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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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Leon scowled and decided to not waste his time with the stranger. He turned to Rhona helped her out of the water. "Come sister. Let's leave. I've bathed plenty already. " He said. Once back only shore he glanced back at the stranger his eyes narrowed as Rhona quickly dried off and got dressed. " What's with those wings? Is he some cupid wannabe? A mortal race of some sort? I'll ask Flemming later, I suppose. " He thought.

Rhona touched Leon's shoulder. " He's an odd looking fellow, isn't he? I think we should leave. " Her thoughts echoed between the twins.

Leon nodded smirking towards her. "Yeah some perverted cupid wannabe no doubt. And yeah I think we should leave as well. " His thoughts echoed back. Rhona giggled at Leon's joke then opened a portal and gestured for her brother to follow. Leon followed closely behind her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

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Claire was busy trying to fix her voice to sound different. Being a goddess that frequently visited the planet to check on her Duskicians, that race in particular could easily recognize her. Interesting fact, they could also recognize her particular voice. Since there plenty of travelers among the Duskician race, she would most likely run into them. So, she had to change her voice in order to keep her cover.

She had a bit of trouble, thinking that it was too young or too deep or something, but eventually she managed to get something passable. It was a bit of seductive-sounding voice that still showed off youth, but also managed to hold the tone of a mature woman. Sort of like an older sister. Though she did like her own actual tomboyish voice, she had to keep her cover, so some things she'd just have to bear with.

Finally returning her attention to the others, she heard bits about going to other countries, and particularly something about Arizona.

"huh? The U.S.?"

Claire thought about it. On one hand, it would have given CIA the chance to look at the what was left of the race she had wiped out. Maybe it would bring more guilt and force her to truly think about what the consequences were, rather than sleep on it and try to hide. Unfortunately, Claire didn't feel ready to see the survivors. If by chance there were some of her old friends in that community...she didn't really want to know what she herself would do.

...Of course, to her knowledge, Italy was empty, so it didn't seem like there was much other choice.

"I guess that could work. Yeah, I've never been to Arizona. It sounds cool. Let's go there."

Somewhere in the back of her mind, a small part of Claire was looking forward to throwing CIA into some sort of guilt.


Somewhere nearby, a figure was sitting on a rock. In front of it was a sort of haze. Through it, the figure watched as three women idled about. It assumed that they were traveler's, and given the fact that most of their clothes lacked signs wear and tear, they must be experienced. Experienced people always had something of value with them.

The figure dispelled the looking-haze, and began walking. It seemed to have found something fun to do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Cia got extremely nervous when Arizona was suggested. That was the last place that Cia wanted to go. Sure no humans knew that it was her fault for wiping our almost all of them, but she would have to face this one day. "I-I guess we should go... I'll open a portal." Cia said nervously. She opened a portal that connected to the portal already set up near Arizona.

The Town was full of people whom seemed to be doing well for themselves despite many of them having to bury loved ones after the recent attack. Cia only looked through the portal for now though, she hadn't walked through it yet as she was extremely nervous. If the humans did find out that she was the reason they were nearly extinct they would tear her apart.


Cythlla only smiled as he tried to brush off the illusion. The only reason he could for now though, was because it hadn't take full effect yet. "You do realize that this the leech field your standing in though right? Inklings love to eat em, but they do have neutralize the creatures or else they could end up with some excruciating pain as the leeches dig their sharp teeth into their victims. Nasty things you know." Cythlla mentioned as she pointed at the leeches that had already jumped onto Tlraven.

The gas was finally starting to take hold. It was real enough to make him feel the pain even, something that was the reason for the gas taking so long. "So no, you can't kill any more of my inklings. The humans may not be here but there are plenty of other creatures around, why not go after those slime creatures instead? I hear their far more fun to kill." Cythlla suggested as she started to walk away. It would be around an hour until the illusion wore off, even if he did realize that it was an illusion he would still feel the pain for atleast an hour.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Axis stands and dusts himself off. His clothes now dry he runs down after them. Mentally he is flipping them off. He stops next to them and looks apologetic. "Hey i swear I'm not a perv....or anything...that was a complete accident. I enjoy that particular hot spring as well and i wasn't paying attention until it was too late" He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. "If theres anything I could do to make it up to you....or anything i could do to help you with anything....please let me know" He looks innocent as he talks awkwardly. Hopefully, they would say yes. That would get him one shoe into his plan. If not...he was going to have to change his appearance again. That would be annoying.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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Rhona turned back and faced the newcomer. "Unless you can turn back time... I'm afraid their is nothing you can do. Besides... It doesn't matter. You've already been forgiven." She replied mournfully, her eyes tainted with sadness and guilt.

Leon placed her hand on her shoulder with a sympathetic look. "We'll get him back. I promise." his thoughts echoed to Rhona.

Rhona looked back at Leon. "I hope so... This is all my fault..." Her thoughts echoed back to Leon. No words were said aloud. They were not needed, because they already knew what the other was thinking. Tis the amazing, telepathic bond between twins.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

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Xoxi sees Cia's unease as she stares through the newly made portal.

"Are you sure you want to go to Arizona now? We don't have to immediately go... we could probably go to see what remained of San Fransisco first before going to where all the humans are being buried."

Xoxi really didn't want Cia to feel nervous if they went somewhere. Let alone the place where they'd be in other's territory, and causing any crime while getting caught would lead to near war... or worse... punishment at the hand of Flemmings. Nonetheless, Xoxi sneakily put on pants and went up to Cia, and by sheer dumbassery, probably would regret doing this thing.

Xoxi hugged Cia very tightly, attempting to keep her from being uneasy about going to Arizona.

"Listen. If you want to go through with this, you can, and I'l' go with you. I said I would take you sightseeing and I'm gonna keep that damned promise. Plus having the world's best thief at your side isn't really a terrible thing to have."

A loud roar sounded, as Tlevran tackled Cythlla to the ground, and pinned her.

"You're gonna have a bad time here."

Tlevran stared hard and piercingly into Cythlla's eyes, and raised her heartbeat forcefully.

"You remind me a lot of my mother. You were both ignorant to my powers, and like my mother, you will see the blade of my cleaver for it. You are spared but this once, child, but be warned the next time we meet, my blade will thirst for the flesh of your tentacles... and for good measure that you remember who I am..."

Tlevran sliced Cythlla's right hand off, but since he was chopping while pinning Cythlla down, he cuts a small bit of his own finger off. The hand was left it where it was. He stood up and spat on Cythlla.

"I'll see you around, o' bastard child of Cthulhu."

Using the souls of the ones he killed, he teleported out to the middle of New Mexico, and sat down, trying to get over the gas before it's full effect would take place while also grieving over his new stumpy finger.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Landon chuckled a bit at Reese's question. It was a very deep question and it appeared that he was certainly in a vulnerable state. Landon gave a moment of thought trying to recall his own thoughts on the matter. When he was finally collected his thoughts, he gave Reese this answer. "There are a thousand philosophical answers I can give to that question, and every one can be debated to be true or false. I'm not one to normally act on instinct or emotion, but when there is no solid answer, just do what you want. What's wrong to one person isn't wrong to the next. I mean we're gods. We write the rules of right and wrong. Since the fall of humans, races have been created with the sole purpose of destruction. I'm sure they aren't wrong when they senselessly slaughter other mortals. With so many gods to disagree, the only thing that really decides what's right and wrong is power, and I know you are certainly powerful enough to decide your own right and wrong. So go love your woman, or all the women. Love whoever you want, however you want, and love all of them."

Landon's lust began to come through towards the end of his speech. As he spoke he even began to influence himself. He held onto the idea of sex meaning something intimate until now, but as he spoke all his thoughts turned toward merely satisfying a desire. Maybe Zeus isn't as mindless as I used to think he was. It's not like relationships matter to gods anyways. Power is all that matters. His thoughts were beginning to turn on him. He looked back to Reese to see what he thought about his rant on love.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Cia was really beginning to tick Claire off. Though it was a small thing in comparison, there was a solution that would help. How she failed to see it, Claire didn't know. Of course, what person would know when they become frustrated on any level? Yes, this was just Claire being negative. She did have a bit of control over it, though. Partially because she was slightly nervous about meeting humans too, and partially because she didn't think that Cia deserved all of what Claire wanted to do to her.

Claire let out a sigh before speaking up.

"Look, Cia. If you don't think you're ready, then just close the portal. We'll just start walking around until you think things through. The whole reason we're here is so you can see what changed. You can't really do that if you can't handle what's coming up."

Claire really hated talking to people like this. It just felt weird to her. She was the type of person that jokes around and has fun. Being serious really wasn't her style. Still, she had to say something, as going into a significant town emotionally unprepared was a bad idea on several levels.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Reese was satisfied with Landon's answer and even smiled when he finished his response. If it's not wrong to love Cythlla then he can agree with that. "Hey you wouldn't mind me tagging along with you?" Reese asked looking back in the direction of the imps civilizations. Even though the situation with loving a bad someone was out of the way. He still was responsible for Emma's death and that's gonna hunt him probably for eternity. Reese a God who murder countless of people doesn't even have the stomach to tell his people he killed Emma. A young, beautiful, prestigious girl dead and all Reese can think of is sorry. His greed obviously got the best of him. "If you were planning to go visit The Imperials, don't. I don't think they're ready to be greeted by another god." Reese lied knowing his race has been ready to come in contact with new things. With a pat on his chest a brown hooded cloak materialized on him. "I'm ready to leave when you are." Reese said forcing another smile on his face throwing the hoodie of the cloak over his head. It dropped over his head and covered his eyes and most of his hair.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Axis furrows his brows in confusion, but sympathy goes through his eyes."Im sorry for your loss?" He portrays this character as sympathetic, but not knowing what to be sympathetic about. He looks awkward as well, since he doesn't know what to do. "I wish I could turn back time, but sadly, I cannot." His lavender eyes meet theirs and they look sincere. "If I can do anything else for you...." He shrugs. He looks awkward.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cia heard them talk about her not having to go to Arizona. "T-That would be preferred that we do not go, I'm not ready to face the humans yet." Cia said with a sigh. This with what she just said Xoxi might start asking questions about Cia's connection to the humans. "Why don't we go visit San Francisco instead? Just like you said Xoxi." Cia said giving a smile to Xoxi, glad that the others weren't willing to push her into going to Arizona yet to meet with the humans.

Cia changed the portal to go to the City of San Francisco. Cia was a bit calmer now and didn't hesitate to step through the portal. What they would see on the other hand could only be explained as an urban jungle. The city was the destroyed, the bridge was no more. There were animals roaming the city streets with greenery everywhere that it shouldn't be. It was a strange place indeed. Cia had an almost dumbfounded look on her face. Cia hadn't realize that total destruction she had caused.

Cythlla was in a bit of shock when she realized that her hand was cut off. After about an hour though her hand was fully formed again. "He was fun, I hope I can play with him again some time." Cythlla said with a smile on her face. In truth, due to the madness of Cythlla she was a masochist and when her hand was cut off, she felt an immense form of pleasure. She would find him again, and make him feel the same pleasure she did that was for sure. For now though she had to start preparing the Inklings with new weapons.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rhona shook her head, she didn't expect any less of an answer from the stranger. She knew that the hands of time could not be reversed. This was their problem and they were going to fix it. "No, it's fine. I already said that you are forgiven. " She finally said aloud with a reassuring smile, though the mournful look stayed. Her gaze pierced Axis as she made eye contact with him, reaching past Axis and met Alec. For a few moments there was silence, though her gaze had reached Alec internally, she did not recognize the stranger, and she looked away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Axis nods and looks down. "Okay..." He looks back at her. "Just....let me know if i can help okay? He looks between the two. "You both seem like you've been through a lot and....you could probably use some help here or there just to...make things easier you know?" Internally Alec struggles a bit, but to no avail...he is bound up pretty dang well. Internally, Axis appears to be...knitting. You know i was trapped back there for decades...Picked up a few hobbies Alec struggles harder earning a knitting needle to be thrown at him. stop struggling and enjoy the ride...watch your new life like a movie reel...like i had. Axis looks down embarrassed, then meets rhona's eyes. "So yea...Let me know if there is anything I can do"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rhona paused. "I envy you... The mistake you made can be so easily fixed. Perhaps I woke up too soon..." She murmered to herself. She looked back up at the stranger. "I only wish I could save them both." She said to the stranger, her gaze pierced him once again. "But... I don't know if I can. I am still going to try... Even if it kills me." Her voice sounded determined.

"Ya can fix yer mistake, sister. And ya will. Just give it time." Leon's thoughts echoed to her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Xoxi steps through the portal to San Fransisco, and her expression melts entirely.

The entire city was in more ruins than London was found in. Vines and plants have grown all over what remained of the golden gate bridge, and everything was in ruins.

"...this place used to be beautiful... but now it's a wasteland."

Xoxi saw the street sign, damaged but still up, reading "Haight-Ashbury".

"The Haight... where I stayed when I was 7. This place stayed surprisingly intact."

Xoxi saw that the city still had the beautiful ocean view, and Alcatraz looked mainly intact, aside from a gaping crack in it.

"Welcome to ruined San Fransisco, population... counting us... maybe 5."

Xoxi was clearly in a state of depression, until she realized.

"Nobody is around to stop me from stealing stuff! Heheh! World's greatest thief is about to steal some herbal substances!"

Xoxi ran over to a small cornerstore and came out with a small bag of what appeared to be moss.

"Cia if you wanna calm down I got what you need. Do we have ovens in London yet?"

Xoxi clearly wanted to make some special brownies. Not quite what your mother used to make, because those contained motherly love, but these ones would contain some special spices and crushing love. Clearly, Xoxi wanted Cia to feel good.


"...well... there's one finger gone... why did I have to chop her hand off..."

Tlevran basically was in the middle of nowhere, a ruined small homestead was in sights, with a skeletal dog on the porch of it. A small lilac light emanated from the homestead.

"What the... what is that...?"

Tlevran sucked on his nubby finger, keeping blood in his body, as he walked to the wrecked house. Once he made it, he saw mildewed furniture, with a skeleton in a recliner, and another skeleton in a rocking chair. The light emanated from upstairs. As Tlevran enterd the second floor, he saw something very odd.

He saw a portal, barely staying together.

"What... is this...?"

Clearly, it either led to the Nexus... or to hell. Tlevran decided he would stay the night near the portal. It casted a comforting light onto his shadowed body, as Tlevran slowly drifted to sleep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

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Landon was fine with Reese tagging along with him. It seemed like his answer helped him to recover from whatever got him down. "I don't mind if you follow me. I didn't really have anywhere specific to go in mind when I got here, but I can think of some places we could go now." Reese had asked him not to go visit the Imperials and Landon wasn't sure what his hesitation was, but now wasn't the place to question it. He thought about the other races about in the world, and the Dej were a tasty race that came to his mind. They were pretty advanced and knew how to enjoy themselves as well. "Let's head to Dej. We both have enough troubles and we deserve something to take our mind off of them. I hear they have some great wine and alcohol, and I'm sure we could start a great party there. I just wish we had Claire as well. The Dej have some nice music, but no mortal can compare to that goddesses talent. She can set any mood." With that Landon opened a shadow in the ground and left it open for Reese as well. He stepped through and arrived in the Dej capital in former Saudi Arabia. "Well let's go find ourselves a tavern. Those can easily be turned into clubs."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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"The Dej..." Reese whispered to himself after Landon proposed of going there. As he listened to Laandon it seemed like the Dej would be the best place to throe a party. Plus Reese earned himself a celebration. He brought back Cythlla and that's definitely something to party for. That's when he quickly remembered it's been 30 years and he hasn't came across the other gods in those years. "It'd be nice to see Claire after all this time too." Reese added smiling. This time his facial expression wasn't force it was for really this time. Reese followed Landon into the shadow quickly noticing the sudden change in the environment. "Woah , so we're in the Dej's territory now!?." He asked in a rhetorical way. Catching up with Landon, Reese continued to look around like a tourist getting a bit easily distracted by everyday things within Dej. Besides the repetitive destructions Reese managed to keep up with Landon and keep a look out for any taverns.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Axis tilts his head. "I don't think whoever you are trying to help would want you to hurt yourself" his voice sounds empathetic. "Maybe to help whoever you need more people?" He shrugs. "More brains to help you brain storm type thing" internally Alec struggles hard trying to reach rhona, but failing miserably. His struggles earn a hard kick from axis causing alec to pass out. Axis goes back to knitting...as if he is knitting a scarf of lies.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rhona chuckled a bit then shook her hrad. "Maybe one of them perhaps. But I'm sure the other wants me dead... Besides. Even if he does hate me; I still plan on saving both of them. Even if it means that I regret it later. So I don't mind dying." She explained. Her words were the truth and were enough to make anyone impatient to the point of making them furious. Rhona paused. She started to say something but then stopped herself. "This is no matter a mortal should be a part of. A mortal should not be a part of the matters of the gods." She smiled at the stranger. "I may not be able to save them but I may know of a couple people who could...! You're a genius! Thank you!" She replied happily, clasping the stranger's hands. She may have found a way that could save both Axis and Alec. Now all she would have to do is track them down and see if she can persuade them to help her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01
Axis tilts his head looking confused. "Uhm....you're welcome?" Internally axis paces a new scarf around his neck. *what is the welp up to...what could she possibly do* he stops pacing internally and shakes his head. *ugh she's frusterating....how could you like that* Alec internally struggles once more earning a pinch to the sleeper nerve causing alec to pass out. Axis rubs his neck and smiles at rhona. "Glad I could help" he smiles. *ugh*
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