@PKMNB0Y I've got the completed version below. I drafted up a rough draw with a mild grey-scale shading for his image.
- Name: Guy Parison.
- Character Name: Magnificus the Ingenious.
- Race: Elf.
- Appearance:
This character is what some might call the spitting image of an egocentric techno-wizard. He's got a thin black mustache, one of the scarce few facial hair options for the normally beardless elves, and crazy jet black hair that's only barely restrained by his majestically wide and pointy wizard's hat. His face otherwise is quite slim with a rather pointy nose and sharp black eyes (Just the irides mind you. He couldn't get away with making the whole eyes black). Physically this guy's got the physical mass of a desiccated monkey skeleton. He wears big swishy robes for a very good reason as he had jacked the thickness sliders all the way down. One might say he looks almost like a caricature of what a character looks like, all his features pushed towards the extreme end of what the editor would allow. It put up a fair fight, preventing this character from looking truly ridiculous.
As for gear this guy's got "Magitech Wizard" written all over him. Pointy wizard's hat with magitechnological doodads and glowing lights? Check. Elaborate magical robes with a glowing techno-belt? Check? Large humming arcane battery strapped to his back? Double check. With this guy what you see is what you get. No subtlety whatsoever. - Age: 28.
- Personality:
This guy's not just a clown, he's the entire circus.
A bit of an aimless soul, Guy's mostly been just sort of drifting through life, never really finding his calling in life. That is to say except for his one true love: gaming. He's a gamer in the true sense of the word, dedicated more than just a few hours daily playing whatever's caught his fancy. He enjoys games that experiment and expand upon existing formula's, often playing more indie titles over the triple A's. His foray into Emerald Odyssey is rather unusual for him as it is a fairly high budget game but it certainly did enough to set itself apart from the rest. He also just wanted something he could work on as a pet project in-between runs on his favorite rogue-likes.
Personally he's torn between something of a recluse and a semi-bombastic weirdo. He knows that most people generally don't "Get" him so he rarely opens up. Online, acting through an avatar he's able to let his weird fly freely since he doesn't have to worry about silly stuff like "social mores" and other people not getting his strange internet in-jokes.
In truth he is quite passionate towards the things he cares about. The world shuns his ilk, what with little post-graduation education and minimal work references, so he finds safety in receding into the things he enjoys. When he's able to find something that engages him he's endlessly perseverant, dedicating time and a fair amount of creativity towards it. More often than not though he ends up walling himself behind a shell of humour and self-deprecation. No problem is ever serious, even when it really should be. This issue affects him both in the short term and the long term. - History:
Guy was never the popular guy. He was strange, and strange never prospered. In school he found himself quite isolated, trapped in a shell of being "The Funny Guy". At least when the others weren't laughing at him they were laughing with him.
Gaming was his main solace. Homelife was rarely pleasant. His parents were constantly tearing their hair out over financial burdens, at least whenever they were home. With a pc and a stable internet connection however the computer was his family, his teacher, his friend. He was a child of the net and as such his culture was very strongly rooted in it. Meme's, trends, new sites and more filled his mind, washing away the day to day misery.
When he finally graduated highschool his family insisted he study law to become a lawyer. He did, quickly washing out shortly after he started. Turns out something that was as boring as watching paint dry at a quarter speed playback was not the spark to inspire his drive. In the end he ended up continuing to live with his parents, much to their chagrin.
Thus, he spent his days "Job Hunting". He did put his resume out there but his efforts towards securing a job were minimal. After all, if he did score a job then he'd lose many precious gaming hours. There was this new game too, a fancy new title called Emerald Odyssey. As a gamer he rose up to the challenge and the challenge was fun. Sure, maybe his build was not optimal in the overall meta but his motto was "Meta be damned!". He was never going to sacrifice style just to be more competitive in the raiding scene, pvp scene or any other scene for that matter. There was no good in succeeding if succeeding meant giving up his identity in the process, or so he believed.
Now they released a brand new expansion. With new content came new opportunities to show the world just what a crazy person could accomplish with enough elbow grease and an unfaltering faith in his fashion. - Class(es):
Technomancer: Or as Guy calls it: Engineer Gaming. This class deals with the blending of spells and magitech tools/weapons in combat. It's three main specializations involve turret deployment and maintenance, barrier generator manipulation and direct fire via either a magitech pistol or the two-handed option: An arcannon.
Magnificus has turrets as his specialization and as such his spells and tools largely synergize with his turrets. The class is confined to a summon limit of two basic turrets, one spherical barrier generator and a single mine setter drone. Each of the technomancer's tool's effectiveness scale with the technomancer's primary stat as well as their level but each specialization includes numerous features both passive and active that provide significant improvements over their respective sub-segment of tools. The direct fire specialization includes a wide variety of grenade additions as well as various firing modes and buffs for their chosen weapon. Out of the three specializations direct fire is the obvious go-to for damage dealing in a party. The barrier generator specialization allows the technomancer's barrier generator to project a barrier over a larger area as well as provide buffs and passive regeneration boosts to both health and mana for those inside it's range. It even offers a percentage of damage reflection against enemies attacking it when the technomancer's at a high enough level.
The main benefit of the turret specialization is that it allows the turrets to possess all the same buffs the technomancer has on themself. The specialization itself doesn't up the damage of the turrets above what the other specializations offer, only providing greater health pools for the turrets along with a reduced cooldown for deployments/re-deployments. The ability to passively share the benefits of all applicable buffs on the caster to their turrets more than make up for it's standard levels of damage. Even ablative hit-points and shields are duplicated onto the turrets when applied to the technomancer. The only thing not shared to the turrets is healing as turrets do not benefit from standard healing. Instead, they need to be repaired using the technomancer's repair ability which allows the caster to point a beam of mending energy from their wrist-mounted magitech multitool. The turret specialization also offers a variety of mine types that the technomancer can deploy from the mine setter drone such as spider mines, cluster mines and more.
Card Caster: A support/healing class that uses tarot cards in combat, requiring the caster to draw and play cards from their hand to trigger their spell effects. The most powerful cards are the major arcana cards which carry unique effects tailored to the meaning of each card. Every major arcana card can also be played in a reverse position, creating an alternate effect which is typically opposite to it's original effect. Being both uniquely powerful in their own right and flexible in their uses they carry a high mana cost which makes them harder to play.
Then there are the minor arcana cards which belong to four categories: Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles.
Wands - Wand cards provide a boost to attack & armor values for the targeted ally.
Cups - Cup cards provide healing to the targeted ally.
Swords - Sword cards launch a magical attack against the targeted foe.
Pentacles - Pentacle cards apply an ablative shield to the targeted ally.
In addition there are royalty cards within each category which provide additional benefits based on their position in the hierarchy. The benefits for each position in the hierarchy are tailored to their respective category. Both the mana costs and the power of the minor arcana cards are proportional to their position within the category. Royal cards are the most powerful of the minor arcana but also carry the highest mana requirements, falling just below major arcana in cost. Ace cards cost nearly no mana but also have the weakest effects in their respective categories.
Geomancer: A caster class which draws on the power of the earth, providing a number of uses based on it's caster's specialization within the field. Aggressively this class can not only pull rock from the ground to pummel foes but can also alter the ground in order to make approaching the caster more difficult. Defensively this class can create pillars and walls to block an enemy's progress, putting obstacle after obstacle in the way to protect ranged party members as well as separate enemy mobs, keeping them scattered so the party can focus down more problematic enemies in peace. For support this class can pull energy from the earth, creating enchanted regions which buff and replenish those who stand within them.
Magnificus hadn't delved terribly far into geomancy quite yet. It was on his "To do" list.
Miner: This class allows one to harvest ore and other valuable minerals from the earth and refine them for trade and/or use in crafting by other classes. Those with this class are offered insight into the properties and values of various minerals and other rock formations.
Tinkerer: A class who focuses on designing, constructing, modifying and repairing a multitude of magitech devices for various purposes. While a number of the devices available to this class may be usable in combat this class has no skills or features for use in active combat. - Other: Magnificus's biggest weakness is his class's relative lack of mobility. While not entirely devoid of movement options close to all of his synergy is tied to sticking in one spot and dishing out damage whilst building up his defenses. This is partly the cause of his poor performance in raids due to the issue wherein he'd need to move in order not to get pulped by one of the boss's area-of-effect mega damage attacks.