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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RiverMaiden
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RiverMaiden Protector of the Stream of Time

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Polaris North

When Aurora got a good look at her savior, there were a few things that came to mind as the Child of Light placed the bear stew infront of her. Did you poison the stew? Where are the Children of Dark hiding to murder me? What kind of sick game is this?

...Why did you save my life, Traitor?

But the faerie said none of these, calmly taking the bowl itself into her hands, and drank straight from it, quite happy that it didn't taste like the crap she had made a few days prior in a cooking experiment. Finishing the bowl of soup in one go, Aurora placed the bowl back down, a content sigh releasing itself from her lips. A melancholy smile settled on her face as the faerie understood the irony of being saved by a foe. Turning to the two-faced woman, she finally gave voice to something she meant to say.

"Thank you, fellow Child of Light.", Aurora said calmly, with less vigor than she normally would have, still weakened and exhaused from the overwhelming day she had before. What else was there to say? The woman saved her life, and unless she wanted to be as bad as those she hunts, she will not kill someone who had taken care of her wounds, and given her sustenance. Hale will live until the day came where the faerie was no longer in debt to her.

Then the Traitor will die, and there will be no dirt on Aurora's conscience.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

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Hale calmly watched the fairie down the soup in one go. She never really knew who the young Child of Fae was. It would be completely horrible if the fairie started to attack now, even if she was injured and her weapons were neatly placed on top of the drawer beside the bed. Although even if she did have her fears that this person would straight out attack her, she didn't seem to even be the least bit alert. She seemed relaxed while she sat on the chair, watching Aurora.

When she thanked her, she nodded. "It is nothing, Child of Fae." She said. She felt more at ease considering the other thanked her. At least she won't get attacked now. She then collected the soup bowl and then stood up. "Whether you head back to the kingdom now or later is your choice." She pointed out. "Your axes are right over there." She continued, gesturing towards said weapons on top of the drawer.

She then turned around and headed back for the kitchen. She could not care less on what the fairie would do from now on, as long as it didn't involve the fairie attacking her. It had always been like this between her and her patients. Whether you were a Child of Dark or Light, she would treat you the same way. Once those patients woke up from their short-lived coma, she would feed them, tell them where their belongings were and then it is up to them whether they would go or not.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RiverMaiden
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RiverMaiden Protector of the Stream of Time

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Hale turned her back to the soldier, Aurora wondered how the woman could be so calm. How did she know whether or not her guest was aggressive? For all the elf knew, Aurora could have been a crazy person that killed whoever she didn't like on the spot... As if. The faerie was quite surprised, however, to see that she was void of injuries. There was still phantom pain and cramping, but healing magic couldn't do everything. Before the Traitor could leave, Aurora called out to her.

"Uh, Healer? Can you bring a glass of water over, please? I'm pretty sure I can't walk just yet without falling flat on my face.", the soldier of Light asked politely, feeling the soreness that came with abusing her ability to fly and running all day within her wings and legs. As funny as falling would've been, Aurora would rather get to the Kingdom without embarrassing herself infront of anyone.

@Polaris North
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

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"One glass of water coming up." Hale said, her tone never changing though. She quickly poured said liquid into a glass and then headed back to Aurora. She then gave it for her to drink. "You are a mystery, Child of Fae." She started. "From the wounds you sported before I healed you, it shouldn't have been enough to knock you unconscious. It was quite wonder." The elf explained.

She had only a few cases of that happening. It was mostly Children of Light but some of the other Children had it too. It was extremely baffling and those were soldiers so they usually escaped before they can tell her anything. She would usually just sigh and shake her head. But now she had the golden opportunity to find out what is happening with these people. Maybe the fairie would give her a report on how she got some wounds? Wounds that could not be healed by healing magic.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Narcotic Dollie
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Narcotic Dollie Weasel Wrangler

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

’The king’s orders? Why would he be in the Deathwood?’ Naya thinks, chewing at her bottom lip. When she heard that the Prince would grant her a favor in return for her service to the crown , she nodded quickly. “I’ll take him up on that when my injuries are better healed,” she tells the older man, fiddling idly with the bandages on her arm. Truthfully she was just glad that the young royal hadn’t died on her watch, but the witch wouldn’t miss an opportunity to gain knowledge.

After all, she didn’t know much about how demon blood worked. Maybe Asher would let her have some of his, now that she’d helped him?

...and maybe a feather.

...or two.

...or ten.

...or as many as he would give her. You know, for science.

Then Uriel gathers Naya up and the witch tries and fails to not squeak, her arms going up automatically to loop around his neck in attempt to make his burden easier. The rigid edges of his plate armor digs into her skin, but it isn’t unpleasant exactly, just a bit cold. “Fascinating,” the woman murmurs, staring at the green mist that spilled forth from his helmet. “Who made you such bewitching armor, Uriel?

Naya’s breath catches when the demon tells her he doesn't have her grimoire, and she can’t stop the look of horror that crosses her features. “You don’t have it?” She whispers, her complexion paling even more than usual. ’Oh Gods,’ The brunette thinks, swallowing hard as her fingers flex uselessly, the blunt edges of her fingernails dragging across the shiny black metal beneath them. That spellbook had been her mother’s, passed down from generation to generation to help guide every new witch born to the Ashgrave Coven on their journey into the dark arts.

Sure Naya had copies of almost every spell or potion recipe stashed somewhere in her shop, but none of them were in her mother’s elegant script, and oh-Gods-if-she-didn’t-find-it-then-there-really-would-be-nothing-left-of-her-and-then-she-would-actually-be-dead-and-it-was-all-Naya’s-fault-that-she-was-gone-because-if-she-had-been-a-better-witch-than-her-magic-would-have-already-been-awake-and-she-could-have-saved-her-and-oh-Gods-what-if--

Naya feels like she can’t get enough air in, her chest rising and falling in stuttering jerks as the brunette sucks in tiny, worthless breaths. She lets her arms fall away from the demon and covers her face with her hands, closing her eyes and concentrating on calming herself down and getting her wind back. “We have to go get it,” she responds after a moment, peering up at Uriel hesitantly. She wasn’t used to relying on people, but the truth of the matter was that even once she patched herself up, she still wouldn’t be at her best for another couple of days and both of her weapons were still lost in the burdock thicket. The lithe woman wouldn’t be able to get them back without his help.

Please,” she starts, averting her eyes to stare back down at the floor. “I need it. It was my mother’s.

@Polaris North
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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Octavia chuckled slightly at Rida's remark then sat up. She inhaled deeply, looked outside, then exhaled quickly and loudly. "Alright... Staying in bed all day simply won't do. I've decided that I'm going out for a bit!" The angel said with a grin, then shoved herself out of bed. She then proceeded to pull out a small trunk from underneath her bed. Inside was a pair of pants, a tunic, a raggedy, old cloak, and a pair of worn boots.

Octavia stripped down to her undergarments and bound her already small chest. She then proceeded to put on the clothes from the small trunk and tied her hair back in a braid, leaving only a few strands of her bangs loose over her face, before donning her hood and folding up her wings. With very little of her face visible and her short stature, the young princess looked now more like a human boy in his early teens than a full grown angel woman.

She turned to Rida and smiled excitedly."I'm going to Linore to looked at the market! You want to come?" Octavia asked Rida with an excited smile. "Since it's a neutral zone, I won't be in danger. " However, before Rida could protest, Octavia had opened up secret passage that very few knew of and entered. " Come on, Rida! Or you'll be left behind!" She called behind her.

The passages were dark, but not for long as Octavia pulled out a glowing crystal; Star Dust. The crystal is formed when light magic solidifies into a crystalline form; thus, it glows in the dark.

Octavia navigated through the hidden passages with ease and soon found herself outside of the castle's walls. After a few hours of traveling on foot, the angel arrived at the border market town of Linore. This time, Octavia remained surprisingly silent as she weaved through the crowds and stopped at a few booths, yet never said a word to anyone unless addressed first, even then she said little and kept her face hidden.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

@Narcotic Dollie

"Then you know where to find the young prince. And if you have any trouble entering the castle, tell them your name. I shall inform the guards of your arrival." The general said with a nod. It's not like the security there is too tight. She could probably enter there by just telling them that she was summoned by the prince, but this was just some extra precaution in case she wasn't allowed to get in because of her lack of identification. Who knows how tight the King is now thanks to the prince's little excursion.

He then started walking soon after she was picked up. When questioned about his armor, Naya would fill that he tensed up ever so slightly. It would go unnoticed by someone who was merely observing him but given that he was carrying her, it was quite obvious. "A friend of my father made it, before he disappeared. It was a regular old armor though until my mother began tinkering with it." Under the helmet, he would smile, a sad smile at that. Well Naya couldn't see it anyway but it was evident in his voice that he was quite sad while he talked. "It's the only keepsake I have from my mother." He continued, ending it with a sigh.

Perhaps if he was alone, every memory would rush back to him and it would burn right through his heart. He would be pained, incapacitated for the moment of recollection. It was a thing that happened to him every single morning and night. At times where he was occupied, like this one, he was able to function normally as he could keep his thoughts directed to the matter at had. Unbeknownst to him though, Naya herself knew what he was feeling.

And it would become painfully obvious that unlike him, she lost her keepsake. The girl in his arms started to pale and seemed to have been panicking upon the news that he hasn't collected any grimoire in the forest. It would dawn upon the demon general that it was quite an important object to her. In that moment, he felt horrible for not looking for it. But then again, he couldn't have known about its importance.

Nevertheless, he had to help her find it. And then she mentioned that the book was her mother's and Uriel nodded. He was determined, more than ever, to help her find it. She looks so desperate too. Even if there was no order to take care of her until she gets back home, he would not hesitate to help her. He may not know the pain of losing an object coming from a deceased loved one, considering that he wears it all the time, but he does know its extreme importance to one's own being. However, he still continued in the direction of Naya's home. "We will search for your grimoire later, after you have healed yourself. Deathwood is rich with beasts, and I do not want to fight them with you in my arms. I will not be able to function well." He pointed out.

It wouldn't be soon until they would arrive to her house anyway. He opened the door and then placed her back on her feet and then stood by to wait for her to finish healing herself up. He chuckled in his mind, it seems he would be spending quite some time here in Minora, longer than he first expected. Didn't mind though, it was a nice change of pace.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RiverMaiden
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RiverMaiden Protector of the Stream of Time

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Polaris North

The faerie took the cup of water, and slowly sipped at the drink, thankful for the liquid that slid down her throat. When the Traitor asked about her wounds that weren't quite wounds, Aurora put the cup down, and stretched her arms as she told the elf, "I ran into some crazy old hag. She had some kind of spooky sword that could actually hurt me. Weird, huh?" Her voice was much lighter now, closer to her usual peppy attitude. That water really did wonders for her, having felt dehydrated a while ago. Since she wasn't going to be murdering the elf anytime soon, Aurora was just going to be as cordial as she normally was.

"Anyways, I'll be happy to answer pretty much any of your questions, since you seem to have already started, just as long as it doesn't concern anything confidential, mm'kay?", the faerie leaned back into the bed rest, happy to answer what ever the Traitor had to ask. It would get her closer to repaying the debt, and closer to getting rid of an enemy of the Light.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Some crazy old hag with a spooky sword huh? Well that was a first. She's been lingering in Deathwood for quite some time to simply gather hopefully edible ingredients for her food. And in her time there, she hasn't quite engaged with an old hag with a spooky sword. "She isn't alive anymore right? A spirit?" She asked. Well Aurora did tell her that she would answer her questions and Hale was pretty sure if enough questions were asked, the debt of gratitude? Gone. She needed to be careful but she'd rather get the answers about this anomaly now.

Now, if she was right, it would create another question. A sword? Spirits aren't able to hold onto physical things unless it is special but those things wouldn't be able to harm a physical being. So perhaps there was something special with the sword.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RiverMaiden
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RiverMaiden Protector of the Stream of Time

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The faerie couldn't understand why the Traitor had betrayed the Kingdom of Light in the first place. She wasn't stupid, insane, nor impractical. The elf wanted more information on the threat within her general area, a completely normal response to a potential enemy. What could have caused this normal, sane, unscarred Child of Light to turn away and walk to the Darkness?

Aurora never voiced these thoughts, afraid of what she may hear. The Darkness tainted and perverted anything that came within it's grasp, and elves were no exception. The things she might hear from the Traitor may taint the faerie, herself. "Yup! Deader than a doornail! My axes went right through the hag, and her creepy sword had more phased through my body than actually hitting it.", the brunette replied quickly jovially, her strength returning to her as the conversation continued.

@Polaris North
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


"Ah, a wound on the soul." Hale said, finally realizing what has happened. It was rare to see phantoms wield weapons, or in this case a wraith, but it wasn't entirely impossible. Spirit swords, something Hale hasn't been able to figure out yet. She didn't know how to make one but she at least knew how it worked. And how impossible it is to heal with simple magic. Good thing one can block them if they had armor or weapons. It's truly something to be feared. "I'd be more careful around those if I were you. Those wounds cannot be healed through simple healing magic." She warned the fairie.

"Are you perhaps, a warrior of the kingdom?" Well Aurora certainly didn't look like a civilian with those weapons she brought in. Hale merely wanted to make sure. It was quite worrying to have on inside but she always did take in soldiers from both sides to heal them even if it posed great danger to the elf. Oh, it brought back memories of a young male soldier from the Kingdom of Darkness. He was quite the energetic young man, loyal too, and yet always found himself on the bed. One could say that he was a constant patient thanks to his recklessness.

He died one day, on the same bed he usually found himself. A wound too grave, or rather, she was too late to save him. It was quite a shame. Hale's gaze turned to the door that led towards the 'Dark' infirmary. It was as if she saw right through it and to the other side of the border. There was a grave there, dedicated to that dead young soldier. She suddenly had a sad smile. She never got attached to any of the patients but having him around was such a constant thing, that it actually made her a little sad that he won't be there anymore.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Lucius did not here Mozu creep up on him and it was a bit surprise when she gave him a hug from behind. She was very, warm. Or was he just really cold? The same feeling washed over him once they had first met, paranoia but not as intense. The girl had spoken for him at the clearing but she was still a werewolf. He did not know how to act so he got up rather quickly and boy was that a mistake. Coupled with hunger and a bad need for better water, Lucius faltered.

"Mozu... I..." he paused, exhaustion hit him like a wave, "Don't feel so good." he said in a daze. Lucius then fainted, his legs gave out and he fell backwards. The last thing he remembered thinking was 'I'm such a human.'
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RiverMaiden
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RiverMaiden Protector of the Stream of Time

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Polaris North

Aurora pondered the Traitor's words. A 'wound on the soul'? How would that work, when one had a soul wounded beyond repair? She guessed that another wound may appear, but wouldn't linger like the one she carried upon her person would. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she almost missed the elf's question. "Are you perhaps, a warrior of the kingdom?" When the faerie heard this, she gained a large smirk, and jumped to her feet onto the bed, despite her limbs' protest.

"Is the sky blue? Are Light and Dark polar opposites? Can faeries, angels, and demons fly?", Aurora asked rhetorically in a boisterous voice, unknowingly making a jab at a certain Dark general with the last statement. "If I'm not a soldier of the Light, then I could never be Aurora Pierce, a loyal member of Commander Rida's faerie squadron!" The brunette believed that the Traitor had next to no knowledge of her superior, but that didn't matter even if she did. Aurora had nothing to hide of her occupation. It was her life, her job, her identity. If she did not become a soldier when she did, she's probably be wailing on a street corner somewhere, or dead in some random ditch. The Light's military had saved her, and she couldn't care less if someone gave a damn.

Pointing a finger at the elf, Aurora's smirk became a smile, clearly enjoying her current spiel. "I vanquish the dark, fighting for my very life every day, never stopping nor resting until my job is achieved, or when I die!" Both of the inhabitants of the cottage knew it, whether because of her own experience, or the other's observance of it days ago. "I am apart of our military to lay waste to the enemies of the Light, and won't lay down my blades until the Kingdom of Darkness falls to it's knees!" Aurora didn't even know why she was still talking, especially since she knew who her company was, but her mouth kept running on, as if to affirm who she was, even if it was to her enemy. She always had her doubts, but she couldn't ever entertain them. If she did... Nothing good would come out of it.

"I believe in our cause because it is right, I fight for my-" Aurora abruptly stopped herself before she could get any further, her smile disappearing as fast as her speech. The Traitor didn't need to know anymore about her, even if she had only explained the surface level of who she was. Allowing her limbs their rest, she fell back down onto the bed, as if she was a puppet with it's strings cut, breathing quicker than she did earlier. She was done.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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@lord zee
Mozu was a bit surprised when she noticed that Lucius had passed out. She just ran around in dog form panicked for a moment before calming down and thinking of a plan. "I'll take you to Linore! They have healer's there and it's a neutral zone." Mozu said aloud to herself. She turned into human form again and was able to find some trash near by, one of them being a pile of plants and burlap. She fashioned it into a sort of sled and then put Lucius onto it.

Within a few hours of pulling Lucius on the makeshift sled and stopping a few times to fix it she made it to Linore. There she was able to find an apothecary to help her out along with a healer who helped to stabilize Lucius. "You will be good, Mozu help!" Mozu said proud of herself still in dog form. Since she was in Linore Mozu decided to go get herself some cloths. After she had aquired some she went into her human form again now fully clothed. She would attempt to get dog saddle bags later. This was something she should have done a long time ago. It would certainly make things easier, though she had just started to adventure around.


@ace of flames01
Rida sighed at Octavia took off when she really should be resting. "I swear you are the most stubborn angel I have ever met, even more so than your own father." Rida said rubbing her temples as she followed Octavia, Steve was following close behind of course.

As Octavia and Rida headed to Linore Rida was attempting to lecture Octavia the whole way on the importance of rest, and how the princess of the kingdom of light should understand that she is make the job of everyone within the castle that much harder by constantly going out like this. "Now I think may also be a good time to talk about you needing to worry about your own safety before others. By putting yourself in danger to protect your own subjects not only are you making our job more difficult but also making it even harder for us to earn a living." Rida said continuing her lecture. Quite a few children were avoiding the two now due to the constant lecturing of Rida.

"But... I do have to thank you for choosing a neutral location this time instead of leaving yourself open for attack." Rida stated then continued her lecture on the importance of choosing the correct places to go. Rida had very big lungs to be able to lecture this long.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Narcotic Dollie
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Narcotic Dollie Weasel Wrangler

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Uriel opens the door to Ashgrave Aromatics and steps through the threshold, the candle that always burned by the door flashing blue once for human, followed by the flame burning black for a split second to indicate a demon had entered the shop. ’So I was right,’ she muses, letting her hands fall away from around his neck as the man gently eases her to the floor. The floorboards groan in greeting, a dozen or so shadowy tendrils extending from all corners of the room to lick at their feet. “I missed you too,” Naya tells the house, extending her hand to let one of the shadows wrap around her fingers. “Could you draw me a bath? And fetch me the flesh mending brew, please. You know the one, it’s scarlet with the night adder venom in it,” the witch instructs and the shadows shoot off in multiple directions, eager to obey their mistress’s order.

I won’t be long,” Naya tells Uriel, flashing him a quick smile as she made her way carefully to the back room where her bedchambers were. “Make yourself at home. If you’re hungry just ask and the house will retrieve it for you,” she pauses.

Just don’t go into the basement. They don’t like strangers down there.

And with that she shuffles down the hall, one hand trailing along the wall to help keep her balanced.


When she reemerges about thirty minutes later Naya is clean and most importantly, wearing something other than a sheet. The wounds inflicted by the ice spikes have completely healed over, only leaving pinked, fresh skin in their wake. However, the slash on her belly that Skellington had cauterized left a rather angry looking scar. The brunette didn’t fret over this too much, it wasn’t like she had hoards of men folk lining up to see her without her shirt on anyways, so she would probably be the only one that ever saw it.

Besides, she kind of liked it. Made her look scrappy.

Alright, I think I’m ready,” Naya tells the demon, green eyes watching as the house’s shadow hands began to fill up another satchel with all manner of potions. It seemed a little concerned for her after returning in such sorry state from the last trip, stuffing the leather bag full of more healing brews and flash bombs than usual. She chuckles, laying a hand over one of the tendrils to still it. “That's enough. Thank you, darling.

The floorboards shutter a bit like it’s going to argue, but the house relents, letting her pull the bag free from its grasp. The witch makes her way towards the door but pauses as she passes a chest of drawers, opening it and rummaging around until she finds what she’s looking for. “Here, I want you to have this,” she says suddenly, turning on her heel and looping her hands back around Uriel’s neck to clasp a pendant around his neck.

I know you said you didn’t need payment, but I’m giving this to you anyways. Seriously, don’t try to give it back to me,” she orders, turning around and not giving him any room for arguments. “I made it for a man who was in love with a child of the light, but he died before I could finish it,” Naya opens the door and waits for Uriel to make his way out of the shop. “It extends how long a child of darkness can stay on the other side of the border without getting light poisoning by one day. It also makes you a touch more resistant to light magic during that time,” she explains, shutting the door behind her and listening as it locks itself. “I think you were meant to have it, Uriel.

@Polaris North ((Uriel))
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sarcelle Renard
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Sarcelle Renard How I handle deadlines

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The book in Asher’s hands was snapped shut, frustration seeping out of him as he got up to return it to the shelf. Having been confined to bed rest by Valentine, there was little for the prince to do other than read but unfortunately, the prince had already read every book he owned several times over. And to make matters worse, they were no longer helping him take his mind off of things. From the memories his father dredged up to the multitude of events that had transpired the day before, there was a good deal the prince was trying to avoid.

After putting the book back, Asher couldn’t help but admire Valentine’s work on his hand. A few quick clenches reminded him once more that it was still almost as good as new, something he had questioned the possibility of mere hours ago. Sure, he had to stick his hand into the alchemist’s brew of darkness-knows-what, but it was an awfully small price to pay. Even if the smell made him question just how badly he needed his nose for a few excruciating minutes.

The prince’s attention shifted to bandage covered torso, which was partially obscured by his open robe. The mage had left him with a cracked rib and a nasty burn, but for the most part those two injuries had already been taken care of. However, it was the serious case of light poisoning that had left Asher so weak and also what caused Valentine to insist that he get at the very least a week of rest before even thinking of returning to the battlefield. Glancing back up at his collection of books, he quickly realized that there was no way he was going to make it through the day, much less a week, before going stir crazy.

The robe quietly fell to the floor as he made his way to the dresser. Literature on his side of the border had its merits, but the prince was getting tired of its tendency to be dry and unimaginative. Something we have those archaic vampires to thank for, he noted as he pulled on a black, long sleeve shirt. No, if he was going to be confined to this room for a number of days, he was going to be reading something different. A small grimace crept into his expression as he donned a dark cloak, as that meant he needed books from the other side of the border. Which meant he was going to need a trade city that had managed to remain neutral in the war. Which meant he was going to Linore.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


For the most part, Octavia ignored Rida's rant. "While I am glad that you joined me, I must ask that we not talk much. I do not wish to blow my cover. Just think of the amount danger I would be put in if anyone found out about who I was. This may be a Neutral Zone but I am still at risk here." She said quietly to the faerie as she continued to look at the booths.

A certain booth caught the Angel's attention; a jeweler. However, what she was in the market for wasn't jewelry, but rather, a chain. After a few minutes of looking, she chose a pendant chain and attached the Star Dust from before, then tied the pendant around her neck.

Octavia continued down the aisles of the market and stumbled upon a vendor selling a specific book that caught her attention, A Rose on The Battlefield. She had read the book many times before, yet she couldn't recall where she had placed her own copy for quite awhile now. Thus, she decided to purchase it and placed it in her bag as she carried on her merry way.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Although Hale fully knew that Aurora was feeling fine after the rest and the healing magic but she kind of grew worried when she suddenly sprung up to her feet and stood on the bed. She also had a huge smirk on her face. And so Hale simply listened to her. So her name was Aurora Pierce and it seems she was a really loyal soldier of Light. Eradicate enemies of the Kingdom of Light huh? Well now, what exactly was Hale to the Kingdom of Light? She wasn't really sure.

But then Aurora mentioned a name she thought she'd never hear again. "Ah, so young Rida became a warrior? I knew her parents you see, influential people they were." She pointed out. It had only been fifty years since she has been in service to both sides as the neutral side.

Back to the person in front of her. It seems no one would be able to get her to at least look at the Darkness's perspective. Well not that Hale minded. Yes, of course she wanted to end the war but these were just soldiers. Someone influential should be the one to end it. Like perhaps the prince or the princess? Just perhaps of course. "You know that I needed only a simple answer right? Now go rest, I think you've outdone yourself." She said. "Although your energy says that you are fine." She pointed out.

@Narcotic Dollie

Now this was something else. The house itself seemed alive. Well, it is alive. Tendrils crept up and then settled near their feet. "Now this is a house." He said, a smile on his face under that helmet of his. He then nodded and then Naya went towards... presumably where her room was. He then took off his helmet, as a sign of respect, just like how one takes off their hats inside a house. He looked around for a place to sit and then saw a nearby chair.

Reluctant. He was actually reluctant to sit down. Well since the house itself was alive, he began to feel conscious. "Wow, I never knew I could feel like this inside a house." He muttered to himself before sitting down and then waiting for Naya to come back. But again, this house was impressive. It could do all the housework for you and you just need to say the word. Then one of the tendrils offered him a cup of tea. "Much appreciated house." He said before taking the cup and then drinking for it. That actually tasted pretty good. Surprising since most of the herbs that can be used for tea didn't even grow on this side of the border.

Thirty minutes seemed to have gone by in a flash for Uriel. Perhaps he became too relaxed on the chair, partially thanks to the tea he just drank. Naya reappeared to the lobby and he stood up. He watched as the tendrils of the house began to pack Naya's things. He let out an odd one syllable chuckle. "It seems your own house is concerned about your well being." Must be nice to at least have one sentient being worry about your life.

Suddenly, Naya clasped a pendant around his neck. He then took a good look at the pendant. It looked pretty good actually. And the effects were better. "Extra resistance to light magic? Now that is something that will be useful to me in the future." He said, an odd smirk on his face. This was something he really needed. As a demon, he was weak to light and this just gave him protection to it. He then tucked it under his armor so it wouldn't get destroyed accidentally. "Thank you very much Naya... but what did you mean that it was meant for me?" He asked. Sure as a soldier this would be perfect, but this was meant for romance wasn't it?

"Anyway, let's go. Let's get your grimoire back." He said before placing the helmet back over his head. He then waited for her to take the lead. It was as if he was back to escorting nobles again but this time he was escorting a young witch who lives in a border town. Well it was a nice change of pace anyway.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RiverMaiden
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RiverMaiden Protector of the Stream of Time

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As Aurora sat on the bed, reviewing her own thoughts, they slowly turned back to her squad leader, Rida. She may not be the strongest, nor the fastest of the faeries, but her mind was sharper than any weapon, more powerful than any brute force could match. Her wit would snap like a whip, and battle tactics would appear in the redhead's mind faster than an arrow could fly. She was her commander, and oh-my-god-Rida-didn't-know-if-Aurora-was-dead-or-not. How could she? Aurora never reported in since the skirmish in the Kingdom of Light. After that, the brunette had been flying solo, with no contact with the Kingdom in any way besides the Princess.

The soldier quickly got off of the bed, retrieved her equipment, and holstered her weapons into their leather loops. "Sorry, I just remembered that I have some place to be." Aurora explained her rush as quickly as possible, downing the rest of the water within her cup, and half way to the door. She opened the door, and gave Hale a mock salute. "See you later, Trai-Healer!" Aurora nearly slipped with the nickname she had for the elf, her mind going on overdrive as it calculated the fastest route from this area. Hopefully the woman who lived in this cottage didn't notice.

Shutting the door as fast as possible without being rude, Aurora quickly noticed that nothing around her looked familiar, except for the Deathwood. If the faerie wanted to get home, she was going to have to pass through there and hope she found some kind of landmark she might have passed by yesterday. To be completely honest, Aurora had never been this deep inside of the Deathwood forest before, having delt with most of the enemies of the Light at different areas around that side of the border, but never the Deathwood for some reason. Well, there was no time like the present to learn something new, right? Aurora took off, her flight a little less straight than it normally was as her right wing protested at the movement. The faerie had no time to heal, she needed to get to her commander, and no soldier rested until they reported in.

@Polaris North
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

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Hale was quite surprised at how quickly the fairie sprung to action. "I see, take care then." She said before standing up herself and then heading back to the kitchen. She didn't get her serving of bear stew yet and she's been eagerly waiting for it. Then she would have to water those flowers outside. Then start the patrol for anyone's who's injured or out for her blood. Ah, she had a lot of things to do.

She then stopped upon realization of the fairie's farewell. "Was she going to call me traitor?" She then chuckled to herself. "Now that's something I haven't heard in a while." It may not be pleasing to hear that you're a traitor but considering she wanted to become one for the sake of being neutral, it was quite pleasant for her. Then she realized she never gave any instructions on how to get back to the Capital. Well if she just went straight to wherever her gut will take her, she would probably get there at some point.
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