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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Claire took a look at the ruins of San Fracisco. It was way worse than she thought. She had avoided visiting the city, as she had spent a time living there back when everything didn't go to hell and back. She had some rather fond memories of Djing in some clubs in the city. It wasn't the best city, as fog was spread in random parts of the place for about half of each year, but it was still fun. The sun showed up in parts that mattered the most, and a ton of the big sights were only slightly less grand in reality as it was in advertisements.

Now the place was just as wrecked as the other unoccupied cities and towns on the planet. Anything that was still standing was covered by Mother Nature's version of revenge. Vines and shrubbery and all sort of wild plants, invasive ones, and plenty of weeds. Despite what some people used to say, the place didn't look as good as they fantasized. It only made the place look like Silent Hill if it had a secret garden of herbal inhalants.

...and then Xoxi left and returned with actual ingredients for herbal inhalants. Claire chuckled at the sight. She didn't even know if such a thing would affect Cia that much. Though, maybe it was the thought that counts. Still, Xoxi said something London, causing the Music Goddess to tilt her head in confusion. They had just gotten there, and they were about to leave? But there was an entire town to explore. Why leave now? If Cia can't handle walking around empty ruins, then how will she ever see the survivors? Besides, Claire had some things of her own that she had to get.

"Wait, hold up. Let's take a look around first. There's some places I want to check out while we're here."


The figure stood where he was. He had been doing so for a while. Yes, he had spent some time thinking about the three travelers that he spotted. They had clean clothes, so he assumed that they had some valuable loot on them. Even if they didn't the clothes themselves would probably fetch something of worth to the right person. And no person in their right mind would travel without something to protect themselves. Those items would be useful to have as well.

Still, that wasn't what he was thinking of at the moment. Right now, he was focusing. Fusing two spells was an easy feat for a Duskician. Understanding the concept came natural to them. Combining two high-level spells, however was understandably difficult. Teleporting far distances was hard enough in and of itself. Teleporting in a way that didn't have him appear inside another person's body and killing them both was even more so. So, he had to cast a long-range teleportation spell, fused with a spell that manipulates darkness in a way that allows the user to detect the presence and positions of those standing in large shadows. This took time, effort, and focus. He'll be tired at the end, but he'd be where he wanted to be without complication.

His eyes were closed, and his breathing was calm. The instant his spell was ready, his eyes opened, and darkness surrounded him. He sunk into the shadows as if he was in water, and rose up in a den outside the ruins of San Francisco. Near him were the members of the Bandit group he was in. Six other individuals who were waiting patiently for his return.

There were four Mirifakino Exiles, waiting around. They were the grunts of the group, doing nothing but what they're told. They were exiled for being mere followers in the violent tribes. Those who could not think for themselves had no place. The violent ones of the Mirifakino held dreams of becoming legends, and despised those who held dreamt of anything less. Thus, they were forced to wander about until death. They were found by this group, and joined as they had no other means to survive. These Exiles wore the masks that showed this status, so that any others would know to show them no kindness.

The other two were pretty much different. They held a bit more of a position among them. They were certainly no followers. Though none called themselves the leader of this group, these two held themselves in high regard. As such, the exiles held them in such positions as well. The first one was a Myceling that looked to have a sort of short-temper, while also holding some sort of dark humor. He was a former soldier of the Myceling Kingdom that went rogue because of some murders he had committed to gain his rank. His name was Jerry. Jerry Pie. He joined the group after holding his own against the Exiles, and being promised that he'd gain wealth with them. The second was an Inkling that looked to be way too laid-back. His name was Resin, and he just sort of showed up one day and joined without permission. The others had no argument with his joining, as the inkling was smart and creative enough to plan out some successful robberies without much going wrong. The others didn't really know him that well, but most of them couldn't care less.

In any case, the figure took a moment to catch his breath. They all looked at him expectantly. He spoke to them,

"I've found some new...worthy targets."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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To much the groups surprise Cia was not as horrified by San Francisco state as they were. All the Greenery in the area actually made it look quite beautiful, atleast it looked pretty to Cia. "Yeah I would love to look around more." Cia said with a sweet smile no long nervous.

"And I don't think those herbs will be of any use, but thanks for the thought." Cia added as she looked around the city as she examine the various trees in the area. "I do wonder what kind of fruit trees are growing here." Cia said with almost a skip in her step as she walked behind the others looking around the place as if it was a beautiful garden. A deer could be seen every now and then along with many MANY rabbits. The whole city was like a brand new rain forest. Those who knew of Cia's great sin would see her reaction as almost disgusting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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For a moment a surpised look flashed across her face. The stranger's actions strangly reminded her of Alec. Rhona nodded then grabbed Leon's hand. "Well! Me and my brother must be leaving I'm afraid. I would bring you with us but I don't think you could survive where we are going, but I hope that we get to meet up again sometime!" She said. As she said this, she sent her plan to Leon. Surprise glimmered in his eyes, though his facial expression remained indifferent and said nothing. His only reaction was a slight nod to the stranger.

"Yeah. I hope we can meet up again sometime, lad. Perhaps go fer a few pints, yeah?" He replied, indifferently. Rhona smiled at Leon then giggled.

"It looks like you made a new friend, brother. "

Leon snorted then chuckled aloud at Rhona's thought. " That's ridiculous, sister. Why would I make friends with a wannabe cupid, when I already have such a loving sister already?"

"Alright, alright. If you say so, brother." Rhona smiled at Leon's thought.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Axis looks confused then face palms. "I'm such a Simpoltyn. Apologies." He smiles and bows somewhat. "My name is Valentine. Son of Hermes and a mortal. Demi God" he shrugs. "Hence the wings" he smiles again. "Not nearly as fast as father unfortunately" a glimmer of sadness goes through his eyes. "Though cupid himself liked me well enough" he shakes his head. "Anyway I don't drink but thanks for the offer" Alec is laughing at axis internally eating a slap across the face and another nerve grab. *screw you mutt* internally he tosses his scarf around his neck. *im fabulous and everything I do is such...even making up names* axis sighs. *except for that story...ugh Demi God...ugh*
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Xoxi was still skeptical of all the foliage growing in the city. She was not fond of Plantoids, and it wouldn't surprise her if one was lurking.

"Heh... it does have that beauty though."

Xoxi didn't trust the city as much as Cia did, but nonetheless, she was ready to raid this city dry. That is... if it had anything. So Xoxi led the trio through the city, heading to the shoreline for a better look at the Golden Gate Bridge and a possible route to Alcatraz to raid it and see if anything was worthwhile there.

Then the question was brought up.

"Hey Cia... um... do you have any history with humans? You said somethin' weird back there."

Xoxi wanted to figure out some stuff regarding humans.


Tlevran slept. What? Did you think he was awake? Nah man he's too tired from cutting off a hand and losing his own finger.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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"Don't drink, ya say? Shame." Leon replied shrugging, his tone and expression was seemingly indifferent.

"A son of Hermes and a mortal, you say? ... How peculiar... I don't recall Hermes ever having wings on his back... Regardless, they are quite lovely. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Valentine!" Rhona replied happily. "Since you are a demigod, then perhaps you would be able to survive Nexsus's atmosphere... However... I am not certain. While I would enjoy your company, I don't want to put you at risk. Perhaps we could meet up again sometime later?" Her tone turned apologetic.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Axis smiles and nods. "I understand...and yea definitely" he looks at leon. "I may not drink...but i do a mad game of darts" He grins. "We should hang out and do something fun" Internally Axis has his face in his hands. *God dammit* Internally Alec is still knocked out...though if he was more present there is a 100% guarantee he would be laughing at Axis...because he screwed up his own plan and that is amusing...even if he is held hostage. Axis then waves and shoots off into the air. *dammit...now i have to figure out how to friggin spy on them or something just to figure.....screw it...just gonna go home and figure out how I want to look...because I deserve it* he heads to his 'home' and gets to work.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


"Alright. Darts it is." Leon said with a smirk. After 'Valentine' took off, the twins entered the portal to Nexsus.

On the other side, they immediately started to search for Flemming, in hopes that he may provide them with the answer they need answers they needed and not be beheaded for their past crimes in the process. They asked around for where he might be, but didn't get any certain leads. In the end, they decided to wait in Nexsus for him to appear, then discuss their plan with him and hope that he would agree to help.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Looking at Cia was...well, enraging for Claire. She was so happy. The girl was looking around at the ruins of the city as if it was an amusement park, skipping around and looking at things as if she found herself in a happy-go-lucky-rainbows-snowcone-chipper-Wonderland! This used to be filled with humans -humans that she KILLED- and she was off sniffing the flowers and smiling?! The worst part was that as much as she wanted to address it, Claire had to hide it. She wanted Cia to feel it genuinely, so forcing it out of her was not the idea.

Luckily for her, the group was nearing one of the places she wanted to check out. It was a destroyed apartment complex, but the floors she wanted to go to were still intact...or as much as they could have been within the span of 30 years and plenty of magical influence. When Xoxi asked about Cia's history with the humans, Claire chuckled a bit and shook her head.

"You're on your own with this one, Cia. I'm off to check this place out."

With that, the music goddess went inside the building, leaving the two to converse.

The stairs were still in one piece, save for the upper floors, and the elevator was understandably out of order. She made her way to two apartments that were neighboring each other. The doors were on the floor and covered with foliage, but they still held some distinct children's drawings. Going inside of one, she looked around, and found that it was exactly how she imagined it. Tossed about with nothing being where you t was meant to be. Shattered shards of mirror glass littered all about, rusted forks, spoons, pots, and whatever else could be counted as metal kitchenware scattered along with them, a broken TV smashed through a wall. Just as she imagined it.

On the floor, Claire found what she had been looking for. A Worn Ribbon that miraculously survived the destruction. She picked it up, and went into the next apartment. It was much the same as the first. This time, however, she picked up something else. Ballet shoes.

She looked at these trinkets with sadness. These items belonged to two children she knew of. The daughters of some of her best friends. She remembered taking some time off to DJ at their birthdays...She remembered that she promised to some by again the year after. Before going off to gather survivors in the zombie plague, she ensured their safety by sending some musical contructs...

Claire shook her head to disperse the memories. There were a couple more places she hoped to visit. If they left soon, maybe she'd return after everything was said and done. She left the building to return to Xoxi and Cia.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Cia continued to look around the city with a smile on her face. However this smile disappeared when Xoxi asked her about Cia's connection with the humans. "I-I would rather not talk about that... just know that it was grim." Cia said not wanting to say much else about herself. Cia was alot calmer though now that she was looking around at everything in the area. "I want to see what the zoo looks like." Cia added with a smile as she and group headed off towards the zoo.

In that area there weren't as many animals there. Many of the creatures in the zoo had escaped upon the destruction of humanity and set up territories else where. The animals that had set up residence within the zoo area however seemed to be many MANY monkeys. All of these monkeys had gotten along as well and were coexisting. Cia still had the same blissful smile on her face the whole time. It wouldn't be long now until Claire had an outburst though about Cia.

Marie had appeared infront of Tlevran. She stepped on his gut though in order to wake him up. "I have an offer for you." Marie said with a smile as she sat down next to him. "You seem to like Genocide, but tell me. How did you feel when someone else destroyed the human race instead of you? Did it make you angry?" Marie said with a grin on her face. "I have a plan to open a rift between worlds. But I need to have innocent gods commit one of the seven deadly sins. I was hoping you would help me in that." Marie offered with a smile. "You can make the one who committed genocide against the humans, yours." Marie added. It seemed that Marie was trying to get right to the point, she wasn't willing to waste time with this one.

@ace of flames01
Flemmings entered the nexus after working on one of his little projects with the Dej. Mostly he was just directing where to place portals for easy access, he was also working on security measures for his race as well. For now though he would just let them grow on their own. As he entered the Nexus he noticed someone else was waiting for him. "Oh Rhona! Your awake again, it's good to see you. And Leon as well, what brings you two to the Nexus? Are you both considering making a civilization?" Flemmings said making sure to exchange pleasantries.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rhona noticed Flemming enter and greeted him with a warm smile; Leon gave a curt nod to Flemming as a form of greetings. Rhona was the first to speak. "The pleasure is all mine, Flemming. It is good to be awake. I trust you are well?" Rhona replied as they exchanged their pleasantries. However, this was no time for idle chatter. The twins had put their lives at risk for a reason, and one reason only.

"I'm afraid our reasons for coming here are more dire than creating a race." Rhona said her voice became hesitant and her expression was nervous. She paused. This was going to be risky.

"... I would like to ask you of a potential favor. Do you remember us mentioning the name 'Axis'? Well... If it's possible, do you know of anyone that could have the potential to separate the two into their own individual bodies? To pull the two apart safely without harming either Axis nor Alec?" She asked hopeful.

Leon stood behind Rhona silently, yet on edge, a dagger concealed underneath his shirt. They were playing a very dangerous game. While he did not want to start a fight, he wasn't about to sit idle and act as sitting ducks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Axis looks at his new self in the mirror...his true self...and grins. "Look at that" He fixes his vest. "Much better if I don't say so myself" His wings ruffle a bit and he nods. With a snap he teleports out of his home and into iceland. "Iceland is severely lacking in gods of love currently" He grins and walks. "I think I shall just....walk for a bit" His walk has an almost feline grace to it, his hair now red, shinning in the light. ((Note: He now looks like his picture)) He pauses at a rock and sits on it. "Such a beautiful day" He sits back and ends up laying on the rock. He looks peaceful, his wings dangling off the sides. His legs dangling off the rock as he sprawls there. He hums a bit to himself. *Soon I shall work on my abilities.* unlike Alec who didn't really practice his magic, Axis wants to hone every skill he has. Making himself a weapon....along with his weapon and fighting skills. He probably would have been useful in the battle with the old gods, but oh well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Xoxi shrugged it off, but remained skeptical about Cia's connection with the humans. However, she respected Cia's privacy, and chose to ask again soon enough.

"...yo are these monkeys like their own civilization? Like from that crappy movie, the Planet of the Apes or something along the lines of that?"

Xoxi was somewhat surprised. Monkeys and humans were similar, aside from brain capacity, and seeing them as their own little group made her smile. It was interesting to her. Maybe these guys could evolve far enough to make their own civilization and coexist with the others already in the world. That'd be pretty cool.

Then, in an instant, Xoxi got a really dumb idea.

One that may work wonders.

Xoxi calmly and slowly approached the monkeys, while rummaging through her bag of stuff. It held a lot, despite it being what appears like a small burlap sack. Some of the monkeys noticed Xoxi and started growling at her, unsure at what Xoxi was doing.

"Hey... look it's okay... I'm cool."

Xoxi pulled out a small tiny plush penguin from her bag, placed it down on the ground, then slowly backed away. A small monkey, presumably a child, ran up and grabbed it, then ran back.

Xoxi smiled and walked away, grabbing Cia's arm as she walked.

"Let's leave these guys alone, eh?"

Tlevran stared at Marie for a minute, then started talking.

"You mentioned someone committed genocide on the human race? I am deeply sorry but I've been asleep for a few thousand years, and hearing that makes me want to chop your head off..."

Tlevran stood up and stared at her.

"The only reason I'm not killing you though is because it does make me angry. I will help you in your task, only so these gods can be removed from the playing field so I can enact genocide on the world."

Tlevran held out his cleaver, offering it to shake instead of his shadow hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Landon continued on with Reese following searching for a tavern. It wasn't long before they found a tavern. It was pretty busy as the day was coming to an end, but still very slow at the time. The music was pretty slow and only a few people were dancing, while the rest were just sitting and chatting. "We really need to liven this place up. Free rounds for everyone for the rest of the night!" With the close of his announcement a sheer rang out through the tavern. He went up to the band after that and told them to play their festive music. It wouldn't compare to Claire's music, but it should still do the job. He covered the lights in the tavern with darkness and created black lights from it. He shot black bubbles around the tavern that danced along to the music.

The tavern began to look more like a club now. The beat of the night picked up quickly and continued to grow as more Dej came and enjoyed the party and drinks. Landon had forgotten all about everything as he found himself dancing with several Dej women.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Claire took a few steps out of the building, and wondered where the Xoxi and Cia had gone. She guessed that they probably went to wander somewhere nearby. That, or they decided to ditch her. If it was the latter, then she'd have to pay them back in a fair and totally unbiased way...well, maybe just a little biased...and unfair. Still, there's not really that much evidence to back it up. She didn't hear Cia make any portals, and she saw them still outside before she went down from the rooms, so they must have done the former.

Sighing, Claire took another step, but stopped. She had heard something. A shifting sound of movement. Shelooked around cautiously, and brought out a blade from one of her strange-looking sleeve's slits. She didn't want to deal with the mess of using her powers out in the open and being recognized, so she was really limited on her options of defense. She was still, and then she heard a strange tapping. It wasn't a rhythmic tapping, but more of an erratic one that she could associate more to...dancing.

She swung her blade in a direction, but missed as the Mirifakino exiles landed from above. One of them caught her arm with their leg, while the others proceeded to overcome and bind her limbs with rope. The tallest of the exiles swung his arm to the side, and produced a rather crude-looking dagger. He pressed the blade against the area where Claire's neck would be. Then, she suddenly felt something on her own head. There had to have been something on her head, as it spoke.

"I don't know how you got here, but you saved us a lot of trouble, lady."

Claire could only assume that the creature on her head was a nyceling. There were only two races that she knew of that would be able to talk and be that size, and they were Mycelings and Slimililies. Considering her hood wasn't getting moist in any way, it had to be the former.

"Come on out, you two! We have your friend! Give us what we want, or we'll kill her!...Actually don't do anything! I want to see how long it takes for her to bleed out!"

Claire wondered why she always encountered weird people when she's with other deities.

Resin was pinching his forehead at how Cherry ended up doing exactly what he thought he'd do: Completely ignoring the plan and doing things on his own. The squid kid had to admit that he should've seen it coming, but he swears that the rodent was trying to find excuses to kill people. Given that even his own plan was put together at the last minute because of how fast their new targets apparently were, he didn't have time to formulate any extra plans that would deal with the idiot. Still, Resin would have to deal with it when the time comes.

Behind him, was the figure from before. He was resting, but keeping his eye on things. Just in case he had to step in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Cia turned when she heard someone mention they had kidnapped someone else. "Huh..." Cia said before walking towards the direction of the sound. Once she was within range she approached with a look of what could only be seen as interest. These mortals had no idea they were speaking to gods. But in all honesty, Cia did find this highly amusing.They wouldn't be able to hurt Claire if they tried.

Cia was interested in what was happening and just smiled as she approached them with her hands up. "You all seem to have us in a bind." Cia said, any of the bandits would be able to see that Cia's hand was indeed red. It was previously burned though it looked more like a bad sunburn or birth mark at this point.

"What do you want?" Cia asked, though still in a calm demeanor. Even with these bandits attacked Cia she would not attack back, only defend herself. She only hoped that Xoxi would play along in this game.


Marie gave a smile to Tlevran, though it was a rather wicked one. "Glad to hear your on my side. Oh, and watch your ego a bit, not everyone is as weak as you think. These new gods have grown since you were locked away becareful around them. The only reason you weren't hurt more by the last one you met, was because she had been dead for 30 years. Believe me when I say, their dangerous." Marie warned. After all Tlevran was not as powerful as he believed himself to be. Sure he was plenty powerful against mortals, but not immortals.

"Oh right, there are two of them that need a push in order to bring out their sins for now. One is named Rhona, I'm not sure how but she is to be the sin of Sloth. There is also one named Claire, though I have no idea where she is now, she is to be the sin of Wrath. Give Claire a push when you get the chance, as for Rhona though. I need to find some more formation on her before I can even get started on that one." Marie added before turning around and eventually disappearing as her body became multiple spiders and separated.

@ace of flames01
Flemmings stopped to think when the twins mentioned something about separating two bodies. He knew nothing of this and had no idea of how such a thing could be done. "I'm afraid I have no idea, you would have to do some research into the old gods, see if any of them had done such a thing has ever been done before." Flemmings stated as he put a hand under his chin to think. "I'm sure one of them had to of done such a thing, I'm just not sure which." Flemmings added. He could not offer help other than to direct them to search the old gods. If that failed they would have to create the magic to do so, and that would be dangerous.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Xoxi's eye emitted a very faint purple glow as she said something to Cia.

"I got this, hold up."

Xoxi walked forward, hands raised in the air, not willing to put up a fight... yet.

"Hello gentlemen! I am a reasonable person and I'm about to lay down some diplomacy on yo' ass."

Xoxi's eye glowed slightly brighter as she talked, and slowly, her words became more reasonable.

"Now, y'see here boys. I take it you all are bandits, rejected by your races and forced to live off of killing others and looting people. Unfortunately you'll have to turn around and leave us alone, or you'll answer to the world's best thief, and I bet I can singlehandedly take on your 4 masked guys at once. You feelin' me, Eclair? Oh what am I saying, of course you are. So gentlemen I'll just be taking my friend here and leaving before there's any trouble, alright?"

Xoxi was either talking incredible garbage, or her diplomacy is actually working. In any case she was pacifistic for the current time, and did not want to engage in combat.

"I can assure you specimens that I've seen every one of your races before with the exception of the squid kid, and I can only assume he has ink as his weapon. This is no bandit clan, this is more of a potpourri of complete garbage. I'm near 87% sure that once you all make a huge bust of loot, you'll all turn on each other, and in the end, only one of you will be left standing. With all the loot. With all the fame. With all the guilt. You'll have to live with all this guilt for your entire lives and even after that you'll still see each other in the afterlife whereas you will be locked in eternal combat in which nobody will be taken down as you will all be immortal ghosts. Doomed to a life of eternal combat lock."

The light shining from Xoxi's eye is now as bright as a dim flashlight, able to make light, but not able to completely light up a room.

"You will all die here. Whether it's at the hands of my comrades or it's at my own skull."

Xoxi had fortified her sanity, and retired to laughing maniacally at the bandit group while her eye shined.

MEANWHILE... @cuccoruler

Tlevran stood there, baffled at what just happened.

"So that's it? Not even a description of these people? You're kind of helpful, Marie."

Tlevran decided to go through the portal and see where it took him, figured it couldn't hurt, right?

Tlevran later fell out of the sky, right onto a ruined Golden Gate bridge. Portal was kind of convenient that time, huh? I mean it was unstable, so it's not surprising it poofed Tlevran out into a random location.

Unfortunately, he couldn't get up, probably because he fell out of the sky just then.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Her shoulders slouched and slight disappointment crept onto Rhona's face as she listened to Flemming. She had not expected any different of an answer and knew that her request was quite a bit out there. However, new found determination found it's way back into Rhona's expression. Flemming was right, certainly some old god had to have done this before! But who... Who?! That's what the twins were going to have to find out.

"I see. Well, thank you anyways. I'm sure we will find something." She replied with a grin. "I'd you are in need of us, you will be able to find us in the archives."

With that said, the twins said their farewells and headed off for the archives to research.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Reese joined along in the erupting party having as much fun as he possible could. Though he didn't make any advancements towards any of the Dej women so he wasn't fully into the party. Besides being souly devoted to sleeping with only Cythlla that didn't stop him from drinking as if he was in a contest. Gods can hold their liquor and plus Reese sort of knew his limits. Landon sure knew how to turn an average tavern to a club. If hanging with Landon is always like this Reese would have no choice but to follow the guy everywhere. The club was actually something that could distract him for commuting the crime he did. It was already doing a good job of making him forget about most of the things outside of the club. Everything besides Cythlla, even in his nearly drunken state she was on his mind. He would think about she was doing now and then which would cause him to pause for a few seconds but then resume what he was doing before he stopped.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Landon noticed Reese was being lame and holding onto his thoughts and sanity. He escaped his dancers for a moment and went over to Reese. "come on man, you'll have your thoughts tomorrow. Let go for tonight. Down some stronger drinks and get out here." Landon returned to dancing and flirting with the Dej girls.
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