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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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Leon scowled at Axis' remark keeping his eyes on his as he circled around. However, when he mentioned that he was taking Rhona, that he froze up."Wait, what?! No, don't-!" He desprately reached for his sister but it was too late, the 2 had already left. He hurriedly teleported himself to the Egyptian Underworld. He ran down the halls of Alec's home, only to find that they were not there. "Damn you, Axis! Where are you?! "


It didn't take very long for Rhona to wake up. She groaned slightly then slowly sat up, looking around confused. "Where... Am I? Leon? Leon where are you?" She said confused. It was then that she noticed Axis nearby. She flinched and stifled a small gasp. For the first time in her life, Rhona was afraid of being alone with someone... Especially with Axis.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Axis turns and smiles, a friendly seeming smile. "I am glad to see you are okay darling" He gives a little bow. "I am sorry I hurt you, that was not my intent" He starts walking to her then stops head tilted. "Are you feeling better? you gasped" As he has been waiting he has slowly changed his skin tone to a lighter tanned shade. Since he does not identify as egyptian, he feels that he shouldn't look as such. "Do you need anything?" his eyes show nothing but concern and worry. He is playing a role and doing it perfectly. If his mother was around she would probably beam and truly be pleased with this version of her son.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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Rhona remembers what Leon told her and she quickly looks away, refusing to make eye contact with him. "I-It's okay... I-I'm fine... I-it was just an accident...." She murmered. She paused. "Thank you for taking care of me... But I must leave now. I need to find Leon. Escuse me and pardon me for the intrusion...!" She said getting up and hurriedly pushed past him, leaving the room. Once she was out of Axis' view, she went into a full on sprint down the hallways. This place was like a maze but she had to get out there and find Leon as quickly as she could. Leon's instructions echoed in her mind as she was determined to find the exit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Cia looked over at Landon with a look of relief in her eyes. However when she heard that he had met a goddess of lust Cia put some of the pieces of togeather, though not quite all of them. She knew enough that he was kissing a goddess of lust who probably forced herself on her. "Where is she?" Cia asked in a loud voice that seemed to almost echo. The smoke coming from her eyes had increased at this point, it almost looked like she had horns on her head.

"I'm going to rip her apart." Cia said ignoring what Landon said about seeing her in private, killing this goddess of lust came first to her though. "COME OUT YOU BITCH!" Cia screamed at the skies. For now talking to Cia in private wasn't possibly, she would need a bit to calm down that was for sure.

When Reese said that he would let her go Cythlla gave a smile of relief. "Glad you have enough knowledge in that head of yours to see reason." Cythlla said with a smile. "If you ever want to procreate make sure to woo me first." Cythlla added with a grin, at this point she had tentacles come up from the ground and teleport her. "I'll be in New York." Cythlla added before she left. With that the Inklings also left.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Axis tilts his head and watches her run. He then sighs heavily and walks after her. After a bit he teleports a few feet and catches up. He walks and teleports to keep up with her. "Why are you running darling? You are safe here" His hands are in his pockets making him seem very casual and laid back. "Why are you avoiding me?" With a major teleportation leap he ends up in front of her. "I don't understand why you're scared of me darling, but it is not necessary" Hopefully he stopped far enough ahead of her that she doesn't run into him. That would be annoying. He looks innocent enough right now, with his pink eyes holding nothing but concern and hurt. As if she hurt his feelings by avoiding and running from him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

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"...still gonna call you walrus man, and no worries about anything."

Xoxi turns towards Cia, and gently pats her on the back.

"You need to calm down, Cia. Yelling at the sky is gonna attract more of whatever's around and if that happens... well... you'll get to see some more of my awesome moves."

Xoxi returned back to the question at hand, and pondered on it for 5 seconds.

"Nope, but thinking about it makes me think who you're talking about is probably a deadly and crazy bitch, and I know a thing or two about those."

Xoxi tries to calm Cia down. Probably to no avail, but hopefully she stops freaking out about this bitchlady.

"Look man if you wanna kill her then lemme get a plan together, I've dealt with this shit before. We can bait her out, get the drop on her, and fix some shit or I dunno, something!"


Gyro stands in the middle of town. Having one thousand little helpers makes things go fast. After seeing a copy of the Magna Carta, he's become a fit ruler for a small little civilization. Small farms have been planted, power is being restored very slowly, and political buildings are being established. A large banner has been placed on a courthouse, with a picture of a white dagger on it. No doubt Gyro's going to do a good job at this. Gyro proceeds to the bridge Xoxi found earlier, the one that was crumbled and near collapse. A small myceling official stands in front of it. That myceling was put in charge of construction and repairs.

"Is everything alright, friend?"
"Mostly, I've been thinkin' about gathering some of the others and repairin' the bridge."
"That doesn't seem necessary."
"Whaddya mean, president Gyro?"
"This bridge provides defensive support. It's a longer fall down below, even for a human, and as we are very light, we don't really need much to support our weight."
"But for diplomacy reasons-"
"We'll have portals. That's how we will get to the Dej and communicate with them. I'll ask Mr. Flemmings about it when I return to the Nexus."
"I trust your word, President."

Gyro ran off into London, and found the portal he arrived in. He entered and went to the nexus. In the Nexus he looked for the portal that would lead to Dej, and once he found it, he scurried through it, and found himself in Dej, right in front of Flemmings.

Gyro stared up at Flemmings and squeaked at him. Seems the Mycelings don't have English as a power.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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Rhona desperately tries to out run Axis but to no avail as he teleports right in front of her. She let out a small scream and made a sharp turn around a corner. She is temporarily stoped a few more times by him before she appears right in of her again. However, this time she didn't have enough time to react and ended up tackling him, knocking them both down.

After a few moments, Rhona had regained her senses and found herself ontop of Axis. She stifled another gasp. She immediately stood up and backed away. A portal that lead to somewhere thousands of feet in the air back on Earth opened behind her. Rhona continued to back away and quickly found herself on the portal's edge. She glanced behind her then back at Axis. There was nowhere left to run. Rhona gave Axis a warm and gentle smile, piercing his very being as he knew what she was about to do. Rhona took one final step back and fell through the portal as it closed behind her.

Rhona was falling from the sky, thousands of feet in the air. The wind whiped at her hair and clothes. She closed her eyes and called for Leon as loudly as she could in her mind, hoping that her thoughts would reach him... And they did.

Leon, in his lion form, caught Rhona in midair, letting out a powerful roar. He then teleported them to just a few feet above the ground. They both landed on their backs with a solid this. Rhona coughed as the wind was knocked out her. "Are ya okay, sister? Did he hurt ya?" Leon asked laying on ground. Both of them were breathing heavily as they tried to catch their breathes.

Rhona, who was also laying on the ground, nodded. "Yeah. I'm OK..." She replied.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Axis watches her go through the portal and watches it close. With a heavy sigh he stands dusting himself off. "bitch" He then smiles. "Seems you messed up really badly Alec...now I'm having problems getting to them" He tilts his head then snaps his fingers. "Theres one power i wanted to try." With a quick heel turn he walks back to the room in front of a full length mirror. "Shall we begin...say good bye to the egyptian barbarian and hello to elegance" He takes his hands and makes motions in front of him, as he does so features change. His skin becomes olive in color with the flakes becoming silver. His hair becomes shorter. He becomes slightly taller, and more muscular. His outfit even changes, becoming a red linen shirt, black leather pants, and black pirate styled boots. He continues using his hands as a sort of paintbrush. Finally he gets to his eyes. "My favorite feature...too bad they would recognize me with them eh?" He does a left swipe and his eyes change to a lavender color. He then goes back to his hair changing it to a deep brown color and making it curly. Then he works on his voice, the english accent stays, but the velvet tonnage becomes more prominent. The last feature is something he throws in for fun. Large white wings with pale pastel tips appear on his back. The entire process takes about two weeks, considering how long the wings take. Once finished he steps back and grins. "Perfect...lets go find those two now shall we....or maybe the goddess of lust will enjoy seeing me...either way." He teleports back to earth and stretches, he goes for a test flight...and that...takes quite awhile to figure out completely.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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Two weeks have passed since the twins escaped from Axis and have so far been able to stay under the radar, even Shone-Lee couldn't pin point their location.

It turns out that the 2 had went to the place the had wanted to avoid the most. During that time they had caught up with the other merged, but more importantly, they had informed Flemming and the council all they knew about the rise of the evil love God, Axis, and his arousal powers. Afterwards, the twins prepared themselves for the next time they would meet up with Axis. However, they wouldn't have the upper hand the next time they faced him. And that time may be arriving sooner than they had thought.

However, Rhona had no plans on running away like she did the last time. Throughout the past two weeks, she and Leon have been training rigorously nonstop. In that time, they both had practically become masters of their weapons and their physical abilities have also increased. They had become a force to be reckoned with, should one encounter them in a fight.

Finally, after two weeks, they both had tired and were lying on the ground, both of them were breathing heavily. There surroundings had sustained a lot of damage from their sparring match.

Despite, Rhona's weak body, she had somehow managed to keep up with her stronger half. Perhaps it was the hope that Alec would return soon. Alec was the one of the only thoughts that ran through her mind, actually. She desprately wanted him to come back so that she could apologize to him directly and so she could catch up with him after not seeing him for 30 years.


Shone-Lee had not been watching Axis for the past two weeks, as a matter of fact, she had gotten uninterested in the newly born evil love god, and his new appearance did not change anything. Rather she had taken an interest to the revived goddess of madness, Cythlla. She found her insane and bloodthirsty behavior very amusing, despite having no lusty desires towards her. On occasion she would pop in to visit and observe her and the inklings (and sometimes feed one or two of them to the Kree when she was in a good mood).
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

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@Cuccoruler@otomosthecrazy@rechonq@Ace of flames01
Xoxi lays in her room at London, planning out a strategy for taking on Shone Lee. Cia has been really upset about it lately, and Xoxi (being the insane woman she is) thinks that this is a good way to woo Cia and possibly do some cool stuff.

The Mycelings have grown as a civilization very fast, and reproduced quickly at that. School Systems have been established, Science is now at a quantum level, and the economy is doing great.

Cia, Landon, and Claire were welcome to stay in London for the time being and help with the takedown plan, whether they did or not was up to them, but they were still welcome if they stopped by. The twins were also welcome to London if they needed it.

Xoxi herself had a slightly changed appearance. Her hair was tipped with purple, and she had a small ring on her finger, for a very legitimate reason. Not marriage though.

"Baiting this bitch out seems like the best course of action. We can get a drop on her and take her down swiftly, easily, and smartly. The only problem is we need a damsel in romantic distress, and with Landon's run in we don't need him to experience her seductive prowess again."

Xoxi would continue to forward her plans to take down the seductress, while keeping an eye out for the other gods and goddesses. It was the least she could do anyway, she needed to get taken down soon.

Gyro was being a good ruler over the Mycelings, and has kept them in line for a while now. No troubles happened, everyone was happy, and the portal to Dej was public and available for use.

Everything was fine in London.


A black spot appeared in the middle of a lake. This spot was of an unnatural kind, and definitely was the sign that a god was being introduced back into play. The spot compressed as a humanoid form appeared, with bright crimson for his eyes.

Tlevran, a god that was purged down deep below the crust of the Earth rose out of the lake and blinked.

"...the sun is setting... I'm awake again..."

Tlevran, having been underground for near 5000 years, was unused to everything around him. Plus he was very weak, and would need a lot of time to regain his full magical potential. As the sun set, Tlevran saw a large splat of what seemed like ink off to the North.

"I think it's time... I reaped some souls..."

Tlevran floated towards the ink pools, unaware of what's to come.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@OtomostheCrazy@Cuccoruler@rechonq@Ace of flames01
Xoxi sat up in the bed, wearing nothing but undies.

"New London. You basically slept for 2 weeks, so we took you here and you finished your nap. Cia should be around, in her state of perpetual period. Landon may be around, but I'm not sure. I've been occupied with tracking down a slut."

Xoxi had a laptop to her right, and on it held pretty much shitloads of data and the plans for tracking down Shone-Lee and putting the hurt on her. New London had wifi already because of the mycelings working so fast.

"If you're hungry, pizza's in the fridge down the hall. But before you go I should probably fill you in on what happened."

Xoxi pretty much did just that. Explaining all the stuff with Cia, the Kree, and Axis. Xoxi didn't even bother to stand and put on actual clothes while explaining.

"That's it. You also missed me killing some monsters with a monster so that probably sucks for you."

Then, Xoxi got a dumb idea.

"Would you be willing to be bait for the slut I'm trying to get back at?"


"The fuck are these things? I've butchered 20 of them and they're still trying to come and fuck up my shit."

Tlevran pulled his cleaver out of an Inkling corpse while saying this. The blade was now covered in rainbows, as he kept making his way into New York City, where more of them seemed to be at.

"Hasn't even been a day and I already see fresh meat... hope the locals won't mind if I kill some... oh what am I saying, they'll be dead too!"

Tlevran ran into New York City, ready to slaughter some precious squidchildren. His cleaver would be permanently stained with the multicolored blood of these squidchildren.

As he ran in, another kill was snagged, and his blade was tipped with blue.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

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Landon found himself in quite a predicament right now. He was filled with an unnatural desire for Shone-Lee, Cia was beserk with rage, Claire was evidently asleep, and he really didn't feel like dealing with any of Xoxi's obnoxiousness. "As much as I need a woman right now, they really couldnt't fix a problem with a twelve step guide." He said to himself. Slightly annoyed at the whole situation, he solemnly slipped into his realm. He couldn't sense anyone watching him, so it seemed Shone-Lee's attention was somewhere else. He looked across the earth through his realm. He looked at all the other races and noted their advancements and works. As he reached the Imps, he had a repect for their mastery of dark arts. Reese had done well creating them, and Landon respected that.

He noticed Reese didn't look like he was in the best of moods either, and Landon decided to go see how he was doing. Cythlla had already left by this point. Landon went ahead and stepped out of his shadow right behind Resse. "Hey man. How's life going? I'm just stopping by to see how things are." Landon still had an urge nagging at him. It was weak for now, so he did well to hide it, but it kept asking him why he was talking to Reese right now. There was no sexual attraction there and thanks to Shone-Lee that's what was going through his mind.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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When Cythlla departed Reese made it his main goal to woo her. Though he had to figure out a way to do this without causing anymore harm to people. Which he already knew was gonna be tough due to how things turned out in the brief reunion he had with Cythlla. Looking at the spot Cythlla revived from Reese frowned clenching his fist. From his facial expression it was obvious that he was about to break down into tears. Emma's dead because of him and he didn't even try to save her. Someone who hr loved like a daughter. Yet he abandoned her when what he wanted was in his grasp. "D-damn it...." He whispered under his breath holding back the grief that wanted to come out. Luckily before he dropped to his feet and started to ball like a little kid Landon showed up.

Reese turned around waving at him with a forced smile on his face. "Hey Landon it's been awhile!" He said in a false cheerful tone of voice. Apparently Reese wasn't ready for the question he asked and he began to shake s bit rapidly. "Life...." Reese nearly whispered. Shaking a little less he looked Landon in the eyes and say. "Tell me my friend....is it wrong to love...evil..." He asked looking down at the grass decorated with the ink of squids and imp blood. "Not that I am doing evil things I mean...is it wrong to love someone that would be considered evil by many people. Even you know that person is evil but you can't help but feel the rare sensation of love...." Reese trailed on starring intensely at the ground.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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Leon finally caught his breath and got to his feet then helped Rhona up. She winced slightly. "Are ya OK? Does it hurt too much? " He asked. Both of them had sustained many injuries, most of them were minor ones, however both had a couple sever ones. Leon had gotten stabed on the shoulder and in the stomach, and Rhona had a deep cut across her chest and back; bright beams of light shot out through their wounds. On top of that, both of them were very sore, exhausted, and sweaty.

Rhona shook her head and smiled. " No, I'm okay. Just a little sore."

Leon sighed then nodded. "OK. Why don't we go ta take a bath? I know of this nice hotspring; we can go wash up and heal there." He said. Rhona nodded.

The 2 of them teleported to a large hotspring somewhere in Iceland. The spring acted like boiler, heating up the surrounding area, making it a fairly comfortable place year round. The two split up to give each other some privacy, then striped and entered the warm water. The heat soothed their pain and, thanks to there mother being a goddess of healing and hotsprings, slowly started to heal. It was currently nighttime and the only light, other than the moon and stars, came from their injuries.

Rhona went under the water for a few moments then shot back up gasping for air, shook her head a little, then sat down on a rock nearby in the water. The surrounding water glowed from the light that seeped from her injuries.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Axis has been flying all day. Now it was night and he was over ocean water. He flies to where his wings are downward to the water and his body is to the sky. He dozes off a second and ends up hitting the water. This causes him to become a skipping rock. "Ow ow ow ow" as he skips, then he skids onto land and hits a tree. "OW" he sits and runs his head with a glare at the tree."Screw you and your future saplings tree" he then stands and brushes of the dirt and works his wings making sure they aren't broken. Satisfied he starts walking. "Iceland....nice place." he keeps walking. Finally he spots a bit of light in a hot spring....then he spots...*them* in his head he does a victory aor punch. He walks forward and steps on a twig making a loud snapping noise."Oh pardon me I had no idea" he manages to blush and his wings fold forward to block his face and body causing his voice to become muffled."Terribly sorry! I was just walking" he stammers. It seems he has worked on his acting in the two weeks as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Cia had started to calm down at this point after two weeks of looking around like crazy for Shone-Lee Cia had started to calm down a bit. Though she had been keeping an eye on Landon from time to time as well. Though not often enough to pay attention to every little thing he was doing.

Cia was with Claire and Xoxi at the moment. They both wanted to go after Shone-lee, though chances are the temptress already knew this and was either staying away from them or ready to turn whatever trap they had on themselves.

"I have no idea what to do. Maybe we should find something else to do for now why not go visit some other country for now?" Cia asked looking over at Xoxi and Claire. Cia honestly had no idea of what to do at this point.


Cythlla in the meantime had seen someone attacking her race. She smiled at this and started to move towards the person. She teleported in front of them with tentacles coming out of the ground as she appeared. Multiple tentacles appearing around the one attacking her inklings. "I would appreciate you leaving my race out of your little misguided anger issues. I mean who would want to mess with the goddess of madness anyways?" Cythlla said with a grin on her face.

She had her shovel dug into the ground infront of her as she leaned on it. A gas could also be seen starting to raise in the area. Many of the inklings saw this gas and quickly started to leave knowing that as the gas of madness.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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Startled, flustered, and extremely embarrassed by the newcomer, Rhona paniced, quickly tried to cover herself and submerged herself underwater, causing the water to glow brightly. She stayed underwater a few minutes before reemerging gasping for air and coughing. "Don't look!" She said between coughs as she blushed wildly, her hair became fire, quickly turning around and trying to cover herself. She hadn't gotten a good look at the newcomer but she was embarrassed just the same.


Leon, who was still clothed and had forgotten to give Rhona a towel, had headed to where Rhona when he suddenly heard talking. As he approached the area he saw a winged stranger that was seemingly blushing. He automatically figured out what happened. Fury built up inside him as he silently came up behind him and threw the stranger into the water, right next to Rhona. She let out a small scream as she was splashed by water."Ya fuckin' perverted son of a bitch! Peepin' on me sister! Ya need ta clean up yer act, mate!" Leon said. He then followed in after him, he wasn't finished with avenging his sister just yet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

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Clearly embarrassed that Cia saw her half-naked, Xoxi quickly puts a shirt on.

"Personally I'd love to jam a fist into the breast of that seductress, but we probably should focus on some other stuff right now, calm us all down, maybe just give us a break from all this shit. Who wants to see how Italy is doing... or better yet how about the states? Arizona had the remaining humans, and who knows, maybe we'll run into the seductress so I can jam my fist in her side. I vote we go to the land of the free and home of the brave if we go anywhere."

Xoxi had a small letter on her nightstand saying "DON'T OPEN IT", along with some knick-knacks, and an empty box of pizza. Clearly this was a homicide.

"I mean I'd say you and Claire hash it out for who's the ultimate factor in deciding where the hell we go if we go anywhere."

Xoxi opened her laptop and worked on the plan while the two women hashed it out over what the decision was.

Tlevran raised his blade up out of another squidchild. The blade is tipped green with blue specks.

"How do you plan on turning a mad god into more of a mad god? I've lived for thousands of years, after having slain both my mother and father. I have little emotion, little girl, and I suggest I reap about 20 more of these squidchildren so I don't have to take out my anger on you."

Tlevran was most definitely not affected by the gas. Even if he was it probably wasn't a good idea to make a god that had barely any feeling of mercy insane.

"...wait... are you the bastard child of Cthulhu? Hehe, no wonder why you have such an attraction to tentacles, otherwise I would've imagined you've seen so much tentacle porn that you couldn't contain your fetishes. Also nice try with the illusions."

Tlevran gave Cythlla the feeling that she was about to have a bad time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01
Axis gets thrown into the water his wings still bundled up around him, this causes for a lot of weight. He manages to pull himself out of there and keeps his now wet wings covering his face. "No wait I wasn't i didn't mean to" He squeaks and stammers. "Please sir" internally he shudders at the use of sir. Ugh. "Twas an accident" he curls up behind his wings and starts shaking hard, his hands covering his face. "Please don't hurt me" Internally he looks unamused but knows he's doing a fantastic job acting. He really seems like an innocent guy here. His wing cover himself, but he still holds his hands up while quivering and shaking visibly.
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