Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Digizel
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Digizel The Knight of Bui / Challenge me if you dare! >3

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Awesome, I guess I'll see if I can't fill the gap. xD

I just have a quick question. This crew is definitely lacking a Zoan-type user. Would you mind if I used a Mythical Zoan? I mean...as long as I don't have it be OP like Marco the Phoenix's ability? xD The fruit I have in mind just has the potential to be powerful, but its strength grows with the user in a way. I want to make it a unique kind of Mythical type.

I've got what I think is an interesting story to go with it and such that explains how he got such a rare fruit.

If you'd rather I use something else (since I saw what you said about Chrono's idea), I've got quite a few other ideas. Just none quite as fleshed out as that one as they're still in the creation process.

If you want to hear the backstory first, I can do that too~

(It's also probably worth noting that there has been a non-canon Mythical Zoan type that was not OP. The Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-danuki, which was a tanuki. But mine would probably be more questionable than that one)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 8 days ago

Awesome, I guess I'll see if I can't fill the gap. xD

I just have a quick question. This crew is definitely lacking a Zoan-type user. Would you mind if I used a Mythical Zoan? I mean...as long as I don't have it be OP like Marco the Phoenix's ability? xD The fruit I have in mind just has the potential to be powerful, but its strength grows with the user in a way. I want to make it a unique kind of Mythical type.

I've got what I think is an interesting story to go with it and such that explains how he got such a rare fruit.

If you'd rather I use something else (since I saw what you said about Chrono's idea), I've got quite a few other ideas. Just none quite as fleshed out as that one as they're still in the creation process.

If you want to hear the backstory first, I can do that too~

(It's also probably worth noting that there has been a non-canon Mythical Zoan type that was not OP. The Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Bake-danuki, which was a tanuki. But mine would probably be more questionable than that one)

I'm gunna have to say no to the mythical zoan type, but it's Jenso's call. Unless you can provide some AMAZING BACKSTORY or something, I definitely won't be changing my mind about that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I can 'blank out' powers that she wont have access too yet if you want.

Name: Light

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Appearance(Can be filled in with a small paragraph of info, or a link/image.): Light is a 1.9 meter tall pure white Angelfish/Axolotl fishwoman with cartoonish looking features. Her head is a large spherical shape with no nose, very large black and orange eyes, sharp teeth, short blue hair, fin like ears, and a very very skinny neck. She has a noticeable hourglass shape to her with skinny biceps with large forearms and hands with sharp fingers. She wears a white dress with blue trim and a blue tanktop, the dress having an 'M' cut pattern in the front to reveal her legs, which look normal besides the bottom leg ending at a sharp point where her foot should've been.

Personality: Light is intelligent, fun loving, and laid back. She is more likely to try to make friends with people than she is to fight them, which makes her come off as lazy at times. This makes it fairly easy for her to be caught in traps as she isn't careful, fully aware of her powers. When she wants to fight, she will play with her opponent than fight them most of the time. If she is forced to fight though she will show some great competence and tactical thinking, but will still usually play with her opponents, and if she gets mad... "Your Gonna have a Bad Time."

Devil Fruit: ACME ACME Fruit

  • Cartoon Regeneration: Light can regenerate from nearly any injury, including psionic and supernatural injuries, although supernatural injuries take a variable amount of time to regenerate from. When Light regenerates, she 'pops' back to normal, or normal with bandages or other things showing where she was injured last. Light has individual control over limbs if she is dismembered. Light still feels pain from any injury she is hit by.
  • Cartoon Physics: Physics affect Light differently than normal, with both good and bad effects.
    • Light's body 'stretches' when she experiences moments of rapid acceleration.
    • If Light walks off a high point, such as a cliff, but is unaware that she is walking off of an edge, she will continue to walk on air as if it was ground. When she realizes she is no longer on solid ground, she will fall like normal.
    • While falling, Light can stop when approaching the ground to readjust where she will land, before continuing to fall at the rate she was falling before she stopped.
    • Injuries affect her differently than normal. For example, being caught up in an explosive causes her to appear ash covered before possibly breaking apart into a pile of ash, or being crushed causing her to become a pancake, ext...
    • Light can't bleed.
    • If Light is hit by a sharp object or a hot object on her backside, she'll be propelled away from the object, usually on fire if it was a hot object.
    • Weapons used by Light have different physics as well, but for the most part these new physics make the weapons worse overall. Bombs meanwhile only have a massive reduction in blast radius, but are still as powerful as ever.
    • Light has trouble dealing with being tied up, as for some reason her super strength does not work when she is bound. And if her hands are bound, she can't use Pocket Space or Portable Hole.
    • For some reason, her eyeballs are far, far more durable than the rest of her body.
    • Among other nuances I might have forgotten.
  • Super Strength: Light exhibits a variable amount of Super Strength. While its been shown she can pick up a house without any encumbrance, the exact limits of her strength aren't known. It has been shown though that if she is picking up an extremely heavy object and is reminded of how heavy said object actually is, or is enlightened to how heavy it actually is, she'll drop it. This effect carries over to enchanted weapons as well, IE, she can pick up objects that others normally can't if she is unaware that she is allowed to pick them up, and the object will affect her like normal when this is pointed out and shown.
  • Pocket Space: Light can pull objects out of a space inside her dress called Pocket Space. These objects are random in nature, although very obscure context sensitive items are likely. Weapons are rare. Light can only pull a few objects every couple of minutes. The cooldown on this ability is reduced if Light picks up the items she pulled out and puts them back. Light can also store 'real' objects in this pocket space equal to twice her mass at the time of storing, and objects can't exceed more than 4x her mass in total while stored in this space, although if she grows and thus has more mass and stores objects, then shrinks, she can go over her 4x mass cap.
  • Portable Hole: Light can pull a malleable black circle looking wormhole from her pocket space. Upon placing and jumping into it, Light will pop out of a newly created hole that was in her line of sight. Light can place the holes anywhere, but the exit hole has to be on a solid surface or there will be a delay before Light exits it, giving the opponent a good amount of time to react. Only Light can go through these holes.
  • Reality Shift: Light's toon powers do not agree with the confines of normal reality, thus whatever she touches is unable to generate energy and begins to lose its 'reality' over time. After awhile they'll become a cartoon themselves, and further beyond that, they will disappear from reality altogether. (Takes weeks for the reality disappearance.) When she lets go of an object, the object will regain its reality at an exceptional rate. Light can only affect things twice to equal of her mass in a reasonable timeframe, and non living objects 'convert' much faster than living ones. This power is always on and Light can't control its intensity.

"You're Gonna Have a Bad Time.": Light actively warns people using this line if they start to really make her mad, with accompanying ominous toon physics. Continuing to make her even more mad means that Light will eventually start to fight with extreme levels of tactical thinking and fighting prowess, while not being above using cheap or unfair tactics and will actively attempt to use such tactics if they are the most effective on hand, with very little goofing off. This way of fighting often quickly leads to the death of her opponent. You can tell when she is giving someone a bad time, as she will put on sunglasses beforehand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I will only have Asus start to get into the 1000's of hornets by the time haki gets introduced, since he can reuse any living hornets for multiple attacks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 8 days ago

I can 'blank out' powers that she wont have access too yet if you want.

Name: Light

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Appearance(Can be filled in with a small paragraph of info, or a link/image.): Light is a 1.9 meter tall pure white Angelfish/Axolotl fishwoman with cartoonish looking features. Her head is a large spherical shape with no nose, very large black and orange eyes, sharp teeth, short blue hair, fin like ears, and a very very skinny neck. She has a noticeable hourglass shape to her with skinny biceps with large forearms and hands with spiked fingers. She wears a white dress with blue trim and a blue tanktop, the dress having an 'M' cut pattern in the front to reveal her legs, which look normal besides the bottom leg ending at a sharp point where her foot should've been.

Personality: Light is intelligent, fun loving, and laid back. She is more likely to try to make friends with people than she is to fight them, which makes her come off as lazy at times. This makes it fairly easy for her to be caught in traps as she isn't careful, fully aware of her powers. When she wants to fight, she will play with her opponent than fight them most of the time. If she is forced to fight though she will show some great competence and tactical thinking, but will still usually play with her opponents, and if she gets mad... "Your Gonna have a Bad Time."

Devil Fruit: ACME ACME Fruit


  • Cartoon Regeneration: Light can regenerate from nearly any injury, including psionic and supernatural injuries, although supernatural injuries take a variable amount of time to regenerate from. When Light regenerates, she 'pops' back to normal, or normal with bandages or other things showing where she was injured last. Light has individual control over limbs if she is dismembered. Light still feels pain from any injury she is hit by.
  • Cartoon Physics: Physics affect Light differently than normal, with both good and bad effects.

    • Light's body 'stretches' when she experiences moments of rapid acceleration.
    • If Light walks off a high point, such as a cliff, but is unaware that she is walking off of an edge, she will continue to walk on air as if it was ground. When she realizes she is no longer on solid ground, she will fall like normal.
    • While falling, Light can stop when approaching the ground to readjust where she will land, before continuing to fall at the rate she was falling before she stopped.
    • Injuries affect her differently than normal. For example, being caught up in an explosive causes her to appear ash covered before possibly breaking apart into a pile of ash, or being crushed causing her to become a pancake, ext...
    • Light can't bleed.
    • If Light is hit by a sharp object or a hot object on her backside, she'll be propelled away from the object, usually on fire if it was a hot object.
    • Weapons used by Light have different physics as well, but for the most part these new physics make the weapons worse overall. Bombs meanwhile only have a massive reduction in blast radius, but are still as powerful as ever.
    • Light has trouble dealing with being tied up, as for some reason her super strength does not work when she is bound. And if her hands are bound, she can't use Pocket Space or Portable Hole.
    • For some reason, her eyeballs are far, far more durable than the rest of her body.
    • Among other nuances I might have forgotten.
  • Super Strength: Light exhibits a variable amount of Super Strength. While its been shown she can pick up a house without any encumbrance, the exact limits of her strength aren't known. It has been shown though that if she is picking up an extremely heavy object and is reminded of how heavy said object actually is, or is enlightened to how heavy it actually is, she'll drop it. This effect carries over to enchanted weapons as well, IE, she can pick up objects that others normally can't if she is unaware that she is allowed to pick them up, and the object will affect her like normal when this is pointed out and shown.
  • Pocket Space: Light can pull objects out of a space inside her dress called Pocket Space. These objects are random in nature, although very obscure context sensitive items are likely. Weapons are rare. Light can only pull a few objects every couple of minutes. The cooldown on this ability is reduced if Light picks up the items she pulled out and puts them back. Light can also store 'real' objects in this pocket space equal to twice her mass at the time of storing, and objects can't exceed more than 4x her mass in total while stored in this space, although if she grows and thus has more mass and stores objects, then shrinks, she can go over her 4x mass cap.
  • Portable Hole: Light can pull a malleable black circle looking wormhole from her pocket space. Upon placing and jumping into it, Light will pop out of a newly created hole that was in her line of sight or is an area that is incredibly safe that she can remember. Light can place the holes anywhere, but the exit hole has to be on a solid surface or there will be a delay before Light exits it, giving the opponent a good amount of time to react. Only Light can go through these holes.
  • Reality Shift: Light's toon powers do not agree with the confines of normal reality, thus whatever she touches is unable to generate energy and begins to lose its 'reality' over time. After awhile they'll become a cartoon themselves, and further beyond that, they will disappear from reality altogether. (Takes weeks for the reality disappearance.) When she lets go of an object, the object will regain its reality at an exceptional rate. Light can only affect things twice to equal of her mass in a reasonable timeframe, and non living objects 'convert' much faster than living ones. This power is always on and Light can't control its intensity.

"You're Gonna Have a Bad Time.": Light actively warns people using this line if they start to really make her mad, with accompanying ominous toon physics. Continuing to make her even more mad means that Light will eventually start to fight with extreme levels of tactical thinking and fighting prowess, while not being above using cheap or unfair tactics and will actively attempt to use such tactics if they are the most effective on hand, with very little goofing off. This way of fighting often quickly leads to the death of her opponent. You can tell when she is giving someone a bad time, as she will put on sunglasses beforehand.

-Cartoon regeneration sounds IN~SANE~LY broken. It's like a combination of instant regeneration, and Buggy's Bara Bara no Mi. I have a personal dislike of 'regeneration effects' in general, especially when they're PAIRED with other abilities. I'd say tone this down or remove it completely. I can't accept this combined with everything else.
-Portable Hole's
an area that is incredibly safe that she can remember
effect is unacceptable. I don't really like the ability to teleport at all, actually. Limit the range, or it's a no-go.

Otherwise I like it. It's unique and quirky.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Archmage MC>

-Cartoon regeneration sounds IN~SANE~LY broken. It's like a combination of instant regeneration, and Buggy's Bara Bara no Mi. I have a personal dislike of 'regeneration effects' in general, especially when they're PAIRED with other abilities. I'd say tone this down or remove it completely. I can't accept this combined with everything else.
-Portable Hole's <Snipped quote> effect is unacceptable. I don't really like the ability to teleport at all, actually. Limit the range, or it's a no-go.

Otherwise I like it. It's unique and quirky.

Your welcome to think of more weaknesses for her regen, because thats sorta gotta stay. Toons are notoriously very very difficult to put down for good, but are managable to incapacitate. Hence her "Can't do much when tied up" weakness.

I can change that to be sightlines then.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 8 days ago

<Snipped quote by tex>

Your welcome to think of more weaknesses for her regen, because thats sorta gotta stay. Toons are notoriously very very difficult to put down for good, but are managable to incapacitate. Hence her "Can't do much when tied up" weakness.

I can change that to be sightlines then.

Right, so this much would be obvious, but Haki should be able circumvent her healing entirely, cuz that's just how haki do. In terms of weakness overall? I'd ditch the 'being able to control severed limbs' bit, and make sure that the pain she receives is significant enough to handicap her if she DOES get hit. Then I could accept it.

Sightline teleports are fine too, since it's not instantaneous. After those changes, she's got my mark of approval.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Archmage MC>

Right, so this much would be obvious, but Haki should be able circumvent her healing entirely, cuz that's just how haki do. In terms of weakness overall? I'd ditch the 'being able to control severed limbs' bit, and make sure that the pain she receives is significant enough to handicap her if she DOES get hit. Then I could accept it.

Sightline teleports are fine too, since it's not instantaneous. After those changes, she's got my mark of approval.

Haki is a weird subject tbh. We haven't seen a fruit that actually regenerates things, so we don't know how it affects stuff like that. Sure it lets you pierce defense, but if the defense is already very low and instead its just rapid healing, what happens then?
Basically it would let you hit Superman really hard, but it wouldn't do much extra to Deadpool, if you want some analogy.

Can't really remove that bit either, since Cartoons do that pretty frequently. Course they also can't make said parts levitate so there is that. And of course. I mean, Tom gets hit by a bowling ball and hes out for a little bit.

I did say in the interest check that Toonforce can be seen as very very broken, but the GM said he was ok with it and thought it was actually very weak. xD
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 8 days ago

@Archmage MC
For regeneration fruit, there was marco's technically, and it was nullfied temporarily by seastone, but that's not quite the same as haki.f

For Haki? Well, we've confirmation that it ignore's luffy's rubberyness (which isn't armor, or a shield of any kind, mind you) and harms him regardless, while not even stretching him iirc. I guess it could be argued that haki directly harms the soul, or spirit, which makes a lot of sense, but even in this case, I doubt having your spirit cut in half would be uh... Lethal.

I'll let @Jensoman say his part. Seeing how toonforce doesn't have that many real offensive options, I don't think it'd be too much of an issue for of its abilities to be allowed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Archmage MC
For regeneration fruit, there was marco's technically, and it was nullfied temporarily by seastone, but that's not quite the same as haki.f

For Haki? Well, we've confirmation that it ignore's luffy's rubberyness (which isn't armor, or a shield of any kind, mind you) and harms him regardless, while not even stretching him iirc. I guess it could be argued that haki directly harms the soul, or spirit, which makes a lot of sense, but even in this case, I doubt having your spirit cut in half would be uh... Lethal.

I'll let [@Jenso] say his part. Seeing how toonforce doesn't have that many real offensive options, I don't think it'd be too much of an issue for of its abilities to be allowed.

True. And even then he just regenerated afterwords when he wasn't affected by it. Course his fruit also seemed to have built in pain killers. xD

Yeah, but Luffy's rubberyness is a 'defense' or a 'resistance' instead of 'hp regen' if that makes sense (And even then Luffy has been hurt by physical blunt trauma from non haki users, so its very... selective on what it works on). And its been stated that Haki basically lets you hit the 'true' body, as if they didn't have any defense or resistance when it comes to devil fruit users anyway, which can be interpolated 6 ways to sunday considering the creator himself doesn't really know what to do it with it other than. "You can hit Logias now."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Okay. I think my CS is ready to be checked. Sorry about the personality, for some reason that's always the hardest part for me to do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Digizel
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Digizel The Knight of Bui / Challenge me if you dare! >3

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@tex @Jensoman

Heh. Alright, well I'll go ahead and do that. And of course, feel free to refuse it if you don't think it's enough. I certainly won't take any offense since I understand where you're coming from~ But for now, I'll assume that you don't want that. xD So I'll start figuring out which other fruit to use.

For now, here's what I got:

In short, he would discover this crew not long after he leaves the cargo ship. He would know almost nothing about his fruit except its most basic use: transforming between human form, dragon form, and a dragon-man hybrid form. However, he also discovered that his wings are incapable of keeping him airborne...or there is a trick to it that he may never figure out without the help of a dragon. Even in full dragon form, he cannot fly, let alone carry anybody or anything. Perhaps he can learn in the future, but definitely not now.

Here's his CS if you deem this to be okay with you:

Would this work for you guys? If not, it's no big deal, I can find another character to use. But he's a Zoan-type and would work as the ship's doctor, which I feel might be very important to have. xD And he's the only character I have ready that would want to be one. Plus, his backstory would give him so much room for growth, experimentation, and a character arc if desired. So I figured I should run it by you guys anyway, in the hopes that it's good enough.

Also, I'll try to have references up for his dragon and hybrid forms if he's approval-worthy.

But again, if not, no worries. I'll just use it all for another time~ =3
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xan the G
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Xan the G

Member Seen 10 mos ago

I'm fairly open to make any kind of character needed if there are any spaces on the main crew, just let me know what you need and I'll see what I can rustle up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

While I may be too late at this point here is my CS anyway.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

That looks a lot better :P You've got my approval. If you get Tex's permission as well, you'll be good to go.

The main issue I have with this, is that Mythical Zoan type fruits are extremely rare. As you yourself stated, they're also OP compared to Marco's and Marco's ability had high speed regeneration- Until the seastone cuffs completely negated his powers.

The fact that he can't fly yet is fair, so no issue there. He may learn flight way later on, but I'm not sure about that one yet.

I'm assuming that he won't be capable to high speed heal his wounds like Marco's. If you make sure the fruit doesn't end up being overpowered compared to the rest of the crew, I'd consider allowing it, despite the specific devil fruit type being extremely rare.

Do keep in mind that this is before anyone has Haki capabilities. You'd be as strong as Luffy/Zoro/Sanji before time skip by default.

I'll discuss this with Tex later, I gotta go work now :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

So mine is accepted then?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Digizel
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Digizel The Knight of Bui / Challenge me if you dare! >3

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The main issue I have with this, is that Mythical Zoan type fruits are extremely rare. As you yourself stated, they're also OP compared to Marco's and Marco's ability had high speed regeneration- Until the seastone cuffs completely negated his powers.

The fact that he can't fly yet is fair, so no issue there. He may learn flight way later on, but I'm not sure about that one yet.

I'm assuming that he won't be capable to high speed heal his wounds like Marco's. If you make sure the fruit doesn't end up being overpowered compared to the rest of the crew, I'd consider allowing it, despite the specific devil fruit type being extremely rare.

Do keep in mind that this is before anyone has Haki capabilities. You'd be as strong as Luffy/Zoro/Sanji before time skip by default.

I'll discuss this with Tex later, I gotta go work now :P

Well, Marco used a Mythical Zoan-type fruit himself, the Phoenix Fruit. His power was super rejuvenation. He only healed fast because that was his Mythical Zoan power. I don't think any other Mythical Zoan types are supposed to be able to do that. They're just rarer than the other fruit types. I can guarantee you that Ryu won't have that level of ability...possibly ever. xD

It's also worth noting that just because it's a Mythical Zoan doesn't necessarily mean that it's strong. The Tanuki Fruit, for example, only allowed the user to turn leaves into various objects. It's just that they're based on mythical creatures rather than real ones.

But yeah, that's why I used the backstory I did, to explain how he was able to find such a rare type of fruit. He's a special case and wound up on the island of dragons where the dragon fruits were being kept. He didn't just find any old Devil's Fruit and eat it like most others...he had to go through quite an ordeal in order to end up with it.

And yeah, I'm definitely keeping that Haki thing in mind. And actually, I plan on Ryu being one of the weaker members of the crew...at least for a while. He doesn't particularly want to fight anything, and is more of a defender. Literally, the only things he can do with his fruit are the things I listed in that CS. He will undoubtedly develop more as it goes on and he is called to fight more often. Specifically the power of flight? I'm more than willing to leave that option in your hands. He won't really need it, really. But it'd be cool for him to get in the very distant future if the RP goes on long enough. xD

So yeah, for him, I'm going more for a Nico Robin or Brook kind of shtick. He can fight if he's needed, but he won't be quite as good at it as other members of the crew. This ties into his respect for life quite well.

(Plus, look at it this way: You would also have a reason to throw a villain out there that found and now possesses one of the other five dragon fruits. Eh?~ *nudge nudge* xP)

But yeah, again, if you guys decide it's still too rare for your blood, then I'll switch to another character. No biggie~ I've just been eager to try this guy in something for a while now. xD
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Walnutella
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Walnutella Grand Magus

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Name: Lenwood Heath

Age: 23

Gender: Male



Lenwood is a man whose been instilled with values. He is someone who believes strongly in being able to forge his own path by his own two hands, not by other people's hands. He's not opposed to fighting to protect his beliefs. Even if he looses. He's never set in his ways though he is constantly adapting to the world around him letting the way of the world help shape, define and re-define him. But his core beliefs never change. Fight for what you believe in, think with your head not your heart, if it's something that burns strongly within follow it. And help out those in need.

Lenwood's reaction to people is initially friendly, however if they prove that they are against him or act to hurt someone without any provocation then he grows to dislike them or maybe turn into hate. He is a charismatic person, he could persuade someone to do something for him but in a certain boundary. His ambitions lead him to a great path, the path shows the true side of him. He often respects his opponents in competition, humiliating them on competitions or fights isn't his style. If he wants respect from others including his opponents, he should give some too.

He has two major quirks to his personality, one being that be believes that the strongest beliefs always win. Regardless of the medium through which they are conveyed be it words or fists. The second quirk is a simple one. Living for yourself is the same as living for nothing. Live for others, don't only focus on yourself and you will unlock the true meaning of life.

Devil Fruit/ Weapon of expertise: Ito Ito no Mi. This fruit allows Lenwood to generate strings or threads from his body and able to manipulate it. The special thing about this, is the string, the string is sharp like a razor and also, possess enormous durability. The strings are attachable to most surfaces except things in liquid form. Lenwood is still affected by the standard Devil Fruit weaknesses as well as several other weaknesses such as it is incapable of cutting through seastone, liquid form, Haki, and the strings will disappear if Lenwood lose his consciousness.

  • Ito Ito no Two: Lenwood generates two strings from his finger, from his thumb and index finger. This is use to pull one enemy in case the enemy is fleeing or to drag someone by either targeting their limbs such as hands and legs or neck.
  • Ito Ito no Five: Stronger version of Ito Ito no Two. Offensive. Lenwood generates five strings from his fingers. These strings are used to slash his opponents. It is capable to cut metals and woods but not seastones.
  • Ito Ito no Wall: Defensive. All Lenwood's fingers generate strings, meaning a total of 10 strings. These strings are used for defensive methods against anything including heavy projectiles. However, still, it can't cut through seastones.
  • Ito Ito no Iron Leg: Lenwood creates a string from the heel of his foot and attaches the other end to his leg. Lenwood then attacks his opponent with his foot, inflicting severe cuts to the opponents. Obviously, opponents who attack with blunt forces such as fist won't be able to get through this string. Instead, their arms will suffer from severe cuts. Still, it isn't capable of cutting through seastones.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Looks like we're gonna be a crew with a looot of DF users, we gonna be in trouble against people who use Seastone weapons like Smoker.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Walnutella
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Walnutella Grand Magus

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Duthguy We just have to be smart lol but anyway, Seastone is limited, of course. And I'm pretty sure, not all of our members will be DF users.

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