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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Shone-Lee saw right through his act. She smiled amused."My, my. I don't recall your eyes ever being pink, dear. Nor your voice being like velvet and your flesh having such a light gold tone to it. Are you sure you are well, darling? Or perhaps... Something new has awakened in you? Surely some one has told you that what you are thinking is clearly written all over your face. Do you think that she would love you if she knew what kind of man you really were? A lusty wolf in an innocent sheep's clothing? " She said smirking as she kissed Alec again, running her hand slowly down his stomach and down towards his pants. " Of course... That won't matter much longer will it, darling? Because you are soon going to forget all about her." She licked his collarbone then her tounge slowly made it's way up the other side of his neck then nibbled on his ear as her hand reached his groin, making his body go numb with pleasure.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
oddly, it is as if Alec has developed a new personality. Alec, is now Axis, god of beauty and love. While Alec is egyptian underworld god of death. Axis smiles, a predatory smile. "Why darling, I've already forgotten" His velvety voice comes out in a purr...with a british accent. He pulls her face to him and kisses her with a heat that would make any woman blush. One of his hands going to the center of her back with the other goes into her hair. He then pulls back and steps back with feline grace. "Honestly I've been waiting to come out for years...now I'm here thanks to you darling" His eyes pierce into hers. "What fun you are" He circles her as he talks. His jeans and t shirt being replaced with black slacks, a white button up, a deep red vest, and black and white oxfords. His hair remains the same though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Xoxi steps into the Canadian ground, and immediately faceplants in the snow. She's not mad or anything, it's snow, something she hasn't felt in a long time.


Xoxi looked up and saw a very salty Cia.

"Cia... was it? Y'alright? You look like you've seen a demon or something of the sorts."

Xoxi looks towards the burnt ground, now wet from melted snow and Kree blood. She however sees something very far off in the distance.

It looks like a walrus-man.


Xoxi kinda shouted this as she got up, and started running towards the walrus-man. This attracted nearby Kree that were around, and they all started casing her, because she was an idiot.

"Oh hey, company? *snicker* Sorry boys but you've gotta find me first~!"

Xoxi slid into a cloak, and silently crept up a tree. The Kree, being confused, failed to locate her as she perched on a branch. Xoxi slowly flipped down and fell off the branch, landing on the back of a Kree, who immediately alerted the others nearby that Xoxi, having broken her shadowcloak, had started to fight.

"Hold up there guy! Lemme at least ride you for a minute before you kick me off!"

Xoxi jabbed her dagger into the shoulder of the Kree she was riding. As she rode him around, using him as a weapon to slay the other Kree.

After slaying the majority of her enemies, and when the ridden Kree falls over, Xoxi stares towards a final straggler and smiles.

"hey there buddy chum pal friend buddy pal chum bud friend fella bruther amigo pal buddy friend chummy chum chum pal i don't mean to be rude my friend pal home slice bread slice dawg but i gotta warn ya if u take one more diddly darn step right there im going to have to diddly darn snap ur neck and wowza wouldn't that be a crummy juncture, huh? do yuo want that? do wish upon yourself to come into physical experience with a crummy juncture? because friend buddy chum friend chum pally pal chum friend if you keep this up well gosh diddly darn i just might have to get not so friendly with u my friendly friend friend pal friend buddy chum pally friend chum buddy..."

As Xoxi said this, she got closer and closer to the Kree, before eventually jabbing two daggers into his head.

Xoxi then returns to heading towards Landon, and stops in front of him.

"Hello again walrus man."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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Shone-Lee was ever so slightly surprised by Axis' rather aggressive behavior, at first. However, it would take more than that to turn her on. She laughed as she sat on her throne and crossed her legs. "My pleasure, dear. I do much prefer this side of you. I find it far more entertaining." She replied, she licked her lips then a smile returned to her face. Then a sudden thought occurred, her smile turned into a smirk at the devilish thought. "You've already forgotten her, you say? Then why not prove it?"

Shone-Lee stood up and walked over to Axis and grabbed the tip of his chin. "If you truly have forgotten her, then have sex with her. That shouldn't be too hard for you now should it? After all she was your first kiss so it would only make sense that she be your first time, right dear? Of course... If that's too much for you then why not kill her instead? She did reject and say that she hated you after all. So both tasks should be easy for you to complete, right? Or perhaps... You haven't forgotten about her, after all?" She said circling him, a smirk etched into her face. She then laughed mockingly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Axis watches her and slowly a wolfish grin stretches on his face, paired with sharp canines. "I was not affected by her...Alec was" He then chuckles hard. "She's not my type." He tilts his head and puts his hands in his pockets. "Why kill her when I can toy with her" He seems so casual for someone plotting like an evil mastermind. "After all...toying with someone is much more entertaining then simply killing or sex at once. isn't it darling?" Funnily, though his main abilities are beautification and lust, he still has some of Alec's abilities. Mainly teleportation and the energy consumption. He cannot use the death touch nor can he shift into the other forms. Not that e would want to use those anyway. His eyes are focused on the woman circling him, somehow the kind outward appearance is highly deceiving.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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Shone-Lee stopped and laughed. "Not your type, hm? Are you sure you are a god of love? Because it sounds like to me that you're afraid of Alec coming back the moment you lay eyes on her. While it's true that it's a waste to not play with your toys, it's even more disappointing to see a man who's afraid of a little sex and murder." She said smirking. She snapped her fingers, opening a portal that led to somewhere near where Rhona was. "Play nice now, dear."


Meanwhile, Rhona jolted awake, gasping for air the moment Axis awoke. "Alec..." She murmered, a couple tears ran her cheeks.

"Are ya alright, sister? You're cryin'." Leon asked as he let her down.

"Huh?" Rhona replied startled as she wiped away the tears and sniffed a few times. "Y-yeah, yeah. I'm fine. I just had a bad dream, that's all." Leon looked at her skeptically but decided not to question it any further.

"OK. If ya insist." Leon sighed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Axis chuckles and shakes his head. "Ive been suppressed for decades...I plan on having plenty of fun" He walks to her and kisses her deeply before stepping back. "I have no plans on playing nice darling" He gives a two finger salute to her. "We simply must meet up again dearie. You are so much more fun to be around then those others" he steps through the portal. He simply stands where he is transported to, calculating the best possible way to do this. If he hadn't been suppressed he would've had a very excellent ability....hmmm....maybe he can try anyway. If he can do it, it would most definitely allow for some sweet revenge on both siblings.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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"Oh we've only just begun, my dear." Shone-Lee laughed as she watch Axis leave. The fun was about to begin and she would have front row seats to the show.


A long pet of silence ensued as the 2 kept walking. However, Rhona felt guilt build up inside her. "It's all my fault..." She murmered, her eyes watering up again.

"Ya know tha's not true. Ya were just tryin' ta protect him. Besides, I am also half ta blame fer this. Before ya woke up, me and him had a... Disagreement. I had lost me temper and I almost killed him because of it. So ya actually saved his life, he just doesn't know it yet." Leon replied trying to reassure her.

"That's no excuse for saying and acting the way I did! Because of me he is hurt or worse! I should have shielded him and took the blow in his place..." Rhona sobbed.

"Rhona! Tha' is enough! Don't ever say such things! If ya had taken tha blow you would have died! And if ya died I wouldn't be able ta forgive myself and it would tear Alec apart! During tha time ya were asleep, he would constantly come ta visit ya, begin' ya ta wake up! He was a wreck just because ya had fallen asleep! So don't ever say such things, ya hear?!" Leon said chastisingly.

Rhona nodded and fell silent. Leon sighed and hugged Rhona. "It's going' ta be OK. Next time ya see him just apologize and tell him why ya acted tha way ya did. I'm sure he'll forgive ya. So stop yer cryin' OK?" He replied softly with a reassuring smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


As Landon was recovering he noticed the kree numbers were significantly dwindling. The Tari could handle things now, and it appeared they had some help as well. The kree were being cleared out faster than he knew the Tari were capable. As he was getting a grip of the surroundings again, Xoxi came up to him calling him the walrus man. He wasn't entirely sure how he resembled a walrus at all, but he wasn't too offended as they were great animals.

He had caught a glimpse of Cia and another woman in the background as she approached. Ignoring Xoxi and her nonsense he moved around her and began toward Cia and the other woman. As he got closer to the two he yelled out. "Cia, I'm glad you're here. I may need some help from you." By that point he was in front of the two and speaking normally. "Sorry I barged out on you, but as you can see I had some urgent matter to attend to. Which do you know of any goddesses of lust? I am certain there must be some, but I haven't personally met any. At least not until today, I think." Feeling rude for leaving the other woman out he introduced himself. "I'm sorry, I don't think we have been properly introduced, I'm Landon." He turned back to Cia quickly again and gave her a whisper in her ear before returning to the open conversation. "I may need to speak to you privately later."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Axis starts walking, then stops. He tilts his head and listens, then smiles. Prepping himself he puts his hands in his pockets and casually strolls in the general direction of the two. Whistling Daisy give me your answer too. He looks like some overly dressed guy taking a casual walk. No time to try out that power....then again he hasn't practiced it so he would probably not be that attractive looking if he went for it. He pushes those thoughts out of mind and faintly hears Alec yelling at him to stop. A small smile forms on his lips causing for a pause in the whistling before he continues. it's my turn mutt. So sit back and enjoy the ride. He laughs internally as Alec tries again and fails. Axis is staying, and he planned on staying for awhile. Why should Alec have all the fun.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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Leon hears the whistling behind them and whips around to see... Alec? No. This was not the Alec they knew. This guy was different. However, Rhona couldn't tell the difference upon first glance, unlike Leon. She rushes over and hugs him. "Alec! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean what I said! I don't hate you! Please... Please forgive me!" She apologized, her voice slightly muffled.

"No! Rhona get away from him! Tha's not our Alec!" Leon screamed in terror.

Rhona released Axis and turned a bit, looking over at Leon slightly confused. "Huh? I don't understand. What do you mean he's not our Alec?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Axis bows slightly. "I am Axis. Alec is going to be gone for while" His accent and the velvet tone of his voice adding to his wonderfully horrid self. "And you say 'your' Alec like you even wanted him" Axis tilts his head. "When he's actually more like 'my' Alec" A small grin starts forming. "He is my...brother....after all" He looks at leon, pink eyes focusing on him. "I must say you gave him quite a literal beating and you" He focuses back on Rhona. "Gave him quite the emotional beating." He clasps his hands in front of him. "He almost killed himself...and how horrid would that have been." He shrugs. "So I'm here for....awhile...kind of like what you did Leon" He puts his hands in his pockets. "So what have you two been up to?" As if pleasant small talk could gloss over all of what he just said. He didn't even slip up when he said alec was going to kill himself instead of 'us'. Seems Axis is a much better liar then Alec could ever be. That and much ore confident...the exact opposite of his other persona in every way. In his mind he is forming everything he could do to these two...he would wiggle in there eventually...get their trust...their friendship...then shatter them. Heartbreak was always interesting even though he is a god of love. After all, heartbreak is part of love...at least in Axis' pink eyes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rhona was confused about what Axis was talking about at first. However, it was when he said that Alec almost killed himself that Rhona's legs failed her and she fell to her knees, eye stretched open wide with terror as tears started to flow heavily. "H-he almost killed himself because of me...? B-but... I-I... Th-this was... This is all of my fault..." She murmered as she hugged herself tightly and curled up in a trembling ball, her long auburn hair draped over her face like a curtain.

Leon scowled at Axis with narrowed eyes and a furrowed brow. "Axis huh? Pleasure I'm sure. Yeah I beat tha shit out of him cause he was threatenin' my sister, what of it? I don't give a damn as ta what ya call herself! You threaten Rhona and I'll kick yer arse ta Timbuktu and back!" He glanced at Rhona then back at Axis and sighs. "You're right. I did seal her away. Which makes ya no better than I. Now both of our siblin's are hurtin'! The only difference between what I did and what yer doin' is tha' Rhona didn't want to wake up ta a world without humans! So I guess tha' makes us both terrible brothers. However..." Suddenly, bolts of electricity could be seen emanating from Leon's body as his eyes glowed a bright blue. "Don't ya dare bring Rhona inta this, ya hear?!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01
Axis watches rhona go down and internally relishes at Alec who is now screaming in there. With a internal shove Alec is pushed away for the tim being. He then raises his hands up with his palms upward. "I said similar, not the same. Alec is not locked up, nor sealed away. Rather I sent him on a type of...vacation to recover." He tilts his head. "What exactly am i bringing her into? I was simply stating facts." He then goes to Rhona and crouches next to her. He brings her into a hug. "He's okay darling. I managed to stop him in time...he realizes that he was being rash" He glances up at Leon. "No need to be violent" he then goes back to hugging rhona...internally he wishes he wasnt...she reminds him of a small child. How alec could like her was far beyond him. With an elegant flourish he moves one hand to one of his pockets and pulls out a handkerchief and hands it to her for her tears. "Here you go dearie" Internally he wishes he could beat the heck out of leon. He reminds himself this way is better.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rhona was surprised to be suddenly hugged by Axis' however was grateful for the gesture and hugged him back, exuberating the same warmth and gentleness that she did when she first met Alec. Axis' pink eyes met her bright blue eyes as she tries to smile but ended up breaking down again. "Thank you... Thank you for saving him." She finally said trying desprately to smile. She gets up a little bit and presses her forehead against Axis'. "Please... If you can... Please tell Alec that I am so sorry... That I do not hate him... That I never could... Please tell him that for me." She murmered before returning to her knees looking down, already looking utterly defeated.

Leon was saddened and distraught by his sister's plea, then angered by Axis. "I'm sorry, sister. But I am afraid tha' yer pleas fall on deaf ears. This man... He's evil. He won't help us." He said. Leon then shifted his attention to Axis. "You know damn what I am talking about! " He yelled gritting his teeth.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Axis smiles and gently presses his lips to her forehead then sits back. "Of course darling, but I am sure he already knows" Internally Alec screams. However, he is knocked out by Axis. He then stands and places a hand on his chest feigning innocence and looking utterly confused. he is much better at deception then alec. "Me? evil?" His head tilts and he looks utterly confused. "Whatever do you speak of?" His pink eyes hold nothing but confusion and innocence. Alec internally is crawling wanting to take over so badly. Axis internally kicks him in the stomach then grabs him and chains him up trapping him in his own mind. Like i said...its my turn mutt. This is your own fault.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rhona is surprised and embarrassed, blushing wildly from Axis' kiss. However, her embarrassment was not caused by Axis' power, rather, it was because not matter how she looked at him, he still looked like the Alec she had come to know. Another reason for her embarrassment was memories from 30 years ago surfaced in her mind. She wanted to believe that Alec was still inside him somewhere and that he would return soon. "Thank you... Axis. I wanted him to know at least that...I want to apologize to you as well. It was my fault that you almost died as well... So for that I am sorry." She said, not making eye contact him, however the tips of her ears.

Leon growled then snapped his fingers, teleporting Rhona into his arms. He lost balance for a moment from the sudden added weight but quickly recovered and gently set Rhona down. He placed his hand on her shoulder and pushed her behind him. Through that split second they shared each other's thought. "Stay behind me. No matter what, you must not go to Alec as he is now. Please sister... Trust me and wait for instructions." Leon's thoughts echoed between the two of them. Rhona was nervous but she trust Leon; she nodded slightly.

Leon took a few steps forward. Axis was a liar but he lied well. However, Leon could see a very faint glimmer of maleficence in his eyes, the look of someone who was twisted and demented... Someone on the quest of revenge. But against who? And why? Leon couldn't be for certain. "Yer a much better liar than Alec I'll give ya tha'! But don't ya dare think tha' I can't see through yer facade! Show yer true colors already! " Leon roared, his eyes narrowed, glowing a bright blue, and his brow furrowed; small bolts of lightning shot out from his body as he made it quite clear that he was done playing Axis' little game.

Dark clouds gathered overhead, a faint rumbling of thunder promised a storm as a war over the gods had been waged.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Axis tilts his head. "Facade?" He puts his hands in his pockets. "A liar? Me?" He has the audacity to look offended. "Im a god of love and beauty" He shakes his head. "So i guess my true colors are...pink?" With a faint smile a small amount of pink aura appears around him then vanishes his eyes glowing a bright pale pink. "Im not evil nor do i have any ill wishes to you....why would you think otherwise" His statements roll off of his tongue like butter. The aura and pink eyes signaling his usage of his arousal ability. He then teleports to be right in front of leon. "Rather hurtful, thinking I a perfectly innocent god, am evil" He then teleports behind leon to rhona. "Tell me darling, do you think I'm evil?" he clearly is much better at using the teleportation ability to his advantage. "I mean your brother seems kind of violent and all I've done is comforted you" He looks wounded his eyes while they have stopped glowing they are still unnaturally bright, as if someone is shining a light through them. He pouts and looks wounded. His arousal is still on full power. "I was actually hoping we could be friends" For a time, before he breaks them emotionally then breaks them physically.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rhona blushed wildly, her heart starts to pound and her frail body was starting to fail her, while being under the influence of Axis' power. Her chest felt like it was being cut open with knives. "Stop..." She whispered, her voice was just barely audible, as tears flowed heavily. She made brief eye contact with Leon. His eyes stretched open wide and he froze with fear. "Please stop, you're hurting me!" She screamed as she cried in pain until her voice went hoarse. Her legs gave way and she clasped her chest, she desperately tried to scream but no noise came. She curled up into a ball, laying on her side, where her heart finally quit on her and she fainted.

Leon had already rushed to her side stricken with terror as he saw his sister tear herself apart from the inside. Axis' power was much too strong for Rhona's frail body and it excited her heart too much, causing it overwork and overwhelm her heart. Thus, in turn, caused her to faint.

"Rhona? Rhona?! Rhona please wake up! RHONA! " Leon screamed in terror as he violently shook his sister's body. He scrambled to place his head on her chest, desperately checking for any signs of life. After a few minutes he finally found her pulse. It was weak but it was recovering; her breathing had already evened out. His relief quickly turned to rage. With blinding speed her grabbed Axis' collar and hoisted him up into air them rammed him into the nearest tree, knocking the wind out of Axis. " Ya son of a bitch! Love God me arse! What did you do ta me sister! Answer me, demon!" He roared his voice mixed with a deafening BOOM of thunder.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01
Axis gets the wind knocked out of him causing him to lose focus and that causes his arousal to give out. His eyes returning to their normal pink. "Demon is a hurtful term" He swipes up his arms to break out of leon's grasp and straightens his shirt and vest. "It is called arousal dearie. I didn't know it would hurt her." He tilts his head. He actually didn't...he knew she was weak but he didn't think she was *that* weak. "You were showing off your powers so I tapped into mine" He shrugs. "You yell quite a lot don't you" With an elegant flair he walks around leon to Rhona. "Hm. She doesn't seem well...my fault." His head tilts and he looks at leon. "I shall take her to my home so she can heal properly. I shall see you there I guess? She will be safe" He picks her up and teleports. This home, is not the egyptian underworld. It is actually the exact opposite. It is the roman home of gods. One house was his mother's. His mother's and now his since venus disappeared awhile ago. He smiles and inhales the air before walking inside to the elegant mansion done up like an ancient roman home. With everything elegant and oozing expense. He walks through the halls and gently puts her on the massive bed found in the master suite. He then proceeds to walk outside of the room and grin, evilly before composing himself. Internally alec struggles in vain against the restraints. Axis can't help but wonder if Leon would even know where to go, since he didn't exactly tell him where it was. Oh well too late now.
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