Looking up at him like a lost puppy with some puke spit trailing down her chin, she cringed and shrunk away from him as he tossed his head back and began to scream. Observing him in fear, she couldn't help but jump a little when he abruptly stopped and gave her a death stare. She honestly couldn't blame him and was relieved when Ace came and helped her get cleaned up. 'It was his fault to begin with. Asking all those weird questions...' The albino was trying to justify why she had ended up doing that. It wasn't like she could help it in anyway, plus she had no control over Lesley's hand, so why didn't he just move it? But to no avail, she still felt very guilty for doing that and decided to apologize to him until the dragons announced that they were going to receive blessings.
Taking her spot in the forming human crowd, she was about to open her mouth and say sorry when Lesley neared her, but he just gave her a smug look and stomped off. She couldn't blame him really. Even she would feel the same way if someone threw up on her. Once the clouds were lifted and the healings were received, she finally had the chance to feel somewhat happy again. Taking a quick glance at Inadi's arm, she was pleased to find that it was all fixed up and healthy again. But her pleasant feelings were cut short when the Grandma dragon started to yell at her. Backing away for her own sake, she held her breath the entire span of the scolding and was thankful towards the other two dragon couple for stopping her.
The dragons went on to explain how hard it would be to actually eliminate the witches and Harper decided he would openly throw everyone into the bloodbath. Jasper felt like she was going to collapse right there. They got the Dragon's Laugh alright, but what was the use if they were just going to die on the next mission. It was obvious how powerful the witches were. Even dragons were no match for them. The Living List stated it and there was no returning to Earth if it wasn't complete, so this was it. The start of another journey.
Time resting in Sol was more saddening than fulfilling. There they found out what had become of Vince and during the funeral, Jasper basically zoned out and wasn't willing to mentally accept any more human fatalities. Not that they were close in anyway, just the fact the people just kept dying. Coming and going. She thought, 'When is my time to go? Could it be during this quest?'
Aimlessly walking through an eerie forest where most just disappeared forever wasn't exactly the most enjoyable thing. Their compass had also stopped working and their map had been swept away, never to be found again. Jasper didn't dare trail along the back, she made sure she was fully surrounded at all times, mostly near the guides who were far more skilled than the others. Someone had also mentioned to them that Songbird and Avian had been to the dark side before so she took some comfort from that. The creepiness doubled when everyone realized that they were all basically wandering around in circles. This was starting to really give her an unsettling feeling. What made it even more irky was that Ace was skipping along happily in front chanting some children's Halloween song making this the perfect setting for a horror movie.
Hakuren suggested her as possible sacrifice and she didn't even bother objecting. Right now, death sounded better than continuing to go on this ridiculous quests, continually putting her life on the line for a shot at getting home. "Marking the path sounds good.." she agreed in a whisper, like unwanted listeners were eavesdropping on them. The forest was so dreary, yet alive. Scuttling here and there. Shadows dashing among the trees every now and then, making her yelp and latch herself onto Songbird's sleeve. Usually she would hate to make physical contact, but in times of intense fear, it didn't really matter. And he probably had way more experience in this part of Nowhere more than anyone else besides Avian.
In any other setting, she would have suggested splitting up and seeing where each one would end up, then call on the others if one found a different path, but that plan was just not the most ideal thing to do and would put every pair in grave danger. Upon seeing a sharp stone on the ground, she picked it up and offered it to Ace, "You can use this to mark the tree bark."