Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Everyone waited outside of the schools gates early in the cold windy morning, they were waiting for the security guards to open so they could let the first years in and the get the year on way, many first year students sat outside the gates some alone and some with family members, most that were alone conversed with strangers to get to know one another, some first year students that came with their parents shyly kept with their parents feeling a little uneasy about talking to new people so suddenly.

The first year parents kept their children company as a couple security guards opened the gates for the students to come into the school." Everyone head to the auditorium, parents you can leave your children now !" one of the female security guards yelled to everyone as they let the students into through the gates and into the giant school castle, they made sure to stop any fathers or brothers, or even Uncles that tried to get into the school or make a step onto the grounds, they barred all of the males at the gate, allowing mothers and sisters to come in.

The students were lead down a series of luxury hallways by the security guards and were corralled into the auditorium, when everyone of the students were planted into a seat and filled up the auditorium, the teachers went onto the auditorium stage along with all of the staff members of the school, all of the teacher and even staff members were all female, the school security that patrolled through the aisles were all females as well. The security guards were looking around to make sure nobody not authorized were in the school, or any males really. When the school principle walked out onto the stage she was a woman as well, she had grey hair and looked motherly in a way
she was given a microphone from what looked like one of the school security and she spoke into it.

" I'd like to thank all of you for coming today, it's not everyday we get people from all over the planet to attend our school, and it's just nice that this year we have such young women from different parts of the globe, it gives me hope that one day the entire world will be unified and all races will get a chance at a great education. Now before I ramble on I'll allow the school's security chief to speak to everyone on our rules and regulations we have here." The principle handed the microphone to the woman that looked like one of the security guards who was on stage, she had a real mean look about her.

The woman dressed as a guard gave the students a strong stoic glare as if she was scanning who would be a trouble maker on the first day."I will warn you all only once and just this once, if you break a rule in this school, I won't hesitate to detain you, whether it be a dorm room detainment or in the school's brig, till I say it's right for you to rejoin your class mates, or if your forced to leave this school." The woman spoke with a strong tone and loud enough for everyone to hear, she then handed the microphone back to the principle.

The principle laughed off the way how the security woman spoke to the students as if she thought it was only a joke."Don't mind that, Try your best to make sure you have a good time, while following the rules, we'd rather nobody have a bad time. Now you all can be dismissed, please let the security guards to your dorms." The principle explained before dismissing everyone, the security guards let everyone back out into the hallways.

As everyone gotten to the dorms, the Security guards with clip boards stood by the doors to the rooms, out of nowhere one of the security guards yelled out the rooms and who'd be in the rooms." ROOM ZERO ONE ! Mai Mayumi and Itsuko Mariann Kanzaki !" Suddenly a large woman standing almost as high as the ceiling grabbed both the girls and threw them into their room, luckily without hurting them, everyone began to calmly walk down the hall slowly till they hit the next door that was only inches away." ROOM ZERO TWO ! Alfonsine Steiner ! And Donna Doughnut Murray Westenra ?"

The same tall muscular woman grabbed both the girls and did the same with the other two girl, she kicked in the door to the room without breaking the lock or the door and chucked the two on their beds. Then like last time, the group inched down the hall hit the next door and like last time the woman with the clipboard yelled." ROOM ZERO THREE ! Kaitlyn Gabrielle Thorne and Tsubaki Yozora !" The giantess grabbed both the girls and brought them into their room and threw them in before shutting the door behind herself.

Again...Just like the last time, the group got a couple inches down the hallway before stopping and the lady with the Clipboard began yelling once again." ROOM ZERO FOUR ! Emiko Nishimura and Lucilia Yang." Instead of throwing both the girls in the room, the large lady grabbed the portly girl with both hands and threw her in the room, but with the other girl, she simply guided her into the room with the girl walking straight into the door frame before going through the door and into the room.

Just like the last four times, the crowd got through only a couple inches down the hall once again and when they hit the next door, the clipboard lady stopped, stopping everyone like always, she opened the door and looked down to her clipboard again." ROOM ZERO FIVE ! Junko Watanabe and Marie Valentin !" The large lady grabbed both the girls like always and chucked them into their room and closed the door. The Room processing went on for a while, but when all was said, well yelled, and done the clip board Lady stood at the end of the hall with the giantess before she yelled again.

" Get everything out, and into your new rooms for the year, because Breakfast is starting soon ! Then you will go to your first class !" She yelled down the hall loud enough for everyone to hear, the security guards escorted the mothers and the sisters out of the academy and back to the gates.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Brithwyr
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Brithwyr Primus inter Pares

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Marie was used to the rigmarole of moving to a new school. Not a Japanese school, but she assumed it would be the same. So as she went through the routine of dragging her bags out the boot of the hired car - a Rolls-Royce, no less -, sending the driver off with a polite "Merci, Pilote. Bon voyage!" and hauling arse up to the gates to await admittance, she presumed that this would be no different to the thousand and a half other times she had arrived at a new school.
One thing that was unfamiliar, however, was the presence of uniform wearing campus security. It was unnerving to see that the school anticipated trouble to such a degree that they got their own private security force, but she shrugged it off as foreign culture.

The school gates were opened, and the girls were lead through a series of long and flamboyant hallways to arrive at the Auditorium. The school was amongst the fanciest Marie had attended, though she was hesitant to say it was the fanciest. It seemed very archaic, like it had been a castle in more barbaric times, and much of the old splendour of its feudal history remained. She felt like she was walking into the past.

The school head was a geriatric lady that looked suspiciously like Marie's fourth Nanny. She spoke in soft tones about how glad she was that foreign students were arriving at the school. Again, Marie had been through it before.
But what she didn't expect was the chief of security to give them all a talking down before any of them had the chance to do anything. It made her worry. This was supposed to be a prestigious school - why was there such a concern that the girls would be breaking rules? Their parents were paying for this after. They wouldn't waste money sending their kids to a private academy if they were going to act like barbarians. Would they?

Things got even more extreme where, upon being lead to the dorms, the security guard - a veritable mountain of a woman - literally threw the first pair of girls into a room. Second pair, same thing... third, fourth, and then her name was called. Marie shook her head in confusion and disgust. This supposedly high-class academy allowed their security to handle their clientele in such a boorish manner? AT the very least, that was bad business.

When it came her turn to be thrown into a room mindlessly, Marie and the poor girl she was sharing with were forced into the Dorm 5. They moved on and continue the process with rooms six, seven, and so on, until all girls had a room.

Slightly peeved but not letting it get her down, Marie adjusted her beret, dusted herself down and sat her bags next to one of the available beds. Afterwards, she turned to her room-mate, a small girl with an aura of energy about her, smiled and introduced herself.
"Bonjour, Mademoiselle. Endroit rugueux, est-ce pas?" she said cheerily, blithely forgetting her companion may not speak French." Je suis Marie. Comment t `appelles tu?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Spawnling
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

One good thing about being clumsy, you were used to painful bumps and falls. Another good thing was that when someone else threw you into a room, you don't really feel bad about yourself cause for once it wasn't your fault that you rocketed across the bed, bounced off the mattress, and slammed face first into the cabinet with a heavy thud. As the German slowly slid down the ornate wood, she gave a soft sigh, hand pulling out a cherry pink handkerchief covered in a strawberry pattern to stop the blood flowing from her nose in a practiced motion and a weak wince. Still not used to the unusually violent and probably law-breaking treatment, but knowing better than to rock the boat, Al took stock of her location instead. Same kind of room from last year. Ornate furniture, fairly spacious. The German's blue eyes landed on her roommate, a tanned blonde girl of indeterminate age. Al stood up, dusting off her black skirt and straightening her top as she gave a smile from behind the kerchief. Alright, remember to not speak in German, good first impressions!
"Guten to meet you! Mein name ish Alfonzine Shteiner, und I guesh ve vill be...er...um..."
Dammit what was the word?! Japanese was such a complex language and she already had enough problems with the accent. Blank stare at the girl for a moment before a hand quickly shot into her bag, rummaging around before a large German-Japanese language book came out, almost clocking the redhead in the face as she rapidly fanned through several dog eared and tabbed pages.
"Erm, vun shecond! Uh...uhhhh..."
Al stood up as she found the word she was looking for, giving a large smile, and the thick book landing on her foot with a heavy thud. Ignore that, pinkie toes aren't that important.
"Matez of ze room!"
Wait, no. Japanese, reverse subject and object!
"I mean roommatez! Heh...heh."
A deep red began to blossom over Al's cheeks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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"Oi! Hands off! What are you thinking, tossing me around like luggage!?" Lucy said angrily as the security woman tossed her into the dorm room. Not exactly the best first impressions, and Lucy felt that this sort of thing may be a more common occurrence than she'd like. Most notably, the girl who was to be her room mate was treated much more politely. This made Lucy angry, but she put those thoughts aside for now. Lucy had two luggage bags, one containing her clothes, and the other containing her gaming stuff. Carefully packed away gaming PC, twenty-inch monitor, various books for her table-top game, a laptop, boxes containing maps and miniatures for her tabletop game, and hidden in one of the pockets were a small collection of her pocket knives. Just eight different folding blades of different level of quality and purpose.

Quickly Lucy made claims to the room, taking one of the desks with a window view as well and the bed near it. She hooked up her power strip and plugged in all her electronics. She also took the time to put all her clothes on her bed, folded somewhat compactly. Her shirts ere rolled up into tubs, as were her undergarments, while her pants were folded in a compact fashion and compressed in vacuum sealed bags. Most notably, while Lucy had some outfits that could be described "Girly", she didn't have any skirts and only a three pairs of shoes: casual tennis shoes, a formal set of black leather loafers, and slippers. A lot of her clothing seemed boyish.

Since Lucy still needed to figure out the closet situation, she decided to wait and see what her roomie was thinking. Also, she needed to introduce herself. "Howdy. The name's Lucilia Yang, though you can just call me Lucy. Pleased to meet ya." Hopefully her roomate wasn't a total bitch, or else she's going to paint the room red.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Well if that wasn’t the same old brutish beginning of a school year? Being led like criminals to meet their jailer, then someone thinks that they will throw Itsuko Kanzaki around, like a sack of rotten potatoes, but only think…

“Hah, good try, Snorlax… but”, Itsuko yelled as the woman even thought that she had done anything to her, only to find that the heiress of the Kanzaki Industries, had grabbed her by the collar before being thrown and used Hall Monitor Snorlax’s strength against her, locking the brutish woman in a flying arm bar, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu-style. “Try to treat the people that pay your wages with a little more respect!” Itsuko released the woman, but not before kneeing her in the small of the back to make her stumble.

“Consider yourself lucky, it’s been three years of me here, you should know better than mess with the captain of the Fight Club.” Itsuko slammed the door behind her, before turning to her new roomie, “I guess we don’t need introductions, do we? Anyway, how the hell is it that you aren’t paired with Yozora this year? I thought that you were her bodyguard, or have they fired you?”


To say the truth, Tsubaki was tired. Three whole years and the security staff (which totally shouldn’t exist in a school) still behaved like troglodites. “Why is it that they can’t treat girls like us with at least more care? Do they seriously think they will avoid a torrent of lawsuits if someone here gets hurt or traumatized?”

When her turn to be flung came, Tsubaki (who wasn’t known for being the fittest of all) got back from where she fell and walked to the brute who had thrown her, delivering a solid slap across the woman’s face, before saying in an indignant tone “I’ll not accept being treated like that, I’ve told you before, and I’ll tell you again. Do that another time, and I’ll really call real authority to take a look at this school. I’ll go check on Mai later, if she’s hurt by any means… well, just pray she isn’t, for your own good.”

With that said, Tsubaki went into her own room and set her things aside, taking a moment to look at her roommate with the disinterested eyes that she was known for. Taking off her headphones and resting them on her shoulders, in rare moment of genuine courtesy to another, Tsubaki said in a monotone voice, “I’m sorry for that, I just can’t stand this school’s staff. I’m Tsubaki Yozora, a third year student, it’s nice meeting you. If you don’t mind, could I take the bed by the window?”

As the silence fell between them while Tsubaki waited for Katie’s reply, the only sound heard in the room was that of the song Tsubaki had been listening to (at quite a loud volume), just before taking her phones off.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

After the blonde girl, Itsuko harmed the security guard, and let go of her just to return to her room, the large amazon began going back to the blonde girls's room only to be stopped by the security chief. The woman calmly walked up to the door and opened it quietly she noticed that Itsuko had her back towards her and was speaking to her roommate, but before her roommate could respond, The Chief grabbed Itsuko's shoulder." Both your action and my security guard's reaction was out of line." The Chief told Itsuko in a calm tone, sounding almost apologetic." But like in the real world if you hit someone, expect to be hit back."

Before Itsuko or her roommate could react, the Chief grabbed Itsuko by her face and slammed her onto the floor face first, the Chief looked at Itsuko's roommate and tipped her cap towards the young lady before walking out and closing the door. When she walked out she noticed another girl that had a problem with how she was treated.

She noticed that the girl slapped the large security guard, and instead of actually face slamming Tsubaki she walked into Tsubaki's room and gently plucked her on the nose." I apologize for how you are being treated at this moment, we are trying to rush because we're a couple minutes off our usual daily Schedule, I wasn't expecting that anyone would be thrown in their room. Now hurry and get ready for break fast."

The Chief left out of Tsubaki's room without waiting for her to respond, she left her room and soon disappeared down the hallway. The security guard with the clip board soon yelled out to the other girls." Your breakfast is waiting hurry up !" She yelled down the dorm hallway.

Emiko used her right hand to feel the wall next to her and soon found one of the beds, she felt the wooden desk in the room, she felt the pillow and soon felt the bed, she had on a simple back pack, she directly faced the wall as she took off her back pack and put it down onto the bed, she knelt down and quickly felt under the bed for the small dresser drawer there and began to take clothes out of her back pack, she pulled out all of the clothes even her frilly looking underwear without even blushing and began putting them into the first drawer.

While still facing the wall next to the bed, Emiko began feeling for the second drawer and opened it, she started to put all of her other clothes into the drawer folding them all quickly without even looking down to them and then placing them into the drawer. She barely even noticed her roommate till she spoke up, she did notice that someone was moving around the room and probably putting things down, but she was caught up with putting all of her things away.

Emiko stood up and turned to the direction she heard Lucy's voice." Oh sorry there..I didn't really notice you..Sorry..My name is Emiko, you could also call me Emmi." She told Lucy." I know this may be weird or strange, but can I feel your face ?" Emiko asked as she held her hands up and closed her eyes." If you haven't really noticed, I'm partially blind and can only make out some simple shapes." Emiko explained to her portly roommate.

@Lucius Cypher
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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Donna wasn’t much concerned for being tossed around like a sack of potatoes, her mind elsewhere. She had spaced out even during the opening speeches, having heard the same exact words at least twice over already. So at this point she had expected the stupid rules and doctrines of the academy, noting the fact that the people here treated the students almost like delinquents.

Which made sense in Donna’s case, but not so much for the others. Not that Donna particularly cared either way but it was a nice little observation to make. At this point the shark-toothed girl took a look at her new roommate, eyeing her up before widening her grin, revealing more of those inhuman teeth. By her appearance, she had to be at least a Second Year, maybe younger and…the accent definitely screamed foreign culture.

“Oh ho, there’s no need to use that jumbled language on me,” Donna said casually, leaning on the wall. “Think I’ve seen you around before on campus. Clumsy and redhead? Yep, yep, yep, I definitely know who you are! And now we get to be the best roommates ever, oh ho!”

The tanned girl extended a hand out for her German roommate, her palm totally not concealing an electric buzzer of some kind. By the way she smiled and her body posture, it was almost evident that Donna would not move until she had her hand shaken back. She waited patiently, grin seeming to get even wider, if that was possible.

“Oh yeah, by the way, the name’s Donna. Donna Something Something Something. Oh ho!”

~ 月真由美~

Mai Mayumi grumbled lowly to herself, hands in her pockets as she was tossed about in a random room. Quite frankly she wasn’t in the best of moods given that she was separated from Tsubaki. Seriously? Two years of this shit and the dumbass staff couldn’t put two and two together? Tsubaki’s family was practically paying her to babysit her so she doubted the other girl would take being treated like this just sitting down.

And then there was the issue of her current roommate. The Rampaging Tiger herself was now going to spend an entire year with her…honestly, it was kind of ironic. Mai did nothing as Itsuko let off some steam, slamming into the woman who threw them in her roughly. Hearing the blonde’s words, Mai shrugged nonchalantly.

“And why the hell are you paired with me? Isn’t that the question you should be asking? Besides, they didn’t fire me,” Mai said with a growl. Before she could anything more, the tough ass Chief herself strolled up to their room, exchanging some words with Itsuko. She didn’t bother to intervene, that is, until the Chief slammed Itsuko roughly onto the ground.

“What the fuck,” Mai said, more than a little outraged as she bent down next to Itsuko. “Hey, you alright? Geez, this place gets more fucked up each year…why the hell hasn’t that freak with the shark-teeth murdered the staff already?”

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Queue13
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Thank you, ma'am." She said calmly, with a polite smile on her face.

Watching five other pairs of students before her got her used to the idea that she was going to be tossed in like a rag doll, so she prepared herself as best she could. Though it did seem odd that she was the only one with out a roommate at the present. It couldn't have been that she just wasn't around, as the security guard only called out one name. 'Course, maybe she just hadn't signed in or might have canceled after seeing an online review on how they welcome their guests. Either way, she was here now, alone. Best to move on, she thought. Perhaps they were just stressed, it being the first day and all.

It wasn't long before she heard the familiar gruff of a voice call out though the hall that breakfast was about to start. She received the time table well in advanced, and was prepared to adjust her normal routine in order to come here. After all as fancy as it is, it isn't home. It was fine though, she had completed her unpacking to the point that her clothes were away and her bed was remade with her own sheets, blankets, and pillows; the old set folded neatly on top of the other bed for now. The only other things that required 'unpacking' where her more personal belongings: a couple of books, an umbrella, other stuff that haven't an immediate impact on the way the dorm was shaping up. In fact, most everything left in her luggage would probably fit best if it stayed packed, keeping the room more open and in a sense clean. With not much more settling down to do, being the only one to a room at the moment, Skyler figured it would be best if she wouldn't be as late as it probably was already for breakfast. With one last look around to make sure everything was in place; she left, closing the door behind her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As Skylar left her room, something just started to happen around the corner of the hallway, one of the female security guards ran down to the loud woman with the clip board and the giantess, the guard was out of breath panting but manged to get out what she had to say." We got found her, she was leaving the nurse's office, the Chief told me to tell you guys that we don't have to escort the other students." She vaguely told them without explaining what was happening.

" Ah well that's good, glad we didn't have to lock everything down and have everyone be locked into their rooms for the day, would've been embarrassing." The loud clip board lady told the panting security guard.

" Yeah, might as well tell them that they can just take their time with getting to breakfast now since Chief has Chi now." The giantess told the clip board guard.

" Oh yeah." The loud clip board lady took a breath before she yelled." Everyone if you need to take extra time getting yourself sorted out, then you can, breakfast will be extended !" She yelled down the hall.

Minutes Earlier

After dozing off during the orientation speech for the first years, Chi broke off from the group, she went to the nurse's office, when she got there she was greeted by the nurse who asked if why she wasn't with the others only to be ignored, Chi grabbed her satchel and left the nurse's office before she could attempt to go back with the group out of knowing she couldn't do much, the Security Chief and five of the school's guards surrounded her holding tasers." Get on the floor now !" one of the security guards yelled at her, Chi stared at all of them including the Chief with a smile on her face.

" Oh wow, all this for me ? And it ain't even my birthday. " She clapped her hands together once and kept her smile." Your keeping on your game this year keeping me from doing things that I want to do and stopping me from making the first day horrible. Nice job Chiefy." Right after she spoke, three of the guards didn't hesitate to shoot Chi with the tasers and bring her down to the floor, the Chief looked over to one of the other guards and order her to tell the guards over looking the students that it was safe and they wouldn't need to escort the students to the lunch room, the guard ran off to tell the others quickly.


As Chi twitched on the floor as the two guards kept zapping her one at a time, the Chief waited for them to finish before taking Chi's satchel and searching it." Sadly for you Chi, the principle has allowed me to take nearly any force necessary to make sure you don't try anything on the first day. After last year's laxative pizza lunch, and cleaning up after it, even the principle wants me to keep a close eye on you and make sure you don't try something this year."

The Chief looked through Chi's satchel and made sure to confiscate certain pills and medication that Chi could use to actually make the day more difficult for the Chief or the school's security today, Dana was gonna be next, but for now the Chief tossed the satchel next to Chi, the security guards removed the taser darts from Chi and dragged her off with one of them carrying her satchel.

After watching Chi get dragged off, The Chief kept and eye out for the second person that could make this day horrible, or ruin the first day, unlike Chi, Dana seemed more patient, The Chief felt like she would do something, but had a limited amount of things she could do to Dana since Dana was a little more level headed in a way, and wasn't willing to do things on a real drastic scale.
@Queue13 @TheWindel
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"AHH! What the-! What's the problem of that bi-" Despite the fury that she was feeling, Itsuko used as much will as she could not let a swear escape her lips. It was beneath her, really and to this day Itsuko never recorded using unnecessary coarse language.

Even so, when Mai came back to her, asking of she was ok, Itsuko let out a wry grin, before replying in a joking tone as she tried to get up, using the arm she had rolled over as support "Heh, to think that you'd worry about me, after the many times we butted heads, M&M... I'm moved. Anyway, I'm well, I- AHHH!" Itsuko cried, as her pupils shrunk to the size of peas after a sharp spike of pain assailed her from the shoulder and bellow.

Turning her head to look at the wound, Itsuko stared with disbelief at her limping arm, trying to move it but only getting a sharp pain as feedback. An experienced brawler such as Itsuko or Mai would know what that meant upon laying eyes at such a wound, which is the cause of Itsuko's shock. "How? How's it that I broke an arm with such a fal- DAMN, this thing hurts like hell!" Itsuko yelled again after jerking her arm unwittingly, as she tried to use her good hand to support the other.

Looking at Mai with an even more crooked smile (as if she could hide that she was gritting her teeth to try to forget the pain), Itsuko said in as cool a tone as she could, "I hate to be a bother, Ms, but can you give me a hand? I kind of need to go to the hospital, now."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Kaitlyn Thorne


Katie was almost brought to tears as the first roommate pairing was announced and then immediately tossed into their room, quite literally. The sight of such a large oaf of a woman just casually tossing around little girls? Fucking hilarious. And humiliating, which made it even better.

But the girl’s good humor quickly came to a grinding halt when the second pairing was called and also tossed aside. Not that it wasn’t funny - it was - but because she was seeing a pattern. A bad pattern. A -

Her name was called. She hesistated for a moment, then stepped forward. For a brief moment, she thought she was going to get by without taking a flight on She-Hulk Airlines. No dice. All of a sudden, Katie felt herself gaining momentum. Right into the room. Almost face first into the floor, but Katie managed to get her feet under her and regained her balance after stumbling deep into the room.

The girl turned back around to the door, feeling a warm sensation in her face. Embarrassment? Anger? She couldn’t say for sure. But what she COULD say for sure was that a somewhat larger woman was tossed into the room with her. The tall girl had already changed her mind. Being tossed around? Not funny, definitely humiliating, and only done by complete and total asshats. Katie was about to give the human catapult the only finger that mattered when her roommate got up and...and…

Slapped the woman.

Katie was stunned. That uh...that just happened. Her roommate just slapped a member of the faculty and then told her how things were going to be. Like a badass.

Ten points to chubby roomie.

When the girl came back in, she cast Katie a look of...well, just next level boredom. Or annoyance. Her Resting Bitch Face game was next level. Then she spoke as if she hadn’t just committed assault.

Katie blinked, still slightly stunned. But the moment quickly passed and Katie met this Tsubaki Yozora with a roar of laughter. The fit really hit Katie hard, belting out an actual deep belly laugh. She managed to regain her composure long enough to shrug and toss her bags, a duffle bag, backpack, and guitar case onto the bed NOT by the window. She then spoke through her laughter in her best (but still pretty bad) Japanese, “Hahaha sorry. It’s all yours.”

With that, Katie crossed over to her bed and started to unpack but stopped after unzipping her duffle bag. Introductions. Shit. She spoke up without turning around, splitting her attention between this little bonding ceremony and her unpacking.

“Oh yeah. Uh...nice to meet you too? The name’s Katie. I guess I’m a second year? Hell if I know, really. I’m pretty new to this whole Japan thing...”

Katie let the silence hang for a moment as she listened to the music coming out of Tsubaki’s headset. It had a nice beat to it. And the riff wasn’t half bad either. The girl had decent taste in music then. That was a plus. She started to ask the girl about it when another person entered the room. It was the Bosslady. She crossed over to Tsubaki and...plucked her nose. Then gave what Katie could only take as an apology? This place was fucking weird.

At the mention of breakfast, Katie’s stomach moaned longingly. She would either have to rush her unpacking, or take a break to get some grub.

Her stomach groaned again.

It didn’t seem like she had a say in the matter.

Katie turned back to Tsubaki, scratching the back of her own neck and she glanced out the window.

“So uh...where exactly do we get breakfast?”


Watanabe Junko



The curtain began to rise on yet another year at the lovely Nakkashiro! Junko was practically beaming, her grin stretching from ear to ear. It was actually rather disturbing She happily bounced from group to group, greeting old friends and new ones alike. The first day of school was Junko’s favorite. It was all so new and fresh! ...well okay, it wasn’t her favorite day exactly. Every day was! One never knows what lies beyond the horizon! A new day brings endless opportunities. So on and so forth.

Needless to say, the girl was practically bouncing off the walls. It took all she had to sit still through the principal's speech, but she somehow did it. Mainly because what came next would be her favorite part of the day, or at least until her next favorite thing happened.

She would get her room assignment. But more than that, she would be getting her ROOMMATE assignment. Or as she would call them, her BEST FRIEND FOREVER.

As the security team lead the girls to down the hall of the dorms, she called names. Some she recognized, some she didn’t. But she’d know them all for sure by the end of the year. Definitely!

She heard some sort of scuffle coming from the front of the line, but Junko couldn’t see past all of the tall people. Some might have resented them. Envious of all that delicious height, who knows what a girl might do to even the odds? Not Junko! She was perfectly happy with how tall she was. She was fun-sized! ...whatever that meant!

Soon though, Junko realized what was happening. As the line thinned out, Junko saw that the girls were being literally tossed into their rooms by the large security guard. It looked so...so…


Junko wanted to be tossed! It would be like flying and diving put together. Flyving! Dilying!

Eventually her name was called, and Junko eager stepped up for her turn to soar through the air. She was not disappointed. She hit the ground and finished with a roll back onto her feet. The girl was giggling the entire time. Her bags ended up being tossed to the floor but Junko paid them no mind. She was much more interested in the other living creature in the room.

She turned to the girl, Marie if she had heard correctly, and flashed her that beaming smile. Junko could barely contain her excitement to meet the girl. She...well, she looked AWESOME! So very stylish! Junko would need to take notes.

"Bonjour, Mademoiselle. Endroit rugueux, est-ce pas? Je suis Marie. Comment t `appelles tu?"

So uh...Junko didn’t know French. At all. Sure, she knew what certain words or phrases meant, like ‘bonjour’ or ‘je suis’, but that was all pretty much gathered from pop culture. Definitely not enough to hold any sort of conversation in it. But the girl didn’t let that stop her! FRIENDSHIP KNOWS NO LANGUAGE BARRIER! From Junko’s best guess, the girl had just introduced herself. And so, Junko introduced herself as well. In Japanese. Completely glossing over the fact that maybe, JUST MAYBE, the French looking girl who had just spoken in FRENCH, might not understand Japanese.

Junko wasn’t exactly the brightest bulb in the box.

“[Hello! It’s so nice to meet you, Marie! It is Marie, right? That’s a beautiful name! My name is Watanabe Junko! But just call me Junko! I just know that we’ll be good friends! I mean, I don’t recognize you, so you must be new here. There are so many new people this year. It just gets me so fired up! So where are you from? I bet it’s lovely there! I want to see the world someday. There are too many places to see, too many people to meet to just stay cooped in one place, y’know? But a lot of those people come here! You never know who you might meet walking in the hall. Isn’t it just so EXCITING?!]” the girl spoke quickly and excitedly, smiling the entire time.

Yep. It was going to be another GREAT year!

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Brithwyr
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For a moment, Marie couldn't work why her roommate couldn't understand her. When she heard the girl reply - and by God, what a reply it was - she realised her mistake.

The problem was, she had neither head nor tail of what Junko had said. She recognised "Konnichiwa" "Marie" and... nope, that was it. Hello and her own name. Of course, it didn't help that the girl was talking at a million miles per hours, but it wasn't like Marie could understand her even if she was talking at a human rate.

Perhaps it would have done her some good to learn the language before she went to a foreign country.

She didn't panic, though. She simply smiled and took it in stride.
What language would we both know?, she thought for a moment. The most common language was Chinese, which she knew a little bit of, but the most widespread was Spanish, which she knew quite well. But Spanish was mainly an American thing. English, perhaps? By now, just about everyone in the civilised world knew English.

"H-Hello, Roommate" she began, her English rusty and her accent heavy. Regardless, she continued "My sorries, but I have small understanding of the language of Japanese. Is language of English okay for you?"

She smiled and tilted her head to the side. SHe didn't think she butchered the language, but you never know. Besides, it was either this or they made vague hand gestures at each other for the rest of the year.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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While everyone began to socialize and get to know each other in their rooms, a smell of various different foods began to fill the air of the school, the scent led all the way to the lunch room, in the expansive canteen, there was a large buffet set up on in front of the usual lunch line and several women that looked liked Chiefs were standing behind the buffet, they were attending to the different types of food that were being served, all of the foods being served were from different countries all around the globe and were all hot and ready for the girls.

Down the dorm room hallway, the guards began to disperse and go their own way, but there was one guard that lingered around and began to go into the girl's dorms to check on them, when she noticed Itsuko's state instead of being in a panic, she kept her calm and pulled out her cellphone and made a call talking about the situation that in the room.

" You should go to breakfast while you can." the guard told Mai, but in almost a quick instant, a dark skinned blonde woman wearing the security guard's uniform bumped the guard walking in and nearly knocked over the security guard as she walked in." An excuse me would be nice Alice." the guard said dusting herself off.

"Pipe down and go take the others to the lunch room or whatever, you severed whatever purpose you had here." The other guard responded, the blond haired guard had a first aid kit strapped to her chest and two similar looking boxes on her shoulders, she crouched down to Itsuko's level and wanted to examine the arm but restrained herself from doing so, she looked Itsuko in the eye before she began speaking, she held up both of her white gloved hands.

" Hello, my name is Alice Murray, I am properly trained to handle serious injuries; such as the one you have right now, would you rather me handle your injury or do you help from 110 ?" She asked the student, Alice patiently waited before saying." Every second that we sit here and you think about your injury is a second you have in pain." Alice told the girl.

The other guard from earlier that left the room with Mai and Itsuko, began to go into the girls' rooms and hand out maps to the whole school, she soon found Skyler and directed the blue haired girl to the lunch room, the security guard was getting lazy in her job doing what she should've done before the students entered their rooms, she soon returned to the dorm hall and waited for the girls to come out of their rooms, she waited outside of room 04, while she waited she began playing games on her phone waiting for Emiko and Lucy to come out their room.

@Brithwyr@Ogobrogo@KoL@Queue13@TheWindel@Lucius Cypher@Spawnling
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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It seemed like Lucy's roommate was blind. That made things less awkward, though it'd be impossible for her to join Lucy in her games (Unless she's really good). She introduced herself as Emiko, though Lucy can call her Emmi. She wanted to touch Lucy's face, and after a moment of hesitation, she figured she could let her. [b]"Suuuure? Just let me take off my glasses."[/color] Lucy took off her glasses and stuck her face towards Emiko. That being said, if this was all a prank and Emmi tried to do anything like poke Lucy's eyes or put something on her face, she was going to slug her. Blind or not.

Soon the smell of food hit Lucy's nose. She loved food. The scent made Lucy impatient and she wanted to leave, but it'd be a dick move to just leave Emmi hanging. "Smells like breakfast. We should hurry and get some before a line forms! You uh... You'll be alright walking on your own, right?" Of course she would, she's blind, not a cripple. But Lucy couldn't help but to ask anyways. Clearing her throat Lucy kept her face forward. "Ready when you are."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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~ 月真由美~

“Well, well. I’m surprised to see the Rampaging Tiger actually wanting some help for once,” Mai said with crossed arms before sighing and bending down to offer up her arm for support. “Look, I usually don’t give a fuck about other people unless they’re Tsubaki so consider this a first time freebie for getting treated like shit on the first day. But otherwise don’t expect me to do this often. And don’t call me M&Ms.”

That last part came with a growl, as what Mai said was true, to an extent. Much as she liked to go on preaching about it, Mai was a sucker for those weaker than their oppressors, stepping in many a time to teach said assailants a lesson. Wounds and battle scars didn’t much matter to her as long as they ended up making her look cool in the long run.

Then the smell of food wafted towards the two girls and Mai’s job got easier as a tanned nurse came up. Mai eyed the woman suspiciously, something about her being somewhat familiar…but she didn’t pay it any mind. With a shrug, she left Itsuko over with the nurse; after all, it was her job.

In any case she had left Tsubaki waiting enough. She wasn’t exactly looking forward to being near the trollish girl but at least it was some sort of familiarity in this weird place. Hands in her pockets, Mai trudged along until eventually meeting up with her one real friend.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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"That's quite cold of you, Mai Mai. I might not be your girlfriend but I thought we had a thing going between us. Where did all those other two years go?" Itsuko replied to Mai in an overly dramatic way, making sure that her argument sounded as much as a joke as she could. Even so,it was the truth, the only part she omitted is that usually between Mai and her, they usually let their fists do the talking.

"Either way, go on, I bet Tsubaki is waiting for you right now. You know, every second you spend here, is a second someone else can use to hit on her. Hehe." Itsuko said to Mai just as the redhead was about to leave their room, before turning to the nurse with a sour look in her eyes... a rare sight, the Rampaging Tiger really in a bad mood. "Tsc, do as you wish, it probably just popped out of place because I was caught flat-footed. Just help me with this so that I can go eat something, right now I feel that I could eat a whole bull and there would be space left over for dessert."


"Thank you, I kind of like to look at the sky, that's why I like to stay by the window." Tsubaki said to Katie, though it wasn't a lie, certainly she couldn't reveal that the real reason she got used to sleeping by the window is because Mai insisted in, erm... playing Monopoly on her bed, so obviously it couldn't be the one by the window, right? Cold wind is really bad for concentration when playing Monopoly, you know?

"Indeed, his school receives meany foreigners, not? I hope the language isn't being a problem." Tsubaki kept her tone of disinterest as she unpacked her things, not even turning her back to look at Katie, they had introduced themselves already, so she could go back with her routine, right? "If there's anything I can do, just let me know." As she said so, Tsubaki fished a pack of melon lollipops from her bag and (after popping one in her own mouth), turned finally turned to Katie and said, "Want one?"

"The lunch hall?" Tsubaki said as a reply to Katie's final and kind of obvious question, "If you want to know where it's you can come with me. I want to see how Mai is, anyway." With that said, Tsubaki lead the way to the lunch hall, whether Katie followed her or not was the other girl's prerogative. Tsubaki wouldn't be fazed one way or the other.

• • •

Minutes later, at the Lunch Hall...

Tsubaki approached Mai's rear quarter with her suspiciously low presence, knowing the redheaded brawler as well as she did it was a kid's game to avoid Mai's detection in places like this. After getting within 'strike range', Tsubaki took the lollipop of her mouth and (making sure that it was it was icky with drool) she touched Mai's nape with the sweet treat, just above her collar.

"Have I said you look delicious today, Mai?" Tsubaki said, threatening to suck on the lollipop smeared with Mai's taste as she waited to see what her... friend would do.

If Katie was still with her, Tsubaki would then turn and say, "By the way, this is Katie my new roommate," before turning the other direction to finish the introductions with, "And this is Mai, my... Monopoly partner."

If Katie wasn't there, or after finishing her introductions, Tsubaki would just remain quietly staring at Mai, waiting to see what would happen.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Brithwyr
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Brithwyr Primus inter Pares

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If Marie was going to hear Junko's answer, it would have to wait. Something smelled good, and her stomach was rumbling.

"Pardon, Mademoiselle, but I do believe that breakfast is ready" The French girl giggled, opening the door with a grand gesture "I shall see you there."

The walk to the lunch-hall was a short, uneventful one. She did note that some dark-skinned blonde was patching up another girl down the hallway, and she took a moment to wonder whether or not it was possible for that hair to be natural. With a shrug, she moved on.


Japanese Lunch-halls were surprisingly quite a familiar environment to Marie. It was the same as any other hall she'd been to - same buffet-style serving, same massive expanse, same mile-long queues that were riddled with arguments, jostling for space and skipping ahead and being pushed behind. Even amongst the richest, they still acted like animals when a plate of food was put under their nose.

After taking her place, Marie went through a short wait and several beret thefts before she got to the front. The expanse of food beckoned, each different type of meal begging her to select it. What would she go with? Her native Croissants and Pain au Chocolat? Go "nani sore" with some natto, rice and egg, "desu"? Or, cor blimey, guv'nor, how about a Full English Breakfast? Ride the bald eagle of freedom and get some waffles? Add a dose of maple syrup, eh? Heavens, don't make the poor girl choose!
She took a bit of everything. It's a queer thing to look at your breakfast plate to see the maple syrup spilling off your croissant into your beans and your waffles covered in natto and she got some weird stares, but quick frankly, her stomach didn't care enough to let her be put off.
Picking a random seat where she would have a good view of both the line and the doorway, she elegantly attacked her breakfast, one eye open for that hyper Japanese girl to see if she could extract any further details from her about the school.

Hmm... beans and maple syrup. Not as bad as one might expect.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Emiko's hands were oddly cold, she reached out with both hands and felt Lucy's face and felt her cheeks with her cold ass hands, while she felt Lucy's face, she looked like she was staring directly at the wall behind Lucy." Oh sorry if my hands are cold, I never managed to get any mittens, and they manage to make everything fuzzy when I want to know what someone look like." When Emiko felt Lucy's cheeks and took her hands away she smiled in Lucy's direction." Your so cute and chubby." She tried to sound nice when she said that Lucy was chubby and didn't want to insult her, she then recoiled back." I'm sorry if that sounded insulting."

When Lucy quickly wanted to leave and go to the lunch room, Emmi went for her fold up cane, when Lucy asked if she could make it to the lunch room on her own." Oh of coarse I can make it there, I can smell the food that's already there waiting for us. It smells like several different types of foods from around the world, but I smell a lot of bacon." Emmi mentioned to Lucy before reaching for the door and opening it she then put her cane out in front of her and began walking but was soon stopped by the security guard, she took Emmi's hand and placed it on her shoulder.

" The chief told me to help you get around, I'm your seeing eye human." The security guard told Emiko, the security guard gave Lucy a quick glance before she began taking Emiko to the Lunch room with Emiko's hand on her shoulder. When Emiko arrived to the lunch room, she took a deep whiff of all the foods in that were in the lunch room and a calm smile grew on her face." Ah, they even have pancakes too !" She smelled a stack of pancakes that were being taken by most of the other girl, for some reason she smelled something sweet like candy somewhere in the room, she couldn't tell where it was but it was sweet smelling, too sweet for it to be something for breakfast, soon Emiko took her hand off the guard's shoulder.

"If I need you I'll call for you miss guard." Emiko said to the security guard. The blind girl followed her nose over to the line and began walking down the little buffet line, when she finally smelled the pancakes and when she found the smell she was looking for she locked onto it, and when stopped in front of it she slipped her cane's handle over her wrist and grabbed a warm plate, the blind girl felt around for a small fork, when she had it in her hand, she then stabbed the pancakes in front of her and put them onto her plate, she then took her plate and began following her nose again for a tasty.


When Itsuko agreed to let Alice operate on her, Alice didn't hesitate to just feel Itsuko's arm completely, she felt in the shoulder, elbow, wrist and even her fingers, soon the dark skinned blonde glared at Itsuko, she then tsked before saying." What ?!" She grabbed Itsuko's arm by the elbow and shoulder and roughly pushed her arm socket back in place, soon the two heard a bone like pop." You fell on the ground crying because of this ?" Alice asked before standing up." You'll live." Alice told the girl before rolling her eyes.

The Alice took off her white plastic gloves and balled them up before putting them into her pocket." You don't need me to pick you up off the floor too ? Unless you twisted your ankles falling on the floor." Alice said to the girl sounding pissed." Better get your as-...Self over to the lunch room unless you want to have all the left overs." The nurse said before taking out a pack of cigarettes, she put a cigarette in her mouth." First that weird skinny blonde chick now you." Alice began walking out of the room." This place is just gonna be a bunch of basic skinny chicks." she mumbled as she disappeared.

@Lucius Cypher @KoL
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