Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Also accepted.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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Koro Sakia
"Wanna fight!"
Prideful, joyful, and care-free are all words that could potentially describe Koro in most ways. His actions are all instinctual, no thought ever put into what spells he uses. If he were to actually try then he would prove to be quite the handful, especially if he does not begin to get his way. He hold full hope that his moves will knock out his opponents on one to two hits, after that he begins to panic, which can both bolster his attacks by making them unpredictable as well as make them generally weaker as he tried quick spells. He never can concentrate on one thing and he is very easy to distract, though of he does maintain focus long enough then he can manage to combo spells comparative to those of Magi who have studied magic their entire lives.
Koro has a rather large mana pool to draw from and it works in his favor with what he prefers to cast, also allowing him to do his trademark panic combo. With that said, he has a strong affinity for ice and rock magic alike though he is planning to study some of the other branches as well. Then there is his strongest attack;
•The Hebi no koiru- The attack is a rather strong on and it uses up most of Koro's mana pool in the process. It summons a giant magical Earth Serpent that can and will coil around any of those unlucky to be Koro's opponent. It can be destroyed if Koro is knocked unconscious or if it sustains enough damage.
Koro is a good "combo" Magi, able to chain spells back to back without problem. He is good in melee combat so long as he has his staff. He is also pretty good at analyzing a situation so long as he can focus long enough.
A staff and a book with all his spells in them; that is really all he uses.
•Brief Backstory:
Koro was brought up in less than favorable places for a child of his personality, not his first choice. However, he lived in some slums with his mother and two sisters for the majority of his life. That isn't to say that Koro or his family would regard their lives as bad. His mother forced him into being a child with only the best of the best no matter what, wanting her children to exit a life of poverty. At the age of ten, Koro showed his prowess as a Magi and it was not by accident or some freak discovery. Everything he did was intentional and so he was able to be tutored at the most prestigious school, free of charge, in his area where he had been scoring top marks in most of his classes. With his prowess and study for five long years, he was able to get a chance as a big shot for the White Knight of Klarsberg. With the full support of his family, Koro goes with a smile on his face and his head held high.
•Plot Role:
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


That took a long time on phone, if there are any mistakes then please tell me so I can edit them!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

@Lauder: Okay, there's some issues I have here.

Firstly, the Prodigy's blurb has some dark implications because the intent is that it's not even a teen. I didn't want to plainly state it, but the Prodigy's age is 12 or under(though not TOO young obviously). It's meant to be messed up because the family is sending a little kid to fight in a magical battle to the death. I'm not sure what you mean by "combo" mage either.

His backstory also doesn't really work. Mage Circles are basically colleges in terms of the education part of them. Therefore, prior to graduating from normal school, magi are tutored by their parents or a hired tutor secret. There's no generic magic schools for them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Alright! I'll get to reworking those things tomorrow; fear not for I will get this right!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Krinos Solstice
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Krinos Solstice The Hopless Romantic / BKS Lead Sniper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Kira Umezawa

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Appearance: "You dare touch me, pig?!"

Personality: Cold, calm, she hates men with a passion, is known to be a bit on the deceptive side. Kira's typically calm and collected, even when in a fight. Her hate towards men is a result of several different factors, most regarding her family, while one is more personal. It's due to this that she has decided to take up something men have done to plenty of women, deceive them. She's known to lead men on so long as she has something to gain from them, though she avoids any sort of physical contact with them. Were a man to touch her, they would simply find their entire arm severed by her sword. If that's not available, she would simply break their arm instead...and in several places.

Abilities: Kira's training began at her family home, but due to her hatred of men, she wound up completing her training in a temple far from her home. Kira's abilities were inherited by her family through generations. Mundanes have called her a priestess, though that is not what she technically is. In the world of magi, she is known as an Onmyouji. Her blade, which is imbued with spirit magic, is able to imbue itself with the strength and abilities of the spirits Kira carries with her. Her armor is also imbued with the same magic, though the armor cannot absorb spirits, as it has one bound to it already.

Skills: Depending upon the spirit, Kira's skills can change. Her basic skills remain the same though, such as parrying or striking. Flame Spirits enable her physical strikes to set things ablaze(provided they're not fireproof, of course.), she is also capable of conjuring up and launching fireballs at mid-long distance. Water Spirits imbue her with the ability to conjure jetstreams, which are able to be used at any range, however their effectiveness is varied based on the distance of the target. Air Spirits imbue the blade with the ability to unleash strong gusts of wind with each swing, along with imbuing Kira with the ability to conjure up a tornado. However, this requires her to charge up the spell for quite some time. Earth Spirits imbue her with the ability to conjure up a wall of earth and also conjure and fire stalagmites as projectiles from mid-long range.

Equipment: Heirloom Magic Sword, Heirloom Spirit-bound Armor, four scrolls containing one of each elemental spirit. She carries a small bag containing some food, but mostly objects that allow Kira to place spirits into.

Brief Backstory: Kira's history with her family is not entirely known, as she has not been exactly open with anyone about sharing the details of her life, or even herself for that matter. What is known though, is that she comes from a family of onmyouji in Japan, though where exactly is currently unknown. During her first year of training, Kira bore witness to what the men of her family did to the Mundane women, treating them as nothing more than servants. She had instantly come to hate all men, along with being disgusted with her family due to this, and promptly left her family home in search of another means to complete her training. It wasn't long before she came across a temple that could help her, they trained her in multiple ways of using her abilities, though she found sticking to her family's traditional ways to be best. Nearing the end of her training, she heard rumors of the White Night around the temple. Recalling a story her mother had once told her about a White Night she had been in, the rumors of another one coming up intrigued her. She knew many magi would come from near and far to participate, along with all sorts of other magical beings, it was likely a few would try and survive together. Others would try and win for their own reasons, and maybe a few would try to kill everyone outright. That was good and all, but being who she was, she didn't need friends. The spirits made for far better friends than people did.

Plot Role: Loner
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

I'll clarify in-thread that onmyouji are capable of binding naturally-occurring spirits, which is how they make shikigami among other things.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zealous Blade
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Zealous Blade The Soul Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'll have my CS up today. Its finished I'm just making some last minute edits.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Alright, then.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zealous Blade
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Zealous Blade The Soul Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

  • Name: Norvell Perard
  • Age: 33
  • Gender: Male
  • Appearance: Norvell is a tall light brown skinned man with a long, oblong shaped head that is shaved, the only hair on it being the goatee on his face. His facial features are chiseled and his small eyes are brown. He prefers to dress in high class attire with his usual outfit consisting of a red sweater, black pants, and a long black long coat
  • Personality: A man guided by his objectives, Norvell focuses primarily on penultimate outcomes when making decisions and seldom dwells on the implications of the steps taken to reach them. If people happen to die along the way then oh well, life wasn't promised to last forever. He believes that the ends more than makes up for the means, and as long as his cause is just then his actions performed in the name of that cause are also just. He vehemently refuses to entertain those who try to reason with him otherwise. He is an adamant man who is reluctant to allow his ideals to be tainted by outside influences. To Norvell nothing nor nobody should ever take priority over his "destiny" whether they be family, friend, foe, or his own physical limitations. He is selfish without shame and probably wouldn't take time out to help another unless he can further his own goals in doing so. Then again, in his mind achieving his goals will help bolster mankind. So what if he forgoes saving a few lives? If he accomplishes what he sets out to do then millions will surely enjoy paradise.

    Norvell's goal - or rather his "destiny" as he prefers to call it - is to effectively establish balance in the world. He believes that there are many powerful forces which have upset this balance and that they must be weakened to stabilized the world's order. Likewise, he also believes there are entities which aren't strong enough and he wishes to empower them to a point which he feels is appropriate. Third, Norvell thinks that the relationship between humanity and nature has been in steady decline throughout history and that if he can somehow renew this relationship, then mankind will be guided onto the right path. If any part of his "destiny" fails, then Norvell stresses that mankind would inevitably find itself on course to its own decimation. In reality, Norvell's ambitions are vague and they may only make sense in his head. That won't stop him from pursuing them nor reaching only thing that can bring them to fruition - the Origin of all Magic.
  • Abilities: Norvell's affinity is for earth and his abilities center on utilizing the land around him to perform spells. Norvell does not have the capability to materialize earth and must have a source of land around for his abilities to be of use. In scenarios where there is little to no land available for him to manipulate, such as being out at sea, Norvell's strongest spells would be of little to no use. Norvell's application of his earth affinity is versatile and he can utilize spells for offensive, defensive, or supplementary purposes such as immobilization of opponents by using land to trap their limbs. Offensively, Norvell can shape and project earth towards enemies whereas defensively he can use the land to create barriers against incoming attacks. Commonly, at the cost of his mobility, Norvell will partially encase his own body with earth for protection.
  • Skills: Norvell is a competent martial artist and can hold his own in hand-to-hand combat. While he is no marksman, he also knows the basics of shooting a firearm. He is also well versed in history and cultural anthropology. In addition to English, he can speak Haitian Creole, some French, and has a developing proficiency in Japanese.
  • Equipment: Norvell carries no noteworthy equipment as he relies on his hand-to-hand combat skills and magic in battle.
  • Brief Backstory: Throughout his life Norvell has witnessed firsthand the corruption of those with too much power and the uselessness of those with too little. He himself weak and powerless, he sought to become stronger so that he may one day change this dynamic. As a youth revolution became his ideal and he developed his own warped version of the social contract - people have the right to overthrow those with authority over them but they also must possess the means necessary to do so. If not, then that authority has the right to crush the rebellion and continue its oppression. Therefore, Norvell came to believe that the authority and the people under it must possess reasonable amounts of strength to keep each other from gaining too much control. Being apart of a weak and disrespected family made him an outcast among his peers which fueled the birth of ideology. He may have never come to accept it, but it is entirely possible that his ideals were conceived by his desire to gain at least the tiniest bit of recognition and self-worth. He came from a disgraced lineage and it didn't matter to most if he didn't reach his potential. So, he was going to enforce change in the order of the magical world and make it a place of equality.

    Norvell's desire for change did not apply only to the magical world but the mundane as well. Growing up he watched as people all around him became manipulated by the distractions of the modern world. He felt that these people had lost their freedom and sought to break the chains that bound them and himself. He worked harder in his training and despite his struggling he made enough progress to become noteworthy among his family which wasn't much considering how low the esteem they were held in was. He studied, acquired knowledge, and when he became of age he left home on a journey for he felt that he needed more than book knowledge to reach his zenith. He needed to gain a true understanding of the world he lived in which could only be done by seeing it. With little resources other than the novice skill he attained, Norvell put his family behind him and instead took up the life of a vagrant. He came to learn of the upcoming White Night of Klarsberg through his travels and while he originally didn't think of reaching the Origin of all Magic, he couldn't think of a better instrument for change. Norvell knew that he had to reach the Origin of Magic. No, the world needed him to or else it would fall apart.
    Plot Role: Morally Grey

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

I just need to point out that, uh... you forgot the last bio field in that. XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Oh yeah, don't forget about that. ^^;
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Matsuri
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Matsuri procrastination station

Member Seen 9 mos ago

ooh its a water person

  • Name: Kana Yamaguchi
  • Age: 25
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: Kana is a a tall, pale young woman with glossy, chin-length black hair. Her eyes are a teal green, and have been noted to be her best facial feature (since it stands out drastically from her hair and skin). Her slim, physically fit body and above average height for the normal Asian woman (measuring in at about 177 cm) causes her to be often mistaken for a man, although her facial features seem to say otherwise (a little). She often wears a long black trench coat and a grey scarf.
  • Personality:
    In the eyes of the public, Kana is a calm, levelheaded individual. She seems very observant and patient, and her cool and suave nature seem to infatuate a majority of people she meets. Her normally patient nature makes her able to interact with almost anyone, whether they are overly quiet or extremely loud. She also tends to back away from verbal conflict or small fights and only really gets herself involved when she thinks its necessary, preferring to watch on the sidelines. It takes quite a lot to provoke Kana, as her warm and relaxed nature prevents many from doing so. She tries to be friendly in front of everyone, even her enemies, although acting like that is displayed in a more teasing and almost provocative tone. Kana can also be a bit flirtatious and cheeky on occasion, but that's only during… certain situations.

    However, all of this kindness is really just an act. At heart, Kana's cold, manipulative and ambitious, and will get what she wants, when she wants. Her acting skills can be incredibly convincing, and the reason she doesn't get involved in too many fights (unless she is forced to) is so her mana isn't wasted on pointless mage battles. She watches people with her incredibly observant eyes and uses her smarts to swiftly take down her opponents. Her callous behaviour is best left hidden under her cheerful mask, though; you really wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of Kana Yamaguchi.
  • Abilities: Her Yamaguchi lineage has blessed Kana with the affinity of water and large amounts of mana which makes for a pretty formidable combo. Although the quality of said mana isn't all that special, her knowledge of water spells and control over them gives her a slight advantage. In stark contrast to her personality, Kana's water spells can be rather… extravagant. She often produces large waves of water and uses them for various purposes. Her usual offensive attacks consist of using these large waves of water to hit the opponent with great force.
  • Skills: Even though she has some knowledge and experience in hand-to-hand combat, Kana doesn't particularly excel at it, preferring her use of long distance water attacks instead. Kana is also a very good actor and is able to fool most people quite easily.
  • Equipment: A simple dagger if someone gets too close.
  • Brief Backstory: Like many other families, the Yamaguchi's have been competing for the Origin of All Magic for centuries. Despite this, this family always seemed to be lagging behind, retreating back with many sore and crippling injuries. 'A reckless group' is what they were often referred to, since they would always rush in with large attacks even though they possessed little mana. Because of this, the Yamaguchi's weren't very successful, getting destroyed time and time again by other different families.

    Many years prior to Kana's birth, her great grandparents Takashi and Fujiko Yamaguchi met, eventually getting married a few years later. Fujiko was a mage with great potential, as she was born with large amounts of mana, but an illness prevented her from developing her abilities as a child. As soon as Fujiko had given birth to a child with a slightly larger mana pool than the rest, the Yamaguchi family saw this as their chance to make a comeback.

    It took many years to produce a child with a mana pool large enough to meet the Yamaguchi family's standards, and during that long time period they decided to dedicate their time to training children up so they'd have a better chance of producing more powerful offspring (instead of heading off into battle for around a century or so). Even if it took three to four generations do so, Kana was their best end product.

    At a young age they taught Kana how to be sly and cunning, and how to fool her opponents with words rather than fists. They wanted her to be able to fool her enemies with literal surprise attacks, making her put on an 'act' or a 'mask' whenever she was around other people. She learned how to lie effectively, act effectively and manipulate people to do her bidding. Kana would eventually develop into the Yamaguchi's dream warriror; smart, manipulative and someone who can still pack a punch.
  • Plot Role: Charmer
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Looks good! Accepted.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

  • Name: Saotome Ami
  • Age: >500
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: Older than she looks.
  • Personality: Ami's a rather relaxed person: she enjoys meeting new people, taking time to paint, and nowadays watching TV. However, she's got a resolute moral core and a sense of duty with her abilities--as bad as vigilantism is, the vampire can't stomach sitting by and doing nothing. This desire to help people is why, despite her age and lack of interest in the actual result, she continues to participate in the White Night every time it occurs--not to mention that she promised she'd keep an eye on it.
    Capable of being friendly to anyone.
  • Abilities: For one, Ami's a vampire with all the advantages and disadvantages that come with it. Secondly, she's had a long time to work out what her Night affinity is good for. Notably, she has a spell that allows her to function in the daytime despite that normally being a no-go. Her favoured repertoire also includes contact spells to put someone to sleep, or influence the emotional state of a target. Due to some overlap with other affinities, she's also not half bad at illusions.
    If combat actually needs fatal damage, however, she's reliant entirely on common spells that, filtered through her affinity, look somewhat terrifying. Unrefined magical damage on a touch--not necessarily by her hands--is her bread and butter if it comes to that.
  • Skills: Combat-wise, not all that much: she can dodge vastly well, but her idea of actual mortal combat relies entirely on simply touching someone, so her offensive skills tend not to employ much of the strength that she could use. She's got huge amounts of practice at her current and previous mundane jobs, at least. And painting.
  • Equipment: Seeing as she's on her home turf, Ami's very well stocked on the magical equipment side of things, though her actual use of items when it comes to it is pretty minimal. Her bar, however, is very well prepared for anyone not expecting a literal siege. Aside from being quite a resilient piece of property and notably smaller than its neighbouring buildings, it has floorboards with runes on the underside... that simply put to sleep anyone on them that starts a fight. Various structural components likewise cause a minor illusion that obscures talk of the magical from anyone without at least the potential.
  • Brief Backstory: Over half a century ago, out of memory of any western magic users or those interested in the White Night, a vampire came to the small settlement that evolved into Rokuro. Their stay didn't really have much impact--except on one of the girls living there, who continued to rely on accommodating travellers for years afterwards, whilst the settlement grew.
    Things changed for Ami when the first westerners to arrive in the place were able to take note of her oddity and, when the ritual's real time-scale became apparent, enlisted the local undying girl to keep an eye on it through the ages and to stop it spilling out into the public. A few even spent some time teaching the vampire basic magic so that she would stand a better chance over time.
    Thus, over the centuries, Ami has become essentially a fixture of the White Night--stepping in where possible if things are getting too heated to keep it secluded. She's also moved into explaining the scenario for anyone that might happen to just... stumble onto things or enter with incomplete knowledge, though her more pressing concern is trying to prevent the more moral participants from getting killed off and encouraging their success.
    She moved out of the hostelry business and now mostly runs a bar, one that still functions as an effective neutral zone and refuge for the White Night: no matter if people were mortal enemies half an hour ago, they'd better not start anything on the premises. It's also one of the few public places in the city where the supernatural can be openly discussed without spilling everything to the public. There are, however, rooms to rent--all conspicuously free now that the ritual's starting, though they have an unmentioned cost...
    She's never actually left Rokuro.
  • Plot Role: Veteran

A little explanation for the emotional stuff: music, art... night-time's used to evoke emotions so much. As is the moon, stars, etc. associated with it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zealous Blade
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Zealous Blade The Soul Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Added the plot role in. My apologies.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

You can add him to the characters tab, then.
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