Avatar of Aalakrys


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
My guinea pig has gone on to the great hay pile in the cosmos. I’ll miss him.
6 yrs ago
So I got married today
6 yrs ago
My fiance just told me he ate my left over slice of pie. This engagement is over.
6 yrs ago
If you're nocturnal, every day is the day you sleep.
6 yrs ago
I don't know anything about Mahz, but I'd ~really~ like to have that vacation time off from work. (That banner has been there a while, yeah? =P)


  • 18+ = RP Partner Must Be 18+
  • Female, writes MxM, FxM, FxF
  • My Typical Response Time (minimum) = One to two days for OOC, RPs could vary but will respond at least once a week, probably more.
  • Typically High-Cas, sometimes Advanced. Can do Casual though it's painful.
  • Friendly = OOC always chatty if partner wants
  • Roleplaying Limits = will not do torture, rape/molestation, etc actively. My characters might have it in their past though.
  • I like romance. I like depressing romance with a happy ending the best. Slow burns are usually preferred, unless otherwise specified.
  • If there is romance, I'm ok with fade-to-black or giving details.
  • Romance isn't necessary to write with me.
  • Respecting the individuality of our characters is necessary to write with me.

1x1 Interest Checks

Most Recent Posts

"Sometimes I think you take far too many things as ease," Kaede lifted her chin as she tapped a finger to an elbow of her crossed arms. "But, you do have a point - one would have to be utterly foolish to attack our rag-tag collection."

Dropping her arms, she sighed. "I'm still going to add more triggers - or priority is keeping that boy safe. He went through an uncovered area, so we're lucky you were watching him from the window. Until then, shall we call the staff to dinner? It is late."


Ryuu smirked at the girl's sudden expectation - did she not know him? Of course she did. She was, after all, his counter-part in the eyes of the others -- minus the amount of heavy flirtations, perhaps -- but certainly in expectation. "My pretty parasol, I did not say I would do all the work myself. After all, I can only handle the smell of animal blood for so long before I get ... hungry."

He flashed a devilish smile as he spoke, rolling up his sleeves just the same before going to his knees before the tub and tugging her down beside him. "They say we're both half-assed, so we might as well prove them right. You do that side, and I'll take this one - perhaps Sakuya-sensei will give us a both a treat for our hard work."

The case was very unlikely, but that much was evident in Ryuu's tone as he begun wiping down the end of the tub.


After checking in on the young master and finding him asleep, and then mistress to find her sleeping also - her dinner tray ready to be carried off - Kaori took the dishes to the kitchen. The staff had not had dinner yet, so perhaps Kira and Haruo would be preparing their table. Kaori herself did not need food, nor could she taste it, and visiting the kitchen was actually a sad experience for her. It was very rare that she would join the staff at the staff table for meals, but would sometimes go there to complete small tasks such as alterations to clothes or to read a magazine since sometimes other staff members would come through in their downtime. Ryuu lingered, and was often kicked out by Kaede, but Kaori had not liked being alone - regardless of how shy she acted. Her mixed feelings aside, she secretly hoped to see the others so she could tell them about what happened before the others had a chance.
Watching the unconscious kitsune get scrubbed by the pink-haired butler quickly made Ryuu's attention drift off. He idly began to glance around as his mind wandered, never lingering too long on a specific object. It wasn't until Sakuya straightened that he snapped back to attention, continuing his stare until the head butler's words made him roll his eyes with a smirk. He sighed as he passed the towel over, lazily saying, "Promises, promises."

Even washed clean, the smell of the kitsune's fresh blood in its wounds made Ryuu wrinkle his nose as he wrapped the little creature in soft bandages. It was very strong to the Ōkami's sensitive nose, but he didn't complain. Once he finished, he delicately handed the bandaged ball of fluff back to the care of Sakuya. The orders given upon exit made Ryuu groan, but his sideways glance to see the pretty maid contemplating how to attack the task. He found it odd that her magically little umbrella didn't seem to work, but perhaps it was something to do with the monster in the lake - or, all that blood. Blood usually effects magic in some way anyhow. Regardless, he watched her pull the plug and fall to the floor in preparation to clean.

He contemplated as he leaned back against the wall, folding his arms as he watched the water drain - without any orders from Sakuya, he could go do whatever job he wanted. If the demon spider witch didn't see him trailing behind, she may assume that he was sent on an errand. That being recognized, he smiled down charmingly at Momoko and said, "It's just like him to make a huge mess and expect a pretty girl to come clean up after him. Would you like some help?"

Kaori had returned with her arms full of medicinal herbs and incense, the proper burning trays, and matches gripped tightly in one palm. While she had been away, Kaede opened a window screen slightly to allow the air to circulate in the long-since used room. Upon the younger girl's return, the housekeeper went to ease her burden a little. They placed a burner above the head of the futon and one on the ledge next to the open window. "That should do it," Kaede smiled softly with her hands clasped in front of her as Kaori lit the second burner.

The entrance of Sakuya couldn't have been better timed as they'd just finished preparing the room. "Ah, good timing," Kaede even said as she turned her gaze to them. Kaori remained shielded from view by Kaede, even after she turned to face the butler. "Come out from there," she added as she tugged the small maid from behind her to stand at her side. "It's just a young kitsune. An unconscious one at that. No need to worry."

Kaori nodded nervously and then approached the butler and the kitsune he was unbundling. There were little tufts of fur sticking out from the bandages, she saw. She wanted to touch it, to see if it was soft, but Sakuya's soft command pulled her attention. Kaede placed her hand on the younger woman's back to lead her out. Kaori looked up at her with wide eyes, "Are kitsunes dangerous?"

"No more dangerous than we are," Kaede commented instantly, smiling down at the girl as her hand fell and she reached to close the door behind the three of them. "Run along and begin your nightly chores, Kaori, and then you can have any remaining time before bed to yourself."

"Thank you," Kaori bowed with a small smile before turning to softly run down the hallway. Kaede turned to Sakuya, her expression quickly changing to one of seriousness. "What do you think this means -- a kitsune appearing and being attacked by a creature of unknown origin? When did it appear in the lake, I wonder ... Haruki still hasn't returned either - or he hasn't tripped my webs at least."
hahah, at least you were able to get on here. I couldn't get through to the site at all for the past couple of afternoons. But - one more day of work left and I'll be able to be around a little more too.
Haha, alright. I look forward to it - I may not be around much this weekend. Family stuff. Will respond as soon as possible though. ^^
Okay, so I added some stuff - it's always so long. I'm sorry, if that's a problem, then let me know and I can shorten things. I could actually add more if you'd like as well ... haha.
The scent of the newer maid layered in kitchen smells had caught Ryuu's attention before her chime joined the earlier arrivals. He found himself giving her a side glance just as he raised his head before his eyes flickered back to the mistress. He couldn't decide which maid was more entertaining, and was considering the differences when the mistress spoke up to address the little lump of fur covered in blood before them. He felt himself nod with the other servants, glancing over to see Kaori give her anxious glance to the spider-witch.

"Prepare the room, child," Kaede answered the glance with a warm smile as Ryuu tucked his hands in his pockets as he watched Momoko fidget over the little beast before finally picking it up and fleeing the room under Sakuya's stationary power. He smirked at that as well as he watched the head butler calmly leave after the frantic maid, followed by the anxious one who rang her hands nervously to prepare the room.

"Well," Ryuu let out a sigh with the word. "Since all the jobs are taken, I suppose --"

"Not so fast," The pain at his ear being tugged as the spider-witch began to pull him down the hallway behind the retreating staff who went to do their assigned tasks. "If the creature is poisoned, I will retract it best I can. You, useless wolf, will follow any directions Sakuya gives and until then you will wait silently behind him - perhaps with a towel since you've gotten so good at that."

The last words came in false sweetness as the released his ear. Ryuu stood straight and rubbed his ear, glaring at the back of the evil woman for a moment. He did not hate being merely a footman - in fact, he liked not having the responsibility, not to mention giving Sakuya a hard enough time.

Kaede paused, causing Ryuu to suddenly halt when she turned to glance back at him, "I shall go ahead to see how Kaori is fairing. Please do not get ... distracted."

Yeah, yeah ... Ryuu continued following the scent of his beloved butler after Kaede made her way down a different path. Taking a solemn stance while silently waiting on the bumbling maid to finally show up with the kitsune, Ryuu inwardly felt amusement as he reached for a towel to drape over his arm while he dead-pan stared at Sakuya without saying a word.

Kaori had a little trouble dragging out the futon mattress by herself being so small, but she managed - unceremoniously dragging it over to the center of the guest room and heavily dumping the end she carried with a sudden release of the breath she didn't know she was holding. Kaede appeared at the open screen just as Kaori was readjusting her disheveled uniform. The younger girl froze as their eyes met, then she glanced down at the heap of futon and blankets she left messily piled on top. Immediately, she fell to her knees in a bow, her hands falling to the disorganized mess of bedding. "I'm so sorry! It was so heavy --"

"It's quite alright, Kaori," Kaede came into the room and began to readjust the futon at the opposite end where Kaori collapsed. The younger girl lifted when she felt the movement and looked quizzically to the housekeeper. The elder smiled, "I've come to help, not criticize. The mistress called all of us, so that must mean all our efforts be used. Please, straighten your end and do not worry."

Kaori nodded as she wiped away a tear that had formed on one of her lids before helping Kaede prepare the bedding. "Shall I get the medicinal herbs for burning?"

"Excellent idea," Kaede smiled as she straightened her posture and placed a finger to her cheek in thought, watching the girl bustle down the hallway. With a content sigh, she silently thanked the gods she didn't get stuck with Ryuu and Momoko for monitoring, at least Kaori made up for her overwhelming insecurity with terribly good work - plus, Kaede had Haruki, who surprisingly put all the under-staff to shame at times. Glancing out the window and seeing that night was falling, she wondered if the gardener made it back yet.
Aw, it's alright. I still celebrated when I saw. Hehe. I am actually away for the weekend, so I am not sure if I'll fit in a post before Sunday night - friend's graduation - but perhaps. :)
Hahah, okay. It's fine. I took today off since I had a doctor's appointment so I'll be around some of the day. :)
Or non-existing? Hehe. Just kidding. Really, it's fine - enjoy your vacation. I'm pretty understanding of life-stuff.
Oooh, I thought you got into trouble for something and your parents weren't letting you online. Haha. Well, that's fine - no worries. I'll be around whenever you get back.
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