Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: kishin asura
Species: kishin. Maybe a bit of death God
Age: around 800



Flight: self explanatory

Regeneration: again, self explanatory

Overall difficulty in dying: asura has survived things that would kill a normal human being. Ranging from wounds that nearly split him in two, to his most notable feat of spending 800 years without food, water, or oxygen, trapped in a bag made from the skin that had been torn off of his own body, prior to having every drop of blood drained from his skinless (and still living) body. Only to emerge alive and practically unscathed.

Black blood: the substance that was injected into his body, and what revived him from his 800 year....nap... is the same thing that now flows through his veins. Not only does it give him a defensive boost somehow, but it is also known for making most people go crazy.

Madness wavelength: as a kishin, he is practically his universe's embodiment of madness. Nothing makes this clearer than his soul wavelength. An extension of his soul, and something not to be messed with. It can make people go insane, and make illusions.

Vajra: before he went insane and got sealed away in the most brutal way possible, he had a partner named vajra. Spoiler alert, vajra got eaten. Now asura can partially regurgitate his old pal and use him to fire lasers.
It's a long story.

Witch's soul: after consuming the soul of the spider witch arachne, asura turned into a giant monster. Despite not being a giant monster anymore, he has still learned how to use arachne's soul to boost his own power by means of soul resonance.

Skin scarves: those scarves aren't just for show. Asura is able to utilize them as extra arms. Also, they are made from his own skin....yeah...

Hand-to-hand: he's good at hand to hand combat.

Shield: a simple red energy shield he can materialise at a moment's notice


Madness: while he has better control than he did before, it should be noted that he is insane.

Fear: before becoming insane, asura was afraid of practically everything. And honestly, he kinda still is. Maybe not as much as he once did. But he still is.

Relationship: he's pretty protective of his girlfriend. And would go so far as to let someone beat the shit out of him if fighting would lead to her being harmed. Unless he's super pissed. As for how he got a girlfriend, it's a long story. Speaking of which,

Bio: (long story): in an attempt of better himself, the mighty lord death cast away his fear and lo and behold, asura was born. As a being of immense power equal to lord death himself, asura worked under his "father" and hunted witches. However, as he was born from fear, asura was afraid of everything. In an attempt to ease those fears, lord death paired him up with a death weapon named vajra. As a death weapon, vajra could turn into a weapon. His weapon form being a golden spike also called a vajra (the more you know). Original I know.

This didn't exactly work and asura's fear persisted. Until one day he thought of an idea. Achieving ultimate power. He reasoned that in doing so, he would finally have nothing to fear.

That may have been the start of his descent into madness.

After killing a bunch of people and swallowing his weapon partner, who was in weapon form, asura became a serious threat. So lord death hunted him down and sealed him away in the least PG way he could. He drained the mad god before stuffing him in a big old bag made from his own skin. Asura's skin, not lord death's. Afterwards, he anchored his soul to what would one day become death city. Spoiler alert, it was a bad idea.

Fast forward eight hundred years, everything's peachy. Until an attempt is made to free asura. Long story short, he gets free, squares off with lord death, and then flees. Lord death being unable to follow him due to the soul anchor thing.

After some time, asura secluded himself in a temple high up on a mountain, where he was found by the leader of arachnophobia. Yep. It was arachne the spider witch. After nearly killing her with his skin scarves, the witch and the demon formed an alliance. Long story short, there was a big battle. In the midst of it, asura squared off with lord death a second time and almost killed him. After realizing his growing feelings for arachne, he flew away, went to her, removed her soul from her body, ate it, became a giant monster, and died from a punch to the face after a battle in which he survived a laser blast of certain death fired by lord death's son, death the kid.

Again, pretty original.

Some time later, asura experienced undeath (in the sense that he just stopped being dead completely) and found himself in another dimension. One freak out session later, asura embarked on an adventure. Meeting new people, making friends with a ghost girl, and settling down with an alternate universe's version of the girl who killed him with her fist. For some reason.

(Short story): went insane from fear, shit happened, he died, then he undied, now he's a hero

From: HCL (the previous one), and soul eater. Mostly the previous HCL at this point
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: The mad king of Zorn, Malakai.
Age: 34
Powers: Owner of the Soul Forge: The soul forge, a device of great and terrible power, is a thing that can warp the very soul into powerful tools. As such, Malakai's armor, and sword, which is a two handed great sword, are exceptionally potent. His armor is able to regenerate, and can withstand mountain leveling attacks. His sword is able to cleave though Sc-fi Super Metals, and the flesh of extremely powerful beings.
Insane: Malakai is insane, and from that insanity, evil has bloomed. He has used children to create his armor, and blade, as their souls hold great power. He is willing to destroy anything, and everything. As such, things such as Asura's madness wavelength will do little to this man, who's mind is already driven into a deep madness.
Weaknesses: Only human: Other than his mystical armorments, Malakai is only human, which means he can be offed in a multitude of ways.
Bio: Malakai was once the king of a proud nation, with a beautiful queen at his side, the love of his life, Alicia. However, a rival nation unleashed upon them a war, and he watched as his queen was raped, and killed by the invading barbarians, before he was cast into a deep pit, along with the body of his wife, into a pit that had opened in the earth, a sink hole of sorts, a place where the kingdom threw that which was unwanted. Trapped down there for months, he was forced to consume the body of his wife, to survive. This broke him. Turned him into a wreak...but later, in the winter months, one of the walls of the cavern broke down, and revealed to him the soul forge, a great anvil that one could shape the very spirit with. When a young boy had fallen into the pit soon after, Malakai knew what had to be done......Soon, after years of people, mainly children, falling into the pit, he re-emerged equiped with a array of weapons, and a full suit of armor, forged from the spirits of those that feel into the pit. Singlehandedly he destroyed the current rulers of his land, the next generation past those that over threw him, and plunged his kingdom into eternal chaos, sacrificing children without homes to create weapons and armor for his armies, as he laid waste to the rest of the world. Now, having constructed a portal to other plains, he seeks to venture though out the multiverse, and claim stronger souls, seeking immortality...
Theme Song:
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Drifter
Age: Unknown, presumably immortal due to curse

Light: his blade, while being an energy sword, is actually remarkably weak when compared to a lightsaber as it lacks the ability to cut through things the wielder cannot physically force it through, though, when wielded properly with it's various focuses and layouts, is able to cleave through most creatures that need their bits seperated.

Dark: while the drifter has access to many guns, the simple energy pistol is his favorite due to it's relability, large ammo capacity, and moddability.

Purity: The drifter has access to various techniques but the most commonly used one is the instant transportation across short distances, though do note that energy weaponry can still hit him mid dash even if physical things cannot.

Corruption: due to aforementioned curse, the drifter is left unable to stay in one place for long as an unnamed force seems to never be too far behind him, though this also does come with a strange, illness-like symptom and hallucinations.

Weaknesses: he's just over all rather weak. while he can keep coming back, if anyone can actually manage to hit him with anything it puts him down pretty easilly albeit for a little while
Bio: Unknown
Theme Song: link
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 17 days ago

Name: Lancelot Kilgarrah

nickname Title: The Red Knight

Age: Existence began near the end of Camelot's history

Race: Drakken


Weakness: Temperatures below 60 degrees is unbearable for Lancelot and will have to expend energy to heat up his own body to save from freezing to death, cold based attacks are also a problem. His chest in his dragon form is soft enough to be struck with swords unlike the rest of his body. Pride can get the better of him and bring him into rash actions.


Bio: Betraying Camelot, Lancelot formed a pact with Kilgarrah, who was growing ill of an unknown disease. They became the Drakken they are now, and left Camelot to travel the worlds without any sort of law or guidance holding them back, other then a strive to be as chivalrous as one could be, when not of course, enraged by something. While centuries of existence has taught him patience, he has a short temper when it comes to his pride, and his greed often leads him into trouble with stealing or treasure hunting. As a student he keeps his treasure hoard on his bed in his room
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Z3r0fr33z3


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Sgt. Kaygo Masunune

Age: 23

Appearance: Tall, dyed-gray hair, yellow eyes, angular features, stands at 6 feet tall with broad shoulders, weighs 186lbs, well-fit without being too thin.

He is usually outfitted with his military uniform and pack, containing survival essentials such as MRE’s, water purification tablets, painkillers, antiseptic bandages, ammunition, emergency flares, and assorted field tools ranging from an entrenchment shovel to a weapon maintenance kit.

Powers: Marksmanship abilities, stealth training/skills, survival training/skills, situational awareness, ability to improvise, close quarters combat training, weapon adapatability.

Weaknesses: Hotheadedness, his own human mortality, and at times, a dependance on military-rationed stimulants.

Bio: (First a little bit of background about the universe he is from; if you’ve watched the GATE anime, you needn’t read this)
In the Ginza district of Tokyo in 2015, a mysterious gate appeared, pouring out fantasy creatures led by men in armor who proceeded to kidnap or kill nearby civilians before fleeing back to the other side of the gate. In response, the Japanese Self Defense Force moved through the gate and established a foothold in the new “Special Region,” these forces were attacked several times over the next few months, but each attack was fended off with little to no casualties for the JSDF, due to their technological superiority.
Kaygo himself was born into a prestigious military family, the third child of five, he spent most of his childhood going to different military academies, each with different results, his initial rebelliousness caused a rift between his parents, his teachers, and himself to form over time, and while he eventually came to respect his teachers and his commanding officers, his parents sadly disowned him at age 15 and cut any form of contact, seeming to want to simply sweep his existence under the rug, even going so far as to deny he ever existed publicly. At age 18 he officially joined the JSDF, and during his initial training he showed extreme promise on the firing range, resulting in his selection for Sniper training. When offered, he jumped at the chance, pouring as much effort into this training as he humanly could. After long enough, shortly before his training was over, he realized he must have caught the attention of his higher-ups more than he thought, for a Major in the Central Readiness Force approached him with an offer to join the CRF’s Special Forces Group as a Marksman, which he, of course, was happy to accept. This brought him on to a third and final period of training in a variety of skills. Several years after training, he began to become use to his position within the CRF, the routine becoming a part of daily life. Then, the Ginza incident occurred, and he found himself attached to the JSDF’s 3 rd Recon Unit, the military force sent to explore the world on the other side of the Ginza gate.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Tiny, the fallen one. The Mad Killer. The Butcher.
Age: 22, with aging caused by multiverse travel taken into account.
Appearance: He appears to be man, heavily set. Pale white, with a almost constant thick coating of black hair over him, as he says, he seems like a human grizzly bear. His face is dotted with scars, and the stubble of an unkempt beard, and a soup strainer mustache. He stands nearly six feet tall, and weighs almost 250 lbs. His clothing now includes a baggy blue shirt, and baggy black track pants, along with black dress shoes.
Theta Biology: Tiny has the ability to adapt dna he consumes, and use it himself. While he has not mastered this power, he's come far, allowing him to, using dna from things such as Axolotls, and star fish, to regenerate brain matter, limbs, and even large portions of his torso. This makes killing him a very difficult task. Fire, and ice, seems to slow this regeneration.

Discord: A new ability of Tiny's, after his mind unraveled, he discovered a power, fueled by his new found consuming madness. Discord is a sphere Tiny can generate, that has a 20ft radius, and within it, Tiny can modify how rules of physics apply to himself, and inanimate objects. This can lead to him flying, his hands having razor sharp edges, ext.

Weaknesses: While I don't want to put them down for everyone to see, I'm sure Asura can guess a certain person that would easily stop him...
Bio: Once a powerful bounty hunter, Tiny has been driven insane by the thought loss of mayhap the last person he truly cared about, he now butchers people for money, killing entire cities if the price is right.
Theme Song: https://youtu.be/I4KXMyb-aGY
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Teoinsanity
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Teoinsanity Lost on Jeopardy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name:Donovan or as he prefers ,"Doom" ; Along with the mutualistic organism ,Shade.

Species:Dead human male revived with "Shade"

Age:Biologically 19


Biography:Around fifty years ago ,a small cult attempted to revive a god ,using a mystic parasite ,they attempted to use Don's body as a vessel to carry the soul of the god .The ritual went wrong ,causing Donovan to be merged with the parasite,angry and alert ,Doom was born ,and slaughtered all who surronded him with his new power ,and ran off ,hiding in the city.

When "Doom" regained his senses ,he relised what happened and was stricken with grief ,wishing he would stay dead ,as now ,he was legally dead ,anyone who saw him would be scared and would run ,he now had no family ,no friends other then "Shade" ,no nothing ,he was in limbo .Doom decided to use his power for non-personal gain,bolstering his twisted sense of justice and humanity with his new power.

Powers:Doom should have had control over nothingness ,instead ,he has only a weak grasp of it ,only allowing him to control shadows and cold to an extent ,and even then ,his powers are reliably weak in those matters,only able to make small objects with his powers out of his body;However ,he does have wo things ,and that is superhuman healing and strength .

Due to the effects of "Shade" ,his Fear and pain hormones have been replaced with dopamine ,with obvious consequences.

Personality:Doom is twisted ,rude ,and completely honest surprisingly ,he will tell anyone what he thinks and is vet confrontational ,but this mostly stems from the sadness he feels from the trauma,and his non-aware insecurities and the urge to make up for them ,while ironically ,shade is the more reserved and timid,and they do often talk
Together ,but no-one can hear shade unless they have a look into his brain.

Weaknesses :He is extremely weak to fire ,as it conteracts nothingness ,and is weakened in intense light

Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Michael Narukami
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Human/Shadow Dragon
Magic/Technology (if any): Shadow manipulation, shadow cloning, enhanced senses, capable of using most forms of magic, even combining elements with own Shadow Dragon abilities. Can alter his body to match that of a dragon's, also making him capable of transforming into a full-on dragon. After that, the power of his dragon magic is at its full potential, proving to be a challenge for even the most durable and capable of fighters to face him. He also has the ability to utilize the weapons of his past comrades, giving him their abilities to use. For example, if he equips himself with Ventus' keyblade, his attacks and movement increase in speed.
Weapon (if any): Silver sword w/ explosives runes coating it; can only be activated by members of the Narukami family or those he deems worthy of its destructive power
Personality: A happy-go-lucky sorts around comrades and a foe that enemies will regret making. Very capable of adapting to situations.
Bio: Considering he has seen his fair share of worlds and dimensions, no one can really say where this well-received tactician is from, not even himself. Ever since he had woken up in a wide-open field that fateful day, he has been an unstoppable force, using what he remembers of battle tactics to lead many warriors to victory. Very few soldiers die under his command, but when such an event occurs, it will hit him as hard as his fellow comrades. During his fight to save the world as he knew it from a malicious shadow dragon by the name of Grima, he was united with his children, who had come from the future. Despite this, he accepted them with open arms, recognizing himself and his wife in them almost immediately upon conversing with them. However, this heart-warming embrace was short-lived, for he soon faced off against Grima in a one-on-one deathmatch. To eradicate his foe, he had to sacrifice himself, for his life was linked to that of the dragon’s. However, as his body dissipated, he knew he would return. Of course, he was right, for a year after this battle, he had reappeared in the same field. This time, though, he awoke to the site of his family and friends and with the power all of them.

Theme Song: Fire Emblem Fates: Road Taken (Roar)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Note: Osamu Akiyama is not the same person as Osamu Ichijouji; that is all.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Assorted names, calls himself Gin
Age: that's rude
Analyze: he's able to analyze the molecular and mystical make up of something just by looking at it

EXTREMELY limited vector control with the range being no more than the planet he's on and everything immediately orbiting it

Weaknesses: your plot armor and his laziness. god help you if you piss him off for the brief moment you still resemble a living thing
Bio: ask him
Theme Song: changed it for the more realistic story... for some reason this make me want to let him smoke...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Gram: The Last Tarkatan. The killer of Dragons. The fist of Vengance.
Age: 26
Toughness: Gram's body has been recreated by a god, after he laid down his life to save them. As such, his new body is exceptionally more difficult to destroy. He has been known to withstand explosions, the blades of lesser men, magma, and acid. As such, expect him to do some more outlandish things, such as engage in combat waist deep in liquid stone. This also applies to poisons, as he has eaten void metal, a metal normally exceptionally lethal to living beings, with no problems, other than a bit of indigestion.
Strength of Gods: Gram's physical might is exceptionally high. For a list of things he can do, here is his ranges for being able to carry things, pick things up, ext.

Light Load ((No strain in carrying, does not effect movement.)): 88,000 pounds.

Medium Load: ((Slight hinderance. Effects dodging, but not climbing, or running speeds.)) 8900-177000 lbs.

Heavy Load: ((Major hinderance. Effects dodging, running speeds, climbing, ect.)) 178000-266000 lbs.

He can lift anything weighing less than 266000 lbs over his head.

He can pick up off the ground anything weighing less than 532000 lbs.

He can push/drag anything 1331200lbs or less.

He has been known to punch though magical metals, destroying golems made from Void Metal, which is harder than any normal metals (save for space age super metals.)

Mach Punch: Gram's signature ability, Gram rears back a mighty punch, and unleashes it with devastating force in a cone up to 50 ft in front of him, the subject of the initial punch taking far more damage than that just within the cone. This also sends almost anything flying backwards.

Warlock Punch: An attack created by a powerhungry master of darkness, Gram has taken the ability, and made it his own. By channeling his utter hatred, Gram envelops his fist in a dark power. However, this takes time, giving his enemies a free shot at hitting him, making it an extremely risky move. When he launches this attack, everything around him, and his target, are enveloped in a dark flame that burns, and the damage done cannot be healed, save for by a divine power. However, he has used this power to aid him killing a troll dragon (A dragon with no breath ability, but a troll's regenerative factor.), and against a group of super powered magi, destroying his foes with devastating effect.

Rapid Punch: Gram is able to, if within arm's reach of something, able to simply unload a fury of punches. 4, in under a second. However, this requires him to be standing still, and focusing.
Inability to cast magic: Gram has no magical potential. The most magic he can summon up is the dark power of his warlock punch, which is a manifestation of his anger, at best. As such, enemies able to shrug off physical blows, and his warlock punch, leave Gram in a dangerous place.

Slow to react: Gram has never been the best at dodging, always getting caught in the flaming breath of dragons, or in the surging tides of acid from a ruptured alchemy barrel, ect. This also applies to combat, him never really hitting first, rather, being the last to act when it comes to a fight.

Can't fly: This may sound a bit strange, but Gram's inability to fly, among creatures like Asura, makes for an incredible weakness....as he has no way to give chase to flying foes, being left with his feet on the dirt. He can try to jump, but jumping can only get someone so far.

Refusal to kill: Gram's title among the bug people, the gentle fist, comes from him deciding to give up killing people, unless he feels they deserve death. As such, he will leave his enemies alive so they may learn, and come back stronger...a possible death sentence.

Inability to Dimension Hop: Without the aid of a magical item, another person, or some sort of divine intervention, Gram is unable to travel the universes. As such, it is very possible for him to be trapped somewhere, like a dead dimension, if one were to want to be rid of him.
Bio: Once a great warrior in a fantasy land, walking along side a powerful pally, a servant of the gods, and a fairy, he traveled his home world, seeking power, and to kill the Black Crystal, a group of people seeking to destroy the gods, and claim their power. He did in deed cripple their attempts, but at a cost. They destroy his people, killing all other Tarkatans, save for him. In his rage, he did something that caused the party to collapse in on itself. He killed the fallen wife of the pally, who had been working with the black crystal. After a bloody battle, which he escaped from after killing the pally in one on one combat. This forever changed Gram, for they had been close friends. After finishing off the black crystal, Gram set out to rid the world of evil...to make it a place where no one would have to go though the pain that he had to. However, the powerful warrior was banished from his world by a pantheon of dark gods, and sent tumbling though the infinity of the multiverse, until he landed in Issac's realm, many years later. Now, he seeks out powerful foes, in order to grow stronger. His objective? To sunder reality, itself, and return to his home realm, so he may enact true vengeance upon the dark gods, and all that follow them.

Quote: "I am sorry...everyone....Eclipse, I hope you see her, on the other side....I hope you all find the rest...and paradise...you deserved...."- Gram, after having killed his friends in a battle he never wanted.

Theme Songs
Normally: Kick ass- Egypt.
When you press the metaphorical Goku button...: https://youtu.be/kjIVkl34Vig
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Tiny, the fallen one. The Mad Killer. The Butcher.
Age: 22, with aging caused by multiverse travel taken into account.
Appearance: He appears to be man, heavily set. Pale white, with a almost constant thick coating of black hair over him, as he says, he seems like a human grizzly bear. His face is dotted with scars, and the stubble of an unkempt beard, and a soup strainer mustache. He stands nearly six feet tall, and weighs almost 250 lbs. His clothing now includes a baggy blue shirt, and baggy black track pants, along with black dress shoes.
Theta Biology: Tiny has the ability to adapt dna he consumes, and use it himself. While he has not mastered this power, he's come far, allowing him to, using dna from things such as Axolotls, and star fish, to regenerate brain matter, limbs, and even large portions of his torso. This makes killing him a very difficult task. Fire, and ice, seems to slow this regeneration.

Discord: A new ability of Tiny's, after his mind unraveled, he discovered a power, fueled by his new found consuming madness. Discord is a sphere Tiny can generate, that has a 20ft radius, and within it, Tiny can modify how rules of physics apply to himself, and inanimate objects. This can lead to him flying, his hands having razor sharp edges, ext. I will say this is not total control, so he won't be able to instant pwn anyone who comes close. I prefer some fun stuff :D

Weaknesses: While I don't want to put them down for everyone to see, I'm sure Asura can guess a certain person that would easily stop him...
Bio: Once a powerful bounty hunter, Tiny has been driven insane by the thought loss of mayhap the last person he truly cared about, he now butchers people for money, killing entire cities if the price is right.
Theme Song: https://youtu.be/I4KXMyb-aGY
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: MetalPhantomon, or "Despair"
Age: unknown

[Digimon Physiology]
Completely made out of data, given form by the power of the Digital World. Digimon are immune to most earth-based poisons and hazards, but are vulnerable to digital attacks. Those who know how to can actually corrupt the data of a digimon, altering or damaging it. It is also capable of traveling freely between the digital and non-digital realms.

[Herald of the Dark Ocean]
Metalphantomon possesses the power to alter dreams, and to mentally attack opponents by forcing them to live through endless nightmares. This ability was only enhanced as Metalphantomon visited the Dark Ocean, the mysterious realm that corrupts and twists everything that comes into contact with it. It's mental attacks cause it's victims to relive their worst moments, and be drowned in their despair. But they can be broken through with raw willpower, if the victim can confront their inner demons.

[Physical Stats]
As an Ultimate-Level Digimon, MetalPhantomon is far more physically powerful than your average human. He's able to react and mover faster than the speed of sound, slicing even bullets out of the air. Furthermore, he possesses enough physical strength to lift dozens of tons of mass with relative ease. Lastly, his durability is also immense. His body is able to withstand tank cannons and armour-piercing missiles with the same ease that most would survive light poking. It can also fly.

[Grave Scream]
Simply by speaking or screeching, Metalphantomon is able to rip the souls of his opponents from his body. Armour is useless against such an attack, and only magical resistance or soular resistance can allow it's victims to survive. Most powerful magical beings won't die immediately, although the sound is instantly fatal to weaker mortal creatures. Luckily, Metalphantomon can only rarely use this attack, as it consumes a large amount of energy.


While incredibly powerful, MetalPhantomon has the mindset of a traditional villain. He refuses to actually kill his enemies until he's spent at least ten minutes monologuing about their inevitable doom, and will often leave them to die without ascertaining his death. He enjoys playing with his food, drawing more joy from pain and suffering than from death. His lust for power and destruction also leaves him easy to predict, although he can occasionally be surprisingly cunning.

[Unstable Presence]
Ever since visiting the Dark Ocean, Metalphantomon doesn't quite 'belong' in the physical realm. His presence here is unstable, and he can be banished back to the Dark Ocean with relative ease. Specifically the Digivice, used by a Digidestined, is able to force him back to his dark realm. Although this only removes him temporarily, this makes him far easier to deal with. Magical rituals of banishment and technology designed to deal with dimensional anomalies may also be used to banish MetalPhantomon.

In the universe of Digimon Savers, Metalphantomon was defeated by Thomas Norstein and MechGaomon. However, his data was drawn into the Dark Ocean by Daemon, and reconfigured. This new MetalPhantomon possessed even more malevolence, and now serves the Seven Great Demon Lords as an agent in the multiverse. By amassing the power of despair, he seeks to revive the sealed Lucemon, and call forth the almighty Ogudomon. Should he succeed, it would mean the end of hundreds of universes, as such powerful beings are nearly unstoppable.

Theme Song: will add later

It has recently come to my attention that MetalPhantomon is, in fact, a Mega. However, I like the design of MetalPhantomon, and the plot I came up for with him is fun. Hence, I'll be keeping him, and stating he was severely depowered by his resurrection, and imply that Daemon is intentionally limiting MetalPhantomon's power for nefarious reasons.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: depends on who you ask, to her forces she's simply known as the second mother, to the forces of those she's slain, while they were still fighting her, she was often called the herald of the reaper
Age: unknown
Appearance: Humanoid as a base with her face lacking most features outside of a pair of humanoid-appearing eyes enshrouded via psionic light. Her skin is an earthy brown with greys mixed in towards then ends of her appendages, sword like structures protruding from her forarms which function both as natural weaponry and the process through which she lays her eggs.
Immense psionic capabilities: While her psionic domination doesn't extend too far past her swarm, her telekinesis and other such psioncs still very much function as a method of combating things that manage to make it past her forces

Brood Matriarch: While i've elluded to the capability of hers to be able to construct her forces out of raw biomass in previous posts and while that is the most often used method, her prefered method is to lay eggs in living, captured hosts which is the slower of the two methods.

Genetic tampering: while not often done to those outside her brood, she can alter the genetics of living creatures, essentially rebirthing them with new abilities needed for tasks at hand rather than having to make entirely new strains of creatures.

Will of those that came before: while Queens can be simply killed, The next one will have the memories of the previous from birth and thus, with each life, will be able to learn from her matriarchs' failures

Squishy: while quite powerful offensively as a person (within reason) that power has an excessively limited range and her defensive capabilities are that of the average human and since she can't give herself defensive capabilities without killing and restarting her life functions, that's not going to change any time soon.

Cookie cutter: while her forces are quite modifiable, there are little if any specialized strains beyond general use, meaning that instead of having a breed specifically designed for spying on this specific type of people, she just adjusts the capabilities of a few of her spy strain while still sticking to the basic formula, and while this is good for mass production, this also means that her army can lack variance in niche situations

Distrusting: due to previous happenings in her life, she is distrustful of all humans and wouldn't trust anyone to tie their shoes let alone help her, leaving her often times without allies.

Small portals: while her forces can generate more than one, they're still rather small so it takes time for large forces of troops to move from one area to the next, often times requiring scouting forces to have already begun an outpost before anything resembling an army can appear

Bio: While I normally don't write these, because she'll never tell anyone I'll write down the general gist of her back story.

Karen strough was originally a normal human civillian entrenched in a world wide civil war and after a particularly nasty bombing run by the governmental forces, the only thing remaining of her family and previous life was a small field of rubble. Of course after these happenings she simply could not stand by and let this sort of blood shed continue so she joined on and fought as probably the most effective rebel leader in her time, yet when paired up against a near multiplaneteray empire, one little rebel girl is just not enough. On the day of her capture she was given over to the research and development team to be experimented on to death rather than outright executed, the worst fate that could befall anyone of the empire. After the years of non stop genetic tampering, she eventually died and was reawoken as the embryo of the queen and proceeded to slaughter the staff that had been responsible for her torture, implanting the survivors with the first of her generals and breaking the remainder down into the first of her soldiers, swiftly spreading across the entire globe until, finally, she was brought down again by one of the rebel snipers she'd called friend so long ago. It was at this time the second queen of the swarm awoke, her mother's memories passed down to her and used as fuel to spread her swarm across the system, to become the dominant species while humans were wiped out to the last, and now, with the first queen's revenge finally meted out, the second queen is able to finally to begin her own conquests.

Theme Song: still searching
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CreedTheChimera
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CreedTheChimera Bisexual Bitch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Kevin Clive

Age: Unknown/Unrecorded

Appearance: Kevin is the spitting image of his father, Gildarts, while being slightly shorter, and his hair tending to be more wild and unkempt. Physically, he looks to be about 26. He also wears a black trench coat with a torn and shredded tail, and boots, along with a black shirt and black gloves. He can often be found hiding his face behind a white mask, with a sadistic grin plastered onto it, and a scar over the left eye.

Crash Magic
Kevin possesses amazing strength, allowing him to effortlessly beat down impressive magic users such as Dragon Slayers, without any form of extra magic to help him. He also learned his father's magic: Crash. Utilizing this, he can increase his already ridiculous strength tremendously, blowing apart anything in his path, even ripping through other forms of magic. The only thing greater than his strength is his durability. He can take blow after blow from some who might be considered seriously powerful with a single arm, and not move an inch. Even such powerful moves as the Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade, one of the strongest moves a Fire Dragon Slayer can learn, barely leaves a scratch on him.

Weaknesses: While he is extremely strong and impressively durable, a good chunk of this is due to the fact that his magic power acts as a layer of protection, and his Crash Magic in general works as a great offensive and defensive complement. Anti-magic weapons and armament work fairly well against Crash Magic, the same as any other magic, and neutralizing it would greatly weaken him. He's also very limited when it comes to ranged combat. While he can fire condensed blasts of pure destructive magic, these Crash Blasts only move so fast and requires him to aim his strikes to be where his opponent will be instead of where they are, making his accuracy 50/50 at the very best. His magic power is also not limitless. If he uses too much of it all at once, he could run out, leaving himself exposed. While it does slowly return to him naturally, if he loses it all during a fight he would be severely weakened.

Bio: Born the son of Gildarts, Kevin grew up hating his father for abandoning his mother, having stayed with her for only a short time during one of his journeys. Kevin never really liked family life. He didn't like just moving through life, doing anything to just survive, and he hated being weak, as he was constantly bullied. Kevin ran away from home and found Gildarts while walking to and from cites, knowing him by the face, the same as his own, and the way he acted, exactly as his mother described. Angered merely by the sight of him, the boy ran to Gildarts and began striking him and yelling at him. Gildarts just stood there after his first bout of surprise, and when the boy calm down he apologized, sincerely. Kevin, taken by surprise, said, "one day, I'll be stronger than you, and I'm going to beat the shit out of you!" Gildarts had responded by laughing at him and putting a hand on his head. "Why don't I help you with that?" from then on he traveled with Gildarts, learning how to fight and learning the magic Crash, before finding the Fairy Tail guild, and his best friend, Creed. They went on countless adventures, across their world, and eventually to other worlds. Other universes. His last known location was when he met death at the hands of one of the Omegans, on a planet made of ice.

Theme Song: Pending
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Kaine

Age: 1.760


[Infernal Strength]
As a Dread Lord, Khaine has inherited some of the power of Baal. While his use of magic is limited, he possesses superhuman strength and peak human speed. He can lift up to 10 tons while in armour, and each of his blows can arrive with a force of 6 tons or more. His strength is such that he can easily punch through even the toughest of armour, and wield the heaviest of weapons.

[Son of Baal]
As a Demon of the Forge, Kaine is a magical being born from the Blood of Baal. Unlike most mortal beings, his body is a construct of magic, his 'soul' being a unique magical construct formed by the remnants of Baal's will. Like the rest of his species he is naturally filled with magic, although he uses it mainly to augment his natural physical prowess. As his body is kept alive by magic, instead of organs, it takes a lot more damage to put him down. While with most creatures you must target the vitals, against a Demon the only way to slay them is by damaging their body to the extent it can no longer hold itself together. Alternatively, weapons designed to kill demons are able to deal far more damage, exhausting the demon's magic to the point their body is unable to keep living. Should a Forge Demon be killed, their 'soul' and magical energy will be drained back to the World Forge, and fused once more with the Heart of Baal. Most demons are reincarnated, but Dreadlords are merely reborn, unless their soul is destroyed.

[Lord of War]
Kaine spent over a thousand years in constant combat as a Black Knight, honing his skills and physical prowess to the point of perfection, learning from hundreds of wars and millions of battles. He is a warrior whom's martial knowledge and skill outclasses mortal beings, his devotion to the martial arts making him an opponent to be feared. He is highly skilled with practically any melee weapon imaginable, although he's at his most dangerous when wielding his Reaper Blade. He is further a versed tactician, having been trained for over a hundred years, and having lead a nearly successful campaign to conquer the entirety of the Earth.

Due to his immense size and heavy armour, his wings are far from capable of carrying him. However, because of magic, they are able to defy the laws of physics, and Khaine is capable of flying at a reasonable pace.

[Dread Lord's Armaments]
With the power of the Forge, Kaine is capable of summoning a variety of weapons and armour. However, he rarely does so, instead relying on his blackened suit of Abyssal Plate. This armour functions like expertly forged steel plate mail, however the materials are significantly more sturdy than steel. They are especially resistant to flame and heat. He further wields the Reaper Blade, a powerful magical weapon granted only to the Dread Lords. This blade is bound to his being, and cannot be taken or wielded by another. It will always appear in his hand when he wishes for it, and it is incredibly dangerous. With a full length of nearly 2 meters, the titanic blade would be considered a greatsword to most others, but Kaine wields it in one hand. It's edge is magically heated, capable of melting it's way through solid metal with a little time. It's also very sharp, and practically indestructible as long as Kaine lives. Should Kaine die, another might take up the blade, although only if they bond with the blade will they be able to keep it.

[Divine Weaponry]
In the traditional sense, the Forge Demons, or the Sons of Baal, are very different from mythological demons. While violent, hateful and merciless, they are not inherently evil. Or at least no more so than an angry orc. However, many divine weaponry designed to destroy demons is capable of draining or fraying the magic keeping them alive, or containing their 'souls' after they die. These weapons are far more effective against Kaine than normal weaponry, although far from necessary to put him down.

[Bound by Honour]
As in mortal races, there is much variety in the Forge Demons. All are born of strife, embodying war and destruction. However, while some become brutal killing machines, others come to embody honourly combat, and the glory of battle. Kaine is considered incredibly kind for his species, and is often known to spare the life of a defeated opponent. However, he is also bound by honour. He will never engage in what he considers to be 'dishonourable conduct'. This includes breaking his word, attacking a guest, killing an opponent while they are sleeping, or breaking the terms of a duel. He is especially fond of duels and other tests of strength, although he is among the few that prefers not to fight to the death unless he deems it necessary.

After his rise to the position of Dread Lord, Kaine quickly made a reputation for himself. While he was a highly capable commander and a skilled warrior, his kindness made him strange to many of his kin. He openly spoke out against the common practice of dragging helpless worlds into the World Forge, to be smelted down into weapons and machines of war. While he too revelled in the glory of combat, he wished to do so against worthy opponents, and considered the slaughter of innocents unseemly. However, he earned the respect of his peers when he successfully captured the city of Atlantis, which had been successfully holding off his predecessor, with the assistance of Samuel Damachai, an immensely powerful human mage. However, during said war, a duel took place that would forever change Kaine's life.

The atlanteans had created a series of powerful warriors to face the demons, cloned humans imbued with the powers of a demon, and covered in arcane channeling runes. These warriors, equipped with powerful magical weapons, presented a final front against the demonic army at the gates of Atlantis. The leader of the mortals challenged Kaine to a duel, and Kaine accepted. The battle was one-sided from the start, even amped by atlantean magic no mortal could stand up to a Dread Lord. Blow after blow rained down on the brave knight, but every time he was knocked down, he got back up. Even as Kaine ripped the man's weapon from his hand, the mortal punched the demon in the face. Only to reveal that he was holding a powerful AP grenade in his hand. The explosion ripped off part of Kaine's face, and left him permanently scarred, as well as severing the warrior's arm. And yet, as Kaine staggered back into stance, the warrior merely picked up his weapon with the remaining arm, facing off the Dread Lord. That day Kaine admitted defeat, and if it hadn't been for the intervention of Samuel Damachai, Atlantis would have been saved from destruction. The mortal took up the name Dreadslayer, and Kaine pronounced Dreadslayer his rival, to be faced again.

After many further encounters, the Dreadslayer and Kaine would face off one final time in front of the Australian Citadel. Even as his armies prepared to conquer the entire planet, Kaine was drawn into a duel once more. The war had become irrelevant, as these two warriors faced one another. The Dreadslayer had grown powerful, and the two were evenly matched. Blade met blade, fist met face, and blood hit the ground. The two fought until neither could stand, neither willing to stand down, neither willing to admit defeat. But, impossibly, the Dreadslayer rose, even as his blood poured down through his armour, even as his organs began to fail. Kaine's body was battered and bruised, and as his blade was smashed from his hand, the Dreadlsayer's weapon was laid to his neck. And for the first time in his life, Kaine surrendered willingly, knowing he had been bested. Moments after these words had been spoken, the Dreadslayer dropped dead, his wounds too much for his body to bear.

With his pride shattered, and his rival gone, Kaine retreated from the Dreadlsayer's world. He held his word, and forbid his soldiers from ever setting foot there again. However, he was no longer considered fit to lead, and he was stripped of his title. Enraged, Kaine slew the warrior who was intended to take his place, and the next, and the next. But even as the three Black Knights lay dead before him, Kaine knew that, more importantly than the judgement of his peers, he had lost face in his own eyes. So while he refused to sacrifice his title, he went into exile, travelling the worlds to find honour and glory among the stars. He rarely meets his kind nowadays, and his travels might forever change the way he perceives life.

Theme Song:
Dark Theme:

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Teoinsanity
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Teoinsanity Lost on Jeopardy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name:Jessie "Diamondback" Johnson

Species:Human-Gem thing

Age:Physicaly 35.

Appearance:Think this ,but in a brown cowboy hat,boots ,black felt trench coat,and jeans((Not mine))

Personality:Your stereotypical comically serious sherif
,a snarky son of a bitch who takes no shit ,and just tries to do the right thing

Bio:Remember the cult that revived Doom? Yeah ,same people ,except this time ,they tried it back during the "Wild West" period,and it failed spectacularly ,resulting in "Diamondback" a sherif that snooped too much into their business.After the incident ,he kept his job as sherif until the 1900s ,where he left his job to become a vigilante.

Powers:Unlike Doom ,who doesn't know shit about his powers ,Jessie is a master in using them due to extensive practice over the years he was alive.His gems are sharper than blades ,and hundreds of times harder than diamonds ,not to mention having a different chemical make-up ,unlike diamonds ,which are easily cut-able due to the square a arrangement of atoms ,he doesn't have this problem ,making them harder to cut,alongside this ,he is able to form objects with the gems on his body and is able to shoot or otherwise detach them from his body.His healing factor is on-par with Doom's.

Weaknesses:Is an alcoholic.His gems disappear after 15 minutes without contact to him.

Other:Can always be seems chewing Tobacco from a seemingly unlimited supply he keeps with him ,as it helps him cope.Really needs a drink at all times ,causing him to do almost anything for a good bottle of booze ,and can often be found drunk.Surprisingly loves cute things,although he won't admit it.Always carries a harmonica and a deck of cards with him.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Luna Markiplier Fan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Luna Ren
Age: 21

  • She can turn into a wolf (not a werewolf)
  • She can control darkness
  • Shadow blending (she can use this as a way to hide when needed, emergency power)
  • Enchanted crossbow (cannot run out of bolts, like Susan from Narnia)


  • Her dark powers are useless during the day unless she is in a shadowed place
  • Her rash and reckless ways tend to back fire on her a lot
  • She can only be in her wolf form for so long

She grew up in Japan most of her life and during her teenage years, it turned out to be the worse. Between her parents and her twin sister dying and her getting into an abusive situation with her ex, she ran away from her cousin's home and anonymously turned her ex boyfriend (he is dead and wont be popping up). She was always a reckless child and very hot headed. She always got into fights when she was in school and she was never allowed in Chemistry for many reason (*cough* kept blowing the room up *cough*). Luna has been proven to be very unpredictable.

She learned around the age of 17, about the age she ran away from home, that she had these powers and began to train herself with them. During those years, she constantly moved around, mostly sticking to forest near rivers and good place for rest and food. Anyone who got on her bad side quickly found out why it is never a good idea to piss this girl off.
Theme Song: Bad to the Bone
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Lost Nineveh
Age: Old


(Landscape not to scale. 10 feet tall)

Bio: The wandering soul of a long dead city. Though once the greatest city-state in all the world, a never ending fountain of trade and culture, the people of Nineveh allowed their enormousness wealth lead them into decadence, corruption, and infighting. After a long period of costly wars, both at home and abroad, and a steady decline the city was overtaken by armies from the surrounding cities. Her people were put to the sword, her buildings to the torch, and her great works were torn up by hammer and carried off to all the know corners of the world and beyond. This judgement of Nineveh, however, only put cracks into the mortal shell of the city and from the ashes arose the cities essence. What was left of the city was shattered to dust as all that was once good and true dragged itself up out of the rubble and set off to wander.

Nineveh is seeking the numerous treasure that were stolen from her during her sack, but is most often waylaid by her fascination with new people and culture.

Powers: Nineveh is incredibly strong, durable, and heavy with a body like solid stone, and can "see" in a 360 degree circle around her body, and doesn't need to breath. She does need food and water however, in much larger portions than a human being. She does not heal like a normal person unless she has access to the raw materials necessary to make "repairs," which segues into her real power.

Nineveh's most interesting train is her ability to absorb raw materials like wood, metals, gems, and stone and output products made from these materials. The ability is augmented by another which allows her to set up "trade agreements" with others. When other people make such an agreement with Nineveh anything they agreed to send her are spirited away to her automatically and replaced with whatever she agreed to send back. The goods that Nineveh creates is of the finest quality and made to the specifications of whoever commissioned it, however she can only create things up to her current early-medieval technological level.

She can absorb people in the same manner. They, however, must willingly become a "citizen" of Nineveh. If they do they are never seen again and not even she truly knows what happens to them. Absorbing enough citizens in this way could theoretically raise her technological level and the items that she is able to produce.
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