Original Concept: @LHG100
Seems right when I get a good schedule with RPing more things get dropped on me. But I made a promise to the playerbase and I like to keep to my word. Yes, Morden, I'm writing a post for your RP next.
NCQ (“NC Quest”), in short, is a science fiction RP revolving around a group of mecha pilots in the landscape of post-apocalyptic Alaska, which you easily could infer from the location’s name of “New Anchorage”.
As a “soft reboot” this will carry over selected continuity from the previous RP, but will be entirely unnecessary for new players to read over. Returning players can talk to me about what they want to do about their role and their own personal continuities. But with that said, I’m basically looking for players who are interested in a mecha-oriented post-apocalyptic RP who want to have fun balancing the struggles of the drama on-base as well as the drama in-field. Basically how I’ll be starting the RP is with the new player characters being confirmed for their pilot capabilities before being integrated into the base.
As you can also tell, this interest check is pretty much a half-done IC. I’ll be working on the database for additional information/lore as well as parts (if we need to go this route). This is mostly to show you the base CS, the summary of the world’s setting, and this section to tell you what I want to do.
I will answer all questions and concerns.
Seems right when I get a good schedule with RPing more things get dropped on me. But I made a promise to the playerbase and I like to keep to my word. Yes, Morden, I'm writing a post for your RP next.
NCQ (“NC Quest”), in short, is a science fiction RP revolving around a group of mecha pilots in the landscape of post-apocalyptic Alaska, which you easily could infer from the location’s name of “New Anchorage”.
As a “soft reboot” this will carry over selected continuity from the previous RP, but will be entirely unnecessary for new players to read over. Returning players can talk to me about what they want to do about their role and their own personal continuities. But with that said, I’m basically looking for players who are interested in a mecha-oriented post-apocalyptic RP who want to have fun balancing the struggles of the drama on-base as well as the drama in-field. Basically how I’ll be starting the RP is with the new player characters being confirmed for their pilot capabilities before being integrated into the base.
As you can also tell, this interest check is pretty much a half-done IC. I’ll be working on the database for additional information/lore as well as parts (if we need to go this route). This is mostly to show you the base CS, the summary of the world’s setting, and this section to tell you what I want to do.
I will answer all questions and concerns.
Formerly known as Smith’s Rest, New Anchorage was technically established in 2602 CE by a group of people trying to escape the grasp of the giant corporations. Originally the settlement got by through selling useless scrap in Alaskan ruins to neighboring corporations for food rations and economic utilities. However, the dangers of being “independent” became apparent throughout the years as criminal factions saw Smith’s Rest as an easy target. With few worthwhile NC’s to their name Smith’s Rest would barely survive throughout the years. However, luck would come their way when they began to uncover more substantial NC’s in their scavenging runs as well as odd friendships with major corporations like Volkov and Fairbanks.
Renamed New Anchorage in 2677, the settlement went from an obscure dot on the map to a small aspiring independent company led by a small group of people organized with the settlement’s interests at heart. However, in only a few months of time New Anchorage found itself struggling even as it took any contract sent in its direction. Their operations commander, Sophia, abandons New Anchorage in a fit of emotion and send the operation into jeopardy which results in individuals scattering until the settlement hires a man of experience by the name of Michael Graham. Fortunately, Graham has taken the reins of New Anchorage eagerly and with cohesive military organization.
The word is out that Graham is looking to test anyone for NC abilities in addition to looking to hire those who already have a NC of their own. He swears he will turn New Anchorage into a successful operation that will rival the big corporations.
Renamed New Anchorage in 2677, the settlement went from an obscure dot on the map to a small aspiring independent company led by a small group of people organized with the settlement’s interests at heart. However, in only a few months of time New Anchorage found itself struggling even as it took any contract sent in its direction. Their operations commander, Sophia, abandons New Anchorage in a fit of emotion and send the operation into jeopardy which results in individuals scattering until the settlement hires a man of experience by the name of Michael Graham. Fortunately, Graham has taken the reins of New Anchorage eagerly and with cohesive military organization.
The word is out that Graham is looking to test anyone for NC abilities in addition to looking to hire those who already have a NC of their own. He swears he will turn New Anchorage into a successful operation that will rival the big corporations.
“When a sinister person means to be your enemy, they always start by trying to become your friend.”
– Richard Fairbanks, CEO & President of Fairbanks LTD
Richard Fairbanks was quoting English poet William Blake when he showed his true colors to the then President of the United States of America. That statement, in context, that can be seen as the precursor to the world that Fairbanks and many others like him forged in their image; the rise of new capitalism— the corporatocracy, and the fall of old capitalism.
It has been five hundred years since the planet Earth was struck down by the horrors of a nuclear holocaust, though fortunately for the human race and the planet; both persevered despite the odds. One of the main reasons behind the survival of humanity was the ingenuity of innovators within the nuclear security field, such as Richard Fairbanks, Mikhail Volkov, Yukiya Akahoshi, and many others. Inspired by the archaic novelties of the fallout shelters of the 20th century, these shrewd businesspeople laid down the ground work for massive underground citadels that become known as “Burrows”— the salvation of humankind. But this salvation to those who didn’t wish to be swallowed by the impending nuclear holocaust came at a price; for as the saying goes, to trust a corporation is a fool’s gambit— and a fool’s price is what humanity received.
In the two hundred years that humanity was trapped underneath the shadow of the corporations there was much change and a new society began to take shape underground as what was left on the surface was destroyed by nuclear fire. Politicians who had fled into safety found themselves powerless before they became targets of corporate agents who decided that the “chess pieces” of the old world had to be retired… permanently. The old regime was deemed “out of date” and not one citizen flinched as prominent people they knew before the war disappeared. As time continued to carry on the citizens who obeyed became the new upper class and received the food rations and medical treatment that came with such loyalty. It seemed that no matter if it was Kings or Presidents or a Board of Directors— the pecking order was more or less the same.
Time carried on until the doors to the surface opened once again in 2340 CE.
The corporations that had started as nuclear security firms expanded, their citizens resettled the land of their ancestors, and began for a time to look optimistic towards life on the once again livable surface. For a time there was peace on Earth— but old habits die hard. Within fifty years of humanity returning to the surface corporations began to recover old world technology from the ruins; one incredible recovery being that of the 22nd century’s bipedal mecha, a humanoid machine controlled directly by the mind. Thus a weapon of mass destruction became the golden standard: The Neural Combatant. This discovery, unsurprisingly led to the return of war and revolt. Corporations fought one-another as they forced more and more research into Neural Combatants and thus the arms race of the last two centuries was defined.
It is now 2677, and the situation has only gotten exponentially worse. The five major corporations continuously experiment, wage war on smaller corporations, deal with criminal factions ruthlessly, and expand their territorial reach.
– Richard Fairbanks, CEO & President of Fairbanks LTD
Richard Fairbanks was quoting English poet William Blake when he showed his true colors to the then President of the United States of America. That statement, in context, that can be seen as the precursor to the world that Fairbanks and many others like him forged in their image; the rise of new capitalism— the corporatocracy, and the fall of old capitalism.
It has been five hundred years since the planet Earth was struck down by the horrors of a nuclear holocaust, though fortunately for the human race and the planet; both persevered despite the odds. One of the main reasons behind the survival of humanity was the ingenuity of innovators within the nuclear security field, such as Richard Fairbanks, Mikhail Volkov, Yukiya Akahoshi, and many others. Inspired by the archaic novelties of the fallout shelters of the 20th century, these shrewd businesspeople laid down the ground work for massive underground citadels that become known as “Burrows”— the salvation of humankind. But this salvation to those who didn’t wish to be swallowed by the impending nuclear holocaust came at a price; for as the saying goes, to trust a corporation is a fool’s gambit— and a fool’s price is what humanity received.
In the two hundred years that humanity was trapped underneath the shadow of the corporations there was much change and a new society began to take shape underground as what was left on the surface was destroyed by nuclear fire. Politicians who had fled into safety found themselves powerless before they became targets of corporate agents who decided that the “chess pieces” of the old world had to be retired… permanently. The old regime was deemed “out of date” and not one citizen flinched as prominent people they knew before the war disappeared. As time continued to carry on the citizens who obeyed became the new upper class and received the food rations and medical treatment that came with such loyalty. It seemed that no matter if it was Kings or Presidents or a Board of Directors— the pecking order was more or less the same.
Time carried on until the doors to the surface opened once again in 2340 CE.
The corporations that had started as nuclear security firms expanded, their citizens resettled the land of their ancestors, and began for a time to look optimistic towards life on the once again livable surface. For a time there was peace on Earth— but old habits die hard. Within fifty years of humanity returning to the surface corporations began to recover old world technology from the ruins; one incredible recovery being that of the 22nd century’s bipedal mecha, a humanoid machine controlled directly by the mind. Thus a weapon of mass destruction became the golden standard: The Neural Combatant. This discovery, unsurprisingly led to the return of war and revolt. Corporations fought one-another as they forced more and more research into Neural Combatants and thus the arms race of the last two centuries was defined.
It is now 2677, and the situation has only gotten exponentially worse. The five major corporations continuously experiment, wage war on smaller corporations, deal with criminal factions ruthlessly, and expand their territorial reach.
Honestly, I feel like it is a bit superfluous going over an established rules section; but I guess this might be a bit necessary to go over for the RP’s sake. Let me be clear, I believe I am a fair GM albeit a bit of one with a serious disposition— but if you respect me and your fellow players, I respect you. Don’t… and well, I turn into a shark. Let’s not turn this into a shark movie, we have enough of those don’cha think? With that said, here are some brief guidelines to note so we can have a fun time and not a shitty time.
- Every single person should be aware that we will respect and obey RPG’s rules. Mahz and his staff are really reasonable and have designed a site where we can have fun without too much hassle. So let’s not contradict those guidelines and rules.
- The GM staff should be respected at all times, but not just them. Your fellow players should not be belittled, condescended, or felt unwelcome. Even if you are frustrated you should make sure you are not antagonizing your peers. This is not to say you have to “handhold” them or “sugarcoat” yourself— but you need to follow rules of civility. There is no question about that.
- Don’t powergame! Since this is an action RP for a lot of its content you should know what is and isn’t okay. We’ve all been (assumingly) RPing for a long time but we know what meta-gaming, power-playing, god-modding, and the other variations of the “don’ts” of RPing are. Don’t do them or I will have the ghost of LHG summoned to eat your mech or I’ll have you get shot. Whichever is easier for me.
- This is a collaborative RP! But we shouldn’t focus on collabing every other day on unfair schedules. Not everyone is from the eastern side of the United States— I want potential players to feel like they are involved as well as try to keep a good rhythm going for the story. This means I will try not to time-skip or scene shift unless it is the right time.
- Have fun!
Returning players should adapt their CS to the “new” format with some quick edits as well as edit in recent events to their backstory— such things could be bullet-pointed or written long form if desired. If you have any questions please let me know.
1— Roles can be decided when we assign them IC, but I'm going to be looking for characters to fill slots not otherwise fitted on what we have for a sorry excuse of a squad. So we need characters that are skilled utility capacity, sniping, heavy weapons, and other ideas you can come up with.
1— Roles can be decided when we assign them IC, but I'm going to be looking for characters to fill slots not otherwise fitted on what we have for a sorry excuse of a squad. So we need characters that are skilled utility capacity, sniping, heavy weapons, and other ideas you can come up with.