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Current Pretend this is actually something cool that I have to say.
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Statuses are sometimes the most relatable things ever- until they talk about kneecaps
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Building a guide to engaging roleplay! Need people to interview. If you want to, PM me! Input would be a great help! :)
1 yr ago


⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : 432302

My name is Bailey, Agent, Trip or 43. I am versatile in roleplay topics, though I prefer to do almost anything in the fantasy realm. I'd be willing to rp with anybody, as long as you have enough patience to deal with my awkward personality and sometimes poor grammar. My PMs are open to discussing rps.

Please note that I have not existed or roleplayed for almost half a year so I will be struggling for a little while until I pick my abilities back up! I will try my best, so feel free to PM me as said above!

I talk too much sometimes, sorry

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Most Recent Posts

Whisper Bea

Whisper crossed her arms, leaning forward a little on her right foot. Her expression changed, knowing the threat in Bee's voice was legitimate. She wasn't intimidated one bit. Okay, maybe she is a bit intimidating, but not much, She allowed herself that bit of weakness. If Bee was to be her new employer, respect would be earned, not given freely. "I have no intent of doing so," She responded coyly. And it was true. She had no further intention of touching the key in any manner. "Or I would have left you to die." She added, a slight threat in her voice.

She very easily could have taken the key and left Bee to die, but she hadn't. She'd known the shapeshifter boy, Jaden Cassia, would be after the key and she refused to let it fall into his hands. She'd always had an issue with the Cassia boy, even in life...

It took her a moment to register that she'd forgotten something, remembering just in time for it to not seem like she'd screwed up. "Speaking of death, don't you dare threaten me again." Well, that threat was obvious. But it was empty. She wouldn't lay a harmful hand on Bee, but Bee wouldn't know that. Her hand had moved to the hilt of the dagger she kept strapped at her hip, and she pulled it away. Startling Zi wouldn't be good, but she was always up to fight if it came down to it; she hoped it didn't.

Jaden Cassia

Jaden paced on the sidewalk outside the party, which had fallen into chaos. He was on the phone with a man- his boss. "The woman was there. She knew I would be there... no, I didn't get it... look, I'm not getting shot for the sake of a stupid key. We can get it an- there are other ways to get it! Stop- fine. I'll do it myself," He hung up, pissed off. He'd just been fired. He had no firm income now, but at least he could simply change forms to portray himself as somebody more popular.

He should have been notified that the unknown woman would be there, but he hadn't been. He didn't know her name, but he knew exactly who she was. An ex CIA/FBI undercover agent who went by the alias Basalisk Russ, an extremely good fighter to the point where even Jaden was no match for her, and a threat to everybody around her. He'd given her that scar, relishing in his victory against her. If that woman got on Bee's good side and was entrusted with access to the human world, well, everybody Jaden loved was totally and completely screwed.

As he stood there on the sidewalk, he was plunged into a flashback of his own...

Jaden was a kid again on the family farm. The family was struggling to stay afloat financially so they were making a deal with an investor and his teenage daughter that day. The daughter had beautiful light skin, sea-blue eyes, and dark hair. Even as an infant, Jaden had found her ravishing. There was yelling coming from the kitchen, but the girl kept his attention on his toys; he was only three at the time so it wasn't very difficult. The voices coming from the kitchen were taught with anger and fear.

After a while of what appeared to be a debate, the investor and his daughter left. "I'm sorry, little one," she'd said to Jaden that day, for a reason he only understood fourteen years later... and he would
never forgive her...
The brown wolf gave her a look. His tail swayed for a moment but he remained at her side. He didn't believe her at all, but he'd listen to her judgement. While he'd only understood the word "wait," a word Kissimi had used in exchange with "stay," he got the gist: the Jedi wanted to wait for the others to pass. He wondered how his sister was doing, hoped she was finally healed, wanted her to be joining him back at Kissimi's bidding soon, but doubted she would be for another few days. No, Kissimi was overprotective like that.
The wolf looked at her as if to ask if she wanted him to do anything about the Jedi. He was pretty good at diversions, at least according to his human. He just thought of himself as useful.
Whisper Bea

Whisper crossed her arms. "Nope. Nothing related to my name. Now do we have a deal or not?" It was up to Bee now whether or not to accept her terms. But she hoped Bee would accept. Her stance betrayed her possible ulterior motives, her left foot back and right foot a little closer in Bee's direction. It was like she was a viper waiting to strike. Now, she wasn't but looks could be deceiving.

"And I want access to the human world as I please unless I'm needed here," She added, realizing this was the perfect moment to get a bit more from the deal. If she could get enough to satiate herself, she'd be a perfect guard. If she decided the position wasn't for her, well, she'd be a formidable enemy if it came to it. She leaned back a little, her weight mostly on her left foot.
Whisper Bea

She sighed. It would be unreasonable not to accept the offer- any normal person would have- but she liked remaining anonymous. She realized she could probably negotiate the terms so that her name was never used in public, so she at least had that cover. "One condition." She relented. "No public person gets to know my name- ever."
Whisper Bea

She looked at Zi. "No." She thought about the offer. If she could get back to the human realm, she could return to working for the government and earn a bit of money, all the while living both lives. She'd enjoyed her past life until she died, so returning would be nice. "While your offer is decent, I'd rather stay in the shadows. I'm sorry, but I cannot work for you, even if I'm ten times more competent than Zi."
Banned for claiming my record.
Banned because I found it.
Whisper Bea

Whisper crossed her arms. "What's the pay?" She responded cooly. If the pay wasn't any good, she had no intention of accepting it unless she negotiated her pay higher. She had a knack for negotiation.
Banned for 96.
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