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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

((Let's try this again.))

Ah the multiverse. An infinite plane of existence that... is basically existence.

As it is infinite, there are infinite universes and mostly infinite possibilities.

Not much left to say besides that
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Suddenly, somewhere, a force echoed. Something...was angry. And it was powerful. It decided, this silence, this peace...was to much....

Somewhere, a Drifter wandered, without a home. He drifted to places far and wide, running from a sickness. Running, from something one may even call fate. However, now, as he walked along a dry dirt road, cutting though blazing savannas, he came to a cross roads. Just as he did, a strange insect like man did as well. The two were heading in opposite directions. One, away from fate, and one, rushing to meet it. And, in a literal sense. This strange man saw the drifter, and bowed. He showed respect, to a man he did not know. Mayhap, he could that this drifter, was a warrior. Maybe, he was just polite.
"Hello there. My name is Issac. I see you a traveling from where I seek to go. How fares it?" Issac asks the Drifter, his tone cheery, and oddly sounds a tad like cheeping, like that a cricket. He seems, like an alright sort.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The drifter clad in rust and soot simply lifts a blood stained sword hilt in one hand, the blade completely missing as isaac gets a good look at the rusted red tinge with black, singed edges of the wordless wanderer's apparel, denoting mixes of large blasts with a long, drawn out, and bloody combat before the drifter simply lets his arm fall back to his side before continuing walking, his hood and cloak keeping him free from the sun's rays while the bits of old helmet poking out from under the cloth hide all but his eyes in conjunction with his scarf. The drifter simply keeps walking with the insect's question responded to, wandering aimlessly at a slow, deliberate pace, his path set without his consent.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Asura watched the drifter with a bit of curiosity. He sensed...something...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Tyki @kishin asura
From the remaining road, wandered a man. To the Demon God, he could see a soul, twisted, and terrible. A monster, wearing human skin. A man, clad in red armor. Behind him, a line of children, chained, their wrists and ankles worn to the point they bled by their shackles. Six children in total, taken from their homes. Their parents gone. Orphans of war. Each one, having gone though such abuse, yet their souls remain pure. The magical innocence of a child.....a thing, abused. This man, clad head to toe in blood red armor, looks at Issac, and the Drifter, not being aware of Asura.
"Look, more freaks to deal with...." He grumbles, drawing a longsword, it too made from the blood metal he was clad with. To Asura, he may be horrified. When shown close up, this man's armor...and weapon...had shards of souls within it. Terrible weapons, and armor.
"In the name of Lord Malakai, the true ruler of all...set down your arms. Maybe he'll spare you." The mystery knight says, grinning under his metal mask.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


For a moment, Asura considered stepping in and giving the guy a hand. Specifically, a hand curled into a fist and set on a one way to the monster's face. Preferably breaking his nose.

But he knew that a direct confrontation would probably end badly. So he hid where he could, silently watching and formulating a plan.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


for a bit of mood

The rather imposing man might have been surprised to find the drifter simply appearing before him, seeming to teleport the short distance they'd been apart, before slashing at the man's face, forcing him to dodge back or face death, the energy blade sparking to life as the drifter slashed, his only natural area to dodge being to leap back behind the children, the less than savory nature of the man in red probably prompting him to use them as a shield against his attacker, but as he landed he found the energy blade to have lengthened and gained in solidity, taking the heads of the children that wouldn't duck with it as it was swung, hitting him mid air in the side and launching him a fair distance, his armor cracked and having troubles reforming from the blow, the wanderer seeming to blur as he moved rapidly towards the man blade flashing as it arced towards him a third time, his sword coming up to parry of it's own accord, his armor and weapon seeming to WANT to fight with the man before him, showing some semblance of an ego which had probably never been heard before as he found himself locking blades with the drifter, his vision blurring... no, the drifter blurring shortly before his side ached in pain, the energy blade making use of the crack formed early to punch through, leaving the 'knight' injured, his rage seeming to be increased by his weapon and armor as he launches himself at the drifter in an attempt to at least land a hit on him before he died, impaling his head on the drifter's blade. The other two standing there were able to see an amazingly fast battle play out before them, ending some distance away with the drifter's blade stabbed through the knight's face, the armored corpse slowly sinking down before the drifter pulled his blade out and gave a small twist, the helmeted head going flying a few feet and landing at the head of the chain, forcing them to see the corpses of the children that were too far gone to save themselves.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Tyki @kishin asura
It was swift, and brutal. The Knight, who had once thought himself invincible was now dead at the hands of the drifer. His head, now within the Drifter's clutches. The children were unharmed, mostly. One was cut, but not seriously wounded. Issac wondered over to the drifter, and then gazed over at the headless corpse. ".....Good work..." Issac says, surprised. "......" Issac begins to break the chains the children, using his strength to snap the weakest chain links. He shows strain when doing this. One of the children coughs, and collapses, blood on their lips. Issac leans down, and picks up the poor creature. The Drifter may now notice it, though his sick, addled eyes...that child is...one of the otter people.
"..This child will die soon without help..." Issac starts, rocking the child. The small otter girl falls asleep in his arms, feeling an odd sort of safety. The other children break down, and either pass out, or begin to cry. Issac opens a portal, waving a hand, ripping the air open. He walks though the portal, motioning for the children to follow him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


The drifter shatters their chains with his blade, seeming to have little trouble before he begins walking in the direction the knight had come, not getting far before doubling over and coughing, hacking, and finally vomiting, neon pink spraying into the sands and soaking in within seconds as he's doubled over in pain, blood dripping between his fingers shortly before he stands with a bit of effort and continues on, arriving at the city at the edge of night, the guards seeing a colorful speck approaching the gate weaponless, carrying something red over their shoulder.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

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@Tyki @supertinyking

Asura follows silently and secretly
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Tyki @kishin asura
The Guard sees this man, and pulls out a horn made form a strange beast, and blows into it. A flag is risen, an eye impaled on a spike. Malakai's flag, one of fear, and to represent ignorance. A weapon he wields perfectly in his realm. Slowly, as the traveler, the Drifter, came closer, the guard could see what he was carrying..and he would draw his blade. A great sword, much larger than that of the previous knight. "You. Halt." He declares, seeming...terrified. "Halt...in...the name of Lord Malakai." He stutters, scared. He knew this foe could harm him though what he once thought an armor of invincibility. This worried him to his core...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Asura turned away. He knew the guy with the laser sword would take care of it. For now, he focused on locating malakai via soul perception. Or at the very least getting a good idea of where he might be.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


the drifter simply keeps walking at his own pace, his eyes leveled on the guard before him unwavering and unblinkingly as he drops the helmeted head behind him, light having returned to his eyes after the small 'purge' earlier, as he gets eye to eye with the knight in full armor, the scrawny man simply staring at him before bringing up his hand and putting a finger on his chest plate, fear and a firm hand pushing the knight out of the way so that the drifter can enter the city
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@kishin asura
No wavelengths matched that of what he would expect form such a ruler, one full of malice and madness. Simply, a group of people, prideful, their souls unstable with madness encroching. He'd not find Malakai there, but mayhap even still, a worthy challenge, as one soul in particular stood out. Rather than mad, it was prideful.Rather than malice, it was honor. Rather than the want to destroy. It was the want to protect, and to dominate. This man stood out like a sore thumb....
The guard makes no real attempt to follow him, however, a large man wearing no chest plate walks forwards. This man radiates a aura of power, dispite not wearing the blood armor on his chest, his body laced with thick muscle.
"You....you've killed one of my men. For what reason have you done this?" He barks out, obviously annoyed, yet he doesn't pull any weapon. He simply stares at the drifter, with his red eyes, seemingly tainted with blood....
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

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the drifter shrugs and looks down at the severed head, shrugging before motioning as if drawing a blade and pointing at the head and then himself, his mouth and throat completely covered so as to hide the scars and bloodstains on his lips that seemed ever present and had long since been given up on removing them
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Asura knew that person would know something. But he didn't want to risk being found out...unless...

"Worth a shot." Asura says as he uses his madness wavelength to hide himself as he makes his way towards them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@kishin asura @Tyki
".....one moment..." The man says, before picking up a rock, and hurling it, the rock scraping the cheek of Asura. This man let him know, he knew where he was. He then turned back to the Drifter, and cracked his knuckles. "...Then come at me. If you see fit to murder my men, you've already accepted death." He says, but he drew no blade. Issac soon appeared, dropping from a portal, an attempt to get the drop on this foe. The man moves in a blur, and with a single kick, sends Issac tumbling though one of the buildings, before it collapses onto him. This man would not be as easy to topple as his subordinate.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


The drifter watches him lazily, like one might a fly hovering around a window, the aching welling up to denote another episode as the man talks at him, the drifter seeming to slowly loose focus before doubling over in pain, coughing and vomiting on the bridge as neon pink splatters across the boards and onto the shoes of those nearest him, his scarf having been tugged out of the way at the last second, generating an opportunity as it were. The episode passes swiftly and the drifter stands only for their eyes to dart about randomly before they seem to be stabbed by... something from all angles and falling to the boards, still and lifeless, the hunter's prey seeming to have eluded him via their own means, a jackal in the nearby shores that seems to corrode his vision as he watches it, black tendrils retracting into before it open's it's maw as if to bark, his mind being filled with sheer backlash, like everything going wrong at once in his mind, pain welling up inside him as the rest of the crew would pretty much just be watching him suddenly hold his head while the severed head grows spider-like limbs and crawls away to the water
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


"So much for the element of surprise." Asura thinks to himself
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Tyki @kishin asura
"D-damn it...DAMN IT!" Shang would yell, holding his head, screaming in pain. "Graaaa!" Slowly he stumbles backwards, before falling to one knee. He would be left vulnerable, at least for the moment. Slowly, the rubble of the building he had launched Issac into shifts, as Issac emerges from the rubble. Hurt, but not dead. His sword still in one piece.
"...Now's my chance..." He coughs out, as he dashes forwards, and drives his blade into Shang's stomach, blood spurting out onto Issac. Shang would look down to see the blade piercing his stomach. He would grumble, before falling backwards, the blade being pulled out as he fell.
"....Was that it?" Issac asks, almost in disbeleife that he had defeated this man....but Asura would know. Shang would survive, if left for dead.....
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