Inadi shot Ace a little bit of a laugh as he listened to her deny his idea of the injured stay in the middle of the group. Rolling his eyes he waved her off and shook his head. “Do what you want to do Ace. Just don't trip and fall anywhere. I don't know how much juice that feather has left in it for us.” The quick little jab left Inadi's throat with a chuckle as he returned his attention to Lesley. He was still thinking on how he was gonna carry the man when he had a brilliant idea. Granted his size was a bit of a problem not to mention that Inadi still needed to carry his spear as well just in case he needed to fight against something else that the group had yet to face off against. So he decided he would kill two birds with one stone.
As Lesley quickly jumped onto his back and began adjusting himself to try and find a good spot to sit. Inadi winced on a few of the sudden movements but kept his groans to himself so as to not give Lesley the idea that he was uncomfortable. Last thing that he needed to do right now was make it seem like this whole thing was a bother. Lesley needed to take a break for however long he could. He had been through a lot. As Lesley shifted his leg's forward Inadi threw his spear underneath the other boy's thighs and bottom to lift him up higher. Lifting with his legs Inadi let out a small grunt and smiled. Without saying a word he began walking with the rest of the group and hearing about how the search for the bratty dragon was going.
That stupid dragon seemed to be just as good at hiding now as it was before. Inadi hated that stupid thing more than ever now. He had been thrown around and beaten up by that little beast and he was embarrassed in front of the whole group at the time when Haku decided to hoist him up high in that cave and put him on display. If Inadi got his hands on the damned thing he might just choke it out and turn it into some kind of statue to hang in his personal writing room when he got back home. He wasn't sure how hard it would be to stuff something that was made out of a cloud but it would definitely be worth the effort.
While thinking about destroying the baby dragon, Inadi began feeling Lesley rubbing his head on his neck. Inadi wanted to turn around to check on him but decided it was best not to look at him. Sometimes it was best to leave someone to their emotions so they could at least have them. Inadi felt terrible that he couldn't do much else at this point but decided to continue walking forward. While doing so he felt some tears hit his neck and Inadi let out a sigh. He couldn't say anything, but knew he should have said something.
Harper walked by and apologized to Lesley and Leila not too long after approached them and asked if it hurt. Lesley ended up stepping off of his back and began talking Leila after giving him an appreciative nod. Returning it, he allowed the two to talk as he stayed with the rest of the group and threw his spear over his shoulder. As the group moved towards a cabin Riley began suggesting burning down the thing if there was nothing inside. While Inadi didn't see an issue with the idea it seemed as if everyone and their brother did. Honestly it wasn't like this place was a good place for a summer home. Plus with all the undead in the area it probably destroyed the property value.
Riley then asked for him and Jasper to join her in another extension of the search. “Well if I was a witch I probably wouldn't need switches or trap doors. Probably better off just using a spell to keep it hidden in plain sight. Sometimes the best things in life are hidden in plain sight.” Inadi explained as he looked around the room and gave a few chairs in the cabin a quick kick. Inadi didn't find any reason to keep looking in the damn place. All that was here were shadows and rotting wood.
Jasper then suddenly began talking about how she saw something of interest. Inadi rushed over to see what it was all about and noticed it was just a piece of metal. Letting out a sigh of disappointment he began spinning his spear in his arms. He was hoping that the stupid dragon would show up at some point here soon and he really didn't care to hear about some stupid corps that the person was training for that was in this cabin before. Looking over to Riley he let his agitation show on his face. Slamming the but end of his spear on the ground he blew some air up his face to throw a bang out of his eyesight. “The damn thing is made out of a cloud. How can something, even a witch, hide a living cloud without any sign of the stupid lizard being noticeable,” He told her as he leaned against the wall behind him. “Something tells me that the little guys either isn't here or Witchypoo out there may have already eaten him.” He announced with a bit of worry in his voice as he said that. If the baby was dead, no doubt the parents would take out their anger on them. And there would be even less left of them then what they had left behind of the witch that had given them hell just a few minutes ago.
Thinking back to everyone's revealing of their day before landing in Nowhere Inadi thought of his own situation. New Year's Eve was always an event he tried to enjoy privately. That night however he had some stupid desire to be out and among the crowd. "If I remember correctly I was out trying to find a party for the festivities. Ended up taking a wrong turn and found myself at an above ground subway station. Trying to figure out what place I needed to get to I saw a map that said the next train would take me to where I needed to go. After that the train that you all saw showed up for me as well. I thought the train was full of people in bunny suits and everything else under the sun. Harmless fun to be had during New Years day and all that," He told the group as he pushed himself off the wall with a grunt. "After that I ended up here and would do anything to get myself back home to see what all I have missed." He said as he listened to the rest of the group discuss their memories.
After Lesley finished his speech it was clear that the anger had boiled over in his mind. Inadi immediately dropped his spear and got between Lesley and the mermaid Martini. Grabbing Lesley by the shoulders he tried calming him down as best he could with a calm face, but it was clear that this kind of thing was needed in the end. He also had some questions about the whole sincerity of the bringing of them all here to Nowhere. Eventually letting go of Lesley he turned to look at Martini and the other guides with a bit of a cold stare. He walked away back to where he was before and picked up his spear with his eyes still similar to that of steely knives. He spun the weapon in his hands and let a smile creep up on his face. "Surely there has to be an answer to that question guides. An answer you have to know about. So how about it then," He said as he stopped spinning the spear, the tip pointed at the guides as the smile disappeared and light reflecting off his glasses, hiding his dark glare. "What exactly does Nowhere need with us humans in the end?" He asked with a completely monotone voice. He still had the newspaper clipping about Mr. Cuddles, and he figured there had to be other things this place was hiding from them.