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8 mos ago
Current Sorry for the delay everyone. I've been absolutely swamped with work these last weeks. I'm getting my replies up slowly.
9 mos ago
Keeping track of things makes it easier to avoid bad experiences! And to not make the same mistake like an idiot... :-/


"Humanity takes great pride in three things. Their willpower, their greed and their mortality.

Their will and endless greed allows them to grow and accend past other creatures
But their mortality denies them divinity

It's a delightful purgatory between being Fallen and being Divine"

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Nellara heard General Kvarr's words in silence. While she didn't blame the general for being careful, it appeared he had missed the point of her explanation.

"General Kvarr, the S'tor won't move if we don't give them reason or opportunity to do so. This is exactly why the gamble I mentioned should work. Both ours and the Mythadian empire are in a similar situation. Neither one of us can afford to start a war, both due to the S'tor and the humans. This is exactly why we can stand our ground and defend our borders instead of letting do whatever they want." Nellara said, explaining her thoughts to the General once more.

"It is not just a matter of thinking about this situation with war on one's mind or not, General. It is more than just defending our pride as well. If we do not firmly stand our ground and protect our nation's territory and interests, the Mythadians will keep testing how far they can push us around until they start freely taking our territory, our resources and send their soldiers into our cities because they know we won't react. Even if their military is stronger, we cannot lower our heads and accept as they challenge us, General. The only thing it will happen if we do so is Mythadia taking our territories and resources without even having to fight for them." Nellara said once again, looking at him with a serious expression.

When the General mentioned his idea of ceding that particular stretch of land to the humans, she took a moment to think about it. While it wasn't exactly the approach she would have to deal with that situation, it could work in their favor if done correctly.

"Hm... A diplomatic approach. Ceding this territory to the humans would definitely make them see us more favorably and it would also be a discreet way of telling Silbermine and his rabble that this territory was ours to decide what to do with... And in case he has something to say about our decision, it would only make them look bad for the humans." Nellara said, reflecting about the General's plan before she let out a smirk.

"It will help us both to make the humans see us in an even better light and to deal with Silbermine. It won't eliminate the need for us to firmly stand our ground in future, similar situations with Mythadia though. Sooner or later, we will have to make our stand, General. If they continue testing our tolerance, that is." Nellara said with a serious expression.

Given Nellara's previous reactions, one would expect her to be angry or make a bitter expression as General Kvarr told her about the harsh truth that would follow a possible conflict between Mythadia and the Ascension, but surprisingly enough, instead of reacting like that, Nellara let out a treacherous smirk as she looked directly towards the General.

"If the situation was different, I would have agreed with you, General. Fortunately, this war is one neither one of our nations can afford for two very important reasons..." Nellara said with a treacherous smirk as she raised her hand, showing two fingers as she spoke.

"The Mythadians might be religious fanatics, but the ones ruling them aren't idiots. They know that a war with the Ascension, even though the probability of victory is high, won't leave them unscathed..." Nellara began explaining.

"Peace in Kanth-Aremek, especially between the powerful nations, is only maintained due to the delicate power balance that currently brought wars and conflicts to a halt. A war against the Ascension would leave Mythadia weakened and the other nations wouldn't ignore that opportunity." Nellara continued.

"Especially since Mythadia already has a history with their warmongering ways. The reasons other nations might have to take that opportunity would be too many to ignore. To eliminate a possible threat now that they are weakened, to deal a decisive strike to the weakened Mythadia and take the spoils of both wars to themselves, without too much losses..." Nellara continued, lowering the first finger.

"The second reason are the presence of the humans. Even if they end up maintaining a neutral position should a war start, it is clear that they will refuse trade with a warmongering nation, considering how cautious about their own knowledge they are. In the chance they will pick up on arms to stop said conflict, even though they aren't technically part of it, it is also certain that they will support the defending side." Nellara said, lowering the second finger.

"Thanks to those, as long as we maintain a defensive posture, we can afford to defend our pride, our borders and our territory from Mythadia without fearing a war. If, despite this, we still lower our heads and let Mythadia invade our borders with an army, disrespect our territorial authority like this, there is little to no guarantee they won't keep breaking the treaties, going further and further into our territory, knowing we fear them and won't react." Nellara said, with a serious expression.

"Each one of these reasons might a risky gamble by themselves, but due to the complex situation Kanth-Aremek finds itself in, both with the delicate power balance and with the arrival of the humans, those are gambles we can afford to take with little to no fear, General... And if we win theme, we won't have to lower our head neither to the Mythadians or any other nation ever again." Nellara finished with a determined expression.
In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: One week after Zora arrived into Avalia.
Location: Riverbloom, Daisy Bakery
Interactions: Aurora @mole
Mentions: Barrock @Conscripts, Rowan @GingerBobOh

Even though Zora wasn't expecting Aurora to deny her help request, she still was relieved when Aurora agreed with it.

"Thank you, Aurora." Zora said, with a smile towards her.

While Zora didn't react to Aurora's comment about her facing loneliness and intolerance on her past life, she didn't deny it either... Zora herself knew better than to deny that fact. She knew that for every sailor and pirate that worshiped and respected her, there were tree or four people that saw her as a cursed woman.

"Your words are always as bright as your smile, Aurora. I should be the one to be thankful for having you as a guide." Zora said with a smile and a chuckle as she heard Aurora's words.

"What happened in my previous life might not matter anymore, but regardless of that fact, Rowan cannot expect me to be something I am not. He cannot turn me into a soldier like him... Or into a weapon to be used." Zora said.

"Avalia is my new home. I will do everything I can to turn it into a suitable place for me to live... Although I will do so in my own way. In the end, our goals are similar to each other right now, are they not? There is no reason why we shouldn't be able to work together instead of using one another with deceitful words, actions and endless scheming." Zora finished as she approached Aurora with a smile, offering her hand to guide her to where Rowan went.
The OOC was posted!

For some reason, the RPGuild didn't tag me in your post @Apollosarcher XD

Posting the link here in case someone else missed it as well. :-)

As General Kvarr mentioned that the presence of a Mythadian Warden was possible, she couldn't help but let out a worried sigh. A Warden was a very powerful and influential figure on Mythadia. Enough that the very presence of one would boost the morale of the Mythadian soldiers... and their religious fervor as well...

"Knowing how the Mythadians are, the presence of a Warden will only inflame their religious fanaticism even further... It might become very problematic to deal with them in case a Warden arrives..." Nellara said.

"Still, we can use that in our favor, depending on how the situation progresses... After all, the humans' also don't seem to think that fondly of the Mythadians." Nellara said, looking to the General with a subtle smirk.

"Thank you, General, but I did nothing more than my duty as a Castigator." Nellara said, replying to the General's words of praise with a respectful expression.

When the General asked for her to elaborate about her comment that Silbermine invaded their territory, Nellara expression became serious as she began explaining her opinion.

"Even though the borders between our territory and Mythadia isn't controlled or enforced, the treaty clearly divides our territories according to natural characteristics. Mythadians thrive on plains and marshes, while the mountainous regions are better suited for the Tekeri. The very fact that the Mythadians aren't exactly in their most comfortable terrain here where they are should be more than enough proof." Nellara began explaining.

"Unlike the political borders, the natural borders between our kingdoms are very clearly defined and even if they weren't, gathering an army and establishing a military encampment on the border between our nations would be more than enough to see that as a demonstration of hostility." Nellara said with a harsh expression.

"We all know how the Mythadians are, how they think their gods give them the right to get whatever they want. If we let the Mythadians disrespect the Ascension like this without any consequences, even if it's merely a political or economical one, they will most certainly test our tolerance... Until they are basically making a camp in front of Arcaeda." Nellara finished, her expression clearly indicating how offended she was with the disrespectful actions of Silbermine and his soldiers.

"General Kvarr, thank you for coming." Nellara said, with a respectful greeting as the General entered her tent, acknowledging his position as he showed the medallion that was symbol of his position.

Nellara's expression and body language were stiff and tense as she sat down and offered him to sit down as well, which already told a lot to the General about the situation they were in, before she could even say anything. Not exactly dangerous enough so they couldn't sit down and talk, but the situation was definitely far from calm and tranquil...

"The situation is very complicated, General... Fortunately, it's exactly thanks to it's complexity that war hasn't broken out yet." Nellara said, before giving the General a small but brief explanation about the entire situation. From the origin of the humans, their technology and Nellara's first contact with them, including her intention to establish a friendly, peaceful relation with them focusing on trading and finishing with Silbermine's invasion of Ascendancy territory and his intentions regarding the humans.

"The humans have already stated their intention of being a neutral party, taking what can almost be seen as the role of 'mediators' regarding the ongoing conflict. With that said, despite their efforts to appear as neutral as possible, their ideals, rules and society seem to be much more similar to our own than the Mythadians and some of the humans, seem to clearly favor us instead of the Mythadians. Regardless of that, due to their intentions of maintaining peace, it is very likely that the humans will refuse to ally themselves with whatever side starts a conflict." Nellara said, with a serious expression.

"Given how Silbermine's first intentions were to steal and take the human's ship to himself, it's quite evident that their image of him and the Mythadians isn't exactly good. Which will definitely play on our favor." Nellara said with a smirk.

"Their technology is... incredibly advanced. The full extent of their military might and their weaponry is still unknown, but observation shows that a direct confrontation must be avoided at all costs. As incredible as it might seem upon looking at their technology, the humans do not know about magic. Their entire society seems to focus solely on technology, with a great emphasis on electricity... Or Lightning as we know it." Nellara explained.

"There is much to be gained with having the humans as allies, general. Their knowledge is enough to change our society as a whole and might even be able to open new ways for us to develop our magics... But it is also incredibly dangerous if it falls on the hands of a nation such as Mythadia." Nellara said, looking to the General with a grim expression, especially when she mentioned the last part.

"The good news is that the humans themselves seem to be very aware of that fact and seem to give great importance to choosing correctly whom they will share their knowledge with... And on this aspect, I can say with certainty that we are definitely ahead of Silbermine and the Mythadians." Nellara said with an exhausted sigh, betraying how tired she was from all the tension and not being able to rest at all.

"Still, there is yet one threat to deal with... As I mentioned before, regardless of Silbermine's intentions to pillage the Human's ship and technology, he still invaded Ascension territory with a regiment of armed soldiers and established a military encampment, going as far as gathering a small army..." Nellara finished, looking towards the General, awaiting for his input on the complex situation they were facing.
Karina Frost

Karina couldn't help but let out a sigh as she heard the loud crashing noise as Jen reunited with the group. When one of the workers replied to Lord Ru'Tev, mentioning about the other doors Jen had crashed, his irritation was apparent. Their saving grace was that the princess was with them, which probably saved their group from having to repay for the damages or even deal with the consequences of doing so... At least for now, that is.

"It might be a good idea for us to keep an eye on Jen... In order to... avoid him getting lost again." Karina said as she looked towards Jen with a chastising look.

Hearing Lord Ru'Tev mentioning that he agreed with her suggestion to interrogate the staff members responsible for the checks was met with a satisfied expression and a nod from Karina. Knowing that he was willing to cooperate despite everything that happened would make their job definitely easier.

The group continued following Ru'Tev until they got to a set of two lifts. It was only after they exited the last lift that they were allowed to take off the visitor bracelets and exchanged them to different ones, to identify them as guests. As soon as their group left the prison, they saw Ru'Tev's manor. The very moment Karina laid her eyes on it, it became clear that Lord Ru'Tev had... exaggerated a little bit when he mentioned the connection from his house to the prison. Regardless of how true was the statement that his manor was 'part of the prison' it still enjoyed similar protection as the prison, including the magical transmitters that could be found in the prison and the same cautious architecture from the prison itself, which made Karina wonder if it was built together with the prison itself.

"The Divergent's chaotic nature seems to affect even the plants around it, isn't it?" Karina said to herself, acknowledging Ru'Tev's comment about how even something as simple as gardening showed itself to be a challenge in that location.

The moment lord Ru'Tev welcomed them into his manor, Karina could quickly notice that his servants acted in a very... peculiar manner. Although, it was somehow understandable. Anyone who had to deal with the Divergent's chaos in a daily basis was bound to be a little weird. Maybe part of it being even influence of the Divergent itself.

With the Lord and the princess soon separating from the group, they were left under the care of the servants, which showed each a multitude of reactions. Some in panic and in a hurry, not having expected guests while others seemed to not care at all about their presence.

After following the servant that was guiding them for a bit, they were presented with a multitude of rooms at their disposal, all of them furnished and decorated appropriately and offering a good deal of privacy, despite the architecture focusing on cautiousness and practicality over comfort and luxury.

"Anyone who has to deal with the Divergent on a daily basis is bound to be a bit... different themselves." Karina said, replying to Tayla as she complained about the servant, which had hurriedly left them as soon as she finished guiding them and warning them not to open the casing to the fireplace... Given the strange misfortune the Divergent seemed to emanate.

"Regardless, her warning is a valid one. We already felt some effects of the Divergent. Anything that can go wrong, probably will. Especially while we are here." Karina said with an annoyed sigh, remembering her ruined coat.

"While I am glad you seem to like the couch, it might be a good idea to not do anything that might make the servants any more annoyed by our presence than they already are..." Karina said, raising an eyebrow as she looked to Tayla, clearly referring to how she didn't care about taking off her boots or even cleaning them before jumping on the couch.

"I don't know if the Divergent also affects people... Still, it doesn't hurt to be careful." Karina said, glancing back towards where the servant had gone before she took a seat on a different couch than Tayla.
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