Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Karos
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Karos The Erudite Englishman

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Atlas Academy

As you wake and get out of bed you look out of the window. The small porthole in the wall of the cabin you were assigned revealing mountainous terrain consisting of snow, rock and ice far below you.

As you continue to look around you see a few other airships moving around the sky and then you see it, looming out of the fog. A colossal fortress towering up from the tallest of the mountains crags and peaks, the grey stone is broken up by blue lighting and occasionally the red beam of a targeting laser.

'Attention attention' barks a gruff military voice over the ships tannoy system 'All first years are to report to the hanger deck for deployment. Repeat all first years are to report to the hanger deck immediately!'
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Brenin stretched his arms toward the ceiling as he stood straight with a yawn. Hoping they were getting close, he shambled his way towards the small window in the side of the airship. Ignoring the ground below and the now familiar shapes of other airships, he studied the fog in the distance. When Atlas Academy finally started to become clearer, a smile spread across the youth's face. It had been a long hard road that had taken him this far, and he only expected it to get worse. Despite that, he was excited. Who wouldn't be, finally moving on to the Academy's Senior section?

When the announcement came, Brenin finally pulled his eyes away from the window. The rest of the cabin was fairly simple, though comfortable enough he supposed. Wasting no time pulling on the long sleeved shirt he had abandoned during his nap, he moved towards the door. Shadow's Reach rested with his quiver and belt on the table. After securing his belt, he adjusted the pouches on it until they rested comfortably on his hip. The quiver he slung across his shoulder before clipping it to his belt via a metal clip on the back. Finally reaching for his weapon, he slid it into the quiver until the magnetized interior held it firmly.

Stepping up the the door at last, Brenin took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Convincing himself that he was ready, he pushed the door open and stepped outside. In the hall, several other students were already on their way to the hanger deck. Keeping apart from any small groups that formed, he followed the others to their destination. Others chatted around him, but he silently considered what his first few days were going to be like.
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