Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

  • Name: Maki Rika
  • Age: 15
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "The only point in being here is to train to be the best Tuner possible!" Rika is very short for her age.
  • Personality: Rika is usually rather serious. She firmly believes that her reason for being at the Akiyama-Kreuz Academy is to become the best Tuner she can possibly be, moreso than anything else. She is also very stubborn and fixated on this purpose. She believes all that is needed to be a powerful Tuner is the willingness to succeed and the will to help from her Receiver, and she is likely to blame her Receiver for any failure. Rika dislikes what she perceives as foolishness, stupidity, or perversion, often chastising those who so such behaviors very vocally. She is easily angered and quick to resort to minor physical punishment(dope slaps, for example) for what she believes is stupid or foolish behavior. However, Rika genuinely desires to help people and keep them safe, and this is a large part of her motivation for her desire to become the best possible Tuner. Still, she is also a prideful and stubborn girl who is quick to snap at others. She is also easily flustered, and very jealous of girls who are taller and more mature than herself. Rika wants a receiver who will truly and honestly attempt to help her and nothing else.
  • Type: Weapon-Type
  • Weapon: Currently, as Rika lacks a Receiver, she cannot generate her own weapon. She has, however, managed to take a family heirloom katana with her. While this is normally strictly prohibited, as long as the weapon is made available to historical researchers its presence has been tolerated. Her weapon will likely be some form of sword, and potentially use this katana to trigger its formation.
  • Skills: Rika was trained by her father in traditional Japanese swordplay. She is also fairly well-versed in Japanese history. However, Rika is a horribly, terribly bad cook, much to her embarrassment. It could be considered an offensive skill by itself due to the near-toxic status of her cooking.
  • Brief Backstory: Rika was born to the Maki family, a family in touch with its roots, and a father who ran a dojo. He lavished training in Japanese swordplay on his daughter, and instilled her with pride and a deep desire to succeed in all she does. She went on to do her best, to attempt to do everything she could to ensure she did her best, in everything she tried to do. However, due to a tragic event in her childhood that nearly killed a close friend, Rika has become even more dedicated to the ideal of becoming the best possible Tuner, stubbornly fixated on this ideal beyond everything else.
  • Receiver: None as of yet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Ryan Anders



Attractive enough, a few inches over six feet in height. Black hair, grey eyes.

Profession: Tuner Instructor

Personality: Neat, easy-going, very much chill, won’t likely sweat it over the big things. There does seem to be some disappointment over his own ability as Tuner, as it seems like the power of a violent sadist, and he ain't about that life.

Abilities or Weapons: Ability-Type
Injurymancy (for lack of a better term) – as if reverse healing, the ability to reopen the past injuries of everyone within a certain distance of this user at half it's original severity. Burn scars are scored again and knife scars reopen as if fresh, though smaller or less serious, bones will still break in the exact same spot. Power lasts two minutes at the most, once deactivated the injuries tend to mend like they never happened...though, that might be a bit painful in and of itself.

-A casual bit of mixed martial arts
-Some weapon training
-Cooking some things he likes
-Well read, studying
-Was part of the track team, back in the day

Brief Backstory: A tuner of a very difficult ability, as it tended to hurt him indiscriminately as well, when activated. After coming to understand his ability better, study the technicalities of being a Tuner, he tended to stick with Receivers with very low sync ratios. Before working at the academy, he had opted to go without a Receiver.

Receiver Or Tuner: (Feel free to volunteer, but the starting Sync Ratio between them will probably be very low)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SeaFoamDaisies
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SeaFoamDaisies what

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Name:Celeste Romilda ("Cel")

Age: 17



Personality: Celeste has a perfectionist-complex;that is, she is compelled to live a perfect life. She must have perfect interactions, the perfect walking gait, the perfect scores and so on. However, reality falls short of her expectations, causing her much distress and anxiety. She subjects herself to brutal self-criticism and is extremely self-conscious. Although she tries her best to not let her emotions get the best of her,she cannot handle frustration very well. She is not very good at being assertive; and succumbs to the will of others- unless something important is involved. Celeste has trust issues which impede her from strengthening her relationships with others. She hates arguments and prefers to let her actions do the speaking. She has a slight tendency to hold grudges.
Celeste has a boundless imagination, which has propelled her in fields requiring creativity such as art, etc. She is also quite resilient and does not become hopeless no matter how dreary the situation.Regardless of how she feels, Celeste tries to cheer up everyone around her-she hates being surrounded by glum people. She has a knack for figuring out what other people are good at and often tries to bring their attention to these things. Celeste is more of a listener than a talker. Friends and even distant acquaintances find themselves pouring out their hearts to her. Lastly,there is little that can make Celeste envious.

Type: Ability-type

Ability: Aerokinesis and Aeroportation
Aerokinesis allows Cel to shape,create and manipulate air.She uses it to attack in the form of air blades and blasts of air and so on.Other indirect uses include crushing, by increasing air pressure. This of course requires much more skill, time and energy; and can ultimately miss the mark.She can transport herself and others via aeroportation. The catch is that this ability is of little use if the atmosphere is extremely thin or when there's absolutely no breeze.

Skills:Celeste is an excellent artist and is especially good at drawing people. Even brief encounters with strangers give her enough to capture the essence of their appearance.

Brief Backstory: Cel belongs to a rather large household- she has 4 sisters and a brother. Being right in the middle, Cel got along quite well with her siblings and her family means the world to her. Being a tad bit of a goody two-shoes, she dutifully follows the wishes of her mother.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Xeronoia
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Rozmonda Arensdorf
Age: 18
Gender: Female

Personality: She is, to sum her up, self assured to the point of arrogance. She has a simplistic, straightforward approach to life and the world around her, and is prone to outright dismissing peoples attempts to claim it works otherwise. Because of her attitude she is actually somewhat easy going, being difficult to offend but at the same time often inconsiderate of others when they consider something to be important or a sensitive issue. When properly pushed however, she fiercely defends her sense of pride and is difficult to convince to let a matter drop. Although she is arrogant in regards to herself, she doesn't make a habit of downplaying others strengths or accomplsihments and will freely give compliments and support where she believes it is due. Despite the bad first impression she is almost guaranteed to make, she is a genuinely freindly person and has little ill intentions towards anyone.

Type: Ability

Abilities: Negation - Denial given power and form, this ability enforces the users will on reality. This power has some inherant versatility due to it's nature, but comes with severe limitations and drawbacks. For example it may be used to remove the momentum from a bullet, causing it to fall to the ground uselessly. However, it could also remove the bullet itself. To do so would require a lot more energy, and is more likely to fail even if that requirement is met. In order to succeed at a Denial, the user must truly believe it to be a fact that will come to pass. "The Bullet's momentum is gone" and "The Bullet is gone" both must be enforced in the users mind, with the latter being far more difficult to muster a true belief in. As living things are the height of complexity, directly influencing them at all is difficult. This power can only be used to remove something, be it more conceptual like momentum or physical like an object. It does not have to remove the entirety of something, taking away only bits and pieces instead, and using it in this manner is far easier. An example would be only removing some of a bullets momentum and slowing it down greatly, or creating holes in a wall.

Skills: She is good at many things, but few of them could be considered useful. Most of her skills are things like a talent for decor, wood carving, or playing musical instruments. In terms of useful skills, she is an excellent cook so long as it's some form of soup or stew being made, is decently athletic, and has a good understanding of machinery. She is a poor student when it comes to academics, as she purposely chooses to neglect what she finds dull or unimportant. In the few subjects she does apply herself, she performs admirably.

Brief Backstory: She has a complicated history with her status as a Tuner. Moving to Japan was a difficult experience, both culturally and because simply being forced to attend the academy there rubs her the wrong way. Despite how she acts at times and the fuss she made when she was younger, her life was otherwise a happy one. For various reasons she had difficulty making friends, and between that and her situation as a Tuner, her parents did their best to compensate by supporting whatever hobbies and other freedoms they could. She has been with the academy for awhile now, but due to her difficult attitude to work with she has yet to manage a viable match with a Receiver.

Receiver: Yet to find a suitable match.

Name: Sora Jo
Age: 15
Gender: Female

Personality: She has a strong sense of scientific curiosity, wanting to understand everything around her. This is especially true of Aether, which she has a strong academic obsession with. She subscribes to the belief that a sound mind requires a sound body, and has a strict exercise, hygiene, and nutrition routine she follows. Her curiosity often leads her to fixate on things that may not be particularly important or relevant, and she is prone to getting lost in thought and tuning things out around her. Because of this, she has a series of alarms set to help her keep track of the time and what she should be doing. When it comes to others she tries to be polite and friendly, but is a notorious gossip and often treats people like a puzzle that needs figured out.

Skills: While most of her skills could be considered strictly academic, such as being capable of doing high-level math in her head at a quick pace, she does apply that knowledge in useful ways. She is able to construct plans that take the potential actions of others into consideration, thinking ahead even in normal day to day life. She is a practitioner of Jeet Kune Do, fairly skilled for her age and experience, and applies her knowledge of physics and biology to it in experimental ways.

Brief Backstory: Her intelligence and curiosity made itself known from a young age, and she was placed in various programs for gifted students throughout her early life. She was initially inspired to take up a martial art as a result of being bullied, but quickly came to adopt it as a genuine pursuit. Her parents being ones to think ahead, they already lived in the area of the academy long before it was time for her to attend. Because of this there was no big change in her life regarding attending, though she had looked forward to doing so ever since learning about it and her status as a receiver.

Tuner: New Student
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 2 mos ago


Lucis Gonjake



"I hate being the the battery."

On the surface, Lucis comes off as a rather silly and lighthearted person, frequently engaging in comical behavior and retaining his oft-present grin even while making threats. He displays a child-like amusement for new situations whether or not they prove adverse or even potentially fatal, he has a penchant for wandering off his own only to get into some sort of trouble. Even with all these idiosyncrasies, he is extremely personable and has a particularly complimentary nature that easily gains him the friendship and trust of those surrounding him.

Of course, these aspects only hide the complex and determined young man underneath. On the reverse side of his frivolous nature is his considerable shrewdness, which makes him quite capable of reading people and situations. He is particularly observant, taking into consideration even the smallest details of his surroundings in order to better understand and deal with challenges and is not above using cheap tricks or questionable tactics to ensure his own survival. He has a considerable pride that will not stand for having his being insulted or condemned by others, but is also capable of shelving his pride if it becomes something that will stand in the way of his objective.

He is very protective of his family and friends, refusing to allow any harm to come to them and often deeming their safety more important than his own in spite of his own personal ambitions and goals. He has to be reminded several times that his own safety is something upon which many people depend on and uses his loved ones as his primary motivation when all hope seems lost. As such, he becomes furious when observing those who willingly or remorselessly cast aside their own friends or brethren and is sickened by the idea of those who reject their duty to those who trust them.

-Athletic (Basketball Player)
-Good at reading others
-Good with technology
-Basic fighting skills

Brief Backstory:
Lucis was born in Albany, New York. His mother was a head chef at a local restaurant, and his father a SWAT Officer. Most of his childhood was spent here, creating mischief and trouble wherever he and his friends went. Unfortunately, he had to leave his friends when he hit 16. His parents were part of the Receiver Creation Program, he was the result of another successful procedure. He was to attend Akiyama-Kreuz Academy in Japan, a land of culture, one that he did not understand. He left his parents and began schooling there, only to begin to resent the hand that fate dealt him. The world of a Receiver was boring, never able to fight like a Tuner. He admired, even envied their ability to manipulate the Aether that he provided for them. An attitude he needed to soon change.

Receiver: �
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

  • Name: Yukimura Yuri
  • Age: 18
  • Gender: Female
  • Personality: Yuri is a relaxed and easygoing girl who tends not to worry too much about how things are going... generally to the point of slacking off in lessons. Her attitude, nonetheless, makes her quite good at being someone to look up to with her juniors, especially because she holds protecting people in the highest regard and thus takes any training regarding combat quite seriously. The only other thing she holds in as much regard is keeping a good relationship with her Receiver, which can lead to some rather poor decisions on Yuri's part.
  • Type: Weapon
  • Weapon: Arms. That is, Yuri's generated weapon is... simply a pair of arms, albeit obviously rather... unusual and blatantly artificial--and for some reason given the name 'Pillars of Hercules'. Given how fundamentally useful this is given the alternative, she gets far more mileage out of her ability as a Tuner than almost anyone else. It does, of course, have its downsides in that her participation in sports is entirely being unable to fully take part... or being far too good.
  • Skills: Yuri's pretty good at managing despite the fact that... well, even with her ability, she's without arms a lot of the time. With them, she displays a disturbingly comprehensive knowledge of martial arts, apparently having a natural talent and being extremely capable of picking up where she left off--perhaps aided by the exact nature of her Weapon. She's also extremely flexible, and about as good of a dancer as she can be.
  • Brief Backstory: Yuri's early life was particularly uneventful, aside from being identified as a possible Tuner. That rather changed when the young girl found herself in what should clearly have been a fatal situation: alone with Living Static. With no more ability to fight it off than anyone else and a childish bravado, she tried to get it to back off... and only succeeded in losing both her arms. To this day, she's still not sure if something else distracted it, or if she was actually rescued... and if so, who should she thank?
    Being paired up with a Receiver definitely ranks as the best moment of her life so far.
  • Receiver: TBD

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Takashi
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Takashi Nefarious Mastermind

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

  • Name: Ryuuto Anjou
  • Age: 15
  • Gender: Male
  • Appearance:
  • Personality: He is a very serious student with a standoffish personality. He spends most of his time reading, so his social skills are pretty weak. His family drilled into his head at a young age, that as a receiver his is a valuable resource for humanity, and takes his role as one very seriously. His role as a receiver has also given him a streak of arrogance that makes it difficult for him to make friends, especially with tuners.
  • Skills: Excellent in Academics, especially math and science. He has studied many foreign languages and, although he doesn’t speak them fluently, he could ask for directions just about anywhere in the civilized world.
  • Brief Backstory: The son of a wealthy family, Ryuuto was lauded as long as he could remember for being made a receiver. His parents instilled into him a strict sense of academic discipline, and he came to expect the same from all those he associated with. His expectations were seldom met, and he effectively became the “loner” in primary school. This, compounded with elevated social and genetic status, instilled in him a sense of superiority, even over tuners. He was a valuable resource and should not be squandered on people senselessly; one day he would select the best tuner for himself to fulfill his role.
  • Tuner: Kenzaki Kazuko

  • Name: Keiji Kojuro
  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Male
  • Appearance:
  • Personality: Carefree and outgoing, Keiji is not afraid to say what he thinks. This gives him a very polarizing personality, as he’ll either tell you how much he likes you or how much he doesn’t. He doesn’t take his schoolwork or his role as a tuner very seriously, but he puts in just enough effort to get by. He ultimately has a kind heart, though, and will help just about anyone who asks; he never stands for bullying.
  • Type: Weapon
  • Weapon: Essence of combustion. Keiji can use the energy from a receiver to generate a malleable red plasma. He can mold it as he wishes, stick it to anything upon contact, and detonate it with a snap of his fingers. The strength of the explosion scales with his bond with the receiver, but he can lessen the explosion if he wishes.
  • Skills: Ran in track for a year, but quit because he didn’t like the school club atmosphere. He is a very fast runner and has great stamina. He has no formal combat training, but has been in his fair share of fights. His grades are about average.
  • Brief Backstory: “Aspirations” was a word that Keiji looked up in the dictionary one day, forgot the definition of, looked it up again, and then decided that he didn’t have any. He knew he didn’t want to live the corporate life of his father. Even when he found out that he was a tuner, he wasn’t thrilled with the idea of being a tool of the military. Meh, he’d worry about all that stuff later. For now, he’d just go for a run.
  • Receiver: Oshiro Momo
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ichypa


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Name: Sean McAster
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: "Is this really worth getting worked up over?" Often looks deeply offended when people try to make their problems his problems.
Personality: Incredibly laid back and relaxed for the most part; he can be serious when needed and can even get intense when the moment calls for him to be, but he rarely considers events to be worthy of such spontaneous motivation, regardless of what his parents think. Is a follower, not a leader, but he doesn't hesitate to give advice. He is patient and understanding of others, and slow to take offense.
Skills: Sean is a handyman, househusband, and gopher rolled into a bachelor shaped package.
Brief Backstory: Sean is an artificial Reciever, whom his parents pinned their hopes on. He is grateful for the good life they given him, and wants to make them proud...but has little incentive to strive for more than that. He never really saw himself as have a choice about what he wanted to do in life, but has long since come to terms with this. His goal in life is to find a nice, relaxed Tuner he can get along with and has an idea of what they want out of life, amble along after them while living a life of minimum stress and die.
Tuner: None as of yet.


Name: Akeya Kagura
Age: 16
Appearance: "Hello. Its a beautiful day, isn't it?" (Pretend the dragon isn't there.)
Personality: Kagura is very kind, friendly, and polite, right up until someone starts something. Then shit gets real. This tends to end with people becoming broken, battered shells of human beings. Switches between calm serenity and life-threatening aggression at will, showing the self-discipline to make her wrath a tool instead of a flaw. She tends to fuss over people unnecessarily.
Type: Ability Type
Ability: Photonic Physical Enhancement. Kagura absorbs light energy from her surrounding, except for the red, yellow, and orange parts of the spectrum, giving the area around her an autumn-like glaze. She uses this energy to fuel feats of explosive physical power: super strength, super speed, tanking tanks, regeneration, stuff like that. At first, she can only power two such areas at a time (usually durability + something, so she doesn't kill herself)
Skills: Cooking, cleaning, financial planning, tea ceremony, flower arrangement, industrial demolition, tailoring, child care, and a decade of experience at Muay Thai.
Brief Backstory: Is the oldest of eight siblings, with three sisters and four brothers. Her mother is also a Tuner, while her uncle, who married Kagura's mother's younger sister, is her Receiver. Kagura has dreamed of forming a similarly strong and lasting bond during her time at Akiyama-Kreuz Academy.
Receiver: None as of yet
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Name: Mari Kougami
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: What's with this atmosphere...?
She's a modest 5'6" high, if a comparison's needed.
Personality: Mostly indifferent to the world and it's machinations, Mari has time and time again gone out of her way to avoid anything that she might consider a hassle; everything from relationships to arguments to socializing is a no-go on her list. However, by that same train of thought, she's become good at reading the mood and knowing when to try and slip out. Well, among normal people, at least. Otherwise, she's relatively antisocial by most standards and doesn't interact with people unless necessary. She's not lazy, despite her demeanor might lead a person to assume; no, rather, she's a person who prioritizes the most spectacular results in the most efficient manner possible above all else. No cutting corners, no slacking off, no nothing.
Skills: Mari works well as a strategist, able to refine most details of a situation into a victory... Well, barring any unforeseen circumstances. She can also get a feel for whatever is happening around her at a given time and use that information to her advantage... Which usually means slipping away as quietly as possible. Other than being an analyst, she's also pretty good at strategy games of all sorts. Video games included.
Brief Backstory: With her father being a banker and her mother working overseas at a law firm, Mari's life has been one of both solitude and of self-reliance. Money was by no means scarce, of course, but with her habits the way they were, there was never any need to actively buy anything superficial. She craved something interesting, though; whatever would stir up creativity, problem-solving, and so on and so forth; video games were entertaining for a while, but it often felt like those never put up enough of a challenge; no, in fact, the more she spent on them, the easier they felt. Regular board games, crossword puzzles, and so on and so forth... Nothing. Being marked as a Receiver, though, was nowhere near what she had been prepared for. Now, a life spent avoiding people had to transition into a life spent perpetually around someone... Probably just to exist and enable them.
Well, maybe there would be something interesting waiting for her there instead.
Tuner: N/A

Name: James Zhen
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: At a decent 5'9" tall, James is... Well, pretty average in terms of appearance. His black hair, seldom done up or anything of the sort, usually makes him look like he just woke up from a nap; his tendency to look uninterested in topics only makes the stereotype even worse (even though that isn't always the case). Often times, he'll be seen wearing a grey t-shirt and jeans, and maybe a black jackets if he decides the weather to be cold enough to warrant it. His body is a tad on the leaner side, with not much muscle nor fat to speak of.
Personality: Unlike what most people would expect, James is a very outspoken person, often directly clashing with people who he doesn't quite agree with. With that in mind, though, he's perfectly fine with a debate as compared to a shouting contest, and is willing to cede points that have been proven to counter his claims. Hardworking and intelligent (a byproduct of his parents' teaching methods), James much prefers espionage and intelligence over 'honor' and 'strength' and other such outdated ideals. A modern era necessitates a modern mindset, after all.
Type: Weapon
Abilities: N/A
Weapon: Three, actually. James is able to swap between a sniper rifle, a set of dual pistols (two of these), and a desert eagle, all of which are essentially pulled from the Aether. The bullets themselves can be given different effects, such as increased penetration, homing, or paralysis, but their strength and variety is limited only by the Synch Ratio and his imagination. Bullet effects can't be stacked unless he's really in tune with his Receiver, though.
Skills: James' reaction speed is... Impressive, to say the least. While he may not have any particular physical strength, his agility and on-the-fly decisionmaking skills are what really help him avoid getting hit. As a byproduct, he's also really good at sightreading music scores. Oh, and he plays the violin. That's something.
Brief Backstory: Born and raised by a pair of Chinese immigrants to America, James had the usual set of things piled onto him: mandatory good grades, the ability to play an instrument, and so on and so forth. He made it work, though; managing to relax with his friends while getting through school was a miracle in and of itself. By some twist of fate, though, he ended up testing positive for Tuner abilities. To the jealousy of his friends, James ended up being shipped off to the Academy (thank you, government funding). The shift was strange, yes, but so long as he could deal with the whole 'raising parents' thing with this he didn't have any complaints. Standard East Asian lifestyle and all that.
Receiver: N/A
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Alexis "Lexi" Thorburn
Age: 15
Gender: Female

Personality: One can only describe this girl as "happy." Lexi is almost always smiling and is almost always prepared to make everyone else smile too. Her cheeriness and optimism is as natural to her as breathing, making it quite difficult to enrage or sadden her. While it seems to take no effort for her to stay in a bright mood regardless of circumstance, Lexi actually does make an effort to please those around her. She can't stand a dark or gloomy atmosphere and will actively try to change it. Sometimes this makes her a bit insensitive, but even then she is quick to try and correct her mistakes. If optimism could be considered her weapon then her cheeriness would be her shield. She is still quick to rely on others, as she isn't the smartest or the most physically-able. Her presence is made usually through volume and tempo rather than action and popularity. Her energy may be off-putting to some, but that won't ever stop her.
Skills: Lexi finds herself to be a comedian, having no shortage of jokes and puns, both good and bad. Perhaps it could be her cheery nature, but she is never one to shy away from any kind of artistic expression regardless of any lack of skill she may have in it. A terrible artist and musician, but that won't stop her from trying. Something she is actually good at is her innate ability to lighten the mood of any atmosphere. No room can stay gloomy with Lexi nearby.
Brief Backstory: Lexi wasn't told of her status as a Receiver until she was ten years old, which ended up proving to be a difficult thing to explain to the girl. But once she got her head around Aether and the world she was about to dive in she felt excited and was thus quite interested in learning how exactly to become a good Receiver. While born and raised in the United States she was eager to adapt to Japanese culture when her family sent her away to Akiyama-Kruez Academy. While many of the locals found her fondness for their nature to be borderline offensive, it was always dismissed as genuine naivety and excitement. Even now, as she has officially enrolled in Akiyama-Kruez, Lexi is yet to waver in her youthful and energetic ways.
Tuner: -TBD- New Student

Name: Shun Hamasaki
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Personality: Rude, arrogant, and abrasive are a few words to describe Shun. He much prefers to be alone and usually keeps to himself when he doesn't have to interact with anyone. While he isn't particularly vocal he is still plenty hostile to anyone that tries to breach his solitude, even if they are his superiors or even his Receiver. His quiet but mean attitude makes him hard to get along with, though he can easily be tolerated by just leaving him alone. Unless someone wants to be snapped at, or worse, then it would be best to not get on Shun's nerves by pestering him with anything unimportant. Some may speculate that his cold exterior hides a warm heart, but he is yet to show any signs of any kind of kindness. If he is not obligated to someone then he won't be nice to them.
Type: Weapon
Weapon: Hand Cannon - Shun's capability as a Tuner stands on a fine line between Weapon types and Ability types. After amassing Aether over time he can discharge all of it in a large blast of pure power by pointing his hand in the shape of a gun and firing from his fingertip. The amount of Aether required for just one shot is nothing to joke about, considering the massive firepower it provides. As such it is an attack that cannot be used constantly. The only way for Shun to fire consecutive shots would be to charge enough Aether for multiple shots beforehand, which would mean he would have to go significantly longer without firing to achieve the charge. The rate at which he charges is entirely dependent on his Synch Ratio with his receiver. An awe-inspiring and powerful attack that can only be used infrequently.
Skills: Despite having good marks in his academics, something that many find surprising considering his disposition, his most notable skill is in fighting. Even with an abysmal Synch Ratio he is capable of displaying strength beyond expectations, and even without any Aether his physical capability and martial form is nothing to shake a stick at. Outside of school and combat, however, he has only one hobby that can be classified as a skill: poetry. Though most of it is made out of anger and thrown away quickly, eliminating most evidence of his hobby, it is still one of the few things he does when he has free time.
Brief Backstory: Shun Hamasaki was discovered to be a Tuner from a very early age, due to his father Hirohito Hamasaki being a Tuner himself. He was raised to fulfill his role as such, being trained to fight and resonate with Aether. The training was strict and threatened to consume his childhood and social life, something that Shun fought against. There was constant tension between him and his father, and by the time he was sent to Akiyama-Kruez Academy their relationship was almost at the boiling point. The result was a teenage Shun entering a school against his will. It was discovered quickly that he had great strength and combat potential, but it was also discovered quickly that Shun could never have a good Synch Ratio with any of the other students. This not only affected combat but social lives, as often the Receivers he was paired up with would complain and inevitably be paired with someone else. The constant change of partner never really helped Shun, but he has never complained about it either. He had become notoriously difficult to work with, despite his potential, and has shown no signs of remorse or willingness to change. Whether that is to spite his father or the academy is yet to be seen.
Receiver: -TBD-
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Suniyama Sakie- Receiver

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: "H-hello..."

Personality: A shy girl with a tendency to be a tad clumsy when not engaged in anything related to self defense. Sakie seems to be one of those people who gives off the impression of a rabbit and will often freeze when put on the spot light. She tends to like to be on the quieter side and enjoys ordinary things a girl her age likes such as cute fluffy animals and cooking, though her other tastes might be a bit more unsettling considering she is a massive martial arts and weapons enthusiast.

Skills: She is versed in several forms of Chinese martial arts, particularly Piguaquan and Baguazhang as well as quite handy with the short spear and staff. She is also very good at wilderness survival and can easily survive if stuck in places without human habitation long enough for rescue to find her. Other than that, Sakie is an excellent cook that specializes in Chinese cuisine.

Brief Backstory: Sakie is a girl with a pretty unorthodox childhood considering she was made to vigilantly practice martial arts and harsh personal tempering while she was young as opposed to being able to run about and be carefree like most children her age. As a result of this, the girl has becomes somewhat socially awkward and withdrawn due to a combination of factors such as not being interested in regular teenage things and being somewhat eccentric despite her wishes to fit in. Her finding out she was a Receiver was met with a mixed reaction considering now she would be able to hang out in a place where her particular background might be considered useful, but at the same time not having the power to directly confront the enemy due to being in a support role as a Receiver.

Tuner: No One As of Yet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

  • Name: Kudou Chie
  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "Hey there, wanna share some pocky?" Chie is on the short side of average height for a Japanese girl of her age.
  • Personality: Chie is a very laid-back and relaxed person. She's difficult to anger or annoy, and really all she wants to do is spend time with friends and play her music. Chie loves music, so much so that she joined Akiyama-Kreuz's light music club as soon as she learned that one existed. Chie is very friendly, and loves to meet new people and talk with them. She's such a smooth and even-tempered girl that it's difficult to imagine her getting angry for any reason. She is also very fond of sweet things, and is nearly always carrying some kind of snack on her, which she's very eager to share. To say Kudou Chris eats a lot of snacks would be something of an understatement. In spite of her very laid-back and cool attitude, Chie is not impossible to anger. It takes quite a bit, but deriding her family or friends is a good way to get her angry.
  • Skills: Chie is fond of baking, which she is quite good at, and she can also play the electric guitar quite well. She likes playing slow, relaxed songs, or basically the polar opposite with bombastic alternative rock anthems. She is also a decent singer. Chie is, rather surprisingly, capable at streetfighting, though mostly in avoiding blows and hitting tender areas by surprise.
  • Brief Backstory: Chie was born into family who had only recently gained enough money to get by due to their volunteering for the Receiver Creation Program. While this was of great benefit for them, some children felt it was cause to bully Chie. As she grew up, she became something of a delinquent, spending late nights out and shirking her duties as a student during Junior High. She even got in fights. But, during her last year in Junior High, something changed. Someone intervened, a girl who never told Chie her name. They had a long talk, and spent an entire day together. Afterwards, Chie got into music, changed her ways, and adopted a more relaxed and friendly attitude, bringing it with her to Akiyama-Kreuz.
  • Tuner: Needs Pairing
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SeaFoamDaisies
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SeaFoamDaisies what

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Name: Adrian Floris
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Personality: Adrian is calm and easygoing-almost to a fault. Things that should normally raise concern don't bother him and he will let practically anything slide. He lacks tact and will often articulate his thoughts out loud, even when he really shouldn't be doing so. He is quite amiable and doesn't get offended easily. Adrian is extremely work-shy and being around focused/determined individuals tires him out. He's a chronic procrastinator and never finishes a day's work if he knows there's time for it tomorrow.Adrian can be rather sly at times as well. He also hates jump-scares and isn't really a big fan of horror movies.

Skills: Adrian is pretty athletic and is able to perform quite well in a vast range of fields requiring athletic abiltity. He is good at most ball sports since he commits himself more to these than his other hobbies.He is also pretty decent at archery; and would be better at it if he gave it more time.

Brief Backstory: Adrian has been an orphan for as long as he can remember. The earliest of his memories are of his grandfather, with whom he lived for quite some time before coming to the academy -as suggested by his grandfather. The academy is more or less nothing more than a distraction for Adrian, though. He is, however, thankful for not being a tuner nor having the same burdens as them.
Tuner: waiting to be paired
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

  • Name: Oshiro Momo
  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Female
  • Personality: Odd, to say the least. She's smart, as her grades bear out, but at no point does she ever act like it. She's absent-minded and most of her hobbies seem to consist of finding out about urban legends and then trying to confirm them... though it's not clear if she's fooled or just wants to check. Unfortunately, she's also rather enthusiastic about all this most of the time, including narrating what she's actually doing.
  • Skills: Momo's sole marketable skill seems to be 'does well on tests despite sleeping through class and always doing assignments at the last minute'. She also, as it turns out, is surprisingly good at baseball for such an absent-minded student... when she remembers to actually run after hitting the ball and goes the right way. She's better when fielding, provided that there's an absence of distractions.
  • Brief Backstory: Aside from her parents engaging in the Receiver Creation Program, there's nothing much of note about her history--save that her hair always does that, and she claims that it's because they're antennae. The program probably has nothing to do with her attitude, though.
  • Tuner: TBD

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 2 mos ago


Jaylen le Ganga




Jaylen is analytic, calm at all times, and incredibly observant in any and all situations. He tends to be the level headed one in a group, the one who wants to formulate a plan before jumping into any situation. Jaylen is highly intelligent and can understand and assess situations from minimal information, even on the fly. He is also perceptive, able to sense the emotions of people around him by subtle bodily hints that he can pick up on, but keeps most of his observations to himself. He also does not portray any undermining traits such as pride and overconfidence, instead showing caution at all times.


Vibration Emission
Yuri has the ability to generate shock-waves that can push targets over, repulsed them away, shatter objects, even cause very minor earthquakes by shaking the ground, this all depends of the frequency on which he sets the vibration on. Unfortunately, this ability does have its drawbacks. Vibrations need a medium to travel thru in order to even be used, without gas, liquid or solid matter, this ability cannot be used. This ability can also hurt him, is he were to attempt to shatter a blade, the frequency needed to shatter that blade can destroy his own ear drums, and do more internal damage.

-Adept cook
-Basic fighting ability

Brief Backstory:
Jaylen was born in in Japan to England natives. His parents moved to the country due to a job offer that his father was able to acquire. Most of his childhood was spent in Japan, he grew up speaking Japanese, but was also able to speak English. His parents were hard working and strict, pushing him to do more, join more clubs, get better grades. Jalyen hated this life, hated being kept under the thumb of his parents. They wanted thier son to be the best of the best, going from private school to private school. Jaylen looked for many ways put an end to this. He tried convincing them to send him to boarding school, but that never worked. Jaylen's final attempt was to try and take the Tuner test, those who had the high social status that his parent wanted for their child. To his surprise, Jaylen passed and his parents gladly enrolled him into Akiyama-Kruez Academy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

  • Name: Akiya Nobuhiko
  • Age: 16
  • Gender: Male
  • Appearance: "Being the sidekick is fine, I guess." He has blackish-blue hair, brown eyes, and light skin.
  • Personality: Unrelenting courage-bordering-recklessness matched by equal stubbornness, combined with an intense drive towards doing the right thing and seeing justice done. In essence, a very troublesome person who cannot abide by those who are willing to just stand by and do nothing. Unsurprisingly, he's a very outgoing person who is more than willing to assist someone in need, and about as much of a dork as his dream would make you think, being prone to cheesy jokes and having the occasional glimpse of his not-so-underlying chuunibyou shine through. But above all, he is someone who could never dream of doing anything half-heartedly. Though able to completely ignore peoples' insults with ease and capable of remaining positive under pressure, he can't stand personal failure or having something bad be the result of his actions. Likely, this is a function of his inability to give less than his very best, and knowing that his very best wasn't enough. Still, he considers himself to be an optimist overall, but that's not exactly right. He's more like the kind of person who keeps everything together in front of others, but then screams into their pillow when they're alone.
  • Skills: Nobuhiko's most notable skills are his ability to administer first-aid, do household chores, cook good food while relying on a particularly barren budget, fix broken machinery, and, most peculiarly, the skill to tie all sorts of knots. Additionally, he possesses an overall high-level of athletic aptitude, but no combat training other than fighting off playground bullies. However, his greatest assets have to be his absurdly high pain tolerance, and his eye for detail, which he usually uses to incite people to action. A first-class motivator, in other words (Or maybe it would be better to call him a first-class heckler?)
  • Brief Backstory: Nobuhiko is a person who wanted to be a super cool hero ever since he was a little kid. With a tuner uncle feeding him war stories and a childhood watching news stories and shounen anime on the television, the idea of fighting evil creatures and saving the world ingrained itself deep in his psyche. Though he was not very exceptional academically-speaking, he would often go out of his way to volunteer his services to those who needed them and ended up gaining a reputation among his town as a very helpful child. When he'd learned that he would be attending Akiyama-Kreuz Academy, he was ecstatic. He'd finally get his opportunity, he'd finally be able to be a real hero...! And that's when his parents dropped the bomb that he was a Receiver. Evidently they'd been sitting on this fact for quite awhile, but were never willing to break their son's unbridled spirit that, as an Artificial Receiver, he would be delegated to the battery role, with that image of front-line heroism forever lost.
  • Tuner: ...And so, the search begins
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Urbanliner

Urbanliner A Certain Magical Lazy Student

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Tatebayashi Eri

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: "o." She is about 5'6" (167cm). (Japanese site) Her hair is now blonde-white.

Personality: Eri is the quiet one on the outside, barely talking in situations that don't require her to talk. She sometimes uses butchered greetings when she is around anyone she doesn't know much, seemingly trying to reject them. However, once one manages to get her to truly chat with them, she starts being less cold and somewhat more social, with increased frequency of unnecessary talking and reduced usage of butchered words, just to the people who she actually knows.

Skills: Eri has learned Kendo in order to efficiently fight bullies with sticks, with basic first aid knowledge to assist recovering from injuries sustained from a conflict. She is also capable of a high-level acting, usually used to be a quiet person.

Brief Backstory: Eri was born with her twin, named Keiko. She was raised by parents happy to help her, especially her father who actively taught her acting. However, when she was in a junior high school, the parents ended up divorcing after few days of heated arguments about cheating, with the mother taking Eri and the father taking Keiko. The event still remains in her heart, with the fact she ended up being bullied from the divorce only helping her create a cold persona to refuse contact from others while intimidating potential bullies with a stick.

Tuner: She's gonna have a bad time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TrixyTrix
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TrixyTrix -Back After Several Years-

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Kazuko Kenzaki
Age: 15
Gender: Female

She stands at 5'1.
Personality: Kazuko is a girl who is confident, full of energy and always seeking to improve herself. She dislikes wasting her time on activities she deemed as useless and rather spend her time training and learning in areas she still lack in. She comes off as rude and self-centred as she avoids interact with others unless necessary. However, she can be kind, helpful and generous if it benefits her. Moreover, Kazuko can be quite aggressive and stubborn when she wants something. She hates losing to people she perceives as a slacker though she respects those who actually work hard.
If one is persistent enough and keeps on trying to approach her, it would reveal she is a whole lot nicer deep down if she opens up.
When she gets a receiver, Kazuko would treat the individual kindly and would sincerely care for the person’s welfare despite saying otherwise. Though she would pretend to treat the person poorly in public but there are times she break character.

Type: Ability
Abilities: Energy Beam Projection. Kazuko can release energy beam attacks from her hands as well as make an energy barrier to shield herself. She also is able to use to fly and stay air-born.
She is capable of infusing her energy powers to a weapon to modify it such as turning a sword into an energy sword for enhanced sharpness and durability or adding energy claws to the end of a glove.
When her bond with her receiver reaches a certain high point, Kazuko would be able to materialize energy wings on her back.
The drawback to her power is that prolonged usage may result in her hands getting burnt or she would end up getting a fever and collapse if she used her power too much over a short time.

Skills: Due to her fixation on killing Statics, she is very athletic and is straight-A student due to studying and training most of the time. She has a talent for writing but does not tell anybody since it had been so long since she wrote anything.

Brief Backstory: A girl who has love to write and aspires to be a writer of romance thriller stories. Kazuko lived with her parents and pretty much has a seemingly normal life. That ended when her parents were killed when she was 10 and she heard the Statics were involved. Losing the two people she cherished so much, Kazuko was determined to become a strong Tuner to exterminate the Statics.
Receiver: New Student
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nico Lytle




She has light blond hair and where's thick round glasses. She normally has her hair braided in a long tail and is almost always found in her lab coat, with her clip board. Though 34 she doesn't look a day past 21 though she does flip into a panic when she occasionally finds a gray hair.

Research Staff, Masters Degree in Biology, specializes in human genetics.

kind hearted and is very respectful when not working. She tries to be as honest as possible and is very direct and gets straight to the point, rarely sugar coats the truth. When she's in the lab she seems to be a completely different person. She's strict and hates people lounging around, and is quite selfish. She does whatever it takes to get the job done, to her fullest extent. She would lie and withhold information if it would bald or slow work on there research. In either mood, she tends to have a soft spot for children.

Abilities or Weapons:
Carries pepper spray, and knows weak points in the human body.

Extremely smart, especially in the scientific field. Knows some martial art, but nothing fancy. Knows basic knowledge of a gun and how to fire it.

Brief Backstory:
Nico was raised at a ranch way back in a rural area where there wasn't a city for miles. She live a nice peaceful life and was somewhat like what people would call a redneck. She learned how to hunt with a rifle, with her father and her mother schooled her. When she was about 16 her parents decided it was best to sell the farm and move to the city. Although resistant to the idea at the time she quickly adjusted and made plenty of friends at her new school. She especially enjoyed biology, which was taught by a former professor at the nearby college. She'd usually stay back in class and asked him all sorts of questions about biology and science in general. Her passion for it grew and grew till where she is now.

Receiver Or Tuner:
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