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Statuses are sometimes the most relatable things ever- until they talk about kneecaps
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⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : 432302

My name is Bailey, Agent, Trip or 43. I am versatile in roleplay topics, though I prefer to do almost anything in the fantasy realm. I'd be willing to rp with anybody, as long as you have enough patience to deal with my awkward personality and sometimes poor grammar. My PMs are open to discussing rps.

Please note that I have not existed or roleplayed for almost half a year so I will be struggling for a little while until I pick my abilities back up! I will try my best, so feel free to PM me as said above!

I talk too much sometimes, sorry

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Kissimi Cresis

Kissimi sighed, putting her hand on the white wolf's head but the wolf quickly walked away and sat a few feet to her left. "I'm fine. It's just fine. What do you need?" She responded as calmly as possible. The brown wolf regarded Bane with an odd look before padding into the ship himself and sitting beside his sister, who regarded him with apathy. She knew what her brother had done, and had no intentions of taking action to repay any debts she might owe. Nope, that was her human's job. Kissimi noticed this and cracked a smile. Just like her mother, She thought.
The droid hesitated then nodded. That was good enough for it. It went off to a corner by a desk to do so but didn't exactly expect an answer.

Kissimi Cresis

The conversation with Skywalker hadn't taken very long, and by the time Skywalker left, Kissimi was on edge. She couldn't read him like she could many others and it bothered her. The white wolf had sat by her side the entire time, while the brown wolf was nowhere to be seen.
The doctor is very busy. He sometimes misunderstands.” The droid told her, kind of just standing there uselessly. It didn’t want to disobey orders, but a sleep aid might just help keep her there, even if the doctor was mixing it up with something else in his head, after all, he was a very busy man.
An @BaileyBlue302 and @Twisted Mind collab
Part 2/2

Okay never mind. He would. Whisper sighed. She eventually lowered the pistol, with an apparent reluctance to do so. She returned it to her holster, shooting Bee an apologetic glance as she slowly and clearly lifted her hand to remove the mask. She hated that she was doing this, but it wasn't worth fighting Zi for her pride. Pride had always been her flaw. She hesitated.

Zi fingered the trigger, though he was a bit suspicious that Whisper was going to try something. "Now." He snapped, taking one final step closer to her. He was so close the pistol was almost touching her. He didn't care if she would hate him for the years to come, no, he only really cared that she understood who was in charge. She was used to a hostile environment with a strict pecking order so it wouldn't be too hard, right? He hoped he was right about her.

Whisper gave him a death glare, swallowed her pride, and took the mask off. Her scar was red against her pale skin, a mark she would forever bear. "Happy now?" She spat, her voice betraying how wounded she was by this event. She hated showing her scar more than she had to. She never removed the mask publicly, not even to eat or drink. This pissed her off and hurt her, something her expression now showed clearly without the safety of her mask, which dangled from her hand at her side. If Zi didn't want to trust her, so be it. If he so much as continued to toe the line, she was worried she would snap; that's where the fear in her voice came from- the fear of what she might do to Zi.

Zi finally lowered the pistol and returned it to the holster at his side. He stepped back, his eyes studying her face: the set line of her jaw, the hurt in her eyes mixing with the anger. The expression of a woman who had just been stripped of her pride and half her dignity. While that hadn't been his intention, he guessed she knew now. "Did you get your revenge on them?" His voice was gentle now, as if nothing had happened, as he indicated her scar.

Whisper didn't respond. No, Ling, I didn't. I killed him, but now he's here. Vengence never rests. You know I'll have to hurt you back, right? She knew he couldn't hear her thoughts, so she cussed him out silently as she turned away from him and Bee to hide the tears forming in her eyes. She slipped the mask back on, swallowing back a sob. Everything was coming back now; the hell she'd been through returning to her mind as if it had been yesterday. She needed to get out of the room. She stepped out the door, slamming it hard behind her. She didn't understand how Zi could act like he hadn't just threatened to shoot her. She'd known from the moment she'd first spoken to him that he was in charge in any situation, even if he was incompetent when it came to actually doing any protecting.

Zi cursed. He hadn't meant to piss her off. He didn't exactly want to see what Bee's reaction would be, but he forced himself to turn around anyway and face her. His face was completely blank, showing none of the emotions that were going on in his head. The only betrayal was that old greenish tint in his eyes- his magic restraining itself. Whenever his eyes got like that, one would learn quickly, he was pissed.

Whisper ducked out the back door, a mistake she’d never have made if Zi hadn’t bothered her. Her mask was still dangling from her fingertips, about ready to fall. The blow was swift and strong, sending her collapsing to the ground like a sack of potatoes. She recovered pretty rapidly, but her attacker was on her, pinning her down. She couldn’t reach any of her weapons, and she didn’t dare try. She didn’t need to look up to know there was a gun pointed at her head. Her fingers closed around the mask, curling into a fist. The ground was, slightly a given it being the ground, dusty and she wished she had her mask on still. A laugh bubbled up inside her but she tamped it down. This was pathetic of her, unable to fight back. She easily could have disarmed her opponent, but with Zi’s behavior, the thought didn’t even cross her mind. Someone grabbed her by the shoulder and flipped her over, gun still pointed at her. Well, there were two someones. One of them she recognized, a cold mix of fear and hate taking root in her as her face went even more pale. “Cassia.

Seen a ghost, Russ?
The medic turned to her, sighing. "You're not getting anything, and Skywalker has better things to do than babysit you, and so do I," He turned away. "Droid! Babysit the Jedi!" He called to his medical droid. The droid was reluctant, seen by its response of "does she really need babysitting? She's not an infant." "Yes, now do as I say or I'll have you replaced by something more competent." That shut the droid up as it awaited the finishing of its orders. "Don't let her out of your sight or out of this bay. Do not give her anything that would slow the healing process down- I want her out as quickly as possible. Make sure she stays in that bed until I clear her personally. Now I have somewhere to be," He walked briskly out of the room, not waiting at all for Megara to say anything; it wasn't like he'd listen anyway. The door slid shut and the lock clicked.
The medic, who had been spectating silently and busying himself with other tasks, looked up at the boy's words. "Yet he isn't wrong, Megara Shade. Rest would do you good right now. You're not leaving here any time soon if you don't get some," He noted passively.
Whisper Bea

Whisper was quiet for a moment as she glared at Zi. But eventually, she spoke. When she did, her voice was quiet and for a fleeting moment there was a hint of fear.

"That was Jaden Cassia. He's a shapeshifter and vampire hybrid who, a given, is after the key. He has spies everywhere. When he was alive [her tone said she'd clearly accepted they were on their second life], he was a well-known criminal across the globe. I was close, and no, not in kahoots, with him while undercover. That relationship with him was..." She paused, her fingers tracing the design of her dagger's sheath, "complicated [there was something underlying in her tone that wasn't just about the undercover assignment, but about something personal]. Knowing him, he'll try to get the key each time Bee does a show. I have reason to believe he was behind tonight's shooting, but he may not be. There's no reason to worry though," She paused before smiling with confidence the rest of her face didn't reflect, "He's never fought me before. As for the name he called me," She again paused, quieting for a moment before shrugging, "I may as well tell you this," She muttered before continuing, "Basalisk Russ was the name I used while undercover for the CIA and is the name I'd prefer to continue using now."

Her words had taken all of around two and a half minutes, and she had paced the entire time, her fingers playing at her weapons that she normally wouldn't have revealed but knew the other two were already aware of(daggers at her hips, pistol beside one of the daggers). Once she fell silent, she sighed. The scar she bore was from the same criminal she was facing again. Both of them would be more prepared for the meeting, Whisper perhaps even having the advantage since she would have an acid mage and a Bee on her side. There was a knock at the door that led backstage and she whipped around to face it.

"Who is it?"

"I suggest that if you want to keep your show-girl safe, use the back door. It's gone to hell out there.
Chase Jackson

Chase sighed. “Yeah, I really don’t care. Get some rest. Take a nap. I dunno,” He told her, his tone light but words harsher than intended. He turned and walked away without another word.

Kissimi Cresis

Kissimi looked up as Skywalker walked in. “Master Skywalker ” she greeted him coldly. Skywalker leaned against the wall of her ship. “Chase said you wanted to talk to me?” “Yes. You said you wanted to see the recordings of my contact with the Sith?” It was a precarious situation. If Skywalker saw the recordings the way Chase and Bane had, she was screwed. If he understood the way she’d worked with the alleged Sith- she didn’t really believe the woman was Sith, but may as well- then she was still kinda screwed.
Good. Enjoy. Won’t be able to get in a response today though.
Chase Jackson

He nodded. “I noticed. You should get some rest,” He suggested, offering her a shy smile that had more to it than met the eye. He knew she’d helped the white wolf, and he was a tiny bit worried it might backfire.
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