Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Three
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Three 1+1

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Year 19??

???, ???

You are human.

Regardless of how fervently you pursue something past that horizon, you cannot escape this sole truth. Your mind, your soul, your nature is fundamentally human. As such, for daring to peer past that veil, your only hope for escape is atonement. Atone for your sins. Atone for the sins that are not yours.

"Th-The circle is failing! Stop the flow, now!"

As you are a human, you cannot understand. That which you have dared to reach out towards is beyond description from the concepts of your enclosed reality. You cannot comprehend something so Other, as your mind cannot understand memories which go beyond what it means to be a human.

"Energy accumulation is happening too quickly, we can't do anything!"

This time, your world is not to be cursed. Your world cannot be cursed, as it was you who brought that vital tear that allowed something from beyond its own logic to enter. That is precisely why your world has attempted to fix your mistakes, why your world has attempted to atone for your sins, why your world has condemned you to death.

"Hurry, everyone get out! We'll collapse the building before the formation completes itself, this was a mistake but we can still-"

But, your world is shortsighted. Hopelessly, pitifully shortsighted. Even as it beats back against the current that flows from the tear you dared to rip, it fails to recognize what lurks in those waters that it rebels against.


"...what the hell is that?"

Year 2015
Tuesday, October 27th- 3:30 PM

Matsushima Mitsuko
Classroom 2-A, Yurei High School

With a raised eyebrow, a steel-faced young girl looked out over the gathered individuals. Frankly, the sheer number of people who had elected to come to this first meeting was...surprising. She had expected no more than three or four prospective members.

Maybe the promise of free snacks was that enticing? She'd have to note this for later...

After checking the clock mounted on the classroom wall to confirm the time, the young girl walked over to the propped-open classroom door and slammed it shut with a resounding thud, subsequently clearing her throat firmly to disrupt the chatter of those inside of the classroom as she walked up towards the board at the front of the classroom, where a teacher would be standing during a lecture. Once everyone had quieted themselves, she spoke.

"Good afternoon, everyone. For those of you I have not met previously, I am Matsushima Mitsuko. It is my pleasure to welcome all of you to the first meeting of the newly-refounded Occult Club. The advertised snacks will be served at the end of the meeting, so please be patient."

Speaking up in a crisp tone, the girl, Mitsuko, addressed her peers with a straight face, though one might notice the trace of a smile playing across the edges of her lips. She had to admit that she was rather satisfied with this turnout, even if the majority of those here were just present to make a mockery of her organization.

...Mitsuko also had to wonder why Shikishima-sensei's child was here, but that could wait until later.

"Now then, today's club meeting will take the form of a hybrid lecture-seminar, to introduce those of you with little occult experience to basic knowledge about the occult. I will be leading a discussion on the matter, and all of you are free to ask me questions, within reason. This Thursday's meeting, as well as all subsequent meetings, will take a group discussion format generally, but because many of you might have little experience with the subject-matter, I've prepared some basics to go over for today. We will also be discussing the theme of this year's Halloween Extravaganza, and I will be distributing waivers for those who are interested."

"Let's begin. Would anyone like to tell me what a 'ghost' is? Ah, and please, if your answer is 'nonexistent' then kindly don't bother raising your hand."

@Mr_pink @Rune_Alchemist @Vocab @KaijuBaragon @Savo @PixelJunkie @AirBender @TrixyTrix @Black Alice
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Charles Thompson sat at the back of the room, slouched over the back of his chair. He was nonchalantly chewing a blowing bubbles out of his gum, and was utterly disinterested in what the leader had to say. He was on his phone, messaging somebody on Instagram. Charles's hair was messy, he didn't get time to style it before he had to leave for this stupid club. Charles looked around and took note of some of the people he could see. He had mixed emotions as he looked out over the people that had attended the "Occult Club".

Charles was honestly surprised at the number of hot girls in the room. He was looking at everyone and giving them all a class. Hot. Hot. Demented. Weird. Hot. Charles went through the whole room until he got to Matsushima. The bane of my existence he thought with a scowl visibly showing on his face. He had made no effort to conceal the sounds of his phone, and they were beeping away as he slumped over the chair.

Charles checked himself with the camera on his phone. He took out his comb and begun to comb it will back into the style he preferred. If he was going to make his time useful here, he may as well look nice and pick up a hot girl. He had been single for a few months now, and was getting rather bored of it. A girlfriend was fun. Someone to take to parties other than scared lackeys, someone to join him in the sort of empire he had created. Of course it couldn't last for long. Charles never got really attached to anyone, but girls certainly did to him.

Then Matsushima spoke, and for a while. She capped off by asking everyone what a ghost is. A figment of your imagination He thought, smiling to himself. He let out a loud yawn and switched over to playing a game on his phone. The music of the game was extremely loud, but Charles could not be bothered to turn the volume down. He quickly switched off the game to check his hair again. Perfect he thought, switching back to his game again.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Seiko Karuta~

~Tuesday, October 27th - 3:30 PM~
~Classroom 2-A, Yurei High School~

A redhead sat towards the center of the room, clicking her pen as she silently observed the rest of the people in the room. Well, the room was more crowded then she thought it was going to be, that was for sure. She was certain half of these people were here for the free snacks. That was part of the reason she was here, at least. She could never say no to free food being offered. That, and to get some juicy gossip and stories from this so called 'Occult Club'. She had high hopes for this club and its president as a source of good material for her blog. People ate ghost stories up like little kids ate candy at Halloween.

Of course, she was also interested in what exactly the president was planning for the club. Fake hauntings? Setting up some silly ghost or something to jump out at them? Or maybe it was going to be something more mundane like drawing magic circles or some other silly stuff. If it was something like that the entire time, she wasn't sure she'd stick around. Well, aside from writing a little blurb in her blog about a local crazy students try to summon a demon.


That'd be an interesting little piece for sure. She could probably come back every so often and continue to write stuff like that. That is, if the club president didn't kick her out, of course.

Speaking of their new oh-so-glorious (and also quite adorable and cute looking leader if she did say so herself), she was currently standing at the front of the room. She couldn't tell what she was thinking at all. Matsushima Mitsuko. A bit of an ice-queen, if her research was correct. From the look of her, you wouldn't think her to be one that believed in little ghost stories and fairy tails. Appearances could be deceiving, though, and expert ninja of journalism like her knew that better than everyone~

She heard someone pop a bubble. Apparently the local delinquent and heart breaker Charles Thompson had decided to join. Weird. She couldn't understand why he would join. She clicked the pen that was in her hands once, as she thought.

He was in no way interested



click click.

Her eyes rested on him, a small snicker escaped her lips. Maybe...he had a thing for the president! Ohohohoh, that was glorious, if even slightly true! Well, either that or the president roped him into it somehow...maybe Charles was secretly a masochist then? That would be news that the entire school would love to hear!

...pfft. Well, whatever. Leader lady had started talking.

"Good afternoon, everyone. For those of you I have not met previously, I am Matsushima Mitsuko. It is my pleasure to welcome all of you to the first meeting of the newly-refounded Occult Club. The advertised snacks will be served at the end of the meeting, so please be patient."

....well darn. She was hungry. She was promised free food...ah, well. Tough it out Seiko, tough it out. You're a big girl. Just focus on the cute prez for now.

"Now then, today's club meeting will take the form of a hybrid lecture-seminar, to introduce those of you with little occult experience to basic knowledge about the occult. I will be leading a discussion on the matter, and all of you are free to ask me questions, within reason. This Thursday's meeting, as well as all subsequent meetings, will take a group discussion format generally, but because many of you might have little experience with the subject-matter, I've prepared some basics to go over for today. We will also be discussing the theme of this year's Halloween Extravaganza, and I will be distributing waivers for those who are interested."


Sounded reasonable. Sounded like prez lady thought this out quite well.

"Let's begin. Would anyone like to tell me what a 'ghost' is?"

Seiko raised her hand.

"Ah, and please, if your answer is 'nonexistent' then kindly don't bother raising your hand."

And then promptly lowered it. GG, prez, you were one step ahead of her. This girl was more formidable then she may have initially believed. Unfortunately, she was also quite the game player. She raised her hand again.

"We~ll," She said giving a small, almost playful seeming smirk to Mitsuko from where she sat. "If we're talking about those fantasy creatures from myths and legends, then they're supposedly the spirits of the dead."

A basic enough explanation, and she made sure to emphasize the words 'fantasy' 'myths' and 'legends' to obviously imply that they weren't real. She'd see just what this little president was capable of. She scribbled little circles on her notepad with the pen as she waited for her reply, or at least someone else to say something.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AirBender
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AirBender Big Dreamer

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Makoto was sitting somewhere in the middle of the group, where she could easily attack just about anyone if need be. With a group like this, you never knew what going to happen. She recognized a few people who were troublemakers, some of which she had chased down before. She sat up with her back straight and her legs crossed, and made sure to meet the eyes of the people around her at least once before turning her attention back to the club leader. She had never expected to be a part of this Occult Club thing, but after seeing the ghost of her grandmother, she was a believer now.

She stayed quiet when the club leader asked somebody to explain what ghosts were. Because, honestly, she didn't know the answer. She was still new to this whole thing. Some jerk in the back was messing around on his phone, you could easily hear it. Makoto was about ready to say something, but for now was holding her tongue. She may not have looked imposing, but that guy was about to find out just how scary she could be. As the phone sounds suddenly changed to extremely loud game volume, Makoto decided it was time to act. Slowly she turned to face the back, but didn't stand up, yet.

"Excuse me jackass, but some people actually care about this stuff. You have three options, turn the volume down, get out, or prepare to have my foot shoved up your ass." She said in a very calm and controlled voice. Makoto got ready to act, because she would have to depending on his answer. She had been in a rather foul mood lately, considering it had only been a week since her grandmother's funeral, so her reactions had been a lot more violent than usual. The guy with no consideration for others better watch out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Eva Nováková
Classroom 2-A, Yurei High School

Eva stood, leaning against a wall with her violin case in hand. One of the very first things she noticed when entering the room was the lack of instruments around the place. Butterflies began fluttering around in her stomach, she was sorely afraid that she had either gotten the wrong room, or the wrong club entirely. She raised her hand to her face and looked down at the now smudged writing on it.
'Music club, room 3-B
She could hardly make out her own writing, but she was certain that this was, in fact, room 2-A, so she was in the wrong room even if the number was right. She bit her lip, should she make a break for it? Maybe get to music club in enough time to not make herself look like a dunce? Or should she just stay here? The club couldn't be that bad could it? What if people asked about her violin though? What if she messed up and made a fool of herself?

It seemed her question was answered by the loud slamming of a door and the beginning of a speech. A sort of confused look grew on, Eva's face, more distressed than anything. She quickly found a chair and began listening to the lecture before confirming that she was indeed in the wrong room. She could sense herself beginning to blush, she quickly covered her face with her hands, resting her elbows on the desk as she listened to another student answer the question. Finally, Eva perked up, deciding to do something about her predicament.
"Um, I think I'm in the wrong classroom, I thought I this was music club?" She asked, before realizing that what she said could have been considered quite rude. She quickly back pedalled, only to dig herself into a deeper hole.
"Not that this club isn't good or anything! I just thought this was music club!" She quickly covered her face with her hands again, ready for the onslaught of laughter that was sure to come.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Charles stayed slumped over the back of his chair, playing on his phone when he heard the click of a pen and a scribble. He glanced over at the noise. A girl was giving him a stare that Charles couldn't quite pinpoint. She was one of the hot ones. May as well look good he thought and began to bite his lip as he played his game. The girls always went nuts for that classic facial expression. He also flicked his hair back, just to add that extra kick.

Then he heard a chair swivel round and looked up. She gave him a look then began to speak: "Excuse me jackass, but some people actually care about this stuff. You have three options, turn the volume down, get out or prepare to have my foot shoved up your ass." Charles chuckled a sarcastic chuckle, then he spoke, in a posh accent.

"Listen, you have absolutely no idea who you're pissing off. Charles Thompson, you ever heard the name? Probably not. I don't recognise you. You must be new. You will learn to fear it in time. But, okay, I'll make an exception, I'll turn my phone down a little, because you're somewhat attractive. You might need to use concealer on that scar under your eye, though.".

And with that, he turned his volume down about half way and continued playing. He was genuinely surprised that someone had stood up to him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

-Daichi Zuni : Classroom 2-A, Yurei High School-

"Ugh, why did I get roped into this situation?"

A giant with purple hair glance around the classroom, his head resting lazily on his erect arm. His eyes were glazed over as he studied the face planted in each of the seats, some attentive, some... appearing like they just wanted to leave on a moments notice like him. Whatever the case was, Daichi was not one to miss deadlines, despite his extremely heedless state.

Of course, being barely on time was permissible as he was one of the last few in the general vicinity. As his eyes continued scanning the familiar area, he caught sight of a few surprising faces that he did not expect to see lingering in a club like this, and duly noted each person as if they were a batch of puppies ready to be taken in by a prospective owner. The first was a familiar red-head who he felt was going to make this whole experience less enjoyable than it already was.

"... Karuta-san," the humble giant mumbled to himself as he tipped his head to the side. He knew who this girl was and felt that you had to be pretty damn ignorant to not take note of her presence since her nose was literally everywhere. Daichi also noted that she was a bit... volatile. Like, she was an unstable atom that would cause damage through radiation at a swift pace. "... such an annoying chick too... can't she figured out that school is easy as hell if you actually digest the materials?"

Daichi let out an audible yawn as he expressed his drowsiness... or was that an excuse to slack off? Either way, his trance was not successfully broken as the eccentric girl slammed the door. Of course, he began counting off the other heads, multitasking between Mitsuko's whole discourse and naming off people he knew. As he went about the myriads of people, he was caught off guard when he saw Shikishima-sensei's child attending, but shrugged it off as innate curiosity for now.

In a brief moment, his arms shot up as he began to recline in his seat. This stretch felt absolutely amazing as he displayed a look of pleasure as his eyes directly faced the ceiling... before taking notice of a sore thumb with puss on top. That lingering smile dissipated as he stared at the boy in the back with a bored expression. "... Charles," the tall teen uttered in a silent, but disgusted tone. This guy was a total sleazebag from what he noticed as every girl who dated him would end up shattered into pieces. Daichi was glad the guy did not mingle with his sister yet, but knowing her popularity, it was inevitable.

Shaking his head, he returned himself to giving... some attention to Mitsuko as she continued on her long spiel about how she was going to give those who knew little about the occult a brief tutorial over it in the form of a discussion. As she went on about the club, it eventually lead up to the Halloween Extravaganza. Of course, he was going to end up attending since the Kendo Club decided to volunteer this year, much to Daichi's dismay... then again, he really did not have anything better that he was going to undertake, so whatever.

As the girl went on, she brought to the groups attention that they would also be discussing the theme this year... well, at least he was going to be prepared? Eventually she finally decided to ask a question about... ghosts. Super basic to him since Akemi drawled on and on about the supernatural... in fact, he was pretty sure that she was married to the occult due to her obsession which could easily rival a crazed killers.

"Ghosts, a spiritual entity bound to this world; usually unaware that they are dead, vengeful, or have unattended business they need to complete... and completely fake as the student counsel president," Daichi repeated mentally to himself what his sister said for the first part... well that was good enough for him. Daichi was ready to drift off into a peaceful slumber, ignoring what anyone else had to actually say... until some bastard game jolted him awake.

Daichi was not exactly expecting that as he shot up a few centimeters, appearing bored, but was really disgruntled that his long awaited slumber was disrupted by... wow, he really was a prick... Charles Thompson... Daichi was too lazy to retort at his insolent manner, so he just turned his body around and stared daggers at the guy, before hearing another voice shoot out from beside him.

A cute, but feisty girl was already resorting to some demands which were... rather unnecessary but would be totally hilarious if he could see it transpire. Either way, the giant decided to speak up, lazily expressing his opinion on the matter in a mellow, alto voice. "Calm down, I mean as annoying as that was, the worst thing you could do is take his... phone and smash it into pieces."

As he spoke his piece, he analyzed the young woman who was pretty cute herself... but he could tell that she was in a foul mood, and maybe had a bit of a violent streak from what he could tell. All senses of him were saying to steer clear, but were overridden by his lax demeanor. At any rate, another feminine voice jumped in, but was aimed more at where she was currently. Daichi slowly turned himself back to where the voice emanated originally... which was a girl who looked foreign to him and spoke in... somewhat acceptable Japanese... maybe it was her accent throwing him off.

"Uh, I think you're in the incorrect room... the music room is in *yawn* one of the other rooms..." As he answered her, he let out another elongated stretch be for reclining once more in his seat, ready to fall asleep... before the boy in the back shot back another comment. At this point, he was getting on his nerves, and decided to finally shut this idiot up with one final comment. Turning his head once more, Daichi eyed Charles in a mischievous manner before shooting back something to him in a relaxed tone.

"Well,he is right about one thing, you will learn to fear one thing about him..." Daichi paused for a brief moment before continuing on."A mouth that won't stay closed, period... such a shame too, as you're kinda making Karuta-san look pretty friggin' quiet..." And with that said, he slowly turned away, yawning a bit, before attempting to fall asleep for the third time as he rested his head on the wooden desk, treating it as if it was a bed cushion.

All this talking did make him a bit weary, so his rest was well deserved.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Three
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Three 1+1

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Matsushima Mitsuko
Classroom 2-A, Yurei High School

It seemed that someone had tried to proffer up an answer. The girl who had spoken, Karuta Seiko if Mitsuko wasn't mistaken, certainly had made something of a name for herself. Mitsuko hardly had any delusions on why said girl would choose to come to an Occult Club meeting, and the answer that Seiko had given only further cemented that fact. Regardless, her expression remaining stagnant, Mitsuko gave a slight nod in response to the given answer.

"Thank you for your...attempt at an answer. Karuta-san, correct?" She replied. "While you're on the right track, it's important to try and make our definitions properly holistic, though. That explanation of yours operates off of a key concept that can be seen as the crux of occult matters: the soul. A spiritual construct that operates as a force of life outside of empirical fact. Ah, but first..."

Letting out an airy sigh, Mitsuko briefly shifted her gaze on Charles. Of course, she had expected that he would be a problem child, but he was nonetheless at least halfway necessary for her plans, so she would just have to humor him for the time being.

"Mr. Thompson, I've noticed you really seem to like something on that phone of yours. That's quite the coincidence, I have something on my phone I'm quite fond of as well. Now, please mute your volume and be a bit more respectful. I won't tolerate your usual brand of disobedience here."

After speaking, Mitsuko shrugged her shoulders helplessly, as though her thinly-veiled threat had been the fault of circumstances outside of her control. She had little doubt that Seiko would probably have written what she had just said down and already have developed a host of possible conclusions on the matter, but she couldn't be bothered to concern herself with such matters. Something that was appreciated though was the fact that one of the girls present had seen fit to threaten Charlie; that seemed to indicate at least some interest in her club's focus, which was certainly welcome.

On the other side of the spectrum was the girl who was very obviously in the wrong classroom, a notion made all the more apparent by her blatant confession to that fact. Shaking her head with a trace of disdain, Mitsuko let out a soft sigh before replying to the hopelessly embarrassed girl. "Terribly sorry, this is the Occult Club. I believe the Music Club is in 3-B or 3-A, I can't quite recall. If you'd like to stay, you're welcome to, but feel free to leave."

With that matter addressed, Mitsuko looked back over the gathered individuals as a whole, letting out a brief hum and subsequently speaking back up. "Now then, on the matter of the 'soul'."

"In sum, the soul is the heart of occult theories, but precisely because it is the heart of occult theories, making a true definition of it is a trial in itself. Doing such is akin to developing a grand unified theory, or "solving" morality. As such, we have an assortment of somewhat overlapping theories on the matter, some more viable than others. Essentially, you can treat the soul as a force of life possessed by beings that can 'comport themselves as a possibility within themselves'."

"Now, I should explain at this moment that the soul does function outside of the realm of empirical physics; however, it does not function outside the realm of science. Occultism is not non-rational, contradictory, or irreconcilable with reason. It does not generate logical fallacies. At its core, occultism is based around the concept of the human soul, and thus it is based in human reason and logic. There are, indeed, occult theories that blatantly go against what we know as observable truth, whether scientific, logical, or otherwise. We are not here to speak about crackpot theories any more than as an example of historical foolishness, such as how you have learned about the history of human understanding of the atom."

"A ghost is essentially 'a soul that does not possess a physical form conducive to its nature'. We will be explaining this further in future meetings, as well as speaking on the nature of the soul and how to reconcile it with empirical reality, but for now simply understand that. If my soul existed without my body, it could be called a ghost. If my soul, instead of being in my body, entered another physical object, we would still call it a ghost as the physical body is not conducive to its 'nature' as that of Matsushima Mitsuko. This is what is referred to as "possession", the occupation of a non-conducive physical body by a spiritual force."

"Now, the exact reasoning behind the formation of a ghost is unknown. Generally, the physical body serves as an anchor for the soul, which is a principle we will go in-depth on later, but in select circumstances, a soul becomes anchored to the world rather than a physical body. Thus, even after the body ceases to be, the soul will remain anchored accordingly. This is just one method by which a soul can persist without a body. While heavy emotional attachment or a 'vengeful' attitude is often colloquially linked to a soul's aptitude for surviving without a body, these are actually just colloquialisms, and don't have any definite correlation at the current time. That's not to say it isn't true, but rather that we haven't observed it to be certainly true at this time. It is, however, worth noting that the chance of any of these occurrences happening is incredibly minute, and when coupled with the fact that phenomena at this level functions outside of 'physical' reality, it makes recording these phenomena a trial in itself."

"This will be the point from which we segue into the Halloween Extravaganza's topic. Before then, though, I'll be opening the floor up to questions, providing they are related to the topic at hand. Please, don't be shy."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Awwww shit. I did it too late xD
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Charles was quite honestly very pissed at what was being said to him in this club for weirdos. Didn't they know who he was? Didn't they fear the name. Feeling satisfied with his rant at the scar girl, slumped back over the chair.

"Well, he is right about one thing, you will learn to fear one thing about him... A mouth that won't stay closed, period."

"Well, well, well. It seems we have the class clown here everyone. Isn't he hilarious? Let's give a hand to the lanky weirdo sitting over there. Cut your hair, I thought you were an ugly girl when I first saw you. But seriously, piss off. I can literally have you drawn and quartered in this school. By the way, nice sister you've got.". Charles finished with a smirk.

Then the leader of the nerds spoke to him from the front of the class. Charles didn't listen until he heard: "That's quite the coincidence. I have something on my phone I'm very fond of as well."

The words cut through him like a dagger. He muted his phone and put it in his pocket, snarling as he did it. He folded his arms and leant back, watching the girl with a distinct look of contempt as she rambled on about some pointless crap.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Mura Sahashi

Mura was sat in her chair waiting rather quietly for the club introduction or activities to start. Whilst everyone else was chatting, she was silently sat, slightly off to the side but still with everyone, staring off into space. She had been up all night with one of her "clients" and hadn't gotten too much sleep. When she got home to change and head into school her brother had had another one of his now more common freak outs. She had a couple new bruises, but that wasn't new news. At least she got a pretty good pay out of the last nights "activities".

Her thinking was shattered like a glass pane hit with a brick as the president of the club slammed the door and then a small speech. Apparently the snacks weren't available until the end, but that wasn't what she was there for. She had been blackmailed previously by the president with threats to leak some more than revealing picture of her after school activities to the school. Then it was followed by a question, which had a clear answer of imaginar- wait, no, apparently that wasn't it. A girl from the other side of the room who had been previously clicking her pen spoke up, giving a less than sensitive view on the subject.

A small fight broke out across the room between two students that clearly didn't like each other very much. One of the students had been playing some rather obnoxious game music at a pretty loud volume, but that wasn't much of an issue. The another girl began with some ideas for him to contemplate, before he came back with some witty humour. To do with him and his name. Charles Thompson, he said his name was. Mura began to think, since she was fairly certain she had beaten him and dragged him into an ally at some point. All was quickly resolved, however, with the intervention of the president. Charlie seemed to give up after being knocked down a peg by the prez, but not without him giving an all too impolite retort to one of the other kids. First insulting his appearance and then his sister? That kid sure had a mouth that liked to run, and if he hadn't been knocked out in an ally before he sure as hell would be soon. Of course she kept this to herself and kept listening to the president talking.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TrixyTrix
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TrixyTrix -Back After Several Years-

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

-Yurika Yurumiya-
Classroom 2-A, Yurei High School

She had been super enthusiastic for the first ever meeting of the occult club. She made sure she had a front row seat to whatever the president was going to present to them but Yurika so far was sorely disappointed not that it showed on her face or body language. She still had a smile on and tried to look interested. She was expecting a more fun way of discussing about the occult instead of listening to the president talking like a teacher. Looking around the room, Yurika could not shake off the feeling that half of the members were forced to join the club seeing as they did not seem really interested in what the president, Matsushima Mitsuko, had to say. The president begun her lecture with an introduction and about some snacks at the end.

However, Yurika was not really wrong that the experience she would have at the club would not be an uneventful one due to the members. There were currently three people engaging in a verbal fight at the back with a fourth person getting dragged into it too from the looks of it. There was a girl who seemed to have lost her way and a girl scribbling on a notepad whom she recognized as Seiko Karuta. Yurika did not know the girl personally but she had overheard some rumours though thus Yurika felt she had nothing to fear from Seiko unless the girl somehow got some dirt on her middle school mishap. Even with that, that would not change how people thought of her and Yurika did not care.

Seeing as the verbal fight was still ongoing, Yurika felt she should do something about it. The cause was Charles Thompson whom Yurika had heard was a delinquent with a bad reputation though he was still popular with the girls. They were going to be club members and any infighting may cause some unwanted future obstacles which may hinder activities. However, before Yurika could anything, Mitsuko threatened Charles, the cause of the fight, with something she had on her phone. That did the trick as Charles calmed down and the hostility subsided. Did Mitsuko had some dirt on Charles that would make him shut up? Yurika was impressed with how Yurika solved the problem but that did not really changed the fact she was bored.

Yurika did not really understand all the mumbo-jumbo that Mitsuko had been talking about. She did read on ghosts and other supernatural stuff before she entered the club however it was not really in-depth and Yurika pretty much read what she wanted to know. She wanted to hunt for ghosts and explore haunted places. When Mitsuko opened the floor for questions, Yurika wasted no time and raised her hand.

That was one of her habits again. She loved to give nicknames to people even though most hated the ones she gave them but Yurika again did not care. She continued with a happy expression on her face.
"I was wondering when we will start hunting and exploring. Not that your lectures are not interesting but I feel some real first-hand experience would definitely be more productive for us."

Yurika wanted Mitsuko to approve her idea as of now, the club was doomed to fail as far as she could see. Maybe a scare and seeing a ghost with their own eyes may change their attitudes. Moreover, it would help the members to bond with each other, becoming best friends after going through a crisis together. That was the way how it works in anime any ways.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Seiko Karuta~

"Thank you for your...attempt at an answer. Karuta-san, correct?" Prez lady replied, her face not hinting at any sort of irritation or emotion at all. Instead, remaining ever cool headed, she gave her a nod and acknowledged her answer. She'd have told her to call her Seiko since going by her last name felt too...formal, but she continued speaking before she got the chance too. Well, it seemed miss prez was quite good at dealing with light teasing then! Seiko began jotting down a few hasty notes on the notepad in front of her as Mitsuko continued to speak.

Subject: Matsushima Mitsuko; The Adorable Ice queen, and lover of the occult. (Also cute)
Seems to easily keep her composure when teased, or confronted with suggestions her beliefs are mere fantasy and not based in fact. Perhaps she's just a chunni who refuses to accept reality for some reason? Perhaps she's just doing this for giggles.

Seiko glanced over to the back of the room, somewhat ignoring Mitsuko's lecture. She had heard the confrontation earlier, and was quite interested in what had been transpiring. It was much more interesting then Mitsuko's lecture at the moment. Some sort of argument - Charles was being verbally assaulted by two of the others, Makoto and Daichi. Ah, Makoto. She had been in trouble with the other girl on occasion. Makoto caught her being up to her usual self more than once, and she had to flee before she met with a terrible fate. Daichi, on the other hand...well, his somewhat attractive sister aside, was kind of annoying in her opinion. A decent guy, but annoying.

That's about it.

"Excuse me jackass, but some people actually care about this stuff. You have three options, turn the volume down, get out, or prepare to have my foot shoved up your ass."

Damn, Makoto. Where the hell was her popcorn?....

"A mouth that won't stay closed, period... such a shame too, as you're kinda making Seiko-san look pretty friggin' quiet..."

Ooh, them was fightin' words. Seiko shuffled around for her camera, pulling it out of her shirt...wherever she was keeping it, prepared to take any pictures and document the fight she saw about to start....and seriously?! Where the hell was her popcorn at!?

"Well, well, well. It seems we have the class clown here everyone. Isn't he hilarious? Let's give a hand to the lanky weirdo sitting over there. Cut your hair, I thought you were an ugly girl when I first saw you. But seriously, piss off. I can literally have you drawn and quartered in this school. By the way, nice sister you've got."

OOooh. Buuuurn. She may not like Charles a whole lot, but this was hilarious. Were you really gonna take that sitting down, Daichi? Before anyone else could interject, though..it seemed Mitsuko finally decided to intervene. Well, sorry popcorn, she'd have to take you on a delicious date later.

"Mr. Thompson, I've noticed you really seem to like something on that phone of yours. That's quite the coincidence, I have something on my phone I'm quite fond of as well. Now, please mute your volume and be a bit more respectful. I won't tolerate your usual brand of disobedience here."

ooh, scary. Charles seemed to obey without much incident, which only served to further her curiosity. Why would the school delinquent obey the schools somewhat eccentric seeming girl? Were her earlier assumptions correct? Did he have a thing for her? Or maybe something else? Blackmail? A genuine love for the occult? She clicked her pen in thought. Quite a number of scenarios ran through her head, but none of them really sounded plausible. She made a note on her pad to investigate further. Whatever the case, he seemed to quiet down. Why would she mention something on her phone, too though? Hmm...questions, questions. She needed answers, not questions.

Still, the fight had been resolved without a single punch being thrown. Booooring. She sat her camera on the desk with a somewhat bored sigh. Well, she could get material either way.

"Terribly sorry, this is the Occult Club. I believe the Music Club is in 3-B or 3-A, I can't quite recall. If you'd like to stay, you're welcome to, but feel free to leave."

Seiko turned her head to the misplaced girl. Well, She was definitely in the wrong place just from taking a bit of a look of her. She clicked her pen a few times, thinking. Well, interview her later. For now, back to the focus of the club.

Mitsuko went on about the 'soul', calling it the heart of the occult theories and that actually defining it a trial in itself. She called it 'akin to developing a grand and unified theory or solving morality.'. Well, she had to give the girl credit - it sounded like she had done her research on the topic. She said there were a bunch of overlapping theories on the subject, but boiled it down to 'beings that can comport themselves as a possibility within themselves.' She had a fair grasp of literature and language in general, but she felt like Mitusko was being a bit...too technical in her words.

She continued to explain that the soul didn't function outside the realm of empirical physics, and that it was a rational, non-contradictory object that existed in the realm of science. She further said that they were not there to talk about crackpot theories that didn't hold any relevance to science or logic. Honestly, a lot of this was probably going to go over most peoples heads. Some of it was going over hers, but she still listened, albeit somewhat halfheartedly. She started doodling a bit on the notepad.

She did gather though, Mitsuko was over-explaining things a bit. A lot of people wouldn't really be interested in this technical occult jargon. She called a ghost a 'soul that does not possess a physical form.' So basically, a soul that doesn't have a body. She went on to use herself as an example, saying that if her soul entered another physical object, it would be called 'possession'. She continued to doodle losing interested more and more.

Their leader then started on how ghosts were formed. Or rather, theories on how they were formed. Something about a physical body serving as an anchor for the soul. Some circumstances though, could become anchored to the world and persist without a body. Strong emotions could apparently trigger such a thing. Or rather, she said it wasn't ruled out, and that there wasn't any direct proof. She also said the chances of this happened was also incredibly minute.

"This will be the point from which we segue into the Halloween Extravaganza's topic. Before then, though, I'll be opening the floor up to questions, providing they are related to the topic at hand. Please, don't be shy."

It seemed like that was the end of it. She looked at her notepad, her doodle had taken the form of camera with a funny little ghost looking thing on the side of it.


She blamed the lecture, but well, whatever. She was normally a bit more attentive than this, but for some reason her mind just started to wander...ah well. Interrogation time! What question could she ask that would have the most impact here? She idly twirled her pen in her hands, thinking of some question she could ask that would annoy, a teasing statement, or some other thing she could think of.


A voice towards the front of the room spoke up.

"I was wondering when we will start hunting and exploring. Not that your lectures are not interesting but I feel some real first-hand experience would definitely be more productive for us."

Ah, Yurika Yurumiya. The ever hyper and happy little ball of energy. Seiko would agree with the other girl on that.

"Hmm~ I do have some questions, and I'm all for reading and listening to lectures, but they could get rather lengthy so I think I'll pass, and for now agree with Yurika here. Letting us see some actual ghost or something would probably help." She said, looking back over towards Mitsuko. "You know, if you have something we could actually see, leader lady."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AirBender
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AirBender Big Dreamer

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Makoto snorted when the jackass in the back replied to her. Man he needed punched in the face, a couple hundred times. Names meant nothing to her at all, they didn't tell her anything about a person's character, which he obviously didn't have any of. And she didn't fear anybody, this punk ass bitch wasn't going to change that. How dare he make a comment about her scar?! She had earned that scar, and all her other ones too. But this one held a special place in her heart. She liked to consider that scar her first true Captain America worthy moment. "I don't need anything to cover up my scar. Why would I cover up something I'm proud of? Unlike you, I'm comfortable with my body. Your big mouth is obviously compensating for a small dick." She said, in nearly a growl.

Makoto turned back to some other guy, one with purple hair, when he spoke up. "Don't think I won't." Was the only thing she said about his comment. Then she went quiet as she listened to the club leader's long explanation about souls and ghosts. It was all very interesting, but now Makoto had a question. Actually she had lots of questions, she wasn't a smarty pants type and most of what the club leader had said when completely over her head. But something was eating at her mind and worrying her just a little bit. There was also the annoying girl at the front of the class who obviously didn't believe in any of this. But Makoto couldn't really get mad at her for that. Until recently, she too hadn't believed in any of that.

Makoto rose her hand to get the club leader's attention. She had never been afraid of speaking up before, and fear certainly wasn't going to stop her now. "I've got a question. So, let's say a person becomes a ghost because they have unfinished business, after their business has been finished... Can they rest in peace? Or is my- ...or will they be forced to roam the world forever?" She really didn't want to bring up the fact that she was asking about her grandmother, that whole thing was still too fresh on her mind. Maybe after she had grieved a little more. And maybe with people she actually trusted with that information.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Three
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Three 1+1

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Matsushima Mitsuko
Classroom 2-A, Yurei High School

Mitsuko nodded slightly in response to the questions that were posed, turning her head to face Makoto first as she prepared an answer. Did the girl have some sort of experience with a ghost in the past, perhaps of a friend or family member? The wording of her question and pause in her sentence seemed to at least indicate that there was some concern over the state ghosts were in, but this might have just as easily been a standard empathy.

"Well, the means by which a ghost ceases to be depends on how they became a ghost." Mitsuko explained curtly. "For instance, if the soul is anchored to a physical location, damaging that location should result in the soul fading away. Alternatively, there are sources of...'spiritual damage', which can be seen as methods to 'kill' a ghost with. For your specific situation, where a soul has persisted by anchoring itself to a purpose, we can't actually be sure if that's something that can occur, or if it's just a part of legend. That said, I would imagine that if the purpose is fulfilled, the anchor would cease to exist, and the soul would appropriately dissipate; of course, that's just my conjecture."

Following this, the eccentric turned her head to look over Seiko and Yurika, a coy smile playing across her expression as she nodded in agreement. "Of course. This isn't an Occult Discussion Club, after all, it is an Occult Club. To that end, we will be interacting with spiritual entities rather regularly." She explained, fishing a smartphone out from her pocket in addition to...something that looked like a phone attachment. Someone with the appropriate knowledge would recognize it as an air pressure sensor that could be plugged into a phone. Something off, though, was that the end of the sensor seemed to have had a strange piece of wood duct-taped to the end.

Well, it looked like the eccentricies were shining through now.

Plugging the sensor into her phone, and seeming to mess around on it for a bit, Mitsuko nodded to herself before putting the phone and sensor away.

"Perfect. Now, this is the topic of the Halloween Extravaganza. Put simply, it is a 'nighttime ghost hunt' at this school. The faculty's given us permission to come by the school at night, and given me access to it after I explained the purpose of the activity. For those interested, I will be handing out waivers that your legal guardian will need to sign off on."

"Appraisal-san's been picking up coalescions of spiritual force and, while I won't bore you with the details, the sum of the matter is that it's estimated that, on Saturday night, the gathered spiritual force will be enough for a spirit in this school that I've been monitoring for a while to have minor physical interference capacity. Basically, at that time it will become physically observable, though it won't be able to interfere on a material level." Mitsuko stated, her expression smoothing over with a level of self-assuredness. "The Halloween Extravaganza is where we will enter the school to non-violently observe and converse with said ghost. I believe it should be a suitable hands-on experience and introduction to the occult for all of you. For those of you who plan on coming simply to 'disprove' ghosts, you're of course welcome to attend as well, and bring all of the tools you need to test this matter until you're satisfied. Depending on how the Halloween Extravaganza goes, as well as how future spiritual force coalescions come about, we may make these nighttime excursions into a more regular thing, which I would certainly like. With that said, unless a ghost is hostile, we will not take violent measures against it; I have an assortment of items that can cause spiritual damage, but would rather not use them unless needed."

"Does that satisfy your questions?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Charles sat, arms folded, looking and feeling very annoyed at Matsushima. How dare she blackmail him. If he didn't care about not getting a criminal record, he would have just laughed and carried on with the graffiti project. But he couldn't get expelled. If he got expelled, his parents would move him to an even worse school. Then he'd have to start his whole empire back up again, and he wouldn't have been bothered to do that. So he was stuck here, listening to a rambling lunatic and being shouted at by pathetic idiots who didn't even know his name. Then Charles remembered his plan. Steal the phone! he thought to himself. He scouted up and down, checking tables, pockets that could be bulging and anything black and rectangular poking out. Then he heard that scar girl turn to him again. Not this bullcrap again he thought with a noticeable wince.

"I don't need anything to cover up my scar. Why would I cover up something I'm proud of? Unlike you, I'm comfortable with my body. Your big mouth is obviously compensating for a small dick."

Charles turned around immediately, his face filled with rage. Nobody insults me like that! he thought, his teeth bared with rage. Then he spoke. "Don't you get it, you pathetic waste of my time? I practically run this dump of a school. The rumors that spread, I pretty much proof read them all. The fights you hear about and sometimes see, I plan them. Being nice to me is pretty much the difference between popularity and being a complete reject. So if you think and you can come in here and insult me, then think again scarface. If you even think about replying with some 'witty' comment, you may find yourself with a few less friends, and maybe a few broken bones, you understand me? That goes for you too, lanky."

Satisfied with his response, he sat back and began going around the room again. This time he would categorise them based on what he knew. Hot but kind of stupid, how can you mistake music for ghost club? Scarred girl who is very much overstepping her boundaries. Weird boy girl lanky thing. Hot but too enthusiastic about the whole thing. Hot, sitting at the back quiet; don't know much. Hot but frantically typing - Wait, is she that Seiko girl? Charles's eyes widened. Oh, he had hard of Seiko. The self proclaimed journalist, and well known lesbian. Charles didn't read her blog, but he was pretty sure he had been featured more than once, from what he assumed. Matsushima was droning on again, but something caught his ears.

"The Halloween Extravaganza is where we will enter the school to non-violently observe and converse with said ghost"

Woah, that'll be a laugh Charles thought. Interacting with nothing, but it'll be fun to see these occult weirdos getting obsessed over things that don't exist. How could I miss out on this opportunity. Charles listened to the rest and concluded that he would take a letter. His parents would sign it without question. Plus, I'm probably being blackmailed into this thing as well. May as well be blackmailed into getting a good laugh!. Charles chuckled at the prospect.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Mura stayed sat back, listening to the slightly interesting information that Mitsuko was giving. More information on the ghosts, as well as some sort of little activity they would all participate in. A ghost hunt, which actually sounded promising given the presidents track record. If anything, it would make a good chance to get away from her brother for the night. But it would mean one more night without pay... Choices, choices. But then her train of thought was cut short by the idiots fight beginning over again. Charles seemed to have it out for everyone, and it only seemed right to put him in his place. She turned and looked straight at him with a look of don't worry, I'll kill you slow. Promise!.
"Oi, Tweedledumbass. Would you mind shutting the hell up? There are some people here who might want to listen to this thing, even if it is kinda boring. No offence. But if YOU want some broken bones I'll be happy to lend you some, you damn dog." she called across the room in her light but agitated tone. She may not have had a very loud or imposing voice, but something like that would sure as hell make someone at least consider their options of pain before replying.

After yelling at the boy from the back as best she could, she turned towards the president who was likely looking a little disappointed with the fighting.
"Uh, prez. Should I get my guardian to sign the waiver if my parents aren't around?" she asked in a quieter tone. The whole personal issues thing wasn't exactly her strong point, and she tended to get a little shy when talking about those types of things even in private. This time was a lot worse, as she was in a room with a bunch of people she didn't know but who probably knew of her. This was evident in the way she ended her sentence, becoming quieter as she finished the question. Then she glanced around to see if anyone was giving her odd or imposing looks. Things were off to a great start...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Eva considered leaving the room, going to music club slightly late and possibly living at least a semi-normal life during her time in Japan. But then the argument escalated. Apparently Charles thought himself something of a celebrity around the place, or at least some sort of criminal mastermind. Along with this, Mitsuko's small lecture on the topic of ghosts and souls was rather interesting to, Eva and even moreso when she mentioned that they would be hunting down a ghost at the 'Halloween extravaganza'.

At first, Eva thought she was joking. But then she realized she was serious, and had prepared some sort of weapon to use against the ghost. This got, Eva thinking. What weapon could possibly harm a ghost? Surely bullets and swords would just fly right through them? She had played a game in her youth in which a vacuum was used to suck the ghosts up. And in the Ghostbusters they used those big laser guns to kill the ghosts. She had to see this, a chance of seeing a ghost was not something to be taken lightly.
"You mean we'll be seeing a real ghost?" Eva asked, almost rhetorically.
"I think I'll stay if that's the case" She grinned.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TrixyTrix
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TrixyTrix -Back After Several Years-

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

-Yurika Yurumiya-
Classroom 2-A, Yurei High School

One of the girls' question got Yurika's attention as she had wondered if she would see her brother's ghost. Mitsuko's answer was similar to what Yurika herself had read from various sources. Talking to a grave believing he could hear her was not enough. She just wanted to talk to him one last time. Yurika knew the chances of her brother still roaming around was unlikely unless he had some regrets which she was unaware of. After Mitsuko answered the question, Yurika chuckled as the girl answered hers and watched as she took out her phone and some kind of contraption. Yurika was curious about what exactly Mitsuko was tinkering with. Maybe she would let her look at it...touch it...or maybe use it perhaps?

Yurika noticed the girl who was lost actually came in and made herself comfortable. Well, it looks like the club has gained one more member.After a while, Mitsuko addressed the group again after putting away whatever it was.

"Perfect. Now, this is the topic of the Halloween Extravaganza. Put simply, it is a 'nighttime ghost hunt' at this school. The faculty's given us permission to come by the school at night, and given me access to it after I explained the purpose of the activity. For those interested, I will be handing out waivers that your legal guardian will need to sign off on."

Now this was what Yurika wanted to hear. Well, she knew the first hunt would be at the school itself. That was how it usually goes in animes and the outings would slowly branch out to more eerie, haunted and thrilling places. She was surprised the school actually allowed it or even approved the revival of the occult club. Well that was not really matter but the problem was the waiver forms. Seriously she was already eighteen...she had no need for forms. Furthermore, her legal guardian was overseas for business. Yurika realized she might as well forge her uncle's signature. It was not like anybody recognized it as she had been forging stuff that needed her uncle's signature and her uncle never cared since all he does is give her money.

"Appraisal-san's been picking up coalescions of spiritual force and, while I won't bore you with the details, the sum of the matter is that it's estimated that, on Saturday night, the gathered spiritual force will be enough for a spirit in this school that I've been monitoring for a while to have minor physical interference capacity. Basically, at that time it will become physically observable, though it won't be able to interfere on a material level."

Wait who? Just who is Appraisal-san? Did she give that contraption a name? Yurika hid the urge to laugh. Mitsuko was unexpectedly cute in a sense. She was starting to like her president even more. This saturday...well I will just have to ask the boss to let me off a little early then.
"The Halloween Extravaganza is where we will enter the school to non-violently observe and converse with said ghost."
Well, that makes sense. We are just students not ghost-busters.
"Depending on how the Halloween Extravaganza goes, as well as how future spiritual force coalescions come about, we may make these nighttime excursions into a more regular thing, which I would certainly like. With that said, unless a ghost is hostile, we will not take violent measures against it; I have an assortment of items that can cause spiritual damage, but would rather not use them unless needed."

I really hope it DOES become a regular thing. Mi-chan is cute but her lecture was as boring as the ones in class. Maybe I should tell her that later. She has more of tools?! Now THOSE I WANT to see! No...I MUST SEE THEM! Maybe she can make one for me too?

Yurika was unaware that her eyes were shining as she was deep in her thoughts. She was so looking forward to the night activity and maybe get to know her club members. Bonding together in the night on a scary unknown adventure! It was then Yurika snapped out of her reverie when she felt the tension rising again.

"Oi, Tweedledumbass. Would you mind shutting the hell up? There are some people here who might want to listen to this thing, even if it is kinda boring. No offence. But if YOU want some broken bones I'll be happy to lend you some, you damn dog."

Things were going to get out of hand again but Yurika decided to stay her hand.
Mi-chan defused the first fight now what will she do next? I will only intervene after that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AirBender
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AirBender Big Dreamer

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Makoto listened to the club leader answer her question with a small frown on her face. It wasn't exactly what she wanted to hear, but at least there was a chance that her grandmother was at peace now. Makoto made a mental note to tell the club leader about her interaction with a ghost later. But when less people were around. It could be important to her theories and research. She wasn't one for academic stuff, but it was still exciting to be able to help further paranormal investigation stuff. If they could find out why ghosts were there, maybe they could help them be at peace.

She listened to punk ass bitch trying a act tough and intimidate her with nothing but words. All she could do was snort at that, he was all bark and no bite, everything he said was probably just an empty threat. A devilish grin appeared on her face when he said the last part about not making a witty comeback. He was practically begging her to nail him. "Okay." She said, slowly standing up. "I won't make a witty comeback." She simply walked over to his chair without saying a word. Then proceeded to slam her fist directly into his solar plexus. People thought you hit someone in the stomach to knock the wind out of them, but if you wanted them to really stay down, you went for the solar plexus.

Makoto could literally feel the breath leave punk ass bitch's lungs. It was incredibly satisfying. "You think you can intimidate me? Nothing scares me, especially not little punks like yourself. Go ahead, turn everyone against me, try and get people to attack me. I don't care, whatever you throw at me, I'll throw right back in your face ten times harder. Soon You'll learn to fear a name, and that's Captain America." Makoto was a former football player and got into fights on a weekly basis protecting people, pain didn't scare her. In fact she welcomed it. Pain was weakness leaving the body.

Feeling incredibly satisfied and exhilarated, Makoto returned to her seat. "I just knocked the wind out of him, hard. So we should have a few minutes of him actually being quiet. I would apologize for the interruption, but I'm not sorry so it would be a complete lie." She said, grinning like an idiot as she did. The thought of going ghost hunting was super cool, and Makoto already promised herself not to hint any ghost they came across. Unless, like the club leader mentioned, it got violent towards them. A midnight ghost hunt and punching somebody who deserved it? This day was just getting better and better.
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