Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Adelynn Ryder
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Adelynn Ryder Unquiet Paladin

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Username: Aerin

Age: 18

Gender: Female (Male Avatar)

Hair Color: Blonde (Avatar: Black)

Eye Color: Grey (Avatar: Green)

Skin Tone: White

Height: 5'6 (Avatar: 6'5)

Build: Slight (Avatar: Muscular)

Starting Appearence:



Class: Paladin

Primary Weapon: Broadsword


Damage Reduction (lvl 1)
Healing (lvl 1)
Power Attack (lvl 1)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IAMAROBOT


Member Seen 9 yrs ago




AGE: 17

GENDER: Male (Male Avatar)

HAIR COLOR: Prussian Blue (Avatar: Black)

EYE COLOR: a dull blue (Avatar: Grey)


HEIGHT : 5'10 ( Avatar: 6'3)






Magical abilities (lvl 1)
Damage Reduction (lvl 1)
Binding (lvl 1)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kagebaka
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Kagebaka The Potato God

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Gender:Male(Female Avatar)
Hair color:Grey
Eye color:Strawberry
Skin tone:mahogany brown
Height:5.5 ft
Starting outfit:

Primary weapon:
Magical Abilities(Lv.1)
Damage Reduction(lv.1)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED08729


Banned Seen 3 mos ago

Character Sheet:

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
Avatar of Lady Athena

Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

Member Seen 5 yrs ago




Hair color:
Brown with Blue bits (Avatar: Blue with Grey bits)

Eye color:
Blue (Avatar: Blue)

Skin tone:
Very Pale (Avatar: Pale)

5'6 (Avatar: 5'7)

Unhealthy Slim, not muscular (Avatar: Slim, not muscular)

Starting outfit:

Primary weapon:
Swords which don’t weight too much



-Elemental imbuement.
(More to be added)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 7 mos ago

"The fact of the matter is, I can do a lot more to make you a better person as your enemy than as your friend."

Starting Outfit/Primary Weapon/Hair color/Eye color/Skin tone/Gender/Build

(Pron: Row-two)

Age: 19
Height: 5'7

Personality: Quirky, albeit a bit naive and lacking much common sense, Row'tu is... not one you'd pitch as a to-be mastermind strategist, at least upon first glance. Her voice is quiet and lacks conviction, and she's hard-pressed to speak up. However, this personality is known to switch to a cold and calculating evil supergenius when presented with just about any kind of problem or situation which may require more than one approach. A switch flips, signalling her quick turnabout in personality, allowing her the ability to issue orders and speak up if necessary. People say she torments herself with puzzles and strategy, and Row'tu works herself to exhaustion in order to come up with a cunning plan or idea if the situation presents itself.

Outside of battle, or anything else she could pin down to tactics and strategy, Row'tu is best described as awkward and clueless, yet oddly a bit of a critic. She is curious about many things, almost like a child, yet when it comes to anything which involves structure she can be a pain in the ass. She's not too well-versed when it comes to speaking in general, and has had many mishaps over the course of her nineteen years in regards to her lack of social intellect. She finds personal issues difficult to deal with and conversations usually end up silenced by her not knowing what to say. She intentionally tries to give herself a bad reputation in order to make those around her seem like better people; she tends to be asocial as a result.

Skills and Abilities:

Professional Mage: Row'tu has practiced the art of magic ever since she was young. However, she's much more of a support mage than a combat mage. Her skills generally involve restricting an enemy's senses/movement or confusion, creating traps, or making it easier for allies in general to take on foes by amplifying their abilities. This allows her to stand back and get a greater view for the field of battle when in an engagement in a group, amplifying her strategic ability. However, if alone... Row'tu won't have much in the way of a defence or offence in which she could use to defeat even an individual opponent.

Professional Strategy/Tactics Knowledge: Row'tu knows quite a bit about the world of strategy and tactics. Her level of understanding the world around her and seeing the bigger picture is rather impressive, and she is cunning when it comes to deceiving or ambushing opponents. Even if it's something as simple as plotting a route for a trading caravan, Row'tu will look at all possibilities and determine their likelihood like a human calculator. She finds it difficult to beat herself when playing board games alone.

Novice Leadership: Despite her ability to create strategies and tactics, applying them herself to a group is... difficult. She'd rather explain to someone else what she's come up with and let them issue the orders than do it herself. However, if the situation truly calls for it, Row'tu can call forth her strategic persona to explain the ideas on her mind. However, usually by this point, things are truly dire and the order to retreat has been called.

Novice Cooking: Seemingly enthralled with food, Row'tu really wants to learn how to cook. However, she kind of... well, she sucks. However, she's willing to learn, taking the whole cooking thing just as seriously as she does her magic. All she needs is a suitable tutor... and maybe some luck.


Spellbinder's Staff: The one and only staff in Row'tu's possession, the Spellbinder's Staff is a decently good staff which lessens the draining effect of her spells (they require less energy to create/maintain). Being a relatively simple staff, the effects aren't great, however it's definitely noticeable in battle when using it. (Appearance in the image)

The Woodsman's Talisman: A golden wood amulet which Row'tu always keeps on her person. Row'tu wishes to get the amulet enchanted sometime with a good enchantment to help with her magic.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Real Name: Kai

Username: Insane Black Star

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Green

Skin tone: Caucasian

Height: 5'8

Build: Average-Slim

Starting outfit:

Primary weapon: Longsword

Vertical Slash (Level 1)
Horizontal Slash (Level 1)
Evade (Level 1)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The One
Avatar of The One

The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Character Sheet:
Username: Prince Sekhemi
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Hair color: Bald
Eye color: Yellow
Skin tone: White
Height: 6 ft
Build: Muscled
Starting outfit: He uses his real life appearance.

Primary weapon: Golden Knuckles.
Character Type: Monk
Character Class: Warrior

Personality: Sekhemi cannot feel pain or emotions, thanks to this, he is considered to be very selfish, and very mean. He doesn't care about life at all, he doesn't find any worth in it. He cares for nothing, so much so, he doesn't even care about himself. He has suffered many battles thanks to this, taking a very high risk and going up on the front. He does what he wants, not what others want him to do. If somebody tells him to do something, he will just refuse to do it, and will probably do the opposite, though, reverse psychology doesn't work on him either. He is very stubborn, once he decides on something, there is a little chance of him changing his mind.

Skills: The Burning Fist: Sekhemi is able to punch so fast and so powerfully, that h is able to set his fists on fire which will do minor fire damage to enemies.

Punch and Kick: Being well trained, Sekhemi is able to perform various kicks and punches to make a deadly combo.

Pressure Jab: Sekhemi can Jab and close the Pressure points of his enemy, damaging them and making it harder for them to fight.

Martial Arts: Sekhemi knows various martial arts which make him damage. Each one focusing on hand to hand but has some experience with using feet.

Other: Just because he can't feel pain, doesn't mean he can't be beaten. It's actually a disadvantage. He won't know when his body is at it's limit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Game Master Character Sheet:
Username: Deadshot
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Hair color: White
Eye color: Orange
Skin tone: White
Height: 5'10
Build: Muscled.
Starting outfit:

Primary weapon: Two bladed hand guns.
Skills: Reload: Deadshot runs and then does a forward flip, he then wastes his entire clip on anything and everything in front of him.
Boom: Deadshot pulls out a rocket launcher and fires at a group of enemies.
Mowing the Lawn: Deadshot pulls out a gatling gun and mows down the enemies for exactly one minute which it then needs to cool down.
Grenade: Deadshot fires two deadly grenades at a group of enemies to blow them up.
Death from Above: Deadshot fires a series of heat seeking missiles in to the air which seeks out enemies.
Death from Below: Deadshot fires a series of thermal bullets into the ground which travels and then shoots up at the enemy.
Sabers: Deadshot runs up, jumps and then stabs the two blades in the chest of the monster then shoots it's head several times.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Game Master Character Sheet:
Username: Zero
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Hair color: Red
Eye color: Blue
Skin tone: White
Height: 6 ft
Build: Average build.
Starting outfit:

Primary weapon: Long Sword
Skills: Cutting Wind: Zero slashes so fast he sends wind shock waves at his enemies which cuts and damages them.
Hurricane: Zero spins around so fasts it makes a huricane which sucks in enemies. This cuts them repeatedly then throw away.
Run like the wind: Zero runs through a large group of enemies and constantly slashes them.
A hundred blades: Zero throws his sword into the air and duplicates it then sends it at all enemies.
Extend: Zero can make his blade extend then he cuts down his enemies in one fell swoop.
Force Throw: Zero throws his sword in a group of enemies and cuts them down then his sword comes around like a boomarang and attacks enemies one final time before returning to it's master.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Character Sheet:
Username: The Magician
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Purple
Skin tone: White
Height: 6'10
Build: Slim
Starting outfit:

Primary weapon: Staff
Skills: Wraith of Gods: The Magician summons an array of fire, water and ice orbs down at his enemies as well as lightning strikes.
Ring of Death: The Magician creates a large ring of either fire or ice around a group of enemies and traps them then fires a large fire or ice blast which damages enemies.
Extinguish: The Magician shoots out either fire, ice or lightning from his staff at enemies to damage them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Character Sheet:
Username: Annie
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Blue
Skin tone: White
Height: 5 ft
Build: Average
Starting outfit:

Primary weapon: Dolls
Skills: String You Along: Annie uses her puppet magic to attach strings to enemies and make them her own puppets for a short time however the stronger the enemy the less successful this will be.
Giant: She makes her puppet a giant which decreases speed but increases strength.
Stitch: She stitches up her puppets cuts and wounds making them last longer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Character Sheet:
Username: Princess
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Skin tone: White
Height: 5 foot ten.
Build: Average
Starting outfit:

Primary weapon: Wand
Skills: Summon: Summons a dragon
Rejuvenate: Heals the dragon and gives it health over time.
Grow: Makes the dragon grow much bigger and stronger:
Summon 2: Summons a dragon different from the first
Multi Shot: Has the dragon fire several fire blasts repeatedly at enemies either single target or multiple.
Roar: Has the dragon roar loudly and get the enemies attention:
Summon 3: Summons a dragon different from the other two.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Character Sheet:
Username: Shining Armor
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Hair color: White
Eye color: Blue
Skin tone: White
Height: Six foot.
Build: Average
Starting outfit:

Primary weapon: Wand
Skills: Cure: Heals other players.
Protect: Casts a barrier over the player to protect from damage.
Cure All: Heals everyone if not in party or everyone in party.
Raise: Revives player with 50% health, sp and mp back.
Stone Skin: Places a stone skin on the player to protect from further damage.
Terra Cure: An advanced version of Cure.
Repose: Takes away all status effects of a player
Stone: Throws a large rock at an enemy
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Real Name: Lance Carter
Username: Gambino
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Hair color: Dark blue
Eye color: Blue
Skin tone: light brown
Height: 6'0
Build: Lean

Starting outfit:

Primary weapon: Iron Sword
Class: (Warrior)Dark Knight
(Empowered Slash lv.1)
(Riposte lv.1)
(Increase defense lv.1)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Eli
Username: Elimentalist
Age: 13
Gender: Female
in real life Appearance:

in game Appearance:

Height: 5 foot 4
Build: Average
Primary weapon: Bow
Secondary weapon: daggers
Class: Geomancer
healing waters: purifies some water uses it to heal herself or others

killer thorns: summons thorny vines out of the ground that can ever bind a target of whip them binding them deals damage over time

Create Golem: As the name sergeants she creates a Golem out of one of the elements

Elemental Infusion: Infuses an element into one of her weapons the effect depends on witch element and what weapon she infuses one example would be fire into her bow would create an explosive arrow

Oxygen bomb she alters the carbon dioxide and oxygen ratio in the air to make the air highly flammable and create a small spark to set of an AOE exploration

Blizzard: she creates a hale storm that deals a small amount of damage to all nearby enemies and will slow them down and has a chance to freeze them

Tornado: she can create a tornado big or small the bigger it is the more mp it costs
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Wade
Username: Crimson Samurai
Age: 17
Gender: Male
in real life Appearance:

in game Appearance:

Height: 5 foot 9
Build: Average
Primary weapon: Sword
Class: Shaman

Soul infestation: infuses a soul into a set of armor or weapon to ever power it up or control it the effect depend on the type of soul used and what he placed it into

Soul slash: lunches a soul wave out his sword the effect depends on the type of soul used

Reanimation: reanimates the corpses of the fallen to fight for you after 3 minutes the reanimated corpse begin to break down and start to lose a small amount of Hp over time after 5 minutes they disappear

Reincarnation: uses the soul of some dead creature and places into a fresh corps creating an living minion that will fight for him until it is defeated

Call of the spirits: summons an elemental spirit to fight by his side

Decoy: uses a soul to create a decoy of him self that taunts monsters into targeting it, it will fight until it is defeated
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Daniel
Username: Black_Rabbit
Age: 19 (Avatar: 213)
Gender: Male (Avatar: Female)
Hair color: Brown (Avatar: Light Blue)
Eye color: Brown (Avatar: Magenta)
Skin tone: White
Height: 5'8
Build: a bit chubby (Avatar: Lean)
Race: Human (obviously, Avatar: Moon Rabbit)

Primary weapon: Two mechanised gun-gauntlets designed after ones of Daniels favorite characters in an anime/3d animation he watched.
Profession: Engineer, includes crafting all kinds of mechanic gear and ammunition for them.

  • Blessing of the Moon (Race based): Buffs both strength and agility. It also changes the Avatars hair color to a bright pink, so it doubles as a cool visual effect, for now.
  • Reload: Switches his/her weapons ammo type between close range and long ranged.
  • Fire!: Fires his/her weapon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rallou
Avatar of Rallou

Rallou The fluffy one

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Username: Akane
Age: 19

Gender: female

Hair color: white

Eye color: Blue

Skin tone: Pale

Height: 5'7

Build: Average

Starter outfit:
in game

real life

Primary weapon: Rapier

Class: Swordsman


Agility lv. 1

Diagonal slash lv. 1

High Jump lv. 1

Recovery lv. 1

Username: BlueJay

Age: 15

Gender: female

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Blue

Skin tone: medium white

Height: 5'5

Build: a bit chubby but still average

Starter outfit:

in game

real life

Primary Weapon: whip

Class: Healer


Healing lv. 1

Climbing lv. 1

Spirituality (or a sixth sense) lv. 1
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Character Sheet:
Username: Shela
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Hair color: Pink
Eye color: Pink
Skin tone: White
Height: 5 ft
Build: Average
Starting outfit:

Primary weapon: Wand
Skills: Grow: Makes her toy super big
Love: Fires love hearts at the enemy which hurt and weaken it.
Beating Heart: Create a beating heart in the sky which increases stats X by number of people in the area.
Reflect: Copy's a monster's attack and sends it back 10X stronger.
Random: Casts a completely random spell which could have good or bad actions.
Cry: Shela's tears become very powerful, healing allies and hurting enemies.
Razor Leaf: Summons a huge leaf storm which cuts and damages multiple enemies.
Mind Control: Infects the mind of a monster and turn them under your control for a short time.
Frightening Hair: Grows her hair at a rapid rate and then turns it into a random weapon or item. Then uses the weapon against the enemy.
Rush: Speeds up the abilities of herself and others
Lonely: be able to sense nearby players.
Teleport: Teleports her to a desired location
Possession: Possess a enemy monster.
Equipment: Turns a monster into a piece of equipment.
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