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Current Pretend this is actually something cool that I have to say.
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Statuses are sometimes the most relatable things ever- until they talk about kneecaps
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Building a guide to engaging roleplay! Need people to interview. If you want to, PM me! Input would be a great help! :)
1 yr ago


⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : 432302

My name is Bailey, Agent, Trip or 43. I am versatile in roleplay topics, though I prefer to do almost anything in the fantasy realm. I'd be willing to rp with anybody, as long as you have enough patience to deal with my awkward personality and sometimes poor grammar. My PMs are open to discussing rps.

Please note that I have not existed or roleplayed for almost half a year so I will be struggling for a little while until I pick my abilities back up! I will try my best, so feel free to PM me as said above!

I talk too much sometimes, sorry

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An @BaileyBlue302 and @Twisted Mind collab, again, to save time
Twisted was on mobile so they were shorter than usual and Bailey had to post this

Zi sighed as the signal was lost. But he knew she was inside the warehouse. He did the obvious and tried the doorknob before kicking the door in.

The doorknob, it proved, was unlocked but jammed. Whisper's captors had been smart enough to jam a chair under said knob, so the door refused to open. From a balcony nearby, Damian Ryder, one of Jaden's goons, leveled a sniper rifle at Zi's head. But he didn't shoot, instead waiting for Jaden's command. Meanwhile, Whisper heard the foot slam against the door. She cried out, knowing it was Zi. Who else would it be? Sure as hell not 432. "No!"

Zi heard Whisper's word and tilted his head. He almost called out to her using her real name but remembered what she had said to them a little bit ago. "Russ?" He called quietly.

Whisper pulled against her restraints now, her voice breaking as she called out again. "Leave!" She called back as the other captor strode into the room. "Shut up, girl. Master Jaden will be seeing you soon so save your breath." He scolded her, backhanding her as he spoke. Whisper whimpered.

"The hell is she on about? I'm trying to help her?" He muttered, moving around the side of the building as he attempted to find a se one entrance. He knew there would be one.

And there was one. Not even twenty feet away, a door was slightly ajar. Damian focused the rifle again and fired, not intending to miss. He'd messed up leaving that door open and Jaden would be mad at him, but he'd pay that price later, after he stopped Zi. He switched the rifle to its automatic mode and let off a string of bullets. Very rarely did he miss.

Zi noticed the muzzle flash and ducked, rolling behind a stack of boxes. He cursed and tried to find a way to get himself clear. He'd dropped all his weapons- his single pistol and his knife- when he had gone after Bee, probably leaving them in melted chunks from his magic.

Damian waited. He would shoot Zi when the time came to it. He radioed Jaden. "The man is here. Do you want me to shoot him? He's trying to help her." "Kill him. At all costs. We do not lose her." "I understand." Damian moved across the rooftop to get a better shot at Zi. This would prove futile.

Zi scanned the area, finding nothing useful. He sighed and stepped out of his hiding place, hands up. "Russ doesn't know anything. I'll go instead of her. Let her go." He spoke calmly, but even then his voice shook a little.

Damian chuckled and slung his rifle over his back, dropping down from the roof. "You sure you want to do this for a girl you hradly know?"

"I know her well enough."

Damian stepped closer. "You sure about that?" Only visible now was the smaller pistol in Damian's hand.

Shit. "Damn sure."
Pira and Chase Jackson

Pira took it, nodding her thanks as she amused herself by studying the information given to her. She was more interested in the scientific aspect than the actual person involved. Chase, on the other hand, nodded. "Yeah," He responded, glancing at Pira, who appeared to care very little about the situation and more about the information. It was one of the reasons they hardly got along, but both had their strengths and weaknesses and eventually they sorted themselves out. He assumed that was how siblings worked.


The brown wolf approached the doctors, his tail swaying with anticipation. A doctor tried to shoo him away but he refused to leave and that was quickly abandoned. He sat down, keeping his eyes on Megara. His ears were pricked.
Whisper Bea

Whisper could hear her phone vibrating from the table. She couldn't reach it. She realized that if it was still on, she could still use the handsfree system she'd installed.

"Hey, Siri. Call Four-Thirty-Two," Four-Thirty-Two was probably unreachable, but Whisper could hope. The phone rang silently, luckily being on silent mode. There was no answer. She muttered a curse. "Hey, Siri. Power down." The phone shut down. The evidence was gone. So was Zi's signal he was tracking. She knew perfectly what had been happening behind her firewall.
You can if you want to. I don't really care lol. I have half a plan but it's not great.
50/50 I'd say. It's an older firewall that wouldn't be as powerful since it's from the FBI and that doesn't exist in Nightlight City.

@Midnight stars Correct me if I'm wrong on anything I'm saying. It's your rp, after all.
Yep. Her captors aren't that smart. But she has a firewall against tracking on it.
Whisper Bea

Whisper, meanwhile, hda been taken to an abandoned warehouse just outside of the larger city limits. She'd been appropriately restrained, much to her dislike, and most of her weapons had been taken from her. She still intended to be difficult though. Currently, she was being interviewed- again- about Bee's defenses, but considering how little she actually knew, it was proving futile to keep asking her the same questions. She was bleeding from multiple cuts made by her captors, but still conscious. She wasn't going to tell them anything. After another minute or so, the captor interviewing her gave up, leaving her alone in the room. She twisted in her bonds, trying to wiggle her hidden knife to a point where she could grab it. This proved more difficult than it should have been.

After a few minutes, she became exhausted and ceased her attempts, panting rapidly. This wasn't as easy as it should have been; she'd lost her touch.
Thank you for that spot, Twisted. I will take it.
Chase and Pira Jackson

Chase's face lit up at Bane's words, a smile appearing. "That's good," He responded, glancing at his sister and noticing her silence. Pira's response was much more reserved than usual, still not exactly understanding why it had taken this long. But she suspected it was as Bane said, that the Jedi master's injuries were worse than thought at first.


The brown wolf had stayed by Megara Shade's side for the last month, his distress from being separated slowly dissipating as he accepted that he may not see his human again for quite a while. Even now, he was hovering close by, eyes glued to the Jedi. From the chatter of the doctors, he figured she would be out soon, and his tail tapped in anticipation.
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