@Jangel13 You can do more than what a Kyres can, but less than an Adjutant. Basically, you're like a Sergeant in the military. You have some power, but only over the lower ranks. Enforcers make up the brunt of the militant part of the Coven.
I'll summarize each rank as best I can.
Aspirant: You're an intern, basically. You do the very, very menial jobs that servants do.
Novice: This is an entry level position where you finally start learning the basics of the House, like who to respect, who to not approach, etc. This where you learn the general knowledge of being a Vampire, and you are required to go through the Academy. Novices are everyone's bitch.
Kyres: You've finally made it! You've learned the basics and now you can go under someone's wing, choosing to specialize in something if you so wish. For example, a Malkavian could specialize in bargaining, diplomacy, intimidation, and charm, but not necessarily limited to just that. They are also in charge of helping Aspirants and Novices.
Enforcer: You have made strides in the House and are now a vaguely familiar face, who has a good sense of their specialties. They assist in teaching the lower ranks how to defend themselves, and they make up the backbone of the House's militant force.
Adjutant: You are now part of the family, albeit treated as a distant cousin. They will probably know at least your first name by now. You are essentially a squire/assistant to a Guardian. This person is someone who you admire and furthers your training in your specialty.
Guardian: The higher ups have finally noticed you, and you are now welcomed wholeheartedly into the family. The Elder will treat you as a foster child, with love and dignity, but not as much as his true children, the Prelates. You are in charge of making sure nothing goes wrong. The lower ranks will come to you first and foremost for most issues. Not only are you in charge of training an Adjutant, you make sure Enforcers are doing their job correctly, the Kyres aren't doing anything beyond their level, the Novices aren't killing themselves, and that Aspirants aren't murdered or running off to other Houses. By far, this is the hardest and most stressful rank.
Prelate: Congratulations! You have endured hell, and the Elder now regards you as a true child of themselves! You are a direct adviser to the Elder and you know more about personal affairs in their life. You communicate with the Guardians and pass down direct orders. You have complete freedom, but you are in charge of supervising the whole shebang and directing major events and missions. However, you have more important things to do than talk to the lower ranks, so you must keep your Guardians in line. At times, you may make a special appearance to a notable Guardian and prepare them to ascend to Prelate.