the Mobile Armor Marine Corps in roles requiring hard-hitting offense and prolonged service hours in less-than-optimal conditions. Alice's “Erinyes” retains its mil-grade systems and weaponry, but is capable of operating for nearly a full day without needing to recharge its engine. It also features enhanced radar and targeting suites, among other improvements to the machine.
  • Soinco M/304 Autocannon (5 WT | 2 PWR): The Erinyes's primary armament is a M/304 40 mm, single-barrel, multipurpose autocannon developed and manufactured by South Industries Corporation (Soinco). It has a standard rate of fire of 330 rounds per minute and a muzzle velocity of 1,030 meters/second. Its effective range against ground and aerial targets exceeds 4,000 meters. The weapon can fire a variety of ammunition, ranging from armour-piercing fin-stabilized discarding-sabot (APFSDS), to high explosive and multipurpose rounds programmable for proximity, air burst, armour-piercing and fragmentation modes. The M/304's APFSDS armor penetration is rated at 160–220 mm (over 6-8 inches) of rolled homogeneous armor. The mobile armor carries up to 700 rounds. The weapon uses an advanced fire-control system and stabilizer to engage targets with high degrees of accuracy.
  • Micro Missile Launcher (1 WT | 1 PWR) The Erinyes's smaller missile system is loaded with several surface-to-air missiles to counter aircraft.
  • Claymore Missile Launcher (3 WT | 2 PWR) The Erinyes retains the Claymore missile launcher of the standard Sentry. The ATGMs loaded into the Claymore have armor penetration rated at 700 mm to 1,000 mm (over 27-40 inches) of rolled homogeneous armor.
  • Dual linked .50 caliber machine guns (1 WT) The Sentry's chest-mounted anti-personnel machine guns remain installed on the Erinyes.
  • Heavy Alloy Plating (7 WT)
  • Class 3 Shield (5 WT | 7 PWR) The Erinyes enjoys additional protection offered by its class-3 shield.
  • Plasma Tomahawk (3 PWR) The standard Sentry tomahawk is replaced with one with its own power capacitor, reducing toll on the mobile armor's engine.
  • External Power Core (5 WT | +10 PWR) The Erinyes is fitted with an external power core on its back, providing it with additional power to last longer in the field than its basic counterpart. It also helps to power additional systems not present on the standard Sentry.
  • Improved Reactor Output (3 WT | +5 PWR)
  • Improved Suspension System (+10 WT | 5 PWR)
  • Steel Hunters Systems Specialization (+5 PWR)
  • Countermeasure System (No cost)
  • Enhanced Internal Radar Suite (3 PWR)
  • Upgraded Internal Targeting Suite (3 PWR)
  • Smart-Target AI (3 PWR)

Weight | Power
20 (0) 20 (11)
+10 -5 Suspension
-5 +10 Power core
+5 System spec.
-3 +5 Reactor Output
-5 -2 Autocannon
-1 -1 Micro launcher
-3 -2 Claymore launcher
-1 AP guns
-5 -7 C3 shields
-3 Tomahawk
-3 Targeting
-3 Radar
-7 Heavy armor
-3 Smart AI
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Athinar
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Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@AristoLooks like Alice and Jamy are going to be working together a lot. Assault MAS for the win!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oxenfree
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@AristoLooks like Alice and Jamy are going to be working together a lot. Assault MAS for the win!

Yay! Let's tear holes in things and make lots of noise!
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Athinar
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Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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At this point, I think I'm going to close this RP to any further interest than those who have posted on this thread, or PMed me prior. I believe I'm only waiting for a couple last sheets, and we can move on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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- Just remembered- boosters are also typically mounted on the back too, aren't they?
- Is the Valkyrie an autocannon (a typically single barreled cannon) or a gatling/rotary gun? It is highly unlikely that a single barreled weapon can reach a rate of fire of 6000. 18x102mm is actually a very small cannon round- a bit bigger than a .50 caliber bullet. 720, 000 is also a ridiculous amount of ammunition- a more reasonable number would be around 2000-3000 (Thats about 20 to 30 seconds of continuous fire) Since you're adding extra weight to the weapon for more ammunition, I'll allow an ammo count of 4000-6000 (40seconds to a minute of continuous fire)
- Its doubtful a MAS laser will be able to "Cleave and melt enemies with ease", even if its not a point defense weapon. It would probably be able to melt exposed enemy systems once their shields are down, leave some gouges in armor, but its considerably weaker than an equivalent ballistic cannon- its considerably more accurate, but less powerful
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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I've always found it useful to model my fictional weapons after real-world ones - in this case, the 40 mm Bofors L/70 cannon. Keeps things plausible and easy to figure out.
@vietmykeI was wondering, are MAs without the tesla drive or booster upgrades restricted solely to walking speeds, or can MAs 'skate' around the ground with wheels or some sort of low-power boosters? As in Front Mission, VOTOMS, etc.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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I've always found it useful to model my fictional weapons after real-world ones - in this case, the 40 mm Bofors L/70 cannon. Keeps things plausible and easy to figure out.
@vietmykeI was wondering, are MAs without the tesla drive or booster upgrades restricted solely to walking speeds, or can MAs 'skate' around the ground with wheels or some sort of low-power boosters? As in Front Mission, VOTOMS, etc.

Indeed- most of the autocannons are based off of Infantry Fighting Vehicle weapons, scaled up in caliber occasionally, and remodeled into a rifle setup. Most rotary cannons are based off of the M61 Vulcan, or GAU-8 Avenger

In regards to movement- Heavy class MAS are stuck soley to walking and running speeds, Medium and Light can walk/run, as well as "skate" around with their boosters- hence the Medium Class' "Limited Flight Capabilities"

The Tesla/Boosters for sustained flight is in order for them to actually go into the sky and maneuver.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Athinar
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Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@vietmyke Alright, so once I take these changes into consideration, I'll be good, right?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Should be, yes, and then I believe we are waiting on one last CS and we're ready to move on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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And without further delay. After some edits and reworkings everything is now disco. Ladies and Gentlemen, I now present to you the man that is paying all of your paychecks.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Athinar
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Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So I took care of the gun issues and added a hybrid weapon, because I could. :P It leaves me with significantly less power, but ehh.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Keep in mind everyone that the machines we're currently using are not meant to be the be-all-end-all for us- we'll have the chance to obtain considerably better equipment and gear later on, so don't be afraid to leave some space on your machines instead of min-maxing everything.

@Athinar, you haven't addressed that first bullet I mentioned- in that both the powerful boosters and external power cores are both mounted on the back, so there is a conflict.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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@AthinarLooks like you have a handful of lasers and a .56 caliber gatling. Even at .50+ caliber rounds, I don't see you being able to put much of a dent in armored vehicles. Tanks, IFVs, etc. are going to shrug off whatever your machine can throw at them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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^ Use 20mm for the Valkyrie caliber, that'll make it a pretty tough weapon to stand up to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Athinar
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Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@vietmyke Well, since the MAS are already a giant middle finger to the laws of physics, I put the boosters on the 'lower back' part of the Bull, essentially causing it to pelvic thrust through the air.

And @Aristo, perhaps you're right...

So I removed the lasers, upped the caliber of the Valkyrie, and freed up some space on the thing. Thanks for the suggestions!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Now the Valkyrie is essentially a M61 Vulcan - 20 mm at 6,000 rpm is wild. Especially since it's only used on fixed wing aircraft and some AA vehciles. You'll be out of ammo in seconds!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Its usable though- and damn deadly too - 6000 rounds = 1 minute of continuous fire. Thats a lot.

As long as his character controls his fire, it'll be fine.
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