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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 4 mos ago

@neogreggory I'll troll the OOC until then, thanks for the heads up!

"But Miss Charlotte von pervert twerp can't take a joke apparently."

I'm saving this for the future.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Your welcome to read and study any book here at your own digression. How you use knowledge is up to you... but be careful of what you wish to find... sometimes what you'r looking for will come to find you instead. "

Name: Alacard Nikolai Infignitus Kallaham Ishadorh.

Nicknames/Titles: Aniki, Sensei, Librarian, Book worm, The Arcaeologist.

Age: "How old do I look to you?" Right... I stick with that age then.

Gender: Male

Race: Human "Lets just stick with that okay?

Sexuality: "One could say that all sides of the coin is intriguing in its own way" Anything goes...

Part time Librarian.
Neutra/Battle classes.
Praestigiae/ Illusion classes.
Alchimia/ Alchemy class.

Ranking Class:
Neutra: Sage Class.
Praestigiae: Illusionist Class Magician.
Alchimia: Enchanter Class Magician

Neutra: Summoning Magic.
Praestigiae: Eternal Dreams.
Alchimia: Potions... n stuff.

Neutra: Summoning Magic.
Able to summon anything and everything, creatures and objects summoned in this fashion can be dispelled freely by their creator. Or be Destroyed by either applying enough force to do so usually the same amount required to slay a beast or destroy the object summoned. Or with strong dispelling magic. Dragons, Minotaurs... Wolves... and much more. A summoned creature stays as long as their summoner wants or until forcefully objected from the wordl by other means.

Praestigiae: Eternal Dreams.
An illusion that effects the mind by creating two layers of the dream like world inside the head of the victim. These two layers interact with each other only in such fashion that one loops to the other if the Victim figure out that one of them isn't the actual reality... yet to wake up from the dream on your own is next to impossible due to both layers continuously trying to trick you that one of them is reality and the other is fake... while none of them are the actual reality. The Eternal Dreams can easily be dispelled from the outside by a little disruption spell or soaking the victim in enough shock or cold water for them to snap to reality... what damage they suffer until that moment mentally however... well is another thing. It alter your perception of reality making you end up in a dream like state where its easy to think that everything is real while its not...

Alchimia: Potions... n stuff.
To mix and mash ingredients to create potions or using alchemist formulas to transmute and change properties

Neutra: Summoning Magic, The summoned objects and creatures are limited to the mana pool of the caster, but can exist infidelity unless dispelled. The caster can however only control a few summoned objects directly at a time with the remaining amount acting at their own will if too many are summoned.

Praestigiae: Eternal Dreams. While being difficult for the target to break out from, it can easily be broken by anyone outside with a little knowledge in magic or by attempting to wake the person really hard.

Alchemia: Potions n stuff.
While being fun and possible potent it is very limited to the amount of ingredients available, how they are treated and used. In transmutation it requires concentration and is general not something you do in any situation when you don't have peace and quiet.

Catalyst: An Mystical Tome he always carries around. it can change size on wish and its contents only reveal itself to the owner. It does allow him to use low level spells from any school of magic.

Contritio: Such as lighting candles.
Pythones: Calling upon small spirits or wisps.
Medela: Healing minor wounds such as scratches and light burns.
Naturalis: Making herbs grow faster.

Inventory: Books, scrolls, herbs, potions... quills, paper... a carrying bag to hold stuff...

Familiar: A Mystical Tome called 'Arc' which doubles as his cataclysm but is a sentient being who only obey Alacard.

Squad Name: The Book-worm fanatic Squad. 'Geek squad is an alternative name by some'

Well if it weren't obvious, Alacard is a pretty much seen as an Egghead and does little to dispel such doubts about him. Unless bothered with other things at hand you can almost always find him pouring over his next book, tome or ancient scroll. However this has led him to be very knowledgeable about exactly everything, ask him anything and he's very very likely to have the answer for you if he wish to share it. Yes he occasionally don't share answers, but in return give you enough knowledge so that you can find it for yourself... usually because if he gave you the answer... it would only give you... well an answer, and not the capability to solve the problem with your own hands.

That's in general the type of teacher he is as well, he give you the general understanding on how to learn to do something while leaving the studying of the fundamentals to you, so there's in general no quick way to learn his classes or to actually progress without the need to put in effort. He's usually a very calm and calculative soul which have made him very boring even to most pranksters during the years as they have tried to shout that the library was on fire and he directed them to the fireman instead.


Well in general Alacard was born into magic and received the Arc from the ancient keeper who is part of his soul. This happened a really long time ago, and even Alacard have forgotten how long time it was. However as he spent most of his life peacefully minding his own business and traveling around to study all knowledge he could come across... he eventually ended up at Liseranna academy after figuring that he would settle down and share his knowledge for a while. This proved to be an excellent opportunity to study different cultures, persons and lore from students that came there from all over the world. This in general gave him an excellent opportunity to just wait for knowledge to come to him instead of the other way around...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by neogreggory
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neogreggory Traveler of Planes

Member Seen 6 mos ago

I've not been tagging people in my posts, sorry, I'm used to reading everything. I'll try to start adding tags to the people involved from now on.

Anyways, it's 5:00 for me, I woke up at 3:00, and I need to be ready to do adult things at 7:00. So I'll pop back every now and then to see if anythings happens during the next two hours I am still somewhat tired, only able to think at all because of a combination of willpower and Fire Emblem music.

No I've not played any Fire Emblem games, I've played Super Smash Bros and my main fighter is Ike. Anyways I need to go do something less mentally draining for a bit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Musoka
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Musoka Toku Fanboy

Member Seen 6 mos ago

I had assumed that all the teachers would share a class for the introduction lesson? Sorry if I'm wrong.

So hows the class split gunna happen?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by neogreggory
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neogreggory Traveler of Planes

Member Seen 6 mos ago

I had not thought of that, never heard of something like that happening before.

And I think all the instructors should fight to the death over who gets the most/best students. Granted that is a terrible idea that makes no sense but regardless.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 17 days ago

@neogreggory I like this idea!

Jokes aside, having a sort of "meet and greet your teachers" sounds like an interesting idea. Then it would give everybody an idea of what classes they are headed to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@neogreggory I like this idea!

Jokes aside, having a sort of "meet and greet your teachers" sounds like an interesting idea. Then it would give everybody an idea of what classes they are headed to.

I agree, could be interesting~
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GrafRoy Zeppeli
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GrafRoy Zeppeli Certified Weeaboo Piece Of Shit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Iatos Your Alchimia magic isn't strong enough for Alacard Tonguetwister to be an Alchimist class magician. Please change it. He could reach an Enchanter class easily, though

Also, the Neutra spell is a bit vague. Can he summon other humans? How long can he keep his summons? I need more substance on what he can summon too. Onjects are all right, but can he summon dragons? Minotaurs?

For Praestigiae, I need to know what kinds of things he shows to others in their illusions. Past memories? A distorted reality? Since he is a teacher, I shall allow his hard-to-dispel illusion too.

Fix this and I will check it over again.

And everyone, it seems you wanna make a meet-and-greet your teachers. So we will do that.

Also, you'll have to forgive me, cause I'll be rather busy today. I will try to get a post up after Jay with Vera, but I can't make any promises.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@GrafRoy Zeppeli is it my turn or yours? ^^

Good morning~
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@GrafRoy Zeppeli is it my turn or yours? ^^

Good morning~

Mooorning Sakura~

Everyone else!~

Ah...I should probably stop waiting until 1 in the afternoon to eat breakfast xD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GrafRoy Zeppeli
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GrafRoy Zeppeli Certified Weeaboo Piece Of Shit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@sakurasan kind of mine but you can go ahead and post. I doubt I'll be around much today.

You can godmod Charlotte for now and I'll make the timeskip later.

If you want some input on what Charlotte will do, she will probably be confused after having Belphegor possess her body and will apologize for anything rude she did after explaining what happened.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Well in theory He could summon any creature. But they would fall under the category of 'summoned beings' meaning that they wouldn't be real. Minotaurs, Dragons, perhaps even humans. But he can keep a summon for as long as he want too. But only a limited amount of creatures and objects at the same time.

And for the dream he shows them only a Dreamlike perception of reality... like a normal dream that you can't really escape from easily.

But yeah I'll edit

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Rune_Alchemist I cannot wait to post and sometimes I eat breakfast at 5 pm (●´∀`)b I am going to finally realize the creep. Well, Emi is.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Creep: *Jumps slightly exclamation mark appears indicating surprise*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Haha I already know Emi's going to like Runik. ^^
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Is Lyssa going to attempt to give Iravis another hug or are you done with that shenanigans for now? XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Is Lyssa going to attempt to give Iravis another hug or are you done with that shenanigans for now? XD

....well, depends.

But I think she's done for now, but she's never going to pass up a chance for a hug xD

Just don't...give her a good opportunity like last time xP
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Haha I already know Emi's going to like Runik. ^^

Wait, what?
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