Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@w@ Thanks Carlsberg, now my headache got even worse TwT
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Carlsberg

Carlsberg A Shitty Beer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Marcus XVI

I try XP
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well the original Gravitational Manipulation was op so I died it down a bit and made a few changes to it that wouldn't make it op but little similar in power. ^-^ But I guess its just too op....I'd probably change his powers to Supernatural Strength or something similar to that...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar
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Lunar The Skull

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Guys are we gonna open the door or what?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Well, it looks like they agree with me
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

(。・ω・。) He now uses wind/Air manipulation!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Zane Salaam

Unhuman Sorcerer

Human (Rumors: Possible Egyptian God)



198lbs (Can be altered)

A bit cocky and has a hard time showing respect for people he believes who don't deserve it. He's quick to talk trash and is not the type of person you'd expect him to be because of his title. He's passionate and can be friendly once you get to know him. Definitely loves a challenge.

No one knows much about his past but it is rumored that he's a roughed priest that goes against everything right or he doesn't agrees with. Other rumors say he's a powerful nomad in search for a perfect king. The only thing that is truly known is that he's a Grand Priest of the Winds. And priest with similar titles, usually a different element, are known to be powerful beings.

Grand Priest of the Winds

Chaotic Neutral

There are rumors of him being immortal in age but is capable of death.

Nothing but his staff and clothing besides his sign of being a priest, his golden cross.

A staff that is noticeably curved near the end of the top. The staff is 3 to 4 feet in length. Believe to be as tough as a metal.

•Highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat

•Skilled in sword play(He uses his staff instead of an actual sword) He uses a mix of The Long Sword and Japanese sword style. A very tough but doable mixture of sword styles. The strength compacting swings of the long sword technique is basically how his wind magic is conjured up. And the swift and flexible strikes of the Japanese sword style allows Zane to land more attacks with such a compliment of a Long sword type of weapon.

•Athletic- Zane's athletism is greatly altered countless of times. Jumping to large heights, moving at faster speeds are just aspects that just change when he alters his gravity. His athletism mainly speed can decrease once he's increased his gravity. He's also fit enough for parkour.

•Nearly 360° vision
•Levitation(Look at Magic)

Air Manipulation
Zane has the ability to alter the air in a 30 feet radius around himself. He's able to fire wind projectiles similar to gusts of winds. He can use the winds as a source to levitate or fly. Whirlwinds, zephyrs, gales, tempests, and hurricanes can also be summoned by Zane, though the bigger the forces and size of the winds the less movement Zane is given. This can sometimes leave himself wide open but not completely venerable.


I'll accept this. If I have troubles with it later, remember the rules, I am always right
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Still accepting? Also, could I probably get a tl;dr version of what's going on?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Still accepting? Also, could I probably get a tl;dr version of what's going on?

Always accepting.
Basically, I just recruited everyone from a tavern and told them they need to clear a dungeon under this kingdom to save it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@manapool1 Ah ok arigato. I'll have a CS in a few. ^○^
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"Veralyn, Goddess of the Hunt, guide me."



Nira for short






Roughly 135 lbs. Has a fairly muscular build


Cold, taciturn, and a woman of barely any words. Nira isn't much when it comes to speaking, or smiling for that matter, because she is mute. Rather she mostly communicates through stern glares and harsh body motions. She's not afraid to get her hands dirty (or bloody) and has an absolute hatred for humankind in general. For her, there is only one thrill, and that is the thrill of the hunt, but when it comes to matters other than hunting, Nira enjoys to be out and about in nature, as it is where she feels most tranquil, whether it is traversing the high, jagged rocks of the mountains or taking a peaceful dip in the sparkling crystal waters of a lake. Nira is also more fond of women rather than men when it comes to romance, but either man or woman, she finds it hard to trust others and mostly prefers to work alone.


Life was not always so grand growing up in the eastern Elven Empire of Telnivir. Rather, it was monotonous to the young elven girl. Born to a family of nobles, Nirayane had everything handed to her upon platters of the finest gold, lavish, elegant clothing, precious, priceless gems and jewelry that sparkled so radiantly, wealth, all that a noble elf's daughter could ask for...except for her of course. She was smothered no less, protected as though she were nothing more than a priceless trinket. Her parents had even betrothed her to a wealthy and handsome steward of the Imperial Court, yet Nirayane felt no love for him, nor any sort of affection. Nay, what she longed for was freedom, liberation from her gilded cage, her tightly clenching shackles of obligations to the haughty and stuffy nobility.

Such came for her one fateful evening, when she had finally made her decision to cut all ties with her family and free herself from the bondage of her elegant lifestyle. She had only made it so far through the thick of the forest, until suddenly she was set upon by a rowdy clan of brigands named the Black-Horned Elks, led by a brutish orc woman named Aeryn Eaglethorn.

Aeryn took the girl captive and chained her up in her personal quarters at the abandoned fortress of Raven's Perch, believing certain she would fetch a pretty coin from her family, but as the years waned on, her cruel treatment of Nirayane lessened and she slowly became smitten with the elven maiden. Nirayane the same had grown attached to the orc, developing romantic feelings for her, and soon the two were lovers. Through her time together with the bandits she became molded by the brutality surrounding her day in and day out and developed her own kindred bloodlust.

Aeryn took note of this and allowed her to participate in raids, pillages, and heists to satiate her fearsome appetite. She became skilled with an assortment of weapons, yet favored the bow above all, her prowess in archery nearly unmatched as she could kill a target from almost leagues away, earning her the title Shear-Breeze. Other attributes she learned from her savage companions were how to live off the land, to hunt for meat and for hides and to gather special herbs and reagents for brewing potions and poisons, and to tame wild animals, except for her beloved orc of course.

Yea life was wonderful for the newly crowned Queen of the Elks, yet...how cruel fate be that this life as well be shattered.

Twas upon one grim day when a couple of bandits returned to the fortress from a recent raid, spattered in blood and with eyes widened in fear. The chieftain Aeryn asked them of what they had done, and the men simply answered....unknowingly they had killed the wife and daughter of the Imperial Guard Captain. In her blind, berserk rage the orc beheaded them both and ordered to Nirayane and their men...prepare for battle. It wasn't long after, the Captain and his men came thundering towards the fortress with only one goal in mind, burn it to the ground. The battle was quick, bloody, and with numerous, grisly casualties upon both sides, one of which was the bandit queen's lover. Nirayane could only witness in horror as her beloved Aeryn was skewered by many a sword blade before she fell to her death from the stone tower of Raven's Perch.

She fled the fortress with her remaining men, and through several dark and harrowing times, they traveled towards the west to the kingdom of Kalardia. It was during that period, the queen's crown began to falter, as did her leadership over the unruly brutes. They made several forceful, unwanted advances upon her, and soon the elven maiden was once again a slave. In her desperate bid to be free of her tormentors, she had no choice but to slay them in cold blood. As if Fate herself had frowned upon her, the brigand's luck only grew worse, as she was seized at the border of Kalardia and imprisoned awaiting execution, seething with anger behind grit teeth and glaring eyes.

The day had come for her date with the headsman's axe, and it would be a long, long journey to the execution grounds. However, thanks to an attack by a fearsome and mysterious black dragon, Nirayane broke free of her bonds and escaped into the woods, where she has made her safe haven. Now, she hunts and kills anyone, often ambushing weary travelers and pilfering their valuable goods.




Chaotic Neutral


32 (In Elven years)


A quiver of arrows, caltrops, small vials of various poisons (hand crafted by her), and a sage green ocarina which she plays now and again.


A pinewood bow with thick, gauged horse hair twine, a small war axe and a sharp, curved dagger.


-Archery is what she truly excels in
-Horseback riding is fairly new to her, but she prefers traveling on foot
-She is quite good in taming animals, but it's difficult with larger beasts
-Fairly good in close quarters combat. Knows how to hold her own, even unarmed
-Adept alchemy skills in crafting medicines and poisons
-Parkour/free-running was a skill she acquired living in the forests once. She can leap from tree to tree or scale walls easily without any trouble.


-Very acrobatic
-Swift reflexes
-A keen, sharpened sense of her surroundings
-Enhanced vision
-Can practically sleep anywhere (prefers to sleep in trees or high places)




(I drew all those pics btw hehe ^___^)

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Veralyn, Goddess of the Hunt, guide me."



Nira for short






Roughly 135 lbs. Has a fairly muscular build


Cold, taciturn, and a woman of barely any words. Nira isn't much when it comes to speaking, or smiling for that matter, because she is mute. Rather she mostly communicates through stern glares and harsh body motions. She's not afraid to get her hands dirty (or bloody) and has an absolute hatred for humankind in general. For her, there is only one thrill, and that is the thrill of the hunt, but when it comes to matters other than hunting, Nira enjoys to be out and about in nature, as it is where she feels most tranquil, whether it is traversing the high, jagged rocks of the mountains or taking a peaceful dip in the sparkling crystal waters of a lake. Nira is also more fond of women rather than men when it comes to romance, but either man or woman, she finds it hard to trust others and mostly prefers to work alone.


Life was not always so grand growing up in the eastern Elven Empire of Telnivir. Rather, it was monotonous to the young elven girl. Born to a family of nobles, Nirayane had everything handed to her upon platters of the finest gold, lavish, elegant clothing, precious, priceless gems and jewelry that sparkled so radiantly, wealth, all that a noble elf's daughter could ask for...except for her of course. She was smothered no less, protected as though she were nothing more than a priceless trinket. Her parents had even betrothed her to a wealthy and handsome steward of the Imperial Court, yet Nirayane felt no love for him, nor any sort of affection. Nay, what she longed for was freedom, liberation from her gilded cage, her tightly clenching shackles of obligations to the haughty and stuffy nobility.

Such came for her one fateful evening, when she had finally made her decision to cut all ties with her family and free herself from the bondage of her elegant lifestyle. She had only made it so far through the thick of the forest, until suddenly she was set upon by a rowdy clan of brigands named the Black-Horned Elks, led by a brutish orc woman named Aeryn Eaglethorn.

Aeryn took the girl captive and chained her up in her personal quarters at the abandoned fortress of Raven's Perch, believing certain she would fetch a pretty coin from her family, but as the years waned on, her cruel treatment of Nirayane lessened and she slowly became smitten with the elven maiden. Nirayane the same had grown attached to the orc, developing romantic feelings for her, and soon the two were lovers. Through her time together with the bandits she became molded by the brutality surrounding her day in and day out and developed her own kindred bloodlust.

Aeryn took note of this and allowed her to participate in raids, pillages, and heists to satiate her fearsome appetite. She became skilled with an assortment of weapons, yet favored the bow above all, her prowess in archery nearly unmatched as she could kill a target from almost leagues away, earning her the title Shear-Breeze. Other attributes she learned from her savage companions were how to live off the land, to hunt for meat and for hides and to gather special herbs and reagents for brewing potions and poisons, and to tame wild animals, except for her beloved orc of course.

Yea life was wonderful for the newly crowned Queen of the Elks, yet...how cruel fate be that this life as well be shattered.

Twas upon one grim day when a couple of bandits returned to the fortress from a recent raid, spattered in blood and with eyes widened in fear. The chieftain Aeryn asked them of what they had done, and the men simply answered....unknowingly they had killed the wife and daughter of the Imperial Guard Captain. In her blind, berserk rage the orc beheaded them both and ordered to Nirayane and their men...prepare for battle. It wasn't long after, the Captain and his men came thundering towards the fortress with only one goal in mind, burn it to the ground. The battle was quick, bloody, and with numerous, grisly casualties upon both sides, one of which was the bandit queen's lover. Nirayane could only witness in horror as her beloved Aeryn was skewered by many a sword blade before she fell to her death from the stone tower of Raven's Perch.

She fled the fortress with her remaining men, and through several dark and harrowing times, they traveled towards the west to the kingdom of Kalardia. It was during that period, the queen's crown began to falter, as did her leadership over the unruly brutes. They made several forceful, unwanted advances upon her, and soon the elven maiden was once again a slave. In her desperate bid to be free of her tormentors, she had no choice but to slay them in cold blood. As if Fate herself had frowned upon her, the brigand's luck only grew worse, as she was seized at the border of Kalardia and imprisoned awaiting execution, seething with anger behind grit teeth and glaring eyes.

The day had come for her date with the headsman's axe, and it would be a long, long journey to the execution grounds. However, thanks to an attack by a fearsome and mysterious black dragon, Nirayane broke free of her bonds and escaped into the woods, where she has made her safe haven. Now, she hunts and kills anyone, often ambushing weary travelers and pilfering their valuable goods.




Chaotic Neutral


32 (In Elven years)


A quiver of arrows, caltrops, small vials of various poisons (hand crafted by her), and a sage green ocarina which she plays now and again.


A pinewood bow with thick, gauged horse hair twine, a small war axe and a sharp, curved dagger.


-Horseback riding
-Taming animals
-Close quarters combat
-Crafting medicines and poisons


-Very acrobatic
-Swift reflexes
-A keen, sharpened sense of her surroundings
-Enhanced vision
-Can practically sleep anywhere (prefers to sleep in trees or high places)




(I drew all those pics btw hehe ^___^)

Awesome character, amazing art work and I love it. Just express the level of skill she is in, if you want and the type of hand to hand combat and we're set.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@manapool1 Thanks. I edited the skill part mostly, a little more explanation. As for close combat, it's mostly a broad term. She's good with swords and axes and stuff, and even knows how to fight unarmed, but all in all she prefers her bow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@manapool1 Thanks. I edited the skill part mostly, a little more explanation. As for close combat, it's mostly a broad term. She's good with swords and axes and stuff, and even knows how to fight unarmed, but all in all she prefers her bow.

I meant how as in, is she a take down fighter, or an aggressive striker, blah blah blah. It doesn't matter
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@manapool1 Yay! That's all I needed to hear! ^o^ I'll post her in the Char tab tomorrow. Oh and I guess...uh..a striker? All I can say is she hits pretty hard.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@manapool1 Yay! That's all I needed to hear! ^o^ I'll post her in the Char tab tomorrow. Oh and I guess...uh..a striker? All I can say is she hits pretty hard.

Hard hitting is a brawler
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Carlsberg

Carlsberg A Shitty Beer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Uuh, none of our characters are in a forest. They're in the centre of a city, in a building.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Carlsberg

Carlsberg A Shitty Beer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Nvm XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@Carlsberg I just realized that now...

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

XD Wow um in order to avoid a similar fuck up where's the characters headed? v.v Gonna be tough to jump in I already can tell.
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