I don't really know what to do at this point. I really want to be on this RP, but at the same time, after seeing two days at my job and not having any free time, IDK if I can stick around. This job started so quickly, I didn't even know it was coming until I had it.
Working 7-5:30 most days (I'm lucky if I get off at 3:30, like I did today), with at least an hour drive on either side of that. By the time I'm getting home it's supper time, then I get my shower and maybe have a bit of free time before I crash and have to repeat. And the bad thing about this is I'm working 5-6 days a week. My only guaranteed day off each week is Sunday. Pros: A crapton of overtime pay. Cons: Almost no free time.
My RPing days may be over. And I HATE saying that.