Avatar of 4323O2


Recent Statuses

8 days ago
Current Pretend this is actually something cool that I have to say.
8 days ago
Statuses are sometimes the most relatable things ever- until they talk about kneecaps
23 days ago
Building a guide to engaging roleplay! Need people to interview. If you want to, PM me! Input would be a great help! :)
1 yr ago


⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : 432302

My name is Bailey, Agent, Trip or 43. I am versatile in roleplay topics, though I prefer to do almost anything in the fantasy realm. I'd be willing to rp with anybody, as long as you have enough patience to deal with my awkward personality and sometimes poor grammar. My PMs are open to discussing rps.

Please note that I have not existed or roleplayed for almost half a year so I will be struggling for a little while until I pick my abilities back up! I will try my best, so feel free to PM me as said above!

I talk too much sometimes, sorry

Current rps


not up to date

Most Recent Posts

Whisper Bea

Whisper, meanwhile, hda been taken to an abandoned warehouse just outside of the larger city limits. She'd been appropriately restrained, much to her dislike, and most of her weapons had been taken from her. She still intended to be difficult though. Currently, she was being interviewed- again- about Bee's defenses, but considering how little she actually knew, it was proving futile to keep asking her the same questions. She was bleeding from multiple cuts made by her captors, but still conscious. She wasn't going to tell them anything. After another minute or so, the captor interviewing her gave up, leaving her alone in the room. She twisted in her bonds, trying to wiggle her hidden knife to a point where she could grab it. This proved more difficult than it should have been.

After a few minutes, she became exhausted and ceased her attempts, panting rapidly. This wasn't as easy as it should have been; she'd lost her touch.
Thank you for that spot, Twisted. I will take it.
Chase and Pira Jackson

Chase's face lit up at Bane's words, a smile appearing. "That's good," He responded, glancing at his sister and noticing her silence. Pira's response was much more reserved than usual, still not exactly understanding why it had taken this long. But she suspected it was as Bane said, that the Jedi master's injuries were worse than thought at first.


The brown wolf had stayed by Megara Shade's side for the last month, his distress from being separated slowly dissipating as he accepted that he may not see his human again for quite a while. Even now, he was hovering close by, eyes glued to the Jedi. From the chatter of the doctors, he figured she would be out soon, and his tail tapped in anticipation.

Wonderful! You can move him to the CS tab at this time!

Accepted! You can move Max to the CS tab! Hopefully our yoga classes are to his liking! :D
One Month Later...

Kissimi Cresis

Kissimi had long since returned to Lothal, resuming full radio silence and proving to be unreachable. Word was that she was a Force-sensitive bounty hunter of some sort, but most knew those were just rumors and only that. Only one of her wolves had chosen to go with her; the brown wolf was determined to remain with Megara Shade until she was fully restored. While at first, being separated from his human had upset them both, they were all fine now. In fact, Kissimi had begun searching for the Holocron herself now that she knew it was on Lothal.

At the moment, Kissimi was sitting across from an old contact, stroking the head of the white wolf as they discussed the upcoming event. They were planning to orchestrate a raid with a team of three bounty hunters and Kissimi. As usual, Kissimi wanted to pick and the contact already had a team picked out. But the contact had one thing Kissimi didn't... money. A lot of it.

Chase and Pira Jackson

There had been intermittent talk of sending Pira back to the Temple, each attempt to act on it was met by resistance from both of the siblings. Despite the fact that they fought constantly, neither would allow being separated from the other by such a great distance. By now, attempts had ceased and the two were currently in the cafeteria, sharing a plate of cookies they'd managed to get from one of the clone troopers. Neither was really thinking about much, and their conversation was mindless chatter until Chase brought up Master Shade.

"Do you think Master Shade will be ready any time soon? The brown wolf seems upset," Chase asked Pira suddenly.

Pira looked at him, tilting her head and wiping crumbs off her chin. "Yeah. I do. The wolf will live though, really."
I'm here and so is Ranth. He needs a vacation after wandering from one metanarrative to the next.

Wondrous! We have the perfect space for him somewhere here. Perhaps a nice relaxing yoga class? You already know he's accepted into the roleplay but please ensure his CS conforms to the template given in the OP.

True to my word: We're up!!
Seaside Shanties

A Sandbox RP


The Seaside Shanty Getaway

Waterclaw Beach

Notable Locations

The Ballroom


That was a lot. Pretty much what's going on is that this is the most relaxed roleplay you'll probably ever see. YC is catered to their every desire(SFW) and tension almost always can be resorted in a civilized manner. YC is allowed to freely explore the Seaside Shanty Getaway and do as they please everywhere on the island. Technology is nowhere to be seen, not even in the spas or- somehow- in the arcades. The island runs on peace and joy(gah, I sound like a hippie), and it's up to YC to keep it that way.

Odities About The RP

While a GM does exist, yes, they play the part of a normal player essentially all the time. There are very few exceptions to this except the basic concept of respect and answering questions about the roleplay, while also playing staff members. NPCs are often not player controlled and are assigned to the GM or Co-GM but players can play NPCs related to a story they're trying to tell(ex. a server tops off a glass of water in passing then vanishes behind a door, never to be spoken of again)
A character's room within The Getaway can be customized to said character's approval at any time in the roleplay, however, certain rules must be obeyed: The door must have a key-card lock(housekeeping), a closet(convenience), and a bath/shower/bathing area. Keep in mind that these rooms are not the Tardis and are 40 ft. wide, 60 ft. long, and 7 ft. tall. Magic can be employed.



Cast and Crew

- Darren Delloro: The Getaway's owner!
- Leona Lix: Yoga instructor
- Jennifer Marks: Head of Housekeeping
- Harrison Ford: Head Chef

- Endolin Marx(BaileyBlue302)
- Ranth(Havoccultist)
- Maximilian(Twisted Mind)
- Izzy(Qia)
- Autumn(evan aftonfnaf)
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