Avatar of Aalakrys


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
My guinea pig has gone on to the great hay pile in the cosmos. I’ll miss him.
6 yrs ago
So I got married today
6 yrs ago
My fiance just told me he ate my left over slice of pie. This engagement is over.
6 yrs ago
If you're nocturnal, every day is the day you sleep.
6 yrs ago
I don't know anything about Mahz, but I'd ~really~ like to have that vacation time off from work. (That banner has been there a while, yeah? =P)


  • 18+ = RP Partner Must Be 18+
  • Female, writes MxM, FxM, FxF
  • My Typical Response Time (minimum) = One to two days for OOC, RPs could vary but will respond at least once a week, probably more.
  • Typically High-Cas, sometimes Advanced. Can do Casual though it's painful.
  • Friendly = OOC always chatty if partner wants
  • Roleplaying Limits = will not do torture, rape/molestation, etc actively. My characters might have it in their past though.
  • I like romance. I like depressing romance with a happy ending the best. Slow burns are usually preferred, unless otherwise specified.
  • If there is romance, I'm ok with fade-to-black or giving details.
  • Romance isn't necessary to write with me.
  • Respecting the individuality of our characters is necessary to write with me.

1x1 Interest Checks

Most Recent Posts

The reaction was more telling than her grin, Penelope thought as she sheathed her smile by way of coffee mug. Poor Abbs, she thought in amusement, as she watched the girl collect herself. It was a good cover, though maybe unnecessary worry given medicine and recovery that need not be wasted as an excuse. Definitely one to get a much different look, though. Lips pressed and brow crinkled. "How 'bout we start off the day of light work lettin' Hook make ya breakfast, 'ey Abbs? Ain't need to pull a stitch 'fore ya had eggs."

What happened to Miss Easy-Goes? Penelope signed softly, her light smile at the end of her last suggestion still in place as she ran a hand through her hair at her scalp. "I gotta get out of here if I'm going to get back in time for my own pre-flight punchlist. Hook, I'm puttin' ya in charge of wranglin' your fellow deckhand if she gets too lively."

She'd mostly been teasing, but part of her chidin' was meant a gentle reminder. Abby'd been out and about walkin' way more than she should, and less sleep than required wouldn't make up for it. Stubborn girl. Reminded Penelope of herself a few years back in that regard.
Shortest reply ever from me. Broke my record of two paragraphs. xD
The pilot's smile turned from one deckhand to the other. "Morning, Abbs! I was figurin' you'd sleep in today some."

The smile Penelope stretched into a toothy grin at that, saying' all she didn't say aloud. Ya know, on account of your late-night galavanting, an' all.

A Tiefling historian... Rinx had not expected that, and honestly thought the coin would be demanded returned at that. The bard did actually like telling stories, so he was not bothered by being taken up on his offer. The moon elf guise showed as much in her pleasantly surprised expression. The changeling could tell this patron was interested, but seemed to already be forming opinions from his posture. To any elf, the tale of the Crown Wars was a staple of their history rooted in Faerûn "Oh, sir, it is not such a tale as to simply say it was destroyed. It's foundation and destruction is on the very cusp of dawning elven history in Faerûn. Orishaar is one of many ancient elven kingdoms destroyed during the Crown Wars, you see. Those that fell during the Second War, which sparked while the charred embers of the first still burned red, had been targeted for dark purpose."

The moon elf held up one finger, indicating that she was not done. There was much to this tale, but the importance of its roots had to be made clear. "I am sure that your ancestors of Bael Turath could draw a comparison. You see, the instigators of the conflict that destroyed the Moon Elf kingdom of Orishaar were none other than the Ilythiir, the ancestors of the Lolth-sworn drow today. Lolth used her power to seduce the dark elves toward evil, her corruption starting that far back in history."

The moon elf sighed at that, not in that of pity but rather being caught up in the story and realizing it. She smiled at the tiefling again. "But, you asked of the Moon Elves, not our drow cousins. The conflict of the Second Crown Wars began in -11700DR and on further destruction of moon elf kingdoms continued. Our people became more nomadic, adventurous, as time went on due to time and again nations and cities falling, though a few have survived to today. Orishaar's ruins were lost to time in the Duskwood, which was lost to the deserts of Shaar."

A conclusion spun from the start of the story was always the best way to end. "Valna" had clasped her hands before her, smile returned. "Do you find that rendition worthy of the silver you parted with, sir?
I somehow missed the IC post - so sorry! Will get ya a post tomorrow now that the side-project I was working on is done. ^^
Joint post with @Gunther

Sharin' Stories over Breakfast

Unlike the day previous, Penelope had woken fresh and clean since she’d had mind to stop in the showers before hitting the bunk. That lazy smile of hers curled as she uncurled her body, stretching out to feel the soft sheets on her bare legs and arms before lifting a hand free of the patchwork quilt to pull it off her head.

Her hair was still damp from the night before, but without the sea salt and sand. Falling asleep with it wet had left her brown locks wavy with no discernible formula to it at all. The orange strip had faded away so the mess could pass as planned, she decided as she fluffed it in the mirror once.

Mind already moving onto the day’s task at hand before slipping into her pilot’s chair, she knew she had to get started if she wanted time for a nap. Her plans hadn’t included shopping again until Cal mentioned the temperature of the ship. For reasons not quite shared with many folk, all she owned was what she carried in that backpack. The restart to her life had been with O’Malley and his crew. They hadn’t been anywhere that warranted a winter wardrobe, so she was short a few things in that department.

But, as was with every morning, the first order of business was breakfast. Maybe she’d run into someone else who had need of a shopping trip in the galley. It would be nice to have some social time before she was rooted to the flight deck for a spell. Though, she did have Sam, and she was good company, Penelope was growing accustomed to the crew of the China Doll.

That realization had her biting her lip as she pulled up her orange-pallette boho-style of a jumpsuit. It wouldn’t do to go getting too attached, she reminded herself as she fastened the sleeveless straps and slipped into her flats. But… she countered her own thoughts as she conjured Abby layin’ there on her bed asking for advice, this ain’t the same…

Abby was genuine. Though Penelope could question herself on anyone else aboard, she was entirely, 100% without a doubt, sure of the younger girl. She thought she’d been that sure about others before, but, lookin’ back, it was easy to see how naive she’d been. How easy it was to blindly follow someone she admired. Loved. Loved?

Naw, she’d gone a long time without thinkin’ about it, and she wouldn’t now. Tellin’ what she had to the Cap’n must’ve gotten her mind goin’, was all. Some breakfast and shoppin’, then maybe a nap, that was the plan - all she needed to worry on. No sense in thinkin’ on the past and what ya can’t change, no sense in worryin’ about a future ya can’t see. Just here and now. One day at a time.

Breakfast, she reminded herself, and her smile pushed away that pensive expression as she started up the ladder without difficulty. It was early, so more like she’d just had a long nap, and didn’t miss breakfast at all. Last night had been nice - eating with everyone for once rather than strollin’ through after the masses already ate. Wonder who’ll be in there at this hour...

Not the first mate, she smirked, definitely needed a much longer sleep from the way he smelled. Took a bit to get that out of a system, and a lot of hydration. Hopefully Abby was resting, and the Skyes probably stayed up late again… maybe the doctor - what was her name again? Or Hook the Cook, as the blue-haired Skye called him - what was her name? Should prob'ly learn their names.

That thought got a breath of a chuckle as she crossed into the galley to see if breakfast was a served up thing or just a grab-and-go. Either way, tea was needed, so she'd start there.

Joe had been cleaning the kitchen as he did regularly this time of day. The Captain and the doctor had already passed through, ate their meals and left. He hadn’t seen the Skyes or the first mate yet. Abby was undoubtedly resting as she should be. He heard someone outside the galley making their way to the galley.’

Hook smiled when he saw the pilot. “Hello Miss Penny, what would you like for breakfast?” Hook had the griddle all heated up and ready to drop eggs, pancakes or whatever she may want.

“Mornin’, Hook.” Pen said with a sleepy little wave before she moved along the counter for a mug to pour some hot water in. “Let me get the tea a’steepin’ and give it a think. I ain’t quite used to a cook, truth be told. Didn’t get a chance to tell ya last night’s meal was some of tha best fish I ever had.”

She turned then as she dropped the steel leaf trap into the steaming mug, leaning back against the counter it sat atop. “Ya always like cookin’ for other folks?”

It was a question of curiosity, nothing more. As per usual, her lips curved pleasantly as she waited watched Hook get the preparings for others who might stroll on through. There was less folk on the China Doll, and less structure, but Penelope preferred it.

“Ah enjoy cookin’, if that’s what yew mean, shore,” Hook responded. “Ah learned to cook from the lady o’ the house ah grew up in. She taught me and her daughter, who was also a Penny.” Joe figured he could crack a few eggs in some bowls just to have them ready for scrambling or frying. “It does calm me to cook. Ah guess it gives me a degree of peace, preparing a meal, blending the ingredients and cooking the meal, makes me feel good. Then when folk compliment my efforts, that helps too.” Hook smiled at the pilot, paused and added, “Thank you. I appreciate it.”

Penelope returned the grin, of course. She could see the rhythm of what he meant, how it could be soothing to a soul that needed a bit of tendin'. Handiworks had helped her in that way. After a beat of stirring the leaves and watching the water tint swirl, she found herself sharing just as easily as Hook had. "My clan of people figure on inner peace bein' all the need a man has in life. Bein' one with the gift of nature, and respectin' all it offers. I was a bit ah trouble for 'em, too adventurous, they said. But, even me as a kid can calm and steady when given somethin' to do with my hands. Never thought about cookin' that way till ya made it sound right poetic."

She weren't teasin'. The last few years tampered that wilder, impulsive side of hers down tight. Did a lot of introspection. Came to appreciate the here and now so she could really be at peace in it.

“Yes, ma’am,” Hook nodded. “You be right, Miss Penny. I like those remarks about your clan. That seems real nice. Everyone needs a clan.” Hook smiled on that notion. A clan to him was a family. That is what you need in life. “Also appreciate the inner peace. I can get behind that.” Although inner peace was somewhat elusive to Joe Hooker. His head was always twirling in so many directions. Having something to focus on helped, but his head was twisted in ways he may never be able to fix. He guessed one of these days he’d snap...again. He’d done it before. When his demons came out.

“You know Miss Penny. You are nothing like mah other Miss Penny. She had long dark hair, dark eyes, slender face and pouty lips. She was the most beautiful creature ah ever met, both on ta’ outside and inners. Ah shore do miss her. She and her kin were killed by the purple bellies near the end of the war.” Joe Hooker lost his smile after that reflection. “But you don’t need to hear another sad tale. Tell me about what you did on your day off from flying this ship.”

Penelope had thought Hook seemed like the type to understand, not look at her all sideways for the simplicity of her people and their harmonious notions. She was glad to see she’d been right. Man who could shoot another man without hesitation could understand, seemed like more folk could. But it wasn’t somethin’ she worried herself over - or judged anyone by. Her people also weren’t the judging sort. She was glad to have gotten the best parts from her teachers, at the very least, even if she’d been late to the lesson.

When Hook spoke up about his Penny, hazel eyes turned back from the mug once more. They studied the man as he gave almost lovin’ words graciously, and softened sadly with the conclusion of her fate. It’d been said almost as one would tell a story from long ago, but she could tell somehow it might not have been as far past in his heart.

The change of subject hadn’t surprised her, not really. She picked up some sweetener and liberally poured it into the steaming mug to cool it, letting it blend with the herbal leaves. “I spent some time up the island a ways, on a beach, shellin’. Got Abby a real nice one, and quite a haul to trade when we get to Greenleaf. My people like trades, ‘specially from off-world.”

She flashed a grin to Hook before takin’ a careful test sip of her tea. Just fine, she decided, and moved over to be out of his work area just in case he needed the room, but stayed in sight. “Met some locals. Was goin’ to go wind-surfin’, but got distracted with a project and some delicious food.”

She winked at that, compliments to the chef again. “Ain’ goin’ nowhere, so I’ll get to it next time I’m here, I’m sure. What ‘bout you, Hook? Get into anythin’ in your shore leave aside from catchin' dinner, or stick around the Doll the whole time 'tween?”

“The Doll, that’s great,” Hook gave a toothy grin. “Ah like that nickname.” He nodded to her. “Ah did indeed stick around the Doll. The Captain and I went out fishing on ta’ first day. Ah will admit that also was very calming. He caught five of the fish and I only caught three. But it was a wonderful experience being out near the lake. Like your beach trip, being near the water is always calming. Ah do prefer it.”

Hook looked at the grill and the bowls of egg. “Miss Penny, what would you like to eat?”

Oh, she remembered, food. The conversation while she waited on her tea had been nice, she'd forgotten he'd been waiting to start something for her. Wasn't used to it. "I like veggies and eggs. Can ya do me up an omelette, please?"

Helen would be proud to know she had some sort of manners. Might not believe it.

“No problem, Miss Penny,” Hook responded, then turned to the preparation table. “How about onion, green pepper, mushrooms? And maybe some cheese?” Joe simply pulled out a few of the vegetables and a knife, beginning to chop them into small pieces.

“That sounds real nice - we got any leafy greens? Meant to ask Cap’n about the Hydroponics…” Penelope mused aloud before taking a sip of her tea. Greenleaf would have all sorts of seeds. She’d have to make a list, if all turned out alright.

Joe finished chopping up the ingredients. I beat up the eggs with some milk then poured the mix onto the grill. He allowed the egg to begin to harden up, then scattered the chopped peppers, onion and mushrooms over the mix. When the egg was a bit more solid, he started to fold the edges up over the top. He allowed it to cook a few minutes longer then flipped it over.

“The Captain mentioned the hydroponics before we left Persephone, but it wasn’t complete. Maybe we can work on that when we reach Greenleaf. We can get some spinach and kale, maybe broccoli and a few other vegetables. Ah had some asparagus but used that last night.”

When the omelet was ready, he scooped it up, slid it onto a dinner plate and set it at the table for the ship’s pilot. “Here you go, Miss Penny. Breakfast is served.”

Penelope had moved over to have a seat at the table, sippin’ at her hot tea, and watching the chef do his work. Seemed like he was in his element, so she didn't want to disturb him. Before she knew it, the omelet was sizzled up real good sittin' pretty before her.

“Thank ya, Hook, smells wonderful.” She smiled up at him. “Ya ate anythin’ yourself yet?”

“Thank you, Miss Penny. I had my breakfast two hours ago.” Joe turned to the coffee pot, picked up his mug, poured a cup, then turned to take a seat at the galley table. He sipped from the mug and felt the taste was still good. He could clean up a bit later. He expected more of the crew would wake up and want to eat soon.

From having watched the fella at his work, and the way he’d been reminiscing a little bit previous, Penelope wondered how much was tusslin’ around in that head of his. The way he’d go quiet between tasks, his eyes check out… she’d seen it before. Felt for him, despite tryin’ her best not to form attachments to folks. Her words were comin’ out before her mouth could hold them in. "Ya know Hook, I wouldn't mind one bit hearin' any of your tales - sad or not. Sometimes it helps - to talk about it, make it hurt less or maybe figure somethin’ out."

Joe sat at the table with his mug cupped between both hands. He stared at the wall across the room as if in a trance. He lifted the mug to his lips and took a sip. A sigh brushed past his lips signifying a form of surrender. It made Penelope think she’d gone done crossed a line in invading privacy, but just as she was about to apologize, he started speaking.

“When ah was small, there was a boy on ta McGinnis farm named Leonard. Mr. McGinnis called him Lenny. If one of us called him Lenny, he would beat us. There were seven of us boys plus Leonard.” Joe stared into the wall across the table. He took another sip. “Leonard was the oldest. He came to the farm first. Obviously, he had been abused before he was orphaned. He wanted us to call him Leo. So, we called him Leo.” Joe gulped more coffee before continuing, allowing an uncomfortable lengthy pause. “Leo beat the daylights out of me. I might have been six or seven, ah can’t remember how old ah was. Ah might have been older. He kicked me betwixt the legs. ah doubled over in pain falling to the ground. He then proceeded to kick me all over. He kicked me everywhere. I had a bloody nose and bruises all over when he was done. Leo was at least a teenager. He was more than a head taller ‘an me. He was mean. A bully if you will. Just an angry boy and he was going to take all that anger out on me and my brothers. But his torture caused the rest of us to bond tightly; brothers formed by misery.”

“Penny was a ray of sunshine in a dismal existence.” Joe thought that last comment over more. “Ah shouldn’t say that. Not everything living on the farm was bad. It was just Leo. but he raped a girl in town and then kilt her. He went to jail ah think, then died in jail. He was juss angry. He also taught the rest of us to fight. Ah don’ know if it was his intention or if he just wanted to release all that pent up anger, but he taught us to fight. Kind of the way a dad drops a child into a lake to teach em to swim.”

“When ah was eleven or twelve, Mrs. McGinnis invited me into her kitchen to learn to cook. We started with baked goods, cookies, cakes, pies, muffins, and breads. Then she taught us some rubs and marinades, soups, and more detailed ways of preparing meats. Eventually, we learned some more complex recipes involving varying temperatures and cooking some parts of a dish separately. Anyway, Penny and ah became close during our cooking classes. She and ah shared everything together. She was mah best friend. Ah knew when ah was about 18 or 19 years old that ah loved her. She was not mah real sister. Besides, she was white, an ah am black. No way we were real siblings.” Joe chuckled at that idea.

Joe pictured Penny in his mind, sipped the coffee. “She was taller’n you, maybe average height for a woman. The lass time ah saw her, we were in our early 20s. Mah brothers and ah were about to head off to war with the Heran Militia. Ah remember mah last night on the farm. We were alone and ah was starin’ into her eyes. We both had tears streaming down our faces. We did not know when we would see each other again or ever. Ah wanted to kiss her, but her mother walked in on us. We abruptly parted and I blurted that I needed to go pack. She wasn’t there in the morning when we left. That was the last ah saw of her. I thought of her often when ah was fightin’ them purple bellies.”

“When the war ended, my brothers were all gone. There were only a few survivors left from the fight in Serenity Valley. I wanted to go back to the farm. But the closer ah got to the farm, the more ah learned about what had happened. The purple bellies had taken over the farm and killed the family that lived there. The McGinnis’ were all gone. Ah was the sole survivor. No one survived from that farm, but me.”

“Ah wandered around Hera for a spell, trying to find direction. I drank a lot back then. Whiskey, wine, beer, whatever I could find. I got into a lot of fights too; beat plenty of men cuz ah knew how to fight. And ah was angry. A Shepherd gave me some wise advice. To find peace within me first then, ah could more easily deal with my past. So, ah hitched a ride on a passing freighter. Served as a deck hand and cook. Ah’ve been doin’ that ever since.”

“But Penny? She was beautiful. She had a great sense of humor, a lively wit; the life of the party. Ah shore do miss her.” Joe looked at the pilot and smiled, “Fortunately, you do not look like her.” Joe meant that last comment more as a relief that she did not remind her of Penny, just the name.

“So tell me about your clan.” Joe looked at Penelope Randall.

Somewhere along the story, Penelope had stopped eating without noticing. As he spoke, she could see it unfold as if she were watchin’ a picture. And it was heartbreakin’. Her lot in life hadn’t been easy, but it sure hadn’t been that hard. When he turned the question on her, she gathered her fallen expression and gulped against the tightness in her throat. “That… sounded like it was a hard time, Joe. Real hard…”

Since he’d turned the topic, she wasn’t sure how much he’d want her lingering on it, but her brows knit before those hazel eyes turned back on him. “Did ya… ever look for Penny? I know ya said the folk on the farm had been, well, murdered an’ all. But ya also said she weren’t around when ya left. Maybe she wadn’t there?”

That’s just like you, Pen - bein’ hopeful. Always finding the silver-lining. That thought wasn’t her own, but a voice of disdain she heard every time she cared enough. Been hearing a lot more lately, but she brushed it away. Wasn’t about her - never was. Instead, she held her gaze on Hook in there here-and-now.

Joe couldn’t meet her eyes. His expression, placid. “Yea, mebee she still alive. I been thinkin’ an hopin that for the past twelve years or so. Ah don’ even know how long it has been.” Joe sipped his coffee. “Ah did look for her and her brother, Walter. Ah never saw either of them. Anyone and everyone ah spoke to, tole me they was dead.”

That last bit had Penelope biting her lip, thinkin’. She knew that if someone didn’t want to be found, the best way to make it happen was make everyone that knew you think you were dead. Maybe Walter and Penny didn’t figure on anyone good in their life bein’ alive to come lookin’. She sighed, and picked up her fork. “Well, I do hope they’re out there, Hook. I do. Ain’t right to have lost everyone like that.”

“Ah agree, Miss Penny. Ah agree.” Joe thought to himself for a few minutes, “but that form of hope is painful.

Penelope gave a sad smile down at what was left of her omelette. “I know.”

But when she glanced back up at him, cheer was back on her features. “Ya asked about my clan? All of Greenleaf is mostly jungle ‘cept the one massive city cut right into the green. There’s all sorts livin’ in the jungle still, refusin’ to move on into the city. Barefoot folk, is what the city folk call us. Well, I’m a transplant. Was born just before my family moved to the city, then ended up back out in the jungle for a spell. Ain’t rightly fit in either world, wantin’ to be in the black an’ all.”

She waved a hand at that and continued, “But anyway, my clan took me on when I was about … maybe nine, maybe eleven. Tree folk - safer livin’ up there than on the forest floor, ‘specially at night. Most clans out in the jungle live in the trees. Simple way of life, really. They’re peaceful tradesmen. Give thanks to the spirit of the jungle for all its bounties. When I left, the Alliance was tryin’ to weed ‘em out. There were skirmishes over the forest - that’s where all the medicinal plants are, ah course. Them purps don’t respect the forest, so even peaceful folk will go to war to protect it. Ain’t did too good without weapons, ‘least till the city folk sympathizers started helpin’.”

Penelope took a bite, pausing as she chewed and thought. “Got all sorts now workin’ against the Alliance. Smugglers, guerrilla agents… it escalated for a while, but tampered down on account of not wanting to damage the forest. The clans actually united on that, became nomads on their own planet. Shameful, the way the Alliance disrespects an entire planet and its people.”

It was the closest to being worked up Penelope had been in a while, heat coming out in her words. She sighed, closed her eyes, then opened them again to look at Hook. “They’re good folk, my clan.”

“Sounds like you had a good rearin’ in the trees. Yo not fear a the heights then, arn’t ya?” Joe was smiling again, happy to listen to Penelope and not telling his woes. “Yo right about the purple bellies. They be messin’ wit too many folks lives. It is awful.”

Penelope laughed a little about the question about heights, shaking her head as she did so. Quite the opposite. The levity of that notion didn’t fade all that much with the comment on the Alliance. She’d been good at avoiding feelings for a while, even if she was gettin’ more tangled up these days. “Ya know what ain’t though? This here omelette. Been a long time since I had one so good. Thank ya, Hook. If it were up to me, I’d have chewy eggs and burnt cheese.”

Inwardly, Rinx sighed at the response he'd received. A talker, and a curious one at that. But, a tiefling, not a human. Now that Rinx had his moon elf eyes on the fellow properly, he could see the horns in the mess of dark hair. Curious. Not many tieflings collected in this small town, he'd assumed, and here he was walking right up to one. Given his work, it wouldn't be hard for Rinx to figure out where this one lie in the realm of morality, but he might very well tell him as chatty as he seemed.

Elf lips were already set into a pleasant smile from when Rinx had asked the question, not quite slipping away as he received the surpisingly lengthy answer. Instead, it spread to show amused teeth as delicate fingers reached for the coin and he spoke with the female voice curated for performance. "You must not have much experience with moon elves or bards, good sir, for we are a wandering folk. I myself, named one Valna Moonsong, have traveled here from Waterdeep only this morning. However, for this coin, I shall tell you the story of the formation of Orishaar since it is far more interesting than my journey. Or perhaps its destruction during the Crown Wars?"

Moon elf history. It could have been an insult to the tiefling's curiosity, should Rinx not spin it properly with guile. As it was, it was delivered as if a platter offered of a tale.
Okay, I apologize so profusely! My last few nights have been pretty rough with my little teether. I'm working on a reply right now!
Poor Isaac </3
Out of order post - to be read after Hook/Cyd Cargo Bay post

Breaking Curfew

JP with @sail3695

The entire flight back, Penelope made good on keeping her mind clear of anything. She was relaxed, sleepy, and content - all the exhilaration of the impending storm’s winds blending with a mighty fine beach tussle had wound down. That was as far as her mind wandered - just on the present as she navigated the night sky. Not even an image of the sun-kissed pretty boy made it through. Now though, she sat in the pilot’s chair of the docked shuttle for a moment after stretching out fully only to end up looking at her tanned wrist. The only sound she could hear was the ticks of the engine cooling, but her mind played the sound of the ocean.

Bound about her wrist was white line tied into a square knot. It contrasted nicely, she thought, as she traced over the sporadic pattern of blue laced in. And it was a nice cord, at least 3/8 inch and double-braided. A sailor’s line, Gavin had explained as he tied it on. She wouldn’t have expected less of a seasoned regatta sailor, and it was pretty. But even as he looped it on, tying the off end in a butterfly knot so the frayed ends dangled down, she couldn’t help but think what she could use the line for.

And here she was again, allowing herself just a minute to wonder. Maybe it was just in her vagabond nature... Or maybe she wasn’t meant for romantic notions like the hope of returning to the planet soon to see a certain face, like the youngest Skye. She might have gently scolded the captain for unintentionally trying to snuff that out by being honest, but she agreed with Cal to some degree. Helen said she hadn’t met the right fella yet. But it was more the opposite; she met the wrong fella first, and that was enough. Wouldn’t go around ruining the fun for anyone else though, whether it was a drunken night of passion that left marks or innocent dates along the seaside harbor town.

The cord easily slipped loose with a gentle tug on the release of the line, the fantasy of the previous hour or so falling away with it. Moments were best left simple, otherwise the perfection of them got all mucked up. She sighed, that gentle smile returning as she lifted herself up from the chair and made her way to the exit, winding the length of cord around her fingers.

Abby waited a good long while fer the door’s echo tah fade an’ die. Such an abrupt sound; ain’t no way tah muffle when heavy metal strikes heavy metal an’ them locks engage. Best tah do it quick an’ have an excuse all ready if’n she was tah come face tah face with the Cap’n. Or worse yet, tha doc.

When Penelope stepped down onto the catwalk though, she caught a curious sight for the time of night wandering through the cargo bay. Abbs was headin’ towards where she’d made a room for herself. Penelope might not of thought nothin’ of it considering how restless the girl seemed to be had she not been carrying a duffle bag and the sound of the ship closing up from below hadn’t been what made her look down in the first place.

Leaning against bars with folded arms on the guardrail, Penelope held the line in a palm all-but forgotten about as she called down. “Thought the doc and cap’n alike ordered ya on bed rest, missy.”

If the gently amused tone of her voice wasn’t indication enough, mayhaps the grin on her slightly sandy face was enough to tell Abby she was only teasing. Penelope understood more than most the need to be able to move around at-will, and she hadn’t heard the self-scolding Abby’d given herself, so she was all smiles. As was usual. “Need any help with that bag you’re luggin’?”

When nobody showed, Abby had counted her blessin’s an’ started across tha cargo bay. Though her pi gu complained with ever’ step, the girl kept movin’. The fella in them spy shows had somethin’ tah offer ‘bout findin’ cover, but when yer out in tha open such as she was, best move was tah act natural ‘bout bein’ there an’ jest movin like yah owned tha place. So, she walked, Queen Of The Deck, knowin’ where she’s goin’ an’ bein’ all in charge.

Leastways, til tha sound ‘o’ Pen’s voice brought tha house ‘o’ cards spinnin’ asunder.

”Thought the doc and cap’n alike ordered ya on bed rest, missy.”

That much was true, an’ ever’body ‘cept Perfessor Marquina was there tah hear it. Odds was powerful long against her makin’ it. She seen that now. Busted, she was. Straight up.

”...When you’re a spy, you have to have a plan for mission failure. It may be time to face the music, but you can at least call the tune…”

Abby looked up. Pen was standin’ at tha rail, a right cheshire cat grin on ‘er as she gazed down. She seen the mischief in the woman’s eye, an’ conjured that a positive. Mayhaps she wasn’t gonna spend the night gettin’ lambasted by both the Cap’n and the Doc.

The fun on Pen’s face become nigh on infectious. Abby set her load down an’ thawed her hands in tha air. “Yah got me. Fair an’ square.”

“Need any help with that bag you’re luggin’?”

“Lighter’n it looks,” the girl slung her duffel once again to her shoulder. “Got a few clothes I’s short. So, yah haulin’ me afore tha Cap’n?”

Pen gave a fair chuckle at the response, leaning back the full length of her arms as her hands held tight to the bar. The felt good to stretch out the joints after sittin' a spell in the cockpit, but that wasn't what she was focusin' on. Considering, or at least pretending to, but she shrugged. “Don’t see no need on rousin’ the Cap’n, I reckon…”

She went back against the rail with an elbow, head tilted a bit. “We never got tah sit around, and I see ya done gone and got half a tan there without me. Couldn’ta done that this late at night. Where abouts you goin’ clothes shoppin’ after dark when them Skyes and us coulda had a trip out ‘fore going to Greenleaf? Think they were green for it.”

Abby conjured best not tah answer that’n where them Skyes was concerned. She moved tah her shoppin’ instead. “Met a fella,” she give a smile. “I gotta limp up there tah tell yah or yew comin’ down here?”

The mention of a fella had Penelope’s grin spreading, but she didn’t tease - not about that. Instead, she tapped the handrail once and said: “Be down in a sec.”

It didn’t take the pilot long since she went a little faster than her usual casual stroll, all interested in this story as she was. When she reached the landing and crossed over the base of the cargo hold to join Abby, she stopped to place one hand on her hip and held the other outstretched for the bag. The line she’d been holding got tucked away in her pocket. It didn’t even occur to her that she’d left a nice bit of cuddlin' for sleep, and here she was wide awake and ready to hear details. It'd been a while since she'd had a friend, but that'd come to her later on. “Give it here. I ain’t gonna tell the doc or Cap’n, but can’t rightly go lettin’ you stay on your feet any longer. You can tell me all about this fella on the way to bed.”

Not one tah make disobedience her way, Abby did as she’s told. “Thank yew,” she said as tha duffel slipped onta Pen’s shoulder. “I’m back this way.” She set off, limpin,’ thought if anyone asked she’d swear its’ gettin’ better. “Met this fella, name ‘o’ Thomas,” she told the tale as they headed past the medbay. “We had a couple drinks. He’s busted flat, so I paid…”

“This story is already promising…” Pen teased amicably, following only behind Abby. Since she was well practiced in strolling, it wasn’t an issue of slowing down at all. It also let her assess Abby’s condition without being obvious. She'd have somethin' to say if the girl resisted, but she wasn't putting up a fight. “Drinks ended up in a shoppin’ trip?”

“Well...yeah...but not what I ‘spected. I’m up this way.” Abby turned fer tha starboard passage. They’s only a couple rooms set fer passengers on this side. Aftmost of ‘em all was a small compartment got shelves fer storage of beddin’, towels, an’ cleanin’ supplies. The deckhand slid the door an’ made her way past the shelves. “My room,” she nodded. “But Thomas...felt all bad ‘bout me buyin’ his drinks. Turns out his fam’ly runs a marine outfitter business. They got boat parts an’ stuff fer crew...includin’ clothes.”

“That all sounds pretty straightforward.” Penelope passed the duffle over at the doorway, but didn't give her answer immediately. She spoke after a moment of mulling it over, eyes roving the small space idly as she considered, but the smile returned to her tone as she added: “Don’t explain that li’l smile you flashed when you said you met a fella though.”

Abby set the duffel aside, With her hand on the bulkhead fer steadyin’, she lowered herself onta the bunk, a smile creepin’ up that even the few quick stings of pain couldn’t snuff. “Pen...he was so….nice,” she propped herself inta a corner. “Kinda smartassed...we teased each other tha whole time. But...he wants tah keep in touch, an’ take me sailin’ next time we’re here.”

Seein’ Abby all soft over what seemed to be an innocent enough night out had Penelope feelin’ right happy for her. She leaned back against the door frame, foot lifting to hold her balance there, not wanting to get any sand in the small room. “That’s mighty nice. Reckon it was worth the risk of gettin’ caught by the doc or cap’n… “

But then her smile faltered for a moment, and her brow knit. The pilot reached up to rub some sand that’d been itching now that it was dryin’ off the back of her neck beneath her hair. She was thinkin’, replaying Abby’s story. “Ya went out for drinks by your lonesome, then ended up meetin’ a fella who took ya clothes shoppin’...”

Then her hazel eyes looked back up with concern, not quite putting together any suspicious activity and rather favorin' worry instead. “If you’re hurtin’ enough to need some drinks, ya know the doc would give ya somethin’, right? Ain’t no reason to be proud, Abbs. You took a bullet.”

Abby shook ‘er head, wipin’ tha air with a hand. “Weren’t nothin’ like that, I promise.” She pulled her ident card. “So much happenin’ fer me of late...bounced off my old boat an’ ever’thin’ here on China Doll, I clean fergot it’s my birthday. Eighteen’s legal fer a drink on New Melbourne. Thought I’d try me one, then see if’n I could find some socks an’ unders.”

“It’s your birthday?” Penelope’s concern melted into surprise, creases of her wide eyes rounding full at the news. “Why didn’t ya say somethin’ at dinner? Bet Hook woulda made you a right nice cake.”

“Kinda fell outta tha habit ‘o’ celebratin,” Abby said. “Last few years on Mariposa...that’s muh old boat...my Uncle Bob weren’t pickin’ hisself up after Aunt Lupe passed. Spent much of my time keepin’ him an’ his boat together. Fer true I didn’t conjure the day til my ident slipped outta muh pocket.” She regained her smile. “But it was nice.”

“Well…” Penelope hesitated, not wanting to wipe the smile off Abby’s face but she felt a bit protective of the younger girl. “I’m glad it turned out nice, I am, but Abbs… it ain’t safe for a girl to go off to a bar alone for a drink. ‘Specially port towns like this ‘un. You were mighty lucky to have found a nice fella… even if he did help ya shop for nickers.”

The last comment got a twitch from Penelope’s lips, the firmness of her tone softening to hopefully relay that she wasn’t scoldin’ but more expressing concern. All she meant was kindness in her smile, and worry. Abby didn’t seem to know a whole lot about the world, even as grown as she seemed at times. “Next time ya want to go out for drinks, make sure someone you trust is with ya, okay?”

Abby heard Pen out. Fer a moment, she thought tah give tha Colt on ‘er hip a pat an’ say somethin’ all spy soundin’ like “I wasn’t alone.” Dirk Piston woulda said that, she’s sure...when he wasn’t wastin’ pages nailin’ women spies. She seen the look in Pen’s eye, and conjured the care she’s tellin’ was all true an’ honest. One thing she knew fer sure was that kinda concern...fer somebody like her...was somethin’ she’d treasured in her life. “I promise,” she offered a solemn nod.

“Good.” Penelope grinned brightly at that. She was big on promises, and knew that not everyone kept theirs like she tended to do, but she immediately believed Abby. “So how ya going to go about keepin’ in touch with this sailor boy name 'o' Thomas?”

She hadn’t moved from the door frame, but her posture had relaxed, and she was genuinely interested in knowing Abby’s plan. It wasn’t a ‘have you thought about this’ continuation of seriousness, but rather more supportive - just as she’d been about Isaac’s little bloomin' romance. It made her feel good to know that people had them, to see young love.

“Tole him I’m savin’ up fer a cortex,” the girl said. “Git a few good runs under muh belt an’ hold mah money back, shouldn’t take me too long afore I’m sendin’ him pitchers ‘o’ what I draw.” Her smile faded a touch, til her face took on a serious cast. “Pen...can I ask yew somethin’ sorta personal?”

It had been quite some time since Penelope was willing to share anything about herself, and the question threw her off-guard just a little only in that she immediately knew the answer. “Of course, Abbs.”

The deckhand’s eyes dropped as she struggled over her words. “Yer few years older’n me,” Abby worked herself toward the courage tah come out with it. “Yah’ve...yah’ve….kissed…..a fella or two?”

Penelope found herself having to rein in the laugh of surprise that almost made its way out. She definitely didn’t want Abby to feel laughed at, especially given this was obviously a big moment for her, and she certainly wasn’t doing such a thing. Here she was, covered in sand and salt from doing quite a bit more than kissing on a beach, and being asked so shyly if anything more innocent than that had ever happened in her life.

“One or two,” Penelope managed to answer after a moment of thinking of how to say it, absently fidgeting with the length of line in her pocket. At her age, she should be able to remember the number, and probably could if she allowed herself to think on those perfect moments, but it was easier to leave them as they were. “Did this happen with Thomas?”

Abby seen Pen’s own tribulation. She’s all set tah apologize fer such a rude question when the pilot come back and landed right on the point. “No,” she answered kinda glum, “but it coulda. We’s right there...close up. I seen it in his eyes an’...I wanted it. Knew I was gonna do it….an’ then I backed off.” She shook ‘er head as her eyes come up, lookin’ fer answers in Pen’s own. “Fer tha life ‘o’ me I can’t figger what ‘twas pullin’ me back.”

“I’d like to say that I knew, so I could help ya.” Penelope said gently, with a tilt of her head, and she meant it. If she weren't covered in beach, she might have gone to sit on the bed with Abby here for comfort. “My best guess would be nerves on account of what’s next and how far expectations go after that. But…”

She kicked at the floor lightly with the toe of her foot she’d been using for propping, immediately regretting it as she felt sand loosen from her shoe. The brief frown at the little bit of sand turned up and was gone away into a smile. “Since you’re still smilin' and frettin’ all account of this fella, reckon he is the good sort to not mind waitin’ till you figure that out either way.”

“I like ‘im, Pen,” Abby’s smile come up again as she spoke. “I like ‘im. Only been kissed once afore, an’ we’s caught by muh Uncle Bob ‘fore we could try one proper. But,” she thought on it as she kicked the boots off, “I s’pose I should stop worryin’ bout tahnight. Thomas was...jest a good guy all ‘round. We poked fun on one t’other, talked alot, an’ laughed a ton.” She chuckled as she caught Pen’s eye. “Guess I best work on that cortex, huh?”

It was easy to get caught up in the happiness bubbling up out of Abby talkin’ about this fella Thomas. Penelope returned the grins easily as anything. Seeing the conversation was winding down, she slinked up off the door into a stretch, resting a cheek against her upper arm as she let the motion come down so her hands held her elbows over her head. “My sister says it’s good to have goals to work towards - usually in not such a nice way, but… I think it’d be somethin’ good to work towards. ...If ya are as stubborn as I think ya are, and wouldn’t take a loan from a friend, 'course.”

Pen...from the moment she first seen her, Abby knew straight up the heart what drove their pilot. Jest here as they was, with her listenin’ tah Abby tell of situations a grown woman might find naught but a chuckle from. Yet here she was, takin’ her younger all serious an’ now offerin’ the help ‘o’ cashy money so’s Abby could reach out to a fella she jest met. “That means tha world tah me,” her smile held as she shook her head. “Thing worth havin’s worth workin’ for. Thank yah, but I’ll be stubborn this time, if’n yah don’t mind.”

“I figured you might say that,” Penelope’s smile didn’t fade as she let her arms fall down to her sides. “Can’t say I disagree, Abbs. Can’t say I disagree at all. But, I’ll let you get that rest you were supposed ta be gettin’ hours ago, ‘fore your night on the town with a nice young fella.”

She winked at that, and made to go for that shower she promised herself before bed. “Night, Abbs. I would say sweet dreams, but I reckon you’ll have those no problem.”

“Night, Pen.” Abby reached for the bedside lamp. “An’ thanks.” As the door slid shut, she cut tha light. After a slow riggle outta her clothes, Abby tucked inta her bunk. She’d only been on this boat fer a few days, but it never stopped amazon’ her ‘bout the kind ‘o’ people she’s sailin’ the black with during this new chapter in her life. Somethin’ tah be said for driftin’ off tah sleep as yer countin’ the possibilities.
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