Name: Gill
Alias: .. Gill.
Age: Twenty
Gender: Male
Personality: He is quiet, and just watches thing unfold. With a bored look on his face, he defends people with the power of good.
-Water Manipulation: He can control the seas and call it to be used as a mighty weapon, like 'Aquaman' he can call the animals of the sea to him.
- Super Strength: Though, he is no superman, he can lift more than 1,000 tons. [Underneath Superman's strength.]
- Enhanced Speed: Being able to run and swim at exactly one-hundred and twenty MPH, further on past this number, his legs will break. His stamina is greater than a humans, but will begin to fade within an hour or two depending on the situation.
-Underwater Breathing: He can breath underwater without having to go up onto the surface land
Equipment: N/A
Other: His skin is a light blue, and has several gills along his arms, sides, and neck. His ears are replaced by fish like limbs that spread outward.
Appearance: He is a six foot four figure, usually dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans. His obsidian black hair is usually let out and put down to his jawlines or tied in a short ponytail. He is able to turn his skin from a light blue into an olive-skinned texture. The gills disperse within ease, though his skin.
History: He traveled from Atlantis within a mission of special-ops, an attempt to show the surface dwellers that just because Atlantis people were not human, that did not mean they were not good. His first attempt at being a hero was stopping a simple armed robbery, showing off the bullet-proof blue skin around his skeletal structure, and accidentally killing the robber. Soon he was shunned, though, he had stumbled into the mountain of Bay City from underwater..