Name: Lucilia "Lucy" Yang
Age: 15
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 204 lbs
Year: 2nd
Nationality: USA
Personality: In a word: Nerdy. These are Lucy's list of interests: Video Games, Anime/Manga, Food, Table Top Games, and then everything else. She's pretty lazy and will gladly admit that she doesn't care for much things, no matter how important they may be, whether it be her health, welfare, grades, or other such things. That being said, Lucy can be nice as well. She's often generous and caring for her friends, willing to bend the rules or otherwise find a way to sneak a little extra gift for them. "A Friend in need is a friend indeed", and Lucy always tries to be available for any of her friends. While not the hardest worker, Lucy works best when she's working with others (Or just someone who can point her towards something she can do), and generally doesn't mind menial positions as long as it's something she can feel good at doing.
But Lucy also has trust issues: Before she got close to people due to her complex about her appearance and general good nature, but after she discovered people were using and abusing her behind her back, she's become more aggressive and paranoid. She values loyalty and wants to give others a chance, but she's quite prepared for their inevitable betrayal and is quick to resort to violence once she starts seeing hints of treachery. Lucy also has a temper and a foul mouth, often cursing and telling crude and offensive jokes without a hint of remorse or regret. She can also be very hypocritical with her words and intentions.
Bio: Lucy is the only daughter of five children, and is the second oldest child of the family. Thus she was raised around boys, and often treated as one as well. Her parents wanted to make sure that Lucy wasn't given the "Special" treatment of being a girl, with some sensible exceptions such as her body and such. But beyond that, Lucy was free to develop however she wanted, and more often then not that meant she did a lot of things with her brothers. Most of it was video games: from pokemon to Soul Caliber, Lucy played their games and often was one of the better players. She and her brothers would go to the arcade after getting their allowances and blow it all on being the best at whatever game catches their obsession.
And not only did Lucy play with the boys, she ate like them too. Meat, sweets, and all that is neat. And while she can stomach greens and other "healthy" foods, she always will make a choice towards the fatty, the fried, and otherwise unhealthy decisions. Lucy also did play some sports as a kid growing up, things like volleyball or soccer, but she never really played them with the intentions of being good at them. They were just social things to do with other kids. Speaking of other kids, Lucy did have a bit of a complex about her weight as a child. She knew that because she was so fat (And way bigger than most boys at times), she got picked on a lot. This made her desperate for affection and approval, and when she got them she often showered her "Friends" with a lot of love and kindness. So it wasn't long before kids took advantage of that and spoke sweet nothings to her in order to get her good graces.
As she got older, and with the help of her brothers, Lucy came to terms with the fact that she was being used and manipulated by people who didn't actually care about her. She retaliated... Violently. And thus she earned a name for herself: Lunatic Lucy. How or why she got that name is something of a closely guarded secret, though that is known is that it forced Lucy to change schools, and for the ones who bullied her to change states.
Her parents never thought what Lucy did was wrong, but they were quite aware that she had problems. They figured that their hands-off approach to raising Lucy made her into an aggressive and unsociable girl she is now. So in the hopes of perhaps maturing her and making her learn a touch more femininity, they enrolled her in Nakkashiro Gakuen. And despite being quite out of place there, Lucy herself agreed to the decision. She did feel the need to try to "Understand where she belonged", and hoped that maybe going to this all girl school would at least show her options. She has her doubts and worries, but she's willing to take a chance and take the first step forward.
Other: Lucy is, surprisingly, not diabetic though she does have some health issues. She's certainly no athlete and tires out easily, but she's also deceptively strong. She can bench press her own weight and could tear off door handles with a solid grip and leverage. She requires glasses as she's short-sighted and beyond about 30 feet, everything becomes blurry. An avid cook, Lucy can make and prepare quite a number of dishes and is good at working on new recipes she's just learned. She also doesn't mind eating a variety of food, even food that is bad, burnt, or even spoiled. She's capable of eating anything, or at least anything she wants to eat.
Lucy is also an avid gamer and quite skilled in most forms of video games, though despite often being better than her brothers she's not as hardcore as some. While she can certainly be metagamey, ultimately her intentions are for having the most fun as she can get, rather than being the best. Lucy wants to host and run a tabletop club that plays various forms of RPGs, typically based on the Pathfinder system. An aspiring artist (Which is a polite way to say that she wants to draw but
sucks at it), Lucy does have some talent in sculpting, which she typically uses to make highly detailed and solid miniatures and other things for her tabletop, such as terrain, buildings, and so forth. She collects Bionicles and pocket knives.